Black Wands (ThomasRHellsing and Lady Vi)

Marie scowled into her tea with Thomas and Iva exchanged a look. Did she dare bring Thomas in? The order certainly couldn't contain him, hell the Death eaters barely could...

"This is rediculous. There was a traitor, we know who it was. For crying out loud, I was nearly killed!" The redhead reminded Iva of a spitting kitten as she pouted into her tea. "My family has always been loyal, Iva is beyond reproach. How in the seven hells could anyone think we are traitors?! Pettigrew must have lost his mind."

Iva cringed. 'Beyond reproach' indeed.

"We should test the taboo. If it doesn't trigger we can go home and let Peter have his traitors death." Marie nodded as if that settled the matter. She couldn't imagine that the Dark Lord would think her a traitor.

"That's a good idea. If it does trigger... well... we'll discuss other options then." Iva looked at Thomas and met his gaze.
Thomas shrugged, "Voldie's been less then sane for awhile now. You've both avoided Riddle manor, this little fiefdom has been run by us for awhile."

Draco nodded, "The Master hasn't had a clear cut goal since he was brought back. Going into overly long and convoluted circles. If he figured one of us, or maybe all of us were traitors he'd order the strike. Hell Aunty Bella is the only one who sees him normally. That's assuming Peter didn't set us up before hand."

Thomas drank some soda, "I could see him doing it. A spoken word here, a whispered sentence there. Then when the Granger thing went down snap like a trap. Me and Draco will go test it, give us six hours, we don't return you girls will find a portkey to a surprise for Iva in my room. Go have fun and don't look back."

He knew the two wouldn't abandon them. Well Thomas knew Iva wouldn't. Draco was pretty sure Marie wouldn't want to rsk herself. The two left the chest, and apperated to a clearing. Thomas put a disillusionment charm on himself as Draco moved behind a decent sized rock. Thomas spoke out, "Voldemort, voldermort, VOLDERMORT!"

For a second nothing happened, then 12 pops rent the air. Thomas caught the nearest one in the knees with a severing spell, another he caught in the face with a blood clotting spell, he threw up a shield next moving back to cast a nasty curse that made ones organs become sentient and seek to devour each other. Draco has killed three, two with piercing spells to the back, and one snatcher took one to the eye. Draco ducked behind the rock for cover as Thomas nailed one of the snatchers with a blood boiling curse, a back wave of his wand hit one of the fools with a boil curse and a swish ha the boils transfigure to starving scarabs. Draco got nine and ten with a piercing spell to the throat and an Avadakadavra, he then his scarab guy with a severing curse since his screams were annoying. He threw up a shield and Thomas his Mr. Eleven with a "Flamara piersecus", a spell that shot a javelin of fire that sometimes cause a target to explode. Draco shot Thomas a not amused look which cost him as the 12th enemy hit him with an exspelliarmus. The sight of him made Draco shiver, Fenrir Grayback.

Thomas caught Fenrir with a piercing spell, but the man had mostly dodged. He cast a stunner at Thomas before healing the gash on his arm. Thomas ducked the stunner and threw a bone shatter, which the wolf-man ducked and hurled an vivisection curse. Thomas summoned one of the corpses in front of it before banishing the body at Greyback who hurled it with a sharp motion into another tree, where it exploded. Thomas's love of the acid blood spell was well known.

Fenrir charged Thomas, the wolf man was stronger, faster, and more resilient then the normal man. Half way his skin seemed to rip as he activated the dark runes he's had carved into his bones allowing him to become his wolf form even without the moon. Thomas tossed his wand aside as the wolf jumped and his own formed blurred. Soon werewolf and grizzly bear were tearing into eachother. The wolf was faster but the bear larger and had human brain behind it. Every slash Thomas scored Fenrir got two, but Thomas's were deeper. Finally Draco got his wand as the wolf forced the bear onto it's back he threw a cutter. The wolf turned and the bear bit down on it's neck and with a sickening "Crush" severed it's spine. Soon the wolf had revered to Fenrir's form, but Thomas stayed bear. Draco hissed as he saw why, Thomas was bleeding alot. He held up a blood replenishing potion as Thomas returned normal he drank it. Thomas barked out, "Razor, get the head put as many stasis charms as you can on it, and put it in a box."

Draco apperated them to the trunk, as he said,"Marie, dammit get over here. I guess we're officially on the shit list. Greyback came for us."

Thomas coughed up a bit of blood, "Yeah but I showed the wolf whose the alpha and whose the bitch. Hehe, my innies are becoming outties."

Draco stopped Thomas from poking his organs. Apparently humans were alot easier to nearly disembowel then bears. Draco said, "Marie hurry up with the pain potions, I'm going to have him undo his trick for dealing with pain, and he's going to feel all his injuries since he last undid it a few years ago."

Thomas shook his head, "Nope, Imperio is my friend."

Draco sighed, "Thomas we need you to take major potions to heal Imperio will stop them from effecting you. End it."

Thomas took his wand, pointed it at his head and said, "Imperio Nox!", instantly he jerked his body in pain, "Ow, ow, ow, OW, what the hell?"

Thomas looked own at the mess that was his chest, dozens of claw marks. He looked around, "Who let me get in a fight with a werewolf?"
Marie had been waiting with her kit in hand, fully prepared for several terrible outcomes. Fenrir, however...

"Oh gods... Was he human or bear?" Not that it would make too much difference, but for Mad Thomas to be a werewolf as well? The idea terrified her in new ways. She uncorked a large vial holding a pint of undiluted painkilling tonic. Marie used it sparingly, as it was horribly strong, but today was not a day to be stingy. "Drink it down, as much as you can. Iva, darling, find something to put in his mouth when he's done. A leather belt would be ideal."

She shoved the bottle at Thomas and practically poured the contents down his throat. Iva whipped her belt off and handed it to Marie who folded it and shoved it between the patent's teeth before rolling up her sleeves and manhandling his intestines back inside his belly.

"One of you hold his head, the other his arms. This is going to get nasty and I expect a seizure." She drew her wand and began knitting his inner workings back together. There was still a hell of a lot of blood, though, and she soon resorted to channeling the puddles back into the wound. It saved a few moments at least. Iva sat on the floor with her lover's head in her lap, holding the strap for him to bite. She wasn't sure what scared her more: the idea of him dying, or that she even cared. After several tense minutes Iva finally looked up to see Marie, normally so tidy, covered in dark blood and swearing under her breath in french between incantations.

"Is he...?"

"Hush, I need to focus." Marie snapped. Most of his muscles were back where they belonged and she was fairly certain his organs were as well. Now to mend the skin before he bled out completely. "Draco, Red bottle, runic inscription: Fehu, Berkana, Perthro. Find it in my kit and feed it to him. I don't know if he'll swallow, but we can try."

She mended the skin as quickly as she could manage, but it still took several minutes. Marie was caked with blood, fingers sticking together as she splashed his exposed abdomen with a repairing cream. Silly, but worth a shot. Soon, there was nothing more to be done. She sat back, knowing that her ass was now bloody as well.

"That's it. He'll need time to replenish his blood, and his body might want to rearrange his gall bladder and liver, but I can't do much more. we should clean him up and put him to bed to rest." She started to brush some hair out of her face, but frowned in disgust at her caked hands. Considering the fifty or so chained charms and healing spells, many of which she maintained at the same time, Marie seemed... Unfazed. She glanced over at the blonde man beside her and gave him a clinical once-over. "How are you? Anything I should see to?"
Draco shook his head, Thomas was in rough shape but he was glad the man was stable. Thomas spit out the belt, looking up at her he said, "Pretty Iva, is pretty, me going night night now."

Draco floated Thomas onto his bed, but put a white sheet down to soak up any residual blood. Draco cast the spell to make the gaze unfurl itself and wrap around his body. Werewolf claws had dark magic, it would be a slow healing even with Marie's skills. Moving back into the room Draco said, "Honestly I'm a bit surprised he's alive. Our boy was arrogant. Taking on a were that had shifted. I'd forgotten Fenrir had done those rituals. If his form had been smaller he'd have been ripped open."

Draco poured all of them a glass half full of fire whiskey, "Guess we know how things are for us now. Resistance, Death, or leave the Continent. Thomas has mentioned some island somewhere he bought. I have a villa in France. None of us are marked because of our under cover work. What do you two think? How long do you think until Thomas is in fighting shape without his organs sliding out?"
While Draco and Iva put Thomas to bed, Marie made use of a few cleaning charms. They were efficient, but she was still looking forward to a long soak once this was through. She gathered with the others and gave Draco a brief smile in thanks for the fore whiskey. She still hadn't forgotten his "average" comment.

