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To get the girl I like, I got to get her family (Fancy & Me)

Eva took a few sips of her tea, though quickly pulled back since it was so hot. Vanessa seemed to have no problems taking a few sips at a time. She noticed him hesitate a little before he spoke, but she didn't show any reaction to it. Jenna was still running around outside, but being out there alone was starting to get to her. She slowly moved back to the house, finding the three of them at the table. She was just in time for the little story Alvin was telling, but moved to the kitchen instead. Vanessa's ear twitched a bit when he mentioned his father being a tamer, but she seemed to stop everything she was doing when he mentioned his father being the Grand Champion. Eva seemed to notice how Vanessa reacted and was beginning to get worried. she looked back from her to Alvin, seeing her react to every detail. As soon as he finished, she had set the cup back on the table. Her expression was not her usual calm look. " are his son." The room was suddenly filled with tension, but the silence was broken when Jenna popped in again. "W-wait a second! Are you serious?!" Eva was worried about how they reacting, and she looked back at Alvin. Vanessa spoke up again. "Jenna, take Eva to the room." Jenna blinked, a little confused but did as she said. Eva took another worried look back before she was ushered away. "I know about your father, a little too well. It was a time when I would wander outside the forest myself, but I was confronted. He intended to make me his, but I was somehow able to get away. He was a horrible person, and because of him, I have chosen not to leave this village." There was another long silence. The situation was sure to be nerve-wrecking for Alvin. There was a new presence about her, which was almost scary. "I'm sorry Alvin, but I cannot allow you to meet with Eva. Even if you are as nice as she says, I am doing it for her safety." She gave him one last look that seemed to pierce right through him. "I must ask you to leave."
Alvin watched Vanessa and Jenna carefully, he knew what he had done, and he knew that no one would react well. This was why he continually spoke to Eva telling her that it wasn't a good idea if he remained close. He had hoped they would be a bit more understanding. Yet he could tell as he watched Vanessa's actions as he explained his fathers. Before he finished he slipped a locket into Eva's pocket, without anyone even her noticing. It was something he stole from his father last time he was 'home.' Alvin took a deep breath after he had finished seeming already, full well to leave at a moments notice. He remained silent till Jenna poked herself into the conversation. "To unfortunate standards yes.... I share the blood of that man..." Alvins eyes down cast one eye covered by his spiky red hair. He listened to her tale, he knew it, she was the one he bragged about. "The one that got away...." Alvin muttered to himself too low for even them to hear. When she continued to speak he found himself painfully smiling. "I understand, this was why I asked Eva to never bring me here. At least no one saw me here so you can still act like I never came." Alvin spoke as he stood up, his hair hiding his eyes. "Oi, I know that you at least will hear this request, Jenna.... Tell Eva goodbye for me..." Alvin spoke as he reached the door, but he stood still not leaving there home yet.

He felt as if he had to say it, he had too. Though they would not understand it, "I have returned what you lost the day you met my father...." Alvin spoke leaving there home heading into the forest unseen. When Eva would find the locket she would find the locket, held within was what Alvin assumed was picture of her mother. He also put a small note in it, 'Be good, we will meet again someday, I promise, :Alvin'. His father had found it on the ground before he returned empty handed. Alvin had to malice or hatred against them, for barring him from seeing her. He would find a way to be with his friend again one way or another. His stride quick, he found his way back to the cave by following the way they went. He ran through the cave landing on the ground past the slope hard. He could feel blood running down but it didn't matter to him, he slowly rose and went to his bag at the base of the tree looking up into it. His mind began to wander to the first time he met Eva, it was in this exact spot. She fell out of the tree onto him, it had hurt like hell but... Just as that through crossed his mind he felt a drop on his face. 'water...' he thought the clouds had darkened he had knew it was going to rain, yet he didn't feel like pulling out what he had brought to camp with.

He felt as if the rain would at least wash a little bit of his black blood from him. "As always, you find a way to ruin my life even more father." Alvin spoke to himself as he felt the presence of someone. He care not who it was, unless it was Eva, but he knew she wouldn't come here anymore.
While Alvin was excusing himself from their home, Jenna had brought her back to the room, setting her down on the bed. "Jenna? What's going to happen to him?" She was clearly worried, but she was still thinking about what she had heard. Everyone in their family knew about his father, and the horrible things he could have done to Vanessa. "Don't worry about it all right? Just stay here right now. I'm going to talk to her." with that, she left the room to head back to the living room. However, when she returned, neither Alvin or Vanessa wasn't around, but the door of the room Luna had been sleeping in was closed. If she went up close she could hear her sobbing inside. "Tch." Jenna grumbled softly as she debated walking in now. It was likely though that Luna was awake and would be talking with her already. Jenna herself also hated Alvin's father for what he did, but she could not bring herself to hold that against him. Knowing Luna, she'd probably kick he rout anyway. She gritted her teeth a bit as she noticed the dark clouds looming outside. It was obviously going to rain. She wasted no time then in running out the door, slamming it roughly, leaving the three unfinished cups of tea still on the table.

Eva still sat in her room, jumping a bit as she heard the door slam downstairs. She quickly moved to her window, seeing what looked like Jenna running outside, but she couldn't be sure. The rain had started to come down, handicapping her vision. She fell back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. What was going to happen now? She sighed as she moved her hands to her sides, feeling the little bump in her skirt. "Huh?" She reached in, pulling out the golden locket. It seemed oddly familiar to her, but she didn't know why. She fiddled with it a bit, but it suddenly slipped between hr fingers, falling to the floor with a loud thud. It burst open, and she quickly dropped down to it. Her gaze first moved to the picture. It couldn't be. "M-mom?" She noticed the note right next to the locket, tears forming in her eyes as she read it. She wiped some from her face, only to have them replaced with more. "I will be please...come back."

