Family bonds (Junkin and Ladydark) non-con, mindbreak.

Felicity wanted to continue, her hands motioning to touch herself but not having the strength or willpower to go through with the action, her hand just laying on her crotch as she made weak cries for a few minutes before sleep overtook her, her face finally relaxed and she snored softly as her mind floated away from the tiring day.

Maddie and Emily were both now in the kitchen working on different parts of the meal, Maddie was and industrious cook while Emily was much slower and made a few fumbles here and there.

Kristen awoke with a look of exhaustion on her face, the nap only long enough to get her to the point of running on fumes, she looked at her master and the bath with her half-asleep eyes. "Thank you master." Kristen uttered, she knew she was to tired to run the bath herself or add anything to it to make it nicer. "For everything." She yawned loudly.
He smiles at her "You're welcome Pet... I'm glad you enjoyed today..." He starts to remove his clothes slowly as the tub fills, the light scents filling the air and helping to relax her. "It's my job as your master to care for you... After doing such a good job today..." He smiles at her "They even agreed to pay for your company next time..." He moves to turn the tub off and smiles at her "Alright... Let's get you cleaned up and back in bed..." He removes the blanket and gently carries her into the water with him. "Mmm... Maddie is making dinner, you can rest until it's ready..." He sits with her in his lap and slowly runs the wet cloth over her sticky skin, washing the day away "Feel better?" He kisses her now clean cheek.
Kristen took in the smell now filling the room, it alone making her feel a little better, she smiled at her master with slight perversion as he stripped off. "Oh they are going to come back?" Kristen's smile taking over her features. "That's awesome, I really liked a couple of them." She had a bit more energy now as she thought on the two in particular she liked, Kristen helped remove the blanket and did her best to crawl into her master's arms and once she was in the water she simply melted, the warm water felt so good on her aching muscles. "Oh yeah." She was going to comment about dinner but forgot it as she felt the water lap away at her and the wet cloth wiping off the dirt and cum. "So much better." She slipped down into the bath to wet her hair before poking her head out of the water just enough to have her nose beneath it, blowing bubbles like a child, that huge smile on her face still there but rather then for a pervy reason just simply for having fun this time.
Atoshi chuckles at her childish actions and smiles at her, glad she's enjoying herself "Oh really... Which ones did you like..." He had an idea but wanted to confirm it, maybe he'd give them special service prices, they did seem to get her that much hotter. Maybe he'd even use them as reward for her, giving them to her when she does a good job. He relaxes and continues to wash her, even slipping his hand between her thighs to clean and tease her lightly. "You seem happy... Is this how today makes you feel..." He kisses her again "I like it... "
Kristen popped her head up from the water. "The two really rough ones, the one that slipped me the note and one of the other boys." She didn't know any by name at this point, she sunk back below the water, moving some of the bubbles to make a sort of arch for her sunken head to go through, although she was interrupted by his hand moving between her thighs and teasing her, her head moving back above the water again. "A b-bit! I also just really like baths...especially bubble baths." She hadn't really noticed she was being silly and childish, it was just her relaxing and now that he pointed it out she felt a bit self concious as he kissed her. "I...I..." She didn't know what to say as she blushed, nervously looking down into the water now that she realized what she had been doing.
He smiles at her "Relax... I said I liked it... You're cute..." He tips her head up and kisses her softly "I won't tell Maddie... It'll be our secret..." He picks up some bubbles and puts them on her head, "Are you sore... Or can I continue..." His hand still between her thighs, teasing her softly like on the bed before they left. He kisses along her neck as she starts to relax. He liked her this carefree, she was adorable, like a small child trapped in an adults body. He continues to tease her and wash her body, keeping her distracted as he pleases her.
Kristen's blush only deepened as he told her it was cute, her head tilted to look up at him while his lips touched hers, a single giggle running through her body as he put bubbles on her head while his other was softly teasing her. "I'm a little please be gentle." Her body did ache a bit from the days activities and she definitely couldn't go for more sex but his soft touch was mildly soothing. "I won't be able to do anything more then this though." Kristen said as she picked up some bubbles in her hand and blew hard on them flinging bubbles up into the air that slowly drifted back down to earth, she didn't feel an orgasm really building, the ache in her pussy negating the sexual pleasure he was giving.