"I estimate that he'll be bedridden for a few days, five at the most." Marie downed most of her whiskey in a single gulp, showing a sliver of her Irish heritage. "I would put my vote in for France, but it would depend on the region. Provence and Auvergne are out of the question for me. My mother's family is too prominent, I'd be identified in seconds."

"I think he'll recover faster than you think. Thomas is resilient..." Iva glanced toward the bedroom and bit her lip. "What do guys think of his plan to join the resistance? "

"Absurd. He's insane, Iva! You know that better than anyone. We would all be dead, assuming his spy even exists." Marie gestured to the three of them. "Potter has a personal vendetta with Draco, and you and I have our reputations. Even if, for one moment, I was willing to submit to captivity under those bloodless heathens they wouldn't bother to take us. Please. Not even the weeping heart Potter would risk it."

Iva looked as if she were about to argue, but sipped her whiskey instead. They would be taken in, she knew. They might even be treated well. Thomas and Marie would have to give up their "work" though...
Razor apperated in, "I have Master's gifts I do. All pretty with bows and paper yes yes."

Two boxes one with shiny red paper and a yellow bow, it has a picture of a rat. The other was emerald green with a silver bow and had a wolf on it. Razor nodded, "Made them all pretty, lots of stasis charms so they won't rot, nope, useless to master then. You Master's Wench, watch them. I'm going to finish dinner."

Draco sighed, "Of course he kept the heads, and had his psycho elf wrap them like Christmas presents. Sometimes I wonder how much sanity Thomas has eroded with repeated uses of the imperio curse."

Draco then looked at Marie, "Marie, all our contacts, all our sources, everyone from mudbloods to the fucking undersecretary is out for our blood. Tell me how many people,counting the 5 in this trunk can you say for SURE, won't curse you in the back? All The Dark Lord wants is our heads, and they don't have to be attached."

He refilled Marie's fire whiskey saying, "And I don't know about you, but I've got Black blood in me. It boils at the idea of anyone betraying me. ANYONE using me! They want to kill us, torture us, piss on us, I say let them try. I'd rather die with my wand in my hand then begging for mercy on my knees! We both know He has no mercy, never has, never will."

Draco downed his glass and refilled it again, "You want to run, I won't stop you. But Iva, you know what happens to runners, they eventually get caught by one side or the other. I'd rather draw a line in the sand. Besides, Thomas is valuable enough even as much as they hate him they'll take him. He's the best interrogator in this war, besides I imagine he's prepared a few fall backs. Think about it, he's under the imperio curse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, something tells me he's got lots of half crazy half suicidal back up plans. The Imperio curse removes all impulse control, if Thomas wanted to dance with broken legs, he's do it. Do you really think he hasn't done something to the people he's released? Thomas has always been sneaky when he needs to be."

Draco downed a swallow, of the whiskey, "We've got a few days until Thomas is up and moving. Let's put off thoughts for now. Marie, you try and explore any other plans you want. But you'll be on your own. Iva's going to look after Thomas. I'm going to try and see what I can do with my intelligence network. Most of them were more loyal to the galleon then the mark. Marie, I want you to give a magical oath to me you won't try and betray us, in words or in text. That will stop you from spilling the info even if you're captured."

It would also stop her from just walking up to the nearest death eater and making a deal. He knew Marie was the most likely to do so. He also knew she wouldn't respect him unless he got one from her. To make sure he didn't offend her he said, "I'm planning to get one from Iva, and have Thomas get one from me as well. Thomas already made one to Iva he wouldn't tell anyone anything she told him in confidence without her permission. He told me about it when they first started going out, or whatever unholy mockery of that they do."
Marie did not seem put off by the boxes so much as the fact that the nasty little elf kept calling them 'Master's Wenches'. Thomas had better make it throuh so he could correct his servant. Marie-Justine Antoinette O'Connor was no one's 'wench'. She nearly argued that many of her entourage would protect them. There was Blaise (Oh, no, she'd dumped him... Maybe he would take her back?), or Lisette (Hmm no, Lissy was a coward and a social climber. She'd do it in a flash) what about... No... Not him... Nor her...

Iva saw the stricken look on Marie's face as the reality sank in. None of her carefully cultivated contacts would stand up on her behalf. Marie's whole life had been spent building a 'stable' of powerful or useful friends, and now it was wasted.

"Look, Um... Thomas wasn't lying about his spy." Iva said quietly while Marie stared at her friend. "I know who it is, but just don't ask, okay? I'm sworn to secrecy. I'm pretty sure they can get us to safety, though. They... Potter owes them, a lot."

Marie's eyebrows shot up and she looked to Draco to see if he had known this little tidbit.

"But either way, we all swear not to rat out the others." Iva looked at each of them with hard eyes that broached no argument. Marie nodded her agreement. "Okay, once the oaths are done, I'll see about making contact. If Thomas can't, anyway"
Draco shrugged, "Marie, you were a ballroom connection type. You wheeled and dealed with classy powers. You could wrap them around your finger, but those type tend to be like rubbing your skin with a razor. They use you as much as you use them. When you're doing good those doors open wide, and maybe they'd still be useful for contraband or something like that. But my network is more scum, house-elves, homeless, even a snatcher or two. They have nothing to lose by working with us. Blaise would turn you in to save himself, a toothless beggar might turn me in for a meal, but a few gold gets him the same. It'll be risky for awhile, but the dregs are more fluid less chance of an ambush."

Thomas slowly moved into the room. His torso an obvious mess as he sad, "I-I'll sleep later. You three need my help. I may be useless as a caster for-for awhile, but I can help think."

Razor snapped his fingers and the couch cushions shifted dumping Draco to the floor. Thomas's chest was barely moving. He looked at Marie, "I owe you for teaching me that stasis charm. It's keeping my torso frozen, and thus the magic sutures from tearing out."

Thomas sat on the couch, slowly he removed the stasis charm, the pain flowed through him.

Draco winced, "You should be asleep, we can't do anything for a few days. Rest up, Iva's a good spell slinger she can help me out a few days."

Thomas shook his head, "You four have never been hunted before. I have, so I got an escape kit. Draco check my trunk top right pocket."

Draco did so, a bag full of hair, and a dozen different bottles with glamors on them, along with four different perfume bottles. Draco whistled, "You paranoid bastard. We should start calling you Mad-Eye."

Thomas chuckled, "I'm thinking the Mad Wolf, Fenrir deserves to be part of my legend. Anyway, each bottle looks like it has water or soda or juice in it, fill it with polyjuice, each receptacle is big enough for 4 hours worth. The hair is from a barber's college, totally random. The spritzers are a sentas negatum potion, it makes you smell like something else. Keeps a were from knowing you're old scent. I've got Hemlock, Banna, Apple, and sweat. A spritz lasts about an hour. Marie can make her oath then go, we all need to assume within 12 hours out old lives are useless, anything we need to see or have, we need to get it. Atleast in Europe."

He gave Iva a smack on the ass sliding a vial into her pocket he whispered in her ear, "A vial of the real Iva's blood. When it's your turn empty her accounts. Sorry it took so long to get, Razor had a hard time finding the shallow grave."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Planning to do a runner? All of this is too well prepared Thomas. I'd have had a kit like this if I suspected a bounty on our heads."

Thomas shrugged, "Better to have and not need, then need and not have. Give me three days, then we can decide. Razor please move me back to my bed."

The elf nodded floating Thomas back to his room. He put up a silencing ward as Thomas downed a powerful sleeping draft.
The next three days were nervewracking. Marie divided her time between helping Iva care for Thomas, covertly settling her affairs, and going completely insane. After giving her oath she had thought that three days wasn't nearly enough time. It wasn't as if she could just pop down to the shops any more and she had lved ones to tend to. Of course, one her life was threatened just by walking outside, the list of her loved ones got considerably shorter. Marie ended up spending just one afternoon in disguise, paying for six months of twice-weekly flower deliveries to the only two people left on her list: her parents. With that chore finished, Marie was left with nothing more to do but pace the loft-trunk and ruin her manicure.

Tonks drained Iva's accounts dry and had accompanied her friend to the Parisian florist shop. Even knowing how much of a sadistic bitch Marie was, it was a little painful to see her leaving such a bittersweet gift. Tonks herself was actually looking forward to her 'defection'. Last she'd heard, her own parents were still alive. It had been so long since she'd seen them... Nymphadora/Iva spent the three days hiding her growing joy. The mission was over, she was going home.

