Black Wands (ThomasRHellsing and Lady Vi)

Lady Vi

Mar 19, 2014
Murky, misty nights were normal in Heath, particularly in the autumn. Residents of the drowsy Cardiff suburb had no reason to think anything was amiss, but the whole town seemed blanketed by vague unease as well as fog. Row after row of identical townhouses seemed to wait with in-drawn breath for the next great disaster or the next disappearance. The twilight-wreathed street was somber, streetlights like candles at a wake. In the dimness, two figures moved quickly down the road. Both were dressed in black: one short, one just taller than average, but both feminine and hooded against the fog. The short figure carried a canvas shopping bag that clinked when it bounced off her hip. It was a bad time to be out, but while the women hurried along, neither seemed particularly worried.

"Please do come! It would be so much fun! I haven't had a proper party in ages." The shorter figure pleaded as they turned a corner towards a single house with no car in the drive. "You needn't worry about a dress. My red cocktail frock would be perfect. It should fit aside from the short hem, but legs like yours demand flaunting."

The taller woman sighed and drew a slim wand from her sleeve to unlock the house. Out in the open, there was a small risk of being seen, but lately the Dark Lord's servants were growing more bold. And anyway, Ivanka Romanich wouldn't care about what frightened muggles saw, even if Nymphadora Tonks would.

"I don't know, Marie. It's a kind offer but..." Tonks, in disguise as a Romanian Death Eater killed last year, untangled the wards that sealed the door. She tried to untangle herself from the invitation as well, but her companion was ruthless.

"No 'buts' this time, Iva. We both know how little social life you have." Marie stepped inside and removed her hood while the other woman stepped towards the dining room that served as a meeting hall. "If you die an old maid I will take it personally!"

Despite herself, Iva/Tonks found herself smiling while checking the empty house for intruders. The body she wore was lean, and fairly athletic with almost absurdly large breasts. Well, Tonks thought they were absurd; Marie seemed to think they were perfectly acceptable, given than her own bosom wasn't much smaller. Tonks was fairly certain it was a cosmetic spell for both women, but it seemed rude to ask. Iva's hair had been honey blonde and cut in a stylish jaw-length bob that complimented the strong angles of her face and high cheekbones. Ivanka had been a gorgeous woman, though cruel in ways that defied logic. Happily, none of the British Death Eaters had ever met the real Iva for more than a few minutes. Tonks had been living like this for almost a year now and no one was the wiser. Well, almost no one.

"Looks like we beat the others here." She said, tossing her cloak over the back of a chair while her friend took her shopping bag to the kitchen. "Any clue what this is about?"

"Mm, not a hint. Just a nasty burning and the owl, same as you." Marie took several liquor bottles from her bag and began arranging them in a well-stocked cabinet. Even if there was His business to attend to, they may as well have a little fun. "It must be important, to be so urgent. Hmph. I think Goyle has been here recently."

The petite woman held up an empty bottle of cheap domestic brandy and tossed it in the bin with a disgusted expression. If Iva was elegant angles, Marie was soft curves. Her heart-shaped face was expertly painted to accentuate her large green eyes and full lips. Her hair was an artful tumble of chestnut-red curls, piled up out of her face and off her very white neck. Her figure was graceful and inviting, her mannerisms friendly and cheerful; but while Tonks liked her well enough, she couldn't shake the impression that Marie wasn't as bubblegum-sweet as she seemed. After all, she willingly served Voldemort.

Marie was wearing a form-fitting black sweater with a v-neck that showed a hint of cleavage. A glittering pearl pendant dipped into the valley of her breasts and drew attention downward. Her pants were dark slacks that hugged her buttocks and she wore impractical grey heels at lent her a few extra inches. Marie's whole ensemble was a demand for attention, and there was little guess whose.

In contrast, Iva needed no such tricks. Her sneakers were functional, plain black affairs meant for comfort and practicality. She wore jeans and a simple green turtleneck with no jewelry and minimal make-up, but she was every bit the attention-grabber. Marie would be lying if she said that she wasn't jealous of Iva's effortless beauty, but it seemed to attract a different sort of man. Not the sort that Marie was chasing.

"I suppose we'll have to wait until the others arrive." Marie said as she mixed a pair of french martinis. Tonks took hers without comment and did not drink. Something about this meeting had her anxious and the spy was loathe to drink with all the butterflies in her belly.
Draco moved slowly into the back of the house. He was still sore, the raid had been unplanned, and foolishly pulled off. The fact it had worked at all was sheer dumb luck. Hearing noise in the front part of the house, Draco gestured for his companion to hold up. Throwing himself from cover he pointed at the nearest and swore, "Damnit you two. I nearly gave you both a Lancea labotomy."

The famous Malfoy sneer was on his face as he said, "A bunch of Junior Death Eater's were at The Lord's manor, when an informant came forward. Said he knew where a rebel cell was. The fools went of wands half drawn. Auntie Bella decided to ask me and Thomas along to keep an eye on them."

Draco reached up, sliding his silver mask off. Revealing his grey eyes, and a bit paler than normal skin. He pulled off the black Hungarian horntail robes, as he said, "Auntie Bella forgot that while we'd raided a cell in the area it wasn't the exact same place."

Only Draco could say "Auntie Bella" and make it sound as obscene as bitch, or whore. He gestured towards his companion to continue the story as he moved towards the bedroom. Each Death Eater safe house had 3 bedrooms, all were set up for 8 single beds. Most members of the Black Wands carried a collection of shrunken chests. Draco took out one of his resizing it. He had no modesty with the other members of the Black Wands, they'd held each other shut one too many times for such things, but he was shaking a bit. He'd been told once it was normal when you nearly died to be be shaken, no matter how many times it happened. Sitting down on a clean bed, naked he took a few deep breathes. Then opened his trunk, Draco Malfoy hated muggle clothes, but they were more practical far more often. He heard Thomas Loud voice in the nearby room.

Thomas dropped the sack a head of messy brown hair obvious, "So, the squirts all "Pop in" right at the doors and four go down instantly from blood boiling curses. Turned out the little milk run, was the command bunker for the rebels in that sector. Moody, The Twin Weasels, Potter's blood traitor, and the rebellion's very own well she's in command."

He grabbed the brown hair and lifted it revealing the face of Hermione Granger. A gash on her head sponged blood but it was mostly dry. The large man pulled off his own mask, and dropped his robes. Not caring he was naked infront of both women. He was taller then Malfoy at 6' 10", a bit more muscular although you could bounce a quarter off both their abs. Malfoy's muscles were from quidditch and fencing while Thomas's were from dueling, swimming, and training. The man wasn't the typical pure blood elite. Always pushing himself to be better, rumor had it he could tie with Bella on her best day. Thomas's true skills however were torture and interrogation. His family had survived the inquisition by becoming torturers. They had survived multiple "Anti magic" regimes by doing so. He'd been in the states when Voldemort had risen, and he'd joined up very quickly. 5 years of training with Bella and The Master himself had made him very dangerous. His chest had dozens of scars mostly from said training sessions. He pulled on a pair of muggle cargo pants and a dark grey t-shirt.

Thomas continued his story when he was sure his nudity wouldn't distract, "So we knew as soon as we saw red this wasn't some no name bunker. I went after Mad-eye, Draco went to lead the kids in. You should have seen it Iva, me and the old bastard snarling casting, I nailed the bastard with a Lancea piercing spell after I blew his fake leg off. I was SO CLOSE to putting him down when fucking Potter showed up."

Thomas hated Harry Potter. Thomas hated all the blood traitors, but Harry Potter and Albus Dumbeldore were the two who he couldn't beat. Sure random chance and surprise were always a factor Every duelist knew skills and magic might not matter but it was widely believed only Voldemort himself could kill either of the other two. Potter was a bit stronger but had less knowledge, Dumbledore was weaker but had less magic. Second tier were the Weasley twins, Genny, Mad-Eye, and Lupin. Granger and Ron were both third tier, but Granger's mind made her dangerous, as did Ron Weasley's strategic mind. Of course that was all sort of random when you added in luck. Lucius Malfoy had been a second tier magic user, until Ron had taken him down.

