Family bonds (Junkin and Ladydark) non-con, mindbreak.

"Yes M-master." A gasp interrupting her as she spoke when he pinched her clit, her body felt so sensitive as he played with her his touch was electrifying and she could feel goosebumps come up every time he moved his hand, it was hard to get her breaths to be slow and even and it was distracting to hear her mother ride the sybian in the same room, she was doing her best to focus on so many things that the pleasure was slowly becoming background despite her orgasm surging up inside her, so close to spilling over. "Master..." Drool creating lines down her face and her body aching and shaking on top of him. "Cumming.." She sounded relaxed as she said it and like her mother simply relaxed against him as she came, her eyes glazed over and her previously relaxed breathing now short and rapid as she started to squirt.
He grins down at her and kept rubbing her clit slowly, letting her orgasm come to an end on its own "Very good Kristen..." He kept her so distracted that her orgasm was able to build and surprise her, overloading her. Once she stopped trembling and her pussy slowed to a trickle he removes his hand, watching her "Well... Was that enough of a reward for you my dear..." He shifts her and holds her in his lap closely, he rubs her back and waits for her to recover enough to answer him, if she even heard him. He glances over at Felicity and smirks, she was well on her way to a pleasure filled day, he was looking forward to seeing her when they returned from te park later tonight.
It took several long minutes for Kristen to finally finish her orgasm that shook her very core, his soft touch keeping it from becoming an ache, she heard him talk but the words were a jumble, after she finally recovered she looked up at him with a ditsy expression. "I didn't hear you master." In the back of her head she couldn't wait for the big part of today, to be used by so many all at once but right now she just wanted to recover. Or jump right in she couldn't decide. "When are we leaving?" She asked slowly to make sure she didn't mess up the words.

Felicity was a drooling mess, her hands groping her tits roughly as she came silently, the only sign that her orgasm was rocking through her being her shaking legs, she was off in her own world enjoying every moment of this loving sexual torture, her eyes glazed as she pulled at her nipples, her large breasts with soft red marks around the edges of her nipples.
He chuckles softly at Kristen "I asked if that was a good enough reward... But by your actions... It seems it was..." He smirks at her "As soon as you can stand and walk again... Lay here and recover while I check on your sister... And take your time... You need it to be with those boys..." He kisses her softly and lays her near limp body on the bed, he stands and moves to the door "No more touching until we are at the park... That's an order dear..." He smiles and leaves the room.

He walks down the hall and opens the door to the master bedroom, he looks to the bed then moves to the closet to get his and Kristen's clothing.
"Okay master" Kristen said with a satisfied grin pasted over her features as she let out a soft squeak when she was laid down, she waved at him as he stepped out.

