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Anya smiled kissing Sebastian’s cheek, “I’ll see you in a few hours okay?And I’ll be with Krys. Well looked after.”She muttered knowing the man, not to mention she, was feeling worried about her stalker. Knowing that things were escalating, scared her, even if she refused to talk about it. “You’ll be okay on your own?”She said looking the man over, reluctant to leave the man who’d become such a vital part of her life.
Sebastian kissed her head chadtely. "I know. Any bad guy who isn't afraid of krys is a dumb one." He said, knowing that not only was the woman was almost as good at martial arts as her character, and had liscence to carry heat just about everywhere. She was a pretty safe person to be with. Sebastian smiled, kissing her cheek chastely. "I'll be fine. Chris, Jeremy and Kirk are gonna meet up with us and we're gonna run lines, then go look for tuxes." he said, knowing krystal wanted to get married before she started showing to much.
Anya smiled a little nodding.”Indeed.”She agreed sighing softly as he kissed her cheek, leaning into him for a moment, so obvious reluctant to leave him, that it made you wonder just how badly she’d take it if they had to be separated. Sighing a little she ndded. “Good. Go have fun.”She smiled as she showed Krys to the bakerys and dress shops. Though she talked and laughed with the woman, she managed to hide just as much as she told, private enough that not even sebastian’s best friends were allowed past the first few layers of her. Only sebastian, knew her as well as she knew herself. “So, did you find the dress you want?”Anya said as she looked through dresses for herself, knowing she wasn’t going to be in the bridal part, so not even bothering to ask, as she searched for something apporiate to wear.
Sebastian stole a kiss. "I will. You too." He told her, wanting the woman to be happy.

Krystal made a face. Well, i found a few hopefuls. I'm gonna try the first now. Oh, and, you are gonna be a bridesmaid right? Poor mark has no one to be paired with." She said with a smile, wanting to include the woman, because she genuinely liked her, understanding how she felt without knowing the full truth. She was just perceptive like that.
“That’s good. Try them on, we’ll see which one hides the pregnancy the best.”Anya said before looking at the woman startled, eyes widening as she studied her. “Uh-yes?I mean, you want me to?”She said tilting her head, really for the first time, feeling the acceptanace that sebastian had promised. That because they ewre his friends, they’d accept her, and want to know her to.
Krystal nodded. "Good idea." She said, chuckling a bit at anya's startlement. She grinned at the other woman. She hugged her. "Well of course! I wouldn't have asked if I didn't!" She said, still grinning. She wanted anya to deel like part of the Avengers family. She then went into the dressing room, coming out in the first dress. "What do you think, anya?" She asked, needing the woman's imput.
“oh. Well. okay.Though, it’ll be weird not walking down the aisle with my own boyfriend.”She snickered a little at the idea, because really, sebastian was right, the sex was usually amazing. But sometimes jealousy just added enough spice to make things interesting. “I think I really like it. Definitely hides the slight baby bump.”Anya said her own worry of showing in her dress, showing. Because no matter how much she tried not to worry, or sebastian reassured her, the woman was utterly terrified of being pregnant, and she was even worse of a mess now that she was starting to show.
Krystal chuckled. "Its only for an hour. Sebby will understand. " she said, smiling at the other woman, twirling around in the dress. She really did like it, but wasn't quite sure it was the perfect one. "Yes, I think I will buy this dress, but still keep my options open. The rest of the bridesmaids will be here in a few days, so, i'll want their opinions too. Though, it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan." she said, smiling. She could sense the other woman's unease and hugged her, taking a more dominant tone. "It will be fine. I'll help you and so will seb. He loves you, anya."
"I know he will. It's just amusing....I've never had anyone be jealous over me before."she said shrugging blushing a little before nodding "good idea. I'm sure the other's will want to help you choose to."she smiled a little before nodding,sighing quietly leaning into her."I know. Just...babies make me nervous...and I love him to...more then I thought I could...."she sighed quietly the soft smile on her face before drawing away."I better be going. I have class tomorrow and homework to do. You'll be okay getting home on your own?"
Krystal chuckled. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Indy used to get really jealous of me. You'd like him. He's a sweetie, though a bit high strung sometimes." she explained, smilingba little, hugging the woman closer. She could understand the woman's apprehension. "I understand. We all have apprehension, but something tells me you'll be alright." She said smiling softly, as she nodded her head. While she had her apprehensions about letting the woman leave without her, she knew the woman had things to do. "I'll be fine sweets. Will you be alright?" She asked, eyes showing her concern.
“I’m sure I’ll meet him. He’ll come to the wedding with Rob and El.”She pointed out with a smile before nodding. “I’ll be okay.”she smiled before shrugging a little, nodding towards the street. “I’ll catch a cab, and text Seb that I’m on my way. I’ll be fine.”She promised hugging the girl again, “Just be careful yourself okay?”She said smiling as she waved goodbye, and indeed, caught a cab right outside.