The footsteps grew even louder before they stopped. "Hey! Alvin!" Much to his surprise, he would find Jenna standing there, gasping for air. She had run non-stop from home, and her knees were killing her. "You're going to give up...? Just like that?!" She growled softly as she moved even closer to him.
Alvin didn't move at Jenna's voice for a good time before sitting up. His movements were sluggish, and rough, he lifted his head. His red hair clinging to his face, he looked at Jenna. His gaze was sharp, it was like his eyes pierced through her. Alvin sat there glaring at her, she did not catch him in the best mood. Though she had not done anything his body was reacting to what has happened. His nerves where going haywire his mind boiled with rage against his father. The Sadness of being bared from his friend, it was all getting to him. His eyes averted from her to the pond full of ripples. 'Give up...' Alvin thought, he had spoken of doing anything to gain approval of them earlier. He had known this would happen why did he go... Why didn't he oppose Eva! Why didn't he just say no!? But for some reason, he found it funny.

It was one of those moment that you were so mad that you just laughed. His head reared to the sky and he just laughed, his hair covering his eyes. "Why not! Why don't I just give up, it is my fate to be hate by pokegirl's! Who am I to care about anything other then my self! Who am I to challenge the black blood it me!" Alvin yelled as he sat there, staring at the sky, he could feel the anger in her. Rightly so though he didn't know entirely why. There conversations before he had always been so sure of himself so proud, so true to what he belived in. But this made him doubt, everything he had done till now. Every meeting with Eva, every talk they had, everything and anything. Alvin's head fell back to where he looked to Jenna. "Who am I to hurt her like this...? Cursed by the black blood of my father, I have already sinned against you all... The sins of the father are the sins of the son aren't they...?" He spoke, it was clear that the fact that his father had tried to tame one of them bothered him. His eyes, were unlike they were with anyone but Eva. Soft, Gentle even, but they seemed odd, as if a deep sorrow was hidden behind them.
Jenna just stood there watching him. The rain had started to really fall now, and the two of them were getting soaked. For the longest time, he didn't say anything to her. She was left standing there. "Say something damnit!" He stood up before her, and she wondered just what he would say. She was shocked as he suddenly threw his head back, letting out a maniacal laugh. Her eyes widened in fear and confusion. what had he become. He had completely changed from the Alvin she was just talking to earlier today. "W-why are you laughing?! Don't you see what you're doing?!" It appeared that he had quite the talk with Vanessa. It was clearly about his father, and now even he was turning against himself because of his blood. "You idiot! Wake up!" She growled as she moved in, suddenly slapping him roughly across his right cheek. "Don't you get it?! You think you've been hurting her all this time?! Do you know how much she wants to see you?! You're hurting her now by trying to forget all about her!" She clenched her fists tightly as she continued. "Sins of a father...are the sins of a son...what kind of crap logic is that?!"

Back at their home, Vanessa had seemed to calm down for now. There was a knock on the door and Eva slipped inside. She held the locket tightly in her hand, with the note tucked safely in hr pocket. She knew that her sister was probably still mad about this whole thing. "Vanessa! Vanessa, you need to see this!" Luna looked up at her. " were supposed to stay upstairs you know." Eva took her sister's hands, plopping the locket in her hand. "I thought I need to at least give this back to you, but it wasn't me that had it."

