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Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

Shion stopped every now and again, focusing in on the fight and nibbling on her thumbnail, a soft frown formed on her face.
Moriko took a breath and shifted her foot so she could use all her weight into one big push, shoving Senji back and making him stumble a bit. But Senji only regained his footing and started swinging harder, actually cutting through the shield this time. Moriko thrust forward, bashing Senji in the chest and making him growl in pain. Moriko let her guard down, lowering her shield to peek at Senji, only to have his blade pierce through the weak spot he had been chipping at in her shield. She gasped and stumbled away, holding her wound before Senji punched her hard in the head and knocking her out.
Shion grunted softly and allowed herself to smile, returning to her workout, but she couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of malice and rage looming overhead.
When Senji made it back to his room, the door was dented heavily and knocked off its hinges, barely remaining attached to the wall, blood dripping from the door handle.
Yui was waiting for Senji on his bed, Branch of Sin already activated, and the room completely trashed. A broken and bloodied Shion lay under Yui's foot, groaning weakly. "Senji..."
Senji clenched his jaw hard, "Got an explanation for me, Lovebird, or did you just trash my place and fuck her up for the hell of things." The tv chimed with the familar tune of the penalty game and it showed Moriko strapped to the chair waiting for Doctor Takashima.

((I watched the whole anime and not once did I hear them say her fucking name.))
Yui's eyes slowly slid over to look at the tv before returning to look Senji in the eye, the mask of blood over her face giving her voice a chilling echo to it. "Call it getting even." She said, standing and stepping on Shion's hand, making her cry out in pain.
"I didn't have a damn choice. I kept your toy as intact as possible, she's still pretty enough to look at." He growled. Moriko took a deep breath when the slot machine showed she would have to lose her right kidney.
"Well perhaps you should have thrown the fight." She said, then dashed forward, on Senji in seconds and throwing a hard left hook, scowling in rage.
Yui spun to deliver a hard kick to his temple with her heeled boot, the crouching low to sweep her foot under his feet, knocking him to the ground. Shion tried to activate her Branch of Sin to help Senji, a long thick tentcle struggling to form before swaying wildly, and them splattering onto the ground. Shion was too out of it to focus clearly, and was lucky her blood only splashed her a little, the blood making her tattered clothes sizzle and dissolve.
Senji couldn't get the room to activate his own Branch of Sin, so he used all the strength he could muster to kick Yui away; struggling to get back on his feet, being dazed from the kick to his temple.
The kick sent Yui stumbling, but she was resentless, launching herself at Senji once again, she bit deep into his shoulder with her Lovers Kiss. "This is the one fight you should've forfeited, Senji."
"I guess I could say the same about your little fuck buddy..!" She yanked backwards, tearing at his flesh and quickly slamming his head into the side of the wall. "What is up with you and that girl?" She growled, grinding her fist into his temple as she listened to Moriko's cries of pain on the television.
"Oh, so then that little fuck in the gym was just in my imagination?" She brought her knee up into his groin hard. The sound like an electric wire hitting the wall followed by a sizzling sound made concrete crumble down ontop of their heads. Shion was trying her best to keep herself upright; her eye was swollen shut, and her lip and brow split and bleeding, but a thick tentacle swayed slowly back and forth, dripping acidic blood on the floor. "Get out." She struggled to speak clearly, her scalp split to expose the bone of her skull; she probably had a concussion.
The next few moments were a blurr for Senji, Yui knocking Shion to the ground and repeatedly stomping on her head until blood splattered across the floor, leaving Shion unmoving. Returning to Senji, she looked down at him, wiping away the blood on her face.
Yui tilted her head and brought her foot up, slamming it down repeatedly on Senji's head, eyes flaring with rage.
((Should we make the AU shift?))
Another pine cone dropped onto Senji's head, the squirrels in the tree he slept under not really liking his presence. Morning filtered through the tree branches, showing another day was upon the man.
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