It wasn’t till later, when krys came in alone to the apartment, that the men or anyone, realized something was really wrong. “Where’s Anya?”Chris said looking over the back of the couch at his fiancee, tensing a little. Not liking that his girlfriend was alone, or that Anya hadn’t tried to kick them out of the apartment just yet so she could get some sleep.
Krystal nodded. "He'll come with the bridesmaids. Poor guys in need of a vacation." she explained, not going into to much detail. Indio's story was his own to tell her if he wished. "Okay. As long as you're sure." She said, watching her leave.

"Huh? Oh, she left the dress shop early. Caught a cab. She should be gere by now." Krystal said, eyes looking scared and unsure. Sebastian looked freaked. "She's got a stalker. THIS IS BAD." he said, looking frantic as krys fell to her knees next to chris. "I shouldn't have let her go. my fault "
"Shit."chris cursed even as he watched kirk get ready to go. Knowing the other would go out and see if he could find her. "She probably told you she was fine. Stop. We'll find her."chris said gathering krys in his arms as he stood swallowing hard."seb you go to the police. me and kirk'll start searching the city. Krys?stay here in case she does come back. We'll find her."chris said being strong because he knew otherwise the other's would fall apart.
Sebastian nodded, looking afraid. He had no idea what this man had planned for his girl. "I will. Krys its not your fault. You didn't know." He told her kissing her head chastely and rubbing her back, throwing on some real clothes and going straighf to the police. Krystal nodded. "Okay loves. I'll stay here." She said, not looking okay to be alone, but she planned on calling indio to distract her from her worry. She would find this man and make him pay.

When they'd all left, Krystal pulledbout her phone, skype calling indio. "Pick up jomesy... please.. " she whispered, not looking at all alright
"I'm sorry. I'd stay But I need to go look for her. Call indio or rob. Or jeremy."chris muttered kissing her head hating to leave her alone but not wanting to leave kirk searching all by himself.

"Hello?"indio said sounding distracted before he heard her tone."krys?what's wrong?"he said waving g rob away as he stepped out onto the porch to talk.
Krystal hugged him close a moment, kissing his lips. "I will. You go love. I'll be okay." she said, letting go and laying on the couch, trying to relax.

Krystal took in a breath. "I feel aweful, Jonesy. I sent a friend home alone withoutnprotection and now she' s missing" she explaind, sniffling, showing him her ring sith a sad smiled "we were shopping for wedding dresses"
"Hey. That's not your fault. And you have some of the best guys in the world with you now. They'll find her. Not to mention the'll be okay krys."indio said swallowing hard hating that he couldn't be there. Wouldn't be there for hours and hours even if he could get a plane ride."so. Tell me about the wedding and romancing Evans while the others search okay?"