Thomas cleared such thoughts, "Anyway, I threw myself at Potter and the wounded Mad-eye, you know Potter always willing to sacrifice himself for his friends. Draco apparently ran into Genny, and was dueling her. She threw an AK at him, he blocked it with one of the rookie's corpses he'd cast an acid blood spell on. While she was screaming, Draco went to hit her with a patrificus, but bloody Granger blocked it with her body. Threw her emergency Port Key on the red head. Had Draco been a few seconds slower we'd have neither of them. I guess Potter did the same to Mad-Eye or the old coot wasn't as bad of as I though cause he apperated away. I followed Potter dueling to the shack, but Potter was fighting like a man possessed. Draco had the newbies set up cross fire. Between the three sides we drove Potter off. The Twins had vanished early on, probably doing their messenger thing. Draco had me grab Granger and we went through a half dozen apperation points and 3 floos to get here. That was oh 5 hours ago."

Thomas sat down on the couch, "We stopped by Bella's mansion, got some truth serum and I had a bit of fun with her. She's naked in the bag, except for the ropes, she's bent almost double as well. Should be fun when she wakes up. I figured we'd start her out in a tank of ice cold water naked, maybe do a bit of water boarding. I always love a good water boarding. We need info fast, if Granger knows as much as we hope she does this is a major weakness to the rebels, plus with Gin useless and Potter drained their heavies will be out of the game for awhile. Marie, you mind playing good cop/reluctant DE, you being their when she wakes up might get something from her. While me and Iva set up the ice water you should check on Draco."

Draco rolled his eyes as he entered the room. His hair was short and practical but still the Malfoy blond. He was wearing a button up cotton shirt and jeans. He sighed, "A bit of splash got onto me."

Draco held up his left hand, it was raw looking from the middle of his first two knuckles down to his wrist. Probably hurt but it didn't look that bad.

Thomas meanwhile had moved to the basement, summoning a cow style water trough 5 foot deep and aluminum. It was six feet round. Next her put a pad around the edge so it would be soft. Then he summoned four manacles with a 3 foot chain. He cast his most powerful cooling charms and soon it was cold to the touch. He looked at Iva, "Can you make ice and crack it? and we need salt as well."

You couldn't summon salt, and summoned ice just wasn't as cold as frozen water for some reason. Thomas like this part, he smiled, "You excited? This whole war could finally be over. I like fighting, killing, and torturing. But you don't seem to enjoy it as much as I do."
Marie and Iva followed the men, both with expressions of shock on their faces. As robes were removed, the ladies averted their eyes politely but Iva was pretty sure she saw Marie sneaking a glance or two. Tonks sighed inwardly but didn't give Marie's bad behavior much thought; there were much more important things to worry about. The spy-woman's stomach clenched with dread as Draco and Thomas recounted the fight in loving detail. Every word was a new horror that she was forced to smother until she nearly begged them to tell her who was dead and what poor soul was in the bag.

"Is that really her?" Marie asked with gleeful curiosity as Hermione's head was yanked from the sack. She had never actually met any of His greater enemies. This would be exciting! "Mon dieu, it is. Good work, boys! Oh! He'll be so happy! I hope you were gentle, Thomas. Patching them up takes time, you know."

Tonks felt sick watching as Marie, her nearest 'friend', clapped ecstatically over Granger's bound form. To anyone watching it would only seem that Iva was shocked or very serious, but inside she was screaming as she followed Thomas and his prisoner down to the basement. Marie could fuss over Draco's scratch. Maybe the Resistance would get lucky and Draco would catch an infection from Marie's botched healing. An unlikely prospect, but Tonks could hope.

"I can make as much as you need, but is ice smart? She might go into shock." The blonde woman made a conscious effort not to look at the bag or even her partner. "I think we're all a bit tired of the fighting... Even Marie's started blathering about babies and houses. I thought she'd never want to quit."

With a twinge of resignation, Iva pulled her wand and began chilling the water. It had to be done slowly. Every time a crust of ice formed thick enough, Iva would lift one of her long legs and stomp the surface with her heel to break up the ice. Freeze and crack, freeze and crack, until the shards were fat and smooth and thick.

"I think I will be happy to be finished." She said honestly.

While Iva and Thomas were preparing Hermione's bath, Marie was upstairs with Draco. She pulled a small box from her pocket, no larger than a ring case, and proceeded to resize it in a similar way to the shrinking chests. It didn't get nearly so big, but by the time she finished the ring case was a full-sized healer's kit.

"Sit on the bed and let me see it... Tsh, lucky it was only a transference." Setting her case on the ground at their feet, Marie sat beside Draco and began to gauge the damage to his hand. Her own fingers were tender and warm as she cradled the damaged hand in her lap. Only twice did she poke at the inflamed tissue to check the intensity of his pain. Okay, maybe it was three times, but otherwise she was remarkably gentle. "Doesn't seem too bad. I have a salve that should heal it quickly enough."

She let go of his hand and bent down to rummage in the medical kit. Eventually she sat back up with a blue bottle and rolled bandage in her hands. When the red-head removed the bottle's stopper it smelled faintly of bourbon, smoke, and juniper.

"Since this is conjured acid, we'll have to do this the old fashioned way. It might sting a bit, I'm afraid." She met his eyes with a small smile, almost apologetic but not entirely. "Roll up your sleeve for me, please?"
Draco let his eyes harden on Marie, they became as sharp as razors. His tone was light, but with an underlying edge as sharp as a blade, "Marie, if I was to check your Kit, I'd find that the actual pain relief and numbing slave RIGHT? Not the one with capsayisan extract? Oh don't give me that look, you forget I know your shtick, the dread witch Marie."

He shook his head, "It says something when our side calls you the dread witch. I know of your fetish for side along pain remember, it's why I recruited you. Hell it's why I made you and Torture McRapey partners. He likes hurting people, you like making the suffering last. So I just want to warn you, if my arm started to hurt worse or sting more AFTER the healing, well one or two of my Crucio's may miss Granger later."

He slowly held out his hand knowing she'd understand. Thomas and Marie were somewhat similar, but also very different. Thomas was certifiably insane. The crazy like a fox Death Eater put himself under the Imperius curse every morning. That meant what he wanted to do, he did. It also made him totally guiltless no matter what he did, he could butcher a family mudbloods and make a stew out of them and sleep like a baby the next night. It also made the Crucio curse and Imperio curse not effect him. A mind can't be effected by the Imperio curse twice after all, and if Thomas didn't want to feel pain he wouldn't, so the Imperio would shut down the majority of the pain. Of course, if it was held long enough it would probably cause some sort of brain damage, but as Thomas had told him once, "Who cares better to die of an Aneurism then a Crucio." Marie he knew wasn't into pain. The woman wouldn't cut herself, or cut someone, no in some what Marie was like Umbridge, if Umbrige had been subtle. He'd once heard her rape kit had packs of salt. Marie was the sort to do little tiny changes, that caused painful repercussions. A wrong herd in this salve, a bit too much of this or too little of that. She got off on holding your hand, saying their was nothing she could do, when in fact she'd purposefully made it worse. Draco Malfoy was NOT a fool though.

In the basement, Thomas looked a bit affronted, "Really Iva? Do you really have such little faith in the god of torture, sex, and debauchery. Their called warming charms. Careful applications of them to the manacles, will keep our little Mudblood from getting early release from our chains. Plus it's ironic, she'll think the chains are dooming her, when they are what's saving her."

He looked at his lover. Enjoying the sight of her powerful legs. He felt a familiar twitch in his lower body. He decided to test a theory he'd been working on. Moving over to her he let one hand rub her crotch roughly, the other capturing her right breast through her top. He spoke quietly, "You know my little halfblood, I've always wondered if you were the spy in our midst. Ever since I saw you change your base form our fifth night together. But you assured me, the reason you kept it a secret was your shame, your hatred of your unclean blood. But still I watched."