Jenna stepped back a few steps. the rain had made her clothing stick tighter to her body, also weighing her down a bit. The same could be said for Alvin. "If you're not going to listen to reason..." She suddenly lifted her fists up, spreading her legs a bit. "...I'll knock some of that reason in you! If you really want to see Eva again, then you're going to fight! This is for both of you!"
Alvins head went sharply to the side when she smacked him, but he just sat there. Silence ensued as she ended her little talk. It was at that time, like a low rumble his laughter returned. This laughter was darker then before, it was at this time the true scary thing would come out. Alvin slowly inched up the tree standing, his upper body hanging down arms swinging, laughing. His mind had reached it's breaking point, all the pent up emotions erupted, he would no doubt return to himself at one point. Yet even so it was clear he would of long hurt himself beyond medical repair. "You fight me...?" Alvins laugh grew deeper and darker as his head rose to meet her face to face, his eyes seemingly blank. He swayed back and forth slowly his laughter taunting her. Without warning he lounged at her his hand catching her shoulder before she could react, but rather then start wailing on her he just pushed her forward. She would find a sting where he had grabbed her, Three slash marks on her skin, all three dripping blood. Each were shallow cuts but he had no weapon on him, it meant he did it with his nails alone if anything. His crackling increased, as he flung himself at her again, this time fists swinging in her direction, without even seeming to aim. He just struck in the direction she was in, laughing all the while, he was leaving himself open for any counter attack. But She was to find that attacking back was of no use.
Jenna backed up a little as he started to rise to his feet. A little chill ran up her spine as his evil cackle returned. His anger and depression was starting to overwhelm him, and he was becoming like this. It was a horrible thing to witness. for a while, she seemed hesitant, her eyes wide with fear. She had no time to worry about that though as he suddenly lunged at her, grabbing her by the shoulder and pushing her back. It wasn't enough to knock her back, but she felt the stinging sensation in her shoulder. she looked to see the three cuts. they weren't too bad, but enough to draw some blood. He was dangerous no doubt. Before she could think, he came at her again, flailing his fists wildly at her. This was fine, as he was far too reckless in the attack. she could easily read his movements like this, and she saw her chance for a counterattack. She ducked in, clenching her fist tightly. "Sorry." With all the strength she could muster, she sent her fist straight into his gut, making a sickening sound upon impact. This had to be enough to take him out, or at least knock him senseless.
The fear in Jenna seemed to push his attacks more and more. He was swift, and it was clear his hits were hard, by the gust of air that moved. But it was most likely the laugh that unernved her more, that blood curling laugh. The cuts would of surprised him too, but not now, he was too focus, to find his hails were now sharpened. It was when the impact came against him that that grotesque sound came. A gurgling sound that was worse then when someone was sick. That strike was indeed enough to knock him senseless, if it was any other time. The sound stopped and he seemed to fall a bit, his hand on her shoulder clenching softly his head upon his arm. He remained still for a good short time, before his head popped up. That blank look in his eyes now had a ear to ear smile attached to it. "Wrong O!" He laughed again, his knee connected with he stomach. He could feel the force of it, it wasn't hard enough to bring someone of her resistance down but it would sure as hell hurt. He stepped to the side of her his leg raising up above her only to come down onto her back slamming her into the mud. "Little dog, oh little dog, fight thy master, you fall all the faster!" Alvin crackled as he hovered above her his voice cracking.
Jenna seemed very hopeful in seeing her attack connect, and she saw him start to fall back, but she soon noticed it was all an act. She was surprised that her attack had done nothing to him at all. she gasped as he grabbed her shoulder again, this time sending his knee up into her stomach. A sickening gasp escaped her lips as she felt the air knocked out of her. She wasn't down yet though, but she felt his leg suddenly drop down on her back, sending her down into the mud. "Tch...what the hell?!" she muttered to herself. This side of him was so cynical and twisted. It was hard to picture after seeing him before. "Are you mad?! you think Eva would want to see you like this?!" She rolled away from him, quickly getting back on her feet. It didn't look like regular attacks would do her any good, so she'd have to find another way, but what? Her eyes widened a bit as a plan came to her head. "do I really want to go through with that? What about Eva?" she thought. There was no time to be thinking about it with alvin like this. She had made up her mind. this was the only way she knew that she could snap him out of it. She growled softly as she quickly charged him, roughly tackling him to the ground. She quickly grabbed his wrists, shoving them down against the ground. At the same time, she tried to reach and remove his pants. Despite his struggling or attempts to strike her, she managed to avoid it, pulling down his pants and boxers. His member was now revealed, a little hard already. She was rather embarrassed at what she was about to do, but there was no turning back now. She started to stroke his member roughly, trying to get him erect. At the same time, she started to slip out of her own clothes, pulling off her shorts and panties. She secured his arms once more, still stroking his member until he was nice and hard. she grabbed his arms and positioned herself over his member. "It's for Eva..." she said, suddenly lowering herself all the way done on his member. She gasped as he stretched her out, her body tensing a bit. she couldn't rest now though, and started to raise and lower herself on top of his member.
Alvin continued to laugh as she rolled away, "Mad? Oh, hatter, oh hatter, are you madder? Is there something the matter, does that make you sadder?" Alvin laughed as he began to speak in riddles. By this point there was doubt that even Eva's voice would get through with him. He did seem surprised by her actions. Tackling him, to the ground he seemed quite unaffected. He did really seem to resist in the same way. He could feel her hand soft and smooth, slippery from the rain falling upon them. It was at the moment of hesitation when she lifted herself up, she would feel turning. He pulled a full Three sixty he was now on top of her. His hand lifted her rear up, He thrusted himself into her as roughly as he could. "If this is what you wanted then you wanted then all you had to do was ask." His laughter had stopped and he seemed more calmer, but still twisted as could be. Despite the mud of her shirt his face shot down. Mouth clamping on her breast, he bit down not enough to bring any blood but enough to mix pain and pleasure.
Jenna let out a little cry of surprise as she was suddenly moved to the ground. He had managed to shift the weight, and she was now on the bottom. This was not how she had planned it at all. She was hoping that she would bring him to his senses this way, but now that it was like this, he was still acting on his sinister side. Each thrust into her made her cry out in pain and pleasure. This was her first time, and her body was still getting used to this new sensation. In due time though, the pain had started to subside, quickly turning it to pleasure. She clenched her fists tightly when he clamped down on her breast, biting on her nipple. It was like he was trying to please her, but torture her a bit as well. The sensation was starting to overwhelm her, and she soon found her natural instincts kicking in. She began to gently buck her hips against his thrusts. "N-no...this is for Eva..." Dd she really want this? Sure it felt good and all, but that wasn't her intention. The sound of his balls smacking against her ass echoed loudly in the area, even amongst the rain.
Alvins new personallity switched seem much more calm and in control. Even so he was clearly not the original one. This one seemed much more like most tamers. He grinned at her screams of pain and pleasure. he could feel the trickle of the blood and her juices, along his balls. He leaned back as she began to speak. His crackling laugh came back for a few moments. He grabbed her shirt, his nails slashed through her shirt ripping it off of her. "For Eva? Really now, why are your hips connecting to mine, why aren't you fighting me? Your just a little slut aren't you?" The darker Alvin spoke in a calm tone. His thrust grew harder, and harder, he began lifting her up. He lifted her up so he was standing, her shoulders and head were the only thing still on the ground. Alvin grabbed her legs pushing them down against her chest. Leaning down he pushed himself even deeper into her. "Let me hear it, let me hear you say, 'im a little bitch, and I only want you to fuck me.' Come on say it!" Alvin spoke using bitch in it's literal meaning.
Jenna's body continued to squirm under him. Her body was feeling amazing right now, despite the circumstances of which she was experiencing it. The mix of her blood and juices made it much easier for him to thrust his member deeper and harder inside her. For a while it looked like he had calmed down, but he then reached forward and tore her shirt clean off of her body. Her eyes widened again at his words. Was she really doing this because she like how it felt? Of course, this was her plan earlier, except she didn't think it would turn out like this. "N-no...I'm not a slut." As he continued, she grew uncomfortable with him lifting her up. She felt the stretch in her back as her shoulders and head remained on the ground, and soon her legs were pushed up against her chest. She cried out again loudly as he reached even deeper inside of her, making her body shiver violently. "I can't say anything like that...I can't..." She then thought about it. This wasn't Alvin, at least not the real one. However, she couldn't help but admit how amazing he was making her feel. She bit her bottom lip gently before she spoke up. "Ah...I'm a little bitch...and I only want you to fuck me." She could feel a growing warmth over her body, and she could tell she was close to her climax. It wasn't much longer from there that she tensed up again, spilling her fluids all over his member. That was the first part of the bonding process. All that was left was for him to cum inside her.
This darker Alvin seemed to enjoy tormenting her like this. Her squirming body, all the noises she was making. He knew full well she was enjoying it. Her body coiling around him, as tight as it could he knew full well he had her where he wanted her. He could only chuckle at her protests about her being a slut. Oh, she knew full well it was in he blood to be one. It was in all pokegirl's blood to be sluts, or at least that was what this Alvin thought. He loved how her body shivered around him the deeper he went. As she thought about herself not being able to say it, he began pressing down harder against her. His thrusts grew faster as she spoke, and that psychotic grin returned once again. In the position she was in, her own cum splattered down her body, barely missing her face, most landing on her chest. As she came a strange burning sensation formed on her shoulder. It wasn't hot, it was rather pleasurable, like someone put a warm pad on a tense muscle. It formed into a strange mark, it was dark and black, something ominous about it. After it had fully formed, Alvin grabbed the small of her back lifting her up so she was pressed up against his body.

