Kill La...Valor? (Grave and Wiki)

After a little while of relaxing she took a towel and walked back to the room seeing gets still on the hangar. She opened the window just a bit and decided to look out for a bit as well. School didn't start again for a bit but she didn't have much time before she had to go soon.
Gensekt saw Aiko come striding into the room, fresh from the shower.
Good morning, Aiko. How are you?
After a bit of letting her stare out the window, he spoke up again.
I've been sensing more creatures showing up around Tokyo. Even with Scott on our backs, we'll have to act sometime.

Scott had propped himself up against a tree, sitting against it with one leg up and an arm resting on it.
Man, things were never this peaceful back at the Institute.
Well, it didn't hurt that you were in training back then.
When Scott had first arrived at the Institute, he had received a dire warning from the Kashaxi, the alien race that had bestowed Valor upon him, that a calamity would hit Earth in the near-future. That calamity had arrived in the form of the Grymwar four years later, who landed in Manhattan and began making a mess of things.

To prepare for this calamity, he had undergone rigorous training with allies of the Kashaxi. One of them was Alan Arnan, the God of Fire, who had once been human before becoming deified by his heroic deeds, and the other was Chang Kaishu, a Buddhist monk who had become Enlightened but stayed around to help others, what the Easterners called a Bodhisattva. They had trained him in martial arts and weapons, as well as critical thinking and determination. Throughout his training, he had battled with dozens of his fellow students at the Institute, surpassing them all to be the greatest warrior, because his life depended on it. All of his skills were needed against the Grymwar, and even with all of his training, he had to call upon greater power to defeat their chieftain. Things had calmed down a good deal from those days, but the world still needed his strength, especially if the Grymwar ever returned to take their revenge upon him.

Scott checked his watch, seeing that it was still early. Aiko would be leaving soon for school, and he would be able to take a break from his surveillance during that time. He checked around the tree and saw that she had not left yet. He leaned his head against the tree and continued waiting.
She sighed and rubbed her eyes getting up now, "that guys still following us? Hmph what a prick..." She rolled her eyes. "He's probably gonna come out of nowhere when's obviously don't need any damn helpt From him..." Aiko looked around then took off her towel revealing her naked for a moment before she slipped on some panties,shorts and the sailor outfit as well... "I swear he's probably gonna say he's been watching us or something,...jeez what's with this guy...." She grabbed her bag and her guitar case, getting something quick and walking out down the street.
Gensekt could sympathize with Aiko's irritation.
Well, he is doing his job. I'm honestly not sure which is the best option, cooperating with him or not cooperating with him.
They were soon out the door and on their way to school.
I've been noticing strange energy readings around the city. The fact that I haven't been able to see any creatures or get any reports makes me wonder if something worse isn't in store.

Scott turned his head and saw Aiko heading down the street, probably on her way to school. He followed her stealthily for a while before she went into the school building. Since she would be there for several hours, he decided to go have coffee at a local cafe. The place was called Cafe Alps, and it was apparently the equivalent of a Starbucks back home. He ordered a mocha latte and sat down at the table to have it and mull over what he had learned and what he was going to do. The direct approach with Aiko had not worked, so he had to hope that this surveillance would pay dividends soon.
" then I would say to damn hell with it. If he gets me in my way I won't be afraid to attack..." She turned with her hair flowing to the side, walking into the school first to her locker then to the class sitting down and setting her stuff. After a little while she would be done, putting things back then looking around before she would go to an ally and take her blade out, slowly she started climbing up to get to the roofs before putting it back and looking around as the wind blew on her hair again.
Gensekt sighed.
I think that attacking him is the last thing we want to do. It would make things much worse than they are right now.
They were soon on the roof, the wind blowing through her hair and the uniform.
It's a beautiful day. It would be a nice day for a stroll through town if we weren't being followed.