Emily awoke when Atoshi entered and went to the closet, she sat up and looked down at Maddie, a few red lines still around her eyes from last night, Emily leaned in and gave her lover a kiss before getting to her feet, wrapping herself in one of the bed sheets before walking over to the closet to speak to Atoshi. "Master I want to speak to you." She didn't say master like it was some sort of title but more as a name as it was all she knew Atoshi by. "Didn't you go to far in how you treated Maddie last night?" Emily didn't want to say it but she quite enjoyed it but Maddie was her main focus right now. "She was doing her best."
Atoshi turns as he hears Emily's voice, he sets the clothes down and walks over to her "You don't understand little angel... Maddie has always been very good and loyal to me... As a reward I gave her you... But she was putting you above me... And I couldn't have that... I'm sure you understand that... I gave her the harsher punishment so she'd learn the first time... I didn't enjoy hurting her if that's what you're worried about..." He steps closer and gently removes the sheet "Much better... We don't cover up much here... Clothes get in the way..." He looks her over and smiles "I didn't get to ask you last night... How did you enjoy it? It was a punishment for Maddie... But not for you... Was it..." He remembered how she reacted as responded to his rough treatment last night, to the point she blacked out.
Emily blushed as he removed the sheet. "It still went a bit to far, I'm worried she may be scared now." She watched his probing eyes as he talked about last night and asked if she enjoyed it, a soft pant making her chest heave as she remembered the rough night. "I..." She bit her lip softly and the blush deepened. "I enjoyed it...maybe a little to much." She confessed as her eyes shot to the side. "But I don't want to see Maddie look like that again, I'll miss out on that sort of sex if she doesn't want to give it." She looked back to watch Maddie roll over and hug a pillow in her sleep. "She's so sweet and soft." Emily said to herself with a smile, her heart fluttering as she watched her lover.
Atoshi smirks and steps up behind her, even after all they'd done, she still stuck her programming, being an innocent angel. He wraps his arms around her waist and licks her ear "Are you questioning my training of my own Pet... Little Angel..." He holds her there and keeps her facing Maddie "If she misbehaves... I need to punish her..." He starts to slowly rub her clit, picking up speed "Maddie is my Pet first and foremost... You are her's... But you both answer to me..." His other hand moves up to cup her breast and pinch her nipple "That's what I taught Maddie last night... That I can take what she wants most... For my own... And she has no say..." He can feel her shivering and her hands twitching "She belongs to me... Say that for me Angel..." He slows, keeping her on that thin edge "Who owns Maddie..." He whispers in her ear as she stares at the bed.
Emily's blush deepened to its reddest point, her face feeling like it was on fire as her ear was licked and his arms were around her waist, she stayed mostly silent as he spoke apart from the moans and pants, a louder moan escaping her as he pinched her nipple, her body quivering as she reached up to his hands with hers, twitching against his as he played with her. "M-maddie belongs to you...and as such so do I..." She continued to gasp and pant as he played with her like this, trying not to wake Maddie, worried about how she would react.
"Very good... Now watch her as you cum..." He flicks his finger faster against her and continues to lick her ear, he doesn't stop until her legs are shaking and she's panting. "Very good..." He repeats and slowly lets her down, so she's kneeling outside the closet, letting her mind slowly return to her. He returns to the closet and picks up the clothes he had before he was interrupted and exits the closet, he looks down at her "This didn't happen... Understand angel..." At her slow nod he smiles "Good... Then back to bed... Don't leave it until your mistress is awake..." He watches her slowly get up and do as told, then moves to exit the room.
Emily once again tried her best to be silent as she did what Atoshi told her to, following the orders that had been programmed into her from before, her body grew closer and closer to orgasm as she watched her lover sleep until finally she bit down hard on her lip to keep from making any noise as her entire body shook through the throes of orgasm, she felt him softly lower her until she was on the ground in a kneeling position, her breathing now ragged."Yes I understand." She said with a soft voice before pushing herself back to her feet and moving over to the bed, crawling in and laying down beside Maddie, moving the hug from the pillow to herself, she cradled Maddie softly in her arms, her body still softly quivering with every touch or movement around her sensitive areas Maddie made in her sleep.
He returns to the other room and checks on Felicity, then moves to the bed and sits, he rubs Kristen's cheek softly "I have a few outfits for you to try when you're ready... If you dot like any, we can check the closet again... I'm just checking on your mother..." He smiles at her and kisses her cheek. He moves back across the room and kneels before Felicity, he grins at her "Hello... Can you remember your name... Or who I am..." He pushes her hands aside and massages them himself, rubbing her nipples gently and slowly. He looks at her and watches as another orgasm hits her, it wouldn't be long before the low speed did nothing for her except tease her, he wondered how she's react to that.
Kristen snapped out of a stupor as her master approached the bed, she smiled up at him as he held out the outfits. "Oh yay!" She moved to sort through them, holding them over herself and looking over them, so many choices.

Felicity's tongue was poking out of her lips, lines of drool down her chin as the sybian worked its magic on her clit and pussy, the vibrations numbing her mind with every orgasm, her hands had been pushed away by his so he could play with her breasts, while she had been rough his hands were soft and leisurely on her massive mounds. "I'm...F-F..." She furrowed her brow as she concentrated. "Felicity." She said with certainty stained with her loud slutty moans. "Your our master..." As she finished yet another orgasm rocked her body, her quivering intensified as she got more sensitive. Her body hadn't dulled the sensations yet.

Kristen meanwhile had picked two sets of clothes and put them together. "Master! What do you think, on the outside..." She spun and showed off the just below knee summer dress, it swishing nicely as she spun. "And underneath." She lifted up the dress now it showed a much shorter cut skirt barely enough to disguise the view if she bent over and a tank top showing enough cleavage you could probably lose a car in it. "They will think I'm being modest and then bam, absolute turn about."
Atoshi smirks at her "Very good... Never forget your Master..." He adds a little lube to each of her breasts so she doesn't rub them raw, she'd be no good damaged. He leaves her to her lesson and stands again, he walks over to Kristen as she shows off her outfit "Quite fitting my dear... It suites you well..." He pulls her close and kisses her softly "Are you ready to go meet your new playmates..." He slides his hand under her outfits and grins, she wasn't wearing any panties, "My naughty little Pet..." He only softly rubs her thighs as a tease, removing his hand. He kisses her again then moves to set up the camera to record Felicity while they were out "This will make a lovely video for her later... Don't you agree dear..." Once that was set up he pulls another camera out of the trunk and turns to her. "Tell the boys we'll be there soon... I'm just checking on your sister before we go... Wait by the door..." He smiles at her and moves to his room again, he goes and kneels by the bed, he softly rubs her cheek until she looks at him, he smiles "Don't get up... I'm just taking Kristen to the park to meet her playmates... Your mother is training, leave her be... I definitely don't want Emily anywhere near her yet... If you need me, just hit #8 on the house phone... We'll be back in a few hours... Continue to be my good girl for me..." He leans closer and kisses her, twisting their tongues together, he slowly pulls away "Again, be good..." He stands and leaves the room, he takes Kristen's hand and they leave, he locks up and they head to the parking garage.
Felicity could only continue her moans as he lubed up her tits and her hands eagerly returned to them.
Kristen let out a laugh as he told her how the clothes she wore suited her. "Oh definately I can't wait to see how they react, and what they will do to me." A sexual purr passing through her lips and then a gasp as his probing hand found her bare pussy, she bit her lips as he rubbed her thigh softly before pulling away to set up the camera. "I doubt she will be able to tell at this point." Kristen giggled. "Shes changed so much so fast." Kristen went to wait by the door as he checked on Maddie.