He smiles at her "I'll put some cream on you before you go to bed... It'll help with the pain..." He finishes up washing her and relaxes, hold on her close, he switches to slowly running his hands per her wet skin. "So... Would you like dinner, or to go right to bed? I can wake you when it's ready..." He smiles at her and slowly helps her from the tub, helping her to dry off. Once dry he helps her back to the bed room, he has her lay down and gets the cream from the bed side table, he spreads her legs and slowly coats her pussy, being gentle. "Would you like to sleep a bit longer?" He sits with her on the bed and runs his fingers through her hair.
Kristen enjoyed the rest of the bath and was looking forward to whatever would stop this ache, it was nice that he cared enough to worry about her. "I think I can stay up until dinner." The two finally left the bathtub, he helped her out once again by giving her a hand while getting out and then she was led back to the bedroom, the cream was a bit cold but it felt good on her sore pussy. "No let's go have some grub." She smiled before pushing herself onto her feet, she leaned slightly against him.

The two had spent longer in the tub then they thought, Maddie and Emily having just placed down the plates when they exited. "Oh I was just about to come and get you two." Maddie said with a smile, pulling a seat out for each of them before moving to her own. "Oh master, may I be excused after eating? I have a little bit of a surprise for you." Maddie asked, fidgeting in her seat slightly with excitement.
He smiles as they walk out from the bed room "She was a little sore from today... I was giving her some meds..." He kisses each of them before sitting down "It smells lovely... You out did yourselves..." He was about to start eating when Maddie made her request, he looks at her and smiles again "Oh do you now... Well then, you may indeed... You seem excited about it..." He glances at Emily "Did you have a hand in this as well?" Meaning her little surprise, he starts to eat "Mmm... This is wonderful... Thank you again... Looks like someone has been watching me in the kitchen..." He chuckles at her soft blush "I'll take to your mother in a little while, let her rest some more... Her lesson was long today..." He smiles at them all.
Maddie and Emily both smiled as he complimented them. "Maddie taught me a little, although I think I'm going to leave cooking to her, I'll just help." The two giggled as they remembered a few burnt pieces of the meal.
"I'm very excited and I think you will love what I have planned." Maddie teased as she quickly ate so she could set everything up.
"Actually no, this is the first I've heard of this surprise." Emily seemed a bit put off by that, her lover didn't tell her that she made plans? She let out a sigh before letting the feeling pass she didn't care she knew that Maddie would never do anything to hurt her. Maddie beamed as she polished off her plate, hitting her chest as the last giant mouthful struggled to go down. "I have been watching you a little bit." Maddie said with a smile before jumping to her feet and putting her dishes away and running into the bedroom. "I'll call out when I'm ready master, can you come in with eyes closed. Don't worry I will lead you to the bed." There was sound for a couple of minutes of quick movement and then a long silence for a little bit.

"I'm ready master." She yelled through the door, her body was clad in lingerie and several candles were lit in the room. She had the intention of taking him by the hand and bringing him to the bed, laying him down on his stomach and doing her best to give him a massage. "Once I get you to lay down you can open your eyes." The candles were scented with different flowers creating a lovely mixed garden scent. "I want to let you know how much I appreciate how much you do for us and I wanted to show you without necessarily bringing sex into it, you can have it if you want but otherwise just view me dressed like this as a nice vanity piece while I do my best to make you feel good okay?"
Atoshi smiles at her "Ah, even kept it from your little angel..." He continues to eat slowly until she calls him, he takes his plate to the sink, he kisses both girls still at the table "You can rest on the couch after you're finished... I'll come get you after her surprise... Emily, help her if she needs it, she had a... Busy day..." He smiles again before heading to the bed room, he closes his eyes and knocks, he can already smell the candles. Once she leads him to the bed and he lays down he looks to her and around the room "Wow... This is beautiful Maddie Sweety... As are you... Been looking through the closet today..." He smiles and relaxes, he knew now how much she belonged to him, willing to please him without sex, he hides his grin. "You always make me feel good... And I'm looking forward to this... You're such a good girl for me..."
"Y-yeah I wanted to wear something special for you..." Maddie straddled him as he laid on the bed, rubbing his shoulders firmly. "I do my best master but all of us are selfish...You opened our eyes and we want...even expect you to perform all the time because your so strong and amazing...but we don't go out of our way to do stuff just for you." She did her best attempt at massaging as she moved down to his upper back. "So I am going to try and do this every now and then for you because I care for your health and wellbeing. I love you master." Maddie continued working, finding a few muscle knots which she attempted to work out with her soft hands against his in comparison much tougher skin and muscles. "Tonight is all for you, if after I'm done you want to sleep, eat, drink, read or anything else I will do everything I can to make sure no one disturbs you. Just ask okay?" She said with the most innocent smile, she expected nothing in return and this was an honest and selfless act.
