Kill La...Valor? (Grave and Wiki)

I need to see if they found the combinatiion that targets their cells, i also have a plan to cover the whole city with that stuff, though of course that won't stop them, it will hurt them enough to be easy kills. I need someone to come with me to talk to the research teams, I just thought of something amazing. If it works anyway, the plan is to make a vaccine that makes our soldiers immune to that gas. We take those of course and when they finally do attack we have those blockades of course.." She said glancing over at Scott, " and don't give me that kind of shit talk at least!" She said yelling at the soldier who said that. aiko turned to the other squad, "do me a favor and get me to the lab, and tell everyone else to load everything and set up any guns you need..."
Scott nodded as Aiko explains her plan.
"That actually sounds like a really good idea. It's very ambitious, but we might just be able to make it work."
Lately, he had seen a lot of growth in Aiko, and where he once had saw nothing but a immature kid, he was now starting to see the makings of a real leader.
"I'll go with you. You don't have to worry about that, I'm behind you on this."

The squad that Aiko talked to nodded and pulled a Jeep around. Scott let Aiko get in first and then got in behind her.
"Hey, Rocky!"
"What's up, Scott?" he asked as he approached.
"I'm placing you in charge while we're gone. Make sure the men stick to Aiko's orders, and make sure they stay on alert."
Richard nodded and the jeep pulled away.

Scott thought about their situation as they rode to the lab. Even as fast as they were moving, he knew the enemy had to be preparing, as well. He had not seen any of the footsoldiers, so he had to hope that they would not be too hardcore. Aiko's plan, if it succeeded, would give their regular infantry a fighting chance, and that was a very good thing. He clenched his fist as he vowed to himself that he would do everything in his power to protect Japan. He had smashed the Grymwar in New York, and he would smash these things now, even if he had to give his life to do it.
She looked back behind her as she got on seeing another guy, named rocky as she heard him say that name. Aiko sighed and just ignored it as usual with everything as they started to head off, after a little time in which they arrived just outside. Soon aiko started to already walk toward the door inside taking the elevator down with him to the main lobby then down a hall to the main lab, "get everyone in here!!" She ordered putting her hands on her hips and waiting as everyone would gather. " so did you make it work? Any problems? I also need you to do another thing for me...luckily I found out about that danger before setting up the platform for that weapon..."
As Aiko and Scott arrived, the lab technicians were summoned in for a briefing. The lead scientist stepped forward.
"We have been able to isolate a complete genome of a drone. We've run simulations and found the exact compound that can cause degeneration in their species. We have several batches of it made, but we're still working on more. There were several problems getting to this point, but we sorted them out."

General Aiko then said that she had another project that she needed them to do.
"Fortunately, I do have enough spare staff to tackle another. Tell us what you need and we'll get started."
Scott was impressed by how much they had gotten done, and thought that their preparations were proceeding smoothly.
We need a vaccine against it for ourselves since I've been thinking something will happen. The best thing to do is find a strain that bonds to our DNA and acts as a blockade against the cancer of the weapon but we also have to have it disguised so the body doesn't reject it and attack itself..." She sighed and crossed her arms, "even these nerds are useful... The only thing we do now is wait and hope they don't attack then..."
The scientists listened as Aiko described what she wanted.
"Well, we did find some residue that could be put to that purpose if everything goes right. We'll give it a try."
The scientists got up and left the room to get started. Scott turned to Aiko.
"I guess we should return to the base and wait for word from them."