Scott checked his watch and saw that it was getting closer to the school letting out. He finished his latte and threw the cup in the trash before heading outside. He headed over to the school and thought he saw someone standing on the roof. He headed over to the alley and climbed up to the roof, seeing that it was Aiko from her white hair. She had her instrument case with the sword in it, so he knew she was armed. He casually regarded her, noticing the way the wind blew through her hair.

"Listen, Aiko, I'm not here to hurt you. No one's going to lock you up and do experiments on you like you're some kind of extra-terrestrial. We just want to know about your power, and why you do what you do. I'm the one handling this, because like you, I have abilities that set me apart from the average Joe. So, why not just talk to me about this? It will make it easier on both of us."
"Yeah..." She looked out with a sigh, " it would be a good day if I was left alone though..." She said annoyed thinking about him again. She put her case down and took out her sword, "any damn minute now...." Aiko said right as he appeared, " who the hell says I'm afraid of you weirdos, I'm not damn afraid of anyone!!" He told him, " your just more annoying acting like I'm a little alien girl or something, I'm not gonna hurt you, and your an alien because you have a sword..." She said pretending to be him for a moment to prove her point.

" so you sound like you'd rather waste your stupid time knowing about something that I can do that's not human, than worry about another god damn attack! What makes you think just cause you act all nice that I'm gonna tell you everything..." Aiko was just annoyed by the fact he was watching her instead of worrying about that. " listen...why don't you tell your little friends to fuck off me and gen here..."

(Still like gensekt better than the other name)
(I guess that can be her nickname for him.)

Scott crossed his arms, letting her vent her anger. She was saying things about attacks, and mentioned someone named 'Gen'.
"You can't hide what you are from me, and I'm being nice because I prefer to do things the civil way. Who is doing these attacks you speak of? And who is this 'Gen' that you spoke of? I'm not going to leave you alone or stop following you until you tell me what I want to know."

Gensekt could tell that Scott meant what he said, and Aiko's anger was not helping anything.
Aiko, I think we should talk with him. I get the feeling that he's not going to let the MBI do anything bad to us, and it would solve this issue that we have here. The monsters are starting to proliferate around Tokyo, and Scott would be more useful as an ally than as an enemy. This stalemate is not helping anyone.
He hoped that his advice could defuse this volatile situation.
She looked over at him and had a mug grin then a smirk on her face, " God your working for a big organization that deals with this and your don't know a damn clue?! The hell hire you then...I bet I would be better if I were you..." Aiko taunted a bit. " since your trying to gather info why don't you do it yourself and figure it out on who's attacking us...gen? Well he's someone that's none of your damn business that's what...." She turned around with her back to him, "well he would be useful if he didn't follow me around and figure things out by himself like a big boy should..." She took out her blade and laid it on her shoulder casually betting he would either attack her or tell her to give him some damn info. Either way she wouldn't damn break.
Scott ignored Aiko's taunting and crossed his arms. Clearly, the direct approach was not going to work here.
I guess she's not going to be swayed by logic and reason.
I guess we'll have to use alternative methods.
Scott sighed.
"I guess we'll do this the hard way, then."

Scott uncrossed his arms looked across the street.
"On the outskirts of town, there's a lot of vacant wilderness. This evening, I want you to meet me there. At this location, we will engage in a one-on-one battle. If I win, you're going to tell me everything you know and fill me in on every detail about your power. If you win, I'll never bother you again."

Scott turned back to Aiko.
"Are these terms acceptable to you?"
This was not his normal way of doing business, but he did not have a whole lot of time to waste. This would also give him a chance to see her power up close.

Gensekt did not like the sound of that.
Aiko, I'm really not sure that we should agree to that. We have no idea how powerful he really is, and I don't want you to get hurt too badly. It's your call, but I really think that we should settle this issue without violence.
You really think I'm stupid enough to fight you....I'm not afraid but I know that you want me to go all out, see what I really am...please...go and do your own thing while I do mine..." She walked over to the edge and looked around, " just not bother dealing with him at all gen..beside we gotta kill those things but find them first..." She jumped off the roof and landed in the alley, walking with a sigh.
Scott watched as Aiko jumped off the roof, and he was initially concerned for her, but saw that she was walking away unhurt. His last-ditch attempt to get anything out of her had failed, so he would have to take a different route for now. Her last words before she left told him that the monsters roaming Japan were real, and that she intended to confront them. They were a good lead, and he would try and get more information about them. It was wise to report his findings before he did that, however. He took out his satellite phone and punched in the number of the Shadowgreen Institute.

