We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

In response to Alyissa's question, Aiden shook his head. "No honey, it is not your fault." He affirmed with a nod and it was the truth. "It was Gabriel's own fault that I killed him. He cut you with a machete on your neck and nearly killed you. No one will do that to you and be able to live to see another day. Don't blame yourself, Aly. It was his own fault for hurting the most important person in the world." He said with a nod and kissed her cheek softly. Besides, Aiden knew that if roles were switched, that if Gabriel nearly killed Aiden, that Aly would have killed the priest as well, but probably wouldn't have bee so sincere about it and odne more than just one bullet through the head. He didn't want her to blame herself because it truly wasn't her fault. "It's alright baby. You're okay now. I love you." He whispered to her and hugged her tightly, still ever thankful that she was okay.
Daryl rolled his eyes "c'mon you two, we ain't busting our asses for nothin" he reminded wiping the sweat off his forehead before hotwiring the Truck as the engine roared to life. "About fuckin' time" he grumbled slamming the hood shut.

Rick smirked before swinging himself into the Driver's seat. With Daryl taking shotgun, it was nice to see some happiness in the group after what happened at the hospital.

Alyissa pulled herself away to pick up the rest of the supplies into the back before joining the others in the Vehicle. Aiden's words comforted her but part of her still blamed herself for Gabriel's death. The Priest could have left her to rot but he brought her back only to face Aiden's wrath.
Maggie and Noah are still taking Beth's demise very harshly. Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Sasha, Aiden, and Alyissa were now going on a supply run as they got into the truck. Aiden kept a firm hold of Alyissa's hand. Sure, maybe he could have handled things differently but there's not much else to do if you harm a man's wife, even if you brought her back. It didn't change that he still nearly killed her and she would have died if he didn't get there in time with the medicine. He wasn't sorry for what he did. Now, he just rode along with everyone, leaning down and kissing Aly's scar. He hoped she would start to feel better and be able to just move on and try and get things right and recvoer from all of this terrible accidents.
Aly shuddered under his kiss, arousal heated her but she gave a playful glare at him for bringing blush to her cheeks. She slipped her hand into his pants to give the same payback. It wasn't a long drive to the Pharmacy where they planned to split up to recover the supplies they had lost over the days since the tragedy at the hospital.

Alyissa smirked at her husband before removing her hand to tease him when they came to a sudden halt.

Rick "Grab all the supplies you can and we'll meet back here in a hour. If any of you go missing we'll come lookin" he rasped handing Alyissa his watch for safe measure.
This time, Aiden did not allow Aly to escape from his sight. He stayed right beside of her as they were able to scrape up a few things- toiletries, blankets, water bottles and other things. Aiden was brushing his arm up against hers. He wasn't sure where they would be going now or if they would just stay on the run or what. All he knew is that they had to stick together and the group had been doing a bit better after Beth's death. of course, it will never heal but they all helped each other grieve. he knew they were lucky to still ahve each other after a close call and he intended to never let something like that happen again.
Alyissa felt uncomfortable with her husband watching her like Hawk "Is there a Reason you keep staring at me like that?" she asked turning around with her hands on her hips. Aly had found contraceptive pills and tucked them into their pack before slinging it over her shoulder. She knew Aiden had come close to losing her but Aly had to put down some ground between them so he didn't suffocate her too much. There were the odd click in her shoulder when she rotated them backwards to relieve the tension in them but other then that she was fine, taking hint that he was scared of losing her she came closer to him "Aiden, look at me I'm not going anywhere" she said softly brushing back locks of his hair out of his eyes.
Aiden came to the realization that he was making Aly uncomfortable, so he just nodded. "I know Aly. I'm sorry. I am just terrified of losing you. I am sorry for making you uncomfortalbe. I love you." he told her and pecked her lips before continuing on, giving her the room that she needed. Soon, they met back right at an hour and were traveling back to the rest of the group. There, Noah spoke about some place in Virginia that was supposed to be a safe haven, where he would have gone. The group finally came to a consensus to try and find it and made it their next desitnation
Noah spoke up when Rick told the rest where they were headed next. "When I left it was secure, walls were put up and it was a home for 20 people living there..Beth was going to come with me"

"It's a long trip, but if it works out. It's the last long trip we have to make" He said flattening out the map so he could mark the route.

"What if it's not there anymore?" Glenn questioned staring at the marked route intently.

"Then we keep going-" he said rubbing his chin before stealing a glance at Judith and Carl.

Michonne added on "Then we find a new place"

Alyissa clutched Aiden's hand tightly at the mention of a safe place. She wouldn't have to go another night without sleep staying in the Church. But a sting of doubt flickered in the back of her brain. "Please lord keep us safe" she whispered to herself when she looked up at the statue of Christ.
Aiden kept silent throughout the back and forth between the members of the group. When he felt his wife clutch his hand, very gently, he squeezed it back. Even though Aiden knew that things could go horridly wrong at any moment, he liked to be optimistic and think that this safe place would indeed work out for the best. He couldn't think about it any other way. Maybe, they finally had a permanent home. Maybe they wouldn't have to run anymore. Maybe.

