Kill La...Valor? (Grave and Wiki)

Scott couldn't help but chuckle as she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Ah, so you're a big shot now, huh?"
She mentioned that they could work together and maybe be friends.
"Well, I've got a teammate chomping at the bit for action and I'd like to be useful, so if you could tell us anything that would be useful."
He then saw how he could use her ego against her.
"Then again, if you're not interested in helping me, I could always talk to those scientists back there."

Scott shrugged.
"I'd prefer it if we could work together. I'm sure this plan of yours is a complex one. We need numbers and power, and if we combine forces, we would have that."
Scott walked beside her.
"So, I'll follow your lead if your plan is solid."
"Well if you even try to steal one that's worrying for me then you'll have to get through me first..." She told him no afraid to put him down and push him away from her completely again. " oh shut up!! You don't even have a plan at all so look who's talking. If anyone stops me of course they'll meet my red blade. She started to become fiery and annoyed by him again, " forget the friends part then! There's nothing left until tommorrow. If you wanna be useful go to the briefing..." Soon she started to run off and head into the town, sitting at the roof and watching all the lights and cars beneath her with a sigh. " if anyone steps out of line tommorrow they'll wish they ever saw me around there..."
Scott watched as Aiko ran off.
"Well, that was less than helpful. But whatever. See you at the briefing."
He turned around and headed back to the lab. It was here that he saw the researchers hard at work.

"What's going on, guys?"
One of the researchers came over to him.
"General Aiko has given us orders to begin Operation Deconstruction, which will basically kill the genetic coding of these creatures."
"Tell me everything."
The researcher ran through everything they had learned, and he was shown a drone as they explained how they came to their conclusions.

"Thank you. You have been most helpful."
He shook her hand and headed back to the hotel. He laid down, thinking that he would tell his team tomorrow about the briefing and what he had learned. The only real kink in their strategy is that Aiko refused to be civil with him, and he thought that this could cause problems down the road. He then fell asleep.
"Everyone has to do their part...." She sighed and looked around as she stretched and finally stood up turning around and jumping from roofs until she could see her own apartment. Finally they had arrived as she jumped below, crossed the street and went up the stairs to take out some keys and open the door stepping in with another sigh and locking the door behind her. " jeez I need a bath..." Aiko looked around and walked into the bathroom, undressing and slipping in the tub with a sigh. She would relax for a little while because they had plenty of work to do from now until the brood would surface as one and have an all out war. She had to know what traits were common between the ranks of the three broods and what cells made up the process of breaking down the DNA and making the cancer cells and the barrier as well.

Aiko didn't really think about it much anymore as she would lead the first real mission in the briefing tommorrow. Since the broods were just growing she would need to grow too. After a little while she gave a yawn and got out of the tub going over to her room, gaming her uniform up and changing into new clothes, finally going to sleep already herself.
The next morning, all of the awoke and took turns bathing and getting around. When they all had finished, they sat in a semi-circle on the couches as Scott filled them in on everything they had learned. They were going to take part in the mission, and Scott hoped that Aiko knew what she was doing. The lives of his friends and a little girl were on the line, so this would have to be done with the utmost care. She wanted to be a leader and run things, but she had probably not considered the downside of being responsible when things went wrong. Understanding of this could only happen from someone with experience, such as what Scott had undergone when he was her age.

The five set out and arrived on the base. The soldiers all gathered around them, wanting to shake their hands and offer praise. One soldier approached Scott and shook his hand firmly.
"Wielder of Valor, I am Private Takeshi, and I want to tell you that you're one of my heroes. I joined the militia because I wanted to be a real man, like you."
Scott was a little embarrassed because of all the praise.

"Settle down, everyone, we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other. You men are just as important in this fight. We're all here to help out Japan, so let's listen to what Aiko has to say."
Takeshi grinned.
"General Aiko doesn't seem to like you very much."
"I get the feeling that Aiko doesn't like anyone very much."

