Black Wands (ThomasRHellsing and Lady Vi)

Hermione seemed to think out loud as she said, "Honestly, I may have gotten a bit over zealous. Normally when Obliviators obliviate someone, they use subtle nudges to make the mind form it's own memories. For example, you're suddenly holding a glass, you have to have picked it up right? But I was a bit, um, well I sort of built four different back stories, and implanted um, all of them."

Draco blinked, "So he has five different sets of memories all saying they are his correct set? Merlin Granger no wonder two people ended up wrecks pissing themselves and in the spell damage ward."

Draco noticed the looks and said, "Before any of you try, I want you to remember something really important. That man had dueled the Dark Lord, and Bellatix. Neither goes easy, and both have taught him tricks. He spent a year dosing himself with poisons to build up an immunity. I've seen him literally get both arms blown off, and rip out the throat of the person who did it with his teeth. He's as serious as an Avada Kedavra, you want to try and put him down go ahead. But remember, you do, you'll go from his "Might be amusing to make them scream" list, to his "Rape their wives, torture their children make them watch then when their insane give them the sweet release of death" list. As long as you're nice to him, and don't cross any major lines he won't hurt you, probably."

Harry chuckled, "To be fair, worst case scenario we use him like a curse. Point him at the Death Eaters and step back. He does down it's not out problem. Also we owe him, we will be having a talk about ethics later Hermione. I also want it known according to him, and Mione didn't say otherwise he's a member of the order. Apparently joining when he went under cover for us. That means all the betrayal clauses we have will effect him and anyone who goes after him as well. He may be a mad wolf killer, but so is Moody, and me and Ron have both got a kill count in the higher double digits. Merlin knows the only sane Dumbledore runs a bar. Just stay on your toes and be aware. The fact he has Fleur, Ginny, and a dozen other women in this room with mental conditioning is worrying, but if he really wanted us dead who would know? I'm not saying we disregard his threat, but as long as we all remain calm I think everything will be fine."

Ron nodded a bit, "Harry's right. Watch him, but don't threaten him. He does seem more mellow then I remember him. Besides folks, look around. Their are less of us then their were six months ago. Can we really afford to throw away someone who we know can kill well? Someone who we KNOW will be a boon? Kind of stupid to throw away a queen because it's got a few chips missing."
The group finished their supper in relative silence, and Tonks was grateful. The last three years had been nothing but dreams of 'coming home', of finally being able to relax a bit and leave the fear outside. Undercover life had left her with a coil of incredible tension in her chest, a tight worry that soon the spells would fly. It was more than just a double-agent's paranoia, too. Death Eaters were not known for their patience or restraint. The Order though... They were the good guys, things would be different here. No more torture, no more collateral damage, no more bombed out churches...

Tonks smiled as Fred Weasley managed to coax a blushing laugh from Marie. Perhaps, with time, even the 'Dread Witch' could mellow. Tonks was well aware of her friend's romantic streak. Maybe all she needed was a good man's love. And if Marie could be domesticated, was there hope for Thomas?

Two months later, Nymphadora Tonks walked to the wine cellar and paused at the top of the stairs to think about how stupidly naive she had been. She wore comfortable blue jeans and a tee-shirt borrowed from one of the Patil twins. It had the Weird Sisters' logo on it, the faded image a comforting reminder of years long gone. From the cellar came raised voices and heated tones, flinging colorful insults in both French and English. Thankfully, Marie and Fred seemed to be arguing about something new instead of just berating each other for the collapsed relationship.

"Non! It is poison and I will not use it! How can you be so stupid? I made a list!" There was a rustling thump and the sound of paper sliding across steel. "It is bad enough that you have me use this... Barbaric muggle healing, but now you bring me street poisons and trash? I will not."

"For fuckssake, Marie, it's just morphine! Muggle doctors use it all the time, totally safe. You've got to use something until we can get more crimson nettle. I'm not going to let you just... Dig around without some sort of painkiller." Fred was pleading, but obviously angry. The expansive wine cellar had been cleared and modified as a... 'clinic' of sorts. Shelves of books, magical and mundane, lined the walls and all of them were medical texts. Without ready access to shop-bought potions, the Order had quickly run out of herbs. The tiny garden was packed with useful plants, but supply just couldn't keep up with demand, and they were forced to seek out alternative means of healing their many wounds. Luckily, Marie had enough interest in muggle medicine that she had been a quick study (though it had taken quite a bit of coaxing).

"That is not morphine." Marie was pushing a brown paper sack into Fred's arms when Tonks reached the bottom of the stairs. Neither of them seemed to notice her. "Take it back and bring me something real."

Marie was dressed in plain denim jeans and a black tank-top that bordered on too-tight. Her hair was down and tousled and her makeup was considerably more muted than her custom had been. She rarely wore jewelry anymore, and Tonks was beginning to wonder if her friend had just given up. Of course, if Marie didn't care about her appearance anymore, why had she chosen a shirt that bared so much cleavage?

"What do you want me to do, walk down Diagon Alley with a basket on my arm and fill your shopping list? Pick up your laundry too? This is a war, Marie, stop being ridiculous." Fred dropped the bag on the wide steel table in the center of the room and something inside clinked. The short redheaded witch glared at him, lips pressed tight in a pale line while her nostrils flared like she meant to breathe dragonfire. Tonks cleared her throat.

"Uh, hi, word of warning: we have incoming wounded. Thomas just sent word." The arguing pair turned to face Tonks, both seemed shocked that she was there. "They're bringing a guest, so Fred, you're probably going out on guard."

At the mention of a 'guest', Marie's face lit up. She shoved the bag back towards her ex and began putting books and equipment away.

"Finally something to do!" She clapped her hands excitedly and Fred looked sick. "Weeks of nothing but pregnancy tests and stitches and hangover cures... It could drive a girl mad! So who is it?"

"I don't know, he didn't say... Marie, Draco got hit." The witch paused her tidying, face carefully neutral but the question was plain in her eyes. "I don't know how bad it is. Thomas likes him, so it might just be a hangnail and he's being a mother-hen about it. But..."

"But if it was enough that Thomas noticed, it could be bad." Marie snatched the brown bag off the table. "I may need this after all."

"Fuckin' really? You sew me up dry but for him... Whatever." Fred snorted incredulously and stomped his way upstairs, muttering under his breath about 'crazy bitches'. Both women were quiet for a minute or two while Marie tied up her long hair and Tonks helped clear off one of the side tables.

"So what's in the bag? I heard you fighting about it."

"Oh... Were we that loud? Fred's insane. He thinks I'm too stingy with the pain relief, even though I'm totally out of salve. I told him to go get me some things, herbs and potions, and he brings back this rubbish." She opened the bag for Tonks to see. It was full of small envelopes, vials and bottles, muggle syringes, and a few plastic baggies of an off-white powdery substance. "He wants me to use heroin on our own people. The morphine is bad enough, but... Merlin's beard, I've read enough about this stuff to know better."

Marie stared bleakly into the bag. She would put off using it's contents as long as she could (not just to avoid dulling the pain), but it wasn't like they were spoiled for choice. The Order of the Phoenix was getting desperate. It had only taken a week before they had allowed Marie and Thomas to 'question' live prisoners. Good information had been produced, but they were still struggling. Tonks herself felt a similar hopelessness as she stared at the bag. So much for being the 'good guys'.

"Who's pregnant?" Tonks finally asked, swallowing the lump in her throat. It tasted like guilt. "You said you were giving pregnancy tests."

"Oh, no one, thank goodness. Just a couple scares. All these people crammed in here and they still find time to mash themselves together like animals. You would think that they'd be smart enough to use prevention. The last thing we need is some squawking infant making noise all night." Marie set aside the bag and resumed her cleaning. Her hands were cold and shook a little, but she did her best to ignore the worry in her guts and think instead about the 'guest'. That thought was enough to get her blood flowing a bit.
Thomas double checked his gear. What they were planning was, well stupid. He had no doubt Dumbles would be annoyed. The Muddy Blood was a mud blood and half blood whore house. One that tended to frequent the less reputable and less willing sort of girls. Thomas knew Walden McNair frequented it for it's catalog of underage boys. He was borderline inner circle. He was also the Death Eater's wand maker, and their best interrogator now that he was gone. Plus he had a bitching axe, and Thomas WANTED it.

The problem was, Thomas was forced into a form McNair would choose for a rendezvous, and thus was in his ten year old de-aged body. The potion was one Thomas kept on hand. He also stopped by the apothecary and hit up some of his neutral sources. The problem was alot of the major potion ingredients were either being taxed out the ass, or their was just too much of a demand. During non-war time the price was a quarter what he'd paid. Thomas had an entire trunk full of a sort of green house, but he could only grow plants that didn't require sunlight. So while some might be useable it would require more of them. He knew Neville was looking for viable options. Most of Thomas's space was getting pimped out as it was. His stash of pre-made potions was down to two or three doses of the good stuff, and maybe one of the uncommon stuff. Luckily Thomas didn't really care.

Malfoy sometimes wished he was as basic as his pseudo partner. Thomas was happy as long as their were bodies to kill, women to fuck, and food. He knew his partner was too good at adapting to care. It didn't help he was a yank. Draco let his eyes travel around the alley. He remembered how bright and clean it had been when he was 11. How he'd felt like he owned the world, and his father was setting him up to take over. Now half the alley was closed down, either the owners were dead, run off, or at home under the best wards they could afford. The whole place seemed colder, darker, despite the noon sun high in the sky. Draco pulled his cloak a bit tighter, careful to make sure the invisibility cloak on him didn't reveal his feet. He was sure Mad-Eye was nearby. As he saw Thomas enter the brothel he gently drew his wand, thinking to himself, 'time to go for the snitch.'

