Kill La...Valor? (Grave and Wiki)

"Dammit!! There is not time for proving, I know exactly what these things are, I know everything about them compared I him, there was one attack from before and you know it! The story goes that there was one mystery women that stopped a hive temporarily and it said she did it alone!! There is no time to prove anything here!" She sighed before leaning against his desk a bit, "just listen to me on this then...for now all I ask is two or three squads, not the police but from the local militia...that's all I ask for now...we can't fight them if we don't know much more specifically to how they are strong....I have a plan of how to fight these things if you'll even listen...give me some good squads and let me handle everything from there....If you won't do that then I can't help will be your fault then for risking everyone's lives here..." She sighed and crossed her arms. " I hope you'll be wise cause I know what the hell in doing..." She turned away and sighed, slowly opening the door and wondering standing still in the doorway with her head down wondering what to do now. She looked down at gen, "do you think I really care about that right now? I'm here to kick some ass and save this place for once!"
Nakai took a look at his paperwork which referenced the information that Aiko mentioned. Her account matched the facts.
"It seems that I owe you more gratitude than I first thought. I can spare thirty men from the local militia, and no more. You work directly for me, now, so I deputize you for official work."
He tossed her an MBI badge very similar to the one that Scott wore, only this one had Japanese writing on it.

"If you should encounter Scott and his team out there, cooperate with them. Scott is working for the good of Japan, and that has to be a priority. You are now obligated to put that ahead of your own feelings for him. For a change, this foreigner is actually good for my country."
He leaned back in the chair.
"The men will be waiting for you at the port called Kishonsu."
(Japan FTW!!!!!)

She sighed as she turned to catch it with one hand, putting on her chest with a hand on her hip, " that will be enough then, hopefully their good then..." She sighed and rolled her eyes at the mention of Scott being a big hero. " whatever...." She rolled her eyes at those words and sighed, still standing in the doorway as she pulled a keychain from her back pocket, the scissor, after a moment she threw it up as it grew to its full form, catching it and laying the blade on her shoulder. " you'll damn regret that when his ass gets beat with these things..." Aiko showed off her weapon as it glowed a bright crimson red in the light, before she turned and headed off down and outside the building.

Aiko would finally start her plan now, heading to the port in a taxi and looking around to see where she would meet with the squads. She would rise to power and know that she was in control of Japan and not him in the area of safety for the city compared to him.
(Oh, yeah.)

The Prime Minister and his entourage drew back as Aiko summoned a huge sword, not accustomed to seeing something like that in real life. After she left, he straightened his tie.
"Those two are Japan's best hope. I hope that they can work together."
He turned back to his entourage.
"Now, let's talk about emergency provisions and barricades."

The taxi dropped Aiko off at Kishonsu, where thirty men stood at perfect attention and in formation.
"We are at your command, General Aiko!" they said in unison.
They then saluted her and then dropped their arms back down.
Well, Aiko, you have your soldiers. I can only hope that they prove to be what you needed. Working with Scott and his team might have been a more reliable option.

Scott pressed onward, leading them further down into the sewers. Every now and then, Siren would ask them to stop and they would go down a different tunnel. Within about twenty minutes, they had found another hive.
"Ugly creatures, aren't they?" asked Scott.
Siren drew back, but Rocky put a hand on her shoulder.
"Honey, can you hypnotize them into sleep?"

"I'm not sure. I've never tried it on a large group, and these things aren't human, so I don't know what effect, if any, they would have on them."
"Well, try anyway, darling."
Chelsea closed her eyes and began to focus. Her hands began to glow a soft red, and she began sending out psionic waves toward the drones.

At first, nothing seemed to be happening. Then, little by little, the drones began to fall asleep. After about ten minutes, every drone appeared to be asleep. Chelsea stopped not long after that, panting and sweating bullets. Nick handed her some water, and she chugged it gratefully.
"Good job, Siren."

Scott proceeded forward, leaning over a drone.
"Weirdest creatures I've ever seen. I would imagine this to be the offspring of a bee and a chameleon in a cheesy sci-fi flick."
He could hear Valor chuckling.
We should get a sample of them and give it to Japan's lab.
Good idea.