He smiles and relaxes more against her touch "Thank you Sweety... Mmm... That feels nice..." She was a little too hard in places and he'd help her through it until he was moaning softly from her massage. "Nnn... This will be wonderful every few days... Mmm..." He closes his eyes "So... What did you do with your angel today... You looked quite happy on the couch today... Nnn... Little harder... Nnn yeah..." He would be purring if he was a car, she was a fast learner, he's have to charge extra for this. "Did... Did you have her screaming for you..." He smirks slightly, he enjoyed hearing about her and Emily, as much as he enjoyed having Emily behind her back. "Tell me how you pleased you pet..." He smiles again and continues to groan softly through her massage.
This whole activity was actually quite relaxing for her, she was feeling her master's body in a new way, learning his every contour as her hands tried to pull out every bit of stress he kept balled up inside his muscles, she could do this for hours or at least until her hands got to tired for it, she twitched when he mentioned Emily. "W-we..." She stuttered. "We had breakfast and then watched some TV but got distracted." Unconsciously she moved her hips softly against him and a small wet patch formed on her panties, not helped her master asking if Emily screamed out for her. "We made out for a little bit and then I indulged her kinks a little." She began to pant softly as she spoke, her voice also getting rather erotic as she recounted the day. "I tied her up." Her hip movement becoming a bit more pronounced as she continued to massage him. "Blindfolded her and made her pleasure me as I talked down to her, I couldn't whip her though...She wanted me to but I couldn't bear to hit her, then after what felt like an eternity of pleasure, I untied her and laid her on the couch and returned the favour, she screamed out my name so often it almost lost meaning." The wet patch now also leaving a thick line of her juices coating his lower back as she finished recounting her story, her cheeks on fire she only just realized her hands had stopped for a minute after getting to into her story. "I'm sorry master! I got so distracted." She quickly went back to work hoping that he wouldn't be disappointed with her for it.
Atoshi smirks as he feels her rocking against him, then the wetness against his back, he glances back as her hands still and she continues to rock against him. 'Just from a memory...' He was quite relaxed by the time she started up on him again, so he shifts to flip them, pinning her under him. "I'm fine Sweety... But I see a memory has you nice and wet..." He looks down at her and trails his hand down to slowly rub and tease her pussy. "I want you to look at me... Think about today... And ignore what I'm doing..." He wondered if she'd be like Kristen when she had concentrated on her mother, he keeps his touch light and slow "Talk to me... Ignore what I'm doing... What did you watch on tv... Good girl... Put my touch out of your mind..." He smiles at her.
Maddie let out a gasp of shock as she was flipped and found herself under him, her hands pinned down in one hand, the other now reaching down to rub her pussy and she responded by arching towards him. "Ignore?" She kept her eyes on his face. "I'll do my best master..." She tried to concentrate on the day, everything the two did, he told her to talk about what they watched on TV, her body moving unconsciously as she did her very best to concentrate. "W-we channel surfed for a little bit before we got to some movie channel." She stopped for a moment as his touch got threateningly close to her clit which sent a shock through her entire body before doing her best to return to the story. "We watched a bit of big hero 6, I hadn't seen it was funny an-d!" Another shock through her body as he teased, she was clearly fighting so hard not to concentrate on his touch. "We got about half way through the movie master...before we started..." The memory of what happened next suddenly made her concentrate even harder on his touch. "Master!"
He stops his touch, stilling his hand, he looks at her "No... Ignore it..." He smiles at her "Talk about something else... What gave you the idea for a massage... Talk about the movie..." He waits until she gets back on another topic before starting again, stopping if she focuses on him "Take a mental walk... Along a beach... Or in a forest... Tell me about it... Sights, sounds, smells... Push me from your mind... Good girl... That's it... Relax..." The more relaxed she became the faster his fingers would move, he stares at her and praises her for doing as told "That's it Sweety... What's around you..." It would be awesom if both girls could just zone out, it'd be a big seller, if he ever allowed Maddie with other men. "Very good... Describe it..." He continues to slowly walk her through it.