Mad-Eye wasn't sure why he let that bastard McRapey talk him into this. This had so many ways this could go bad, but he agreed with the bastard. He was the only one at risk after all, and the guy seemed to have the devil's own luck.

Thomas smiled as McNair lead him up to a private room. Unfortunately the rumors Thomas had heard weren't quite true. McNair didn't seem to enjoy underage boys, as he saw the four death eaters with him begin lowering their pants he realized McNair like to watch. Thomas knew their were at least four more outside, he hoped Draco and Mad-Eye would save him some. He lowered his pants and spread his legs shoulder length apart, McNair saying, "Make him squeal boys, I paid extra so we can have a bit of blood!"

Thomas let them get close before in a blur mule kicking the closest one right in the dangles, while he punched the one right in front of him he smirked thinking as he drew his wand where it was taped to his body, "Nothing but net". He pointed his wand at the one to his right casting a reducto to his cock, it exploded a red mist of gore covering Thomas's chest, he turning bringing his wand to the only still standing death eater, and fired a reducto at his head, the guy tried to doge, but lost his arm at the shoulder, spraying arterial blood across Thomas's face. The boy smiling like a demon. Turning to McNair, he cast a weight increase charm on his axe so it was too heavy to lift, then a slashing curse to decapitate the two death eaters with crushed testicles. Thick streams of blood gushed. He saw McNair draw his wand he cast a fifth curse in less then a minute to take his hand off as the wrist, then he cast a cauterization curse. Suddenly the door was thrown open, two people had been on the balcony. Thomas cast a sticking curse on McNair as he went to fight the two enemies now in the room.

Draco swore, so much for an easy mission. He'd dropped the first guard on his side unfortunately the bastard next to him had ducked. Thus Draco's stealthy assassination had turned into a battle on a tiny second story practically a balcony. He also had to be careful not to hit Moody who was dueling two more guards of McNair. Half blind bastard had been slow on the count. Draco finally dropped his opponent, a piercing hex to the foot, and a crushing curse to the head, when the doors to the brothel were thrown open. Four more death Eaters were responding to a call for backup. He cast a blood boiling curse at one of the two DE's tag teaming Moody, as Moody himself dropped the other with a slicing hex. Both men turned towards the door as Thomas came out, his axe in one hand McNair floating behind him. The boy was dripping with blood, and somehow naked. Thomas smiled, "Draco, this is the best birthday EVER!" Seeing the six DE's hurling spells Thomas let out a mostly insane laugh and jumped from the balcony. He cast a cushioning charm and rolled into the middle of the group firing severing curses like they were water and the DE's were on fire. In less then a minute they were all dead or dying along with a dozen whores and other clients.

Draco was going to get his "Little" psycho when a wildly fired spell caught him in the side. He swore as the long and mildly deep gash appeared. Draco cast a petrificus totalus spell on Thomas. He was about to float him out when Thomas gestured his head at the bar. Moody spoke, "Your girl did say we needed antiseptic."

Soon Thomas was loading every bottle of liquor he could find into an unshrunk trunk. Then he reshrank it. As Draco and Moody went to make sure the coast was clear, Thomas transfigured McNair into a pair of shorts. Putting them on, he focused and sent a Fiend Fyre scorpion into the piano. Knowing the demonic fire would eat until everything was ash, he headed outside.

So, 10 minutes after the mission started, the three people and a pair of pants arrived home. Thomas skipped inside still looking 10, "Tonkxie, Sugar Tits, Uncle Thomas is home."

Draco rolled his eyes as Thomas left bloody foot prints. Moody said, "Give me the prisoner boy, I'll set him up in the interrogation area."

Thomas slid off his shots. Cancelling the transfiguration. Draco sighed, "Thomas, go shower please."

Thomas nodded and headed off, still leaving blood foot prints. Draco looked at Tonks, "You need to work on that whole "not insane" thing a bit more."

He removed his robe and shirt as he said, "Sorry, um why does Thomas call you Sugar Tits? Anyway Marie, it was Thomas who winged me, he was firing slicing curses. Should be pretty easy to fix, I brought you some presents." He unshrunk the trunk. A fair amount of alchol, good enough to drink, but not so good it couldn't be used for tool cleaning. The good stuff Thomas or Moody had secreted away. Also enough of a half dozen common potion ingrediencts to help for a week maybe two. Draco spoke, "You'd better make that last, Thomas had to threaten to tape the guy's daughter to get that much, apparently the ministry has some new tax. Thomas mentioned stealing some from the St. Mongos stores, but that place has got to be like Gringotts level security. Assuming they even still have any potion storage rooms left."
As soon as Thomas called out in his high piping little voice, Marie froze. She didn't look afraid, or even particularly interested, but Tonks could see the way her eyes locked on the stairwell and her breathing paused. Once it was clear that all of them were walking of their own volition, the tension fled and left a vaguely irritated expression on her face.

"I don't know why and if I ever understand anything that man does, you should tie me up and toss me in the river. Come on, shirt off and sit on the table. Tonks can help you up if you need it." The redhead said brusquely while opening her case. Most of the vials were empty and their were countless gaps, but she still kept it organized.

"He does it 'cause it annoys you. Just be glad he likes you enough to tease." Tonks took Draco's bloody clothes and offered him an arm to brace against while he climbed onto the examination table. The wound wasn't deep, but it was terribly close to major organs and muscles. The gaping lips dribbled blood in a steady trickle; not too bad, but Marie was concerned by the lack of clotting. "Why was he a kid?"

"More importantly, did you hear what spell he used?" It would be just like Thomas to booby-trap an injury... Marie prodded the cut gently, using a soft bit of gauze to wipe away the blood. Once it was clean enough, she dug through Thomas' chest of gifts until she found a topical pain relieving ointment. Marie massaged it into Draco's skin more generous than usual. Fred wouldn't accuse her of anything, now! "Tonks, could you, um, I need my wand."

"He still won't let you keep it? This is getting excessive..." Nymphadora sighed and went to a small lockbox on the shelf. She tapped the lock and it shook itself, the hole forming a disembodied mouth.

"For whom do I open?" The lock asked.

"Nymphadora Tonks." The woman responded with an exasperated sigh. "Seriously, Marie, just keep it this time. I'll talk to Dumbledore. He outranks Harry."

Tonks retrieved the other girl's wand and slapped it into her waiting hand. Marie sighed audibly and began to spell the blood away while simultaneously knitting the wound closed. She was deliberately slow, just in case some nasty surprise popped out.

"How's the pain? I can put you out if you like, or find something stronger." Nothing horrible started happening in the wound. No acid, no tearing, no sudden explosions... Marie finished sealing it up with ease. She stood, a puzzled expression on her face. "Hum. Well, that's... Is Thomas alright? I expected more trouble from his work."

"Might have been lazy. Or Draco got lucky." Tonks said with a shrug. "I'm going to check on him anyway, I'll ask."

Tonks left the two other Wands to pretend to ignore each other while she went upstairs. In the kitchen, Harry and Hermione were arguing with Mad-Eye while Dumbledore looked on with a thoughtfully stern expression. She didn't need to listen to know what was being said. Tonks passed through the parlor, Fred Weasley was sitting on the couch, bouncing a rubber ball of the ceiling and complaining bitterly to one of the Patil twins while George tinkered with something foul-smelling. Every room Nymphadora walked through was crowded with at least two people. No wonder Marie spent so much time locked in her little cellar.

"Thomas? Can I come in?" Tonks knocked on the bathroom door. Water was running on the other side, so she assumed it was the right place.
Draco chuckled, "Marie, if we were openly using the more "dark" curses, it would have said who did it instantly. Thomas is the only one I know to use organ to nitric acid or blood to kerosine curses. Plus while alot of ark curses are nasty deaths, they are also slow. A reducto to the head uses a tenth the power of a killing curse and as long as your enemy doesn't have time to shield it's just as effective."

Draco nodded saying to Tonks, "Whore house, McNair's tastes bit back this time. I don't know what happened, but it's been awhile since I've seen him so gore covered, be careful."

When it was just Draco and Marie he said, "It's fine, I think his cure shrunk in proportion to his size. I tell myself that's why he was casting so quick and turned half the whore house into bloody chunks, because while an amputation or decapitation will kill you, a dozen foot thick cuts will do the same. Sometimes I swear he's bloody suicidal. He jumped off of a second story balcony into spell fire, you have the same Auror level combat training I do, that's bloody insane. I honestly don't know if he's getting better or worse."

When he was healed he stood up slowly. Testing his side, a bit sore but not bad. His stomach throbbed with hunger. He winked at Marie, "Well Madame healer, the least I can do is offer to take you to lunch."

The pure blood held out his arm. Leading the healer to the dining room. He spoke disregarding Potter, Granger, and Mad-Eye, but nodded towards Dumbledore, "Headmaster, would you like to join us for lunch? I'm told we'll be having ribs in a peach and teriyaki flavored sauce, with shrimp Alfredo and Ravioli."

Draco knew the order's own food supplies were, well Tonks had said Auror field rashons were barely better. But between the Malfoy vineyard, a cattle ranch Thomas owned in the states, and a few other odds and ends, The Black Wands were still eating like proper pure bloods. Atleast that was the cover Razor had standing orders to supply them with good meals. Apparently Thomas refused to eat pauper food. Soon two large plates had appeared Draco began his meal after saying, "Don't mind us, continue arguing."

Thomas nodded at Tonks, before realizing she couldn't see through the door. He called out, "Come on in Sugar Tits."

He knew Ive had hated the name, but he liked the name Nymphadora, so until she said he could call her that, he'd used more and more embarrassing nick names. For some reason Sugar Tits had just sunk in. He stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped in him, "Fuck Nymphie, I wish this body's balls had dropped. I'd be SO HARD right now. I always forget how fun going back to basics can me. Sure a gut exploding hex can be fun, but nothing gets quite the same spray as a severed artery. Walking around covered in the life blood of over half a dozen people. It just gets me horny."