Scott wrapped his hand around the throat of one and effortlessly crushed its neck, killing it instantly but relatively silently. He picked it up and they began heading back to the surface. It was slow going and always done while looking over their shoulders, but they made it back to the surface undisturbed. They slipped the corpse into a bag and began making their way to Japan's Diet building in Scott's car. Scott went in alone to meet with Nakai, and laid it on his desk. Nakai gave a slow whistle.

"Ugly beast, isn't it? I'll have some of my boys at the state forensics lab take a look at it."
One of his people took the corpse, which was as large as the desktop, and hustled out of the room with it. Scott sat down in the chair, and Nakai told him of what had happened.
"Well, I agree that we should make no further moves until we know what we're dealing with. We'll wait on the results from the lab, and with whatever Aiko is doing."

Scott left the building and took his team back to the hotel.
"I will try and get in touch with Aiko later today. She's a bit eccentric, but she does have a competent grasp of the situation. I think we can trust her...maybe..."
Nick was about to crack wise, but Richard silenced him with a look.
"I guess we play the waiting game now."
She walked out to farther to the port as she came over to see a bunch of solders waiting. She gave a mad grin, almost like a psycho. This is how it felt to have power like this, aiko started to laugh for a moment before she took out her scissor and twirled it on her wrist. " ok this will work, work small for now. We don't need much accept a few bodies..." She turned and looked around, seeing the small trucks that carried to the troops. " let's go! Operation genestealer starts now!!" Soon she saw them all getting in the truck as she took one of them as the driver. Aiko sat in the front next to the driver guiding him directions as he drove through the city to a site that lead to the sewers. Everyone getting out as soon as they heard the door open and close from either side of the front.

The soldiers fell back into ranks awaiting orders as she stood in front of them, giving them the briefing. The young girl sighed as she set the blade against her shoulder. " we need the bodies for study, and this time again we hope we don't have to fight the soldiers, trust me they are something even worse than what we're gonna face now...I want the bomb formation. Form up a tight circle to have effective fire all around, it helps cover our flanks and let's us see everything around us. If we manage to take their number controllably then everyone will quickly break off into squads of four or five and sweep and clear the rest of the hive...should sound simple if you stay alert. These things are weak but they come in swarms, fast small and deadly. Cover each other's flanks and watch your back..everything should be smooth then..." Aiko looked around and orders two of the soldiers to open the hole covering the sewer, "let's go then..." Slowly the rest of them jumped down to the darkness below, activating their flashlights and waiting. "Dammit..." She said feeling embarrassed,

Then lifted her arm in front of her and pulled the pin, " life fiber override! Kamui gensekt!!!" She transformed and jumped down joining everyone else now. " watch it here now..." She said walking down as the soldiers took their weapons and slowly moved behind her knowing it was time to start the mission now.
The soldiers listened intently as Aiko explained to them what they would be doing. All of them knew that they would be facing an insectoid menace, and some were quite frightened. However, for many of them, this was also the chance they had dreamed of. They wanted to serve their country and bring honor to themselves and their families. If they accomplished this job and did their part, they would be certain to have it. For a young girl, she had surprisingly good knowledge of military tactics and strategy, and the men felt comfortable following her lead.

Some of them were anime fans, and were intrigued by her giant scissor sword and revealing outfit. However, there was no time to ogle or talk casually. They kept a tight perimeter, with one person watching every angle. Their flashlights moved around in what looked like a light show. The stink of the sewer rankled their noses, but that could not be helped. One soldier, a Private Takeshi, was closest to Aiko.

"General, is it true that a famous American hero is right here in Tokyo? What was his name? Scooter? Scranton? Something like that, right? I heard that he came down here and destroyed one of these hives by himself!"

