Black Wands (ThomasRHellsing and Lady Vi)

Thomas chuckled, "I love it when a woman calls me god."

Thomas was always such mix of animal and chess master when in a mood like this, he knew exactly when. where, and how to bite suck and slam. When he wanted her to have to work to cover the marks he'd left. To blush and whimper and beg for mercy. Suddenly both palms lashing out to smack her breasts her HARD. Her ass hitting the bed and bouncing up to meet his thrusts. He put her knees around his waist. Every second he was slamming his hard member hard and deep inside of her. He didn't know or care if she was too dry for it to be painless thrusts. He knew his member was too large for her right body. But he figured he'd made her wet enough where he wouldn't rip her insides as well. Hate fucking her tight cunt hard, his nails digging into her ass so hard their would be crescent marks. They both knew he wanted her to beg, plead, maybe ask for mercy and they both knew she'd hold out a long as she could. She'd try to play the part of quiet pureblood, taught that making noise made the sex dirtier. He loved to make her scream and talk dirty for him.

Draco groaned, his hand wrapping in her red hair. His eyes locked with hers, green meeting sharp grey, as he said, "You forget yourself wench. I am the Malfoy scion, Captain of the Black Wands, I've lasted in battle against the Thomas. You may be a fun toy, something fun to use and get myself off, but love is a weakness. Any true pureblood knows that."

He tightened his grip on her hair and rolled his hips hard, fucking her mouth. He knew if he let Marie have a scrap of control she'd try to use it to hang him. Thus he had to set the ground rules, who had the power, and who was in charge from the beginning. Looking down at her he said, "If you'd like to challenge that, I'm sure Thomas would love to show you your place. He hasn't gotten to have any fun yet today."
Tonks gasped when he struck her, he seemed to be tearing her apart from the inside out. Then his nails bit in and he was ripping her to pieces from the outside as well. Her knees were up to give him a little more depth, but it wasn't enough. Tears streamed from Susan's eyes, though Tonks hadn't meant to cry yet. Her body tensed to a particularly rough bounce, the muscles of her pussy tightening around him and making his cock seem even bigger.

That's what made her scream.

Soon she was gasping for air, throat hoarse, while she bit down on the comforter. Her hands pushed weakly at his abs, half-heartedly trying to make him stop for just a little bit. It was too much. A familiar sensation began to overshadow the pain, reflecting off every blow and amplifying every stroke.

"Ah! Yes, oh please... Don't stop... I'm..." She shuddered as the orgasm grew inside her. Her voice was weak from screaming but she still managed to gasp out a few pleading noises that might have been words.

Marie let him force her down, sucking willingly and running her tongue down the length of him. She didn't have any trouble taking his cock entirely into her throat. Not once did she gag, which was a small surprise to her considering how thick he was. When Draco let her up to breathe, the breathless smile she gave him was pure mischief.

"I'm not looking for love, darling, just a good time." She reached up and gripped his hand in her hair, pressing uncomfortably on his bandage and forcing him to pull on her wet curls. She tilted her head back as her eyelids fluttered shut and she relished the sensation. "As exhausted as you are, I doubt you could get yourself off without passing out, let alone a partner."

She moved up quickly, her nipples trailing over his chest as hard as pebbles. Somewhere in the house came the overly-familiar noises of Iva and Thomas. Sounded like he was having his fun after all. Marie used her hand to press her commander's prick against the wet heat of her labia. She moved her hips, stroking his shaft and coming oh-so-close to letting him in.

"Just let me do the work. You can relax a bit." With that, she guided him inside her, already wet and ready but shockingly tight without sufficient foreplay.
Thomas chuckled, "You watched me do this to her, poor innocent little Susan bound up and made to scream. You watched me hurt her, yet you take this form. You let me defile her again and again. Tell me my little Nymphadora, is it because it gets you off to pretend to be her? Or is it because you tell yourself its their forms, their bodies that like it. That Susan Bones, or Karen Gillian, or Emiline Vance are the twisted bitches who get off on my hard deep thrusts? That it's not you who gets of betting used, but the body."

He pounded her even harder and faster. The sound of their flesh hitting the silk sheets echoing. He knew he was pushing Iva's buttons. But it was fun, he was as much a master of psychological torture as physical torture. A true master of torture knew all the right places to apply pressure. Bella sucked at torture because she liked to hurt people, if someone was getting flayed alive they'd tell you the sky was neon green with clouds made of spaghetti sauce to make it end. Thomas was an expert at pushing places at grinding down resistances. He was enjoying Tonk's reaction, he gave a particularly harsh thrust scratching her ass as he came deep inside of her sex. Had his Iva been Susan she'd probably be having 4 or 5 babies.


Draco groaned as Marie slurped his cock. As she spoke he chuckled, "You forget Marie I know you. You're the definition of a gold digger. You want me because I'm the most powerful male you've got a shot with. Thomas still checks any drink you hand him for a love potion. If I said I was looking for a love, you'd be doing the same."

Draco groaned as she slid onto him. His hands on her waist, he rolled his hips a bit, tensing his cock so it rubbed all the best places inside of her. He gave the woman a smack on the ass, "People always forget that snakes aren't like Lions, badgers or Ravens. Some snakes use size to crush, other use venom to poison, some even use traps. I know you're tricky my little Adder, looking for weaknesses, chinks in the armor to strike. Tell me you don't have a strategy to kill me, Thomas, and Iva. We both know you'd be lying."

He groaned laying back enjoying Marie's tight decently wet hole. He knew she'd understand he was complementing her.
Tonks felt him cum just a hair too soon. She wasn't quite finished yet, but the force of his last few thrusts was enough to bring her close. As he spurted, thick and hot, inside her she bucked her own hips and pushed herself just barely over the edge. She spasmed around him, gasping for air and aching from head to toe.