Thomas gave the woman a smack on the ass, soon he was wearing first year Hogwarts robes. Draco's t be specific but he'd pre-borrowed them. The potion lasted about an hour. Thomas skipped singing, "I get to make somebody scream, pop their knee caps, gouge their eyes, I get to make somebody scream cut of their fingers, crush their bones to dust, I get to."

He continued doing his pre torture song until he reached the dining room. Draco gave him a look, "Thomas, you cut of his hand, I seriously doubt Marie will let you regrow it, just so you can cut the bones out. What happened in their anyway, I thought you were planning a subtle stun job. You could have gotten us killed."

Thomas shrugged, "McNair wasn't a pedophile, he liked to watch. Instead of the four guys being guards or restraining me like we figured, they were the active participants. I might be willing to get fondled for gold, I'm not willing to take two dicks in the ass for it, especially not with my tiny body."

Draco raised an eyebrow, "That time in Dover?"

Thomas shrugged, "I was a bit drunk, in a mood, and they took my dick in their ass. Also that wasn't for profit, that was for fun. Also again, I didn't have the body of a ten year old boy."

Draco shrugged, "Still wrong though. And by the way, why do you have so much anti-aging potion?"

Draco looked at Tonks as if she was the reason why he'd regularly spend time in a ten year old's boddy. But Thomas spoke, "I am a rapist. Witches live to be old. Tell me, you had had to rape someone like McGonigal, or Umbitch, or pretty much anyone older then you by a decade, would you want to rape them post menopause or pre? Also, no one knows what ten year old me loos like, none of my scars. I could with a muggle I.D. in my name get out of the country. I offered to give some to loan some to the order for 40% mark up so they could get some food. But apparently they don't trust my potion skills."

Thomas looked at Tonks, "How about it Sugar Tits, you going to eat with us, or eat the I believe broth is what scar head is making today."

Harry rolled his eyes, "It's a stew, it's whats left of our current supplies. The same stew we've had the last three days. Theirs just less well stew then usual."

Thomas smiled, "We've offered to share our food, all it requires is Hermy to say "I'm sorry I tried to free your house elf, it was wrong of me to try and steal your property", and apologize to Razor. Honestly she's lucky I ordered him not to show her his name sake. Little dude was pissed."
"McNair?" Marie shivered, though not in excitement. The man gave her the creeps. Coming from a woman who spent most of her time with Thomas... Well, that was saying something. "Well, at least that twisted creature is off the streets. I suppose we'll be doing our good deeds for the week."

She tossed the bloody gauze onto the examination table and cast a quick incineration spell before giving her wand a thoughtful look. Harry would likely try to take it away again if he saw it, and she didn't have sleeves to hide it in. With a wry expression, she slipped the slender rod down her shirt between her breasts using her bra to hold it in place. As long as she kept her posture straight, the wand should be well hidden.

"It's hard to tell with that one." Marie took Draco's arm comfortably and followed him upstairs. "Tonks has her hands full, certainly. Still, insanity notwithstanding, I'm glad it was only a cutting curse. I'd rather not have you on the table too often."

Tonks watched tiny Thomas dance around with a mix of amusement and disgust. At least he was in a good mood. She followed him downstairs and took her seat, feeling painfully guilty about the food. She asked Thomas to share and she considered it a great victory to have convinced him to compromise. Too bad Hermione wasn't so willing...

"You... He is a living, THINKING being, not your property!" Granger's voice became shrill as it grew louder by the word. Tonks and Marie sighed in unison. This argument could continue for an hour without needing even a word from Thomas, and everyone in the room had heard it at least twice.

"Thomas," Tonks leaned over to catch his attention. It was so weird seeing his eyes in a ten-year-old face. "Maybe we could share with everyone else until Hermione comes around, no use letting the food go to waste..."

"Come around?! Like hell I'll 'come around'..." Marie picked at her food daintily while Hermione continued to rant, red-faced.

"Dover?" She asked mildly, eyebrow raised in playful interest. Harry and Dumbledore were ushering Hermione out, more than a few glares over their shoulders.

"Don't tell us, I don't want to know." Tonks sighed and accepted her plate.
Thomas snarled as Granger went all shrill. He stood up on the table and in a blur back handed the woman given the speed and weight he knocked the woman to the ground, Where he threw himself onto her knocking the air from her lungs. He put a hand around her throat, "Granger, EVERYONE is property. Everyone has values assigned to them. The strong are users, the weak are used. You seem to be forgetting you pay me to take people, beings who have lives, loved ones, people who depend on them, and to cause them agony, to make them scream and beg for death. To make them break like a clock thrown against a wall. How do you think I do it Granger? How do you think I look someone in the eye, just lust this, I get close, like a lover, and then I make them scream in agony. You know how I do it?"

He stood up suddenly, his hand leaving the brown haired woman as he said, "The same way Marie over their can be elbows deep in guts. People aren't people, people are meat. People have dreams, meat is fun to cut. People have families, meat bleeds the best. People have hope, meat is already dead, I just haven't decided to end it's suffering yet."

Thomas moved back to his chair, "Granger, you say I shouldn't own something that thinks? My reply is Meat is meat, is meat. I'm happy to eat cow flesh, rape woman flesh, gouge man flesh, eat man flesh, rape cow flesh, gouge women flesh, rape man flesh, eat women flesh, and gouge cow flesh. I don't see people, I see meat, meat that's either more use to me with a pulse, or not worth the effort of killing yet. Ask Draco what happened last time someone tried to assassinate me. It's a funny story."

Draco rolled his eyes, "You broke into their house, while they were at work, butchered their youngest daughter, made her into a roast, Imperioed them when they arrived home, made them eat her. Then released the imperio, and watched as the poison a rotting one if memory serves killed them in horrible agony, while you raped their older daughters, and then after the parents were dead you made the sisters rip eachother's throats out. Then were camly eating the roast when I showed up. Nothing about that is funny."

Thomas chuckled ripping a large chunk of meat from one of the ribs, as the tale was finished he said, "Not Ha Ha funny, unless you can remember their faces. Then it's very much HA HA funny. I made them eat their youngest daughter, it was fucking hilarious. One of my favorites, next to the reverse C section. Man, I haven't gotten to have that sort of fun in awhile. What the hell, pull up a chair everyone welcome to some ribs."

The order members who arrived during Thomas's speech looked a bit green. Although Ron and harry were happy to sit at the table. One of the twins asked, "How can you eat after hearing it could be human?"

Ron shrugged, "Malfoy is a nancy boy, and Tonks is more one of us then them, plus while Marie is a bit crazy, she thinks she's too high class to eat spam, thus I'm pretty sure Thomas wouldn't feed them human. Besides, if Tonks found out he was, she'd cut him off, possibly literally, and we know he's too sex crazed to deal with that."

Thomas nodded, "Valid point, do you apologize Granger?"

Draco decided to put out of his mind the whole cannibalism possibility, "Yeah, Thomas has always been a sex addict. We were assigned to kill Diggle and his family, an they lived in Dover. Well after a decent fight, Chuckles decided to go to a nearby muggle club."

Thomas shrugged, "Muggles have the best booze, and the best women. Magical tit implants never took off, and most pure blood women follow the hygiene of the Victorian era."

Draco continued, "Only it turned out this particular club catered to a specific sort of individuals ones who preferred the company of their own sex. I was shocked, Thomas took a man home."

Thomas shrugged, "I get off on pain, the feeling of someone struggling under me. The sound of someone begging for release. Nymphadora is the exception to the rule, but most of my "Partners" need to see a healer afterwards. I don't really care about gender, race, sex, species, as long as it can feel pain and beg for mercy, it works for me."

Draco looked at Tonks and Marie, "We see to be, what's the muggle term, batting five hundred as far as appropriate lunch conversations go. Why don't you two give it a try, it will be harder to make it MORE awkward."
Marie seemed more put off by the rude behavior than the actual content of the conversations. Tonks, however, was really wishing everyone would just shut up for a moment. Thomas had been doing so well... Why did Hermione think she could just push his buttons willy-nilly? More plates appeared and the Order members tucked in with more reserve than she would have expected. The food was good, actually, regardless of the accompanying conversation.

"This is beef. Human ribs are much stringier and have flesh that looks like pork." Marie said casually, peeling a strip of meat from the bone and delicately eating it with her fingers. Fred shoved his plate away with a few muttered swear words. "Thomas did try to feed me human once. At least he said it was human, was it really or was it just spoiled pork? The texture was revolting."

If Tonks didn't know the other girl so well, she might have fallen for the joke.

"She's kidding, really... Let's just play nice, please." Tonks was happy to see Marie nod her apology. "We only have a little while before the potion wears off and you two have to get to work."

Marie smiled as she nibbled at an asparagus spear and dreamily licked the butter from her fingertips. Okay, maybe bringing up work wasn't the brightest idea Nymphadora had ever had.

"We really should talk about tonight's methods, Thomas." Marie said casually. Tonks noted that the woman's left hand had disappeared under the table. She really hoped Marie was just rubbing Draco's leg, not... Other bits. "Did you want to start slow with a bit of scoring and salt or should we dive right into structural damage?"

"Not at the table, thank you!" Tonks butted in while the twins stared in horror.
Thomas shook his head, "Marie, you always go for the pain. Pain is good, but you break them too fast. You break someone, and they case being useful. They'll say anything to make the pain stop. No, we start out on the stump, sorry I forgot you didn't know what part."

Draco nodded, "I was wondering why you took his hand off a bit above the wrist."