Now, the three days were up. The four of them were waiting uneasily in some ruins on the Yorkshire moors. Well, Tonks assumed they were all uneasy. Under disillusionment charms, she couldn't see any of the group aside from Thomas where he waited for the contact. At some point Marie (she thought, anyway) found Iva's hand and gripped it for comfort. Tonks gave the hand a squeeze, knowing full well how terrified the woman must be cut adrift so suddenly and walking into the 'enemy' camp. Earlier that day Iva had found Marie in the washroom applying her elaborate make up. When Iva asked why, Marie had responded without hesitation: "If I am to die today, I will die beautifully." The fatalism was almost heartbreaking, but then Tonks knew they would survive. The war might have taken a hard toll, but Harry would never kill someone surrendering...

"Almost time." She whispered in the direction she thought Draco and Marie were standing.
Draco was standing practically across from the girls, although technically it was more a 45 degree angle. Sitting on a former stone spire. He wasn't happy Thomas was their mouth piece, but as he'd pointed out he was the least useful in a fight right now. His wand was tight in a white knuckle grip as he waited.

Thomas sat back against a cool stone spire. He'd forgone a shirt the thick leathery gauze reinforcing the stitches to hold in his innards. He had to admit, he was still sensitive and sore. He'd be lucky to dodge a spell if it came to that. He was wearing dark purple cargo pants, and simple tennis shoes. His wands were in under arm holsters, and a simple plain sword rested at his hip. He pulled out a black and mild, the light of the flame exposing his face along with the cherry. The only light present was the moon and the cherry of his black and mild. Thomas checked his pocket watch, three minutes. Thomas closed his eyes and began to sing softly.

Draco blinked, he'd never heard Thomas sing before.

There ain't no grave
Can hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Can hold my body down

When I hear that trumpet sound
I'm gonna rise right out of the ground
Ain't no grave
Can hold my body down

Well, look way down the river
And what do you think I see
I see a band of angels
And they're coming after me

Ain't no grave
Can hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Can hold my body down

Well, look down yonder, Gabriel
Put your feet on the land and sea
But Gabriel, don't you blow your trumpet
Until you hear from me

The sound of apparition filled the air. Slowly more people moved into the space. They'd been expecting at most 4 order members, instead their were eight that were visible. Harry the left side of his face still red and tender looking, along with Granger and four Weasleys, even the former head Mugawump himself. Thomas continued to sing casually as the Order members blinked in surprise.

There ain't no grave
Can hold my body down
Ain't no grave
Can hold my body down

Well meet me, Jesus, meet me
Meet me in the middle of the air
And if these wings don't fail me,
I will meet you anywhere

Ain't no grave
Can hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Can hold my body down

Well meet me, Mother and Father,
Meet me down the river road
And Mama, you know that I'll be there
When I check in my load

Ain't no grave
Can hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Can hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Can hold my body down

Of all the people, it was the beautiful quarter Veela who came out of her shock first moving towards Thomas she cried, "YOU!"

The pointed toes of the heels she'd worn caught him in the left side of his chest making Thomas hiss, he replied with a teasing, "Now not Fleur, interesting choice of panties to deal with a spy."

Fleur kicked him hard in the gut, and drove her heel into his chest as she pointed her wand at his face. The heel tore open stitches and sank into muscle. Thomas just winked up at her, "Remember me then, Canary?"

Fleur's wand was trembling as Hermione spoke, "Fleur, FLEUR ENOUGH!"

Fleur's eyes went wide as if she'd been betrayed. She looked at Hermione, "Hermione, aftur what this this FILTH did to me, to my sister, after what he forced us to do to each OTHER, I swore if I ever got the chance I'd put him down!"

Thomas chuckled and got a wand across the face for the effort, the blow tore a bit of flesh a new scar along his right eyebrow as he said, "Who do you think ordered me to Canary?"

Fleur blinked, "What? Hermione, what does he mean?"

Hermione looked at Thomas angry, but shame on her face, "You went too far Thomas. You were just supposed to bury yourself in the Death Eater ranks. Not become their number one rapist and interrogator! You were supposed to be a no name cog in the machine!"

Thomas laughed a slightly insane sounding, but totally humorless laugh as he said, "One problem with that Granger. When you played with my mind, stuck your wand all in my memories and diddled them like I did Canary, you didn't deal with the repercussions. See you gave me the hate, the anger to fit in with the blood psychos, but you screwed up. I forgot Thomas was something you made up. You fucked up Granger, and if it wasn't for a nasty habit I got of Imperio-ing myself I'd probably be as nutty as Bella."

Harry spoke for the first time, "Hermione, what's he talking about?"

Hermione spoke, looking very guilty, "We were losing the war Harry. So, I approached some less then savory people. The plan was simple, obliviate most of their history. Put a manufactured one into place, then Imperio them with certain orders. Their were five that worked, Agents Ironbelly, Horntail, Fireball, Ridgeback, and Ashwinder. Each was given a tattoo on their left inner arm. It worked, it worked really well. But their were some issues."

Thomas chuckled, "Some issues Granger? Twenty people were erased, five were still capable of being human afterwards. Three survived and were able to function after the new memories were jammed in. Ashwinder was caught, and I interrogated him. Imagine my shock when as I was digging through his brain I realized my tattoo I got when drunk one weekend was as much a brand as any dark mark."

Thomas held up his hand, showing the Ironbelly dragon tattoo. It was magical, wings moving it blew a blast of magical ink fire. He chuckled as he heard Fleur drop her wand in show. He looked at the woman who killed him, "I owe you one Granger. The old me was a looser, who was willing to have his life wiped away by a girl barely out of school. The nightmares of watching my sister get raped and a muggle blowing her brains out wasn't pleasant, but win some, lose some. It was a bit sickening, realizing all the women I'd raped, all the people I'd tortured, I did it because of some made up story of a girl who'd read one too many pulp novels. But then again, I remember it, it stands out in my psyche, so maybe it did. Thomas works as much for a name as whatever my name was before. But you owe me Granger, and I'm calling in every favor I've got."

Hermione nodded, "Of course, I-I was always planning to bring you in when you were compromise. You-you've got to believe that Ale-"

Thomas cut her off, "THOMAS, my name is Thomas now Granger. You gave it to me, stick to it. Whatever my name was before, he's dead. He died along with a sister he was too weak to protect."

Fleur turned on Hermione, "You, YOU, YOU DID THIS! Everything this monster has done can be laid at YOUR FEET!"

Hermione actually paled and stepped back a step. Fleur moved towards her.

Thomas chuckled, "That's not fair. Not wrong, but not fair. Squirrel Girl forgot the human mind isn't a projector. She gave me the memories, but my own mind took them. Like seed growing into a tree. She didn't expect me to become as twisted as I am. She was a child playing with thing she didn't understand, but she couldn't have known I'd fall in with Bella, or be a student of some of the most sadistic Death Eaters. Couldn't have known their hate, rage, and darkness would twist me. Besides look at her, her own regrets will do far more damage then anyone elses. She knows she made the man who raped her best friend's sister, whose tortured every female Weasley her family, whose scarred her best friend, she made me, and she'll carry that guilt far worse then any curse or spell damage."

Hermione dropped to her knees sobbing as the words cut to the bone. Fleur still looked angry. Dumbeldore looked at them, "As interesting as this all is. Why are we here Mr. Mad-Wolf."

Thomas put his black and mild out, "Voldemort has come for me and mine. Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Marie I forget her last name and me. I want to join the order. I like Nym, and she deserves the chance to see her son and her parents again. Otherwise I'd be somewhere in Mexico sipping rum and cokes. I'd also like protection for Marie's parents. I've has some magical mercs protecting them subtly. She may be a whiny pretentious bitch, but she's my friend. Plus she's saved my life a few times, and I owe her. Oh, and her and Draco do this whole UST Slytherin posturing thing that's fun to watch. Neither can admit they just want to fuck like bunnies until they bleed from their sex places."

Harry blinked, "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy has sex? Eeew, thanks for that image Thomas."

Thomas chuckled, "From what I hear you two were Hogwarts most likely in the closet couple. Always flirting, and spying on each other, always trying to get each other alone. One fighting to be on top. Very non-hetero Potter."

