X-Men vs The Brotherhood (Naomi David X nobody)

"Yeah, I'm a walking talking Elsa. But I don't have an Anna. But from what I gather, I like Mr. E. Sweet old man, like a grandfather, he gives that aura off. Comforting, kind, and gentle. But I take comfort in the fact my parents are shunned by the rest of the family. They're the real embarrassment since they produced somebody like us. Ha!" she replied, and she spoke,"Mostly canvas and paints, but clothes and other stealings are there too. I could have gotten a small apartment on my own, but people ask questions on how you get your cash if you have no legit source of income."
He cracked a smile, at least those bastards got what they deserve. He finished his chocolate and then went back to the door. Once she followed him, Dominic took her to another part of the Fort, a parking garage. Before he went to any of the myraid vehicles he looked at the girl and asked, "Do you think we'll need any extra muscle?" One never knew what treasures that even a vagrant may possess.
"Not if we have a car. Just dump everything in the trunk... But bringing it up to a room, then we'll need more muscle." Charlotte replied cheerfully. Oh, to paint and draw again! To feel the brush and pencil and crayon again! To see her art come to life! She spoke,"How big are the rooms anyway?" Then she got serious again, though serious wasn't quite a face that suited her,"Has anybody ever attacked the place?"
He nodded at the answer and walked down an isle to a white Toyota SUV, then opened the passenger door for Charlotte. "A few hundred square feet. Bedroom, bathroom, living space. They're all furnished but you can do whatever you want with your own room, even move the walls or strip it down to bare bones. And no, nobody knows about this place but us."
"Wow, that's a pretty sweet deal!" she replied, sounding very pleased and impressed as she got in the SUV. She spoke,"Just clothes and art supplies for me!"
About 10 minutes later, Dominic parked at the spot where he had been directed and opened the trunk door as he removed his seatbelt. He left the car running and turned to Charlotte, "Alright, lead the way!"
She smiled, it didn't take long to get to her old place. She got out of the car, and she spoke,"Follow me!" She formed a Phillips head screwdriver in her hand, and walked into the alley, where her door was.
He stayed close as Charlotte walked down the alley. Even back when he was alone, he never spent much time in this part of the city. Even being here was asking for trouble and he kept his guard up in case it found them. "You must be pretty confident, living around here."
"I know the city well enough to know where I can safely have safe houses without worrying. This is my place..." she spoke, reaching the door, then sticking the screwdriver into the keyhole, and she twisted it. The door opened, and she turned on the light.
He merely hummed in reply. She didn't seem damaged so it must have worked for her. He winced a bit at the sound of the lock being picked by an ice tool but as she opened the door, he let her go in before backing in himself, then he turned around to see what sort of place this girl had made for herself...
The place looked relatively tidy, though as far as he could see, there were works of art all over the place. She stashed her great deal of cash into her pocket. She began to pack up her clothes into the various backpacks she had swiped. Once she was done with clothes, she began to carefully take down the hanging art, and pack away everything else.
There were so many pictures all over the walls; painted, drawn, sketched, colored, it took Dominic a couple of minutes of starring to remember that he would most likely have time to appreciate them properly later on. He finally blinked and then said, "Charlotte I think I just met my favorite artist." He said it without thinking and in a voice clearly stricken with awe. Then he blinked harder, shook his head and started grabbing the bags she had already filled. "I'll just take these to the car while you get some of those down..."
She blushed when he outright said she was his favorite artist, smiling when he grabbed the bags she filled, and spoke,"Sounds good to me!" Many of the pieces were good enough for museums and galleries... Now that she thought of it, she should sell. Art was a legitimate job. She spoke,"I'm very flattered!" She filled the rest of her bags, now the place looked lonely.
"Well I'm serious, those are amazing!" He called as he carried the bags outside. When he came back a minute later he piled the remaining bags onto his arms and took another reverent look around the walls. "Yep, still amazing." Then gave her an impressed smile.
She spoke,"I should sell to art galleries and museums, now that I think on it. I could make serious cash, never have to steal again..." She blushed more, and spoke,"I'm glad you like them... Use half of what I got to decorate the Fort."
"Ya know, I think you're right. That place could use some decoration. We could go through some of these tonight, figure out which ones to keep and which ones to sell. I bet you could be famous!"
"Totally, and I know I could be famous. I'm awesome!" she cheerfully replied as she got the last of her stuff into the van, and she spoke,"Do you regularly go hunt around for fellow special people, or are most found by accident?" If he kept this up, he'd certainly get into her pants...
"No, it's usually my dad who finds them, but he's been teaching me everything he knows so that I can lead the group when he's gone. I guess it's only natural that I started finding others." He shut the trunk as the last of the paintings was inside. Dominic then opened the passenger door for Charlotte again, and he winked at her as she got in, "I'm just glad that I started with someone so awesome." Then he got behind the wheel and buckled up, looking over to the porcelain beauty, then past her through the window. "Alright, say goodbye to this place, I'm taking you home," and with that he pulled away, back into the street and drove to the Fort...
She'd sort of miss this place, this place that had been her home, her shelter for so long, but now, she had a new home, a new place. What was for sure was that she was moving up in the world. She smiled when he was all gentlemanlike and opened up the door for her. She buckled up, and spoke,"Christmas be in a few days!" The art would certainly pretty up the Fort.
"That it will," he agreed, "I can't wait to see what everyone else will think of your pictures. Oh yeah, speaking of..." He fished his phone from a pocket and dialed a number. "Hey, Toni what's up? Yeah, remember that girl i was with earlier this morning? Yeah we're on our way with all her stuff, mind giving us a hand? Great, I'm around the corner. Bye."
He gave Charlotte a cheesy smile, "I think you'll like this, I know I will."
"I'm finally moving up in the world, being with folks like me!" she spoke excitedly, eager to set up her new room.... And possible cuddles with Dominic. he was very handsome. She wondered if he knew he had this effect on girls... Or just her.
"Just you wait, in five years' time you'll have gone farther than you may think." He looked right into her pale blue eyes as he pulled back into the seemingly abandoned parking garage that served as the vehicle entrance. "Now is a good time to be a mutant, or a neo-human, or whatever you call us." The expression he wore was one of determined ambition. He looked back out the windshield and took them down a couple of levels to park.
"One day, I dream to raise my future children in a world where people will not hate or fear them..." she spoke, smiling dreamily as he parked them in the garage.
"Well if I have any say in it, that dream of yours will come true." He said with the same confident smile on his face. Then he stepped out and went around to the trunk. As he grabbed an easel and a bag full of other art supplies, he looked around at the otherwise deserted area. "Where in the hell-"
"...Did you find this one, Dom?" The excited voice of a teenage girl cut him off. The slim, red haired girl seemed to appear from nowhere. She was leaning on the SUV and playing with her hair as she stared at Charlotte.
"Toni, you really should wear a bell or something. You're gonna give somebody a heart attack one day."

The short girl stuck out her tongue at him and then returned her gaze to Charlotte. "So what do you do? Wait! Lemme guess... Youuuuu walk through walls? No... I bet you can speak to anything you want, even fish! Am I even close?"

"Come on, lay off her, Toni! I didn't call you down here to talk. Remember that favor you owe me? Well, if you help us carry this stuff up to one of the empty rooms I'll call it even. And DON'T go through anything."
She was smiling, and she spoke,"You have this gift, you know that? You fill people with hope, and get them to follow you. It's beautiful." She almost jumped at the sound of a chirpy teenage girl, and she spoke,"Not exactly. But I might be able to turn you into a frozen statue. Should I test that? You won't be able to defrost unless I say so."
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