It wasn't till morning though that a young police officer arrived at the door,knocking lightly not sure if anyone had gotten to sleep after they'd sent them all home. The young cop despite trying couldn't quite keep his face straight. In his last year as a cop,he'd seen some bad things,but this took the cake. Not because the victim had died she was very much among the living, but because of the emotional cost."mr. Stan?"
Krystal sighed. "I feel like its my falt though, jonesy." she said, sighing. She really did feel just aweful andbwould likely feel worse when anya actually got back. Krystal grinned a little. "Well, i met kirk when i wasbin japan, right? He knew jow in love with chris I am, so he suggested we date to make chris jealous, right? Well, meanwhile, i was also acting as chris's mystery girl. He finally figured it out in boston, and now we're getting married, and kirk is still my boyfriend. That's a secret though. No, not from chris." She said, explaining everything.

When the cop came to the door, Krystal and sebastian were therebin a flash. "Yes, that's me. Did you find her?" He asked, the worried looksbin both their grey blue eyes heartwrenching. They had both been up all night.
The young cop winced at the look on their faces,noticing how sleep deprived they were nodding."we did. Bthe man swallowed thickly kly."she was taken to st. Thomas' hospital and I was asked to come get you."he swallowed looking up as both chris and kirk stumbled awake themselves. "Where...did you find her?and how hurt is she?"Chris said needing to know, needing to get their reactions out before they saw anya. "She...she was rapedn mr. Stan, and beaten....and tossed out with the morning trash in Triton 's square this morning...the garbage man is the one who found her."he swallowed."while hurt the doctor told me totell you both mother and child will recover with time."
Krystal and sebastian looked worse Even though they knew she was okay. The slight ball of krystal fist was apparent, and sebastian looked like he was ready to kill something. "Take us to her." he said in a dominant tone, krystal texting quickly on her phone. She needed to know who did this, so she could hurt him. She had many connections, and before she knew it, a team of PI's were on the case for her.
The cop nodded biting his lip a little."since you're the one who reported her missing, we wanted to tell you. But she hasn't requested to see anyone. She might not want to."he warned not sure how the woman would respond to finding her boyfriend there.

Which was a genuine concern as soon as they got there anya wouldn't allow any of them further then the door. Even then she'd only let the Nurse Crack it so sebastian could talk.
The two nodded. "We understand. But i need to see her." He told the officer, looking very haggard and deflated.

Sebastian peeked through the door. "Anya? Iubesc? Please, let me in. We're worried about you. Please iubesc?" he asked, voice pleading and dominant, needing to comfort her. Krystal spoke next. "Anya, i'm sorry. Iwould have never let you go if I had known. I feel awful. Its gonna be okay though. Please, just let us in?"
Anya swallowed hard closing her eyes as she rested back against the pillows. Feeling crowded and closed in but even simply hearing sebastian's voice made her want to cry. Because she knew she didn't deserve him. Wasn't good enough. After all she'd been thrown out with the trash. But feeling to hurt and broken to deny him either she sighed quietly."....seb can come in..." chris sighed quietly in relief outside wrapping his arms around krys, kissing her head."let him talk to her person at a time..."he muttered knowing she'd understand anya was probably feeling ganged up on and trapped because she couldn't leave bed without risking her own health or the baby's.
Sebastian creeped in, looking sad, damaged, worried for her. He sat in the chair next to her, stroking her arm softly. "I was so worried about you. My love. My anya." he said, just breaking down and sobbiny and apoligizing. He felt almost as badly as krystal did. Krystal snuggled into chris, laying her head on his shoulder. "Yes, i know. She needs senb right now. But please, just hold me." She said, passing out from exhaustion. This wasn't good for her pregnant body.
Anya winced a little as she looked up at him, face bruised, lip bloody and healing, but the most damage was emotional, though she was bruised and banged up, she’d be fine. At least physically. “Sebastian...”She breathed quietly starting to cry herself as she reached out, gently stroking his hair as he cried.”It’s not your fault. Stop, Seb.”She muttered. “I will. Rest.”Chris ordered even as he picked her up, asking the nurse if they could have the room next to anya’s, smiling slightly as him, kirk, and krys settled in to get some sleep, trying to not worry about the other couple.
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