Black Wands (ThomasRHellsing and Lady Vi)

Marie and Tonks watched in numb horror as Razor set to work. While the elf was busy, Marie gripped Draco's wrist in an attempt to get his attention. The screams were horrifying, and too loud to talk through. She waited until Thomas was silent and Draco was cursing.

"Ah, before I start, I should..." She looked at Tonk's stricken face and winced. For all Marie's sadism, she hated seeing her friends in pain. "Okay, I'm going to do my best for him, I want you both to know that."

Tonks nodded and Marie swallowed hard. For possibly the first time, she felt guilty. What an uncomfortable feeling!

"I was approached by... Ugh. Sorry, names are blocked." The redhead grimaced and gripped her wand. "Certain members of the order discovered that I could... get around our loyalty charm and kill Thomas, if the need arose. I just have to hold back a little if he's badly hurt."

She looked at the charred form pointedly before meeting Draco's eyes. Tonks she avoided. It was bad enough to be admitting this, she didn't need to see the fear in her friend's face.

"They offered amnesty and a house in Quebec. A total escape from this damned war. My parents..." She swallowed again and finally met Tonks' gaze. "I never said yes, but... apparently the offer stands. I will give him everything I've got, but Iva, darling, it might not be enough. If it isn't... I'm taking the deal. We can't stand against Bella without him, and I'm not going to try."

Tonks stared in mute horror. She trusted that Marie wouldn't deliberately let him die, but the simple fact that she was considering the possibility... Marie knelt beside Thomas and opened her medical kit. She passed over potions and charms, reaching instead for a silvery scalpel. She dug in with bare hands, wincing at the residual heat as she sliced away at the dead or diseased bits.

"Thank you for warning me." Tonks said, her voice toneless and numb in her own ears.

"Any time, love." Marie mumbled distractedly as she removed a blackened length of muscle. For every bit she removed, Marie wove growth spells into his remaining flesh. The magic was, on it's own, complicated and draining. Even her vast endurance would be tested by the third or fourth short cast. Maintaining the spell for longer would be a real challenge. Marie was, at more than one point, holding an extended regrowth spell on seven separate structures. Maddening wasn't a strong enough word. It felt like mentally juggling seven balls, while physically juggling four chainsaws. At least, that's how she felt once she whittled it down to three.

Hours passed. Marie had cleared his chest cavity, more or less, and was carefully weaving this most vital bits back together. Her knees ached and her back felt as if someone had slipped sand between her vertebrae. Once, though she wasn't sure when, Tonks had given her a pepper-up. The effects were long gone, and she wondered if they had another, but the simple act of opening her mouth to ask seemed... So very hard.

Marie was slumping. The healer's skin was far past pale and moving towards new shades of grey. Her lips twitched occasionally in a grim parody of expression. Razor was pacing, knife in hand. Tonks wondered if he would kill Marie if she failed. It was likely. Would he listen if Tonks were to order him down? Would she give that order? Marie's wand clattered to the concrete floor and the woman herself seemed near to following.

"Shit." Tonks swore as she barely caught the unconscious healer. Thomas's body was still mangled and burned, the gash on his side still gaping. At least the bleeding was slow. Marie had sealed up his healing innards behind a new wall of muscle and flesh. It wasn't much, but it would keep him from leaking everywhere. "Draco, help me, she's out cold."

As she said it, Tonks realized that Marie actually was cold to the touch, as if she had just walked out of a freezer. The redhead twitched weakly in her arms: a pathetically weak shiver. Tonks shook her friend a bit, patting her cheeks to try and wake her up.

"Stable." Marie mumbled, lips slightly blue under her lipstick. "Did it."

"Fuck." Tonks swore, though she wasn't sure what exactly she was swearing at.
Razor began snapping his fingers, in one snap the blood and burned organs and such were gone. With a second snap Thomas was laying in a comfortable looking large bed. Thick and heavy gauze wrapped around his side.

The elf then looked at Marie, the look of someone judging. As if trying to find their measure. Then finally with a sharp snap of his fingers, she was floated onto a second cot. Which with a second snap of his fingers became a comfortable bed.