Maddie gritted her teeth for a moment as she tried to refocus her mind onto the task. "I wanted to do something for you master, something entirely for you, all of us can please you sexually." The thought sent shivers through her body but she refocused again. "I wanted to do something that Kristen and our mother wouldn't do for you." She was still shifting as she spoke, her body naturally at this point craved him, riding his cock being the most natural thing in the world. "A walk?" She asked and tried to concentrate again, it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing second. "I'm...I'm on a beach, the sand is hot a-nd I'm moving towards the shore line so I can walk on the cooler sand, the smell of the ocean" She bit her lip as he sped up. "The smell is really nice and relaxing...There are lots of shells and seagulls, the waves are lapping at my feet." Her legs were quivering at this point, despite her obvious hard work it was obvious that an orgasm was building in her even if she didn't realize just how close it was. "I've jumped into the water, it's really refreshing, Master is swimming with me, I'm kissing him as we tread water I can feel his..." A long moan escaped her lips as her lust began to spill into her fantasy world, her body threatening to cum at any moment with strong quivers shaking her entire body while she was in her far away place.
He listens and watches her, she was doing well for a first time, "Very good... Focus on the beach Maddie... Build me a castle..." He wanted her focused on calm relaxing tasks, away from the pleasure her body was building to. She was a beautiful sight, twitching and moaning softly, her eyes glossed and far away, she was struggling slightly with staying calm. He speeds up again as she gets lost in her fantasy, he'd work with her on this, maybe using Emily as a focus like Felicity was to Kristen. His other hand slows lets her hands go, still slowly talking her through her 'dream' pushing her away from sexual thoughts as much as he can. "Relax Maddie... Just breathe and watch the sun set..." He could see her body winding tighter and tighter, almost ready to snap.
Maddie bit her lip harder this time, she looked so determined as she tried to keep the story going. "Right! I'm swimming back to shore...I only have my hands to build a castle, it isn't very good, it keeps falling~" A long moan escaped as she tried to keep going. "I build it to close to the shoreline and it got washed away, I'm moving further away." Her body was attempting to arch so hard her back wanted to crack into pieces, she didn't even notice as her hands were let go, still staying as if they were pinned, her body locking up as she got close. "T-he sun is really pretty with master...I'm laying my head on his shoulder and watching the beautiful red and yellows in the sky an-" She was snapped out of the dreamworld causing her to thrash, she could cum right now but was biting it back, not wanting to dissapoint her master. "I-we walk..." Her train of throught unable to refocus onto her story anymore despite her attempts, she didn't beg to cum she continued to try and fulfill his wishes albeit fruitlessly as she thrashed against him.
He smiles at her and just rubs her clit quickly, she had done very well this first time, he'd work with her to help her stay calm. "Very good baby girl... You may let go now..." He holds her so she won't hurt herself as she trashes around, then continues to rub softly as her orgasm rips through her. "So good Maddie... Enjoy you're reward..." He keep it up until we body is only lightly twitching and her eyes are fighting to focus on him, he kisses her softly. "I'm so proud of you... We will practice that... Did you like it?" He reaches up to cup her cheek and rubs it softly, looking into her tired glossy eyes and smiles. She looked ready to pass out, he wondered if he could have some time with Emily while her and Kristen slept.
Maddie wanted to thank her master as he told her she could cum but simply couldn't as her body stiffened and she let out a scream of pleasure and her entire body attempted to wrap tightly around her master but he held her down, it took at least 5 minutes for her to slow down enough to be only lightly twitching and she could move on her own, her eyes running over his face as he leaned in to kiss her. "It was really hard master." She said still slightly out of breath. "I didn't like it during it but it felt really nice at the end." She smiled up at him with her exhausted eyes. "But master I was meant to make you feel good, I still can if you want master." It was obvious just how much the act tired her as she attempted to move but if he wanted something she had the willpower to push herself for it. "Do you want me to do anything for you master?"
He smiles at her and lays her back down on the bed, he spreads her legs and moves to kneel between them. "You can let me take you once before pass out... The massage was wonderful Sweety and you did make me feel good... But returning the favour gave me this..." He rocks his hard cock against her wet slit, then starts to push in, he sets a slow then quick pace, still feeling her twitch lightly around him. "Nnn... We will work on it... You relaxing as I please you... It was just your first time..." He holds her hips and wraps them around his waist as he picks up speed, if he could get her to pass out, he'd have some time with Emily before bed. "Nnn... You're such a fast learner and my good little girl... I'm sure you'll get it..." He stares down at her and then starts to rub her over sensitive clit.
Maddie couldn't help but begin to pant as he spread her legs and placed himself between them, she knew what was coming next and how she wanted it after his previous lesson, her hands reaching above her head and taking big fistfuls of blanket as he pushed inside her still sensitive body. "OH MASTER!" Once he wrapped her legs around his waist she tightened them which only made him able to push in deeper, his finger now focusing on her clit. "M-master I love you so much!" She let out a long moan as he called her his good little girl. "Master I won't be able to last long if you keep calling me that!"
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