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Family bonds (Junkin and Ladydark) non-con, mindbreak.

Atoshi chuckles and thrusts harder in to her "But you are... You're my perfect little girl... And I like to remind you... Don't you like to be reminded..." He smirks and rubs her clit faster "Now... Be my good girl and cum for me... Let go and cum for me..." He leans down over her and thrusts harder and faster, and deeper at this new angle "Nnn... That's it baby... Let go!" He thrusts once more and fills her as his orgasm hit him quickly.
Maddie bit her lip hard to stop herself from hurting his ears with screams and her hands let go of the sheets to wrap tightly around his neck, being called his perfect girl was almost enough but she bit it back he told her to cum and called her a good girl again, she stopped biting her lip so she could speak. "Master! I'm cumming!" Her nails dug deep into his shoulders as she let out her scream of pleasure and her legs pulled him in as deep as possible and held him there as she came, her eyes rolling back as she let out a few gasps before going limp, the teasing from before making her far to sensitive for her to handle the fucking he gave.
Atoshi was panting when she screamed her release, he held her as she went limp and grins "Good night Sweety..." He slowly pulls from her and lays her on the bed, he pulls the covers back and puts her to bed. "Sleep Sweety..." He kisses her softly before leaving the room, he walks out to the living room and smiles wider seeing Kristen asleep on the couch. He looks to Emily "Stay there while I put her to bed..." He gently lifts Kristen and takes her to the bedroom as well, laying her on the other side of the bed and covering her as well. On his way back he peeks into the other room to check on Felicity, then continued to the living room.

"Hello Emily... Come join me?" He sits on the couch and pats the place next to him, he smiles softly at her.
Emily seemed a bit perturbed when Master told her to stay while he put Kristen to bed, was he planning something else? She watched Kristen be lifted up with such ease as he moved her to the other room, Felicity was also still asleep. She wanted to say no after the last interaction she had with him but found herself unable to and despite her best instincts being against him sat down with Maddie's words of trusting Master and listening to Master echoing in her head. "Did you enjoy your time with Maddie?" She asked innocently although obviously showed signs of discomfort that even her programming wasn't able to hide.
He smiles "I did..." He turns to her, he cups her chin and makes her look at him "What happens next... You can never speak of it... To anyone but me..." He grins, knowing she can't refuse his order, she was programmed to obey, he gently pulls her to sit in his lap. "Tell me you understand..." He kisses along her shoulders and back softly, then starts to spread her legs, he runs his fingers over her pussy softly. "Good... Now ignore that I'm touching you... Focus only on my voice..." He smiles at her and starts to rub her clit in slow circles, slowly increasing his pace "You're calm and relaxed... Look at me... You're in a field full of wild flowers... Tell me how they look an smell..." He stares at her, holding her to his chest, her back to him and his arm around her waist and between her thighs.
Emily wanted to protest and speak out, attempting to fidget out of it while he spoke to her. "I understand!" She said, her programming forcing her to comply, he told her to ignore him and her body relaxed a bit despite her pussy being played with by him but she still tried to escape until he told her to focus only on his voice, her body relaxing utterly as it seemed to be the only important thing now even despite her nervousness and worry but even that vanished when he told her she was calm and relaxed, she moved her eyes to his and as he put talked about the hypothetical situation she was to be in her eyes glossed over slightly her mind going to this faraway place he talked about. "They look beautiful, a mix of yellows and reds, it smells exactly how I imagine spring smelling." She sniffed the air as if she was actually there, and didn't take notice of his touchings anymore although her body still reacted to it, anything he did would be a complete surprise, her senses utterly enthralled by the scenario.
He smirks, he wondered how long she would last, her programming making her perfect for this "That's it... Now you're walking around, you leave the field and walk into the forest... Everything is perfect, there are little animals all around..." He speeds up and spreads her legs a bit more, keeping his touch on her clit, his other hand moves to cup her breast as rub her nipple slowly. "Past the trees, you can hear the water... There is a stream..." He watches her, her eyes were glossy and she truely believed she was where he said, he would definitely be making his own 'angel' once they moved. He can feel her twitching slightly as her body grows close but her mind is pushing it away, allowing her to wind tighter. "What are you doing Emily... Tell me..." Against keeping her mind away from her body.
She looked around as if to follow the animals and find all the locations he described in her world, Emily's eyes darting back and forth, her voice became a bit breathless as he continued but her concentration was unaffected. "I'm dipping my feet into the water while watching some deer run through the trees, there is a baby it looks adorable." She smiled at the sight. "I can see little fish in the water, they seem curious about my feet." She started to giggle. "They are touching my feet!" Her giggling continued before slowing down. "I'm moving upstream to see if I can find more animals." She seemed utterly content as she envisioned her walk, unknowingly her body getting bit by bit closer to orgasming and waking her from her dream, her body spasmed softly against Atoshi as he forced her to grow closer, his hands on her clit and nipple building it up expertly. "There is a waterfall and a pool of water." Emily said utterly oblivious.