Draco nodded, "I think Marie was effected by magical exhaustion. We can give her a mild sleeping drought and straightening drought and after a few hours sleep and a big meal she should be fine."

Razor snapped his fingers and the two potions appeared. Draco began making elaborate wand gestures. Banishing the liquid from the vials directly into Marie's stomach.

Draco looked at Razor, "The loyalty oaths, Thomas knows her work around huh? I always thought it was a bit weird that when he was supplying the food, their was always one dish Marie really liked. I figured maybe it was something nice since he knew Marie was going crazy. Was it a delayed reaction, a cumulative effect, or a two parter?"

Razor smiled, it wasn't a nice smile, "Cumulative effect poisons will kill over time, Master wants those who betray him punished not before they betray him. Delayed reaction poisons depend on stiff regular eatings of them, something your schedules do not allow."

Draco nodded slowly. Looking at Tonks he said explained, "Two Parter poisons, are poisons that are perfectly harmless, as long as their separated. The most famous one I know is Widow's Bane, it's a powder, perfectly harmless unless it's in your blood stream and you ingest something with lace fly wings, a major ingredient in 85% of healing potions and balms. If the two ingredients mix, they form a powerful acid, and since their in your blood at the time."

He shook his head, looking at Thomas and then Marie, "I always forget Thomas would have been a Slytherin. the way he charges in, it's so Gryffindor right? But then I find out he's been subtly poisoning me and Marie, for months waiting for us to betray him. Worst yet, if some member of the order ends up dead, it's not his fault. Your the one who asked him to share food with them, and didn't get an ingredient list from Razor. Sometimes I genuinely forget despite his seeming insanity he was a Death Eater commander."

Draco sighed, "I'm not sure if I'm hurt that he doesn't trust us, or impressed he's still paranoid we'll betray him. I know he worries about you. That the Order will see him as too big a risk, and some time during sex you'l shove a black cursed dagger into his heart."
Tonks stared as the whole thing unfolded. Layers and layers of betrayal and intrigue... It was a bit much. Thomas looked so peaceful, tucked in his clean bed. Marie was a fetal knot of shivering but the color was returning to her cheeks, so there was that at least. She sat heavily on the edge of Thomas's bed. It looked so out of place in the dimly-lit bunker!

"So... should we worry about an antidote?" Tonks asked quietly. "God, why would he do that? After this long..."

After this long Marie had still considered the offer. Nymphadora sighed and rubbed her face. She couldn't blame her. Marie wasn't nearly the fighter that the rest of them were. It had always been a power play: making strong allies to improve her future life... Now? Well, now it was unlikely that either side would have much of a life. Abandoning the war was a tempting thought. If only it didn't mean abandoning their friends, too.

"Moron." She muttered, looking at Thomas. "Did he even bother checking to see what medications we were on? Marie's on some kind of birth-control, not to mention all those creams... He could have killed her on accident."

"Master had all the Slag's personal vials replaced with placebo." Razor piped in helpfully. "No accidents!"

"Oh, that's just great..." Tonks' hair flared violet, then green, before settling back to a mousy brown. She chuckled darkly. "She's going to wish she had killed him."
Thomas groaned, "No I didn't, Marie is enough of a bitch without the hormones of someone whose pregnant. That's what Razor wanted me to do. That's the complication of the whole thing with two part poisons. Something common enough they'll be exposed easily, but not so common they'll come across it on accident."

Thomas hissed slowly as he sat up. The pain was intense. He spoke slowly, "The answer is both obvious, and yet perfect."

Draco caught on and nodded, "You used an American two part poison."

Thomas nodded saying to Tonks, "You'd think all the magical worlds had basic things in common right? But the truth is they really don't. For some reason the area whatever is grown in, effects the effects. For example, Japanese Lace Wings work better for a wits sharpening potion, while English ones work better for a pepper up. To keep the Pure Bloods in power, the Ministry charged an insane amount for imported ingredients. Again to use my previous example, if you have to pay 5 galleons to import Lace Wings you'll have to sell for 3 knuts, you can't stay in business. The poison you all have is entirely inert, except for rare amazonian tree frog venom. The only thing it's used for is a redundantly expensive flesh boiling poison."