Regaining her breath, Tonks was suddenly aware of the fact that she was sobbing. Bastard. He made her remember too many horrible things. She shifted under him, his seed leaking from her still-drenched body as it reverted to Iva's form. The scratches and smaller wounds vanished, but there was no doubting that she'd be limping for a day or so.

"Monster." She muttered, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She didn't argue with him, though.

"Thomas has nothing to worry about. Even if I thought that madman was capable of love, I wouldn't want him. I like Iva, and she's staked some fucked up claim on him. Anyway, Love potions are boring. Better to make them want you on their own. The scars last longer if their self-inflicted."

Marie rocked on his cock, her body moving in a slow wave. Muscles inside her tightened and released with every stroke, pulling and squeezing in deliberate rhythm. For balance, the small woman pressed her hands against his chest though she didn't put much weight on them. When his cock twitched inside her, though, her rhythm faltered.

"Mmm, naughty boy. Trying to help?" She leaned forward as if she was going to kiss him, resting her elbows on either side of his head. From this position she bounced her ass, making the narrow bed creak and shake. Iva's screaming had stopped but Marie was too preoccupied to worry much about her friend. "I wonder how quickly I could get you off? Don't worry, I won't test it tonight."

She kissed his neck and sat back up but kept to her forceful bouncing. Soon she was leaning back, one hand by his knees and the other cupping a taut breast. Marie moaned, he seemed to brush every sensitive place inside her at once.
Thomas chuckled, "And yet who just came like a slut on my cock? Clean my cock with your slutty mouth!"

He pulled himself out of her, as he said a hand wrapping in her hair and leading it to his member, "You say I'm a monster, I don't deny it. But I wonder, what does it say about you? That you come to my bed? That you beg me to use you faster, harder, rougher? You say I'm a monster, but either you're jealous, you enjoy the pain, or you are even more twisted then me."

He began fucking her mouth and throat hard and fast. He knew Iva didn't have a major gag reflex, but if he worked her mouth and throat hard he could make her sometimes. He lover using her throat, making her gag a bit and choke on his massive cock. He always made her clean his cock after he'd finished with her holes. Looking at her he said, "Honestly, I think you're jealous of me. You wish you could shut yourself down like I do. The truth though my little spy, I don't shut down, ever since I watched my sister's brains blown out, that's all I see. That's all I smell. I don't shut down, I just burn with such intense rage and hate all the time I can't get any angrier."


Draco groaned, he brought a hand down on her ass. Marie definitely knew how to ride a man. He chuckled, "Please, him and Iva are like a junkie and a syringe. She hates him as much as she lusts him. She's watched him rape other women remember? Iva was assigned to our group because she has alot of sexual skills. Iva is a quarter Veela after all, The Dark Lord figured she'd be a good way to control Thomas. Keep him sated and more compliant. The dude is barely stable and works for us because we let him torture, if me and you died he'd have no issues changing sides. Iva's father was loyal to Voldemort, she was raised to be fanatically loyal, she's the spy in our ranks. Any of us go traitor, she'd report on us. At least she would have at first."

Draco leaned his head up, capturing the tit she wasn't rubbing herself. Capturing the nipple he sucked it hard, slurping and nibbling the sensitive nub. He rocked his hips so his pubic area rubbed her clit as she road him.
Tonks coughed and choked a little, unable to catch her breath as he pounded into her mouth. His cock tasted like blood, cum, and tears and she wished dearly that she had the spine to bite down. He'd kill her for that, though. No doubt about it. So instead she tried to catch a little air while she sucked him clean. Her vision was going grey before he let her breathe.

She reached down and touched her crotch, eyeing the pink wetness on her fingers. Not as much blood as she expected, honestly. Maybe she was getting better at taking him.

"Why are you bothering to tell me this?" She asked, still panting and exhausted. "Do you think I'll try to spare you when the Order comes?"

Draco was making noise but Marie barely registered the words. The sensations were too delicious to distract herself with silly gossip. Her clit was hard against him and barely needed any stimulation at all to have her gasping and giggling. Her rhythm faltered, becoming erratic as she went back to rolling her hips. The movement put more pressure on him and, in turn, her clit. Marie moved faster, more forcefully, her breath was a ragged pant and her abs were visible as they flexed faster and faster with her movements. Then she crested, slamming tight against him with her stomach quivering as she tensed every muscle. A sudden burst of wetness hit his testes as her cunt clamped down around his prick.

"Mmm... Good boy." Still holding him inside, she stretched out and lay across him. Marie laughed softly as the movement caused more tremors inside her while she nibbled at his ear and throat. She was soon humping him again, sliding easily on her own fluids.

"I don't think Iva would turn us in for anything. Have you ever noticed that she's terrified to go to His headquarters? I think her daddy sent her before she was done being trained."
Thomas chuckled, "Iva, this war doesn't matter. Look, I did a bit of thinking."

Thomas waved his wand and a family tree appeared. It list all the ancient and most noble houses. From 40 to 4. He then showed her less noble but still "Pure blood" houses, 2 remained, Weasley and Malfoy. Thomas looked at her, "I also did some research. Do you know how insulated the Magical economy is? A galleon is a piece of gold the size of your palm, in the muggle word that's a thousand dollars. Gringotts charges 40% of an amount to change the currency. Mudbloods and half breeds are the wizarding economy. Why do you think 1/4th of the shops in diagon alley are still open?"

He chuckled, "If Voldemort wins, the wizarding world be shut down, the galleon will be worthless. The goblins will rebel, and goddess help the death eaters when they do. The order wins, then how many people survive? If the order wins, all of the magical heritage will be gone. We'll end up an of shoot of muggles, assuming we aren't wiped out."