He grins "Very good... Why not go for a swim... Relax in the water..." He speeds up even more, now lightly pinching her nipple as he body twitches, he holds her a little closer. "You're completely relaxed in the water... Flowers float around you..." He wanted to push her further, see what her limit was, what her reaction would be. He gently squeezes her breast and rubs her clit in tight circles, she was already dripping wet, he grins wider. "Just float around... Completely relaxed... What is the sky like... Are there clouds? A rainbow..?" He wanted to chuckle but was afraid to break her trance too soon, he could feel the muscles in her belly twitching and growing tight, her body beyond ready. But the look on her face, she was so calm and truely didn't acknowledge his touch at all, happy in the world her described for her.
Emily let out a relaxed sigh as she entered the water, swimming slowly around and letting herself enjoy the ambiance before flipping onto her back simply floating, her eyes closed until he asked what the sky was like. "There are a few clouds, they look like they are creating a circle around the pool, water droplets from the waterfall are creating a rainbow but it's hard to see." She squints in concentration, every part of her body was geared for her orgasm but that mental component was so lacking it would take more stimulation. "The water is bubbling." She started to shake while his fingers continued to play. "Earthquake?" She asked with confusion. "The world feels like it is shaking?" She asked while looking around, her voice filled with panting and pathetic moans now, her body begging to cum as she was so close.
"No... It's just the waves in the pool... From the falls... Relax little angel... That's it..." He smiles, he thought she would have cum by now, but was excited she hadn't, it would make it that much stronger when she did. He looks her over, her body couldn't take much more and would 'pop' on its own soon, and he couldn't wait. He rubs her faster still, pinching her clit slightly when she'd let out a moan, pushing her closer and closer. "That's it Emily... Watch the clouds... Feel the waves in the water..." Her body was almost shaking, he held her a little tighter, he pinches her nipple a bit harder and pulls it slightly.
"Waves...right..." She relaxed once again although her muscles didn't they were so tight, Emily's body had never been so close to an orgasm without relief, whether she liked it or not she would cum harder then she ever had, she was dripping wet and her nipples stood hard as rocks, when he pinched her clit she thrust forward and her nipple forced her to shove her chest towards his fingers. "I..." Emily began to shake. "I feel really wei..." Without any mental warning she was suddenly thrust into a body and mind breaking orgasm, her body locked up like a vice, every single muscle utterly immovable, her legs spread wide as she squirted, her scream so high pitched it threatened to break glass before she became breathless after a few moments, her muscles unlocked and contracted violently, her entire body going into the fetal position so fast that she probably could have cracked bones between her hands, elbows and knees, she was still squirting coating every nearby surface with her juices, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she only calmed down a little bit, every movement and touch made her cum again, not simply sensitive compared to other times, with every touch she came. Her level of conciousness utterly impossible to tell as her eyes had yet to right themselves and no muscle had enough control to even allow her to speak.
Her reaction was so quick and intense he was almost shocked, he held her as best he could so she wouldn't fall. Every little movement he made to keep her on the couch with him make her cum again, her whole body had become over sensitive and it made him grin wide. He glances around, he'd have some cleaning to do tonight but it was worth it, he moves her to lay on the couch. He gently pried her legs apart and moves to kneel by the couch, with her still twitching and cumming he leans closer and starts to lick her, sucking her clit and enjoying her flavour. He continues this until she finally goes limp, her body completely spent. He sits back and cleans his face, she had done much better then he expected and was wondering how she'd be once she woke the next morning, he'd never seen such a strong orgasm before. He finally chuckles at her, she'd never be able to talk about it either, it would be his secret to hold. He finally stands and gently lifts her limp body, gently holding her as he takes her to bed, he lays her behind Maddie and covers her, before returning to the living room to clean her mess. It was about an hour later that he finally crawled into bed, he was between Kristen and Emily, he pulls Emily and Maddie closer before going to sleep.
Emily's orgasms were constant as he pried apart her legs and licked at her nethers, there was no way to tell one from another and within a few minutes the inevitable happened, she completely passed out, her body falling unconscious in an incredibly undignified position with her legs spread wide and eyes still viewing the back of her head, her tongue hanging out and drool creating thick lines down her chin and cheek, her body twitched still while she was unconscious as he moved her to the bed, Maddie unconsciously snuggling up as much as possible to her master and angel.