Ron snarled, "Harry, Albus, you can't be considering this? This is Thomas The Mad-Wolf, he'd killed more order members and Ministerial staff then any five random Death Eaters combined. He'd a force for terror. Children fear his name!"

Thomas blinked, "Ronald Weasley, if you want to suck my cock, just ask. I'm a cheap date. Wouldn't be the first Weasley."

Ginny snarled, "Crucio!"

Thomas jerked his hips, panting and groaning. Rather then the screams most expected, Thomas was making lewd noises. Rocking his hips lewdly.

Hermione's voice spoke out, "GINNY!"

Harry's voice followed, "GIN!"

However, it was a sharply spoken, "Ginerva!" that made the red head end her curse tend seconds after she'd begun it. Molly Weasley put he hand on her daughters still extended wand arm, saying, "He's not worth it, we're better then him."

Thomas shrugged, "Can we decide how this is going to go? I think my favorite dick sucking Weasley just tore most of the stitches in my torso. Which means I'm about to bleed out probably."

Dumbeldore stepped forward, "Oh? I'd heard you were near death's door. What cause such serious wounds."

Thomas loosened the bandages around his neck revealing the mess his chest was. A few Order members looked away, but the war had hardened most. Thomas said, "Can I reach into my pocket without another unprovoked attack?"

At the nod, he brought out two boxes. He handed one to Potter, and the other to Fleur. Both dropped the packages at seeing heads inside. Thomas spoke again, "Greyback was a nasty fuck, luckily I was nastier."

Albus nodded, "Indeed. I agree to your admission to the Order of the Pheonix, for a trial period. Harry do be so kind as to help our new friend to his feet."

Harry smiled sticking his wand into one of the torn open wounds. He said a spell and for the first time in a long time Thomas screamed. A loud echoing scream, his body tightening. But the wounds healed and scarred before their very eyes. Harry offered Thomas a hand, "That was for two reasons, first the me and Malfoy crack. The second, to show you I can, and will hurt you if you cross us."

Thomas nodded as Draco said, "What the hell was that?"

Harry chuckled, "A healing spell, requires alot of power, and forces all the pain of the normal healing time to happen in an instant. An early form of the crucio curse. I figured it would send a message."

Harry held out his arm, "Take my arm, former Black wands, welcome to the Order of the Phoenix."
When Marie dropped her disillusionment charm, she was very pale. Even more so than usual, to the point she looked more grey than white. At first Tonks thought it was the same shock that they all felt. Thomas an Order plant this whole time? It boggled the mind! Tonks dropped her own charm, having shifted to her natural form, and tried to give her friend a reassuring smile. The smile fell flat when she saw the nauseous horror on the red-head's face.

He had called her by her real name.

"Oh... Yeah... Um... Shit." Tonks ran a hand through her suddenly violet hair, an old habit from her rebellious teen years.

"How long?" Marie jerked her arm away and looked from Thomas to Harry to Dora. "Both of you?"

"The whole time, love, you never met Ivanka." Tonks didn't try taking Marie by the arm again but rested her hand on Harry's wrist with a relieved smile. She hated the way Marie took the whole thing personally, but well... She'd get over it. Thomas though...

"When we met... Did you know yet?" She asked while forcing her hair back to a more subdued brown. Marie was helping Thomas up, she seemed significantly less upset about his betrayal. Truthfully, she wasn't shocked by anything he did or said anymore. To lighten the mood, Tonks forced a chuckle and nudged Marie's arm. "I bet you wish you knew that healing spell, huh?"

"Velox sarsio dolorum. Developed as an emergency solution to wounded enemy captives during the Siege of Jerusalem, deemed cruel and unnecessary by the predecessor to the modern Wizangamot in 500 AD." Marie responded coolly before taking Dumbledore's arm. The older wizard nodded with a mildly impressed expression. "It is too quick for my tastes."

Nymphadora winced as Dumbledore looked down at the lovely little woman, aghast. Oh, she'd do just great...

"Are you ready, Mr Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked, giving Marie one last concerned glance.
Thomas smacked Marie hard on the ass, "You be nice to Nymphadora. She's the reason we're still alive. See, had Granger not escaped Peter and Mcnair's plan would have worked perfectly. Leak out location to the Order, they hit us hard, we're in a weakened state, then they hit us. Instead they had to adapt sent two dozen new recruits at us, who didn't know their wands from their dicks. They had to scramble and thus we escaped."

He put his arm around Tonk's waist giving her ass a squeeze, "So I get you're all a bit annoyed, but Nym here saved all your asses. besides she is MINE, and anyone who makes my woman sad gets to play practice duel with me."

Draco blinked, "Is Thomas being caring? Dare I say loving? Holy crap, hell has officially frozen over."

Thomas rolled his eyes, "No you prick sucker, but my Nymphadora won't be a nympho if some bastard or bitch makes her sad. Have you ever been sucked of by a metamorph? total anatomical control. her throat can be tighter then a virgin's pussy, and yet she won't gag. It is fucking heaven, and anyone who gets in the way of my heaven WILL be in hell."

Draco chuckled, "Whipped, the great Mad-Wolf, whipped."

As they all took the offered hands and appeared at number 12 Grimauld place. Harry handed them a piece of paper. They all read it before it burst into flame. Thomas added to Marie's statement, "The spell is also a power leech. See that's the problem with most spell. What's more effective. To put it simply, which is better a cutting curse, or a ripping curse. A low powered cutting spell can cut a piece of paper or a cheese wheel. A very low powdered ripping curse does the same. But in a duel it might take four cutting curses to do the damage a single ripping curse can do. Our little Marie isn't that powerful, but she has alot of stamina. For her using the bandage spell a hundred times is better then using a spell that has the power of a hundred and fifty bandage spells one time. Draco has a similar dueling style, he uses simple spells while I use more robust spells."

Draco rolled his eyes, "And that's why he needs three days to sleep off the magic drain of a serious duel, and I can fight three battles in 48 hours and get by on a power nap."

Thomas chuckled, "Neither style is wrong, after all a pocket knife can be just as deadly as a bastard sword, I'm going to be teaching the my style more Nymphadora. Because most Death Eaters are taught Draco's style, or a crappy version of it. Most will fall to a conjured beast. I love cats, nothing effects someone like a lion or a panther's battle cry. Also if I'm in a serious duel a Nundu, goddess you remember that Potter."

Harry nodded, "I have a scar on my leg where the third one's breath got me, and on my upper arm where the second one got me. It's bloody insane. But you didn't do so well the next time you tried it."

Thomas pouted, "Yeah, scar faced bastard conjured two Norwegian Ridgebacks. Fucking scar headed dick sucker."

Draco chuckled at Thomas saying, "Wow, the dreaded Mad-Wolf pouting like a child."

Thomas rolled his eyes. Spotting the kitchen he got an evil smirk and moved inside, moving from person to person saying, "Hi, Hello, Old friend, hi, hi." Then he sat at one of the chairs and gave Luna a one armed hug and said, "Many old friends are Order members huh?"

For five seconds no one moved then a half dozen wands were drawn and pointed at his face. Thomas just smiled saying, "Parley!"

Harry sighed, "Draco is he an idiot? I mean I get the whole insane thing. Mione poking around in his brain explains that. But he seems stupid even with that."

Draco rolled his eyes, "I ask myself that same question scar head. Honestly I don't know if it was Mud-blood's brain diddeling, or my aunt's tender mercies, or some mixture of both. I just try to avoid getting his wand pointed at me, and hope someone else kills him."

Harry spoke a bit louder, "Stop, no cursing out new um, ally? You're not friends, or all that trusted."

Thomas went to speak, but Draco sent a silent silencio at him. Looking at Marie he said, "Fix the Veela's injury to our mad dog killer please. He's bleeding all over the place. I never realized that bonus to a whippy wand."

Thomas silent countered Draco's silencio as he said, "Nymmy, Draco's being mean. Oh, does that mean I get to brood? I'm an anti hero now right? Anti heroes brood and wear leather and have awesome swords. Oh, woe is me, my parents are dead, because they tried to stop me from eating cheesecake before dinner, so I slit their throats and stabbed him a dozen times. Wow, did that really happen?"

Hermione blushed, "W-well you needed to show psychopathic tendencies. So, um, I doubt it."

Thomas blinked, "Hey Dracoooo."

Draco sighed, "No Thomas, you cannot kill my parents and brood about it to be a more awesome anti-hero."

