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Family bonds (Junkin and Ladydark) non-con, mindbreak.

Maddie didn't like the idea of being loaned out, the only man she wanted to be with was him, she would have to ask him about it later, she sped up when he asked her to, a shiver going down her spine as he called her a good girl and then perfect, her eyes glazing slightly as the words ran through her head, he told her she was doing a perfect job and that she was the best he had ever had and she visibly shook her entire body in glee, moans of happiness escaping around his cock. she pushed all the way to the base again but instead of pulling all the way back up very rapidly bounced up and down on the bottom quarter of his cock, the rest buried in her throat as she did it, god she wanted to taste him, to hear his praise as she made him cum, she continued to pleasure the base of his cock with her tongue while bouncing, she knew the feeling of going back and forth in her throat so fast would be hard to resist.
"Nnn... Fuck baby... You have been p-practicing..." As she starts to throat fuck him he moans louder, placing a hand in her head, not to guide but for balance, the other holding the table. "G-God dammit... Nnn... Almost baby... So fucking perfect Maddie..." He moans again, that was it, she'd never be for any other male "You're m-mine... My good girl, my perfect little girl... Nnn! Take it!" He thrusts up as he cums, hard into her throat, bucking a few time into his with its force, he held her in place before falling back against the chair, letting her go. "Nnn... That was... Perfect Maddie..." He was panting and made her look at him "No one... No other male gets to touch you... Understand... You're mine..." He was staring at her, and panting, he smiles.
As he gripped the table Maddie could feel him twitch in her throat, only making her move faster she couldn't describe how happy she was as he barraged her with calling her perfect and good so many times in such a small amount of time, she felt his hands hold her in place as he came, she gulped multiple times as she swallowed every little piece of cum before he fell back and let go. and she was pulled off him to look up into his eyes. "Yes master! Only for you." She panted in emotional ecstasy. "I only want to be your little girl master I'll be yours forever." She was so happy she started to cry, she looked up to him like he was some hero wearing shining armour and riding a white horse, he was utterly perfect to her. "I love you master more then anything in the world." She wanted to hear him say it again she needed to hear it, she felt so close just from hearing him call her good and perfect if he could just say that he loved her he would send her over the edge without even having to touch her.
He smiles down at her and reaches out to rub her cheek softly, his hand shaking a bit "So perfect little girl... I love you too..." He was panting a bit less at sat up a bit more, he watched her as she eyes glazed over and her body shook, "Maddie?" He slowly pulls her back up into his lap, her hands had been behind her back, had she cum just from his praise? He tips her chin up and makes her look at him again "You truely are my perfect little girl... I love you..." He watched to see if she would go again, her eyes still glossy and glazed over.
Maddie gasped as he told her he loved her, her body shaking as she came silently, the only sign being her eyes and quivering body, she was absolutely dripping wet as he pulled her onto his lap, her body still sensitive from the orgasm that even took her by surprise, just hearing him praise her enough to set her off. "Master..." She said weakly as he tipped her chin up to star into his eyes, her arms still held behind her, she watched him as he spoke the words again. "Oh~ Oh god!~" This time much less silent, long moans escaping her as she came again, her eyes shooting to the roof as she arched upwards as her body quivered violently on top of him before she started to calm down and her head landed on his shoulder, her ragged breath hitting Atoshi's neck, she stayed silent, not sure if she could handle another right now, her fingers unlinked from each other and she weakly placed them on his chest. "Thank you master." She broke her silence hoping he wouldn't say it again for now although she wouldn't allow herself to ask it.
He watches her as she cums again, harder this time, when she finally relaxed he lifts his hand to her head and runs his fingers through her hair. "Well then... That was unexpected... Are you ok now Sweety..." He had seen how intense that had been and she looked tired, all though it wasn't the strongest he's ever given her. "Here... Lay down for a bit... I'll go see to your mother..." He takes her to the couch and lays her down, he cups her cheek and kisses her softly "That will be our little secret... Ok..." He kisses her again then stands, he puts their dishes away and sets the rest in the owe to keep warm. He then heads to the spare room, enters and closes the door, he moves to sit by Felicity again.
His touch to her head made her gasp again but once she understood where it was coming from she simply smiled. "I'm okay...i think Master." She stared up at him with soft eyes as he picked her up, his strong arms carrying her with such obvious ease, she felt so safe just being there until he laid her down, she returned his kiss, her blush at its brightest point, she could almost act as a nightlight. "Yes master." She was glad he would keep it a secret, Kristen would surely never let her hear the end of it if she knew every second of the day she would be teased by her elder sister. "Your the best master." Maddie said as she hugged a couch cushion to her chest, her eyes peeking over the edge to him.