He shook his head, "You bloody English started a war in a pond, now you've wiped out so many that your population is tiny. Think about it, how many wizard of bleeding age still live? Maybe 2 hundred, and the war is still going."

Smirking a bit he said, "As for the order, I'm not worried. Granger, Potter, and Weasley are blood brothers and sister, remember the ritual they did? Granger owes me a life debt, as do you. That means if I'm captured, I can cash that in. Hell most o your order owes me something or other. I'm glad to see I'm a better spy then you."

Sitting down he said, "When I'm in a duel with a member of the order, I block spells aimed at their backs or sides. I also order those I can to let me fight them. I do so, because I want to keep the war going. If Potter, or Dumbles dies, the war is over. Voldemort will reign me in. No more children to kill or women to rape, no more fun people to torture. So I help out both sides. I dead drop info to the Order from time to time. One of their spies tried to assassinate me, I found out where they dropped info and I continued doing so."

Looking at Iva he said, "Who do you think told them where Iva was going to portkey into the country?"

He smirked like a cat that got the canary as he looked at her. People thought he was dumb, Tonks was getting to see the side he mostly hid. The side that made him genuinely dangerous.


Draco groaned as Marie came on his cock. His own hips rose, and he shot his seed deep inside of her. He was glad a pepper up potion was a contraceptive for 13 hours after being drunk. He groaned as she kept moving, his cock was sensitive but he wouldn't ask Iva to slow down, wouldn't give her that power. He looked at her, "You haven't known her since she got here. Honestly, I think she's like the test of us now though. Well like the rest of us in a few ways, she rats out Thomas he'll make her beg for death. But the three of us are more loyal to eachother. We've all had rookies try to curse us in the back, me and Iva more then Thomas. You think Thomas is scary normally, hit him in the back with a curse."

Draco shook his head, "Dude is scary good at dark curses. He knows a pulping spell. Also a spell to turn bones red hot, and made them explode. The rook lost his arms to those. His legs to an acid spell, and his bones transfigured into flesh eating beetles. A spell to keep the kid conscious and aware and from dying going. Finally he transfigured the kids intestines into rats. Hungry rats. I've seen alot of crazy stuff, that gave me nightmares for a week."
"You sent that intell?!" She wiped her mouth and sat up, more than a tiny bit terrified. The Order depended on the information sent by their spies. If Thomas was setting them all up... "Oh Merlin's beard... The ambush at Whitechapel, that was you wasn't it?"

She felt more than a little sick. His logic regarding the economy was sound, but that only frightened her more.

"That tree wasn't perfect though, there are other wizarding families in other countries." She winced as she moved to face him, slipping back into Iva's mannerisms without being fully aware. "I mean, what about Marie? Her mom's side in France is registered back seven generations and Mr Connor's line goes back nearly as far in Norway and Ireland. I didn't see either of them... What about the American lines? Voldemort hasn't started 'pruning' there yet."

Marie imagined the curses he described and shivered. Her body contracted around him in tiny orgasmic aftershocks, though she told herself it was just the movement of his ejaculate against her womb. With him still resting inside her, she felt warm and comfortably full. Though she wished that he hadn't cum so soon. Her movements slowed, became less dramatic, soon they were little more than a constant tease to his over-stimulated member.

"Mmm, that's why I would never want to be in charge. All those people trying to curse you.. Tsch." She bit his neck and practically purred into his ear. "Nobody ever curses the healer. Too useful. And with nice tits and a fit arse, you can win over most any man... Or woman."
Thomas chuckled, "I don't send the order bad intel, because I don't need them to get their asses kicked. I send them some of the best intel, so they survive. Just like your stunt with Granger. I don't want either side to win, I like the war. Plus Volemort sends potential spies to me to be tortured. Think about it Parkinson, Goyle, both were supposed spies and I tortured them to death, but I was the one who leaked the intel. And after a few months of torture, their willing to take the fall to make the pain stop."

He looked at her, "America is alot more open about magic and technology then England is. Hell America has smatterings of most magic from wands to Wicca, to druid and Voodoo. They hate us, remember Benjamin Franklin asked the Wizingmont to end the taxation without representation as well. They also don't let racist bastards teach a major class. Voldemort would be massacred if he tried to go after America. France is where alot of old power houses are, but unlike the English they are mostly half bloods like the Delacours. They've had years to prepare for a wizarding war. It would get nasty. Most wizarding cultures are a lot better then the old English one, Grindelwald liked his half bloods, so since he was fighting the pure blood aristocracy, he made a major hole for Voldemort. Tom Riddle has lost his damn mind, magic users forget mudbloods don't NEED to be magic users. The idiots have cast an incindio in a dried field and will end up burned alive because of it. True, you, Potter, etc could leave England after the war, but the average English Wizard is barely better then a squib."

To prove his point he said, "Let's look at the power ratings on both sides, Voldemort, Bella, Me, Draco, Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, Moody, Longbottom. Bella, is a 3rd child of two major blood lines, Draco isn't in pure power, that impressive, Weasley is a bit weaker then Draco. Longbottom's parents went toe to toe with Voldie. The rest of us, half bloods or mudbloods."

Looking at her he said, "The simple truth is, the war is pointless, because if Voldie pushes it, he's dead. A machine gun makes most defensive spells pointless. A nuke or armed forces strike squad can kill us. Muggles outnumber us 10 to 1. And have you noticed less and less mudbloods showing up? That's because someone else is getting them. I'd bet even galleon it's the mundane government. If we haven't resolved this in a decade or two, assuming things don't collapse before, both sides will get wiped out."