Thomas sighed, "Who else am I supposed to ask? Harry's parents are dead, and everyone knows I did it. The Weasels are already pissed I just had some fun with their sister and mother, if I killed their parents they would whine. Tonksy likes her parents. Please, I'll clean my room, and not kill any puppies."

Draco looked at Harry, "Are you sure it's too late to AK me? Just one little spell. Right between the eyes. It would be a mercy."
Sour-faced and even more sour-tempered, Marie stalked over to the table with her heels clicking sharply on the wooden floor. It had been bad enough when she was defecting with trusted teammates, but now the poor healer was cut adrift. Thomas and Iva were unknown quantities now, and she certainly couldn't rely on Draco. Added to that nagging, helpless feeling was the fact that her ass was being smacked like a purchased whore, she was in an unfamiliar and hostile place, and damned if she didn't hate being underestimated. Thomas was right about the Velox Delorum being an immense power-drain, but she could manage it once or twice before being entirely spent. Marie muttered her spell and tapped the tip of her slender wand against Thomas's skin. She was careful to only heal the skin and a few shallow cuts to save on the amount of energy it would pull. Very delicate work, but it was enough to prove her point. It also had the lovely effect of technically obeying Malfoy's order while leaving Thomas in pain.

"On the subject of 'trust', we're going to need to search your bags." Dumbledore had the good grace to smile apologetically before holding out his hand for their packs. Tonks handed hers over without flinching but Marie clutched at her purse in disgust. "I must insist. It will all be returned to you, provided there is nothing nasty or dangerous. If you like, you may choose who examines your things."

"Mademoiselle Delacour." Marie handed her bag over reluctantly. "I can trust you to be delicate, I hope."

"Madame Weasley, now." Fleur nodded to a scarred, red-headed man standing by the door. The blonde woman took Marie's purse and placed it on the table. Ginny and Ron joined her with black-magic detection amulets while Hermione and Luna started searching through Tonks' things.

The whole process went smoothly enough. Tonks' bag was, of course, clean and the items inside were innocuous. Marie, however, was called on to explain quite a few 'grey magic' potions and salves in her healer's kit. The only excitement came when Ron opened her parcels from Twillfit and Tatting. The Weasley boy held up a few scraps of deep green silk, clearly confused as to the purpose of such a tiny garment. He twisted them until realizing that it was indeed a set of skimpy lingerie, his face going deep scarlet.

"Bloody hell!" He threw the garments back into their boxes and shut the flaps hurriedly. "You could have warned me!"

"You would not have believed me." Marie huffed while Ginny eyed the strap of a dainty balconette bra.

"Huh... Where'd you get those?" Ginny took the box away from her brother and exchanged a glance with Harry before refolding the lacy things inside. "I like the fabric..."

"Oh god... I'm going to be sick." Ron groaned. "Could you not discuss kinky knickers in front of me?"

Nymphdora sat beside Thomas with a smile. It had been so long since she'd seen her friends, even the complaining was a delight. Ginny and Marie were soon chatting about lingerie shops with Fleur, much to the despair of Ronald... Until Hermione piped in. Funny how he didn't mind her talking about 'kinky knickers'. Before long, Marie and Fleur were arguing in animated French about goodness knows what. It seemed to be a friendly enough argument, so Tonks didn't feel like breaking it up.

"So... Are you going to go sans- imperio for a while?" She leaned over and whispered to her... Lover? Is that really what she was going to call him? It seemed to fit the closest, but... She thought back to the fractured way he tried to protect her feelings, the bizarre threats and declaration of ownership. Whatever it was that he felt, perhaps love was the closest analog. "You might be able to think a little more clearly, repair some of the damage..."
Thomas shook his head at Tonks, "I like who I am. I know these arrogant pricks consider me a monster, but better to be a monster then a hypocrite."

Dumbledore looked at Thomas, "Oh, what do you mean Mr. Alexanderson?"

Thomas pointed at one of the Order members, "Name a scientist, 1 muggle scientist."

The man blinked and shrugged, "The felly-tone inventor, right?"

Thomas looked at Dumbledore, "You people don't respect muggles, or care for them. You treat them like dogs. They are the cute muggle puppies. You don't care for them beyond basic life. You can't name one thing about their culture, about their beliefs. You all claim to be superior to the death eaters but at least their honest. I'd rather deal with open hatred then subtle hatred. Tell me, Arthur, you used to run a Ministry division, ever hire a muggle born?"

Arthur bushed a bit, "W-well I tried, but none ever stuck around."

Thomas looked around, "I'd bet I know more about muggles then any one of you, including Granger."

Hermione glared, "Oh, and why is that?"

Thomas smirked, "I was a mercenary before you diddled my brain. You kept those memories in tact for the most part. Thing is, American wizarding culture is alot more war oriented. We've had to fight hard. Just like muggle America is a bit more violent."

Draco chuckled, "Sure it is, you bloody yank."

Thomas held up his hand, "We've got Native American Shamans, Voodoo priests and priestesses, English style wand users, Nordic rune masters, and Tao spell casters, oh and South american blood magic. All 6 of those, are as common as wanded magic is here. American magic is thus changed. I could summon a spirit guide, raise a zombie, or chant cast. Sure it's draining, but in a true battle, it's saved my life. Plus American spell casters blend in. Hell you want proof, ask me a question."

Thomas sighed as the dark detector dinged at him. He rolled his eyes, "I've done a dozen power increase rituals, recently had my guts ripped open by a werewolf, been bitten by a basilisk, and almost kissed by a dementor. That shit leaves a scar. Also have no issues using black magic. It's my birth right."

Draco sighed, "Really Thomas? You know they could kill you right? Or refuse to help you."

Thomas shrugged, "Dumbledore's wand is the darkest artifact in the room, despite my trunk which has virgin veela blood, unicorn blood, tears of a maiden priestess, and dozens of other what people would classify as dark items. I'm an interrogator. I torture people because it amuses me, because I enjoy their screams. I keep a vial of blood from every victim and charm it, so it glows when they have nightmares about me, and I keep them under my pillow. It makes me happy, an gives me an erection. I never claimed I'd go to the light side."

He kissed Tonks on the cheek, "I like you babe. I like you alot, but I like the high, the rush of the curse as well. Besides who wants to think. I know you do, you have people who love you, people who need you. But me? I'm the suicie soldier, the guy people send in when they want someone to die. I'm lucky, and I live with no regrets."

Draco rolled his eyes, "You really are being all angsty huh? Should I get you some razor blades? Maybe a slipknot C.D.?"

Thomas chuckled, "Fuck off cock sucker."

Thomas kissed Nym on the cheek, "Wow they are a bit stupid. Talking about underwear, and lingerie. First of all, we're wizards and witches, just conjure whatever you want. Second, and this is the reason you're my favorite girl, only stupid teases wear underwear to begin with."

He looked at Nym, "You going to say hi to your parents, or you going to wait. I can put on my suit and try to be all respectable. I'm honestly a bit nervous about meeting your kid. I'll probably give you my wand, just to be safe and male sure non of my kill impulses get far."

Draco looked at Tonks and Thomas and burst out laughing. He pointed at Tonks, "Aunt Andromeda is going to love this. Their weren't enough psychos in the black bloodline. You're supposed to want a guy like your father, not your aunt. Oh this, this will be amazing."

Thomas glared at Draco, "Fuck you Malfoy! I can be respectable, I went to the Lestrange Christmas party after all."

Draco looked at him and doubled over in laughter, "Y-you crucioed a house elf, are all the shrimp, and hit my father with a bowel loosening hex. Then ended up screwing some blond haired slag in the kitchen. Who was that by the way? She had a nice arse. I always meant to ask but kept forgetting."

Thomas smirked, "How very pureblood that compliment was. I'll make sure to tell your mother you liked her ass."

Draco blinked, "You son of a diseased mongrel fucking whore, are you serious?"

Thomas nodded, "Me and Iva hadn't met yet. Your mother was a major slag. Said your Daddy's dick was barely 4 inches. I figured that's why you and Marie never hooked up, size issues."

Draco glared, "Marie, tell this bastard my cock is bigger then average. Besides size doesn't matter as much as skills."

Thomas blinked, "Holy hell Tonks, think your mother would be up for a threesome? I just realized if I screw her I'll have screwed all three sisters of the former Black family."

Draco looked at Marie, "Marie, I take back what I said about why you haven't fallen into bed with him. Merlin's balls I'm surprised any woman goes to bed with him."