Takeshi's eyes went a bit misty.
"I always wanted to be a man like that. I joined the army because I wanted to become a real man. There was this girl I loved named Yukiko, but I could never get up enough courage to tell her how I felt. Maybe if I met this man, and if I survive this mission, I can tell her so. She'd surely be more impressed with a tough-as-nails soldier than an art student."
She sighed as she moved more leading them, as she covered one of the flanks in the bomb formation, " God damnit!!" She said a bit annoyed at his mention, " I'm the one that lead him down there in the first place so I was there. He just ruined it for me...just shut up and man up then, I don't want any of you mentioning him while I'm here got it!" She said giving him a quick look. " you will survive if you stop thinking about that then..." Aiko moved her hair to the side as she could hear butting in the distance. "If anything goes wrong resort to the iron box formation..." She sighed moving closer until she could see a bit of light at the end. She saw some red eyes, then quickly ran toward the hive itself stirring them up as they came in an immediate swarm at her. " she jumped back letting the guys besides her shoot them down as they stood there off guard. " aim under the jaw and the joints and the wings!!" She said jumping up and slashing a flying one dead to the ground.
Takeshi nodded hurriedly.
"Okay, General. That pretty much tells me all that I need to know, anyway."
He wondered why she disliked the American so much, but he guessed that he had gotten in the way of her plan. And was that a touch of jealousy? Takeshi had no clue, so he went back to keeping an eyes out for the bugs.

He did not have to wait for long. As they began to appear, Takeshi aimed his assault rifle and squeezed the trigger. The shot went high, and the creature crashed into his chest, knocking him to the ground. As it stood over him, the private fired a three-round burst under its chin and it fell back, twitched, and died. He stayed close to his unit, taking down as many as he could. He struggled to stay calm, having never been in anything like this before.

When he had to reload, he fumbled with the clip and it went in wrong. He righted it and pulled back the bolt, but there was one right on him.
"Aah!" he screamed.
He kicked the creature in the chest, which caused it to move back a foot or two. He fired into its face, and it collapsed dead. The enemy seemed to just keep on coming, and he formed a circle with his men, firing from all directions to ward them off.

They moved down the corridor, but General Aiko had disappeared. Takeshi really hoped that she was taking out the main hive. Some of the men were being dragged into the darkness by long tongues, and the private soon felt a tongue around his own ankle. He hurriedly drew his combat knife and slashed it, severing the part that held his ankle from the rest of the tongue.
"Yare yare daze," ("You've got to be fucking kidding me,"), he said.
The men formed the Iron Box formation and kept moving, hoping to reunite with their superpowered General.
"Lurkers!!! Their second gen drone mutation! Pre combat!!!" She sighed as she jumped in front of the squad and started cutting the tongues. "Let's finish this!! Cross X position! Regroup!" She said as she headed for the darkness hearing slashing conning all over the place as the only thing that could be heard where the screeches. " kensekt senjen!!" Was heard from her in the darkness as soon as the soldiers saw one drone and prepared to shoot it would fall dead already, soon there would be bodies everywhere and silence.

She appeared behind ten with cuts and saves as she breathes heavily, leaning on her scissor to hold herself up. "" She said closing one eye and looking at them.
Takeshi heard frantic slashing and shooting. Suddenly, General Aiko was with them, identifying the creatures as 'Lurkers'. Between her powers and the Cross X formation, all of the creatures seemed to be dead. Suddenly, Takeshi saw one jumping from the shadows to come at Aiko from behind.
He aimed his rifle and fired, catching it and holding it in the air as he pumped the rest of his clip into it. It fell dead and he dropped the expended magazine as the barrel still smoked.

Takeshi slapped a new magazine in the gun with one fluid motion, pulled back the bolt, and took a look around. They did seem to all be dead. On her order to collect the bodies, Takeshi slung the rifle over his shoulder and picked up one of the carcasses. There were special carrying cases, and they put them into that. Takeshi turned to Aiko.
"What of the hive that spawned these creatures, General?"
Soon she fell on her knees to the ground, beaten up and tired still panting heavily, " collect samples then sterilize and destroy it." She looked around as she closed one eye, slowly laying down on the floor with her scissor Laid down beside her. The young girl went full on using all her power in her swift attacks as sen Jin tiring her out trying to kill it fast.

She closed her eyes and laid with the dead though it was only because she had now just passed out instead of dieing. Her hair flowing to one side as her one red highlight covered one of her eyes.
A disquiet fell over the men as their leader passed out. Her skimpy power suit vanished so that all that was left was her street clothes. Takeshi was the first to snap out of it.
"Well, you heard the woman. Some of you men, keep her head up and get her weapon. Take her back to the surface."

