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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

"No, I wasn't, don't touch me," he grumbled, face flushed in annoyance as he squirmed against her hug. She always felt nice, felt warm...but not in front of everyone! "I'm supposed to be the Captain!"

"The Captain is a boy," Ganondorf smirked. "Is that another one of the rules?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

Medusa laughed a bit as she kept in pressed against her body against his will. Her grip was like iron too. "I just thought it would be interesting since their captain is a boy too...despite his age though, he's capable enough."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Hmph," Dark Pit muttered. "That idiot won't know what hit him, I owe him a few hits anyway."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well either way," Medusa began as she let him go and moved over to her lovers side. "We will crush them in the end, regardless." Especially with the rest of the people she had in mind that she was sure she could convince to aid her..
RE: The Game of the Gods

The portal finally opened again, and out came Janus...and a woman. Zelgius glanced over curiously. She was beautiful, pale skinned, dark hair...familiar, and yet...not at all.

Apologies for the day, Lady Medusa. Janus said, bowing respectfully. If I may introduce Lady Alondite?

"...What?" Zelgius blinked in surprise. Surely, this was a joke...he was looking for a sword, not a woman!
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I assure you, Zelgius...this is Alondite. Gods can work miracles, we can give any soul a body. It's what we are doing with you, in fact. Don't be shy girl...say hi to your old master...." Medusa told her.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...Master Zelgius," Alondite murmured with a respectful bow. "I...I am Alondite, your weapon, I have missed you, so much." Zelguis moved forward after a moment or two, letting his hand brush across her cheek. She flushed immediately, her eyes half lidded as she stared up into his eyes.

"...Is that why you're so familiar?" he finally said.

"Y-Yes," Alondite exhaled. "I have been given form by the Goddesses...I am eager to serve you in every way I can, My Master. It has been lonely without you," she said, taking a step back to focus her energies, and sure enough...her, or rather the blade appeared in her hands. "Only you have been worthy to wield me," she smiled widely. "I-I want to do so again
RE: The Game of the Gods

Medusa was sure that reuniting them would distract Alondite from the fact that she had murdered her sister for a while. Not that the spirit of Ragnell was gone...she was just...dormant from what she remembered. She never knew what became of that sword, not that it mattered at all in the very least. If it still had power, it could be countered by Alondite. "Well this is touching," Medusa interrupted with a grin. "But I am ready to go. I trust this is enough for you, Zelgius?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...Yes," Zelgius said, fingers slipping across the grip of the blade. "You have held your end of the bargain, Lady Medusa. I shall hold mine. We fight again, Alondite."

"I will go where you go, my Master," she smiled warmly. He was back...he was truly, truly back!
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Janus, if you would..." Medusa asked as she looped herself around Ganondorfs arm. She was pleased, the most challenging person to recruit had accepted her proposal. "I will see you one last time, alone. So I can finish gathering warriors. We will be making multiple trips."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Of course, my lady, Janus said, summoning another portal. We will move with all due haste! I shall have your warriors properly accommodated.

"Ooh, Skyworld lodgings," Dark Pit smirked. "Nice."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Good." The Underworld once brought her much joy...but now it was just a reminder of her being dead for so long and she wanted to be in the world of the living. "Shall we go then?" She asked before moving into the portal and disappearing.
RE: The Game of the Gods

What a strange and curious time this had been, but Dyntos had been almost gleefully busy since his first announcement of the games. Something Pit noticed when he returned, slightly singed and just a little worse for the wear, how did that dragon move so fast!? Ugh, no matter...he got his prize! Still, it was so strange to see the normally dormant forges churning out smoke and the gleeful cackling of an old man who was far stronger than any of them realized.

"Wow, Lord Dyntos is really excited," Pit said, fluttering down to Palutena's temple with a sigh. Hopefully that was a good thing..
RE: The Game of the Gods

Palutena stared down at the giant pot of soup before her, her eyes narrowed before she took her ladle and dipped it into the soup. After taking a taste, she shook her head slightly. "This isn't right either...I know it had a spicier taste before the special ingredient. Hmm, what did I do last time?" She looked over to her potions and started inspecting them until she came across a pink bottle. "Hmm, this potion was made with the extract of pepperfruit. That sounds like what's missing."

Cooking was a science, that's why Palutena enjoyed it so much.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Lady Palutena, I got it!" Pit said proudly, moving into her kitchen with a triumphant grin. And! He didn't look nearly as charred as last time!
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Oh Pit, just in time!" Palutena said with a smile before she started pouring the last ingedient in her concoction. The soup turned a strange pink color, but that was okay. That was the color it was last time. Didn't look nearly as good as it tasted...but that was how Palutena's food just was. She took the plant from him and then turned her back so she could dry it out and grind it into powder. "So I was thinking that I should start giving you rewards for doing all these errands for me. Would you like to take a bath together after dinner?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...A bath?" Pit said, flushing faintly. The immediate bulge against his shorts was clear what his opinion was as he poked his fingers together. "...Y-you mean both of us, together?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes. I'll wash your back and your I used to do for you a long time ago." Palutena smiled..that wasn't the only thing she was planning. She would take care of that erection for was okay to "massage" him to help him out, wasn't it?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, that would be nice..." Pit agreed, wings fluffed with a smile. "I did get pretty dirty getting that flower."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I noticed...looks like that dragon was hungry and wanted to cook you." Palutena said with a grin as she poured her little ingredient into the soup and started to stir. smelled delicious. "But let's eat first...I know you're hungry."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Starving," Pit sighed heavily, rubbing his stomach. "Dyntos has been forging up a that good news, Lady Palutena?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I think so. Good news for the world, bad news for us. Because from now on we're going to be his guinea pigs for all the things he's making..." Palutena tasted her soup before smiling in satisfaction. "It's finally done. And delicious if I do say so myself!" She filled up two bowls and placed them at the small table they ate at when they were alone.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, I suppose it's better than him being grumpy," Pit smiled, easily moving forward to eat. "It looks great, Lady Palutena! Thank you!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You're the only one who says that." Palutena told him with a smile as she moved over with a basket of freshly baked bread. It was good for dipping. "Pink soup isn't weird, I don't get why mortals find the color unappetizing.."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Pfft, Mortals wouldn't know good things if a Goddess pointed at it," Pit said, dunking half of a slice into the soup to gobble it happily.
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