It went unsaid Thomas had some tucked away. That if he die Razor would slip it into them some how. Thomas looked at Tonks, "I'm careful, I like to think the best of you guys. But Nymphie, the good guys, the ones who are righteous and pure, they mind raped me so badly, it literally made me insane. I may be willing to work with them, but can you blame me for not trusting them? I trust you, and respect you. But Tonks, look me in the eyes and tell me if Dumbles or Potter said I needed to die, that you wouldn't try and take me out."

They both knew she would. She was an Auror, she knew the job came first sometimes. He didn't doubt she'd feel bad about it, didn't doubt she'd hate it. They both knew she'd hate whoever gave the order afterwards. But you didn't work undercover, didn't do some of the things Iva ha been forced to do, if you weren't willing to put the cause above your needs and wants.

Thomas kissed Tonks's hand, "And that's why we work. That loyalty, that ruthlessness, I love you Nymphadora Tonks, even knowing sooner or later, your going to try and kill me. Knowing that sooner or later you'll kill me, or I'll be forced to kill you. That's part of the reason why I want to meet and get to know your family. So whether I die, or you do, they'll be safe. Because no matter how we end up, what we have means I owe you enough to protect your son."

Draco sighed, "I'm not sure if that was sickening romantic, or just kind of sad."
"I couldn't tell you either." Tonks said with a wry smile. "I think it's equal parts. Thomas, lay down, before I drug you. Marie just said that you're 'stable' she didn't say you were finished."

Nymphadora was gentle, but her arm was unyielding as she pushed Thomas back into the bed. She tried to tell herself that he was delirious, that she shouldn't think too much about it, but... Hermione had crossed a line making him, and now some other member (or members) were plotting murder? Well, yeah, okay, maybe she could understand why they'd want to kill Thomas for what he'd done, but he was behaving now.

"Once Marie is awake, well have her look you over." Tonks cringed as a retching, splashing sound came from the second bed. Marie was sitting, more or less, and vomiting over the side of the bed. "If she's well..."

"What did you imbeciles give me?" She gasped, wiping her mouth as she motioned for water. The woman looked painfully pale, her eyes almost fever-bright as Tonks handed her a bottle and a bowl to spit in.

"Just a couple potions, one for strength, and another to help you sleep. You fainted." Marie looked accusingly at her friend as she washed her mouth out a second time.

"I feel like... I've been sat on by a particularly smelly troll and sent down a waterfall to wash. With a tequila hangover." Tonks took the bowl and handed it to Razor to dispose of. Marie sipped at the water in the bottle and looked at the bed, smoothing the coverlet before glancing across the room. "You made it then? Pity I'm not working anymore. Stunt like that could earn a girl a promotion."

"Or at least an office with a view." Tonks smiled. She'd get the identities of her murderous Order members later (though she had suspicions). For now, it was just a relief to see everyone alive. More or less.
Thomas nodded, "I'm very impressed. You could have made sure I was unconscious, feeling my organs get cut apart was less then pleasant. But definitely alive. After this damn war is over I'll buy you a wind at St Mungos. The Marie ward for trophy wife enhancement. I know that sounds insulting, but think about it. Botox potions or breast enhacement potion treatments are so complicated and specific. One tiny problem and it causes so much trouble and pain. Plus it's less messy then the more major surgery things."

Thomas suddenly remembered something, "Hey, no one laughed at my "I need a hand" joke. Come on, it was awesome. I'm tempted to pawn Bella's wedding ring. What do you three think?"

Draco sighed, "I want to know why the hell you fought Bella in the first place. The time was up, you should have apperated away. You had the port key, you should have triggered it!"

Thomas sighed a bit, "Three reasons. First, I hate that bitch. I wanted to kill her. Second, she's the second best Death Eater. Killing those other bastards wasn't a big deal, the best part of them dribbled out of their mother's cunt. But fucking up Bella, that shows we're still dangerous. Third, their were kids Drake. Four or five of them hiding, I'm guessing they were so scared of the Death Eaters they missed Tonks and Marie."