He kissed her neck, slowly moving up to her ear, "I don't care for this war to end. If it does, I'll be bored. So, I'm going to tell you something. In my bag of supplies is a large beaker of bubotuber puss. Somewhat rare this time of year. I would like you to get it out, and put it on the table on the far side of the room. Were you to have an accident, after all it is rather cold down here, and numb fingers are hard to control. Well, then I would have to go to Diagon Alley to get some more. Draco would end up going with me, of course to keep me on task. He'd grab a few of the arriving rookies as well probably. Which would leave Marie and 4 rookie death eaters here. If one of their bodies was well a thoroughly disposed of, one would assume they were the traitor. An hour to find the bobotuber puss, alot can happen in an hour. So pet, you have a choice to make. I can't wait to feel your tongue when you reward me later."

Thomas then released her as he said, "I'm heading up stairs now. Come and join me when the beaker is on the table." He winked at her.

Moving up the steps. Were he not high on the imperio curse, he'd wonder if he'd made a ridiculously stupid choice. But as he was, he just smirked and pulled out a black and mild. Lighting it, he said, in a somewhat loud voice, "Hey love bird, you know none of the acid got on his cock right?"

He laughed at his own lame joke, "So how'd commander Draco doing, my dear nurse pain? Want me to amputate?"
"I wouldn't dream of it." Marie said as she blithely swabbed salve over the burn. Apparently she was honest. The lotion stung and tingled for a brief moment, feeling a bit like the fizzy bubbles in a soda, before settling into a cool, creeping sensation. "I'm not so stupid as to pull something like that on one of our own. Not just stupid, that would be reckless! What if there was a mission?"

Marie knew a little of her own reputation and it rather hurt her feelings. Oh, so maybe she went a little sparingly on the pain relief sometimes, but those potions could be horrifyingly addictive. She was doing her patients a favor by sparing them the risk. Certainly she wouldn't offer relief to a prisoner! That was far too close to treason. No, Marie knew exactly how her reputation began. It was all Thomas's fault; he started that rumor after catching her in a compromising position in the basement with a vodka bottle and a fresh corpse. He just had to go off to do whatever insanity and leave her to guard the flayed remainder of some rebellious shopkeeper. He had totally misread the situation, anyway. She had been drunk and bored... And besides, she was only on the table to get a better look at the inside of the prisoner's ribcage; her skirt might have gotten bloody too, that's why it was hiked up like that. Nothing nearly so ghoulish as Thomas made it out to be. Good luck convincing the others though...

The petite healer sighed softly and began to wrap Draco's hand in a bandage. She was exceptionally careful not to go too tight on the binding. He had been right about one thing, though. She did keep 'dummy' remedies in her kit. They were strictly for use on prisoners, however.

"Not to worry, darling, you're in safe hands with me." She finished bandaging and gave her commander a bright smile that only wilted a little as Thomas reentered the room with a horrible cigarillo in his mouth. "I really wish you wouldn't smoke indoors. Those things reek."

She spoke with no real force, knowing full well that she had no power over Thomas and he would never actually listen to her. Instead, Marie squeezed the fingers of Draco's wounded hand and reached up to roll his sleeve back down and button the cuff for him.

Downstairs, Tonks was left staring in shock at his bag. It was a trap, surely. Though Thomas was just nutty enough to be genuine... She really did believe that he wanted to prolong the war. They had been 'lovers' (in the loosest form of the word) for several months now. She couldn't have explained why exactly she had first slept with the madman, but now it was just part of her cover. Cover that was evidently blown. If Hermione escaped, Thomas would know who had helped her. He could easily turn 'Iva' over or kill her himself... He would probably even enjoy it. Tonks stared at the blood crusted on Granger's forehead and made her decision.

The bubotuber pus was easy enough to find. The vial was bulky and near the top of his supplies. Tonks was already trembling when she took out the bottle and started carrying it across the room. Ironically, she stepped on a shard of spilled ice and slipped. The bottle tumbled from her hands and smashed quite honestly against the tub. No turning back now.

"It was a small burn, I expect a full recovery by morning. I will take your word on the health of his, ehem, 'cock', though." Marie was saying as Iva walked into the room with pus spattered on the hem of her jeans. "Iva, what..."

"I slipped and dropped a vial of bubotuber pus." The tall blonde glanced over at her lover, still smoking with a smile on his face. "I don't think any got on me though."
Thomas smiled at Iva, the only light in the shadowed outcropping the light from the cherry of his black and mild. The smell of it's grape smoke his wand blurred up, pointed at Iva, before with a gesture he brought it to his own mouth. Blowing a thick stream of smoke, he wordlessly cast one of 15 mostly useless but still fun spells. The thick cloud of smoke shifted into a heart. It was the valentine sort of heart, not an actual heart, although technically he could probably do that if he wished. It slowly moved across the room, framing Iva's face. He knew she was tense, scared that he'd turn her in. He wondered how close she'd come to releasing her bowels as his wand moved. Moving over he smacked her ass harshly, saying, "You're lucky you have such a skilled tongue my little Iva. So nurse necro, can you go do your damn job? Check the mudblood whores vitals, you know what you're paid for, or what you would be if you got paid."

Draco sighed, "Thomas, I know torture makes you randy, but Iva is more then her sex organs. A bit of respect for your team mates would be good, before you take a spell to the back."

Thomas shrugged, "Sorry prince Malfoy, but between the necro, the klutz, and the ponce, I sometimes wonder why I haven't just AK'd myself."

Draco sighed, Thomas was like a child. Anything that stopped his torture made him act like a bitch. Sighing he said, "Morganna's perky D cups Thomas, you'll have to wait an hour to make the Mudblood scream, stop being such a whiny bitch about it."

Thomas smiled a smile that was all teeth, before throwing a pain curse, not crucio but still not a fun curse at Draco's head. Draco ducked and threw a spell at Thomas who summoned a bottle to take the blast. Then banished the shards of broken glass at Draco. Draco thrust his wand out a shield spell to block physical attacks popped into place. As the glass shards became dust from the force Draco jerked his wand throwing up a bubble head charm. He'd seen what happened when Thomas tricked an enemy into breathing in glass dust. He threw a dick rotting curse the rotten banna colored spell was quick, but Thomas dodged. Neither man was breathing hard, Thomas was smiling a smile that was pure teeth, while Draco's face had a smirk. Draco spoke slowly, "You never gave me a chance."

Thomas replied with the follow up line, "Nope, you were too good to give a chance."

Both men chuckled and dropped their wands. Then Thomas snapped his fingers, and Draco whistled. The wand holsters they had would instantly return their wands to the holsters if certain triggers were used. A handy enchantment, especially since Thomas and Draco had more further modified them. Thomas and Draco were both tricky bastards when the mood struck. Draco spoke again, "So, you need bubotuber puss huh? Anything else I should send the kiddies for?"

Thomas sighed, "You want to send the kids, to get ingredient? The current morons are barely able to draw their wands without Aking themselves. If I'm already running behind because of Iva's crappy hand skills, I refuse to be put further behind because of the kids whose mothers should have swallowed."

The 8 "Jr" deatheaters who had arrived glared. Their masks were gray, as opposed to the white of normal rank members, and the silver of the inner circle. Draco sighed, "Fine, I guess we'll both as well."

Thomas nodded, "And let's take 6 of the brats with us. We can use them as flesh shields. I assume you'd like me avoid excess trouble?"

Draco nodded, "A valid point, well come on."

Thomas nodded ordering two women to stay behind, they headed for the door as Thomas said, "You need anything Iva?"
Both women were accustomed to Thomas's sporadic outbursts; you simply did not survive in this house without mastering a speedy shielding spell. By the time the first hex had hit, Marie had darted away with a panicked squawk and blocked any rogue spells with a rippling wall of energy. Draco could handle himself, obviously. Iva, though... It was lucky she was out of the way. It took the taller woman a full second longer than usual to properly guard herself. She looked pale behind her shield, lips pressed in a grim line. As the boys finished their ridiculous posturing, Marie eyed her friend more closely. What could have shaken her up so badly? Bubotuber pus was nasty, but easily cleared up... What had Thomas done this time?