Draco nodded, as he said, "Yeah, that's why I don't piss our boy off. And honestly the reason you don't have to deal with it isn't you're a healer, it's because you're the easiest target. If you got one surprise attack, one shot on any of our group, who would you take out? The brains, who makes the strategies, The Wand, whose a decent caster, The Muscle, who loves torture and death, or the weak little healer who stands in the back? Not that any of us believe that, Thomas may be a basilisk, and me a cobra, Iva may be a rattler, but you are most certainly not a garder snake. If anything I'd say you were a diamond back, blending in, until you could dig your fangs in and even if you survived the venom your enemies would still lose the limb."

He was still hard as he casually rubbed Marie's ass.
"So why are you drawing it out?" She asked, picking at the bedspread. "Is it just to get as much 'fun' in before the lights go out?"

The sick feeling settled heavier in her stomach. There was a way out of this, a way to make him end it... but it was almost too horrible to consider.

"You don't need a war, you know. Just pick someone off the street." Iva swallowed her bile and started to gather her clothes. She couldn't even look at him for fear of seeing that hunger again. "Pick a pretty girl and apperate away. Torture her as long as you like and drive her mad trying to figure out what you want her to say."

She tugged on her underwear and jeans, cringing at the way her body protested. After watch she'd need a hot shower, or maybe a long soak in the tub. Hopefully Hermione wouldn't get any stupid ideas about raiding the safehouse.

"Mmm, I think I like that. Pretty little things, and I've always loved diamonds." She turned her head and let her green eyes wander over the lines of his jaw. A handsome man, pureblooded too. For the worlds' sake she hoped he had a chance to plant a few seeds before the war wiped out his line. "I think 'adder' was more accurate though. Have you seen the autumn adders in Indonesia? Much more my style. They look like flowers in a branch, but the venom sears your nerves to jelly."

Marie's hand stroked his head with a thoughtful, pleasantly amused look on her face. She rolled off, letting his cock thump wetly against his stomach.

"We should discuss this, by the way." She waved at herself and his prone form. "I'd appreciate it if you kept the whole thing quiet. I really could do without Thomas's smartarse comments, and I'm sure you feel the same way. Besides, technically I think I'm still dating Blaise. Not really sure how 'off' that whole thing is and I'd rather not cause a scandal."

Her green eyes sparkled with teasing mischief.

"So are you ready for another go, or do you need more rest?"
Thomas shook his head, "I'm sticking around because I get paid alot. Oh, hehe, that's bloody brilliant. Because you're not Iva, you don't know. Oh, OH, that's just perfect."

Thomas pulled out a bag of gold, "I make a thousand galleons a month, torturing, raping, and murdering. With a bonus of 500 galleons for every person I interrogate. The rank and file make 500 galleons a month. Iva probably makes a thousand, but she has hers sent to a Gringott's vault, a vault you probably can't access. Oh that's bloody hilarious."

Thomas chuckled, "When the time comes, I'll just leave. My reputation is good enough I can probably find mercenary work with one of the dozens of "dark lords" in Africa, or China. Japan has a dark lord on the rise as well. I think Australia does too. None of them are Voldemort level, but it's not like that matters. Hell, I've bought a little island in the Caribbean, it's under a Fidelus, and a hundred other wards. I paid the underwear gnomes to ward it up, they do some scary good work."

He smiled, "You're welcome to join me. Take a nice long vacation. I don't do the serial killer thing because serial killers are hunted. Mercenaries are thanked."


Draco chuckled, "I'm a noble Englishman, we only do research on proper English snakes and animals. Thomas is the one who says that's stupid, that research can save your life in a duel. He knows alot about venomous creatures. One time I conjured snakes in a duel with him, he casually summoned scorpions and enlarged them. I nearly had to have my leg amputated because of the venom. I will look into them though, they sound interesting. Do you think they'd effect Thomas's Animagus form?"

A massive grizzly bear. 1500 pounds of death. Thomas had fought werewolves and won with it.

At he comment of sex he chuckled, "Thomas will know. Thomas always knows things like this. But I'm not planning to volunteer the info. Not really a point, you were only an average lay. Really I expected more given how much you built it up. Astoria is better. Feel free to see yourself out."

Draco cast a drying and cleaning charm on himself. Soon in a silent sleep, although his wand was in his right hand.
Iva latched her bra and pulled her shirt over her head. She glanced at him when he started waving his money at her, but the expression was not favorable. It was suspected that Voldemort paid his minions, so she wasn't surprised, but the cost was staggering. Just the idea that He had the money to pay his people so well, well enough to buy and ward an island, was disheartening.

"Why would I go with you?" She asked quietly while tying her sneakers. "You're just part of my cover now. Not even really that. Marie would be thrilled if Iva stopped seeing you, she's been trying to set me up with a cousin or something. When the war is over, Iva will be dead, one way or another."

Though her words were grim, Tonks seemed rather cheerful about the whole thing. It was nice to remember that no matter what happened, this assignment was not forever.

"I've got to go. First watch tonight, remember?"

Marie stared, utterly aghast, with her pretty red lips slightly parted. The witch had been called many impolite things: bitch, whore, sadist, snake, useless... But 'AVERAGE'? Never had she been so insulted! Several witty and not-so-witty retorts welled up in her mind but she finally just snapped her mouth shut and snatched up her towel before storming off to the bathroom to fetch her clothing. It was best to leave with some dignity intact at least.

Once dressed and properly tidied up, she stalked downstairs to the kitchen for a drink. A little vodka was sure to cool her rage a bit, and probably give her the inspiration for a suitable punishment. 'Average', indeed!
Thomas gently put his hand on her arm. His eyes showed a bit of pain as he said, "Does Granger know your cover? Look, I know I'm not exactly a good person, hell honestly I know I'm bad. But the truth is, I've never cared. I was so full of hate and anger at muggles at the government that let them rape and kill my sister, I just gave up. I know they all think I'm some monster, and I have to perpetuate that. Hell if I acted like I cared about you, you'd be a target. Remember what happened to Narcissa when The Dark Lord found out about Luscious and the diary?"