Maddie was the first to wake, she attempted to wake Emily but she was still recovering and refused to wake, she got up by herself, going into the closet and looking around she found a bow and tied her hair back with it forming a ponytail and while looking for something to tease her master a little she spied one of his shirts in the bedroom, she walked over to it and took in a whiff, the smell of her master comforting her. "I hope master won't be mad..." She put it on, the white fabric covering her but the undone buttons making it easy to see her large tits, her ass was in view as well, she went to make breakfast for everyone, a large smile across her features.
Atoshi woke sometime after Maddie, smelling breakfast being made and smiles, he checks on Kristen then on Emily, he smirks, Emily was still dead to the world. He slowly gets up and picks up his robe, tying it loosely, he leaves the room and goes to check on Felicity, he sits on the beside her. "Felicity... Felicity, wake up.... It's time to get up..." He smirks at her, still in the same place it eft her te day before, he gently rolls her into her back "Felicity..." When she doesn't respond he stands and heads out to the kitchen, he wasn't expecting Maddie to be wearing anything, let alone his shirt. He stands to the side and just watches her move around the space, waiting for her to notice him, she looked good in just his shirt. He watches her silently, smiling, the shirt was large enough it covered her, but with it open, it also showed everything, it was quite teasing.
Maddie was quite lost in her cooking, she didn't notice her master until she was almost ready to serve it all up, when she did she jumped and let out a squeal. "Oh god master!" She put her hand to her chest as she tried to slow her breathing. "Sorry master you scared me." She saw his eyes dance over her. "Oh s-sorry master I just saw it and I was umm..." She looked sheepish as she started to admit why she put it on. "It smelled like you and it is just so big and comfy and..." her cheeks were a burning red at this point but before she could continue she turned to see some food on the edge of burning, she rushed away to save it and finally dished it up, placing it into seperate bowls for everyone before returning to the conversation. "Sorry master, I'll take it off, I know we aren't supposed to get dressed." Maddie gripped the collar and went to pull it over her head.
He smirks at her and moves closer "Oh no you don't..." He takes her hands and puts them down, then lifts her up into the counter "I live it on you..." He grins at her and steps between her legs "You look like the perfect little girlfriend... making breakfast..." He presses himself against her pussy and lifts her slightly to slide into her, he wraps her legs around him and starts a slow pace, he leans closer and nudges the shirt off one breast and suckles at her nipple. "I like it on you very much..." He slowly picks up the pace and suckles her nipple harder, then moving to the other one and nipping it gently before licking it softly. "Just enjoy this my Pet... Feel what you've done to me by wearing that shirt..." He moans softly and thrusts a bit harder, but keeps her on the counter, "Nnn... This will be quick Pet... Touch yourself, cum with me... Nnn" He moans louder and holds her hips tighter, bringing her to him harder and deeper, moaning loudly and suckling at her breasts again.
Maddie's eyes opened wide with shock when he moved to her and forced her arms to lower, his large strong hands moving her onto the counter. "You do?" She asked with confusion in her voice when he called her a perfect little girlfriend she visibly trembled, she was so surprised the turn that this morning took as he soon pushed inside slowly. "M-master!" She wrapped her arms around his head as he leaned in to suckle on her, her moans filling the kitchen along with squeals of delight as he moved to the other nipple and took quick nips at it, when he told her to touch herself she did with gusto, reaching between her legs with one hand the other still wrapped around his neck, her fingers moving straight to her clit. "Thank you master! Your little girl will make sure to wear them more often!" She screamed into his shoulder, she wouldn't take long to get to the edge and could feel him already getting close. "Am I your good little girl master?" Maddie almost begged as she got close as well.
"Nnn... No... You're my P-Perfect little girl..." He arches his back and thrusts faster, moaning lightly, "Mmm take it baby..." He thrusts hard and deep as he cums, filling her and bucking against her as he finishes, he moans low as he feels her follow him shortly after. "Nnn..." He rests his head against her breasts and pants, kissing over them lightly, after a few minutes he pulls back and out of her. "You can wear my shirts whenever you want baby girl... Just don't be surprised when come up and fuck you for it..." He smirks and kisses her, then helps her down from the counter "Breakfast smells wonderful... Thank you..." He kisses her again, deeply, twisting their tongues and nipping her lip as he pulls away, he cups her cheeks "I love you..." He smiles, he loved the look those words always made her get, just wrapping her tighter around his finger. He takes his plate and goes to sit down, smiling when she automatically brings him a drink, he gives her a kiss in thanks.