He turned to the others.
"The rest of you, with me. We're going to collect samples of the hive and then blow it up. Let's go!"
The men charged down the tunnels, staying close to each other and shooting down drones. When they reached the hive, Takeshi scraped off a large chunk and the bagged it.

They then rigged the hive with explosives. They ran down the tunnel a great distance and triggered the explosives. As the hive exploded and burned, Takeshi and the men began making their way out. He couldn't help but smile as he thought about what Yukiko would think if she could see him now. They climbed up the ladder and sealed the manhole. They then proceeded to where General Aiko was resting on a soft bed in the barracks.
( that's cute he has a girl to see)

Aiko had slept for quite a while though not for a whole day at least, she slept through the rest of the day until it was late dusk where the air was cold and the sunset gave a bright but darker glow over the city. She woke up as she felt her body aching from all the stress and still from attacking everything at once. She sighed putting a hand to cover half her face, rubbing it as she wondered where she was. The young girl sat up looking around still feeling sore everywhere.
(Yeah, I thought it would be good to have a substory going.)

General Aiko had slept most of the day, completely worn out from the attack on the hive. Private Takeshi had been doing most of the leading, even though there were several men higher in rank than him. Maybe it was just the fire he felt in his chest, but he felt comfortable organizing things, and the men responded. They had a unit transport the samples of the hive and creatures to the crime lab, and the first salvo in Operation Gene-Stealer had been completed. Of course, they would need a debriefing from their general before it was closed. Takeshi had come in just as she had awoken.

"How are you feeling, General?"
Takeshi sat down across from her and offered her a cup of Oolong tea.
"This might help you feel better."
He filled her in on what they had done.
"The men and I await further orders. What's next, General?"
She looked around the room and yawned, relying a bit dizzy. Auto leaned against the wall and looked up as she turned to the door to see him. " of course...sore and stuff..." She simply said taking the tea and having a little sip before holding the cup on her lap and looking around again. " the only thing there is is to train. They evolve fast and that's the only thing is make sure your aware of your surroundings with sharper skill, like dodging even faster than before that you could beside running around. There's a few things I know personally. Maybe I could train you guys myself. Other than that we prepare. Though I would also want to help the research team myself to study the bodies.

She drank a bit again and gave another sigh, " after that it would be debrief and then the final of's just learning and knowing how to fight from evolutions..." She leaned back a bit and scratched her neck.
Takeshi nodded.
"Of course, General. The men and I await further orders."
He bowed and then left the room, knowing that she would seek them out when she was ready. The base was pretty quiet right now, so he headed for the front of it. Two men of his same rank had been ordered to stand guard here, and people from the local neighborhood were crowding around.

Several of them were older pensioners retired from businesses or other white-collar positions. Still others were ex-SDF. A few of their grandchildren had come along with them, and everyone was talking all at once. Takeshi took the whistle from around his comrade's neck and blew into it loudly to silence the crowd.
"I'm afraid I must ask all of you to leave. The base is active right now and we've no time to interruptions. I say this not to be rude, but to emphasize how important the situation is."

"Is it true that giant bugs are living under Japan?" one of the pensioners cried out.
"We are investigating the rumors, but have found no substantiating evidence at this time."
Takeshi had to fight off a laugh at himself. 'Substantiating evidence'? Boy, he sure sounded like a politician now. Many peppered him with questions, and he did his best to be polite but deceptive.

Many began to wander off, whether from satisfaction or exasperation he did not know. He was about to turn around and go inside when he heard a young woman's voice calling to him.
He turned and saw that it was Yukiko, dressed in a nice dress with her black hair with red streaks in it done up neatly.
"Yukiko-chan," he replied in surprise, going over to her, "What are you doing here?"
"My grandparents live in this area, and I was bringing them some of the fresh melon that my father grew."

"Oh, that was considerate of you. How are you?"
"Good. I see that you're doing well for yourself in the militia."
"No, I'm still just a Private. Things are just busier right now."

