X-Men vs The Brotherhood (Naomi David X nobody)

"I'm sure you'll do fine!" Another young looking guy called out. Dominic took Charlotte's hand and held his other hand up, "Alright, everyone save your introductions until after the meeting!" He then guided her back into the hallway, "So that's just a few of the people who come and go here. Some of them live down here, especially the ones with visible differences like Jeffrey upstairs. You should have plenty of time to make some friends after this though." Once again, just as he finished talking they had stopped at another door. Dominic touched the knob, waited a second then opened the door to a wide, hexagonal office that almost looked Presidential. Behind the enormous desk was a frail old man with intelligence pouring from his eyes and an oxygen tube protruding from his nostrils. He smiled brightly and said in a deep, wise voice, "Ah! Come in, my boy and introduce me to this lovely young lady!"
She hid a blush as Dominic took her hand to lead her back to the hallway, his hand's skin was nice and smooth, very pleasing feeling to her, when she's felt naught but roughness and callouses. She watched him touch the knob to a new door, wait a moment, then step in. Upon wherein she saw... A very pretty office, and an extremely old man. Just looking at him, she sensed he lived through lots of things, both good and bad. His voice sounded grandfatherly, also nice to hear. She spoke,"My name is Charlotte Carstairs." She realized it was snowing over her head, a mini snow cloud had appeared and was merrily dumping snow on her. That only appeared when she was extremely happy, so she concentrated, the cloud went away, and she dusted the snow off of her shoulders.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Carstairs. My name is Maximilian Everhardt, and this is my home." The elderly man paused when he too noticed the snow falling in his office, then he smiled wide and chuckled "Excited, I see. Please, sit. Tell me, Charlotte," he leaned forward in his chair, "have you ever met our kind before?"

Dominic was far more relaxed in this room and he sat as soon as Mr. E said to. When he looked at the old man it was with clear affection, and a bit of sadness at the man's deterioration.
"I've never met any one else of our kind until I met Dominic. I can't wait to see what he can do, though!" she spoke. She was this continuing spark of light and joy.... And hyperness, lots of it. Coffee did that to her. It was essentially water mixed with other things, and water gave her energy, coffee gave her an overload. She had such a nice disposition, despite her misfortune and troubles. "I'll show you what else I can do!" she spoke eagerly, eager to prove herself, and held out her hands. In one hand was a sphere of water, constantly shifting and moving, and in her other hand, was a sphere of ice, also shifting and moving. She spoke,"Which one you want to see first?" What she created would be a work of art.
The old man thought, then pointed at the water, interested at what might happen next. Dominic sat upright and attentive.
She smiled cheerfully, and concentrated very hard, making the ice sphere dissipate. She concentrated still, making more water appear, and then she began to shape it, and if you looked closely enough, it was a miniaturized version of the room they were in, complete with mini figures of themselves in it. She couldn't wait to show what she could do with ice!
Both men in the room leaned in to see the shimmery shapes, widened their eyes and then sat back again, looking impressed. "Your control is quite fine, I must say. Please, could we see more?" The older man implored.
She smiled, glad she had impressed both Dominic and Maximilian. She reshaped the water, and turned it into ice... But what she made was far, far more impressive than what she did with the water. With a few more minutes and more ice... She created a magnificent looking ice statue of Dominic. If it wasn't ice, and had color, it would look extremely life like. It had his likeness down to a T. It was even Dominic's height as well.
Once the statue was finished, the old man clapped slowly, "Artfully crafted, my dear girl. Ah, how long have you known of your abilities? I ask because it is very rare for someone as young as you to have such control."

Meanwhile, Dominic stoid up and staired at the sculpture looking dumbfounded. The details were immaculate, he almost wanted to move the thing into his room here. "Don't forget strong," he said with a glance at the man behind the desk, "She froze a car solid earlier, now this." Suddenly he stepped away from the ice and sat down again. A though occurred to him, "I bet you're starving by now, here," he offered the coffee cake from his pocket.
"I've known about what I can do for six months. Six months on the streets forced me to develop my abilities quickly for survival. I can do this sort of thing easily because I'm an Art major... Or I was." she spoke cheerfully, quickly devouring the coffee cake. She spoke,"For another demonstration..." She concentrated, and moved the statue a few inches with her mind. She spoke,"As far as I know, when I make sculptures... They don't melt."
Dom's hand went slack as Charlotte took the cake from him. His jaw dropped and Max coughed violently for a few seconds, waiving for Dom to sit back down, he only needed a moment. Once his breath returned he spoke again. "Six months? That... That's incredible!" He exchanged a meaninful look with the younger man, who whispered, "Dad, You don't think she's...?"
"Oh, but I do. Charlotte, what do you think about Darwin's Theory of Evolution?"
"I totally believe in it. The Neanderthals came from monkeys, apes, them, didn't they? Then mundanes came from the Neanderthals. Then we came from mundanes. Evolution." she spoke. She paid attention in science class. She spoke,"I can also make weapons from the ice, or general tools. They don't break. Makes picking locks really easy." Charlotte really was one special girl. She always understood things far faster than everybody else. She spoke, turning serious,"If you don't mind me asking, what can you do? I love learning new things, absorbing information."
"All worthy skills to have, my dear. But as you said, those of us with extra abilities beyond the normal scope of baseline humans are the next evolutionary step, Neo Homo Sapiens, if you will. But someone as strong as you, especially so soon after discovering your powers, I believe to be an even further refined variety. We could use someone like you to help us survive the ignorant crusade that average men have begun against us, against the future."

Max began to grow pale as his voice got weaker over the course of his speach. In fact, he sat back in his chair and simply nodded to Dominic, who quickly spoke up.