Thomas shrugged, "I figure it was funny, the last two things his hand had ever touched were his flesh wand, his axe shaft, and his wooden wand. I cauterized it, but I'm sure the nerves are still nice and exposed. Give it some nice, hard kicks with my boot should get some fun reactions. The cauterization spell I used is easy to tear back open. After a few good kics are little silver tongued healer will assess the damage. Tell McNair how I've been raping her daily, if she does as I ask the raping is moe kind and enjoyable, if she refuses me I break out the sand paper and peppers."

He winked at Marie, and then the Patil twins who were visibly shaking. He'd used pepper juice based tools on them, and alot of the scars were still present beneath their clothes. He shrugged, "I imagine he'll make her the off then and their, help him out and he'll help her."

Thomas ate some more as he said, "Then I come back in after Marie's made sure he won't bleed out. Cut on him for a bit, normally I'd use scalpels, but no reason to dull the ones we have, glass soaked in lemon juice should have a good effect. Maybe take an eye. Then Marie stabilizes him, Nymphie goes in in Marie's form. Assuming I've got my info, we let him go."

Harry spoke, "You're just going to let him go?"

Dumbledore spoke, "Forgiveness is grand, but we are at war."

Thomas rolled his eyes, "If we didn't let him go, how would my Imperio based programs work? Basically as soon as he sees someone he knows is a Death Eater, he'll assume they betrayed him, and either kill them or die trying. If it's a group he'll do a suicide charge."

Ron nodded, before an idea occurred to him, "Didn't you say you'd put those same programs in the Order members you'd captured."

Thomas nodded, "Now you understand why I don't worry too much about betrayal. The female psyche is my bitch."

Draco rolled his eyes, "He's also so humble." Draco's attention was very much on Marie's hand, and how hard his cock was getting. It had been awhile since he'd had fun with a woman.
Tonks sighed and offered the Patil girls an apologetic smile. So much for a calm night.

"He'll break too quick that way." Marie almost sounded like she was pouting. It was a singularly disturbing sound, given the conversation. "You go too fast. I'll spend all my time trying to patch up your damage."

"You just don't want to be left out." Fred snorted. "Crazy bitch. You just want to be there when he does the cutting."

"Fuck off, Fred." Marie gripped Draco's thigh under the table, more out of angry reflex than seduction. "Your opinion means nothing right now."

"Hey... No need to be rude..." Tonks began her usual peace-keeping speech, but Fred cut her short by standing and walking out the door. It didn't take a sharp ear to hear him saying something about a 'daft bint' as his brother followed. The Patil twins and Hermione were quick to chase after them.

"Well now. Has anyone read any good books lately?" Dumbledore interjected, drawing an incredulous stare from Marie and a nervous giggle from Tonks.

The few remaining people seated at the table began chatting uncomfortably about books. Marie had only read medical texts lately, which put her out of the conversation fairly quickly.

"What are your plans for the evening?" She asked Draco quietly, fingers tracing idle spirals over his leg.

"What's the signal for tonight?" Tonks asked as the meal wound down. "If you want me taking Marie's place, I've got to be quick. It's been a while since I was her, I might need some time to get the walk right."
Draco shrugged, "Probably relax in my room, I found a compendium written my Tarloc the Unquenchable at a book store. He was the leader of one of the major vampire clans."

He kept his eyes on Marie however, his cock hardening in his pants. Smiling a bit he said, "Your welcome to join me, assuming your business in the attic doesn't take too long."

Thomas's wand blurred as the Weasley twins went to leave, he stuck them to their chairs, "No, no one leave the table until their plates are clean. Razor is very particular. Unless you want chicken heads in your bed, I'd keep him happy. Until Hermione apologizes she won't be getting any food as much to keep her from getting killed. Notice she's already going without panties, I'd guess she keeps losing them or they keep ripping?"

Ron blinked, "How'd you know?"

Thomas chuckled, "Razor is a house elf. They have spells that effect seams, and such. Let me tell you something Weasley, you never insult the wait staff. They are alone with your food. Your girlfriend declared war, and she's totally under prepared. She should be glad I told Razor I wouldn't be happy if I had to see too much Granger flesh, or she'd be starkers by now."

Ron nodded, "I meant her not wearing panties."

Thomas chuckled, "Why do you think I grope women all the time?"

One of the Patils spoke, "Because you're a pig?"

Thomas chuckled, "Yes, but also panties. Women who suddenly change their type of underwear tend to be polyjuiced. Men never wear thongs despite women doing so. Also most women keep their wands in their bras, or panties, at least their back ups. That's why when I fight women, I elbow them in the tits, I broke three of Bellas back up wands doing that."

Thomas answered Tonks' question, "It shouldn't be a rush. Few people stay conscious while having their eye cut out."
"See? Shouldn't take long at all. I'll be at your door before long." Marie smiled with a wicked light in her eyes. "The 'Unquenchable' mm? How fascinating. It's been a very long time since I had a good... Book."

Fred coughed, unable to get up from the table. He couldn't make out the conversation, but he didn't need to hear the words to know that he didn't like what they were saying. Marie removed her hand slowly, letting her fingers trail up his inner thigh and tease across the growing bulge. She dabbed her mouth with her napkin.

"Well then, if I'm to play the damsel in distress, I had better look the part. Bruises, tousled hair, and the like? I'd rather not rip up my clothes if I can avoid it."

"If you're messing yourself up, let me see it." Tonks said as she finished her meal. "I want to get it right. McNair has a pretty quick eye, if he thinks something's up, we won't get a word from him."

"He's a misogynist, he won't see anything other than a weak girl. All women are alike to him, I think." Marie waved dismissively. Her plate still had a bit of food, but it disappeared readily. Apparently the rules on cleaning one's plate didn't apply to members of 'Masters' club. "And anyway, Thomas is sure to have him very... distracted."

"Good point. Thomas, I still want a detailed run-down of the plan. No surprises, okay?" Tonks took the boy by his chin and forced him to look in her eyes. "McNair isn't someone to trifle with. We could all get very hurt if this goes bad. How much longer before this potion wears off?"

Marie stood and gave a happy little hip-wiggle. McNair wasn't her first choice for this sort of thing, but he was a very evil man. It was hard to be too unhappy about ending someone like that.

"Can't be too long now, can it?"
Thomas rolled his eyes, "Weasley, let me give you some advice, ignore the manipulative strumpet. She would eat you for breakfast, and not in the good way."

Draco rolled his eyes at Thomas, "Really Thomas, she's not that bad."

Thomas shook his head, "Draco, me and Marie are opposite sides of a coin. She likes the pain of living, I like the pain of dying, different but similar. Marie's nature is discord, strife, and pain. She knows Weasley's watching her like a cut of meat. She loves men fighting over her. That's why Weasley's lucky she's so contained at this point, or he'd be taking out a third mortgage on his shop to pay for her tastes."

Draco shrugged, "Part of being a pure blood, is being a bit manipulative, and cunning. Me and Marie trust eachother about as far as The Headmaster could throw a troll, but the sex is adequate. Plus that's part of the fun, a chess match played with your body and skills."

Thomas shrugged, "I much prefer someone seeking penance then someone who thinks their my equal."

Draco rolled his eyes again, "Such a drama queen. Maybe Iva simply likes a man who takes charge? Her old husband was literally an animal after all. You always say she's with you because she's punishing herself, but she's still with you, and you haven't managed to drive her off. Face it, you're going soft."

Thomas glared his wand appearing in his hand, as he cast a dozen spells at Draco, who shielded and countered, for the first time in memory actually winning as an Exspelliarmus caught Thomas in the chest forcing him ass over tea kettle in the chair. His wand flew into Draco's hand. But Thomas was up in a flash, dodging spells he tossed his steak knie at Draco's face. The pure blood banished it, but Thomas had ducked under the table. Kicking a leg from Draco's chair Thomas had him at knife point. The blade drawing a thin line of blood, "Take it BACK Malfoy!"

Draco sneered, "Fine, wittle Tommy isn't going soft."

Thomas growled as the potion ended and with a rather painful sounding "Snap" he returned to his normal size. Thomas casually slammed Draco's head into the table. Taking his wand he said, "Fucking pure blood cock sucking son of an anal loving veela whore!"

He moved back to his seat. Just in time for Tonk's serious "Look me in the eye" thing, he gave her a smack on the ass, "Ok, but I expect you to talk the Patil twins into a threesome involving the silk ropes and four inch thick chains."

He smacked her sharply on the ass, "Don't let me down Sugar Tits."

Thomas followed Marie. He unshrank one of wicked shards of glass. Probably from a broken window then sharpened and bits removed until they were the proper shape with magic. Each had a handle that was wrapped in duct tape. He He pulled out a small surgical tray, putting in a fair amount of Chili pepper juice with pulped seeds, lemon juice, a tiny bit of salt, and the special ingredients a few drops of LSD. Finally because this was important he also added a few drops of vertiserum. People always forgot potions and drugs could be administered just as easily via blade as anything else.

He nodded to Marie entering the room. He made a note to thank the older Grangers, the dentist's chair was very nice. He realized only now he'd left his sticking charm on the Weasleys, he smirked darkly and enjoyed McNair's shiver.
Tonks shoved herself back and out of the line of fire. Thomas wouldn't kill her intentionally, but how well did he really know this body? He could kill her just as dead with bad aim. Marie was safe by the door, but... The twins looked absolutely terrified. Dumbledore had his wand out to counter them as best as he could, but what good would it do, really? But just as quickly as it started, the fight was over. Marie was at Draco's side before Thomas even had a chance to finish his swearing. She checked the shallow cut on his throat and the red oval from where his forehead impacted the table. No real damage.

"I'll check on you tonight but I don't see any trouble." Marie looked over to make sure Tonks had Thomas's full attention. "You're lucky you were right. About him, anyway."