Her legs still squeezed close to her chest, her feet now resting on his shoulders. Without a moments hesitation he dropped her down, all the way to the base. He held her there allowing her a moments rests, as he leaned in. "Such a good girl, my master is going to have fun taming you, and your entire little hidden village!" Alvins laugh echoed out, it seemed faint, like it was coming from behind. A dark aura appeared behind him, it made quite apparent what had happened, Possession. At that very moment his thrusts returned strong, fast, and without moment. This continued only for a short time before what had possessed Alvin felt the build of force coming from below. "You... Are.... Mi-" What possessed him spoke before something happened, a sudden shock, a force unseen forced it out.
The Possesser, a Pokegirl, Haunter Variant, stunned and confused, she watched Alvin. Alvins body shuddered and he came, and hard, his cum splattering her insides, now himself again he could feel her body filling up with his seed. Panting he stumbled to the tree sliding down the side of the tree onto the dryer ground. He was confused where was he what happened? All he remembered was speaking of his father, then some shadow coming over his eyes then... He was here, cumming into someone he didn't know?

He pulled the girl slightly away from him to see her face to find out who it was. "J...Jenna!?" Alvin spoke, to hear a groan from above looking up he saw a ghostly girl fade away quickly. As he sat there puzzled the seal changed, it's shape, and color now much brighter, like a crystal white, and in the oddest of shapes.
"What the hell was that.... T...those eyes....Slanted and a light purple, like a beast glaring at you, with the intent to kill.... That man isn't normal.... I have to report to the master, and he isn't going to be happy...." The haunter girl spoke to herself as she flew hidden in the shadows of the night sky, before fading away again. It seemed something much darker was beginning and this was only the start of it.
At this point, Jenna was literally clinging tightly to Alvin's body. Of course, she was still going on with her protesting, saying how this wasn't really for her. Of course, this Alvin knew very well that it wasn't the only thing on her mind. As it went on, she was finding it much harder to protest. The sensation was amazing! After she came, she could feel the warm sensation on her shoulder, and she could see the symbol starting to form. However, there was something that was not right. There was something different about this one. From all the times she had gone out of the village to watch these fights, she had never seen such dark symbol. Each one she saw was pure. Before she could really examine it, she was brought even closer to Alvin, her body bouncing a bit each time he thrust into her. The new position she was in was a little uncomfortable having her legs pressed so close against her chest, and she let out a loud cry of pleasure as she dropped down on the base of his member. Her ears perked a bit as she heard him speak. "W-what is this? Master?" This had opened her eyes even more. She knew for sure now that this was not Alvin acting. He was being possessed. She had heard of such occurrences before, but never witnessed them. And while she couldn't see the dark aura about him, she could sense it, and it made a chill run up her spine.