A brutal gang rape, sent a hell of a message to those who failed. Thomas ran a hand through his hair, "I act like your a nice piece of ass to put my dick into, because it keeps you from getting hurt to punish me. Hell honestly, I don't know what I feel or you because I try to suppress it. But I like to think we feel something for eachother. After all, how easily could I sell you out? I could throw you to the wolves, and it wouldn't effect me. Hell I'd probably be allowed to keep you as an Imperio'd fuck toy. But I still keep your secret. Can you really look me in the eyes and say you feel nothing for me?"

He put his hand on the wrist holding her wand, he pointed it as his chest, "And if you feel nothing, if I'm just part of your cover, prove it Nymphadora Tonks, no defenses, no dodging, put me down like the rabid dog everyone says I am. You decide, burn your bridge with me, and maybe spare my future victims, or admit we have some crazy fucked up something."

Draco smiled, saying to himself, "Poor Marie forgot who she was playing with. I'm Draco Malfoy. If I can take down Potter in a verbal duel, and avoid a Crucio with my wit, it'll take alot more for poor Marie to own my balls."

He cast a few more wards on the door, before he got comfortable. Soon he really was asleep, a snake's grin on his face.
Tonks froze, confused and suspicious. It would be a good kill... She might even get out of the house before Marie and Draco found the body. With Thomas and Iva gone, their little cell would be down to less than half strength. If she moved fast, they might even be able to take out the others before they were any wiser. It would be clean and easy, if it were true. Tonks had a sneaking suspicion that he was tricking her. Some sort of spell reflection? A ward she wasn't aware of? Oh sure, she had misgivings about killing him anyway. It was hard to destroy someone you knew so... intimately. But if it were true... No, Thomas was insane, but not suicidal. It had to be some sort of a trap. A tiny fraction of her mind was relieved at this decision, but she refused to think about what that might mean.

"Fucking pig." She yanked her wand hand away and gave him a halfhearted shove. There were a hundred possible things to say and do, but instead she swallowed back her roiling emotions and stomped out of the room. There was noise in the kitchen, Marie was glaring into a cocktail glass. Her hair was damp but her make-up was reapplied even more elaborately than before. Iva watched as her friend tossed half of the clear liquid back in a single gulp.

"I'll take that drink now." Iva said, her voice weak even to her own ears. Marie didn't jump, either she had heard Iva coming or she was already drunk. Either was possible, but Iva didn't think even Marie could drink quite that fast. The petite redhead glanced over and seemed to note Iva's disheveled state at once.

"Anything in particular you'd like?" She asked, anger fading to a sympathetic smile. Iva shrugged and swallowed. Her eyes tingled, but she refused to cry, not now. Marie took a vodka bottle in one hand and took Iva's hand with the other. It wouldn't be the first time they had blown off guard duty. The girls walked into the livingroom and sat on the couch. Marie passed the bottle to her friend and watched wordlessly while Iva drank. It burned and made her cough and sputter, but they passed the bottle back and forth as if it was water. It was silly, Tonks knew exactly how horrible Marie could be. She worked closely with Thomas, suggesting evil torturous things... But as Iva leaned against Marie, she knew she was safe this time. Marie liked to be the merciful angel, she wouldn't hurt a friend in pain. Probably.

The pair eventually fell asleep on the couch after the bottle was dry with Iva's head on Marie's shoulder and their arms comfortably wrapped around each other. The house was warded well enough, they would do without a watch tonight.
Thomas woke up when he felt the wards fall. Swearing he moved to his trunk, he pulled on his dragon leather pants, shirt and vest. The sound of the door getting blown open made him glad he had. His dragon skin robes and his special belt followed. He hadn't heard any spell fire. He cast a disillusionment charm on himself, moving into the main room.

Draco swore as he was bounced off of the floor. He Iva, and Marie were in the front room. A half dozen death eaters had wands trained on them. each wore a silver glove, Pettigrew's force. The head rat kicked Draco in the chest, "My my, so sloppy, so arrogant. Not so great now are you oh so great Black Wands. One of you hiding like a coward, the other sleeping of his fight. Both your slags barely conscious, you fools got arrogant."

Draco spat blood at the Rat's boots, "Fuck you Pettigrew, fuck you with your silver gloves. The Master will punish you for this!"

Pettigrew kicked Draco in the face, "Still claiming someone else will save you Draco? Haven't you grown beyond that? Besides The Master ordered us to find out what happened to Granger. One failure too many."

Draco coughed up blood, his lip was rather badly busted as he said, "Whatever Pettigrew, consider this your one chance to surrender."

The Rat chuckled, "Oh, or what Draco? Going to tell your father on me?"

Draco smirked, "No, going to let my enforcer do what he does, NOW!"

Instantly a half dozen scorpions Thomas has summoned and had moving into the room were engorged, becoming the size of a large tom cat. Their stingers striking out even as Draco focused on his animagus abilities and a severing spell thrown at his head missed. His snake form's head blurred sinking it's fangs into the meat of Pettigrew's thigh, he could tell not all of his fangs had pierced Peter's dragon hide pants. He slid his fangs out, as an echoing roar shook the room.

Thomas's form was the north american grizzly bear. 15 hundred pounds of fat and muscle. While his form wasn't impervious to magic it was definitely somewhat magic resistant because of size. Half the Death Eaters had been put down by the scorpion venom, but Thomas charged into the fray a back hand sent a smaller death eater into the door frame with a sickening "crack". Another was disemboweled by his claws. A third his him with a severing curse that tore a gash of skin from his chest, but an open paw strike still snapped his neck like a twig. The final Death Eater in the room has his throat ripped out.