Feeling him fill her with his seed was more then enough to send her over the edge especially along with being called his perfect little girl, she came around his hard cock as she tightly hugged him to her, she rested her head against his while catching her breath and feeling his small kisses along her tits, she let out a gasp as he pulled out of her, and kissed him with the happiest grin on her face, burying her face into the cufflinks of his shirt. "It will just be the added bonus I get all day then." She took in another whif of his shirt while he helped her down and then kissed her with a thank you, the tongue kiss and nip on her lip keeping that flame of sexual tension going. "I-i love you too master." She almost melted in his hands, she couldn't think of anyone else but him after he said it, even Emily took a backseat, she eagerly filled a cup for him and brought him a drink, standing by him like some enamored high-school girl seeing her celebrity crush in the flesh. She should have gone to wake others up or at the very least gone to eat her own food, she simply stood next to him rubbing her legs together unsure of what to do.
He smiles at her as he starts to eat "Mmm, it's very good... Get yours and join me... We can reheat it for the others..." He chuckles softly as she quickly runs to get her own plate "Ah... Sit here..." He pushes his chair back slightly and pulls her to sit in his lap, he smiles at her and picks up her fork "Say ah..." He feeds her from her plate for a bit, it was moments like this that made her so loyal, made her willing to do anything for him. "Thought I'd spend some alone time with you before working with your mother today... We need to get her up and eating..." As she feeds herself he teases her with softly licks and kisses to her breast and side, also feeding himself. His free hand was running its fingers along her thighs slowly.
"Yes master." Maddie said with glee as she hurried to get her own food, she returned and before she got a chance to pull out a seat he pushed back in his own and told her to sit on his lap, she bit her lip at the sight and moved onto him while setting her plate down, once she got comfortable he started to feed her. "Ah!" She said with a wide open mouth like some sort of sick and twisted child-play she happily ate off the fork, she slowly began to eat on her own although his teasing and feeling the massive rod beneath her made it so difficult to concentrate, between each bite she was letting out small moans, she did her best to polish off her plate, sometimes not even chewing her food so she could finish faster. "Master...can I taste you?" She asked with the same begging tone as before. "Your a better meal then anything else." She licked her lips as he played with her, her body shimmying slightly on top of him with every touch. "I've been practicing more...I want to be perfect for you in every way...better then Kristen and mum and anyone else."
Atoshi smirks at her "Practicing huh... And how did you do that..." He pulls her nipple into his mouth and suckles softly before letting it go "Alright... But go slowly, I'm still eating..." He shifts himself to give her more room and goes back to his own meal, he pauses a moment a a she slowly takes him into her mouth. "Mmm..." He moans softly for her then continues to eat. He had to admit she was getting quite good at this, using her teeth and tongue as well, "Mmm... You have gotten better..." He sips his drink and slowly finishes his food, then leans back to just watch her, enjoying the slow build. He runs his fingers through her hair "Maybe you can help with your mother t-today... Mmm..." He grips her hair a moment as she starts to slowly deep him "Nnnn..." But let's go quickly, not wanting to guide her, "Mmmaybe even have your lesson at the s-same time..." He moans a bit louder and watches her, she was putting so much concentration into this, trying to e perfect for him.
"I've been using toys Emily helped." Maddie blushed as she admitted it. "But they are no replacement for you master." She smiled at him as he suckled her nipple. "Of course master I will go slow for you." Maddie got off him, showing her enthusiasm with how eagerly she moved into position, she moved her arms behind her back, wanting the only thing he felt to be her mouth, she licked a the tip for a moment before opening wide and taking in the head, very slowly licking across it while with shallow bounces taking bit by bit more into her mouth, she felt soothed as he ran his fingers through her hair and took it as a sign to go further, taking larger steps until she finally got to the base and felt him grip her hair, she stayed silent as he talked, she heard what he said and would reply when she could but she was determined to show what she learned, she pulled all the way back to the tip before sinking her head back down to the base, gagging once but she got it under control and stayed at the base, her eyes staring up at him they were begging for affirmation, the line of wanting to make him happy and to be complimented, to be his perfect little girl for her own pleasure becoming very blurred as she started to poke her tongue out from underneath, tonguing his balls softly before she began bouncing back up and down again. Maddie had obviously gotten over any issues regarding gagging that she used to have being able to take his entire length with ease.
He looks down at her and smiles through his soft moans "Mmm... You are doing very well... I m-may have to keep your m-mouth for myself... Nnn... If I loan you out at all..." He arches his back slightly "Alright baby girl... A bit faster... Nnn that's it, good girl..." He moans a bit louder and watches her, bucking his hips lightly with her movements "Nnn... Fucking perfect..." He moans, knowing the word does things to her, it was a stimulant to her as much as touching her was. He looks down at her and grins "You're doing a perfect job baby girl... Mmm... Never had a better blow..." He was panting and trying to hold back, he wanted this to last a bit longer, she really was good at it.
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