Jenna gripped onto him even tighter as she felt his member twitch inside of her. She knew what was coming now. If she didn't stop him however, who knows what would happen to her. She heard him cut off, and she felt him stumble a little. At the same time, she was filled up to the brim with his warm seed. This had driven her over the edge again and she came as well. As he collapsed against the tree, she did as well, falling against his chest. She was breathing hard, her body limp. She tried to hold onto consciousness, but she was far too exhausted. She managed to mutter one last thing before she passed out. "You...idiot."
Alvin listened to her comment before she passed out, not entirely sure what had happened here. He slowly moved her legs off of him, into a more comfortable position. It was a few moments of bliss there. He had never cum so hard, or rather in anyone, he did feel guilt and a bit of sorrow that it wasn't with Eva. For the time he thought nothing of it till he felt a cold breeze wash over them. It was night and the temperature was dropping even more, especially after there romp in the rain. He didn't feel sick, and he hopped that Jenna wasn't either. That would be just what he needed, He was in luck his pack was within reach. Snatching it, he pulled out the content of it, a large blanket, which he draped over himself and her. As he pulled it over her, he felt something warm, but it wasn't a body heat kind. As the palm of his hand pressed against it he felt the same burning sensation she had. Pulling his hand away quickly he brought it around to see what it was. The very same mark on her back was now on his hand. He examined it, it was odd, like no other mark he had seem, tamer or not.

In his mind he went over anything he had read about unusual marks appearing on humans that pokegirl's caused. But nothing the only thing that happened was a tamed girl would be marked with the same mark that everyone had. This was odd and puzzled him but as drained as he felt he gave up for the time. He pulled the blanket covering them both, not even bothering to move her off of him, or even take himself out of her. As she had he drifted asleep slowly thinking about the mark. As he slept he found himself in a strange dream. 'Where am I?' Alvin pondered as he walked along, the empty blackness. There was nothing there at all, as he walked he began to become frightened of the emptiness calling out to find anyone. Yet he could make no sound, he couldn't even hear himself breath. He began to panic running forward, straight down what seemed like a unwritten path. It was then all of a sudden light surrounded him, shielding his eyes he wondered what happened. The light was not bright like the sun, but gentle and soft, like the moon. As his eyes adjusted he looked to the sky, to see a full moon, unlike what he had seen previously, from where he and Jenna slept. Stepping forward, he smelt the fresh scents of Autumn about, and found himself looking at a pond.

He saw his reflection but it seemed odd to him, he was dressed like a samurai or something. Unsure what to make of this he stared at the water till a figure appeared above him, cloaked in complete darkness. Frightened by this he turned around to find a tree, in the same spot where one would be in his and eva's special place, and up on the very same branch eva would be he saw it, the dark figure. Yet things were off about this place, the tree for one, it was of full bloom sakura. Alvin stood motionless for a good time, before finding himself yelling voiceless, and soundless at the figure. 'who are you? What are you! What are you in my sanctuary!?' He would yell among other things, and he knew not why, but just yelled. It was in a sudden moment the figures eyes open staring deep into Alvin as if seeing through him. There gaze could not be broken, he was mesmerized, and... afraid, of those eyes. It was then a shallow, filtered out hollow voice came. "Awaken..." Everything around him shattered, and he felt as even himself would.
It was at that moment he awoken panting, a cold sweat ran down his body. He found himself close together with Jenna, realizing where he was. He had remembered before he gone to sleep more and more as he began to come back to himself. He found himself holding her close apologizing, still unsure of all he had done, only remember after the haunter left him.

He slowly lifted her off of him laying her as gently as he could next to him. He proceeded to get up and look for his cloths, and hers. He found all of them all muddy and disgusting, as well as her shirt in shreds. Sighing he brought them to the pond cleaning them the best he could before hanging them on a branch. He thanked the stars he remembered spare clothes, dressing himself. He looked for a any other spares he had finding a old P.E shirt, it would be big on her but it would have to do. Alvin laid it next to her, walking to the bond he began to think about what had happened trying to remember something.
All throughout the night, Jenna remained laying against his chest, though he didn't think of disturbing her or pulling out of her either. Every now and then, she would shift a bit making her whine a bit with his member still inside her. It seemed like she was really happy though, having a good dream maybe. Actually she was. Her dreams mainly consisted of her if she hadn't 'fallen'. It wasn't to say that she didn't like herself now, but she found a lot of peace with them. Her dream now though involved Alvin. "Alvin you idiot. You're so unreliable." she would say to him. Of course, it would lead to their usual playful banter. Perhaps she was only dreaming of him since they were bonded now. She had seen him so many times, and even though she had literally run into him all those times, she had never once dreamed about him. Of course, she did enjoy being around him. She liked him a lot. Now that she was bonded with him, maybe Vanessa wouldn't be so hard on him. Well, now she'd have to let him stay over.

She was set on the ground, still naked of course, but she began to stir after a while. As she opened her eyes, she found that it was surprising cold. Her eyes shot opened when she remembered everything, and she sat up instantly. She found herself in the same area she had fought with Alvin last night. Jenna spotted him right there near her, and she covered herself up by instinct. "W-what is this?" She noticed the giant shirt near her and she quickly pulled it on. Thankfully she still had her panties and shorts, spared from the 'other Alvin'. She pulled them on as well and stood up. The shirt almost consumed her, but it was better than nothing right? She got up to look for him, eventually finding him at the pond. It didn't seem like he was possessed or anything, and she couldn't feel that presence from earlier. She gently rubbed the mark that appeared on her shoulder, which still felt a little warm. She blushed slightly at the fact that she was bonded now, but she was the one that put herself in that situation, so she couldn't do anything about it. "Hey! Are you okay now?"
Alvin stared at his hand curiously, the mark puzzled him more and more. Yet what confused him even more was his dream, what significance did it have to this mark. He felt as if it had something to do with it, but what... The more he thought of it the more frustrated he got, it wasn't long before he gave himself a migraine headache. Alvin sighed rubbing his temples to ease the pain. His eyes fluttering close he tried hard to concentrate in on himself. 'Who are you...? No... Who am i...?' That was the question he posed onto himself. He felt as if he wasn't himself, as if there was something else about him that not even he knew. This made him feel rather uneasy, and it seemed to bother him more then the mark, or the dream. Even so this was most likely that these things were a cause of it. No matter how hard he tried there was nothing, it only seemed to worsen his headache. Sighing once more he crawled to the pond, scoping up a handful of water and splashing himself in the face. He had hoped that would help refresh him, though it did make his head sting on contact with the ice cold water. Perhaps that wasn't the best idea to do while he had a headache.

