We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

Daryl and Carol split from the group to search for food and water "Beth saved my life back at the hospital and yours I suppose" she said stopping and handing over the her Knife "Here, she'd want you to have it. We aren't dead Daryl and you should allow yourself to feel" she gave a small smile and kissed him on the forehead.

The rest of the group eventually reach a overpass with a steep ravine on either side. Rick, together with Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, Sasha and Abraham decide to dispatch the group of walkers by luring them toward either side of the road, then pushing them into the ravine. Sasha pulled out her knife attempting to take on the walkers herself, forcing the group to join in, She became so focused that she nearly stabbed Michonne, and accidentally cut Abraham on the upper arm.

Alyissa could only watch frozen in place as she watched the scene unfold infront of her, Rick had been so close to being bitten by a walker until a Arrow shot the brain eater down. Daryl had returned to rejoin them, Thank God for Daryl's good timing Alyissa sighed in relief.
After the walkers are dead, Michonne reprimands Sasha, who stares back at her with angry defiance.

The group proceeds further to find some abandoned cars. Maggie finds a female walker bound and gagged in the trunk, reminding her painfully of Beth. Glenn kills it for her.

Daryl is hunting in the woods, and as he does so, he encounters what remains of a deer, decomposing and possibly eaten by a walker. Daryl appears to consider whether to take the deer and eat it due to the starvation, but eventually he leaves the spot and returns to the others.

he conversation is interrupted by a group of wild dogs that have appeared from the woods, barking, threatening the group. As the whole group tenses for a fight, Sasha quickly shoots all of the dogs, to everyone's surprise. Rick seems to be irritated but stands up, picks a branch, snaps it in two, and uses it as a stick to grill the meat from the dogs.
Noah didn't eat the mean but instead sat there staring at the collar of one of the dogs. Sasha approached him and He gave her a weak smile "Tyreese saved me, Without him I'm not sure that I can make it" he sighed before looking back up to meet her hard stare

"The you won't, don't think just eat" she said sternly before turning her back on him.

Alyissa glared at Sasha but said nothing, she cuddled up to Aiden "I hate this, everything is going to shit and there is nothing I can do about it" she murmured to him before forcing herself to take another bite of dog meat, she tried to convince herself it was deer or chicken but her stomach was fooled by the desperation of hunger.
he group continues to walk. As they walk, Glenn offers Maggie a drink of water but she refuses. Glenn then asks her just to talk to him. Maggie explains that after Hershel died, she didn't put much hope on Beth being alive, but after she heard that she was alive from Michonne, she regained her hope. After she found out Beth was killed the same day, however, she doesn't know if she wants to keep fighting in order to survive. Glenn reassures her that everything would be fine, and she will, because she is a fighter. Glenn then offers her the drink again, and she accepts it. Meanwhile, Sasha is walking by Abraham, who is still drinking his liquor. He offers to share his drink with Sasha, but she refuses, saying that he's just making it worse. Abraham disagrees, saying that she is the one who is making things worse. Sasha disagrees, and when Abraham reassures her that she's among friends, Sasha angrily replies, "We're not friends." Amused, Abraham continues to drink his liquor. After Maggie drinks her share of water, Glenn offers the bottle to Daryl, who refuses. Realizing Daryl is still devastated by the death of Beth, Glenn reminds him that "We can make it, together...but we can only make it together."

Aiden just gave Aly's hand a squeeze since all the tensions was high in the group. He was just glad that he and Aly were at more peace than anyone else. This thing could have brought them down but it just strengthened their love. So in a quiet voice, he looked down at her. "How are you holding up?" He wasn't just checking on her mentally but also physically since the dehydration was awful
Aly sighed and leaned into him "I'm thirsty" she croaked her throat feeling scratchy with no water to drink it would get worst. "This heat isn't helping either" she said wiping the sweat from off her forehead. "What about you Aiden?" she asked
"Same." He whispered and shook his head. They needed to get water terribly but there was nothing they could do until they found something strange. A note was on top of a large amount of water bottles that read "From a Friend." They were all shocked and Aiden looked back and forth from everyone to see what they would do.
Eugene stared at the package of Water and spoke "I indeed believe it's from a friend and of Assurance of the group I'll take the risk" he said before picking a bottle up and opened to gulp it down before Abraham angrily slapped it from his grasp. Eugene looked disappointed until Raindrops began to fall signalling rain.

Alyissa's sour mood brightened as the group rejoiced, Tilting her head back she allowed the rain to pour down her face and into her mouth. The whole group cheered except Daryl, Maggie, and Sasha, who are still devastated by the death of their loved ones and emotionally numb. The gleeful celebration is interrupted by a severe thunderstorm approaching quickly, "There's a barn not far from here " Daryl yelled over the howling wind.
When they are clearing the barn, Maggie finds a walker, who was a girl who died. After Maggie stabs the walker, Carol joins her, and Maggie observes that the girl had a gun and says that she could've just shot herself. Carol tells Maggie that some people can't give up, like them.