Afterwards Rick, Michonne, Tyreese, Glenn, Noah, Aiden, and Alyissa are on their way to where Noah's place was mentioned. They had made it through much of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia and were getting close. They park about two miles from town, intending to approach with extreme caution.

"Do you think this will be it?" Aiden murmured softly to Aly as they approach on foot.
Alyissa smiled sadly "Only one way to find out" she answered as the rest of the group approached the Gate with caution. Rick's eyes darted around the new area fearing Snipers would ambush them but Noah reassured him that it was safe. Running forward to push open the gate only to find that it was locked, there was noise coming from the Inside and Glenn hauled himself up to get a look on the other side of the wall. The Town was in ruin, with debris littered all around. No response came from Glenn when Noah asked what he saw. Noah hopped over the wall and crumbled into tear with the others following him.

Tyreese comforted him by patting the teenager on the back "It's going to be alright, your with us now" he soothed as Rick approached

"I'm truly Sorry Noah" he told him before gazing around investigating the damage. He stepped the side to Radio Carol "Place is gone, there is nothing for us here but we'll take a look around"

"If you don't come back we'll come looking" she responded.

Aly sighed in despair knowing that Aiden has experienced the same loss when they arrived at his Parent's home to find that they had turned aswell. "Shit" she cursed silently her hopes of a safe haven totalled.
Aiden was disappointed when they saw another safe haven to be nonexistent. Things never worked out like that. He gave her hand a squeeze and shook his head. "Let's just go check things out, I guess." He muttered and frowned, slowly walking around the sides of the fence, glancing in a few houses just to see. Everyone was a walker though and there was nothing really left. It looked like this place had been destroyed for a very long time. He wondered how recent Noah had seen it last. It was just more false hope and added to the groups desperate despair.
Rick, Michonne, and Glenn headed off in their own directions while Tyreese stayed with Noah explaining his own his own story of loss. "If I didn't have the perseverance, Judith wouldn't be alive today. It's not the end only the beginning" he concluded but Noah didn't seem to be listening to him. Noah then stands up and see his old house from afar. He runs off towards it and Tyreese chases after him. They enter the house and find Noah's mother dead in the living room, her head having been bashed in by a blunt weapon of some sort. Noah falls to her side and apologizes profusely as Tyreese sets off in investigation of a sound he heard from a bedroom. In the bedroom, he becomes distracted by photos on the wall of Noah's brothers and gets bitten by a walker by surprise. Noah hurries into the room and kills the walker before frantically telling Tyreese that he will go get the others.

Alyissa turned her head into the direction to the back of the community where she heard screaming for help, it sounded like Noah and she let go of his hand taking off without telling him where he was going.
He ran off right behind her as well without hesitation. He wasn't letting her go anywhere by herself but he heard the scream too, so he was going now. "Where is it?" He asked as the others were already in the room where Tyrees and Noah were as Noah explained what happened to everyone while they stood there. It seemed like they were going to lose yet another member again of their group
Entering the room Tyreese sat on the floor bleeding out all over the carpet. The large man's eyes were dilated showing that he was
hallucinating. Rick began to panic at how much blood he was losing out of the ripped artery in his arm.

"We have to cut it off" she mumbled before looking up at Rick as he started to take bedsheets off the bed "What?"

"Cut it off!" she repeated louder holding Tyreese's hand tightly so Michonne could get a clear cut to prevent him from turning. "Aiden, Help Rick hold him down" she instructed.
Aiden nodded and went to hold down the man while Michonne was cutting him. It really made zero sense at all for him to hold Tyreese down since Aiden was a real doctor and surgeon and could do these things, but it was whatever to him. Doing so, he waited for Michonne to make the cut and once the cut was made, the sheets and any other bandaging material was wrapped around to try and stop the bleeding, but try as hard as they might, it was next to impossible to make the bleeding stop and he was still out of consciousness.
With Tyreese's limp severed off Glenn helped the larger man to his feet. Rick on one side and Glenn on the other, Michonne and Alyissa could quickly dispatch any Walkers that were attracted by the smell of Tyreese bleeding out. They had to cauterize the wound but with the Silver Nitrate injection gone and no time for a fire. Hope of their companion was running out until she got an Idea "Aiden can we use gunpowder and a lighter to cauterize the wound?" she called over her shoulder as they approached the Locked gate.
"It's our only choice." Aiden murmured and got the supplies ready. Once into the car, he started to cauterize the wound as Aly suggested as the drove. It was Aiden and Tyreese being laid out in the back seat. He worked hard to try and save him but the man was still unresponsive for the entire time and his hope was running very low.
After a momentary stalling, in which the car gets stuck and then crashes into a truck filled with mutilated walkers but then finally Started again. Tyreese has another hallucination. Beth is driving the car, Bob is in the passenger seat, and Mika and Lizzie are sitting by his side, comforting him. Aly tried to keep him awake for Aiden to revive him but nothing was working. Tyreese took a final glance of Bob smiling, looked out of the car window and died peacefully whilst watching the sun.