"If you boys are finished making a mess, perhaps we could attend to business?" The small red-head crossed her arms impatiently. The pose pushed her breasts up a bit more and ruined Marie's chances of looking stern or commanding. "If you're heading down Diagon Alley, have an order posted at Mulpepper's that should be ready if you would be so kind as to pick it up. There should also be a parcel waiting at Twillfit and Tatting's, and Thomas if you open it I swear on my mother's head..."

"Come on, then, we're not errand boys!" One of the 'newbies' butted in before she could make any obscene threats. "Get someone else to fetch your lacy knickers."

"I am entirely out of Sea-adder venom and my stock of velvet oak gall is nearly depleted. Mr Mulpepper was kind enough to order it in for me, which is lovely." Marie smiled for a brief moment before glaring fiercely at the grey-masked man. Iva smothered a snort; for all her sadism and reputation for cruelty, Marie was as ferocious as a kitten. "I could go fetch it myself tomorrow, of course, but I will let you be the one to tell Thomas that he won't have his nerve-burning serum tonight."

The 'newbie' looked at Thomas and every bit of visible skin went very, very pale. His voice even shook a bit as he muttered "Doesn't explain why we have to pick up your clothes..."

"It'll only add a few minutes, stop whining." Iva butted in, eager to have the group off. She needed to calm down a bit and pick one of the Deatheaters. Marie would be the obvious choice and a very easy kill, but Tonks was actually growing fond of her. It would have to be one of the new recruits. "I can't think of anything I need... I made a run to the shops earlier this week."

Tonks noted Marie giving her an odd look, but the other woman didn't say anything until after the men left. The room was perfectly empty, Tonks was busily considering which of the 'grey-masks' to murder, and Marie grabbed the spy's wrist.

"What's wrong?" She demanded

"I- nothing's-"

"Did he hit you?"

"Did he...? What?! No, gods, why would you think that?" Tonks started to laugh, overwhelmed by the absurdity of it all. "I tripped on some ice, it gave me a shock, that's all, really."

"You just look so..." Marie waggled her hands in the air. "I don't know... Thoughtful maybe? Overwhelmed? Afraid? Oh... étoiles et le ciel, are you pregnant?"

"Ack! No, Merlin's beard, no!" Iva waved her hands frantically as though she could push away the very possibility. "Go pour yourself another drink, Marie. Gods... Pour me one too. I need one just thinking about that..."

The ladies parted ways: Marie rolling her eyes and heading to the liquor cabinet while Iva stalked off to find a suitable victim.
Thomas waited until they were in Diagon Alley, before pointing at the grey mask that had spoken out of turn. Saying, "Crucio!"

As the man dropped and howled Thomas said, "Let this be a lesson you little fucks, when a member of the black wands says to do something, you DO IT! We are better then you trash, you wouldn't dare speak back to the Dark Lord, we are his anointed. We are representations of him. To DARE to speak back to us is to speak back to him. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Draco rolled his eyes, although he agreed somewhat with what Thomas said. The truth was you couldn't just torture the minions into respect. Of course Thomas could. Thomas being barely stable, Draco could "Reign him in" and thus they became good auror bad auror. Thus after a good five minutes Draco said coldly, "Enough, we've got stuff to do."

Thomas pouted, "Fine, but this little shite gets to go get Marie's stuff. And apologize when we get back to the safe house."

Draco nodded, "You heard him, get to it!"

Thomas nodded, "I could use a pint, and some candy. What do you say Drake?"

Draco rolled his eyes, but nodded, "Today is the Leaky cauldron's pork chop day. I haven't eaten since the battle."

Thomas nodded as he headed towards the Leaky cauldron. Only for him to freeze as one of the death eaters shoved a young girl down roughly onto the cobble stones. The girl's eyes were wide in terror and her parents were as well. Thomas snarled as the girl cried, the death eater hissed out, "Out of the way blood trassss!" He dropped as Thomas thrust out his wand. The dark purple spell was an old punishment spell. Used on pure bloods who'd angered their parents, it was the opposite physical effect of the crucio, causing painful spasms in muscles. It caused savage bruises that faded but the body was still sensitive for weeks.

Draco sighed, Thomas always had issues with people hurting kids around him. Oh he'd kill them, but girls especially ended to get far quicker deaths with Thomas then any others. Unless ordered directly to torture them, he's kill them far quicker. Draco knew Thomas was the way he was because of a sister. A pure blood he'd watched get raped and killed by a group of muggle thugs. Draco wondered if it was worth stopping Thomas a second time so soon, deciding it probably wasn't he said, "Thomas, I'm going to get lunch. Come find me when you get done."

Draco nodded to the parents of the girl, he offered her his hand saying, "Sorry for my companion. Well both of them. Lord Voldemort wishes you a good day."

Draco walked to the Leaky cauldron. He put in an order for 4 pot pies, and two pints. He was halfway through his second pie when Thomas walked in. Draco looked up, "So what did you really want? You never come to Diagon Alley unless you want something."

Thomas smiled a bit, "I requested a custom wand from the new wand maker. I read about how gathered ingredients could be used to make a potent wand. So I got the virgin blood of a veela, and had it used to set as an ebony wand core."

Draco hissed as the darkness in the black wand Thomas put on the bar top, "From that colony the dark lord has us invade? I knew you broke in a few of them, but I didn't realize you collected a sample. That's sort of horrible."

Thomas shrugged, "I wanted to try. I figure I'll keep my willow and dragon heart string for most of my torture work, but my new combat wand will be the veela one. Plus I had to pick up some knives and blades and such."

Draco nodded a bit, realizing only two of the grey masks were there. He looked at Thomas sliding the two pies he ordered for him over to him. He spoke to Thomas again, "What happened to the extras?"

Thomas chuckled, "I hit the one who annoyed me with a blood boiling and or eye exploding curse. The other one who I crucio'd is limping around. I told them to collect all the stuff. I wanted to get a few things for a romantic night with Iva."

Draco looked at him, "You? You're trying something romantic?"

Thomas shrugged, "Edible panties, and edible body paint. Also I ordered her a collar I think she'll like. I can do romantic thank you. Atleast me and Iva don't do the UST thing you and Marie do. She wants your wand."

Draco rolled his eyes, "I'm sure that would end well. And don't say you and Iva do, you're both freaks. Hell I hear you guys sometimes. You're more about rough shagging then anything else. Besides I think Iva's as scared of you as the rest of us. Remember, she's seen you rape and torture women how many times? You think she'd risk that?"

Thomas shrugged, "You're just jealous."

Roughly an hour and forty minutes had passed since Draco and Thomas had left. The two Black Wands had their packages and were headed back to the safe house. First they had to reach the apparition point from the alley. As they moved towards it, Thomas realized the street was empty. He continued walking but said, "Hey Malfoy."

Draco nodded, "Yeah, I noticed too."

As the pair reached the final block before the apparition. Dozens of spells flew from both sides of the building. Thomas threw his back to Malfoy knowing he'd do the same. Both the minions went down, as both Black wands casted defense spells. Thomas palmed a vial of greek fire and hurled it at the nearest building, Draco tossed a vial of poisonous fog. With that the battle was joined, Draco saying, "Ministry, or Order?"

Thomas hurled a severing spell, a eyeball exploding curse, and a blood boiling curse before replying, "Corpses soon, who cares? BREAK!"

A blasting curse hit the ground where the two had been. Thomas grabbed the rubble with a gesture, a second sent it flying out at his opponents. Two dozen red robes. He knew this would not be an easy fight but smirked. Dodging a spell he hurled one of his spelled knives and smirked as the cursed blade sank deep into flesh. A feminine scream of pain made him smile as he hurled a bowel exploding curse at another of the foes and smirked at it nailed them. He then summoned their body and sent it at another three casting an acid blood curse, and then hitting it with a Bombarda maxima. Draco was blurred, a speed up spell and a swallow of liquid luck all that were keeping him from going down. Where Thomas was going for maximum pain and damage, Draco was going for a focused spell barrage, banishing enemies into walls, or throwing carefully aimed cutting curses.

Thomas called out, "Drakey, let's get the bloody hell out of here! One wrong move we're done, then you'll never get to see Nurse necro in her frilly under things!"

Draco snarled, "Now's really, REALLY not the time. Rise and shine on three?"

Thomas called out, "THREE!"