Yukiko cocked her head to the side and smiled.
"Well, see you around."
She turned and began to walk away, and Takeshi smiled. Not much had been said, but it was clear that she had a kind of admiration for him. When he was in a better position, and felt more like he had found what he sought, he would see if he could start a relationship with her. Turning around, he proceeded back to the base and told the troops of General Aiko's plans.
She sighed and say up on the bed as she turned to sit on the side, finally standing up and looking around the room, still feeling sore. Auto slowly walked out of the room still a bit dizzy and struggling a bit to walk out from the hallway as she looked around more around her wondering what was happening now. " jeez wonder where the hell the food is..." She would wait and rest a little more before she would get back into things but she would be needing to study the bodies very soon as well and it was something big they needed as quick as possible to know. "Wonder where the hell the lab is..."

The young girl had always been working herself most of the time and she has heard of the local base though she hadn't visited any of herself.
Scott and the others were lounging in the hotel room. Siren had gone to sleep, and Rocky was watching over her to make sure that she was okay. It was quite until Nick suddenly stood up and cried out.
"Man, I'm so bored. Is there nothing we can do right now?"
"Nothing productive," Scott calmly replied.

"We could raid another hive and get more of those creatures, or just blow one up."
"Prime Minister Nakai told me that Aiko and the local militia are handling the corpse collecting. We don't need to go down there and stir things up to make their jobs more difficult."
Nick sat back down on the bed, dejected. However, he brightened up as an idea came to him.
"Scott, you and I should have a sparring match!"

"Of course, now! There's plenty of room outside the city limits, and we can kill some time."
Scott had to admit that he was bored just sitting around, and he guessed that it would be a way to keep them sharp.
"All right. But, we need to conserve energy, so keep that in mind."

"Yeah, that's fine. I just want to actually DO something, and I haven't had a real chance to work out my powers in a while."
Scott stood up.
"All right. Let's go, then."
"I'd love to see it, but I'll stay here with Rocky, so that we keep the two-person team going," Mike said.

Scott and Nick left the room and got into the elevator.
"I've got some new tricks up my sleeve, Scott. I think you'll appreciate it."
"I'm packing a greater punch myself now. Thankfully, you won't have to feel it for yourself."
They exited the hotel and began walking toward the outskirts of town.
She sighed as she looked around, " Jeez their only good for one thing..." She said with an annoyed look as she glanced around the hall wandering around for a bit before she would eventually find it. The bodies were already set and waiting in the lab, she went inside and leaned back against the wall, picking a phone and wondering if it would make her voice heard through the entire base. Aiko gave it a try anyway, "hello, hello..." She said after a moment hearing the voice come through the hall. "Ok it's cool I found this thing....ummm research team personnel..." She said making an announcement, " ummm body and genetic study will now be in session all research personnel report to the lab now!" She said putting he phone back and sitting down again the wall.
Scott and Nick had made their way to the outskirts of Tokyo, which was forested land with plenty of natural beauty. Nick turned to him.
"I want to see something. Let's do what we did at the end of our first fight."
Scott nodded and summoned Valor onto his right arm only. Nick bent his knees and turned his body with his fist clenched palm-up at his side.

Scott and Nick's first battle had been when they were both New Bloods at Shadowgreen. Nick had been a bully back then, certain that his own power was so strong that nobody could ever challenge him. Scott's power had been very limited at the time, and no one gave it much respect. Scott had refused to be bullied, and the fight that ensued ended with Nick being planted deep into a wall. After Scott defeated Mike and Richard, as well, the four called a truce and began training together. They were going to recreate the moment where Nick lost the first fight, and Scott knew that it was to see how much each had improved.

Scott's arm began to shine brightly in the rainbow of colors before becoming solid white, showing that his Fist of Valor technique was ready. Nick started to form a blue ball of energy around his fist, and it began to radiate out as it increased in power. Scott formed a fighting stance, and Nick nodded as he saw that he was ready.
"Shell-Cannon!" he shouted as he fired the blast from a thrown punch.
"Fist of Valor!"
Scott met the blast with his fist, and was surprised by the amount of force in it, knowing that Nick had either improved greatly in its base strength or he had put more than just a little bit of power into it.