Nymphadora watched as Thomas and Marie hustled up to the attic. She tried not to think about what had been said, but there was an uncomfortable level of truth to it. She hadn't left. True, without her to keep the 'Mad Dog' in check, who knows what sort of horrors he would commit. She was barely keeping him directed as it was.

"Who's Iva?" George asked once the silence had stretched for a few minutes.

"I was... That's not my name, Draco." Though she hadn't even noticed it... "And don't talk about Remus like that. He was a good man."

Upstairs, Marie was careful to keep just out of view. Thomas was in charge, as always, so she waited for his signal with her weight balanced on the balls of her feet. Occasionally her mind would flash back to the discussion just a few minutes earlier, ruining the building excitement. 'As far as The Headmaster could throw a troll'? Really? Surely it was just macho posturing. After all, how many times had she saved his life? And 'Adequate'... Thomas could spout whatever nonsense he wanted, he didn't know her nearly as well as he believed, but... Well, she had hoped the Draco would think better of her by now.

"I'm not telling you a thing, traitor! I've stood up under the Master's own Cruciatus. Nothing you can do will come close." The captive's voice wavered a bit and Marie's attention snapped back. She scanned his injuries with a clinical eye, noting the charred stump and the fluids oozing from it. The body was trying to heal. Interesting. Had he tried some sort of meditation to speed it along, or was McNair just that strong? She rather hoped he was strong. The strong ones lasted longer. Of course, it would mean cutting her time with Draco short... Marie felt a flutter of butterflies in her stomach as Thomas set his tray aside. Draco could wait.
Thomas laughed, stepping on the stump with his boot he said, "The Cruciatus is a spell formerly used on battle field victims."

He stepped off of the wound, "See back in the old days, muggles used swords. Swords were capable of severing flesh from bone, and nerves. Magic is a hell of a tool for healers, but nerves, nerves are tricky."

Thomas stomped his the stump again, this time grinding the tip of his boot into it, dong so to cause the most pain without giving the bastard a chance to pass out. He slowly moved back again, "Back in the old days, they discovered the best way to tell if the nerves were back and working properly was to send a bit of magic into them, and ever practical it was decided to test pain. Thus they made the IOATUS curse."

Thomas had pulled his wand and fired the spell. Which did it's job had Mcnair been burned nerve deep, or the nerves being non-responsive he'd have felt nothing, instead he felt as if his entire arm was shoved into a light socket. Thomas smirked as the nerves over loaded making the bastard's arm go numb, but as feeling returned it would burn with the slow sort of agony that made prosthesis painful. Thomas began speaking, "It was some hundred years later, when the Romans found out about the spell, and how useful it was for torturing prisoners. They loved to crucify enemies, and thus the spell because Crucio, while this version was very effective, and removed the need to wound a person to cast it, their was one major problem. The Cruciatus curse targeted the nerves, making insanity a real issue."

Thomas pointed his wand at McNair, "VINDICTA!"

The spell was a dark purple with black specks. McNair blinked as his body began throbbing in pain, like he'd fallen down a flight of stairs. His bones would begin to ache. Rapidly masses of dark bruises appeared. Thomas smirked, "The vindicta curse, is almost older then the cruciatus curse. They are brothers. See Vindicta is the latin word for punishment, or close enough. This spell was used to punish children by pure bloods. Where crucio is agony but ends instantly, vindicta, it aims for the physical. Your bones are sore, your muscles beaten, those bruises will last for a few months, and because of the way I did them no healer can help. You'll be bruised sore and tired until your body heals the muggle way."

Thomas was about to do some more spell work when he notice the Dark Mark was orange hot. The skin around it blistering. Thomas kicked and stomped McNair's stump causing it to burst open. Thomas moved towards Marie giving her a back hand he said, "You said the cauterization spell would work for a bit of abuse, fix your screw up you stupid cunt!"

The slap was just hard enough to leave a red mark, Thomas was a very good actor. But their was worry in his eyes. They all knew the hotter the dark mark, the higher up the chain the one summoning you was. That strong a reaction could only come from Voldemort. At that level the thing was practically a port key, the wards would keep him locked in, but the summons would cook him alive. The Dark Lord wanted him NOW.

Thomas activated the sound proof wards. He figured Marie would forgive him for the slap, since the Vindicta curse literally made someone a living swollen bruise. She could spends tours taunting the bound man while "Helping". He also knew Marie was smart enough to move if it seemed like McNair was about to burst into flames. Thomas realized the sound proof wards had been down during his interrogation as he entered the kitchen to see everyone a bit pale. He spoke easily, "We might be boned"

After Thomas finished explaining his worry Draco said, "That means either the Dark Lord had an attack planned and we threw it off, or he head about the whore house and is personally looking for McNair for answers. We need to find out what he knows, then slit his throat.'
Marie took the blow as best she could, but it had caught her a little off guard. She could taste blood from where her teeth had cut in and a tender touch told her that her lip would be swollen soon. Bastard. There wasn't time to go chasing after Thomas and give him a lesson in staging blows, however. The attic was beginning to smell of charring meat and she was only partially convinced it was the stump. McNair thrashed in his chair, delirious from pain and panic. He knew what would happen if the Call went unanswered for too long.

"Hush, hold still. You're doing more harm than help." She made a point of looking over her shoulder at the door before pulling her wand from her cleavage. "The Mark is partially runic magic, very old magic. I knew a girl once, her family was... special. Her Gran taught her lessons instead of sending her to school. You couldn't imagine the things she knew!"

While speaking, Marie muttered a quick incantation and the tip of her wand flared blue-hot. Working swiftly, humming an odd atonal song the whole while, she scored a few lines over his glowing brand. McNair screamed so prettily, she nearly lost the chant.

"There we are! My love taught me things about runes and the way the world turns. I think I will love her forever for that." The glowing Dark Mark cooled a bit and no longer looked as though it would spark a fire. The fix was temporary though, at best it bought her an hour and at worst only ten minutes. Voldemort was not a creature to be bested by a few runes. "I just disrupted your mark. It won't last, I'm afraid, not with His attention on you."

"Oh, save me your kindness, you sadistic cunt!" He gasped as she examined his injuries. "Traitorous cow, when the Master finds this sty, you're all worse than dead!"

"You really think I want to be here?" She whispered, forcing him to listen carefully. "You know me better than that. Walden, look around. I won't deny a little sadism, but I am not a masochist, and this rat-hole is..."

She faked a jolting jump and stared at the door as if she heard something on the other side. Imitating the Patil girls, Marie wrapped her arms tightly around her middle. She felt the captive's eyes on her and knew that she had his full attention. A thrill went through her midriff as she saw the beginnings of hope in his eyes. He bought the act.

"Thomas is keeping me here. He... Does things. You know what he is, what he does." She shivered in delight as she lifted his stump and he cringed. It took a fair bit of control to turn the shiver into a shudder. "Please, Walden, just cooperate. He's gentle when he's finished. When he's working, it's like he can't switch off and..."

His eyes hardened as she finished with his stumped hand, the skin pink and perfectly smooth. Walden McNair was not a kind man; not the sort to help his own mother, let alone a captor.

"I don't think I can handle another... Go..." She said, swallowing at the gambit. If he called her on this, she couldn't easily play the 'good cop'. "I'm the only healer they've got and the only one that knows about the runes, but last time the maniac nearly killed me. If I don't fix your mark every hour or heal the damage to your kidneys..."

McNair's eyes narrowed as he realized the implications. Marie considered prodding him along a bit more, but the mark was already looking angry. They needed to work fast. She took her leave and scurried out of the attic, leaving him to stew in his thoughts for a moment or two.

"The fuck was that, Thomas?" She said as she sashayed into the kitchen, hips swaying seductively. Her hand was up to her bleeding lip, but Marie didn't look angry at all. If anything, Tonks thought she looked a bit... Playful. Her eyes were bright with glee as the redhead checked her reflection in a glass and laughed. "He bought it though. Poured it on until I thought he would drown. 'Oh boo hoo, so sad, beaten little girlie'. I had to carve up his Mark. Looks like you have twenty more minutes. Kidneys are mashed to hell, too. Don't go so deep with the Vindicta, maybe? Not that it matters, if we don't finish in the next hour, he'll be a pile of ash and won't care about pissing blood."

Tonks shifted into Marie's form while the other girl continued to prance around like a child before Christmas. It took a few seconds longer than usual, but soon Marie was staring at a perfect copy of herself, just in the wrong clothes. They stripped out of jeans and shirts, giving the men a nice little mirrored show before swapping outfits. Marie adjusted Tonk's breasts in the tank top and mussed her hair a bit before stepping back.

"Are my thighs really that thick?" She asked no one in particular.

"I don't think they-" Tonks began, mimicking Marie's voice perfectly.

"Shouldn't you be getting information so we don't all burn down?" Harry interrupted.

"He's right. Ready Thomas?" Tonks/Marie asked.
Draco rolled his eyes, "Relax Potter, the damage from a "Popping" mark only effects you if your within three feet, intense, but not wide range."

Thomas smirked at Marie, "I thought about show slapping you, but I realized McNair would notice if you didn't have at least a red mark plus."

He slapped Tonks exactly as he has Marie, "It will help sell that Tonks is you. Although we really didn't need her to shift, like I said we have to change the plan. Snake face sees Walden's thoughts he'll be able to break the Fidelous. Walden McNair is going to die after I get the info from him."

Thomas actually took one of the knives from the table and nodded. Heading upstairs he said, "Hey McNair, I've got a deal for you. Tell us why the Dark Lord wants you so bad, you tell me, I kill you quick. You don't I bury you in a case with the fidelous on it and a spell for air. You starve to death."

McNair laughed, "My Lord found out about a traitor among the recruits. Broke into his mind, the fool didn't know a Master of the mind arts could break a Fidelous. I was supposed to lead a raid with the new chink and russkie recruits. A hundred of The Dark Lord's forces."