Draco yanked Peter's robes getting onto the rat, he began bashing his head into the floor. After the dozenth blow the rat seemed to be dead. Draco rolled to the side wearing only his emerald boxers. He looked at Iva and Marie, saying, "Why was no one on guard duty?"

Thomas hissed as he resumed his human form, the furrow of skin still missing he said, "Ow this hurts. Marie, stop me from bleeding out please."
While Iva was the more capable fighter, Marie was the better drinker. When Pettigrew's group surrounded them, Iva had been hardly able to sit upright, let alone draw her wand. Marie, by comparison, had palmed a tiny syringe while the rat had been focused on her trembling cleavage. She would have needed to get in close, but it would have been an easy enough matter to stick a few at least. Thank heavens she hadn't needed to!

The redhead walked easily to Thomas's side, steady on her heels as a model on the catwalk. Though her abilities were not particularly strong or showy, the healer had endurance. She was able to treat hundreds of wounds over the course of a night without being terribly tired, a talent she had discovered during the Hogwarts clean up. She suspected now that her stamina would come in handy tonight. On the couch, Iva was turning a sickly grey shade while staring at the gore covering the carpet.

"Sit, Thomas, this will take a little time. Draco, be useful and get Iva some water before she-" Iva vomited onto the floor beside someone's intestines. "Never mind."

Iva wiped her mouth and focused instead on the dainty way Marie crouched beside Thomas. She held her wand bare inches from his gaping wound and made a weaving motion while muttering under her breath. Skin around the wound began to crawl and ripple out across the gash, like ice forming on a pond. It was fascinating to watch, actually.

"I... Uh..." Tonks was slurring, her mouth unfamiliar. Never had she been so drunk in someone else's body. Maybe she should just revert... No, bad plan. Draco would kill her on the spot! Unless Thomas saved her. Wouldn't that be a weird fight to watch?

"That's my fault." Marie spoke up, her words precisely spoken to avoid slurring. This was a stupid plan, but Iva had been punished enough tonight. "Iva was drinking and I got concerned that she had too much. I was supposed to be on watch, but I stayed with her. The wards should have been enough, but I suppose Peter knew what we use."

Tonks stared at the Death Eater. It had been Iva on watch, Marie was lying to cover for her friend? Tonks giggled. First Thomas admitting to 'feelings' and now the Dread Witch was taking the fall for a friend? What next, flying pigs?
Thomas hissed a bit saying to Marie, "Numbing spell first please dear Marie. I'll assume you're still a bit buzzed and forgot."

Thomas was never sure what to think of Marie. Since she enjoyed watching others suffer, he was never sure how much he could trust her. Thomas has a high pain tolerance, but dark magic tended to fight getting healed, so it was rather painful when the two magics clashed. The cutter had been pretty dark. Thomas pointed his wand at the corpses casting a wordless summoner he gestured or a place on the far wall. Soon any coins or items they had were lying in the right spot. He then vanished the bodies.

Draco was pale, as he sat on the floor he said, "Marie, after you're finished with him, check me out. I think I have a few cracked ribs."

He dug out a hangover cure potion from Thomas's belt. He handed it to Iva saying, "Down this, we need you to focus. We've got to go into hiding at least for a bit."

Thomas chuckled, "I have a place set up, it's a bit risky, but better then a tent for tonight, we can all crash."

Draco nodded, "A chest? I'd heard you requested permission to go to Russia. Is it any good?"

Thomas nodded, as he explained to the girl, "A loft trunk, it's basically a loft in a trunk. We can head to the forest of Dean, and put an invisibility cloak over it, it's a bit dangerous to stay in all the time since if the charms fail it's a nasty death, but it's more covert then a tent."

Draco agreed, "I have a good tent with me, but it's late and all of us are a bit drained. Does anyone have anything they need to pack up before we head out?"
"You'll have to wait." Marie waved off Draco, though it was only half out of spite. Something was off about Thomas's cut and it was requiring more focus than usual. She might have attributed it to the drink, but she could feel the gash reopening under her hand as she worked. Nasty, but nothing she couldn't handle. Though if a less attentive healer had tried, Thomas would have been hamburger on the floor before long. She looked at her partner-in-pain and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, this should have been painless. I wish I had paid closer attention to the incantation. There's a nasty little twist to this spell. It's opening under the healed skin, that's the pain you feel. I can outpace it though, not to worry."

Iva drank the potion, gagging on the acrid taste. Why couldn't these things ever taste like bubblegum or plums? It wasn't enough to burn away all the liquor, but she was standing under her own power before long. Marie finished with Thomas and stood gracefully up from her crouch, fully ignoring Draco. That was odd. Iva raised an eyebrow but Marie didn't seem to notice the unspoken question.

"I'll need my kit and bag, certainly. And different shoes." Marie gestured to the stilletos on her feet. "If we're going to be mucking about in the woods, I don't want to ruin nice shoes."

"Your stuff is upstairs, yeah?" Iva asked running her hand through her hair. She still felt a little fuzzy, but things were beginning to normalize. Well, aside from the assassination squad and the fact that they were running out to hide in the woods. "I'll gather it up while you tend to Draco's ribs. I've got to grab my bag too."

"The black chimera-skin purse, please. The kit should still be sitting out." Iva nodded and headed upstairs, though not before squeezing her friend's shoulder in silent gratitude. With Iva fetching her things, Marie was forced to tend to the commander's injuries. He looked pale and miserable, almost enough to soothe her pride. "Alright then, let's see. Which ribs?"
Thomas chuckled as he wrapped his torso. He noticed he'd have a scar from the cutter, an a nasty clotting curse that had grazed his ribs. He looked at Draco and Marie as Draco let Marie pay attention to his side. Thomas smirked, "So little Dragon decided to break himself off a piece of the medic huh?"