They all sat down and waited for Aiko to come out and give the briefing. They all knew their enemy, although the level of detail varied, and all were determined to do something about it. Nick was itching for action, having been disappointed that he didn't get to try out his new techniques on the overgrown roaches. Richard was concerned about his brother's impulsiveness, and Siren was very vulnerable due to her young age. Michael was still taking it all in, displaying a laid-back attitude that contrasted with his sharp wit. Everyone was ready to do their part to rid Japan of these pests.
Aiko sighed and woke up, changing and running out the door, getting a little something to eat of course after she had a quick little shower. She wouldn't waste anytime and she was really wanting to show off her new power though her outfit was different, wearing her sailor uniform but wearing a general uniform with a hat and a little black retractable stick they used. She was full in character now. After a little while of walking and running she finally arrived, walking into the hall then down and into a room where everyone is. " shut up and listen up everyone!!" She said being firm as she sat down in a desk that was on the other side of the room in front of them.

She looked at everyone for a moment, then sighed. " lots to work with....ok...listen up!! This is the first and easy to understand part of the mission! You have one simple job of locking this whole city down! That of course is straight forward but we have to do this a certain way than putting guns just anywhere....." She sighed, "dammit we need more soldiers than this and we need more firepower than this for now. We focus first on setting up barriers and keeping. Them locked in this city..." She glanced over at Scott then swing all the other people who weren't will be leaders of two squads of 20 men each...she opens her coat pocket and pulled out a small ear piece. " let's make our own little hive mind then...I'll be the brains and you are the muscle...."

Aiko had to take them under her and he couldn't rely on the soldiers too much. First mission involves something called boxes fly traps....for this first phase leave everything to me. But I'll be giving individual orders once this is set...just find these at the armory then come black and see me...I want everyone here to have one and come see me onto the's the standard box containment procedure but with a few changes in unit placements...the units I need are snipers, scouts, lights and heavies... Set in specific formations. These formations I'll assign when we're actually out there...the plan is make a very loose formation but with the units we have were able to find the center of locations their coming from and lock them up by having the formation being able to support each other even from a far position....leaders will take 20 each while I command the rest personally...gear up and move, we all meet up at the terimashi statue in the town to set up the formation... Everyone move now!!" She ordered watching as everyone turned and ran out to get ready while she sat there with her feet on the desk.
Scott listened as Aiko detailed the plan. For now, they had to try and contain these creatures within Tokyo, which was a good first step. He divided his squad, with Nick coming with him and Michael and Richard taking Siren with the other men. Each of the generals took an earpiece and put it on so that they could remain in contact with her. They went outside and found trucks, which the soldiers piled into and began driving to the main armory. Once all of them had arrived, they brought in more trucks to transport the gear that Aiko had requested.

They loaded guns, barriers, and other gear into the trucks and sent them back to the Terimashi statue. When they had cleaned out as much of the armory as they needed, the men piled into the truck and headed back. The trucks parked next to each other near the statue, and the men waited at attention near it. Scott and the other generals waited for Aiko at their head. It was true that they would need more equipment for the lockdown to be complete, but he would wait and see how Aiko utilized the equipment and then survey any weaknesses. If necessary, he would intervene and convince Prime Minister Nakai to allow them more soldiers and equipment.
She watches them all leave to wait for her before she slowly stands up and closes her eyes for a moment. " I'm the queen of this little chess game....and we're coming...." She gave a mad grin then slowly walked out of the room and shutting the door behind her (dramatic) as she now would make her moves. She walked out of the base and slowly started to head to town now arriving a little later now.