Thomas pulled out four marbles. He looked at Draco, "I told Tonks and The Order I wouldn't kill any kids without explicit ok. And I told your Aunt she wasn't getting anyone today. And all a man's got is his word, and his balls, and I don't break them for nobody."

Draco blinked, as he said, "You're going soft. Really, you braved death for four kids? They weren't even pure bloods."

Thomas shrugged, "I gave my word. Besides Draco, with total honesty, I think I can win."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Hey Marie, Tonks, he thinks he can win. Our little Tommy-Boy thinks he can beat the Blade off Voldemort."

Thomas smiled, "Draco, ask Hermione about my oaths sometime. My original employment oaths, they say that I'll do my best to ensure the survival of the Order of the Pheonix members, unless I have no other options. A magical oath, it was effecting me in a fight. Drake, when I was tying with Bella and Tom in practice duels, I was fighting with a magic oath. Tonight, I cut loose, and Bella was the one on the run."

Draco blinked, saying slowly, "I kind of want to kill Granger. Only the stupid mudblood would make such a vague oath. No wonder Thomas seemed to miss as often as not in duels. His magic made him twitch at the last second."

Thomas nodded, "Oh I'm still not on a "Lords" level, but when I get healed up, and can research in the library at the Black house and can work on some more spells. I think I could win. Oh it would be a nasty fight, and luck would play a factor. But I think I could pull it off."
Marie twisted her mouth in distaste. Hermione wasn't very high on her own list, even without all the sloppy oath-tying. Something about the woman irritated Marie to no end. It didn't help that she was a mudblood ordering purebloods around, offering rewards as if they were her nice little pets...

"I wonder if my work-around would work on Hermione. She doesn't go out much, but if something fell into her food that interacted with-" Marie stopped abruptly and touched her temples with a wince. A single drop of blood fell from her nose and onto the bedspread. "Oh. I guess not. Not like that anyway. Sorry."

"It's okay, really." Tonks sighed again and rubbed her face. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally. "Hermione's burning a lot of bridges lately. Coming clean about Thomas has cost her an awful lot of favor with... Well, everyone."

"Funny, hm? All we needed to do as Deatheaters was get them to talk to one another. Their own politics are ripping them apart." Marie sighed and tried to push herself out of the bed. She was tired before even swinging her legs over the edge. "Well, whether or not he can win is irrelevant now. He's out of commission for a few days at least."

"Longer." Tonks said firmly, glaring at Thomas. "No more running off half-cocked to go killing yourself. Disenchant those kids so I can get them to their parents and you two can get some sleep."
Thomas shrugged, "Voldemort has been fighting this war ass backwards from the get go. I've read and talked to people from the first war, I genuinely think his rebirth ritual fucked up."

Draco nodded, "Father felt the same. Lucious Malfoy owned the Ministry. A dozen careful Imperio curses, and we'd have owned the department heads. Then a handful of Imperio's and the Wizengmont would have been his. After we'd grabbed both of those it would have been easy for Tom to put himself as Minister of magic, or leave Fudge in as the public faces. Umbridge's laws showed how easy such things were. Pass a dozen laws, and the war is over before it begun."

Thomas nodded, "If I wanted to take over, Death Eaters would be a waste of time. Fear, panic, terror. Those are good things, for a short time. But these days? Their were three births last year and all three couples were young. Diagon Ally is a ghost town. Voldemort may "Rule" England, but it will be a ghost town. Then the real trouble will start. The loyal Death Eaters won't be able to run a country. You need a surf class to run things."

Draco sighed, "Tom was short sighted."

Thomas smiled a bit at Tonks. Giving her a smack on the ass he said, "How about a handjob or blowjob? As for the kids."