Madam Shadow picked up on the second ring.
"What have you found out, Scott?"
"I believe I have found my quarry, but she refuses to cooperate. I do not believe that she is a threat to Japan, and think she shares a like-mindedness with us. I also have reason to believe that there are dangerous creatures roaming Japan. I'm going to look into them."

"Very well, Scott. Keep us posted, and keep an eye on the girl. She may not seem dangerous, but situations like hers can be unpredictable."
He hung up the phone and replaced it in his pocket. His notes from the MBI were back at his hotel room, so he would go there and look into witnesses to these creatures. Perhaps by discovering the origins and identities of these creatures, he could hone in on Aiko's purpose.
Aiko sighed, " tomorrow we'll start looking for them, dammit and I hope I don't have to run into him though I bet I'm gonna anyway...." She turned and started walking back to the house, taking a shower and changing, hanging him up and already going to sleep.
Scott had found the list of witnesses in his hotel room, and was in a cab on his way to a residential part of the city. One of the witnesses was one of the high school girls that he had previously interviewed, as were many of the witnesses on the list. Others had been businessmen and other working people, but he figured that it would be easier to start with the girls, since he had a previous relationship with them. Scott approached the door and gently wrapped upon it. Within moments, it was pushed to the side and a man, who was probably her father, appeared in the door.
"Can I help you?"

Scott showed him his badge.
"MBI, sir. I would like to speak with your daughter, if that's possible."
The man was taken aback.
"My daughter? Is she in any trouble?"

"No, sir. I would just like to ask her a few questions. I promise not to take up too much of your time."
"Come in, please."
Scott stepped inside and slipped off his shoes before shutting the door behind him and putting his feet in some slides reserved for guests. The man went to the landing of the staircase.
"Saya, would you come down here please."

Within moments, the young girl was down in more leisurely clothes.
"What is it, dad? I'm studying for a test tomorrow."
She then stopped as she saw Scott.
"It's you, the guy from the MBI."
The father looked to her and then Scott.

"You know this man?"
"I paid a visit to her school, sir. I interviewed her along with all of the other young women about the strange occurrences going on in Tokyo."
"The rumors and urban legends? I don't see why the MBI is taking an interest in that."
"We have reason to believe that they are more than that, sir."
He went over to the living room and sat down in a chair as Saya and her father took seats on the couch.

"Now, miss, you..."
"You can just call me Saya, sir."
"Okay, Saya. I have a report that you gave one of my colleagues that detailed some kind of strange creature in the Kamurocho entertainment district. Can you tell me about that?"
Saya thought about it.

"I went with a couple friends down there to hang out at Club SEGA. It's one of the few places that caters to minors, and it's a great place to be. It was an ordinary evening until we left the club and saw something strange on one of the buildings."
"What did you see?"
"It was a strange-looking black lizard crawling on the side of the building. It looked exactly like one you would see in the wild, but the size of a komodo dragon!"

"Yes, that is consistent with your report. Did it do anything hostile, or...?"
"No, it just slithered around to the other side of the building to where we could not see it. Shortly after that, we were approached by a man in a black suit and dark sunglasses and asked about any strange occurrences after showing us his MBI badge. We told him what we had seen, and then he left. We went home after that and I never heard anything more from him, but I have been hearing more stories about creatures prowling around Tokyo."

"These same stories have been circulating to us. One or two cranks every now and then is nothing to take seriously, but we've received literally hundreds of reports about it with people who were willing to go on record and tell their stories. When that happens, it warrants investigating."
"Yes, sir."
Scott flipped his report closed and stood up.
"That's all I need for now, but I may be in touch again if the need arises."