Draco glared, "Shut it, you and Iva give the rest of us a bad name. Shagging like a hound and bitch in heat. You're lucky she hasn't fixed you yet."

Thomas shrugged, "I have no doubt some day she'll try. Now everyone stay still. I need to recollect my pets."

Thomas stood up as Draco realized the scorpions were eating one of the corpses. Looking at Marie he said, "Sometimes he disturbs me. So why'd you cover for Iva? I wouldn't have known, but she seemed surprised, and Thomas didn't taunt you about it. He'd crucio me if I fell asleep during watch."

Thomas stunned the four living scorpions, before removing the engorgement charm and then recast the suspended animation spell. Putting them into a pocket on his belt. Thomas kept all his trained nastiness there. Snakes, scorpions even a few plague rats. He'd unstun them, engorge them, and anything in their path was done. Living creatures were a bit harder to kill then summoned or transfigured items sometimes. Draco didn't find non-magical creatures worth the effort. Draco was a bit tempted to apologize to Marie, but he knew the woman was too used to coming out on top. After Marie finished with Draco's ribs he stood up going to get dressed as Thomas went to change. Wearing their black wands dragon hie outfit wasn't subtle.

Soon Draco and Thomas were waiting in the front room, Draco wearing a pair of tight but not too much so jeans and a cotton button up shirt that matched his eyes. Thomas was wearing a pair of black cargo pants with a royal purple shirt that went just past his elbows. On each hand a fingerless after the first knuckle glove a bandanna covering his hair and sunglasses over his eyes.
Marie blew out her breath in an explosive sigh and glared after Thomas while he collected his creepy-crawlies. She prodded at Draco's bruised ribs, being significantly less gentle than usual. Only one was broken, it seemed. The rest might be cracked, but chances were good that they were only banged up a bit.

"Iva just had to fuck him, and don't tell me you didn't hear the screaming. She comes down, upset, and asks for a drink." Marie's green eyes met Draco's grey for the first time since the ambush, giving him a chance to see the challenge in her eyes, daring him to question her. Her normally proper and precise accent slipped a bit into a soft provençal lilt that she was too drunk to cover up. "What punishment would be worse than what's already been done? Hold still now, this shouldn't hurt much but if you wiggle it'll heal crooked."

She pressed her hand to his side and physically held the broken rib while mending it together. The whole operation only took a few moments and she went upstairs to find Iva once she was done. The taller woman was already finished packing her own things but was standing in front of Marie's chest holding two black shoulder bags.

"Which one is chimera?" She asked with a bemused expression. "Why the hell do you need two identical purses?"

"They're not identical, they look nothing alike. It's the one on the left. Draco knows." Marie sat on the bed and took off her shoes before pulling a pair of clunky black boots out of the purse. She placed her stillettos in the bag then, as an afterthought, dropped her packages from earlier in as well.

"Damn. Thanks for that, by the way." Iva pulled on a thick woolen coat and fiddled with the buttons for a moment. "He's going to kill me when I go down there, isn't he?"

"I don't think so. Thomas has him a bit freaked out, so there's that." Marie pulled on her own black trenchcoat and tied a scarf around her neck. "I don't think you should run. You've got better chances with us."

"Yeah..." Iva frowned, briefly entertaining the idea of telling Marie the truth. It was tempting, but she knew her friend was too much the true believer. Maybe in a few weeks, when Voldemort was still hunting them, Marie's loyalty would be shaken. "That everything? C'mon, let's meet the boys."

The girls walked down into the living room, bags over their shoulders like they were going out to the shops.

"Thomas, you look absurd." Marie said with an incredulous shake of the head. "Let's go, before the next squad comes."
Thomas rolled his eyes, "You two look average enough, and your tits will distract from your faces. Draco's too pure blood to be willing to hide. But hopefully hiding my hair and eyes will make me harder to spot. Let's head out, me and Draco know where we're going, we're going to side along you two."

Draco glared at Thomas but offered Marie his arm. Soon disapperating with a pop. Thomas lead Iva to the door, transfiguring the furniture into their bodies. Then taking a deep breath, he focused and a scorpion of fiend fyre shot from his wand. The living fire tried to devour the house. Grabbing Iva he disapperated. With any luck anyone hunting them would think the corpses were them.

Thomas and Iva appeared a quarter mile north of the meeting point, Draco and Mare a quarter mile south. Thomas and Draco each took 30 minutes to reach it. Thomas took out the chest, it was covered in water dragon leather, about half as long again and twice as wide as a normal one. The hide away was a small decent cave, Draco threw up a half dozen generic wards. A DE squad could bust them down in a minute, but if they were too complex anyone would notice them. He conjured a rock then transfigured it into a bobcat. A "living" sentry.

Thomas meanwhile had set up the wards around the trunk, it came with dozens as well, but he knew even he needed to crash. Soon they were all climbing a rope latter. The loft wasn't bad, it had no ceiling, but the trunk's lid had stars glinting. Their was a large room in front of a fire a decent sized kitchen, the floors were hardwod and the counter tops were marble. The bathroom was set up like a roman public bath. Although their were multiple toilets. Their were two bedrooms one with two twin beds the other with a feather bed in the master suite. Thomas nodded, "Now ladies, I'll see you tomorrow, Iva see you soon."

Thomas stumbled of to the shower then to bed, asleep when his head hit the pillow. Draco was soon crashed out on one of the smaller beds in the guest room. Too tired to both making it larger.
Marie pursed her lips but kept quiet, choosing instead to pull the scarf up over her hair. She was loathe to take Draco's arm, but there was no way around it. Her hand rested comfortably above his wrist as if it belonged there. Together they were very much the elegant pureblooded couple, complete with disdainful expressions and barely hidden anger in her eyes. In a blink, they were far away standing in a damp and dark forest with mud creeping up their shoes.