Scott wanted to get back to the base in case they were attacked. Their enemy certainly was not going to give them advance warning. If the situation went code-red, all hands would need to be on deck. Scott headed outside to wait for Aiko in the jeep.
We made it sorta like a gas right?" She said not really remembering. I want you to take the finished samples that is if they made enough yet and bring them back to the site, load them into the pumps and the gas generators, we could maybe turn them into shells and put them into artillery cannon things or something. The only thing we could do know and hope that the drones we have are from the only brood that would attack us. Their all different so we need to collect samples from the other two but they've been so inactive...don't load it yet but we have to have a large store at the actual site....we just wait and hope for now unless we can track the other two. They also have different hive characteristics as well....for now let's go back and gather everyone. For a little hunt..." Aiko sighed and slowly turned to walk out waiting to be picked up now.
Once Aiko was picked up, the two were shuttled back to the base. Aiko's plan was to go on a hunt, so Scott hoped that there was some organization here. Once they were back at the base, Scott called all of the soldiers together.
"General Aiko has a plan, so listen up. Your lives may well depend on following exactly what she says."
He turned to her and nodded for her to say her piece.
She looked both ways at everyone in front of her with a wind childish grin, she was still a devious high schooler who didn't really have much friends (very tsundere, wonder how they will like each other more). Aiko was always the one wanting people to of course listen to her and feel higher up, maybe because of course he was a soft shy girl inside but no one really ever get to go through her hard outer bossy shell.

She sighed and looked at the map, we need scouts to push out and report from the Akihito and tamanashi regions of town. Akihito is the farthest place from town, located...northwest with a lot of smaller shopping and food districts. It's one of the three big districts for that stuff. Tamanashi is for Mostly ond large market area with a shipyard south of there for of course mainly trade, another known district especially with people in business. Akihito is a really good vantage point and there's lots of building making the unit placement easier to guard and the roof is just an amazing view, I always wanted to go there but of course you know.." She paused for a moment brushing some hair away.

"I have a bet that another brood is near Akihito, that's a very dangerous place, and I swear if they're there then it's gonna hard to get them out. We would get hit hard with long range surprise attacks or more stronger and new types of mutations...what would you think then..." She sighed and leaned over the table a bit.
Scott listened as Aiko detailed what they needed to do.
"Those definitely sound like places we should scout out. We don't know what's in there, so we should plan a coordinated assault. I'm not sure that we can wait until those new weapons are ready. We'll want to set up weapons and have heavily armed and fairly large units of men ready, with those of us with superpowers going to where we are most needed. We don't really know what their tactics will be until they use them, so our best bet is to play it as cautiously as possible."

Scott shook his head.
"There's so much that we don't know here, so we have to have fairly versatile units. We need to leave enough room for us to be able to switch tactics as the situation dictates. It's also a race against time, not knowing when our enemy is going to launch their main assault. We'll be able to plan more effectively when we know more about them."
He turned to Aiko.

"So, how do you want to play this, Aiko? Should we scout out Akihito or Tamanashi first."
The others had listened to both of them and were waiting for what Aiko wanted to do. Being the Supreme Commander of their force, she had final say. How this young woman had such knowledge was still a mystery, but she was the best one to trust for now. Scott had resolved that if she proved an able leader in these operations, he would talk to Minister Nakai and recommend that she be given control of the SDF.
She sighed as it started to become dusk, picking up the radio, "everyone switch to night mode and turn on the lights, it will be risky but it gives both of us an advantage...there's nothing now, let's just go..second squad with me, east sniper tower watch sector 2 and 6.." Aiko sighed as she jumped up to the roof to look around, "too late for scouts now, we need to fill the sewers and underground with gas that will take them out here and stop any surprises underground though you have to watch the dark building more outward..." Closed her eyes as she could feel rumbling as the north end began to erupt a hole in the ground as it began to glow, now finally having one thing come out then 4 then a swarm... "Fast and hard!! Second legion form, we got your blind spots and sides!!" The heavy soldiers in front formed a wall and started to charge as she followed after and attacked beside them, the roofs and everywhere were being attacked as a full war zone now so quickly.
As the order went out, every soldier nodded in understanding. The soldiers on the periphery put on their night vision goggles and the soldiers closest to the main base turned on whatever lights needed to be turned on for them to see. The east sniper tower heard the call go out and picked up their rifles to cover sections 2 and 6, as ordered. Other soldiers pried up manholes along one drag and dropped several smoke grenades and other devices that produced gas down in there. The soldiers were moving in line, nervous but ready for battle when it came. They did not have to wait long.

There was an eruption as their enemy rushed to the surface. At first, it was just some slightly bigger drones, perhaps stages three and four organisms with enough combat adaptation to make them competent soldiers. From there, larger armored creatures that bore a resemblance to the drones and walked on two legs emerged, and these had to be the soldiers that they needed to get a sample of. This was the attack that they had been preparing for. It was time for action.