Saya's father stood up with her.
"Go on back to your studies, dear."
"Yes, father."
As Saya proceeded upstairs, he walked with him to the door.
"I'm not sure if there's any real validity to these stories, but I'll do what I can to assist the MBI."
"Thank you for your cooperation, sir."

They shook hands and Scott got his shoes and left. He had the cab drop him back off in the city and paid the fare before going to a rental car agency. He had a lot of people to visit, and he would run up one hell of a fare if he relied on that mode of transportation. The car he rented was a black, nondescript Honda Civic, which seemed appropriate in Japan. Scott spent the rest of the evening until the late night and first hours of morning interviewing witnesses all over the city, thanking goodness for the good mileage on his trusty rental steed. They confirmed their original statements and added some new details that made it clear that there monsters running around Japan.

Scott arrived back at his hotel and was soon in his room. Having gathered as much information as he could, his next step was to find these creatures. They might not get him any information on Aiko, but they had to be dealt with. There had not been serious attacks, but there had to be a reason that so many creatures were gathering in Japan. There was much to do that following day, but for now, he had to sleep. Scott fell into bed and was instantly asleep.
As the night went on, aiko was quietly fast asleep, things would be serious and she would actually make a. Hangs about it. She had stopped these things once before and she knew how to be dealt with. They were fast and deadly but of course she was stronger. Quietly she continued to sleep until morning finally started to appear, the sun shining through her window as she slowly woke up with a simple yawn and a stretch like always.

Aiko had to act fast now, it seemed she would have a little competition with that guy crawling around. She didn't need answers because she knew the source of all this having to suspect that these lizards didn't just come anywhere, she just needed to find its source but without backup of course she wouldn't stand a chance.

Quickly she changed slipping gensekt on as she quickly decided to ditch the guitar and bring her scissor, she would see today would be a good day to ask around and scout arround the main parts of the city as well to get a lead like the stupid detective did maybe ask a few friends even. There had to always be luck somewhere and she would get to the bottom of it knowing that he would no matter what find something more about her than the monsters.

As she changed and got out the door she held her scissor in her hand, closing her eyes and making it into a little keychain, clipping it on her skirt. It was a neat little handy trick but it was still risky because they would see her coming with a weapon from a mile away. She couldn't have anything stop her now. The young girl visited the local small coffee shop at the corner getting a little snack to last for a little while, before heading first to the shopping district of the town where there were many types of business men and merchants around. Aiko took her keychain off and held it as it grew to its full form. She slung it over her shoulder and looked around seeing the entertainment district just at the other end of the street, it would be good to be able to find one of her friends, she did need help today but she didn't count on meeting him again.

As the sun slowly continued to rise the air grew warmer around her, as a loud shriek could be heard echoing from the street just behind her. " you son of a bitch!!!" She said running toward the sound as she could make out a tail in the distance though it soon disappeared out of sight into the sewers. " of course..." She simple stood with a sigh wondering what to do.
Gensekt felt himself being put on, and steeled himself as he settled around her curves. He could tell that she was ready for action today, as was he.
It's time to find those bastards and take care of them. I've got your back, Aiko.
The two were outside of her home, and they heard a shriek not long after.
Let's go, Aiko!

The two charged at the source of the noise, but were not fast enough to reach the lizard creature before it scampered down a sewer drain.
Sneaky little weasels. Hiding out in the sewers is the perfect way to stay close to the city but out of sight. I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner.
Aiko seemed uncertain whether she should follow it, displaying caution that he was happy to see.
I know you might not like this idea, but maybe we should find Scott and get some back-up before we go down there.

Scott woke up the next morning, still wearing his crumpled suit and looking quite hungover, even though he had not touched a drop of alcohol the previous night. His head was clear, however, and he got himself together with a nice shower and shave before getting dressed in the leisurely attire of blue jeans and a white T-shirt. He was fully expecting to engage in combat today, and he needed something that he could move easily in. He got his badge and pocketed it before heading to the door.
You ready for this, Valor?
Yes, let's find these creatures and do our part to clean up Japan.