Night comes and the group is resting. Maggie is lying by a fire, Sasha is sitting with Abraham looking after her with his liquor in his hand, while Rick tells the group about a story of his childhood with his grandpa, who had served in World War II. Rick used to ask him whether he had to kill any Germans during his time at war but he wouldn't answer. Then when he asked him whether the Germans tried to kill him, his grandpa got real quiet. His grandpa said that everyday he woke up, he always told himself, 'Rest in peace, now get up and go to war.' And then, after a few years of pretending he was dead, he made it out alive. Rick later says that that is the trick: They have to believe themselves to be dead, in order for them to keep fighting until the end.

As they listened, Aiden kept his arms tightly wrapped around Aly, just rubbing his arms up and down her back soothingly.
"We are the walking dead" he said gazing at each and everyone of them with a dead serious expression but Daryl shook his head in disagreement "We ain't them. Rick tries to reassure him that they are indeed not. Daryl huffed and got to his Feet, stepping away from the camp fire "We ain't them" he repeated.

Alyissa agreed with Daryl she never thought of herself as dead on the inside. Not unless Aiden was dead would she ever agree with Rick that they were the walking dead. As Daryl is pacing by the entrance of the barn, he heard a noise from outside. He peeked outside and saw a herd of walkers approaching the barn. Daryl instinctively blocks the door, Maggie notices, realizes what is happening and helps him. The walkers begin trying to push the door open, Rick and the others then realize what is happening and everyone rushes to help Daryl and Maggie. Alyissa began to quiver in fear jumping to her feet she rushed forward to help.
As the storm rages outside, the group and the herd fight each other through the barn door. Everyone is giving it their all not to let the herd in, as the storm gets worse. The screen then goes black as the roar of the storm and the herd grows louder while the group struggles to hold the doors shut.

The next morning, all is peaceful, and Maggie wakes up to see Daryl still awake. She sits by his side and talks with him, telling him he should get some sleep, and that it's okay to rest now. They look over at Sasha, who is sleeping along the far wall. "He was tough," Daryl remarks, referring to Tyreese. Maggie agrees. "So was she," Daryl adds, talking about Beth. "She didn't know it...but she was."

Aiden was now starting to wake up with Aly in his arms and they had successfully held off the herd. "We are okay..." He murmured and kissed the top of her head in relief.
Daryl hands Maggie the music box Carl gave to her, saying that he fixed it. Maggie thanks him. She then wakes Sasha and the two leave the cabin. They discover that, due to the storm's power, all of the walkers were either killed or incapacitated, having been crushed by or impaled on trees. The scale of the destruction is such that Sasha is amazed the barn wasn't destroyed as well; it looks as though a small tornado passed through the area. Maggie and Sasha then sit down on a downed tree and watch the sunrise together. "Noah told me yesterday that he doesn't think he's going to make it and ever since Tyreese die I'm starting to think so too" she admitted with a heavy sigh. Maggie was silent but gave Sasha a reassuring smile "You will" she said squeezing Sasha's hand. Maggie tries to play the music box, but finds that the box is still broken. The women laugh but their conversation is interrupted when the bracken rustles and a Man steps up holding up his hands "No need to shoot, My name is Aaron and I'm looking to speak to Rick"

Sasha and Maggie exchanged confused looks before Maggie responded "How do you know Rick?" she asked narrowing her eyes at him

"I have some good news for you all" he said giving a friendly smile and all of a sudden the Music box started to play.

Alyissa turned over so she pressed her face into his chest as Aly usually did. Mumbling. something inaudible as she began to stir "Still alive?" she asked still keeping her eyes closed until she felt his lips on her neck "Keep doing that and you'll turn me on" she whispered smirking to herself as she did so.
"Maybe that was my intention." Aiden teased back to Aly and kept kissing on her neck, sensually and gently, looking to arouse her even more. However, before they get a chance to do anything else, Maggie and Sasha bringAaron to the barn where the rest of the group is resting. Rick and the others appear to be wary over Aaron's arrival. Maggie gives Rick Aaron's gun, which Rick keeps as he asks Aaron what his intentions are. Aaron informs the group that he had been watching them and that he was the one who supplied them with the bottles of water the previous day. Rick chooses not to believe him, and convinces the group that Aaron has another agenda. Aaron, knowing that he would believe so, asks Sasha to give Rick his backpack, directing him to a small set of photographs of his community which he had taken as evidence of its existence. As Aaron explains what his community is about and emphasizes on its security, Rick punches him in the face, knocking him out.
Alyissa bite back a moan when Aiden pressed his lips on her sweet spot above her collar bone. With Aaron punched out and his pictures fluttered to the hay strewn ground. "Rick why?" she breathed bending over to gather the Photos and showed them to Aiden "what do you think" she whispered as the others tied Aaron to a post till they decided what to do with him.
Aiden incredulously glanced over the photos and shook his head at what was seen. Too good to be true, he thought. It looked insanely safe and peaceful but nothing was like that anymore. It couldn't be true. "I don't know... baby." He murmured and looked down into her eyes. "I want to believe that there could be something like this, like he says but I don't know... all those other safe havens we've been promised and now look at us. I just don't know... what do you think?" He asked as he held the pictures back out for her.
Alyisss gazed at Rick and the others before looking Aaron who was still knocked out cold. "I want to believe that he's telling the truth but after what happened at Terminus, I'm not sure what to think anymore" Aly sighed brushed her bangs back out of her face. "If Rick dosen't trust him...then we don't have a choice"
With Aaron unconscious, Rick sends the group out to watch the area. Michonne tries to convince Rick that Aaron is not a threat, but Rick insists that he is not to be trusted. Glenn informs Rick that there are a lot of places for the enemies to hide, causing more panic within the group. As Aaron regains consciousness, he maintains a positive attitude, jokingly complimenting Rick's strength. Rick shoots back saying that they cannot trust someone who is still laughing after being beaten