While the heavy soldiers charged in with riot shields and machine guns, other soldiers began manning the artillery. The rat-tat-tat of .50 caliber machine guns could be heard all over the place, shooting down several drones but also struggling to keep up with their quick movements. Other soldiers manned mortars, which seemed to knock the soldiers off-balance, but had little effect otherwise. Bullets were bouncing off their hard exoskeletons, and they pushed aside or trampled the heavy soldiers even in their riot gear. There was chaos everywhere, and Scott looked around as his team joined him. It was clear that the regular humans were no match for these creatures, with the battle coming sooner than expected, just as he feared.

"Everyone, move out!"
As his team raced off into different districts, Scott smacked his fist into his other palm.
"Let's rock, Valor!"
I'm ready to roll!
His aura flared up and the earth shook as the Armor of Valor began to form around him. Some of the creatures, which he would call Insectiles, were noticing this and heading his way.

"That's right. Focus your attention on me."
The faster drones were the first to reach him, and attacked by shooting out tongues that looked pointed at the end like a spear with serrations on the sides like a knife. Despite the wicked appearance of their weapons, it was powerless to penetrate his armor. As their tongues recoiled, Scott charged forward to launch his counterattack. He punched one, turned and landed a back-fist on a second, and then used his momentum to snap a kick into the third, dispatching them in seconds with blows that practically destroyed their heads.

As a Soldier Insectile approached in a menacing march, he turned and threw a solid punch aimed at its midsection. The blow connected and the creatures torso moved inward a bit, but there was no sign of damage. Scott threw a one-two punch followed by a kick combination, but even then, there was not even a scratch.
What is that thing made of!?
I don't know, but we don't have time to waste. Hit it with a Fist of Valor!

Scott got back into his fighting stance and charged his punch before landing it right in the solar plexus of the creature. The blow landed with such force that it blew almost a perfectly round hole in the creature. He could see what was behind it clearly through him, and black liquid like ichor began to flow from it as it let out a cry and fell on its back. After some writhing, it laid still as a puddle of black liquid formed around it. There were more Soldiers already pressing forward, and they seemed to be acting as generals, coordinating the efforts of the drones as they continued the assault. The appearance of several Soldiers worried him, as they seemed to take his special techniques to dispatch, and he only had so many times that he could use them before Valor would overheat and be unusable for the rest of the day.

On other parts of the rapidly expanding battlefield, the other members of Shadowgreen's SIU were busy fending off the enemy. Rocky had coated his body in stone, so he was impervious to the spiked tongues and claws of his enemies. He had coated Siren in the same material as she sat on his shoulder, so she was protected, as well. They made for a devastating tag-team, with Rocky able to fend off the Drones easily while Siren's psychic attacks rendered the Soldiers vulnerable enough that he could kill them without an exorbitant amount of trouble. Sandstorm was invulnerable to his opponent's attacks due to his ability to compose himself completely of sand so that their attacks would pass through him. He could then create a localized sandstorm that shredded them completely.

Of all the combatants, there was no doubt that Shell-Shock was having the most fun. He had been bored with the bureaucracy of the job and the lack of action, so this was like a breath of fresh air. His energy blasts easily decimated the drones, and his Shell-Cannon was able to blow much bigger holes in the Soldiers, especially since he was not bothering to concentrate the beam and just disintegrated their entire torsos. Despite the successes of the soldiers, super-powered and not, they were still losing men. Although only a few were being killed by the Drones, the Soldiers were still doing great damage to them. Their claws could slice them in three with little effort, and those who weren't cut found themselves either crushed by their powerful legs and feet, or were bitten by their equally powerful mandibles.

Even against such horrific foes, the SDF fought on. Their weapons were chewing up the Drones, and some were even having success against the Soldiers by shooting them in the face with mounted missile launchers. These men knew that there could be no retreat and no surrender, or what was happening to them could happen to their neighbors or families. The Shadowgreen warriors knew that this could not turn into a war of attrition. They had to stop their advance here. If they could do that, they could then take the fight to them next time with their cancer weapons.
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