She looked around at everyone around her, " hmmm....I wonder if any of the trucks brought psy emitters. We need 3 of those set up on the main intersections and powered up. She looked around, "first thing is I need some scouts to find out the streets around us within a 100 meter radius of us. With that as can find the intersections and places the emitters there. Those will be our center and heavily guarded points for later....I can't really set any positions right now accept for what we can see on this street for now so only a few will get positions maybe temporary for now..." She sighed as she looked at everyone...."for now I want everyone to help set up the weapon caches here and have everything stocked up from the trucks... Leaders come see me in half an hour..." She turned and headed for the roof of the building to get a view.
Scott nodded as Aiko gave her orders.
"All right, who are the scouts?"
A few men stepped forward and identified themselves.
"Do as General Aiko said and report back to me as soon as possible. The rest of you, let's get this stuff taken care of."
They began to unload the trucks and set up the food in a tent.

They pitched another tent to hold weapons and ammo, many of which were fixed weapons that would have to wait to be set up. The men got some of the ammo and reloaded their rifles. The rest of the equipment was stored until they had a use for it. The scouts returned and gave him a list of streets and intersections that they had neatly written down. Scott and his men headed for the roof of the building, where Aiko was waiting. There were some crates positioned around for a makeshift office.

"All of the equipment is stored and the men are on standby. Our scouts got us he street names and intersections."
There was a city map of Tokyo nearby, so he put it on a crate and put the list next to it.
"We are well-stocked, but we'll need to deploy our equipment carefully, since we are limited. I'd like to see our finished product and where we are lacking. I'm sure I could get more troops and supplies from Prime Minister Nakai if it is needed."
She sighed and took the map, looking over with a sigh, "hmmm...we could have scouts and a light squad near the center of town, they have to monitor the movements and relay it back to me, they are the alarm system. " one heavy squad positioned at the outer ends, with two sniper squads in the buildings behind them. One heavy and sniper and two lights in the buildings directly in front of us. Set up barricades in the middle intersecting on the left and right streets with fixed weapon and a heavy and light squad there..." Two two fixed weapons here and we'll see how that goes and see where weaknesses are to strengthen..."
Scott nodded.
"All right. I'll make it happen."
He went outside and began directing the troops to form up as she had specified. They put up the barricades and mounted the weapons, using the trucks to transport them. Once the defensive perimeter was put up in full, Scott began inspecting it for weaknesses.
She stood on the rooftop, " hmmm we could use maybe a squad of snipers and 2 heavy and light squads.....of course they will have sections to cover so we won't need that much...." She looked around and sighed. " we might need more barricades too, the soldiers are fine for now, we should have more here at the center as well...." Aiko laughed, deciding to just talk to out loud even if she wasn't talking to anyone. She was actively planning and that's exactly what she wanted now.
Scott ascertained the weaknesses, and went back up to the roof to speak with Aiko.
"I think we need some more men and barricades. We're pretty well-stocked and have good numbers, but it couldn't hurt to tighten it up a bit more."
He walked over to stand beside her.
"You know, I don't think I've seen you this happy before. You almost seem to be enjoying yourself."
"Well no shit, tell me something I don't know...." She simply replied looking around still with her back to him, "I also want you to get me an amp, guitar, and speakers too...I know it's weird but the vibration would maybe get them up here...and a little music, why not?" She told him sitting down at the edge with a sigh as the sun went down into a sunset. " need also some artillery or something long range besides these guns too...."
Scott sighed at her smart-ass response.
"I'll go see Nakai and see if he'll spare some more men and barricade walls. I'll also see about getting some artillery."
She then asked him for a guitar and some related equipment.
"All right, I'll see if I can get some from nearby."
Scott walked off to secure the supplies.
She smirked looking at him, " this is gonna be fun....." She said with a laugh standing up and unbuttoning her jacket. " hmm..." She looked around then went down from the roof, looking at the shops, "I'll be right back!!!" She yelled sticking her tongue out and running after a little while she managed to make it home, going to her closet and changing (
Scott had met with Nakai and convinced him to spare more men and barricades from the main force. He had also managed to get a large Howitzer and some mortars. On the way back, transporting the equipment behind him, he grabbed a guitar, amp, and some speakers. He put the barricades and howitzer in place before assigning the men to their posts. He brought the musical equipment up to the roof.
"I guess now we'll see if the plan works."
She sighed, wearing ge sent under her other skirt, starting to walk again and take a few rests before finally arriving there again, " anyone got a drink, I need one..." She called out crossing her arms and looking around wondering what to check on.
As General Aiko was set to make her inspections, the men were waiting. One heard that she needed a drink, so he brought her some oolong tea. They would have given her sake, but she was still underage, even if she was their commanding officer. Scott was beside her, making the inspection alongside her. Aiko seemed to be more comfortable in this role than he had seen her before, and that made him happy for her. Perhaps in time, she would lose some of her edge and they could be friends.
She sighed and took the cup with a sigh, taking a quick sip as the young girl looked around, " I really wanna do something special...and something I've never done really...I also did have a little help for this little show sooo they should be coming...just to help me with this little thing at least.