Maddie slowly awoke as his hand carressed her cheek, her eyes softly opening to stare at her master, she moved to sit up until he told her not to. "Yes master." She said with sleep heavily evident in her voice, she perked up a little as he kissed her, the passionate kiss eliciting a weak moan before he pulled away, she moved towards him as he pulled away but not far enough as he stood to leave.
Atoshi smiles at her and walks them over to his car, he lets her in "We'll drive today... So you can rest on the way home... Did you contact the boys?" He sets his camera in the back and gets in, locks up and starts the car, he pulls out and heads out onto the road. "Are you excited my Pet..." He slowly makes his way to the park "You're going to listen to those boys today... The only one you listen to above them is me... Understand Kristen..."

Meanwhile at the park there was a small group of teenage boys waiting by the park fountain. "Come on Mark... Where's this girl... Or were you just pulling our legs" a few of the boy laugh while the three that were there that day stayed silent, Mark looks at them "She'll be here... But if you wanna chicken out... More fun for us..." He glances at his friends.
"Oh! I didn't actually know you had a car master." She jumped in and got comfy, wiggling until she found the best spot in the seat before doing up her seat-belt, the belt separating and highlighting her large bosom. "I did but I didn't give them an exact time, hopefully we arrive to a nice big group of frustrated and impatient boys." She smiles devilishly knowing that boys had a hard time keeping it in their pants when they weren't teased this would be torture for them and they would surely pay her back by jumping her the moment they could. "Yes master I will make sure to listen to you above them if you order me to do something." She nodded at his question about whether she was excited, an obvious energy bouncing through her as she shifted in the seat with anticipation, Once they arrived she fumbled with the belt clip and door handle and hopped out before turning and waiting for her master before they moved further into the park and she finally spotted them, jumping up and down slightly, she waved to them and yelled out "Hello!" A clear excitement driving her voice. "Master should we find a private spot straight away or tease them a little in public first? I could easily rub a few of them through their pants without anyone noticing, or give them a public french kiss..." Her mind started to wander as the images filled her head each one getting more and more dirty.
Once they park te car Atoshi chuckles at her eagerness, "Relax Kristen... Let's find a spot... There are too many little ones here today..." He kisses her cheek and takes her hand, he tips his head to the boys who start to follow them, they head down one of the trails and go off. They walks for a little while until the come to a large clearing in the woods. "Well... This looks good..." He turns to the boys "Alright... Today's a free for all... It's a gift for my little girl here... She'll do anything you want..." He turns her around slowly "Isn't she cute... If I don't like what you're doing, I'll say so... Also.." He holds up the camera "I'll be filming today... Don't want in tape... You don't touch... Simple as that..." He stands behind her and looks at the guys "But... Are you really gonna say no to this..." He slowly pulls off her cute little dress to reveal how she really is.