Felicity awoke as he touched the bed, her eyes shooting open and reflexively moving away from him, she held her stomach as it growled, she felt like she should do something, the old her would have argued, it would have kicked and snapped, but she was broken she didn't know what to do anymore, was the arguing worth it? Her stomach growled again. "Food..." Felicity said, obviously trying to be demanding but just seeming weaker and more pathetic then ever.
He smirks at her, the fear was nice, he even heard her stomach. "You want to eat... Then you have to get ready to leave this room..." He stands and moves to the chest across the room "Lay on your back and spread your legs... Close your eyes..." He pull two vibrators from the chest and a chastity belt with a lock. He gives her a minute "Do this and I'll let you eat..." When he hears her finally shifting on the bed he turns and moves closer "Very good... Keep them closed and don't fight me..." He pours a little lube over her and slowly works the toys into her, they were small and would only tease slightly until tuned on. He then slips the 'belt' on her, it was more a tight fitting pair of panties with a locking waist, he clicks the lock in place. "Alright... You can get up and open your eyes... Follow me to the kitchen..." He moves to the door and waits for her, hiding his grin.
Felicity stared up at him, still that powerful anger laying inside her but overwhelmed by fear of what he can and has done, his voice was so strong and sure, it was a voice of someone who made no mistakes, something Felicity once had but that was gone now too, when he told her to lay on her back and close her eyes she stayed still, attempting to fight him in some way but that came to nothing when she realized she really wouldn't eat, when he spoke again she moved into position, a small tear leaving her eye sad at her weakness, she felt him move the toys against her, she didn't utter a word as they pushed inside her pussy and ass and then he added the lock on underwear before telling her to open her eyes and follow, she stood without a word and followed, her body language showing just how downtrodden she had become, from standing tall and confident to hunched and weak beneath the man.
He leads her to the kitchen and has her sit at the table, he brings over her plate and a glass of milk, "Ask Maddie if you need anything... Keep an eye on her Maddie, I'm going to wake the others..." He looks over at her on the couch and smiles, then heads to the master bedroom and enters, he walks over to the bed. "Kristen... Emily... Breakfast is ready... Time to get up..." He moves to sit next to Kristen "Hey... How you feeling today? Still sore?" He smiles and runs his fingers through her hair and rubs her back softly, he glances over at Emily too, she still looked sound asleep. "Emily... Angel, Maddie made breakfast..." He looks back at Kristen "I even got your mother out of bed... She's in the kitchen eating..."
Felicity began to eat the moment she could, shoveling food down her throat like she hadn't seen food in weeks, Maddie looked on and in all honesty felt a bit disgusted seeing her mother eating like a pig, she certainly wasn't the same woman to her, sharing no similarity as she sat wearing just underwear, her gigantic tits wobbling back and forth as she reached for each new piece of food.

Kristen woke with sleep filling her eyes, she yawned and stretched as he ran his hand through her hair. "I feel really good master that cream stuff of yours works really well." Kristen turned and looked at Emily, still completely trapped in dreamland. "Oh mum is up?" The news was enough to make her leap onto her feet. "Yay breakfast!" She ran out of the room and grabbed her food and sat down at the table although she simply held a fork in her hand and looked dumbfounded at her mother's voracious appetite.

Emily weakly opened one eye although it closed just as fast, she let out a groan of exhaustion before trying to push herself up and simply landing back in the bed, her eyes closed and threatening to fall back asleep, apart from that her legs twitched every 10 or so seconds like she was being shocked on her feet.
He smiles and chuckles softly as Kristen runs for food, he then watches Emily and moves to sit by her "Relax... If you're still tired... Sleep... I can bring you something to help you feel better..." He runs his fingers through her hair softly "Just rest..." He smiles and returns to the kitchen, glancing at Felicity and staring a moment, "Well... I guess you were hungry..." He moves to start making an energy drink for Emily, adding a few drugs to help with her sore muscles and stiff joints. He smirks to himself slightly and thinks about last night, apparently she had tightened up more then it looked.
Emily drifted back off again as he brushed his fingers through her hair, the soft touch helping her relax and sending her off again to dream.

Felicity finished her plate and slammed down her milk, she turned to Maddie and weakly asked. "Can I have seconds please?" Her stomach still aching for more food, the last few days had taken so much from her and she hadn't refueled as often as she should have.