As he struggled against the blast, Scott felt his feet start to slid back a bit. He dug his heels in and pushed on, able to punch completely through the blast. His Valor arm was still intact, which was better than how it went the first time, when his Valor arm was almost completely destroyed by a much-weaker blast. He willed his arm away and smiled at Nick.
"How's that?"
Nick looked disappointed.

"Dude, that was the most powerful Shell Cannon that I ever fired. I can't believe it didn't even chip your arm!"
"Nick, I told you to hold back!"
"I know, but what fun would that have been? I wanted to see how you would fare against the new Shell Cannon."
Scott shook his head but couldn't repress a smile.

"You haven't changed. You're always taking risks."
"Of course! Where's the excitement in playing it safe? I only have one life, so I want to live it with no regrets."
"Well, that one life will be much shorter if you don't calculate your risks."

"Thanks for the advice, dad," Nick said sarcastically.
The two decided to do some light martial arts sparring, and Scott saw that he had improved. Nick had never been a pushover, and as long as his daredevil instincts did not do him in, he would continue to be a powerful and effective operative.
The two headed back to the hotel room after a while and joined their companions. They settled in to watch some TV, just relaxing for now. Scott was happy for this leisure time with friends, but there was still important business to be done soon.

The call from Aiko brought many scientists into the research area. They fanned out to begin exhaustive body and genetic studies. In many ways, they had characteristics of lizards and insects, and their body was of a hybrid nature. Within their molecular structure, some had clear markers for different genes, and they made careful records of these. Soon, they had complete records of the bodies and the genomes. They then got together and began to discuss the results.
She sighed as she walked in and opened of he bodies from the container, studying it herself as other gathered around her as one of her own groups as she would observe her use the tools on the body and find different things. After a little while it was time to pack up as the bodies she would think she would save enough basic analysis for now about everything. They all moved into a conference room where she took the center desk with a circle of desks around as everyone sat around. "I know more than you guys and I ordered this so listen up and pay attention! The analysis is s simple one for now since we have low class basic drones and not full on soldiers. The hives have just started to grow so that's why. These specimens evolve by being able to add or delete genes in its own DNA. It's basically killing its cells with a kind of cancer but it regenerates with other cells and it replaces the destroyed genes of its first form for genes that make up a second form. They have rapid regeneration and Thad why they can evolve so fast...they take out pieces of DNA and change the bases for new ones. They might have genes to form crystals that can be fired from range or rapidly growing plates....their weak but thett are able to get new traits almost instantly though there is a delay..."

She put her feet on the table and leaned back on the chair it's like almost a symbiosis but between what...." She sighed and leaned back, anything you guys found specifiicslly I couldn't? It's easier to think of them on a molecular level I think..though I do have a theory that the higher positioned have a harder time changing their old traits for new ones because of their base traits already hard enough to maintain..."
One of the head researchers, Kenzo Kanzaki, spoke up when she asked them what they thought.
"Our findings support your analysis. We discovered that there is a delay between acquiring new traits because their DNA is unstable during the process of acquiring the new genes. It's like a conveyor belt in an auto factory, where if the piece is put in incorrectly or not at all, it can mess up the whole system. Some of these drones were clearly unsuccessful in acquiring new traits, and their DNA was so distorted that they were likely to die within the month. We suspect that only those drones that are able to consistently acquire new traits are able to become soldiers."

Kanzaki picked up a document.
"It's impossible to give an exact probability of drones becoming soldiers, since we know so little about this race, but we can assume that it is rare, relatively speaking. Creatures that can transcend the soldier rank must be still more rare, which explains why there are only three leaders for a race that numbers in the thousands, perhaps even millions. They have a hive mind consistent with ants or bees, but they also have the beginnings of parts of the brain capable of higher functioning, that is, thought. It is very likely that these Brood Gods are sentient beings that can think and plan like a human being, but how intelligent they are we have no idea due to a lack of information."

Kanzaki put the paper down.
"This is a race that embraces Darwin's evolutionary theory, and applies it faster than any known species. Their entire purpose seems to be to make themselves into a constantly-evolving race, perhaps seeking to be the most-advanced race in existence. How old this race is and where they come from we can only speculate, but it is highly-likely that they work in the thousands and ten thousands range of years rather than the millions employed by other races for evolution. The drones are a living gene pool, and the species surveys them and weeds out the undesirables. Similar to the Aryan concept embraced by the Nazis, only the best are allowed to thrive and prosper."