Scott left the hotel and began walking toward the Kamurocho entertainment district. The majority of the sightings had been in this area, so this was the most likely place to find his quarry. It took him about ten minutes to reach the district on foot, and as he passed through the stereotypical Eastern red gate, he could feel his extra senses buzzing.
"Yeah, they're definitely here."
He was on Tenkaichi Street, and he began walking down it while keeping his eyes peeled. As he was passing a side alley, he heard a woman scream and saw her running down a similar alley one street over.

"Hang on!"
He quickly ran down the side alley, going to the next street over, Nakamichi Street. He then crossed the street and was running down a series of back alleys referred to as Nakamichi Alley. The woman was hunched up against a brick building called the Kamuro Castle, and a large black lizard that was just as Saya had described was coming toward her in a menacing manner.
"Hey!" Scott called out.
It turned to him, flicked its tongue once, then took off down the alleyways.

"Get back here!" Scott called out as he gave chase.
It was moving extremely fast and taking several sharp turns, like it was trying to lose him. However, Scott was in great shape and was able to keep up with it, and his senses had honed in on it to the point that it would be impossible to lose him. It finally burst out into open street at a place called Taihei Boulevard and went down a sewer grate.
"Oh no you don't!" Scott cried as he jumped down the grate to continue the chase.
There was much less light and the stench was powerful, but he was able to see his quarry's shimmering shape and hear its footfalls through the murky water.

After what felt like an eternity of chasing the lizard through the curving sewer, he finally burst out into what looked like a maintenance area, open and in a square. In the darkness, he could see several pairs of glowing eyes all around him.
"So this is where you congregate when you're not scaring the bejeezus out of the people topside."
Many of them seemed to be studying him, and then he saw their eyes turn red.
"What the hell?"
It was made clear as some jumped at him, taking a bite out of the concrete floor as he fluidly dodged out of the way.

"So that's how it's going to be, huh?"
Scott punched his palm and smiled.
Let's rock, Valor!
Rock 'n' roll!
An intense aura began to surround his immediate area, glowing blindingly bright and shaking the area around him so intensely that the walls and floors were cracking a bit and he was sure that it could be felt topside, since he was not that deep below ground. After a few minutes, the aura's area got smaller and his armor started to be forged.

His chest began to be encased in black and gold armor, the colors of the shell of a Voltari, and just as impenetrable. The armor traveled all the way around his body, covering every bit of him. For his face, there was a silver cover like the face of a statue, and after his armor was in place, the aura dissipated. During his time with Alan and Chiang, he had learned how to quickly form his armor around his extremities and head, but the full Armor of Valor took two minutes to form in its entirety. The blinding light and intense shockwaves helped ensure that none would get close to him during this time of vulnerability. It felt so damned good to transform, and his whole body was alive.

With the light and shockwaves gone, the temporarily stunned lizards were back to wanting to attack him. He got into his martial arts stance and prepared to defend himself.
"Bring it on!"
As the first creature jumped at him, Scott punched it straight-on so hard that it destroyed it, which was basically it dissipating into a black cloud. Others began to press him for all sides, and he lashed out with strikes to repel his attackers.
These bastards are gonna swarm no matter how much there are, I'm into fighting a few of them, just to see how they really are, and I need a way to get them to a certain area or something. Whew we have the damn advantage. I don't damn care now we have to now!!" She told him with a sigh taking a deep breath and putting her scissor on the ground. "We can't even without him ok gen..."

She raised up her right arm and slid the pin the the other side of her gauntlet pulling it out as blood would be drawn for kensekt to have her transform. "Life fiber override!!!" Suddenly blood was being drawn to him to take her more powerful but more revealing form, " kamui gensekt!!!" Slowly she sighed and picked her scissor, running to the other end of the street struggling a bit but getting the cover on the top the side before she jumped down to the sewers. "Of course it smells like damn shit..."