Thomas swore, holding the blade to the guys neck he said, "Where?"

After McNair rattled off the address Thomas swore, and shoved the knife into the bastard's right eye. The fool died. Thomas yanked out the knife using a severing spell to take off the head he marched both down stairs. Putting it on the table he said, "Seems we've got a bad new situation."

Draco swore after Thomas said the attack plan. He looked around, "A hundred to a dozen. Horrible odds, I'd almost say it's suicide."

Thomas laughed, "Oh go suck a dick Drakey, you need a tampon to go with your pussy? I'm a man, and it's a good day to die. Way I see it, a hundred to one just means more meat to watch die."

Harry blinked, "I'm still healing, so is The Headmaster. The Order can't take on a force like that and hope to survive, if you go in one your own, well good luck."

Mad-Eye spoke, "It's a good day to die, and no death heads managed to get me yet."

Amelia Bones nodded, "I told the Muggle Borns they'd be safe their. I'm going if anyone is."

Draco shook his head, "Thomas, you're going to get yourself killed. Do we have blue prints of the house. Maybe I can give us a battle plan that has at least me coming back alive."

Soon the blue prints were in place. Draco speaking again, "If I was leading the attacking force, I'd have my main group attack where the wards are weakest. According to Weasley that's the back. A sufficiently large force should be able to draw the enemy off, while a smaller force goes in and get the mud bloods out."

Thomas spoke, "Draco, do you think one person could be the distracting force?"

Draco obviously half paying attention said, "No way, that would be suicide, no one is stupid enough to draw the attention o a hundred wands on him. It's practically suicide."

Thomas smirked, "Betcha ten galleons I can do it, and I won't get more screwed up then Marie can fix me."

Draco sighed, "You're a moron, but I guess since we only have half a dozen people we don't have much of a choice. Everybody suit up, we'll meet here and head out."

Draco went to his room. Soon he was wearing an invisibility cloak, a Aromancula silk shirt with a vest of dragon hide armor, and two elbow length dragon hide gloves. His wand was tucked into a holster in his glove. along with a back up. A cursed dagger rested on his belt. He was wearing dragon hide pants, and steel toed boots as well.

Thomas was wearing a dragon hide shirt, vest, leather jacket, and robe but with the sleeves removed. Dragon hide pants, boots and fingerless after the second knuckle gloves. A staff in his left hand, a wand in his holster on his right arm, his veela wand tucked into his pocket. A curse cutlass hung on his hip, next to a .44 magnum, two flasks, and a half dozen potion bottles. A knife handle was visible in each boot. Thomas looked like a man going to war.

Moody was wearing a not too different outfit from Draco, although he was wearing his Auror coat over his vest and the shirt was cotton. Where Draco look like an aristocrat, Moody looked like a fighter.

While they waited for Tonks Draco said, "Marie, you staying here to prep the room, or coming with us to try and be a field medic again? I'll respect either choice. I doubt many will be in any shape where they won't last until we can get them here."
By the time the group had suited up, Marie had gone to her 'clinic' and come back. She was hurriedly cinching the leather straps on another shrinking trunk while Hermione and Ginny handed her a satchel. Marie was still wearing Tonks simple clothes, but she had pulled a black jacket on over the tee and traded the sneakers out for well-made hiking boots.

"I'm going. You need all the help you can get." The petite woman sounded unhappy with her choice but she moved with determination. "If we get the mud- muggleborns, sorry, out of the safehouse, where are you going to take them? There's no room here."

"That's a good point." Tonks entered the room dressed in dark-colored clothes and a dragonskin cloak. The hide from the creature would reflect most of the weaker offensive spells, though it couldn't do much for the big ones. It had been Remus's, though the poor man had never worn it. The inner pockets had a few potions, even one or two of the twins' stink bombs, though most supplies had been cannibalized by now. "Any thoughts? Most of our hidey-holes have been used up. How many people are we talking?"

"Uh... about thirty-five. Not all of them are magic users, too. About ten wands in the whole lot." Hermione had a small legal pad in her hand, a coded register of the many people they hid. "Three of the wands are under thirteen years old."

"Fuck." Marie sighed the expletive in disbelief. "How many are deaf and blind, then?"

"Erm, actually, there is a blind grandfather who-"

"I think she was being sarcastic." Tonks took a deep breath and looked over at Thomas. She took in his arsenal wordlessly. "What do you think? Set Marie up in a warehouse somewhere? The Royal Docks over by Barking? How fast can we get a set of portkeys made?"

"That part's done, actually." Ginny produced a stack of frisbees in ludicrous neon colors and set them on the table. "These are linked to another set that Marie has in her bag. It doesn't matter where she is, they'll take you to her. Just hold it, and say the trigger word: 'Haven'. Marie, you should get those out in a clear space as soon as possible."

Marie nodded stiffly. As if she really needed to be reminded about the effects of using a portkey to a small space!

"Clever..." Tonks said as she took a few from the stack.
Draco shook his head, "No, docks are too dangerous, remember when we nearly drowned Charley when he was using a boat to smuggle mud bloods out of the country a few years back? They've all been warded a half a dozen portkeys would send the Death Eaters down on them, but over thirty? It would bring all the forces down on us."

Thomas pulled out a shrunk map, and a dart, throwing it behind his head, he said, "Ok, The Turtle Shell it is."

He dug something out of his pocket, and handed it to Marie, it read "The Turtle Shell is under King George Elementary". Thomas handed her a car scent thing, with a turtle on it. Thomas smirked, "An abandoned school, it has a bomb shelter under it from the great war. If you say Turtle Power, the port key will take you there. It doesn't have fresh food, but should have running water. It's also got enough MRE's to last me six months. I will be charging the order rent, and mark up for the cost of my supplies. It's under Fidelous. You all are so lucky I'm paranoid."

Thomas took a frisbee, shrinking it he said, "Marie, if I lose my bet because you haven't gotten those out of your bag, I will be most disappointed."

Harry handed them a portkey, "This will take you to the property, it's a mansion house. This will drop you in the back yard, possibly ontop of the Death Eaters."

Thomas nodded as he said, "One twenty sound good?"

Draco shook his head, "Let's go one forty."

Thomas nodded, "After we portkey in, everybody start moving and counting down from 140, at 100 I'll start the fight, at 140 you guys will move in. The idea is one hundred and forty seconds."

Draco nodded, "Let's go, time to yet again dance with the devil."

Soon the group had appeared. Sure enough a massive group of black cloaked individuals were standing around the mansion. The wards were down. Draco headed off with Marie, Mad Eye leading Tonks. Thomas under an invisibility cloak began tapping the staf saying, "Avis Defendarium", while with his other hand he conjured bowling balls, soon Tits ((The bird)) were flying around him atleast three dozen, while bowling balls circled around him. As if he were a sun.

When he reached 100, he called out, "HEY DICK SUCKERS, You ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?"

As they forces turned he cast a Lumos Sonia, in essence a flash bang spell. Then while the dead eaters were scrambling he cast from his wand the boiling oil spell, and from his staff the infernum spell, which caused a fifteen foot blast of blur fire. At the height of the arc both streams were crossed and the oil ignited as the Death Eaters screamed in agony and the ones already on fire howled as boiling oil made the flames jump.

Draco looked at Marie, "Do you still wonder why I prefer him on our side?"

Draco cast a bone imploding cure at one of the few Death Eaters infront of the manor house. Throwing a blood to acid curse at the second one. Moody dropped the other three two with reductos, one with a stunner and a severing curse. Moody spoke, "Go girls, we'll make sure you don't get cornered if Thomas goes down."

Thomas mean while was moving like a man possessed, his staff a blur of spells and being used as a weapon. His wand being used for detail and accurate spells. The bowling balls and conjured birds being used as living shields. It was a risky way to fight because often each defense was only good for one enemy spell, but Thomas was ALWAYS moving. Transfiguring, conjuring, summoning, banishing, even vanishing. Thomas realized as a wolf took down a Death eater, by ripping out it's achilies tendon, this was the first time he could ever remember truly cutting loose. Granger's mind fucking had made him hold back against the order. But here, he was free, and more then he was loving this. A reducto came within an inch of taking his head off, Thomas summoned a corpse still on fire, transfigured it into a dozen knives, and banished them at a speed arrows would be envious of at the three nearest attackers.
Instead of answering Draco's question, Marie stood on tiptoe and gave him a quick peck on each cheek. She avoided meeting his gaze, looking instead to Mad-eye and the other Order members.

"Be quick, be safe." She whispered. Her green eyes met his grey for a half moment. "All of you."

"We'll get close and send Marie to the bunker with as many children as we can grab." Tonks squeezed her friend's shoulder. "How long after you're there before the portkeys are safe to use?"

"Ten minutes, tops. I'll drop them and have the supplies laid out in no time." The petite woman sounded confident, as though this sort of thing was common to her. It was a good bluff, most likely, but Tonks was sure that she'd manage just fine.

"Okay, Good, let's move." Marie turned and began her way to the massive building, using the garden shrubs as meager cover. Nymphadora glanced at Draco and teased weakly. "So much for that sexual tension that Thomas thought was so funny."

With that, the girls were moving. Amelia started counting aloud, keeping the time with obsessive focus as they crept closer to the house. Tonks, bent over so as to be less noticeable behind the hedge, grabbed Marie by the sleeve.

"If this goes well, you won't have to do too much healing. These people will be scared, give them work." Marie nodded once then cringed as an explosion sounded in the distance. Amelia counted to sixty-three. There was the sound of shattering glass and the ear-shredding crack of a rifle shot. "Oh... Bloody... MOVE! That was a muggle weapon. Are they armed?"

"No clue, I don't think-"

"Fuckin' savages! Damn Nazi bastards-" More cursing followed in a roughened man's voice. The women conjured basic shielding spells to protect themselves from any rogue projectiles. The kitchen window had been broken out and a smoking blue barrel extended from the shattered pane.