He watched the ripples of the water and noticed something strange about his reflection, something was off. As the water cleared he found what was wrong, his eyes. This surprised him a great deal but it didn't frighten him, his eyes were no longer the deep amber color they once were. The had changed in a rather drastic way, his eyes had brightened into a quite unnatural human color, a purpleish pink color. For some reason he remembered seeing such eyes before but could not place where. As he reached for the water as if to touch his own reflection he was startled. Quickly he turned to find Jenna behind him, thankfully wearing the shirt he had laid out for her. "Ah, Jenna your awake. Are you alright? It seems something happened last night, I just can entirely remember what. All I remember is it started raining, and I was sitting at the tree... Then I felt someone there, I thought it was Vanessa coming after me, then.... Everything went black, and then I woke up, to a pleasurable feeling then..." Alvin seemed to trail off as he recalled what happened after. His memory of last night still fresh, at least what he remembered. He knew they were bonded now, but how he didn't know. He hid his right hand away from her, the mark he didn't entirely want her to see. At least not until he could figure out what it entirely meant.
Jenna was glad to at least see that he wasn't the other Alvin she had run into last night. It was such a scary experience to see him like that. From his words she could determine that he knew nothing about the possession. Of course, before she could see who the perpetrator was, she had passed out on him. She blushed slightly as he mentioned last night. Of course she was fully aware of what had happened, but it seemed that he wasn't aware of everything that happened. She was pretty happy that he happened to have some extra clothes for her, even if she looked a little odd in them. She walked over next to him, trying to go along with her usual attitude. "Ah, well if it's about last night, there's so much I can say." She lifted the sleeve of the shirt up for him to see the same mark on her shoulder that he had on his hand. "Ah, I'm sure you know that this means we're bonded now. Lucky you huh? To think you're lucky enough to snag someone like me huh?"

Knowing her joking around probably wasn't the best thing right now, she remembered why exactly she had gone about chasing him last night. "Um...listen, I felt a little bad about the whole argument you had with Vanessa. I didn't think it was fair for you to be thrown out like that. Eva was really worried about you." she said. She knew that the two of them really enjoyed each other's company, and it would be horrible to see what Eva would be like without him. She paused as she sneezed. Of course, after all that time in the rain, it was no surprise she had gotten a little sick. As she got closer, it was then that she noticed his eyes. While she didn't exactly pay attention to what his eye color was before, she knew for sure that this was an odd color for a human to have. It was probably because of them bonding, but even so, she had not heard of situations like this. "Ah? What's up with your eyes? Do they feel weird at all?"
Alvin seemed so unsure about everything, which was a easy thing, he was possessed last night after all. It was in it's own nature left the victim confused, dazed, most would be out of there mind for at least two weeks. But Alvin was calm, and alert about everything, it creeped him out. He did take notice to how she looked in his clothes, it was kind of amusing, she seemed like a little sister in her big brothers clothes, with how baggy it was on her. She seemed to be well with everything that happened, though he was sure she was making the best of the situation right now. He listened to her speak about last night his eyes sank down, staring at the ground before him. He let out a deep sigh before turning to the pond, "I think it's best if I not know what happened. But something about last night..." Alvin trailed off as she reveled the mark, his eyes glaceing it over making sure it was for sure. He took note it was like his, unusual, and not as any other mark. He had no doubt that she didn't know, it was hard to see from it's position. Pulling his right hand from hiding he flipped his palm over matching the two. They were a perfect match as he had expected. "I have been going over in my mind all the marks a Pokegirl can get and if there is any a girl can give. I can't think of a single one... Especially not one that both girl and guy receive after the bonding... And most of all none like these... I haven't seen many except in text books but I mesmerized every curve, every shape, and each characteristic of them, and there are only four types. Normal Bond, Love bond, Abandoned Bond, and Death Bond. The normal is usually made from forced taming, Love is one that comes from two people who love each other before bonding, and it's a very passionate taming. Abandoned is when someone tames a abandoned girl, and lastly the Death bond... This comes from someone who has killed a pokegirl and tames another.... This mark is generally associated with Tamers who have ghost pokegirls.... These are the darkest of them all, and normally mean a horrible future for the girls... But this seems to be a firth variant..." Alvin explained the taming bonds to Jenna. It wouldn't be a surprised if she didn't know about the three other bonds.