Aiden and Aly were sent out to the side near the road for some scouting purposes to see if anyone had followed Aaron. However, it was dead slient for all of twenty minutesand not any movement could be seen or heard. "If anyone is there, they sure are skilled." Aiden commented, walking along the side of the road now.
Aly tagged along behind him "It's unlikely that he came by himself but there's no sign of anybody else here" she said kicking a rock. "I really do think he's telling the truth" she said stopping in her tracts "Why else would he waltz up to us by himself?" Alyissa asked seriously "what if there really is a sanctuary where we can go to?. I don't know how long I can last on the run like this"

Rick kneeled down to give their intruder a hard stare studying his face to see any sign that gave him away into a lie "How many people are there waiting for our group?" he gruffed narrowing his eyes at him showing him the flare gun from his bag as evidence.

"It doesn't matter withier I inform you how many, as It will not affect whether or not he would trust him any more then you do right now" he responded not shaken by Rick's glare.
Rick insists he confesses anyway, and Aaron informs him that there is only one. Aaron also reveals that he and his accomplice have vehicles that they had attempted to bring closer to the barn, but had been blocked by the surrounding trees. Michonne tells Rick that she wants to know the truth by checking it out. Rick turns down the task saying that it is a bad idea, but after Maggie and Glenn speak up in favor, Rick decides to let everyone except him and baby Judith to go scout ahead, ordering Abraham and Rosita to go with Glenn, Maggie, and Michonne and the rest of the group to search the surrounding area. As the groups leave, Aaron tells Rick that he used to be pointed at with guns before the apocalypse, due to his job as a NGO worker, and that he believes he and his people are good. Rick instead warns Aaron that if his people do not return in one hour, he would kill him.

Aiden and Aly joined the search to conitnue looking around the surrounding area. "Do you still think he's telling the truth? I think so... I'm hopeful now." Aiden commented to her as they walked along the distance of the area.
"He could be but what happened at Terminus I'm not sure what to think" she sighed interlocking her fingers with his. Aly pulled on the belt loops so she pulled him away from the group "you tried to turn me on this morning, Did you think I was gonna let you get away with it that easy?" she breathed rubbing herself into his groin to make him hard.
Smirking down at Aly, Aiden shook his head. "Maybe this is what I wanted to happen. I knew you couldn't resist me for that long." he told her with a sly wink, hands wrapping around her waist and pulling her close before pressing a big kiss to her lips, squeezing her tightly to his chest as his head tilted to deepen the kiss with her, letting out a soft, content moan as he was growing hard.
"You know me too well" she smirked running a finger up and down his torso, flickering her amber eyes to meet his "I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I’m going to do to you" she whispered pressing her hips into his growing bulge. "I woke up wet this morning when you kissed my neck and now I want you here...right now." Aly breathed feeling the burning sensation of arousal deep within her.
"Of course I do baby." He smiled and looked down at her as she pressed their hips together. "You want me, baby?" He asked and pressed a kiss to her, grinding their hips together and smirking. "Then let's have a little fun." He smirked and picked her up, carrying over to that little shed where they had looked earlier. It was empty and away from everyone else so hopefully they wouldn't be heard.
Alyissa gazed around the abandoned shack, from what she observed was it was used as storage but it looked as someone had bunkered down in it for some time but the musty smell gave away that it had been a long time ago. Turning to face Aiden she began strip until she was left naked in front of him "tell me where you want to touch me first" she said softly pressing herself against his chest I'm always distracted and day dreaming about you" she breathed taking his belt and tying it so her wrists were bound again "take me anyway you want to"
By this time, Aiden was totally nude as well. When he saw her bind her wrists, he grinned even wider. She definitely learned what he like and she knew how to get him turned on. He took her by the arms and led her over against an old sofa. He had her lay down on the couch. He reached for a cloth that was near and made sure it was clean before pressing it between her teeth to gag her. "You have to be gagged too, you know?" He winked at her before crawling on top of her, pressing a kiss to her neck and then crawling down so his face was hovering over her pussy. "Do you want me to eat you out, baby?" He asked and looked up into her eyes.
Alyissa nodded and whimpered when she felt his hot breath on her folds, her body screamed for his touch. For him to take her without giving any mercy, then more his member twitched against her thigh the more she was eager to have his manhood inside her. Please Aiden she pleaded to him in her chilling body language as she pressed her body closer to his so every curve of her molded to the ridges of his muscular torso.
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