"There isn't much left but sure." Maddie grabbed the plate from her mother and put what was left on the plate, and returned and placed it right in front of her and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you for asking mum, I know you've been struggling the past few days." She hugged her mother before moving away, knowing that this would probably be the last pleasant interaction with her mother for a while as Emily and Felicity would surely see each other soon.
Atoshi watches Maddie and her mother, then finished up the drink and took it back to Emily, he guessed Felicity was too hungry to hear there was still someone else in bed. He enters the room and helps her sit up, gently waking her "Here Sweety... This will help..." He slowly helps her drink it, this was good practice for when he had his own little angel, he smiles at her and rubs her arm "Almost done... You should feel better by lunch time..." He glances at the door "Remember... Not a word of last night to anyone but me..." He kisses her forehead, just reinforcing her command from last night. "Very good..." He smiles when she finishes it and helps her lay back down, rubbing her back softly to help her sleep again, she'd be feeling better soon.
Emily grumbled awake again her eyes still closed as he helped her drink tilting it so she could take gulp after gulp, she nodded her head as he told her not a word as if she had a choice, even if she wanted to scream it from the rooftops she wouldn't be able to put the words together for it or even hint at it, once she was laying back down she very quickly drifted off again.

both Kristen and Felicity now finished their food, Maddie moving to wipe up the messes Felicity made both on herself and the table.

Kristen on the other hand got very excited. "Oh Maddie, Mum you have to see the video we got from when master took me out it was amazing there was..." She tried to count out how many boys were there. "5? 5 or 6 I think, 2 of them were so good oh and then they said they would call again, master caught everything with the camera. Master! Can we have a movie day or something?!" She yelled out, proud of her perversion.
He hears Kristen call and smirks as he starts down the hall "That sounds wonderful... I'll hook it up..." He picks up his camera and walks over to the large screen tv, he hooks it up and sets the movie to play. "Alright... Bring your mother over and you can all sit on the couch..." He smiles and moves to get Felicity's control, hiding it in his pocket, he already knew she was gonna fight watching this once she figured what it was. He waits until they are all sitting before hitting play "Keep here there..." He looks to his girls and smiles before moving to the kitchen to clean up and make some snacks, at least for him. He knew the girls would get excited after a few minutes and Felicity would be fine once he turned on her toys.
Felicity moved slowly as Kristen yanked on her's and Maddie's arms, the three landing at the same time on the couch with an audible thud. "What is this a video of?" Felicity asked almost scared of the answer she hadn't been paying attention enough but with how they had been acting lately it surely wasn't a pleasant family experience.

"You'll see mum." Kristen said with a beaming smile Maddie seemed mildly excited, Kristen placing a hand on the upper thigh of both of them, licking her lips as Atoshi fixed it all up and hit play, it centered on Kristen as she was surrounded by the boys, Mark moving to her pussy without delay another boy to her tits and another to her mouth, the last two making her give them handjobs.

Maddie started to shuffle as she watched, Kristen noticed and moved her hand up to Maddie's pussy and began to lightly brush her lips. Felicity on the other hand moved to get up with the intention of walking away, Kristen tried to hold her down. "No I'm not watching my daughter like this I refuse!"
Atoshi smirks as he heard Felicity starting to protest, he pulls the control from his pocket and turns the toys on to low. He picks up the snacks and pulls a chair from the table to sit behind the couch "Oh yes you are... Kristen enjoyed herself and wants to show off..." He smirk and takes his seat to watch the show and not the one on the tv, he reaches over the couch and places his hand on her shoulder until she stops trying to get up. "Watch the screen Felicity... And just so you know... I didn't set that up... She did, she asked for it... I just filmed it... See what your daughter is really like... Daughters... Look at Maddie... She's enjoying the movie..." He smirks and slowly pushes her speed up to medium.
Felicity moaned as she felt the toy turn on, she still attempted to pull away but with considerably less energy to the point where his hand on her shoulder was easily enough to keep her in place, her mind fighting that urge to shut down, to go into auto pilot for this sicko's enjoyment but it was a losing battle as she slumped back into the couch cushion, her eyes glazed slightly as she watched the screen and Maddie, flicking between the two, the toy turned up to medium and anything resembling her urge to fight was utterly purged, she reached between her legs fumbling with the panties to get in.

As Maddie continued to watch her sister on the screen and felt her hand between her legs she couldn't help but want more, she whispered into Kristen's ear and despite Kristen's sound of disapproval she moved, sitting on the floor with her head between Maddie's legs, Maddie held Kristen's hair in her hands and bought her forward to begin licking, Maddie letting out loud pleasure moans as her sister worked her magic.