Thomas chuckled, "I still fucked your Mom."
Marie looked up from her discussion and gave Draco a scathing glare. Hadn't the man heard of 'discretion'? She had specifically asked him not to go blabbing about their tumble and now he spills it in front of every new potential ally she had, just for some asinine dick-measuring contest?

"I'm sure you know more about what 'average' is than I do, Draco." The redhead said coolly while Hermione smothered a snort. "Though I wouldn't call laying on one's back for five minutes 'skill'. And five minutes is being generous."

Ginny and Harry exchanged raised eyebrows but had the good sense to keep quiet. Fleur asked a quiet question in french while handing back Marie's bag. The shorter woman replied noncommittally, also in french. Bill, apparently understanding the exchange, gave Draco a sympathetic look before muttering: "Try reciting Quidditch statistics in your head. It helps."

Tonks covered her face with a hand, not sure what was more horrifying: knowing that Thomas had shagged her aunts and was now asking permission for her mother, that he was legitimately concerned that he might kill her son, that Marie was criticizing Draco's 'skill', or that Bill seemed to think he needed to give sex advice. Good lord, the whole place was mad.

"Are my parents here?" She asked Dumbledore, not sure what she wanted the answer to be.

"No, I'm sorry, we sent an owl once we knew who you were, but they've taken Teddy to Morocco. It will be some time before word reaches them." The old man clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "In the interim, have you eaten? Accommodations are limited, I'm afraid, but we'll soon have beds set up for the night."
Draco glared, "First, that is why Astoria is better in bed then you. Second, she snuck into my bathroom while I was half dead from magical exhaustion, and half delirious. Third, the only form of sex I've been able to have in the last eight months is raping muggle borns and half blood traitors, so excuse me if I'm a bit tense. I'm not into women begging me for mercy, pleading with me to stop, saying when they get free their brothers will kill me." His eyes had moved between Fleur, Ginny, and Hermione in turn. A bit dark, but Thomas had "Enjoyed" each of them, and he wanted to make sure each was aware he hadn't.

Thomas snorted, "I am, it's why I give my girls a number tramp stamp. Ginerva was one thousand, six hundred, and sixty six. You would not believe how hard it is to keep count. Hermione is one thousand seven hundred, and Fleur and Gabriel are one thousand, sixty two, and sixty four respectively. Their mother was sixty three. Trust me Fleur, the memories of you, Gabby, and you're mother are some of my favorites. Right up their with the Weasleys, and the Bones, and my god the Bones."

Susan's wand glowed brought as she pointed it at Thomas's neck. She was furious at the memories. However she wasn't able to kill him for some reason. Thomas smirked, "Granger had me sign a magically binding contract for the merc work. No member of the order of the Phoenix may harm me directly, or indirectly. Of course, I betray you I instantly drop dead. I'm also not allowed to keep secrets. Oh and Marie, go easy on our boy, I dosed him with truth serum before we left the magical hiding place, I figured better to make sure he wasn't going to get stupid."

Draco glared, "You what? Damnit Thomas we've had this conversation. No dosing members of the team. Remember when you hit Jackson with that illusion potion. He thought dogs were ripping him to pieces."

Thomas shrugged.

Draco went back to his minor tirade to Marie, "Besides Marie, anyone with eyes know you're a Slytherin. You use your body and bedroom skills to manipulate men. Just like any pure blooded woman should. I respect it, but you should remember my mother was Narcissa Malfoy, she ruled the pure blood women for over a decade. If I hadn't said something to win, you'd have won, and if I let you win one time, it's like wrapping a cord around my neck and giving you the lead to strangle me. You're vicious, skilled, and just as good at knifing someone in the back, as cursing them to the face. It is rather hot, but we're nobility, we have a game and dance we have to do."

Draco then added, "And Weasley, the fact you think about boys riding brooms while in bed with a blond Veela is sad. Had I been going for stamina, I'd have cast the ejaculation control spell like all pure blood do. Me and Marie were far more a "I'm horny, she's horny, she has a nice racks and is wet in both ways, what the hell", then a focused attempt. Besides at the time she was dating one of my best friends."

Thomas rolled his eyes, "Draco, stop being such a whiny pussy. I told you, and I've been telling you. Women want force, they want to be held down and taken like a bitch in heat. Used like a fleshy condom until you've filled them with your seed. Women want to be marked, taken, and owned. Why do you think Ginny was caught four times by me, Fleur six, and Granger wasn't struggling to escape? Their ashamed to admit it. Watch."

Turning towards Ginny, he looked into her eyes, and thought the command word at her, the red head stiffened, as his hand came up. He gently stroked her cheek with his thumb. The red head's eyes clouded over with lust as she pushed her head against his hand. He smirked at Draco, "Only took me a week with a bull whip to condition this one."

He felt Potter's want poking his back as he said, "What did you do?"

Thomas smirked, "Conditioning Scar Head, I think parts of Hermione's lecture about triggers stuck around. Every woman with my mark has had programming. I told my friends I had spies in the order. The best sort of spy is one who doesn't even know they are a spy. Best part is, no simple spell to remove it. It would take years to surgically remove every trigger. Draco once asked why I let the women go, I told him because they always come back. Even he didn't understand the relevance."

Draco blinked, "You bloody blighter! You could have taken the Order down in a week. Weasley shares Potters bed, an order and she'd slit his throat."

Thomas chuckled, "If I wanted to win. But I don't, I like killing, torturing, raping remember? The war lets me do that."

Dumbledore looked at Thomas, and Thomas saw pity in his eyes. Not anger, not rage, but pity. Thomas spoke, "You really are a good person Dumbledore. As for beds and food why not? I have a house elf who can help out, but he's collecting supplies. He's good at shopping. His name is Razor Weasley."

With a pop Thomas's strange elf appeared. He looked around before saying, "Master, Master's Wench, Master's Slag, Mr. Tiny Snake, what do you be needing with Razor?"

Thomas pet the elf, "Razor these are the Order of the fried chicken. You may recognize some of your work, feel free to call them by it. I may need you to cast comfort and softening spells soon."

The elf nodded, popping and clicking his razor blade. Thomas had Razor carve the number into women's lower backs, a bit of house elf magic guaranteed human magic couldn't take the scars away. Draco sighed, "Tough luck about you're family Tonks, but I'm sure they'll be glad to see you."

Thomas gently pet Tonks, "So you want to break in a new bed after dinner? We've been too drained to see what stress a bed, or counter top, or table can take for awhile now."
Marie's eyes flashed dangerously as Draco continued to air dirty laundry. It wasn't as if the Order had much to offer in the way of acceptable partners, but Draco's truth-serum-induced blabbing was ruining her prospects with impressive speed. Luckily, most of the room seemed more concerned with the way Thomas could control the women. If she were honest, Marie was concerned about it as well. Being surrounded by Thomas's puppets was not her idea of 'safe', no matter how much he 'owed' her.

"Thomas... Don't do that to them anymore, okay? Friends, remember? We don't brainwash our friends." Tonks gave Hermione a pointed look that made the frizzy-haired muggle-born wince. "I don't want you touching them anymore, got it? And... Yeah, don't feed Draco anymore truth serums. I don't think my stomach can handle much more of his 'truth'."

"As if it was the truth." Marie huffed, tossing her hair impetuously. "I did not 'sneak in' to your shower, it was the only one available. You can't blame me for wanting to put as much distance as possible between myself and your 'Mad Wolf'."

Fleur and Hermione murmured agreement. They knew all too well why a woman wouldn't want to be naked anywhere near Thomas for any reason.

"And don't pretend you felt bad about Blaise. You two haven't been close since he knocked up Pansy."

"Okay then, if we're done making fools of ourselves..." Tonks began, trying to change the subject.

"Thomas if your elf doesn't stop calling me your 'wench', I swear on every..."

"OKAY THEN!" Tonks said loudly before Marie could make a threat she couldn't follow up on. "Dinner sounds great! I'm starving! Do you want my help, Molly?"

"Heavens no, dear! You just relax..." Mrs Weasley seemed too horrified by the coarse conversation to react. She set to peeling potatoes and chopping other vegetables, the knives looking awfully sharp as they danced through the air... Tonks glanced at Thomas to make sure he wasn't paying attention to the blades.

"You're going to have to free Razor. I won't allow members of the Order to own slaves." Hermione's voice was firm but Marie held up a palm in a calming gesture.