"Mister Montgomery! We're with the Order, it's me, Amelia Bones!" The witch called as the three girls scrambled beneath the window. "Open the door, we're here to get you out."

A spell zinged over their heads and took a smoking chunk from the wall. Tonks was mildly puzzled to see Marie's eyes with a ring of white around the iris while Nymphadora felt remarkably calm. Maybe Thomas's insanity was wearing off. The back door clicked and they hurried inside before something else could fly at them.

"Git in, git in, gaw' girls this ol' soldier is glad fer some help." The shooter was a wizened man in his late seventies, rifle in hand though he was missing both feet half-way below the knee. He sat in a standard-issue wheelchair with a butcher's knife tied to the armrest. "Evac then?"

"Oui," Marie stood up and adjusted her jacket. "Children first, as many as can be here in-"

Another explosion rocked the floor beneath them.

"The kids are in the cellar, that door there." Marie spun on her heel and ran to the door with her satchels bouncing on her hip. Tonks and Ameila took up sniping positions at the window, firing confundus spells to open up opportunities for the others. More than a few Death Eaters were caught off-guard before they realized that Thomas wasn't the only one slinging curses. Marie returned with a frizzy-haired toddler on her hip and five older children in tow. The little boy was about Teddy's age and Tonks felt a pang of guilt seeing the way the child hid his face in Marie's neck.

"Ten minutes. Start passing the keys as soon as you can, but tell them ten minutes." The girls exchanged a brief hug, Marie kissed Tonk's cheek, and all the children gathered around that ridiculous portkey. "Alright everyone, take hold nice and tight. Link arms, that's good! Iva and Miss Bones are going to fetch your mummies and daddies in a minute. Holding on? Okay! Turtle-"

"Power." The room they appeared in was dark and chill, smelling of concrete and dust. A quick lumos lit the bunker. There were bunks along the walls, and countless shelves with tidy crates and barrels. Most of them were labeled in Thomas's handwriting, but the labels made little sense. Not that she really expected them to. Setting down her tiny friend, Marie made quick work laying out the frisbees in a tidy row so everyone had a little space. The children were put to work hanging lanterns, while Marie unpacked her medical kit and prayed that she wouldn't need it.

"Why didn't you correct her?" Amelia asked some moments later. The spell-fight was growing heated, but the women were currently moving to a better vantage point while passing the portkeys to any residents they found. "She called you Iva."

"Oh, I... Missed it, I guess." Tonks frowned and the fringes of her hair turned violet for a moment. "I was Iva to her longer than I was Tonks. That's probably all."

"Mm. If you say so." Bones darted to a window and chained off a confusing string of charms and severing hexes. Apparently she had been taking Malfoy's tutoring to heart. "Is that everyone?"

"I think-" Another explosion, followed by the too-familiar scent of spellfire and molten stone.
Thomas was laughing a deep throaty belly laugh as his staff and wand both fired "Infernus" spells. His voice calling out, "BURN BURN BUUUURRRNNN!" The thick wall of smoke and ash, the smell of burning flesh and waste, it shielded him as he poured fire at the fools who dared to cross him. Suddenly a massive amount of the ash formed a specter and dove for him. Thomas's eyes widened not because of the spell, but because of what or who knew that spell. He sent a blast of pressurized water to cut the conjuration in half. He let his eyes run over the form. He almost winced as he saw who he'd been afraid he'd see.

An obviously female form walked slowly between the death eaters. She was clad in the dark green dragon hide robes of a member of the inner circle. Her mask was silver, but the black hair in a perfect braid revealed who it was. Thomas nodded, as he said, channeling power, "Hello Bella."

Belatrix smiled, and removed her mask, "Itsy Tommy has been a bad boy. It's up to Mommy Bella to punish him. How does wittle Tommy want to be punished? We're just trying to show the mudbloods their place. Let Mommy Bella show the naughty mud bloods where they belong."

Thomas raised his staff, hoping his "Plan" would work he said, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

He brought his staff down erecting a powerful shield wall. Hopefully it would keep any rogue spells from hitting the building. Bella clapped, "Wittle Tommy made an impressive shield wall. I guess wittle Tommy thinks he can take his Mommy. You know you're going to end up with a serious spanking right."

Thomas nodded, as he pooled his power, he practically felt his bones vibrating as he said, "Well Bella, you ever dance with a devil in the pale moon light?"

Bella smiled her head cocked to the side, "I love a walts to the screams of the damned. On three?"

Thomas nodded, holstering his wand, his hand sliding into his coat to touch the base of his Veela wand. He spoke slowly, "One!"

Bella cackled, slowly reaching between her breasts, her hand closing on her own Walnut and dragon heart string. She spoke a smile like a cat that had cornered a rat, "Two!"

Both took a step forward and drew, screaming, "THREE!"

Thomas cast a piercing hex, followed by aiming to the right and cast a blood boiling curse even as he was moving to the left. Because he'd moved Bella's eye exploding curse had missed by alot, her muscle shredding curse would have taken him out if he hadn't ducked, while she did a forward role to avoid his blood boiler, he cast a jagged cutter which she shielded and spun casting an explosive castration curse, Thomas jumped it and threw a sonic blast spell jerking his wand to transfigure one of the corpses by Bella into a lion. Bella shielded the sonic blast, and reductoed the lion, then cast an Avada at Thomas, who used the "Avis" spell to cause a flock of Tits to appear, three too the killing curse allowing the net three to fly at Bella. She cast Infernum to burn them to ash but Thomas threw a rotting cutter curse at her ankles. Bella jumped it and sent three piercers at Thomas's center mass. He again used Avis to counter them and spun away as the reducto hidden behind the piercers passed where his center of mass had been.

Both combatants were smirking they were enjoying this. Thomas conjured five bludgers and sent them at Bella, ducking the Avada, and then summoning the blood around him before transfiguring the iron in it into a four inch thick iron wall. Moving his wand in a circular motion he drew the water from it. With careful motions he transfigured it into bleach. He then focusing on keeping it in place summoned the ammonia from the nearby corpses bladders. Combining the two he rolled and hurled the ball of beyond deadly mustard gas at Bella. He'd taken about ten seconds, however, Bella apperated away causing five of the recruits to get hit by the gas as they died Bella appeared behind him casting a choking curse. Thomas fired a lung popping curse the two magics collided in the air in a lash of light, Thomas fired a bone shatter curse, but Bella had fired a bone exploder, both countered again. Thomas apperated this time throwing a crushing curse as Bella's side, but again Bella popped away at the last second.

Draco was silently using piercing spells, and severing charms as he could against the recruits. Pulling back a bit he said to Mad-Eye, "And you all wanted to fight him? He's going toe to toe with Aunty Bella. Oh sure he isn't winning, but he's holding the line, seems like last time the Order fought her three of your wands ended up gutted."
"Don't get cocky, lad. He's there, you're here. Focus on the fight." Mad-eye flung a frightening tangle of spells, too disjointed to be called a chain. Most of them hit. Bella's little army was going down quickly. "B'sides, is that the sort of man you'd trust near the people you love? DOWN."

Moody shoved Draco into a shrub and out of the way of a strange, withering curse that blackened the grass near where it hit. The angle suggested, strongly, that the spell had been Thomas's. Mad-eye gave Draco a wry, I-told-you-so, glare more withering than the spell had been.

"Oh... Oh, no..." Tonks stared out the window and felt the first real stab of fear. A column of smoke resolved into a geist-like form, then dispersed in a gush of water. She knew who was leading the fight. "Amelia? How much longer on the portkeys?"

"About five minutes, why? OHMYGOD!" The other witch stared in horror at the scene unfolding outside. Thomas and Bella were halfway across the field now, demolishing everything in their path while he led her farther away from the house. Masked figures were moving towards the house now, though. They ignored the charred and vaporized piles that had once been allies. Mad-eye brought one down with a severing spell to the leg, but nearly took a retaliatory jinx. "We've got to go..."

"Not yet, Thomas is-"

"Probably dead. C'mon!" Amelia coughed on some smoke and pulled away from the window. "He has a portkey. If he makes it the five minutes, he'll be fine."

The windows shattered as a shockwave hit the house. Tonks was fine, though tiny cuts seared along her exposed skin. Bones however, was cursing up a storm and cradling a clearly broken arm as she pulled herself up from the floor.

"Four minutes." She muttered.

In the 'Turtle Shell' Marie was hurriedly directing her little fleet of pre-teen workers. The Order had provided them with blankets (now neatly stacked, thank you Liam) and the oldest girl was anxiously laying out MREs and pitchers of water. She kept muttering things about 'Hanna's favorite' and 'Mum will like this'. It was almost enough to break a girl's heart if she weren't so busy. The smallest, the frizzy-haired four-year-old, held onto her pants as she set up a large camping tent.

"What's that for, Miss?" Suzy, a muggle child around eight years old, approached the tent with one thumb in her mouth.

"It's for you children so you don't-..." Marie paused and caught herself. If you don't want the children to see something, don't tell them there's something to see. "Look inside. It's bigger on the inside, and has lots of games and warm corners."

"Oh! Like a TARDIS!" The girl squealed, drawing the attention of the other kids.

"A what?" Marie forced herself to hold her smile. Just a few minutes before potential wounded arrived. The kids needed to be out of the way.

"Like on the telly! Ooo-WEE-ooooo!" Suzy poked her head out of the tent flap, crooked-toothed grin wide. "Come here, look! It's sooo cool!"

The rest of the kids followed, to Marie's great relief. She warned them to stay inside and stay quiet ('No one will look in here for you; it's too small!'). The only one left was the oldest. The dark-skinned girl was apparently the toddler's sister, and a witch. She was thirteen, terrified, and refused to hide.