Felicity couldn't figure out which display to watch but she was getting more and more frustrated as she tried to play with herself, unable to reach her pussy.
Atoshi smirks and moves around after Kristen moves to assist her sister, Felicity was far enough gone that removing the panties wouldn't matter. He looks at her and reaches down, unlocking them and slowly pulling them off, he leaves the toys in and on, set to medium. "There you go Felicity... Enjoy you're daughters..." He turns the volume on the tv up slightly and moves to kneel behind Kristen, he reaches between her thighs and starts to tease her "Is she doing a good job Maddie..." He smirks and watches the three of them, especially Felicity, her quick switch from protest to enjoyment was amazing. He decided to do this more often and with less stimulating each time, until it wouldn't take much to flip her switch.
Once the panties were gone she eagerly moved her hands to play one focusing on her clit the other trying to push the toys in deeper as she flicked between the screen and her daughters, her eyes hungry with sexual desire as she played with herself.

Maddie felt her sister's tongue finally push past her lips and lick her pussy properly. "Good girl Kristen now inside." She felt her sister move her tongue to push inside, She grunted as she bit back a pleasure scream. "She's doing very good master. She may earn a reward very quickly." A dominant smile taking over Maddie's face as she looked down at Kristen who seemed to double her efforts as Maddie finished saying it, small moans pouring around Maddie's pussy as she was teased by Atoshi, she wiggled her hips invitingly as he played hoping there was more to come.
He smirks at Maddie "Oh really... And what will her reward be..." He slowly starts to finger Kristen as she brings Maddie closer, he lightly smacks her ass "Obey your sister..." Giving her a command as he flicks her clit, he glances over at Felicity "Are you enjoying your girls... Aren't they pretty..." He smirks and goes back to watching them, he enjoyed this side of Maddie, when she controlled her sister. He had planned on fucking Kristen but now he wanted to see what Maddie wanted. He rubs over her ass again and smacks her when she moans "Very nice Kristen..." He rubs and smacks again.
Maddie's face turned to one of utter dominance over Kristen as Atoshi asked what her reward would be. "I'm thinking we tie her up so her arms are held above her tied to the ceiling and tease her until she is on the edge and unable to handle it anymore and then I make mum finish her off." Maddie licked her lips and Kristen simply let out the longest moan as she tried to hard to please Maddie, Maddie began to quiver before pulling her sister's hair up a little. "Lick the clit Kristen." Without hesitance she moved to lick it over again and again.

Felicity didn't pay attention to him or her girls speaking only moving to kneel as she watched them go at it, wincing and moaning at the same time whenever Atoshi smacked Kristen's ass, the hand that had been pushing the toys now moving to her tits which were still lightly bruised from last night, pained moans escaping her lips.
Atoshi grins at Maddie "I like that idea... Do you like it Kristen.." He smacks her ass again and glances at Felicity "It's seems mommy like it when I spank you..." He smacks her a bit harder and rubs her ass again "Do you want that to Felicity... Would you like to make Kristen cum..." He slowly moves away from Kristen and back to Felicity, he takes her chin and makes her look at him "Remember who I am..." He slips his hand between her thighs and slowly pushes on the vibrator, pushing it deeper into her, he was thinking of turning it down to low again, get her real desperate. He looks back to Maddie "You get her ready and I'll work on your mom..." He pulls out the control and turns them back to low but continues to pump it for her "Who am I Felicity..." He grins at her.
Kristen nodded as she felt Maddie wrap her legs around her head, the handfuls of hair Maddie had now forming fists as she screamed in pleasure. "Good girl Kristen..." She said as she quivered with Kristen struggling for air for a moment until Maddie loosened her legs, Kristen moved to a kneeling position to catch her breath, licking her lips as she did so.

"Yes master." Maddie moved to get Kristen ready. "Wait there Kristen." Maddie moved to the bedroom and grabbed some rope and a few toys before returning. "Stand up." A very demanding tone making her quickly get to her feet for fear of losing her reward, "Hands above your head and legs spread." Kristen moved into position, a slutty expression on her face as she was bossed around like this when she knew what was coming. Maddie tied her hands and then threw the rope up and over a roof beam. "Hmmm what to tie it to..." She looked around for a moment before running back to the bedroom and grabbing a spreader bar and attaching it to her sister's feet and tying it to that. "Beg for your sister to please you." Maddie gripped Kristen's chin and forced her to look at her.

"Please Mistress toy with me, I want to cum so bad." Maddie smiled at the mistress, a nice touch as she turned a vibrator onto low and placed it inside her sister's begging pussy.

Felicity cooed softly as he played with her vibrator, pushing it deeper. "You...your..." She focused once more, the memory from last night not quite sunk in all the way. "M...master?" She asked questionly as her moans filled the room along with Kristen's and her hands moved to Atoshi's strong arms, pulling at it to try and motion for him to be more forceful with the toy as he turns it to low. "!" She complained at the low setting.
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