Draco pointed his wand high, "LUMOS MAXIMA!", even as Thomas thrusted his wand at the ground, "Swamporius!"

Instantly fifty feet out from Thomas's feet became a thick swampy mud. The kind of heavy mud that was impossible to move easily in. Thomas and Draco both cast the snow walking spells and ran for the apparition barrier's end. As their blinded and stuck foes tried to throw spells or get free As soon as the two passed the ward they both apperated away.

Thomas moved towards the front door of the safe house. He had a half dozen cuts and wounds. That had been too close. He knocked knowing Iva or Marie would have set the door with alot of complicated spells. Draco had avoided any scratches, but he was still tired and his magical core felt drained.
Tonks waited until Marie had busied herself with the drinks, then hit her friend from behind with stupefy. Marie went down quickly, slumping like a puppet with her strings cut. Tonks caught her just as she fell, half to muffle the sound and half to avoid any unnecessary injury but the glass Marie had been filling smashed on the floor. No one seemed to hear, though, so Tonks left the fallen witch in a puddle of vodka and broken glass. As an afterthought, she hit Marie with a Confundus charm, just in case the stupification wore off.

The remaining grey masks were easy to find. Young and undisciplined, the boys were upstairs arguing about which new-model broomstick was the fastest. Iva walked calmly into the room, neither wizard heard her so it was easy enough. A quick stupefication followed by a killing curse and sectum sempra on the survivor before she ran down into the basement.

Hermione started crying as soon as she was free. Thomas had done a number on her, that was for sure, but there wasn't enough time for dwelling. Tonks practically dragged the girl upstairs, shifting briefly just to assure her that she was safe.

"Look, we've got to make this look like a break, okay? Take his wand and put this robe on, you're going to be okay, just listen." It felt odd to be using her own mouth to speak after so long as 'Iva'. Tonks found herself slurring words as she stumbled over her instructions. Hermione sobbed occasionally, but she seemed to be slipping into 'business mode' as she pulled on the dead Deatheater's robes. "I'm going to shift back and go down into the basement. Then you need to stupefy me, ok? Apperate out with his corpse. Drop it in the Thames, I don't care, just get it away..."

As she spoke, Tonks changed back into Iva. She took Hermione by the arm, levitating the corpse behind them so as not to smear the growing pool of blood. Her last thought before Hermione's tearful spell hit her was that she had likely killed him as well. The whole affair had only taken half an hour.

Nothing happened when Thomas knocked on the door. The two men were left to stand awkwardly on the steps for far longer than usual. Finally, after several minutes, the door creaked open to reveal a very disheveled Marie. The poor girl had a cut on her forehead, glass in her hair, reeked of lemon vodka, and was stumbling barefoot. Her carefully applied make-up was smudged all to hell and she blinked owlishly at the two men.

"Um... Hi." She fluttered her eyelashes and smiled flirtatiously but the smile dissolved when she rested her head on the door. Marie winced, touched her head and stared at the blood left on her fingers. "Ow... Did I fall?"
Thomas blinked, as did Draco. Thomas said, "Damn, you two work fast."

Draco rolled his eyes leading Thomas into the room. Thomas pointed his wand at the medic, casting a healing spell on her. While he knew the basic healing spells all death Eaters did, he used a different one to cauterize the wound on her head. He figured the pain would focus the red head.

Draco swore as he saw the dead rookie. He moved down into the basement, seeing Iva he swore and cast the spell wake up spell. Growling he said, "Upstairs, NOW!"

As Draco came back upstairs Thomas was removing his shirt. He had a half dozen cuts and his shoulder had a spell burn. He mumbled a spell and then pressed the white hot tip of his wand to each of the cuts, burning them shut. Draco pointed his wand at the corpse of the rookie to say "SEVERA!"

Draco was normally calm, but when he lost control the effect was obvious. He cast a dozen severing spells, when the body was thoroughly mangled he half collapsed into a chair. Thomas calmly began rubbing burn cream onto his shoulder. Draco looked at the two women, "What the bloody hell happened? We were jumped by two dozen rebels in the alley. If it wasn't for me and psycho's paranoia we'd have been killed. Then we get back here, and this place looks like a war zone and Granger is gone! Whose going to volunteer to tell the Dark Lord what happened?"

Thomas shrugged, "I'll go, Drake you stay here and make sure the girls are ok."

Draco looked at him, "You sure? He's not going to be happy."

Thomas shrugged, again, "I'm not worried."

Moving over he kissed Iva on the cheek, "See you soon."

He remembered the packages. Taking out a box he unshrunk it. He put Marie's packages, a bottle of Marie's favorite wine and candy, then said, "Razor come to me!"

A house elf popped into the room. Thomas handed the box to the creature, "Razor, make the steaks and lobster. The Black Wands need some good news. I want the firewhiskey prepared as well."

The house elf nodded before going to do its job. Thomas nodded to the group as he said, "I'll be back."

Draco shook his head as Thomas apperated away. He downed an emergency Pepper up Potion, moving to Marie he said, "Seriously you two. I need to know what happened? How were both of you blind sided by a rookie?"
Marie sat on the couch, blinking numbly and holding her injured forehead. She seemed too addled to even know where she was, let alone what she'd been doing when she was attacked. Tonks winced and hoped that she hadn't done any serious damage. Layering spells like that was tricky business.

"I... guess we were. But I don't think that was a rookie..." Iva said slowly, trying to play the part of a confused victim. "I asked Marie to make me a drink, and went to check on Granger. Jackton was..."

She made a show of looking around, staring at the corpse that Draco had so recently mangled.

"He was already down there. Oh gods, that wasn't him. Must've been a polyjuice potion or something, Granger was all over him. He was giving her a wand. He must have helped her escape. He's gone, isn't he?"

She looked utterly destroyed. It wasn't a hard state to fake, Iva would be terrified of punishment from Voldemort and Tonks was terrified of being caught. Hopefully Draco would be too preoccupied with his own worries to start looking for holes in her story.

"You were attacked too?" Marie didn't exactly 'cuddle' up to Draco, but she was obviously intent on staying near him. The glaze was beginning to leave her eyes but she looked nothing like her usual composed self. "Could he have warned them? To give himself more time?"

Her voice was rather weak, clearly afraid of any punishment that might be coming down. She seemed to notice the boxes in her hands for the first time and set them down carefully on the table. There was blood everywhere and her hands were sticky, best not to ruin her new things.

"That would be some quick coordination," Iva said, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "It's possible, I guess."
Draco sighed, "Bloody perfect. I'm going to take a nap, my core was somewhat drained before I mutilated the corpse. When Thomas gets back have him bury the kid. Iva keep an eye on Marie, and clean up this mess. We'll probably be moving to a new safe house soon. Granger or whoever freed her probably burned this one. Wands close at all times."

Draco walked slowly cautiously to the nearest bedroom. Closing the door, he cut his thumb and drew the lock down ward. It would make the room a decent fortress. He barely had his shirt and pants off before he fell into the made up bed, quickly letting sleep claim him. His wand in it's holster.

Thomas was only gone forty five minutes. He was limping a bit as he reentered the house. He looked rough and he knew it, sitting down he said, "Voldemort and Bella weren't happy, but we're too high value and have pulled off too many saves to burn right now. I'm going to bed, sore and tired. Iva come join me when you want."

Thomas moved up to the Master Bedroom. Throwing as many protection spells as he could. Iva knew the counter spells. Soon he was lightly snoring as he laid naked on the bed.

Razor the house elf came into the room, "Miss Iva, Miss Marie, how would you like your steaks cooked?"
"I.. Don't think I'm hungry." Marie said with a slight frown. Her wits were beginning to return finally, and she wasn't happy. The wine was nice, of course, but she was filthy. Her fingers stuck to each other, her forehead stung, and there was still glass in her hair. From the concerned way Iva was watching, she must look as horrid as she felt. "I need a shower. Iva, could you unlock the communal washroom? I think Draco warded it. I'd use the master but..."

It went without saying. Marie didn't trust Thomas. Iva couldn't blame her, though she doubted he'd try anything. Thomas was difficult to predict on his best days, on his worst... Well, Tonks just tried not to think about it.