He waved his wand and returned them to normal. Draco leading them into the tent. Thomas added, "Hey Marie, what about my arm? It feels weird not having any bones."
"Skelegro would have interfered with the rest of the healing. You know, the parts I had to regrow after you lit them on fire?" Marie rolled her eyes and fidgeted with her blankets. She hated admitting weakness, but this particular session had been absurdly difficult. Her body creaked and ached, cold and feverish at the same time. Too much of her own strength had gone into repairing the damage, if she had pushed any harder, she probably wouldn't have woken up from the swoon. "It was hard enough carrying you up that hill as it was. I wasn't about to tie weights to my ankles. If it bothers you so much, there's a couple doses in my kit. Second tray, labeled vial."

"Thanks Marie." Tonks ignored Thomas's request in favor of digging around in the healer's kit. She found the vial easily enough, and was slightly surprised to see that nearly everything in the kit was 'standard'. Gone were her acidic salves and weakened painkillers, in their place were proper remedies for fast healing. Apparently Fred was still in charge of buying her supplies. Tonks stood and offered the vial to Thomas with a small frown. "Are you sure you want this? It's going to hurt like a bitch, and you need rest."

"Yes, I would hate to see all my work go to the gutter just because you're too impatient..." Marie yawned and glanced covertly toward the tent. The sleeping draught she hadn't thrown up was beginning to take hold. Or perhaps it was simple fatigue. "Whatever you choose, let it be quiet. I am going to try to sleep."

Tonks watched her friend fuss with the blankets for a moment before slipping off.

"I don't blame her. This was a shitter of a day." Nymphadora sat on the edge of Thomas's bed and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. Despite everything, she really was happy he was going to make it. A thought struck her rather suddenly. "Hmph. Fleur owes me a galleon. Marie kissed Malfoy for luck, and in front of everyone. Poor thing. I was kind of hoping to lose that bet. Fleur was certain that he'd fall first."
Thomas rolled his eyes, opening the vial. He down it pointing his wand at himself he said, focusing on his will to control, "IMPERIO!" Thomas looked at the, "Pain is an illusion brought on by a weak mind." Thomas giggled a bit as his mind was caressed by the rush of weightlessness and pleasure that came with the Imperius curse. Reaching out he pulled Tonks into bed with him an kissed her, his good hand trying to get up her top.

Draco rolled his eyes as he returned. Conjuring thick curtains. He added sound proofing charms. Quietly he conjured a Slytherin green candle, and lit it. Pulling out a shrunken book. He sat on a chair next to Marie's bed
"Shouldn't you be resting?" Tonks laughed as he struggled left-handed with her tee. She didn't stop him, but neither did she help him. With luck, Thomas would interest before too much damage was done.

"Hey, stop that. Just 'cause you can't feel it doesn't mean it's not hurting you." She kicked off her sneakers and wriggled under the covers, swatting his hand when he came just a little too close to succeeding. "Watch it, half of your insides are brand new, and Marie was definitely not at her best towards the end. Let's see how well you hold up to sleeping before trying anything strenuous."

Her face lost some of it's cheerfulness. They had cut it far too close, again. One of these days, the luck would run dry. Despite the warm blankets, Nymphadora shivered.

Marie slept fairly well, considering how her stomach growled and cramped. She would need food when she woke, but the healer slept through her hunger pangs without too much trouble. After an hour or so, her protesting body woke her just enough... But the bed was warm and the mattress soft, no Order members screeching in the halls no snoring Weasleys in the next room... Marie smiled and rolled over contentedly, sliding her hand under her pillow for the knife that- Wasn't there.

Marie sat up with a start, heart pounding, chest heaving, and eyes wide. Though shaded behind his book, Draco's candle let off enough light for the small red-head to see her surroundings. Not in the 'headquarters', then and not in her bed. Of course her sharp little 'safeguard' would be missing, she had her wand again! Hand to her forehead to ward away the dizziness, Marie fell back onto the pillow.

"How long have I been out?" She asked.
Thomas gave her a smack on the ass, "That's why I said a hand job, or foot job. I'm not in the shape to give you a serious fucking and make you scream my name like a whore. But I'm still hard as fuck. Well ok, I'm horny as fuck, my cock's just barely hard. Apparently nearly bleeding out effects the amount of blood you can spare for a hardon."