Seeing as those bonds were never formed in the Arenas they were formed in the world. Alvin listened to her as he thought about it all, and was about to respond when she sneezed. This surprised him, though he wasn't surprised she would have a cold. It was when she spoke of his eye color he looked a bit away, seemingly unwilling to answer at first. "Sort of, it feels like I can see things a few moment's before they happen when i am concentrating on something. It's strange, but it doesn't feel wrong, it's like I have always been able to do it just not remember it or something, I don't know..." Alvin spoke watching the water, and his reflection, each ripple a few seconds before they happened, yet when he stopped he saw them again, doing the same thing, it was strange, but familiar. Alvin shooked his head slightly shaking the thought out of his mind for the moment. Jenna didn't seem like she was well and that took importance for the moment. Alvin leaned in to her his forehead gently pressing against hers, his eyes staring directly into hers. A seeming swirl in the background of the light violet iris's of his. Yet as quickly as he moved in he moved away. "You have a fever, it's mild but I don't think it's a good idea to stay out here. Nore do I think it is a good idea for you to go home, at least not wearing my shirt with a bonded mark on your shoulder. I doubt Vanessa would let me explain before things went flying... And I think it would hurt Eva's heart even more, if that happened..." Alvin got up heading to where the blanket and his pack laid. He slowly gathered them up, so they were ready. Slinging it over his shoulder he looked to the sky a seeming worried face. "Theres a strange wind blowing.... A wind that brings ill fate.... Somethings going to be happening here soon, and there has to be something we can do to stop it. After last night, I am sure of it, we got a lot of work ahead of us..." Alvin spoke in a calm tone as if he wasn't surprised at all.

In all truth he wasn't really, he had a ill feeling for a while yet never showed it. The games were occurring more and more often, yes it was getting closer to the years tournament, but the unusual amount of taming games were giving him a ill feeling about it all. Alvin turned to her with a smile, as he usually had. "Well, we always snuck in and out of the city, this time we get to walk though the front door, huh?" Alvin spoke in a calm tone the sun shining down behind him he really seemed to have returned in full. Alvin moved back to her offering his hand to help her up. "Shall we go? Together this time Jenna." Alvin spoke, his appearance seemed softer, for some reason then it had before with her. He himself was unaware of how he appeared in that moment.
Jenna watched as he revealed his hand to her, and her eyes widened a bit in anticipation. It was the same mark on her shoulder of course. she looked up to him as he mentioned the different types of bonding marks there were. It surprised her that he knew so much about them, and she didn't quite know about all of the ones he mentioned. She knew about the normal and love marks, but the others seemed very logical once she thought about it. the idea of the death bond came to her mind. He mentioned that tamers with that mark were usually associated with ghost-type girls. that was most likely what was behind the possession incident. that would be the most logical conclusion. While she didn't see if it was a ghost-type, she was confident enough that only ghost-types would be capable of possessing. This meant their master had previously killed a pokegirl, and he could prove to be a very dangerous customer. "A fifth variant huh? W-well, all the other ones had a certain condition behind them right? Well, what was our condition for bonding?" She took a little time to think about it. She thought back to when she confronted him last night, and even as far as when she ran into him before. She didn't think of something that would be so out of the ordinary, and just thinking so much was hurting her head.

She sneezed again, not as loud though. It was actually a rather cute sneeze. She seemed very interested in his words. "Ah! So it's like looking into the future! That would be a very handy ability wouldn't it? She saw him looking in the water at his reflection, and she walked over to look as well. She didn't see anything different about her in terms of physical condition. This was all so confusing. "Well, whatever the reason for this, it's the first time I've heard of it. I've never seen any other tamers with their eyes changing color." she blinked. Was it really bad for her to go home. Sure after all this Vanessa was probably still in a bad mood. "W-well, that might be true...I'd be sure to get a mouthful from her. But, that's not my main concern." She moved away for now, spinning on her heel to face him again. "I just thought maybe Eva would want to see least one more time. Or at least let her know you're okay." She clearly wasn't aware of the locket he handed Eva.

"A strange wind huh...?" She crossed her arms over her chest as the gentle breeze rushed over them again. " looks like it." She smiled back at him. This time they wouldn't have to hide anything. a thought came to her mind though. "Ah, when we head back, what about those guys that always drag you everywhere? I'm sure they'd be surprised to find you bonded with me all of a sudden." then again, she didn't really think about how someone might recognize her as well, kind of like how Alvin had when he first reached the village. "But yeah..." She took his hand, giving him a playful grin. "Whatever happens, we're ready right. I'm not going to let anything get at you all righty? I'm a tough gal when I need to be."
"That's what confuses me the most, what condition could possibility be. I know how possessions work, which I know that is what happened last night. I also know what happens when a Ghost type possesses a man and uses them to bond a girl, especially if they were bonded themselves." Alvin explained to her his face clearly showing how puzzled he was. As he focused more and more on his thoughts of how this mark came to be. How he changed, and how he had this ability, the air around him seemed to bend and twist, to only him. The world seemed to move without him as if he vanished. Yet to Jenna he was still there and had not moved or spoken. It didn't take long for a sharp pain to develop in the back of his head. Everything rushed back to the present, he had taken no notice, to what had happened though. It was when she spoke of his ability and how his eyes changed. "It isn't as good as it seems, it is quite problematic, because I can't seem to control it... If I focus on anything time seems to speed up for me, then when I stop it comes back to the present in a rush. I am starting to think this ability is directly related to my eyes changing color. If it is..." Alvin began to trail off back into thought, he seemed to be calculating. He had shown that he was by far more intelligent then anyone ever gave him credit for. This was only backed up by the shear reasoning he wished to become a researcher. He remained absolutely silent when she spoke of Eva and her family. He was sure that Jenna didn't understand a single thing. If she returned wearing his shirt, and hers no where to be found, that would rise questions.