Tonks hated fiendfyre, it was too unpredictable. As they apperated away, she said a quiet little prayer for the muggle houses surrounding the safehouse. Hopefully they wouldn't be burned as well. The hike wasn't so bad. It had rained on the woods recently, but other than a few slick mudpatches the trail was easy. Her long legs made keeping up with Thomas a simple matter. Poor Marie seemed to have a little more trouble. When the two groups met up, the small redhead was mud-splattered and picking pine needles from her hair.

The girls assisted in preparations, adding their own layer of simple wards. Nothing about the protections would draw attention, but the multiple layers all intertwined would make for a difficult tangle to break.

"Should we bother assigning watch?" Iva asked as they reached the bottom of the ladder. "If anyone finds us, there will be plenty of notice..."
Draco called out, "No, Thomas is going to have Razor handle it. Besides it's unlikely they'll find us."

Thomas's house elf was perfectly polite, and yet as vicious as his master. He was also obscenely loyal to Thomas who treated him with respect. The simple truth was got along with the sadistic elf. He had dozens of scars from blades. His eyes were a ark green. the elf wore a miniature suit black slacks, a button up ark red shirt with a black vest and polished loafers. A swtch blade in his right hand, he was casually clicking it, then sling the blade back home. He spoke easily, "Masta's wenches should get to sleep, Razor'll protect masta."

He snapped his middle and thumb fingers sharply, with a crack all the mud and pine needles were gone from Marie's clothes. The elf sat on the couch the only sound the "Click" of the knife.


It was almost three P.M. before Thomas awoke the next day feeling fresh. He enjoyed an almost too warm shower before pulling on a simple pair of forest camo pants, and a loose T-shirt. His wands and boots on firmly he headed up into the forest. He returned an hour later with four rabbits six squirrels, and three snakes. Putting them into the sink he cast the "Cleaning spell" to cut the skin and guts out then remove the bones. It was a fun charm combat. He looked at Razor, "I'm thinking a stew for tonight, fresh bread to go with it."

The elf nodded. Soon he was baking as his Master had ordered.

Draco came out next he sat beside Thomas "Accio"ing a butter beer. Thomas kept all sorts of things on hand to drink. He said, "Do we not have any supplies saved up? I'd expect better from you, being all paranoid."

Thomas chuckled, "I have half a dozen safe houses, a few magical, a few not magical, all with enough food for six months in stasis spells. But I figure we should put of raiding them until we're sure how bad this will be. Besises I like the cleaning charm. Haven't gotten to cast it in a year."

Draco nodded, "I half four safe houses set up, all muggle. I figured if The Dark Lord wanted to hunt me down, better to avoid the magical world. I'm tempted to go to Riddle Manor, see if I can get some feedback on if we're really being hunted. Pettigrew could have just lost his damn little rat mind."

Thomas nodded, "Let's wait for feedback from the girls. See how things go."
Iva was out shortly, limping a bit and generally looking worse for wear. She wore an outfit almost identical to the previous days, the garments chosen for practicality rather than appearance. Iva put a kettle on and pulled up a stool to the counter with a mumbled greeting. Marie was only a few minutes behind Iva, though she was considerably more put-together. The black slacks had been traded out for a pair of tight jeans and riding boots with a clingy turtleneck sweater. Her makeup was done and her hair carefully arranged, but no amount of primping could hide the fatigue in her eyes.

"Did anyone make tea?" She asked, sitting two stools away from Draco. Iva poured a mug and passed it, black, to her friend. "Lovely. Thank you. So what's the plan, then? I assume you boys have already come up with something?"

Iva glanced at Thomas. A thought hit her that she could abandon these three. The Order would be glad to have her back and Thomas and Draco were tricky enough to survive... Not that it mattered. Marie... well, that girl would find her way somehow. And why didn't she run? Was it because she knew that there was nothing waiting for her with the Order? Just more of the war... Maybe this little hide-away could be a short vacation for all of them.

"We should lay low for a bit," Iva suggested. "That was all of Pettigrew's team, he was a rat through and through, but he wasn't stupid enough to throw everything at us at once. He had to have been ordered to, or else he thought he was getting reinforcements. Who else wants us dead?"
Draco shrugged, "Their were four elite groups, The Silver Hands, The Headsmen, the Black Wands, and The Lifers. Now that we're gone the Lifers and Headsmen have the most to gain. But Pettigrew was a bastard, if he thought Macnair and his headsmen were going to back him up he'd be in the back. The lifers are former Death Eaters who were in Azkaban for life, they make Thomas look like a cuddly stuffed quaffel."

Thomas rolled his eyes, "That's not true. Me and the Lestranges used to comment on rape techniques. Bella taught me some stuff. Some of them are my level, Bella and her sadistic husband. But most are just half insane. Bella's crazy like a fox. He husband is a sadist. But the rest of the lifers are just nuts."

Draco rolled his grey eyes, "I think we should go find out the orders. See if this was an offical hit, because if it wasn't an we run we're putting a target on our backs."

Thomas shrugged, "I think we should hook up with the resistance. Voldie put a hit out, he PUT A HIT OUT, ON ME! Anyone who threatens me I have a professional courtesy to have pasted across a field."

Draco looked at Thomas like he was insane, "Are you insane? They'll KILL us, you ESPECIALLY, I knew you wee insane but really?"

Thomas rolled his eyes, "I have a spy who could bring us in. They trust them, but if we do it's gt to be for real, no ratting them out. Voldie will strike us down."

Draco looked at Marie and Iva, "What do you two think? I can't believe this tosser's had a spy the whole time. But ignoring that the resistance might be our best shot. I also just thought of a way to test if it was an offical hit. We go up into the woods and say the name, if we're still considered loyal DE's, the taboo won't trigger."
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