"Yeah, I'll just break the outer door. He never bothers making that one strong. Are you going to be alright?" She patted the other girls arm tentatively, not surprised to feel her trembling. Or that might have been Iva's own hand shaking. It had been a rough night.

"Just a shock, I guess. I never even heard him coming. Jackton was so clumsy! I should have heard him... Bastard could have killed me and I'd never know." She twisted her mouth in a perturbed grimace and tapped the parcel on the table. "I've never fucked up so badly before."

"Me neither." Tonk's laughed weakly. "I guess that's how we ended up as Black Wands. Saved our lives, I think."

"Thomas saved our lives. Merlin's beard that's something I never thought I'd say." Marie's green eyes lingered on the bottle and the candy. Passionata chocolates didn't really suit a muscat, but... He tried. "Tiny gods. Thank him for me, would you? I need to clean myself up."

"Yeah, I will." Iva followed her friend to the bathroom door and carefully untwisted Draco's ward while Marie rubbed her arms uneasily. Had this been the redhead's first close call? She was usually on the sidelines with the wounded, so it probably was. Poor thing. It was only going to get worse. "There. I don't think he'll notice this one being undone, it's just a secondary anyway."

Marie thanked her and started to peel away her soaked clothing. Tonks caught a flash of pale skin and rose-pink nipples before she shut the door. Apparently Marie did not have an enhancement spell on her bra after all. Mulling that little fact over, Tonks turned towards the master bedroom. It was going to be a tough conversation, but she needed to know where she stood.
When Iva walked in Thomas sighed, "Too much to hope for a nice nap? Ah well, I always knew Draco was a pussy."

Thomas sat up. In the low light the dozens of scars were obvious. Thomas unshrunk his trunk. Digging out a balm and a potion, he downed it. The double filtered pepper up potion was choked down. He closed his eyes an grabbed his nose as the sound of a steam whistle echoed. Steam shooting out of his ears. After ten seconds it was done. He rolled his shoulders as he said, "So what do we need to talk about Nymphadora?"

He smirked roguishly, "Surprised? It's not that hard to figure out, only one member of the order of the order of the flaming chickens was a Metamorphmagus. I also noticed your form is different then the typical Russian magical police, when you're dodging lots of spells, bits of the Auror style are visible. You're lucky I'm the only one whose fought the Russian magical police. You're also lucky you have nice tits, and know that trick with your tongue."

Thomas pulled out a flask, taking a few drinks he said, "I believe Mudbloods and half breeds doom a magical society. I watched as my sister was raped, cut, and her brains blown out because the wrong people found out she was a witch. That being said, Voldemort's style of saying they are stealing magic is stupid. I joined old snake face because I was suicidal and wanted to make muggles hurt. Honestly I think the four of us are more loyal to eachother then our sides. After all you could have killed Marie, but you stunned her. No matter what side wins, the magical population of Europe is damaged beyond repair. The economy isn't far off."

He took another pull from the flask before tossing it to her, "I can't wait until Granger finds out she owes me a life debt. So, I guess you know this means I'm going to own you now right? For what it matters, I already did, but tomorrow I want you to clear your schedule. I'm going to teach you a dozen spells I know that will be useful, and push you to your limit in combat training. I'm going to talk Draco into doing the same with Marie."
"I know, I'm starting to wonder about him." She close the door softly as he downed his potion. "Marie's showering in the washroom next to him, and he hasn't even pretended to investigate. I was rough breaking his wards, too. She's not bad looking, are you certain he's not gay?"

She chuckled nervously but the sound died in her throat when he called her by name.

Tonks stared in utter shock, too confused to really be afraid. He... knew? She listened to his little diatribe, bits and piece of his thought-processes beginning to make some odd sort of sense. One fact stood out like shining gold: he wasn't turning her in. Of course, it may only be so he could torture her mind a bit before turning her over.

"How long have you known?" She asked finally, sinking to the edge of the bed. One way or the other, she was safe to talk for now. "I didn't have long to train for this, you know. Ivanka really was headed to London, it was dumb luck that we got her along the way. How did I do, otherwise?"

She smiled grimly. He was right about so many things, it was maddening. Marie might be a 'true believer', but if Draco found his ambition and broke into his own group the redhead would follow like a good little puppy. For that matter, she'd probably find a way to set herself up as a sort of queen too, whether Draco wanted her or not. And Tonks? As the only female members of the squad, Marie and Iva had developed a very close relationship that had bled into Nymphadora's actual feelings. Marie obviously felt the same. Damn.

"The whole day? Do you promise?" She laughed with Iva's voice, but felt very much herself. "I guess I'll have to miss Marie's party. Oh darn."
Thomas chuckled, "Iva, Draco has been in not one, but two massive magical battles in the last 24 hours. He fought the twins who are tricksie, and Granger. Draco might be the leader, but he's not a super power house like Voldemort, or Potter or even me. Draco makes up for "lack of power" with skill. Close your eyes and think for a moment, we're in combat, what do me and Drake do?"

Standing up slowly he pantomimed it, "I throw spells as soon as I can. Nasty curses the second out of three always a slowish acting but lethal curse. An eyeball exploder, or a bowel exploder, a heart shrivel cruse, or a transfigure blood into glass curse. I do that because such curses are an agony filled death. So the people around the person his stop fighting and start trying to counter. In a one on one fight, I go more focused, summoning and banishing things at a target. Conjuring and transfiguring things as I can. But Draco? Draco isn't me. Draco was raised as a duelist, so while I'm fast and furious."

Thomas's body language changed. Where Thomas's style was like a martial artist, bouncing on the upper part of his feet, wand leading his body, but the let side also visible. Now he looked almost like a fencer, his whole body facing side ways, his wand leading. His other hand actually on his hip. He looked like a fencer, "Draco prefers to hold his magic, a lancea here or a severing curse there. He'll throw only lethal curses at vital targets. In a bulk duel, he'll chain spells together I ounce saw him throw a dozen spells, about a quarter are joke jinxs, but dangerous enough if you get hit in a fight, with two more quarters of them being summoning, floating, or slashing spells. Then finally a few dark curses bone shredders, gut rippers etc."

Thomas returned to the bed, "I'm tired. The duel with Potter drained me, and then the duel with the suicide squad pushed me hard. I'm down to a quarter of my reserves, and my magical core is 3 to 4 times Draco's. Of course mine is six times the "Average" wizards, and Voldemort's core is about 8 times the average wizards. According to Voldemort Albus's is 7, and Potter's is 9. Of course when have the do gooders ever taken a day off? A core is like any other muscle, pushing it and letting it heal means it gets stronger, pushing it without letting it heal makes it weaker. But cores tend to recharge faster the bigger they are."

Thomas returned his wand to it's holster, "I don't doubt Draco's dead to the world for an hour or two. Part of why I figured it would be safe to talk now. The pepper up artificially replenishes my core, but I'll sleep hard tonight. Thus why you are going to be on guard duty after our rough sex."

He decided he'd put off answering her question long enough, "Known? About 5 minutes, you have a horrible poker face. Suspected, well when we first met. I don't trust easily, if Draco pulled off a rubber mask and it turned out he'd been Potter this whole time I wouldn't be shocked. But, was more then just paranoid and actually aware? Our 8th time together, you remember that? I asked you to take Bella's form so I could fuck the bitch. You didn't quite take Bella's form, of it was similar, but their was something off, then I realized she didn't have all the same scars. Later on I realized you were probably taking the form of a pre death eater Bella. The sort you as a daughter of her sister would see alot. Then I realized I'd never seen you and Bella in the same room. She once said that Blacks were eachothers weaknesses, that black blood spoke to black blood. You've never looked Bella in the eyes have you? You're sure deep down inside she'd know. So when you take her form it's what you think she'd look like rather then exactly what she looks like."

Shrugging he said, "I knew for sure something was up with your excuse of why you kept your morph powers secret."

Thomas raised an eyebrow, "You think Marie will care. Remember me and Malfoy both train shirtless. I doubt Marie will care at all. Besides we need to get a bit serious again. Twenty four people attacked me and Draco, that's a decently large number. Where did they come from? Who were they? You and Marie tend to play more fair then me and Draco do."