One of his biggest concerns was her mark being revealed. Eva would know soon enough that he was fine and everything but not now. Now was not the time for him to return to her sight, he had to be sure, that there was no obstacles to stop him. "No, going back now wouldn't be wise, only you and Eva have any notion of me being good. The others will no doubt harbor a great deal of ill feelings to me. I have to make a plan to win there faith over before I appear before Eva again. It's clear that Vanessa will not allow me anywhere near her. With a day away we can prep a better way for me and Eva to see each other again. As well as make a plan where at least the three of them won't be throwing sharp or hard objects at my head." Alvin spoke making a very amusing point at the end. It wouldn't be hard to imagine anyone using him as target practice. With that vibrant red hair of his, he seemed like a walking target. He knew that she was aware he was fine and would be back one day. But he was sure as hell not going to let it be this day. Though he spoke of her sisters and just there ill feelings there was more. This feeling he got, he wanted to check out somethings. Ghost pokegirls were low in population since few willingly killed girls, as well as most killed girls didn't know it was going to happen. Leaving the world in a fury of emotions, and had no regrets or ill feelings and left this world. But Ghost pokegirls, were those who held great ill will to someone or something that changed them upon there death. This was one thing he wanted to seek more information on. If there was any killers or such that were last spotted anywhere near this area.

He listened to her speak of his friends, and being ready. "Were not ready, we don't know whats coming our way we just know it isn't good. That's why we are going to the city, to get ready. As for my friends, it will be simple to decive them, my father was the Champion after all. I can just say you were a given girl. Oh, given girl's are girls like yourself who are given from one tamer to another after being tamed. This is usually how new tamers start out. Just try not to get mad if they hall you a 'Hand-me-down girl..'" Alvin spoke as he began his way back to the cave up over the slope. "Lets get going, we are going to want to be out as much as we can. I don't have school so lets get you some new clothes rather then you wear mine. I want to keep our marks away from the eyes of people until we are sure how it is formed." Alvin spoke seemingly concerned about there marks again.
"Well...our condition doesn't seem too out of the ordinary. Then again there were a lot of events leading up to our bonding. Jenna crossed her arms over her chest as she tried to think this out more. Of course, she really couldn't think up any more than Alvin could. She turned to him to say something, though he seemed to space out for a split second. She thought it might be a bit odd if she said anything then. " that so? That could be a problem. So, it could be helpful, but at the same time it's sure to be exhausting for you." She could only wonder what exactly he would be seeing. When she thought about it again, it really wasn't such a good idea to try and bring him back to the village. Perhaps as much as Eva was hoping to see him, they'd have a lot of things to do before-hand. "Yeah, I guess that's true. But don't worry about it all right? We'll get over this soon enough."

She paused as he mentioned his friends. She could remember how he would try and get away from them as they dragged him to the Pokegirl games. Surely it would be strange for them to suddenl see him with one, but his idea could work. She just didn't like the idea of being dubbed a 'Hand-me-down girl. She wasn't just some item after all. "Yeah yeah, I'll hold myself back from pounding their faces in. I get it." she said. She was already to go now. She just waited for him o lead the way now.
"It's more out of the ordinary then you think, there has been no documented new marks forming in the last millennium.... No marks other then tamers marks have been seen since the 'Beasts' as they are refereed to, dyed out. So this is a extremely scientifically great discovery. Not only that I have also been altered the tamer. This will no matter what bring the names of the top scientist flocking to me. But I would rather not become a lab rat, to be dissected, thank you.... the most interesting part is my ability to apparently see the future of things. This isn't a good thing either, I have no doubt that I will distort history in some way, It might be minor but I will do it weather I like it or not." Alvin spoke in a curious tone quite sure of what he spoke of. His assumption of altering history was quite right. The power to see the future would undoubtedly alter the course of things of everyone. Weather he met them or not, the things he changed from the future would undoubtedly alter the flow of time. This made him sure that he had to be careful of using it, and learn control of it. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself, all this thinking was bad for his health right now. When she spoke of his new ability, she was right. "it exhausts me physically and mentally, seeing the future then the present, isn't something good, it gives ya a headache." Alvin spoke chucking a bit. He did knew that she would understand where he was coming from, with not wanting to go back yet. Too many things, to assure they wouldn't kill him on sight, especially after bonding Jenna. He could see she was a bit annoyed with the thought of being a hand-me-down girl. Then again there was no other way to do it, he didn't make a convincing tamer. "Thank you Jenna, we need for you to be a good girl." Alvin teased her, as he began off at a normal pace, he didn't think it best to run back, though he would get there a lot quicker. Walking and talking to her would make there story more convincing when they had to explain it.

He began to think about a good story about how she was with him now. The best he could come up with was his want to become a researcher and the fact you had to be in the company of the girls to leave. "Well Jenna, I have a question for you. Have you ever thought about becoming a researcher, or a scientist, or maybe a chemist?" Alvin spoke with a grin as he walked a bit ahead of her. That was the best option he could come up with.
Jenna giggled a bit at the idea of him being pursued as a lab rat. Of course, that wasn't exactly the best thing to be laughing at. The two of them were just so used to messing with each other for so long. Old habits die hard. "Distort history? That is something." That was something that someone would only think about in movies and fantasy novels. However, the idea seemed very plausible now. Of course, if those scientists were looking to get at him, then he could probably find ways to avoid them completely. "Well, if you need to rest because of it, then don't push yourself all right?" She pouted a bit at his teasing. Even in the situation they were in, he found a way to poke fun of her. She paused as she remembered something. She had heard something from Luna before she ran out after Alvin the night before. "Um, remember that sister we don't want you running into? After my arguement with her yesterday, she didn't return home since. It might be bad if we somehow ran into her while we were traveling. She's always beaten me in these fights." Then again, she thought if he was possessed he would be able to beat her. She didn't want to think about that though. She tilted her head slightly at his question. "Huh? Well, I have heard some interesting things about those professions. I always thought it would be very interesting to be one of those. Why?"
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