"My mum's back there. You said she was coming." The girl was near tears but gripped her little wand tightly. "Why isn't she here yet?"

"It's not time, people will be coming soon, I prom-... I really hope so. Do you want to wait out here?" The girl nodded and sniffed back a tear. "You haven't had any first aid yet, have you? No? Alright, that's fine, but it might be... Bad. I need you to stay here, out of the way. Make sure the others stay inside that tent, and if I tell you to go inside, you go. Yeah?"

The portkeys on the floor all rattled as the girl gave her agreement. Time was up. The survivors should be arriving...
Their was a loud echoing pop as those who were in the safe house appeared. They seemed dizzy. Draco spoke, "Everyone close your eyes, the place is under a special charm. Marie pass around the paper that says where we are. Until we know where it is we feel like we're floating in a void."

While the paper was getting passed around a few people had cuts from the glass. But nothing beyond a stitch or two. Draco looked at the unused port key Thomas had taken. He doubted his friend, well minion, well ally was dead. But he was also worried. The time limit had been passed, he hoped Thomas would show up soon. He looked at Tonks, "Don't worry he could last in spars against Aunty for four minutes, not holding back he could surely last another minute or two."

Meanwhile the battle was still going. Thomas and Bella had both felt the portkeys activate. Bella had gotten angry and ordered her remaining men to kill Thomas. Thomas had assumed such an order was coming, and thus with his Veela wand in one hand, and his classic wand in the other, he was truly Death incarnate. Moving and firing spells. He could feel burns where spells had passed too close to him and their magic had effected him. Finally sheer exhaustion pulled him to his knees. Bella moved forward pointing her wand, "CRUCIO! AVADA-KADAVRA!"

As the minutes ticked by Draco looked at the clock. Slowly he said, "I'm sorry Iva."

Suddenly the port key activated. Draco had his wand pointed at the person, but it soon became obvious it was Thomas his left arm was pertificated and a sticking spell held it to a nasty gash on his side. Thomas smirked, "Can I get a hand here? Oh wait."

He reached into his satchel and showed them a hand, a hand with a familiar wedding bang and a wand that featured in more than a few nightmares held to it. Thomas spoke with a smirk, "I already have one."

He limped towards medical area the refugees and Draco following. Draco asked, "How the hell did you disarm in both senses my Aunt?"

Thomas smirked, "Bella cast the Crucio on me. Stupid bitch forgot my ace in the hole. I also gave myself one of the few orders I hate to give, "Your not at your limit, you just got to the battle field", it's risky since I can literally shred myself. I dodged Bella's follow up curse and his her wand hand with a sticking charm. Most duelers shift their wand quickly but with her wand stuck all Bela could threw were basic jab spells. Bitch got me back though she sacrificed her not wand arm to hit me with a sheering spell that probably would have gutted me if not for three layers of dragon hide. I managed to catch her with a blasting curse in the middle of the arm. She apperated away telling her minions to finish me. A lucky shot vanished the bones in my left arm. I figured I was dead, but then I remembered the wards on the house were damaged but not gone. I apperated inside splinched three toes. I cast a few spells, and the rookies charged my location. I aoperated out over loaded the wards and cast a fiend fyre spell. The wards lasted about 4 minutes, the Fiend Fyre had consumed the house in two and a half. I collected Bella's hand and my staff."

Thomas looked at Marie, "Only thing holding my guts in is a few dozen first year level sticking charms, and my boneless arm. Think you could do something about that? I'm so glad I'm willing myself not to feel pain, otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd be out cold and bleeding to death."

Thomas looked at Tonks, Amelia, and Moody, "So do I deserve a victory blow job? Also I'm keeping Bella's wand. It will work good for me, and it's better then a generic back up. I wish I could say the bitch is down for the count, but we know Snake Face can regrow limbs. Atleast it will take her time to learn how to use it, and the curse she too in her good arm will shatter even regrown bones. She'll have to purify her arm first, that gives us two or three months. Longer if she redoes all the power enhancement rituals because the purifying will remove some of them I'd imagine."
Marie busied herself sealing up every little cut and bruise that she found. It was tedious and simple, but it kept her from behaving in an undignified way. Amelia, meanwhile, was taking names and comparing them to her ledger. All in all, 31 of the safehouse's 35 residents were accounted for. It was an incredible success, considering how daft the plan had been in the first place. Marie finished with the last patient and allowed herself to look around the bunker. Her eyes lingered over the stupid plastic disk, a tremble running through her guts.

"Tonks, I'm really sorry..." She touched her friend's arm gently, but any other comforting words were cut off by Thomas's arrival.

"Oh my god... You... you idiot, lay down! Someone get a cot!" Tonks stared at the hand clutching the wand, then stared at Thomas as she offered him the stability of her arm. Amelia found an army-style camping cot while Marie grabbed her med kit. The other girls exchanged a few brief words that Tonks couldn't make out. Marie's face was calm and businesslike as she hurried over to Thomas's side, but she glanced over her shoulder to Draco more than once.

"Merlin's beard, what have you done to yourself?" Marie clucked her tongue disapprovingly. Amelia and Mad-Eye shepherded the muggle-borns into the tent and out of the way, whispering quietly to each other as they did. "Draco, I'm going to need your help. Iva, dear, hold his good hand. Thomas, you have a choice: I can dose you with a sleeping potion, Fred's disgusting chemicals, or nothing at all. Either way, the imperio has to go."

Tonks looked up and stared at the petite redhead. What sort of person could be so nonchalant about something so horrible? Oh, right, Marie. It was pretty lucky that she was offering him a little relief at all. The little witch removed the sticking charm and delicately peeled away his boneless limb. Instantly Tonks smelled blood and bile, charred flesh and the indescribably acrid scent of black magic. Something pinkish and round slipped glistening from his wound and Marie cradled it tenderly before prodding his intestines back inside.

"I have to seal this up soon. Goodness, I think I have spent more time with your insides than with my own grandmother." Marie sounded so bright and cheerful. It was almost enough to drive a girl insane! How dare this bitch use a friend's near-death experience to get her rocks off?! The sadism was bad enough when it was enemy agents, but... Thomas was hers. Tonks nearly lashed out to claw at Marie's face when a little twitch caught her eye. Part of being a metamorphmagus was reading people to better mimic them. Marie and Tonks had been side-by-side for years and Tonks knew her friend like her own reflection. And Marie was scared.

"Thomas, we need to do this fast, take the potion." Nymphadora urged, anger melting away as she met Marie's green eyes.
Thomas nodded slowly as he down the potion, and then the heroin, he was a big boy after all, better to save the sleeping potion for one of the more pussy members. Thomas focused himself saying, "This is going to suck, ah well, Imperio Finitay!"

Thomas felt a flare of agony and was forced to bite off a scream. His back locked in pain, as visibly the potion Marie had him drink seemed forced out of the wound. Like it was being summoned or repelled. The good news was it didn't rip him open as it was forced out. Thomas grabbed Marie's wrist, "H-hold on. I forgot Bella's a bitch."

Thomas closed his eyes, "Focus Thomas, focus, you aren't done yet, FOCUS!"

Draco had grabbed a cup to get the collected potion. He recognized the spell. He looked at Thomas, "The spell is Putesco Slasharius. It's a rotting cut curse, nasty, forces the effected skin, muscle, and even bone to rot away. Their's no counter curse, and if Bella's coated her wand like, well the proof shows us."

Thomas nodded, saying to the two women, "Unicorn blood forcibly taken, it turns healing spells. What could be fixed by an Episkey requires a spell four times as strong. Bellatrix thinks she's won. She thinks I have an ago-agonizing hour left."

Draco looked at him, "She has Thomas. I'm sorry. I'll get her for you."

Thomas laughed despite the obvious pain, "Oh fuck me."

He looked at Tonks saying, "Just an expression love. Not sure I could give you a proper ride right now."

He'd spoken as if he genuinely expected her to drop her pants and try to ride him. He spoke again, "It isn't over yet little dick. But for you three it is, well sort of. Razor Alpha now."

Draco's eyes widened he went for his wand but it was too late. All three of them would find themselves magically held in place. Thomas looked at them, "Sorry, but you'll try to stop me. I refuse to be another fucking name to reasons Bellatri Lestrange is going to burn in hell. Razor, a bottle of ever clear please."

The house elf handed him the bottle, and said, "Silencio and jaw and tongue paralizing spells are prepared."

Thomas drank half the pint, pouring the rest into the wound. He spoke mostly to himself, "Magic, all magic is energy. O-Other energies can over whelm it. D-dark magic hates fire."

He looked at Marie, "Razor, when I drop the match, do the paralyzing spells and silencio until I pass out. Oh this is going to suck, so very, VERY much."

The house elf nodded, as Thomas looked at Marie, "H-heh-h, t-try n-no-not to geet offf on thiss, to-to-tooo much, kay. See you all after this."

Thomas sent a pulse of magic into the match, igniting it, and then touched it to the opening of the wound. Instantly it erupted into fire. The smell of Thomas's insides cooking filled the room. Along with silence as the house elf did it's job. It was obvious he was in unholy agony, he stayed conscious or 45 seconds, before passing out. Razor watched eyes focused. Suddenly a loud scream filled the room, like that of a dying horse, as black smoke seemed to burst from the wound. THe house elf released them.

Draco swore pointing his wand he used a vacuum causing spell. Mumbling, "Stupid fucking cum guzzeling, dumbass, DUMBASS! Marie fix him so we can kick his ass. What the hell was he thinking. Dumbass. Razor get the burn slave, moron will need to have parts removed and regrown. Only Thomas could turn an hour long death, into a four hour long fight for survival. DUMBASS!"

He kicked a wall, "Marie, what do you need us to do. You're the healer here."
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