He pulled a flask from his chest, and showed it to her, the vial was hot to the touch, the contents were a bright neon green. He smirked, "Greek Fire, when the battle started I threw a flask of it at one of the nearby buildings and alleys. Hard to focus on a duel if your burning to death. We're going to have to be fully kitted up anywhere we go for awhile. Oh that reminds me."

He opened a wand box, allowing her to see his new wand, "What do you think?"

Draco slowly blinked his eyes. His pocket watch buzzed lightly, it had been an hour. He decided he needed a shower before he went to face the troops. Draco slid his boxers off, opening the bathroom door. It spoke of how tired he was that he forgot he'd put protection charms up. Lazily he half stumbled to the shower/bath as he moved the curtain he froze. Seeing Marie in all her glory made his cock throb and stand up straight. It had been awhile since he'd shared his bed with anyone. He tried to get his brain to say something.
Tonks winced thinking about all the nasty curses and charms Thomas described. Terrible things were done in a war, though, terrible and necessary. She just wished they weren't pointed at her friends. His comment about poker faces hurt more than she cared to admit. If she had denied his accusation though, would he have bought it? Probably not. And, if she was honest, Tonks was tired of hiding. It was almost a relief to have someone who knew her secret, even if it was a complete nutter who carried greek fire near his skin.

"Oh... It's lovely..." She stared into the box with genuine admiration on her face. She took the box and shifted it to see the light play off the inky wood. Iva knew better than to touch it though. Knowing Thomas, it might be coated in acid or something.

After Draco's lecture on preparedness and her own smarting shame at being defeated, Marie had been careful to take her wand with her into the shower. The holster was waterproofed well enough that she didn't worry about hanging it from the shower caddy's hooks beside the various poufs and soaps. She was glad for the bit of paranoia when she heard the bathroom door opening. Wand in hand, she took a formal duelist's stance under the water and waited for the shadowed figure to draw back the curtain.

"AvadaK- OHMYGOD!" The spell fizzled uncomfortably as she snatched the curtain back to cover herself as best as she could. Soap suds sluiced over her shoulder and down the exposed curve of her hip and thigh. Marie's green eyes were huge with shock and a blush flooded her cheeks as she took in Draco's nudity and... Condition. "What are you doing? I might have killed you! Why didn't you knock?"

She glanced downward before hurriedly fixing her gaze on the ceiling. Water pattered merrily off her face and the curtain while she swallowed nervously.
Thomas nodded, as he gently took the wand from the box, "Ebony wood soaked in virgin's life blood, the core is a Veela's innocence blood forcefully taken. It's a potent and powerful wand for dark magic. It makes my body tingle in all the best ways. I'm keeping my willow and dragon heart string as my detail wand." He lifted the ebony wand, because of the time spent soaking in blood, the wood was a strange mix of black, and when the light caught it it almost seemed to be a very dark red instead.

Thomas admitted, "This baby is part of the reason why I'm going to stress Draco into running you and Marie through a refresher. I need to play with her, and get her worked up and bound. Olivander said their may be some issues, but since I killed the virgin, raped the veela, and collected the wood, it should be properly bound it me."

Thomas added, "Oh, and I recollected my knives. I love using cursed knives." Thomas drew a beautifully crafted blade. Thomas was famous for having his knives cursed or spelled. It was well known among the order that if one of his blades caught you death was very likely. Either a rotting spell, or blood absorption spell, plus poisons. Remus Lupin had fallen to one of Thomas's silver blades to the kidney, rotted from the inside out.

Draco blinked, as he said, "The door should have been locked. Technically I could have killed you if I'd been totally awake and heard you in here." Draco yawned, he was still paler then normal even for himself, his eyes were focused on her. The pure blood prince yawned, "How'd you even get in here? You know what, screw it, you want to invade my privacy, you have to deal with it back at you."

Draco knew he was acting a bit strange. But Marie was always hitting on him, he was tired and sore. He honestly wasn't in the mood for a scene. Stepping into the shower, he turned the hot water up a bit and stood under the stream. In the light his right side covered in bruises would be obvious, as would a few on his leg. He enjoyed the hot water flowing down his body for a bit, before shakily getting out of the tub. He cast a wordless cleaning charm, then a wordless drying charm, and finally a wordless summoning charm. Wizards didn't need water to get clean, but it helped alot with bruises.
Now Tonks was doubly glad she hadn't touched it. The trouble with truly powerful materials was that they were often gathered in horrifying ways. A wand like this, made in such violence, would always be best at creating more violence. The way he referred to the wand as a 'she' bothered her as well, but it was his right she supposed.

"It'll be good to get some training in," Iva nodded. "But the knives are staying in here, right? I know we're being punished, but I think Voldemort would be upset if you nicked one of us."

"I asked Iva to unlock it for me, she's more gentle than I am and I thought it wouldn't wake you." Marie moved aside, keeping one arm over her breasts as though it somehow made a difference. Her other hand did it's best to cover her crotch, but it wasn't difficult to see smooth skin through her manicured fingers. "Thomas is in the master bedroom. I didn't want to risk waking him. You know how he can be..."

Tendrils of her hair plastered over white skin like ink on marble. Wetted and pulled down, it was long enough to brush the curve of her ass, though only barely. Marie watched him dry off through the corner of her eye, but her lust was soon replaced with concern. He was absolutely covered with mottling bruises, including a particularly dark one over his right kidney. That could be bad.

"Hold on, Draco, let me see those bruises." She stepped out of the tub, too intent on his injuries to cover herself properly. Keeping an eye on his injuries, the petite woman wrapped herself in a towel and stepped close. Her touch was remarkably gentle, given her reputation for pain, but did she really need to cause more? "How fresh are these? Tsch... You should have told me about them. Go lay down, I have a lotion that will clear them right up. Otherwise you'll probably be pissing blood tomorrow, if you aren't already."
Thomas chuckled, "Nah, I'll be using normal knives though. You and, well honestly just you need to learn to use them. Marie has always been interested in Muggle surgery, and a scalpel is effective. I would not be surprised if Marie could be damn dangerous with a knife. Doctor aren't that different from butchers after all."

He slowly pulled out the new wand holster, sliding it onto his right arm, he hissed in pain. The wand holster had dozens of runes on it, and it soon seemed to become one with his flesh, before going invisible. It would keep the wand and holster from being summoned or knocked away. He moved the other holster to his left arm. He looked at her, "So my little Metamorphmagus, which girl should pay me a visit tonight? How about Susan Bones, she was one of my favorites. Her screams were so refreshing and sending he pieces to her aunt was fun."

Thomas knew it was a bit strange to have Iva take the forms of his victims. But he always enjoyed it, and he always made sure to remember it wasn't them. Looking at the woman he said, "I believe you owe me a reward, or keeping your secret."

Draco chuckled, "We told you we were in a duel Iva. The ones on my left side are Granger banishing a desk at me, and the right side ones are from the cobblestones in the alley. I was more worried about the spells then the rock. The ones on my legs are probably a mix. My core is so low I'm healing a bit slower."

Draco knew better then to try and talk her out of healing him as he said, "Ok, so long as you promise not to work yourself too hard. I need you able to heal, or fight if the need arises." He yawned again as he moved back into the bedroom, laying down on the bed.
Tonks winced. She had been there for Susan. It had been... Messy at the end. At least it was over for the poor girl. Thomas might indulge himself now and again, but he was always more gentle with Iva than he was with his victims. She knew when to scream.

She undressed slowly and changed even more slowly, letting her hair lengthen and grow coppery. She shrank a few inches in height, thickened a bit at the waist and thighs, and took off her shoes as they became uncomfortably small. Her breasts shrank somewhat as well and a dusting of freckles appeared over her arms and shoulders. Soon, she was the spitting image of the dead woman, tossing aside the last of her clothing.

"How's this?" Tonks asked in her new voice. "Look about right?"