She turned and looked down the road as she could hear a small taxi coming, as another truck with more equipment appeared behind it carrying a set for the band, drums bass and another guitar, with suddenly 3 other girls coming out from the taxi. " hey....I was hoping you could help..." She said to the group. (rest it's from this:
Scott watched as other girls showed up and they began to put on a concert.
"You've got to be kidding me. The whole country is at risk of destruction, and she wants to put on a concert. Unbelievable."
The soldiers were dancing and clapping their hands, clearly getting into it.
"They definitely do things differently in Japan."

Scott headed back to the main tent and began to look over the plans of attack. His own plan was to have his own team covering each of the major directions, as well, to make sure that the regular soldiers did not get overwhelmed. It was impossible to guess where the brunt of their assault would come from, so he would just have to judge that when they did attack and be there. His biggest concern was also keeping Nick from getting in over his head. He wanted to avoid casualties on their side as much as possible. He sighed and grabbed a soda as he continued to mull over the impending battle.
She looked around and gave a smile and a wave, "please do your best out there!" She said in the microphone, as she turned and went off the stage to go off and change. The young girl slipped her uniform on and appeared out from the corner as she looked over to the tent seeing him going over the plan, a sudden blush came out of her as she looked over at him from a distance, though of course she would forget about it and not do anything. Aiko sighed and pulled her skirt down a bit as she walked over quietly and stood at the table across from him looking over at the map that was right in front of her.
Scott looked up as the tent flapped, and gave a small smile as he saw it was Aiko.
"Hey there."
He watched as she busied herself looking over the map.
"I'm going to station my men at each of the major directions to back up the main troops. I'll also back up the soldiers where the brunt of the assault is. I think it would be a good idea for you to do the same elsewhere, and we would work together to go where we're most needed."

He stood up.
"I'm going to consult with my squad. You did good with keeping morale high amongst the troops. You have a lovely voice."
He headed out of the tent and found his men working with the troops on some strategy.
"Hey, guys, listen up."

They turned to him and nodded that they understood.
"Mike, I want you to take the south. Nick, you'll be the east. Richard, you'll be manning North and West, since Siren will probably need backup. I will be where the enemy is heaviest, and hopefully, so will Aiko. I'm counting on you guys to help protect the troops, since we do not want heavy casualties if it can possibly be avoided."
She continues looking over everything. "Something is missing..." She told him , blushing quietly at his small compliment but otherwise not bothering at all. She stepped out and looked around, going over to a squad of soldiers, " we can't fight much because I need to talk to the damn research teams, where the hell are they! I also have a plan to strengthen the set up even more...gather everyone up again!" She told them turning and looking down the road to see the blockades already of course. " something is really missing...." She sighed as she had a hand on her forehead, "jeez being leader is hard sometimes..."
One of the soldiers turned to Aiko.
"The research team is still at the lab. Where else would they be?"
One of the others smacked him on the shoulder and told him not to be a smart-aleck to a General. All of the soldiers got into formation, and Scott and his team, who were also Generals, stood at the head of them.
"What's your plan, Aiko?" Scott asked.
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