He used the spell to remove his pants. A small gash was visible just below his scrotum on his leg. It drooled blood an Thomas casually healed it with his normal wand. It opened back up, a dark magic spell then. He spoke casually but with a hint of steel in his tone, "Probably a disk cutter, I avoided most of it, but one or two of the teeth caught me. A quarter inch deeper it would have gotten the artery."

He commanded his magic pointing at the wound, "Sealario!" It took casting the spell three more times before the wound quit opening. He looked at Tonks, "I feel like something muggle tonight, how about Megan Fox, or Mila Kunis? I'm feeling something a bit different then pale English woman tonight."


Draco lowered his book slowly, looking at her he said, "A few minutes. Those two are doing that they do. I swear Thomas nearly bleeds to death and he wants to cum. If Bella hadn't done the species ritual, I'd swear he was an incubus. I figure if he pops anything major Tonks will let us know."

Draco slowly move his eyes from the book to her. He spoke quietly having Razor bring them both a bowl of potato soup. He chuckled, "Of course he designs our meals around what Thomas can or can't eat. Little bastard. Sometimes I wonder if Thomas drove him insane, or if the quarter goblin blood did it."
Tonks sighed and rolled her eyes. Arguing would only make him pout, or put him in a nasty mood. Thomas did 'nasty' better than anyone she knew. Her features shifted and settled into Ms Kunis' sultry pout while her body rearranged itself rather quickly.

"If I do this, will you promise to rest?" She asked as her fingers traced the recently sealed wound. The tone of her skin darkened like a creeping sunset until her hands were entirely new. "You need to heal, damnit."

Despite her protests, Tonks curled close beside him. Her left arm slid behind his head to support him a bit more, while her right hand cradled and stroked his cock. The position had the added effect of placing his face squarely at boob-level. Hopefully it would speed him along, she thought wryly.

"I don't mind the soup, really." Marie took the bowl with an appreciative smile. Her belly squirmed unhappily with a mix of hunger and nausea. "I don't think I could handle eating anything solid right now. Remind me again why I put myself through this? Fucking moron..."

It was unclear if the 'moron' in question was Thomas or Marie herself. Either would have been fitting, really. She ate the soup with measured bites, careful not to overdo it. Puking would not be particularly attractive right now. Though she probably wasn't very attractive to begin with, all fevered and pale. Not that it mattered. Marie ate half of her bowl before setting it aside for Razor to take away.

"This is rather nice. I don't think I've had a quiet moment since we arrived at the 'headquarters'. Thomas and Iva are the only ones that get any privacy, it seems."
Thomas smiled, giving her a smack on the ass, "Yes, if you make me cum hard. Come on Mila, talk like the dirty slut you are. Make me cum hard all over your slutty fist so you can lick it off."

Thomas groaned, he'd "trained" Iva harshly. Telling her if it took over so long to get him off he'd punish her. The crucio curse or one of a dozen other spells, and half a dozen punishment tools were his favorite. Plus given his skill in torture he could leave her with no marks, or wounds so severe they'd scar and because of her power they'd vanish. Other times he'd bind her and deny her orgasm as he edged her.

It had been awhile since Thomas had been in a mood to be rough with her, but as his hand pulled her hair it seemed tonight he was. Groaning as her hand worked him.


Draco rolled his eyes, "I can think of four reasons. First, most female Death Eaters are very likely to get raped. You've joined Thomas and Iva what one time? But that's enough to tell any pure blood who pushed you into an abandoned room that your his lover. Which I'm pretty sure guarantees no obliviated rapes or imperio rapes for you. Your the one who patched Edgecomb up right? After Flint and Flint senior got done with her. Sure you could take them, but that leds me to reason two. Thomas's shadow is easy to vanish in. Slytherins like you, you hate being the center of attention, you work good hidden subtly playing the field while Thomas raw attention. Third you two are similar, he gets your fetish for slow painful healing, he's the best s delivering you the best subject. Finally, we're the best, and you life that."
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