"It's nothing at all. Just a topical lotion. Don't bother getting dressed though, just lay on your stomach and try to relax. Sleep if you can, I'll try to be gentle." Marie, still clad in nothing but a towel, stuck her hand out into the hall and accio'ed her kit to her. While Draco settled himself on the narrow bed, she dug around until she found a plain-looking ceramic pot of skin cream. It was a concoction of her own design, made using a spot cream her mother developed and adding a few potent ingredients. In over-large quantities the cream could dissolve all the blood in a man's body without ever leaving a mark, but Marie knew how to properly dilute it with, of all things, muggle hand-cream. She checked the bottom of the pot and saw dilué in her own handwriting. This one was safe.

Marie muttered a quick charm to protect her own hands before dipping her fingers into the pot. The cream was pale green and cold enough to be uncomfortable so she cast a quiet warming spell on her hands. She sat on the edge of the bed, her hip a bare inch from touching his, and began smearing the warmed cream over his bruises. It seeped in slowly, but she let it absorb before tenderly massaging the fading bruises. The deeper ones got more of the cream and less rubbing, so while she waited for the second application to sink in, Marie used her warm hands to delicately work his tight muscles. Inappropriate? Oh yes, but she doubted he would complain.
Thomas smiled pulling Tonks or Iva or Susan close. His hands squeezing her heart shaped ass. Susan's tits were impressive, he always remembered how sensitive her nipples were. Taking the left one into his mouth he chewed it with his teeth roughly. Biting it and pulling it before release it. His right hand smacked her ass. He rubbed his large member against her opening, he was 10 inches log, and a healthy thickness for such a length. He spoke into her ear, "Does my naughty Tonks want to ride me? Does she want to bounce on my hard thick cock?"

Draco groaned as Marie worked his bruises. His cock throbbing and spasming in his boxers. The silk sensation and Marie's hands felt good to him. He was soon in a sort of half sleep state. When her hand touched her thigh his whole body jerked slightly. He rolled over enjoying the sensation. His cock standing it's proud 9 inches.
Nymphadora gasped as he bit down on her breast. Susan's nipples were a bit more tender than her own, more so even than Iva's. I was maddening sometimes, trying ot keep track of so many other bodies and sensations. Looking down into Thomas's utterly insane eyes she was forced to wonder if she was much far off. For that matter, did it make a difference? After all, she was here with him.

Tonks bent and kissed him, not entirely sure why. He liked to keep a running commentary, talking dirty either turned him on or was a cruelty he paid Draco when the other man was too near to avoid hearing. It was amusing, on some dark level, to think of how uncomfortable it must be to any Deatheater forced to listen. But there was no one to hear them now, and Tonks had always been a woman of action.

"Hush." She breathed against his lips before lowering herself onto him. She was not gentle, and Susan's cunt had been much shallower than Nymphadora was used to working with. He banged up against her cervix and drew a cry of pain that she half-smothered by kissing him again.

Marie had lost herself in the massage, her motions almost hypnotic even to herself. The cream was completely absorbed by the time he rolled over, her hands dry but still radiating warmth. In her drowsy, mesmerized state Marie continued to rub and stroke his thigh without registering his engorged state. Her hands moved upwards to soothe a small bruise on his hip and she wrist bumped against him where he was tenting the underwear.

"Oh, ah... Ehem..." She feigned a delicate cough. Her face flushed and she was suddenly very aware that she was nude aside from the towel. It was a temptation to not simply reach into his boxers and stroke his cock as well. The warming charm would be nice, certainly, but after being rejected so politely for so long... Well, Marie was not the sort of girl to be humiliated.

"Draco?" She asked softly, half-afraid to wake him up. "Do you want to, ah, readjust?"
Thomas let his hands move squeezing her ass. He looked into her eyes, "You know I love it loud, I love you make you moan like a whore, and scream like a slut. I love to fuck you until your passed out in a puddle of your own juices. Until you limp the next day. Part of me always wondered why you kept coming back. I don't love you, you sure don't love me. But, now, now I get it."

He rolled his hips thrusting hard into her again, "How many of your friends have I killed? How many times have I been a hair faster, a hair better, and they've bled out while you watched? How many have I made scream, beg or mercy or death and you ha to keep your eyes straight like a good little soldier. Had to tell yourself that you were putting the needs of the many above the needs of the few?"

He scratched her ass, shifting his weight so he could slam her back against the bed. Another harsh thrust into her shallow pussy, "This is your penance isn't it? Your punishment? I rape them, I bleed them, and your self sacrifice is to take my cock afterwards. When did you realize you liked it? That as much as it was a punishment it was a reward? Was it that first time I made you cum, I remember the shock on your face."

Thomas began bucking himself within her. No mercy, no remorse. He was using her body just as he had in the beginning. He was obviously angry with her. He was trying to cover it, trying to hide it, but she'd used him, being a spy meant that. Most people who tried to use him ended up dead, but maybe deep down he did care for the lying metamorphi. Hell honestly as the best of times he wasn't sure what he felt for her. A fondness maybe? It wasn't love in any traditional sense. He honestly wasn't sure, but he defiantly felt a bit betrayed. His hands roughly claimed her breasts, squeezing and meading the flesh. Their would probably be bruises if such a thing was possible. Leaning down he took both her nipples sucking them as hard as he could before nibbling on them.

Draco looked up at Marie, one grey eye opening humor flashing in its depth and chuckled, "Oh really? You're so obvious for so long? Hell you broke into the bathroom to surprise me, or give me a show, and yet when I finally give you, you act like a scared little Hufflepuff?"

His hand moved up the back of her leg. Then up her towel rubbing her right ass cheek as he said, "I've always said no before, because it's ridiculously stupid. You're not that good of a duelist, or a follower. You're going to fall head over heels like some school girl crush and end up getting one or both of us killed."

He opened both eyes and they were locked with hers, "But, that being said. You almost died tonight. I'm attracted to you, and you need to know your still alive. Plus I'm turned on, and you seem like you'd be a fun shag. It's probably a mistake, but who cares? We're Death Eaters, we've already made a fair number of mistakes, what's one more? Now do you want this or not?"

The Slytherin golden boy slide his boxers down. Allowing her to truly see his cock. It was a good eight inches closer to 9. Just too thick to wrap a single hand around. He was circumcised as all true pure-blood males were. He looked at Marie, "What shall it be Marie? What shall it be?"
Tonks tried not to cry out, but after just a few thrusts she was gasping out small screams with his every movement. Her breath exploded out of her when he threw her down and she had to deepen herself a bit just to accommodate Thomas's more vigorous movements. She still had to bite her knuckles to keep from really letting loose. Her thighs felt slick and she wondered if he had made her bleed again though it was entirely possibly that she was simply that wet. He was right.

In the beginning her encounters were just part of the cover. She hated them, but endured because of... Was it guilt? Or was it just logical? Either way, the loathing had faded at some point until...

"Oh god, yes!" She gasped, moving her own hips to meet his motions. They slammed together hard enough that Tonks was shocked that she didn't just break under him. 'Limping' was certainly in the stars for the next day, if she could walk at all. He was too rough with her tits, but she couldn't stand to stop him. He was being rougher than usual and that was just fine. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head back so she could look him in the eyes. "Faster."

Marie raised an eyebrow in undisguised amusement. He had certainly misjudged her, hadn't he? Marie and Thomas might share an interest or two, but they were very different creatures. Thomas was quick to take what he wanted, regardless of how barbaric it looked (or was) but Marie... No, Marie would never cross some lines.

Besides, it was more fun to make them want it and see how broken they were when she took it away.

"A frightened hufflepuff? Oh no, dear. I was giving you one last chance to get away." She laughed and let her towel slip. Her body was toned and smooth, softer than a dancer's but no less graceful. The space between her legs was hairless, but her full breasts and wide hips left no doubt that she was a woman and not some little girl. "You needn't worry about me 'catching feelings', worry about yourself. I am not a 'fun shag', darling, I'm the best you'll ever have. And it looks like parts of you are already very much in love."

She winked wickedly and gave him a long, lingering kiss not on his mouth, but on the head of his penis. One hand cradled his balls while her lips enveloped the tip and her tongue played over the hole. It jerked involuntarily as she pulled away and tapped her glistening lips.
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