"Tyreese please" Aly whimpered feeling her heart break all over again at another death. Life had seem to be playing Russian Roulette with them, everybody around her was dying and there was nothing she could to prevent it but play the cruel game and pull the trigger.

Rick, Glenn, and Michonne notice his state and come to a stop, pull him from the car onto the road and where Michonne put him down.
Aiden's heart was broken too at this sight. Yet another member had been killed. Once they had given him the proper putting down and burial, they were silently heading back to the rest of the group. The car ride was quiet and Aiden held Aly a little bit tighter, keeping her pressed into his chest. He is reminded agian of how easily it could have been one of them. While they are lucky they survived, they should be remembering the ones that didn't and Aden took time to reflect on all those family members they lost. Even more than before, he was convinced to never let Alyissa out of his sight. He couldn't lose her too. The deaths of the others were tough, but if Alyissa were no longer here, there would litrally be no reason for him to go on.
Alyissa didn't speak to Noah and averted her eyesight from him while she pressed herself close to Aiden, his heartbeat was the only thing that was keeping her from a Mental breakdown. The supplies didn't even seem worth the trip after losing Tyreese. She didn't know why she was holding a pointless grudge against the teenager it wasn't his fault or anyone's for that matter. Aly dreaded silence, quiet meant that Alyissa was left alone with her thoughts which were in a dark place at the moment.

Sasha was shocked about her brother's death, who could blame her. Atleast Maggie wasn't alone to mourn over her sibling anymore. The supplies that was brought back didn't last long and Rick's group was on the move again, It grew hot with no vehicle the rest of the way to DC would have to be on foot. Alyissa stood in Aiden's shadow for some shelter against the heat, not that it helped much but the Idea of it was attractive enough.
Aiden had never been in such dreadful heat before in his entire life. The sun beated right down on the hot pavement and made the group sweat profusely. They needed water and they needed it fast. Aiden had gone to the point to remove his shirt and ring out the sweat then placing it back on his body hoping for relief but it was no use. "Fuck." He muttered and glanced to Aly. "How are you holding up baby?" He asked quietly.
The group had gone a day and a half without food or water and it was beginning to show at how weak and exhausted they were. "It's fucking hot outside" she panted blowing her bangs out of her face so it didn't stick to her forehead. Rick motioned for the group to rest on the side of the road to find water, Sasha went to a creek bed to find water but was welcomed with dead frogs instead. Alyissa sat under some shade ignoring her hunger pangs but tilted her head as she observed Daryl digging in the dirt to find a worm. What is he?- oh no don't eat it, Daryl please don't eat the worm. she mused but turned away when he gulped it down.

She moved towards Aiden shuddering in disgust as she sat beside her Husband sitting in his shadow again. Thankfully Aly's body was naturally cool to the touch after spending some time in the shade, She sat in his lap where Alyissa stripped her shirt off and pressed her back to his chest "Better?" she whispered her head resting on his shoulder. Exposing her neck to him.
Aiden nodded slowly and kept his arms around her, leaning down and kissing her exposed neck. Everyone that was looking to find water returned to the rest of the group empty-handed and still thirsty. "We should get moving." Rick muttered and Aiden stood up, picking Aly up and helping her slide into the car. A few more miles down the road and they found themsselves running out of fuel and it was back on foot. They attracted a small group of walkers eventually though decided to wait until they got to a better spot since they were so weak and vulnerable. Aiden made sure that Aly was right by his side if he needed to protect her and he just hoped things would get better soon.
Maggie was still pretty sore over Beth but Carl had made her smile a little bit when he gave her a music box to serve a reminder of her sister. Aly caught up with her and offered her condolence

"I know how your feeling-" she started heeling behind her friend

"Don't, you didn't know my daddy and you barely knew Beth I don't need your pity" she snapped turning to walk ahead without anyone else bothering her about her family's demise.

Alyissa flinched at Maggie's harsh words and fell in step with Aiden, hurt because she did know what like to lose a sibling. Her own twin brother had been gunned down in a crossfire of a drug deal gone bad, part of her always felt like it was severed ever since Harley died. They all had lost family in the apocalypse. She understood it was the grief talking but it the words still cut deep.
The group kept moving along the road, starving and dehydrated. Sasha was obviously still upset after her brother's death and wanted to take on the walkers, but Michonne reminded her not to let her anger get the best of her.

Aiden kept Aly close after the words from Maggie. It was disheartening to hear so he gave her hand a gentle little squeeze before they stopped on the road again to try and look around in the woods for something to eat. It was getting to be very depseratenow and things were looking down for everyone.
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