Slowly she turned and looked around as there were two paths on either side of her, "gen, come on...lets go..." She said looking down with a little smile as she turned and started one direction seeing that nothing was happening just yet, maybe not being deep enough though.
Scott caught one of the creatures with a side straight kick and watched as it dissipated as soon as it hit the wall. He had destroyed several with rapid martial arts strikes, but no matter how many he destroyed, more just kept pressing in. They were probably waiting until he was tired so that they could press in all at once, not that it would help them penetrate the armor. Scott was far from tired, but he was getting bored.
"You know, you guys aren't giving me much of a workout. After I went through all the trouble to transform for you, you could at least keep me entertained."

He held up his right fist, and it began to glow brightly before forming a rainbow of colors all swirling together.
"I'm tired of playing around with you. But I will send you out with a new technique that I just came up with."
He clenched his fist.
"Shockwave of Valor!"
The blinding light exploded outward, forming a ring of energy that pushed outward and dissipated all of them while also rocking the surface above.

When it was clear that no more would show up, he lowered his arm.
"I've got nine more techniques on that arm, but I suspect I may not need them."
What he meant was that each of his Valor manifestations could handle ten techniques before they overheated and disappeared. Of course, he could summon it back up to nine more times that day, meaning that he had a near-infinite supply of his power to draw upon. He had come a long way from when he could only summon Valor on his right arm once a day, and it made him happy that the two had worked together to become so powerful.
"I doubt that's the last of them."

No, I can still sense several of their kind inhabiting the sewers. Why there are so many and what they are doing, I have no clue.
Figures that I would end up doing pest control. Maybe I should bill the Japanese government for each one I destroy. I'll go home a millionaire.
He chuckled and began walking through the sewers, going deeper underground.

Very well, Aiko. Just be careful.
When she called upon his power, her wrist gauntlet shone and then surrounded her body in black and red energy. As the energy formed her revealing armor around her, Gensekt could feel his power returning to him. When the transformation was complete, the energy exploded outward behind her, and she was ready to go. They were soon down into the sewers and running toward the infestation of strange black creatures.
She sighed as she started deeper, she could hear the growls and roars of some of them in the cave, " finally my kind of day!! Here I come!!!" She started running, " gensekt shippu!" She told him wanting to transform into her flyer form. She took out her scissor as she reached the end of the tunnel, moving her arms to slash on either sides of them, before she changed back and landed on yet other side behind some of them...

"Again!!! Gensekt shippu!" She said running and doing the same attack, landing on the other end again as she took more of them down. After a little while there was some left, but she was even out of breath from using those two attacks as it did used a lot more energy to transform... She stood up and waited for a moment before she started to cut through the ones attacking her directly, "pathetic..."
Scott was moving down the sewers, heading deeper underground with every stride. They were getting closer to what Valor could sense was a giant energy reading, but that was all they knew. Scott suddenly saw what appeared to be several coming at him in what looked like a mass that took u the whole tunnel. The surroundings were perfect for one of his favorite techniques, and a perfect way to counter a front assault. He raised his right arm and pointed his fist at them as it turned from black and gold armor to red and gold armor, the Forbidden Tenth Fist. His arm began to shine once more, and he smiled from behind his face-plate.

"Shining Fist of Valor!"
A bright golden light erupted from his fist, shooting forward and slicing through the oncoming horde like a cannonball through paper. This Shining Fist could only be used with the FTF, and was one of his few long-range attacks. Before he adapted this technique, he had always had to fight from close-range, which was his forte, but he liked to have a standby to fall back in case he was up against a foe that liked to fight from a distance. He expected to have to deal with multiple hordes, so the Shining Fist was the perfect solution, offering multiple attacks without using up a Valor formation in one go. His suspicions were confirmed as he saw a second black mass approaching and pierced it with a second shot.