"Sorry, my father is getting tired. Why don't we go find you some more to eat?"
"Keep up with the pack or die. That's pretty much been my philosophy for the next 6 months. Almost every available moment has been dedicated to training, to getting stronger." she replied, looking delighted. She looked concerned as Max looker weaker as he talked. She spoke,"I'd like that. More food, that is." She spoke,"I think the reason why mundanes hate and fear us is because they don't understand us. That and they're probably jealous. Jealous that they're ordinary and we're special. What do you think?"
"I think you get it, Charlotte." Dominic replied as he stood up and ushered her from the room. He bowed as he shut the door, then turned and smiled at Charlotte. "Yeah, he likes you, which means that you're welcome to stay here anytime you want, or need." He started off down another hall and asked, "What are you in the mood for? We've got almost anything, and if we don't then we can get it."
"It's what starts so many wars. Anger, fear, jealousy, hate, and most of all, ignorance. That's my opinion any way. While I'll hate my parents for what they did, I can't hate the whole race of mundanes. You can't hate everybody. As for food... I want hot chocolate. And afterwards, go to the place I was squatting at and grab the rest of my stealings." she spoke cheerfully. She wasn't ashamed of admitting her light fingered ness. She had to steal to live. She continued, though this was more of an afterthought,"I want a shower after we're done. That is all. And to wash all my clothes." Then she got a mischievous look, and spoke,"What did you think of the statue?"
He listened politely and made his way to the cafeteria. He wasn't really surprised that she was homeless, it explained the stale scent and plain clothing, as well as some of the skills she had mentioned in his dad's office. He was actually curious to see what her spot looked like, but there was plenty of daylight left for that. What did catch him off guard was her asking his opinion on her handy work. "Oh, well, It's really good. Like perfect. I'm honestly kinda flattered by it." He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head with one hand. After a few more steps he spoke again, "You, uh, said that your ice doesn't melt, right? I was wondering... if you would let me keep it?"
"Yeah, you can keep it. Tell me where your room is and I'll move it there." she cheerfully spoke. She continued,'What can you do, Dominic? Walk through walls? heat vision?" She spoke,"I wouldn't mind seeing a demonstration!"
"Thanks! We can move it later, when Mr. E's not in his office." He opened the door to a large room with a few dozen tables with six seats each, a lot like a high school cafeteria. There wasn't anyone here, but sounds could be heard at the other end of the room, where there were several serving windows and a few double doors to the kitchen. Dominic cupped his hands to his mouth and called out, "Yo! I need two steaming beans and a cinnamon princess!"
"Aye-aye, Shredder!" A rusty voice replied.

"A demonstration, huh?" He grinned at her, then stepped into an empty spot. "I can't do anything too wild on this floor but..." He shut his eyes, his hair started to stick up straighter, then he opened his now-glowing eyes and electrical arcs danced along his hands. He brought them together and concentrated a ball of bright energy, then stretched it into a loud, crackling web. He quickly turned around as the kitchen door opened. The cook had hurled a knife at him, which he reduced to smoke before letting the lightning fade.

"Here's your breakfast, showoff," grumbled the chef, setting a tray with two mugs and two huge cinnamon buns.
The smells coming from the cafeteria were incredible, she felt right at home. She nodded when he asked her about the demonstration. She looked delighted to see he could command electricity! She spoke,"That was so cool!" She inhaled the smell of the bun and mugs, feeling very relaxed right now. She spoke,"Honestly, it doesn't matter if its hot or cold, temperature isn't a big deal to me. It could be sub zero outside and I'm stark naked and it wouldn't bother me. Likewise, it could be hundreds of degrees out and I'm still fine."
"You're just a plethora of power, aren't you Charlotte?" He teased. Realizing that he may have sounded rude, he added, "And you couldn't have possibly come in a cuter package," before sipping some chocolate.
"I'm strong, I'm well aware. 6 months of pure training does that." she cheerfully replied, taking it in stride. She continued,"Beauty, brains, a powerhouse... What more could you ask for?" She sipped some chocolate. enjoying the taste... She ate quickly, but slowly enjoyed the hot chocolate.
"Yeah, so..." His voice got quiet, serious. "What happened back then, if you don't mind me asking? I mean, everyone here has a story, that's why any of us are here in the first place. You don't have to tell me, I'm just wondering..."
"My parents saw me freeze a glass of water. Goodbye. The end. I get kicked out." she spoke, though it wasn't the whole story, and she certainly wasn't going to say much. She was the family embarrassment... Though it was small comfort that her parents had been shunned by the rest of the family, embarrassments for even producing a mutant child. She spoke,"As soon as we're done, let's get my stuff and get back here. Probably need a few trips, since there's only so much we can carry at a time."
He frowned hard at his plate as he dug in to the food. It never ceased to amaze him when he heard something like that. A single display causing someone to disown their very child, it was disgusting. He actually lost his appitite then, but finished the bite and washed it down. His empty hand was clenched in a fist, but he did not notice. "No wonder you freeze things up, your parents have hearts of ice. At least my parents tried to understand at first. I found out I was different when I was 14. My first girlfriend had just moved to another city, I spent a few days alone in my room, then I found an old picture of us on our first date and it hurt so much that I screamed, but when I screamed I blew out the power. I didn't believe it at first, but then I noticed all sorts of electronic systems acting funny around me. My folks caught on after a while and just told me to be careful. Well, somehow, i must have slipped up because there were men at my house looking for me. They knew and my parents knew they knew. My dad got his gun... but they were faster. My mom screamed... then they stopped her too. I don't remember exactly how I survived, but I know that I killed them and my house burned down. I lived on the street for a year before Mr. E took me in. He adopted me and helped me harness my powers."

He finally looked up again and said, "I'm just glad that you're able to meet him, he hasn't got much time left. But that's enough depressing talk for now. Let's go get your stuff."
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