"That is a stupid idea. Think for one moment: a house elf in the employ of that man is undoubtedly, certifiably, absolutely insane. Thomas frees him and we all get slashed to ribbons in an hour." Marie sat beside Draco in one of the few open seats. Her back was very straight but she did not seem overtly hostile anymore. She tapped her fingers thoughtfully against her leg, wondering about the dosage Thomas had slipped the blonde man. How much truth could she wring out of him before it wore off? "Thomas keeps it on a loose leash, but at least the creature is contained."
Razor snarled at Marie, "Master's wench is just jealous of Master's amazing skills. She peels skin like a lemon, but Master carves it. He is an artist, while you are a mere plebeian. You should worship him as the god of pain and agony he is. He is a light i the darkness a savant of pain and torture."

Thomas shrugged at Hermione, "Razor is my friend. Besides he carries the brand of my house. He's a one hundred and sixty second generational pure blooded elf. He also used to hold the kittens while I used my scalpel to see if I could cut out their hearts while they were still beating."

Razor nodded a tear in his big eye, "Yes, Master was always so intense in his studies. When the old Master ordered me to teach him knife fighting, at the tender age of four he came after me with a blood thirstiness only gotten from my own goblin trainers."

Thomas nodded, "The Alexanderson family captured a few goblins a few years back. We did a few creative breeding projects and ended up with goblin elf hybrids. They heal twice as fast, and are stockier. Plus a bit more blood thirsty. They aren't our slaves necessarily like the typical house elves. Oh he's a slave, but it's just like you are to Dumbledore. He's my most loyal comrade, and I trust him. He's the one I have watch Tonks while I sleep."

He kissed Tonks on the cheek, "Not that I don't trust you. I do, but well Iva was a stone cold bitch. I'm a bit paranoid, when you've had lovers try to gut you in the past you learn better to be a bit paranoid then dead. Doesn't help my aunt was trying to take the family fortune from me. She thought because I was 13 I'd be easy to sleep with and seduce, stupid tramp."

Draco shrugged, "I'm glad I never had to deal with that. Branch family members trying to take over. One of the bonuses of most Malfoy men preferring men to women. I'm also extremely glad that particular trait never manifested in me. Also that my father's fathers fondness for younger boys never manifested in him."

Razor cackled, "I gut the naughty whore. No one hurt Master. Master is divine, Master is the best. Master deserves the admiration of all those who are his lessers!"

Thomas pet the house elf, "Razor, we've talked about this. I am awesome, but I'm not a god. Saying that makes me sound a bit too arrogant."

Razor nodded bowing. He said, "I'll prepare Master and Master's Slag a room. I sense one has a Bogart in it. Master loves those."

Thomas nodded. Looking at the order members he said, "My fear is a me, that doesn't enjoy raping and killing. He's more into mind games and such. He's an interesting person to talk too. Tonks never lets us take turns with her."

Draco blinked, "Is that why you have a Bogart in your trunk? So you can double violate someone? Thomas, I can't believe I'm saying this to you, but dude, that is twisted."

Thomas shrugged, "I also use it to make sure I've done a good job. A person I'm interrogating should have me as their worst fear. Plus sometimes they think of new torture techniques. Or we both rape a bitch. I always wondered if it could impregnate someone. Since the worst fear of most would be bearing my child, but unless Weasley had an abortion I don't think so."

Thomas rolled his eyes, "Marie, I love you like, well, ok I tolerate you like a distant cousin. But you wouldn't be fun to rape. You enjoy pain of others. I would not be surprised if you had a Vaginus contractum spell on your pussy. Makes you too tight to really move in. Besides you'd start liking it too soon."

Draco rolled his eyes, "She's going to poison you and I'm going to laugh."
"Serrantia, Thomas. Try to stick it in and I'll saw your prick clean off. How much of that is true?" Marie asked Hermione, rather hoping that Thomas's childhood memories were just the product of the mudblood witch's meddling. Hermione grimaced and shrugged. Not a promising answer.

"For a few nights at least, until you're proven trustworthy, we're going to be placing guards outside your rooms at night. Two Order members will be on each of you. It's nothing personal, I'm sure you understand." Hermione glanced around the room to gauge reactions. Tonks nodded her agreement, but Marie seemed less pleased. "You'll be free to come and go, of course, but you will be watched."

"Whomever you put on their room had better have a strong stomach." Marie gestured at Tonks and Thomas. Nymphadora flushed a little, the pink climbing up her hair. "They make disgusting noises."

"Actually, I'm counting Tonks as one of the guards on Thomas." Hermione figured that Tonks would be the most likely candidate for keeping the crazy man in line. "Harry and Professor Dumbledore will also be taking shifts. Ginny and Ron will be guarding you, Marie, the twins will be with Draco."

There was a pair of popping sounds and Fred and George appeared with armloads of thai take-away boxes. The scent of curry and fragrant rice filled the room almost instantly. Molly gave them both a dark look, but halted her chopping knives without a word.

"We volunteered for nurse-sitting duty, but dear sister Hermione didn't think it was wise." One of the men, Marie wasn't sure which was which, winked and earned a small smile from the healer.

"You said, and I am quoting: 'We love watching naughty nurses, did she bring the uniform?'." Hermione grumbled while helping Molly pass plates around. "There is no way in hell..."

"I don't have a uniform, haven't worked in hospital for years." Marie interrupted as she passed a plate to Draco. "Sorry boys."

"You're out of luck anyway," Harry said with a smirk as he opened a carton. "She's shagging Malfoy five minutes at a time."

Marie glared at the scar-headed man, lips pursed. Tonks sighed and began scooping rice onto her own plate. May as well try to eat before the curses started to fly...

"This... Is going to be an interesting few days, isn't it?" She asked no one in particular.
Thomas decided to have a bit of fun with the prudes. Pulling Tonks onto his lap, he casually reached up her top. Popping her front snapping bra snap. He began rubbing her right tit, casually rubbing her nipple with his palm. He shrugged, "I don't mind guards. But I'd strongly advise everyone here to remember I am not a slave. I listen to suggestions, I am open to advice. But the reason me and Tonksie work is because she recognized that fact. Telling me to do something pisses me off, I do what I want, and Tonks here will ask me to stop if it's something too bad. I remember their was this orphanage I wanted to burn down, she pointed out how much more personal it would be to slit their throats. We didn't have time to do it the slower way, so I actually left them alive."

Draco nodded a bit, "Yeah, Thomas is sort of nuts. One time he took a bunch of recruits. Banished their clothes, and threw different curses at them. Told them the one who held off screaming the longest would get the least painful death. Then cast increasingly disturbing spells on them, until one was turned inside out, the other was chocking on his own lower intestines, and the other had his head shoved up his own butt. I asked him why he'd done so, I'd been away on a mission and come to the safe house to see this. He shrugged and said he'd read about the curses and wanted to test them. Then proceeded to cast an ass blood and explosion hex on each. Again, I asked him why as we looked at the blood covered wall. He said, and I quote, "Meh, blood is my favorite smell, and one of them farted.", that was when I realized he's a well, he's damaged."

Thomas smirked, waving his wand, to transfigure Marie's clothes into a latex nurse's outfit, with 12 inch heels, and fishnet stockings. He'd thrown enough power into it Marie would have to exhaust herself to fix it. He said, "That's for thinking such a basic defensive curse would stop me. Really, the youngest Weasley had that on her snatch too, it wasn't hard to break. Most of the resistance has some spell. Granger's was the most interesting a combination chastity spell, and confusion and illusion spell. You couldn't find her sex. Took me twenty minutes to beat it, the trick was using a razor to find it. Blood cancels most illusion magic. Then I over powered the chastity spell, I never knew Granger could moan like that."

Thomas kissed Tonks's neck, "Nymmie, I think tonight you should take Granger's form. Either her or the youngest Weasley. Which do you think would be more fun? Potter listening to me make his wife scream and beg for more, or Granger listening to what she missed out on?"

Draco sighed, "Congratulations Scar-head. Now you've got your very own psycho. He's also sarcastic, and crude. I honestly wonder how much of it is normal, and how much is Granger's meddling. I doubt he was sane before. But just so you know, he was caught by the muggle cops one time and they did a psyche eval. Dude is a clinically diagnosed psycho and sadist. Some days are better, some days you find him walking around naked, except for blood spattered all over him from the nearest school he went to and wiped out a class in. Luckily Iva and now Tonks seem to make him more focused killer, less random homicide killer."
Marie dropped her fork with a clatter and a surprised shriek. The latex squeaked as she tried to cover herself a bit more modestly. It was far too tight to move much, though and the material pushed her breasts into uncomfortable positions. At least she knew how to walk in tall heels...