The Forbidden Tenth Fist had come to him during his prolonged battle with the leader of the Grymwar, Dulzak. He had developed a method of fighting with Cutting Magic, a form of spiritual magic that pried the Valor armor from his skin. His own scaly skin and combat prowess reduced Scott to a state of near-helplessness against him. Scott had used up all eighteen of his Valor formations, and the only way to win the battle and save the Earth had been to call upon a tenth formation, which was forbidden by its creators, the Kasha, because of the enormous strain that it would put on the host body. Scott had bled profusely and endured excruciating pain as he tried in vain to summon it, and he was afraid that he would die, and perhaps millions with him. The faith that Valor and Scott had for each other finally broke through the wall and summoned the Forbidden Tenth Fist, and this allowed him to end Dulzak and the Grymwar invasion of Earth with one Shining Fist shot.

Scott continued downward, finally reaching what he believed to be the bottom level of Japan's sewer system. As he saw light up ahead, his heart nearly leaped into his throat.
"Oh, my God," he couldn't stop himself from saying.
Ahead of him was a gigantic hive, with dozens of these black lizards crawling on it. This was the source of their infestation, and he didn't know how many were down here. Scott stood staring at it, planning his techniques for his assault on the hive, and hoping that they would behave as he expected them to.

Gensekt transformed their body into a spaceship-like shape upon her command, lending her his power so that they could dispense justice. Aiko was fighting well, but he could sense both Scott's power and the source of these creatures ahead.
Scott is down here, and he's probably on his way to the source. We should catch up to him and help out.
The creatures were not strong, but came in waves that would surely slow their progress.
I can't help but feel that these things are the insects of their world, weak but numerous.
She rolled her eyes, "tell me something I don't know..." She said with a "seriously?" Look on her face as she wiped out the rat with one move of her swing. " sometimes I don't know who you really are, a sailor uniform who points out the obvious or living battle armor..." She stretched and started walking more down the sewer until she started to see some black coercing the grey wall around her. " wow this is so exciting..." She said sarcastically not really giving a crap at all.

"Gensekt shippu!" She told him going down the path until she could see a much bigger openig seeing that there were pools of black water and hundreds more of them than usual...the solo attacks that we saw on the surface is testing the resistance before they send the army, and they also have's just like stupid ants..." She held her blade up as it would turn out that she was just on the other side of the same swarm Scott was facing at this moment. She couldn't be seen just by the large crowd blocking the view.
Scott was evaluating the hive, and he thought he had it figured out. Like a beehive, it was not constructed of real durable materials, and relied on external defenders to keep it safe. The biggest concern was that it was rooted into the ceiling itself. He could easily destroy it with any of his techniques, but if he sent a whole city block of Tokyo plunging down with it, that would be the end of his globe-trotting days. He would have to uproot it (or downroot it, in this case), and then destroy it, a safer but more labor-intensive plan. Perhaps if he did away with this hive, Japan would be safe from this breed of monster.

Scott jumped onto the hive and began to clamber his way up. Several defenders jumped on him, especially as he got closer to the top, but he shrugged them off.
"Beat it," he said, as he backfisted one of the creatures and it plunged to the bottom of the chamber.
At the top, Scott found the anchoring point and was able to dig his fist up to the deepest root. The alien armor's density and the claw-like appendages on his fingertips made him able to penetrate anything on Earth, even diamond. It was simply a matter of either clawing, pushing, or even drilling his way through it like a power-drill.

With one strong yank, the hive was pulled free and began falling toward the chamber floor. He leaped from the hive and turned his body to face it, spreading his arms to catch the wind.
"I'm fallin'..." he sang as he plunged toward the massive object.
Please don't start singing Tom Petty while we're on a mission.
Scott did stop singing, and his right arm glowed as he prepared to use a technique.

"There's nothing quite like a classic."
He waited until he was in range of the hive.
"Fist of Valor!"
He drove his fist into the hive, the impact making a resounding boom in the enclosed space. The hive cracked and split apart, tumbling down to the floor. Scott flipped and planted his feet on part of the hive before jumping back up to land next to Aiko in her transformed state.