The other researchers agreed, and Kenzo looked gravely at Aiko.
"From what we've determined, our only hope for survival is to get in front of this thing. We need to know what they reject and what they embrace. We have to find a weakness for their strong. You can think of them like viruses, and we are trying to find a vaccine. We have to move fast, because our enemies certainly are. That is the sum total of our current findings, though we hope to have more information very soon."
She looked over at him with crosses arms rolling her eyes, some parts she has to agree with but to be completely honest, there was some things already obvious that she knew about the matter after all she's the boss specifically for the research team at least for now. " it really doesn't matter where they came from, that has nothing to do with what we're trying to do... Their evolution is about adaption and the survival of the fittest for those who are able to survive but there's so much that can survive at once to become soldiers. I said think about it on a molecular level, and I do agree on some points but the only thing that matters and that you should remember is that drones already have a hard time and yes they start with unstable genes that may not work fast enough before they die to bond with their own DNA, but those that do have a delayed transformation but one that makes them soldiers. They are in a hive mind of course and to guide a specific evolution between the broods, it's obvious they are smart...."

She stood up and put her hands on the table in front of we leaning forward a bit, the best thing to do would to find out what common DNA combo they all share and what they evolve from and maybe develop a bio weapon that makes it so that their DNA would destroy the strand that could possible be compatible and then be able to bond with the DNA itself, making it overload with incompatible bases. With that the cancer cells would just kill them from the inside since there's no compatible genes to stop the process all together....I declare this now as operation Decon!!! Or by the full operation deconstruction!"

She smiled and gave a wide smirk, "this is meeting is over now, it's your job now to find how the cancer formation and the new gene construction works and the bonding. The plan is develop a weapon against them that makes it so the stable cells don't bond to the common DNA and the cancer would continue. The barrier is the new stable cells that bond to stop the cancer from damaging the DNA. The cancers job is to destroy the old cells to make unstable DNA and have the new cells stop the cancer. If the opposite happens they would die..."

The young girl looked around the room with her smirk, "now get to it!!" She said pointing to all of them and going over to the door and out into the hall for a moment before she turned and headed down to the outside and leave them to what they would do now.
Richard, Nick, and Michael had all gone to sleep, but Scott was still awake. His mind was still on this race of reptilian insects, and what they were going to do in order to stop them. He got up and headed out of the hotel, going to the research lab to see what they might have come up with. It was here that he ran into Aiko, who seemed to have more of a spring in her step than the last time he saw her.
"Hey there. It's been a while."

Scott rubbed the back of his neck.
"Listen, I'm sorry about what I said about your suit that time. I know you were egging me on, but it was still something I shouldn't have said. People made fun of my Valor arm once, too. They called me 'Tin Can Man'. It's silly to think about now, but it really got to me at the time."

Scott looked over at the lab, knowing that he had run out of small-talk.
"Anyway, I guess you're wondering what I'm doing here. I came to check and see what the lab has come up with. I'd like to learn a little more about these things, since I don't think that I'll be able to just use brute force on them forever. The more we know, the better off we'll be."
As they stood there illuminated in the outside lights of the lab, it felt like things were changing around and between them.
She stood outside for s bit to catch her breath, jeez she couldn't relate to anyone, no one has any information or even bother to listen much to what she had to tell them though she knew that most of them were listening at least but they had facts that were worse than what she had heard before. The young girl was frustrated and basically the whole country was her alone for the protection. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall as she saw him coming in.

"Whatever..." She snapped rolling her eyes wondering what that had to do with anything at the moment. I was wondering when you were gonna start acting less stupid than you are...well nothing is going on much and it's me who's in charge of this whole thing guess who hasn't he more social power now!!" She stuck her tongue out at him. " maybe if you would be useful to me, I could maybe tell you about my plan....maybe but I doubt it let you join...even more doubt we could try to friends thing...but then again I would be managing already so much more. I have plans I have for tommorrow anyway, I've already laid out the steps for it since I got here...." The young girl turned and walked out of the base as night started to appear now.
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