The boys follow they, the doubter from before was already getting hard watching her "Sorry... Guess you weren't lying..." He pats Mark on the back and grins, the other boys looked just as excited.
It was hard for Kristen to simply follow him by his hand, she wanted so much to turn and jump the boys as they followed as well, she stood silent but shifted due to excitement while her master explained the rules and turned her on the spot to show her off like some toy at a prize auction, her dress was soon removed by him to reveal her tank top that barely qualified as clothing and the strip of cloth struggling to hide her crotch and ass, her boobs bounced readily without a bra and with a little wiggle in their direction it was obvious she wore no underwear, she spotted each of their growing bulges. "I'm glad you all showed up...after that last outing." She stepped towards them slowly. "I so wanted to meet each of you in person." A sex hungry grin appearing over her face as she eyed each of their crotches, she reached the boy who slipped her the phone number taking him in a deep kiss and moving his hand to her crotch and her hand to his before pulling back from the kiss, her wetness covering his fingers. "You get first dibs on anything though since you gave me the number." The boys soon surrounded her with only enough space for the camera to see what was happening. "Have your way with me boys."
Atoshi smirks "Didn't think so..." He sets the camera up and sits back on a log to watch, this was her fun, not his. Mark and the two boys from the first time move in closer, Mark moving between her thighs and dropping his shorts, he was barely on the ground before he thrust in to her. Another boy kneels over her chest and was already bare, he starts to use her tits, pressing them together and thrust in slowly. "Nnn... Your boobs are the best..." Mark was thrusting into her quickly "Nnn... Wait till you get her pussy... Fuck..." The third boy tosses his jeans and tips her head back "Open girl... Nnn..." He starts to fuck her mouth slowly. The other two boys finally move closer and lift her hands to start her giving them hand jobs "Nnn..." They both moan softly.
Kristen was certainly a bit surprised as they didn't waste any time and Mark's first move was to stick it in although she would certainly be made a liar if she said she disliked it and soon there was another boy using her ample chest to wrap his cock and give himself a tit job, her slutty expression showing just how much she was enjoying the treatment, her pussy and tits being used and soon her head was tilted as she was about to make a comment and her mouth was full of cock, gags and happy moans flowing out from around his cock, her body thrust against Mark and bought her tits with her on the down and up as she thrust to taste the other boy again, her tongue working its magic on him as she concentrated hard on every motion and now her hands were lifted to give the boys handjobs, her hands moving quickly in an attempt to keep up with the pace of the others, still only sounds of pleasure escaping her between gags, they didn't fill her the way her master did but the taboo of it all certainly made up for it.
Mark began to thrust into her pussy harder, holding her hips and pounding into her "Nnn... This is so fucking good!" He moans louder, as Mark thrust harder it made her boobs jiggle that much more and the one enjoying her tits groaned a as he felt it. The one in the throat continues to thrust into her, deeping himself almost every time and smacking his balls against her face. The last two were slowly falling to their knees, not used to standing, they held her hands to their cocks until they were down "Ahh... Nnn... S-Sorry... Mmmark... This is great..." The boy in her left hand said, the other just moans and makes her work him faster. Atoshi was watching everything and got up a few times to move the camera around to get everything, getting several close ups as well "Ease up on her throat... She'll be no good if she can't breathe..." The boy nods and pulls out a bit to allow her air.
The muffled moans got louder as she was thrust into harder although it made giving a blowjob more difficult as she was now struggling a little to breathe but not enough to panic about she felt the base everytime he thrust in now as his shaft pressed into her throat as much as possible, her hands moving on their own while the two boys lowered to, she began to moan more as the camera moved into her very small field of view and as the boy eased up on her throat a singular loud moan escaped her and she came for everyone to see, her legs tightened on Mark and her tongue simply lolled in her mouth, small twitches causing pleasure for each of the boys, she couldn't wait to hear what they said about her cumming in such a situation as her pussy lubed up even more and tightened hard on Mark.
As she came each boy had a different response, Mark cried out as she clamped down on him, he pushed through it and thrust faster, feeling his own climax coming. The boys in her hands moaned louder as she gripped them tighter and they moved her faster "S-Shit... I'm.. Nnn..!" The boy in her throat thrust deep once more as he came, falling back on his ass as he pulls free, the last of his hitting her face. The one in her tits also came as he saw his friend do so, "Nnn..!" He coats her face and pulls back to get some on her chest, he soon moves off her to rest a moment, panting as he watches his friends. Mark thrusts even faster and grips her hips harder, he was so close, he looks up at her cum covered body and grins, he reaches with one Han and quickly rubs her clit, wanting her to cum around him again. As she starts to twitch around him again he groans and holds back until she's squeezing him "Ahhh!" He thrusts deep and fills her, the two on her sides also cry out and cum, costing her even more, all three fall back panting and staring at her. Atoshi smirks and gets up, moving the camera to film each climax, then film Kristen laying there covered in cum "Did you enjoy round one my Pet..." He looks around to the boys as he films her face.
Kristen did her best to drink the boys cum as it filled her mouth and throat, The two boys thrusting along with her hands stroking them were making louder moans as did her best, Her mouth and rest of her face covered soon as he fell back and tits as the boy between her breasts came and now only Mark remained, she barely had a chance to come down from her own orgasm as each of the boys left their mark, now that the boy in her mouth had fallen back she could take a deep breath and the other boy had fallen away allowing her to look down at him again, her body dripping with cum she must have looked like the biggest slut and before she knew it he was hammering her clit as well as her pussy. "OH GOD!" She screamed out and her hands tightened even more on the boys along with speeding up again. "I'm to sensitive! I'm going to cum again!" She screamed and came once again as she threatened to tightened enough to turn his cock into a diamond she felt him cum along with the two boys and her upper body was now coated with her pussy filled, she fell away and rolled onto her knees as her master came up to talk to her. "y-yes master." She muttered happily, her body shaking a bit as she stared into the camera, she reached back and spread her cheek with one hand and pussy lips with the other. "Please don't stop boys, cover me from head to toe in your cum, use me like a toy!"
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