"Well, so it seems that you were hiding powers, after all."
He looked her up and down.
"Pretty skimpy, but hey, I'm not complaining."
He gave her a wolf whistle. He knew that he was being annoying, but she deserved some ribbing for the crap she had said to him earlier. Scott looked over the edge, seeing the pissed-off creatures gathering up for an attack.

"If you want to help me mop up the rest of them, you're welcome to. If not, that's fine, too. I've got this situation covered."
His right arm morphed back into the Forbidden Tenth Fist, and glowed as he readied the Shining Fist. He aimed it at the edge, waiting for his foes to arrive. After these foes were dispatched, he could talk to Aiko about her powers, if she would converse with him and not just act as she had before.

Gensekt ignored Aiko's remarks.
I'm simply doing my job, strategizing and guiding you.
He watched as Scott tore down the hive single-handedly and then dispatched it with a powerful punch.
So, that's what his power is like. It matches pretty much as I expected.
Scott was soon right next to them, not seeming to want or need their help.

I leave it up to you, Aiko. If you want to stay and back him up, we will. If not, we can depart right now and search for other creatures. I'm sure he'll be fine on his own.
Gensekt was curious about the source of Scott's power, as it seemed to be similar to what he could do for Aiko. Not another Kamui, but something with a similar function, definitely not of this world, and maybe not even of this solar system.
"You know I actually hope he gets his ass handed to him..." She crossed her arms annoyed at how reckless he was. "Oh shut the hell up!!!" She told him with a slight brush, leaning against the wall behind her. "Oh so you took out a hive...yay...that doesn't mean there aren't many more, it's called hive, and hive mind for a reason..." She looked seeing that he thought he was so strong to handle all the monsters by himself.

She looked down at him, "your starting to piss me off too, you know how much I hate being ignored especially by you!" She told him annoyed that he didn't say anything about her theory. " you know what just let me handle this then, and be a good little weapon will ya....I'm not helping that damn perv I wanna kick some damn ass though..." She dighed and jumped up to a platform seeing a swarm just starting to attack her at the other end. " damn straight!!! Screw that guy..." She said liking the attention of killing more than him.
Scott chuckled as she told him to shut up.
"Hey, you're the one dressed like something out of Playboy."
She then made some more smart remarks.
"Think you for that intelligent assessment of the obvious. I don't know what I would have done without that."
Scott, don't antagonize the person that we're trying to get information from.

Scott sighed.
You're right, I know. I just wish that she was a little more cooperative.
Several of these creatures began coming, and Scott blasted them several times with his Shining Fists. Some were coming up behind Aiko, and he blasted them.
"Watch your back!"

Scott turned his attention back to them. She had been right about one thing, and that was that there were a lot more of them.
"Time to cut them off at the source."
He punched the ground to launch himself into the air and lined himself up with the hive. He then blasted it with a Shining Fist, smiling in satisfaction at hearing the death cries of his prey. He flipped and landed on a swarm of them before back-flipping back onto the ledge.
"Shockwave of Valor!"
His technique exploded outward, annihilating almost all of the ones left.

Gensekt was a little abashed by Aiko's scolding.
Sorry, Aiko. I'm just not really accustomed to sarcasm.
He continued to work with her, channeling his power to fuel her attacks.
Focus, Aiko. You're letting your anger cloud your judgment, and you know that won't help anything.
" well there's no time for that! Just focus for me then..." She looked over, " what a stupid cliche...hearing him yell out his activate them...." She rolled her eyes and started laughing, turning to face more who were destroyed after a moment. Aiko stretched and jumped down to the lowest level, leaning against the wall and crossed arms to rest for a bit before she would turn and leave the severs seeing how boring it was now. " with that distroyed they'll fight back with an attack on the surface, hive mind will attsck on the surface like they always do if you know anything..." She said as she found an opening to get out off e sewers. "Dammit I need a bath..."

"I swear I actually wanna see him get overrun and destroyed so we can kick ass for all I care..." Aiko then started to walk down the street quietly.
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