"Thomas!" She snarled and jumped to her feet, unintentionally placing her rubber-encased arse at eye-level for Draco and the Weasley twins. The twins watched, taking sips of tea while staying wisely silent. "Change it back this instant!"

Nymphadora sighed and pulled Thomas's hand out from under her blouse. She considered returning to her own seat, but he was in a 'mood' and she wasn't sure how far she could push him. Across the room, Hermione caught Ron staring open-mouthed at the scene and bopped him on the back of his head. It would have been funny, except for the unamused expression on Dumbledore's face. If anyone could take Thomas out in single-combat, it would be the old professor. And he seemed to be having second thoughts about bringing a 'Mad-wolf' into the house.

"Perhaps in the morning we should work out a code of appropriate behavior for Mister Alexanderson." Dumbledore said wryly while Marie accepted a jacket from Fred (who snuck a glance down her dress as he helped her cover up).

"I think that's a good idea." Tonks didn't have much hope that he'd follow anything of the sort, but it was worth a try. "Thomas, remember we had a conversation about this when you turned Evangeline's clothes to cellophane? You don't transfigure your friend's clothing without permission. Work is simpler when you're polite, remember?"

"Ignorant, barbaric..." Marie muttered as she pulled the jacket closed.
Thomas smirked at Dumbledore, "Aren't I being appropriate? I'm not asking any of them to join me. I didn't vanish their panties or do anything like I'm tempted to do."

Draco looked at his former head master, "Just nod your head. Thomas has four settings, horny, violent, psycopathic, and childish. Horny and childish are easiest to deal with. Violent is the most straight forward. Remember a few years back, when The Order showed up to a Death Eater attack, and found hundreds of cats singing the meow mix theme song? That was Thomas. He likes cats, but if he sees a clown, or a mime, he crucio's them to death. I have no idea why."

Thomas shivered, "Bella used to dress up like a clown when she'd visit my bedroom. Grease paint is a bitch to wash off your dick. Also, I think I was molested by a clown."

Draco looked at Hermione, then at Ron, then at Hermione again before saying, "You two DO use silencing spells in the bedroom right? I may respect Granger, but so help me if I hear the sounds of a clown nose, I think I'm going to be ill."

Thomas kissed Tonks on the cheek, "I want to fight someone. Or fuck someone. Marie's partially exposed tits make me feel good."

Draco nodded, "Marie is a perfect specimen of a pure blood woman. She beautiful to look at, fun to touch, with a tongue that pure silver, but drips basilisk venom, and is as happy to pet you as she is drive a knife in your back. Plus she's the only Black Wand that gets the game."

Draco looked at Marie, blushing as he saw alot of skin. He said, "You get it Marie, the subtle flirting teasing touches, proving your superior thing. Thomas just snorts, and Iva never quite flowed with it right. You almost owned my balls, until you gave me a perfect shot with the adequate in bed comment. You got a bit full of yourself. I've let my defenses down since I've been dealing with these two."

Thomas waved his wand, returning Marie's clothes to normal, but putting Tonks in hooker wear, he said, "Better?"
Tonks was about to agree that yes, it was better, when she felt a breeze on the back of her thighs. She slapped her forehead and rubbed a finger across her brow while trying to decide how best to handle this. Draco's assessment of Thomas's mental state was fairly accurate, though Tonks might have put it as more of a spectrum.

"Just put him down already and be done with it." Marie's voice drew Nymphadora's attention. The redhead still looked ready to fling a shoe in Thomas's direction as she returned Fred's jacket with quivering rage. "He'll have you all dosed and dressed in ludicrous costumes, dancing for his own sick amusement."

The rest of Marie's rant was lost as someone had the good sense to hand her a glass of wine. She drank quickly enough that Tonks had a momentary worry for the small woman's liver.

"Our business is none of yours, Malfoy." Hermione practically spat, color rising in her cheeks. "All the time you've spent with... him is rubbing off. You're coarse and rude and only here because the Order is made up of better people than you. We don't execute prisoners, if we can avoid it but if you lot don't start shaping up, we will make an exception."
Thomas smirked, "Granger, I'd win in a fight. You know why, you made me. You programmed me. Their's one major things that I have going for me, that none of you do."

Draco nodded a bit, "He's right, he's got one major trick, one major ace that no one else does. Even the Dark Lord is a bit scared of it."

Thomas took his wand, Draco saying, "Thomas DON'T!"

Thomas pointed the wand at his own throat, "You want to know the difference. I've danced with the devil in the pale moon light. I'll be anybody's huckleberry, I am the Alpha and the Omega. SEVEREM MAXIMA!"

Draco blurred yanking Thomas's wand away. So instead of decapitating himself he just got a nasty cut along his neck. Thomas smirked, "I like death. Death and me are friends. I don't fear death. All of you accept death, you may not fear it, but you don't crave it. Me, I want to die, everyone I care about it already dead and damned. When you have no regrets, live like you're already dead, you truly enjoy life."

He stood up, ignoring the fact he had a wound that would cause him to bleed to death, he casually brought his wand up. The smell of burning flesh and the sound was the only noise as he brought it across, sealing the wound. Moving towards the door, he said, "Marie, you're goal is to be a trophy wife, Draco's was wealth and power, Tonk's was to see her parents again. You know what mine is? Mine is to damn so many souls to the inferno, that when I get there, I can make an army. Charge the fortress of the devil himself, and rule on a throne of skulls. You feel froggy, feel free to try and put me down. But remember Slag, I've been taught by Belatrix Lestrange, and I know a sterilization hex that will make you useless to any pure blood looking for an heir. You get one pass because you saved my life, call me a dog again, I'll laugh as you try to heal yourself, and choke on your blood."

Draco glared lightly at Marie, but as Thomas left the room he said, "Did you really think that was smart? Come on Marie, you've spent time with him. Do you really think he doesn't have some deadman switch rigged up? Not to mention the fact you were just obscenely stupid."

The sound of Razor's switch blade clicking shut said exactly how close Marie had come to death. Draco sighed, "I get you were frustrated, but the simple truth is you know Thomas is barely balanced. If it wasn't for Iva's influence you'd be dead right now, Order or no Order. Our last medic was gutted and had a rot spell shot into his intestines. You really want that fate?"

Draco ran a hand through his hair, "Word of advice when it comes to Mad-Wolf, as long as he isn't hurting you, don't mention pain or death. They are like candy to him. I was serious about him just randomly casting painful death spells at people. I think the only reason Granger, Marie, and one of the Weasels isn't dead is because Iva was doing a good job on his lap. He seems to not want her to hate him. Of course how long that "Safety zone" will last who knows."

Draco sipped some wine, "You say being around Him is rubbing off. Maybe it is, honestly I think it's shown me what it's like for you and Potter dealing with Weasel tempers. But don't forget Granger, you need wands, Intel, and money. We've got all three. If you'd turned us away, we'd have split up. I have a villa in France, Marie does as well. Thomas has an island where the water is clear blue an the sand is white, he offered to take Iva Tonks with him. But You-Know-WHo crossed us. All four of us like vengeance. Plus Death Eaters are dicks, and killing some of them seems to amuse me."
Marie's mouth twitched in an unrepentant grimace but Tonks was quick to notice just how pale the other girl was. She knew the feeling. Pulling Thomas away from familiar ground had been a mistake, there was no way to tell how he was going to react at any given moment and the wrong word at the wrong time could end with a pile of corpses.

Marie was right, from a purely logical standpoint. Thomas was far too unstable to be safe. Even her tenuous hold on him couldn't last forever, and then what? Controlling him was impossible, maybe it would be best for everyone if... She shuddered and glanced around the room. Several members of the order seemed to be coming to the same conclusion: he was just too dangerous. How many of these people had children? For that matter, how could Tonks ever bring Teddy near someone so... Broken? She had always hoped that somehow he could just 'snap out of it', or settle down to the point that she didn't worry about being gutted in her sleep.

"Aren't you going to go after him?" Ginny asked, fear and revulsion plain in her eyes. Tonks realized that the whole room was staring at her and expecting her to rein in the madman.

"Oh, ah no, He'll be fine. Probably snap right out of it in a mo'." She laughed uneasily. Across the table Marie was sipping her third glass of wine and the liquid was shaking in the glass. "He's just feeling a little over-dramatic right now..."

No one seemed to believe her but they didn't argue. After all, who would have gone in her place?
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