Flashpoint (Darkest_fate)

That laugh made Elsa's heart lurch. How could her sister still look so adorable when she'd just came so very hard? It was sexy, and Elsa soon realized that was precisely what made Anna so sexy to her. The thought curled her lips, and she almost wondered what made her so appealing to Anna. She certainly hoped it wasn't just the sisterly love, because to have twisted that to do this felt wrong.

A peck on her nose didn't do much to assuage Elsa's doubts. She wagered Anna didn't feel that way: she just dove in and loved every moment of it. Sure enough, Anna cooed out her pleasure at it all, how she loved what happened and how her day progressed. "Loved me more than just a sister"... so perhaps it was. Anna moved and cuddled against her, and some part of Elsa wanted to just leave it at that. Her body moved in kind, feeling her sister's warmth. Just to lay there, curled up on one another's arms...


"Actually," said Elsa, smiling herself and pulling Anna slightly away, "I know you're exhausted," and Elsa had never felt more alive, though her own muscles tingled, "but there is," she held up a finger, "one more thing I want to do first," with that, she kissed her sister's lips, then started kissing her way down Anna's body, clearly worshiping her. She kissed freckles, drew the nipples between lips, licked a bellybutton, kissed each hip, where Anna's curves began, and began kissing and licking around Anna, finally tasting the tangy sweetness of her sister's arousal fully.
"Eh?" Anna felt her back hit the mattress, doubting it would be at all comfortable by the time all this steam had dried away, and watched her sister move about her like a spider tending to it's web. Cold lips caressed hot flesh, and when Anna noticed how she was paying such close attention to teasing every bit of her body leading to her womanhood it was enough to make those smooth freckled cheeks heat up all the more.

"If I blush any more today, I think I might have to go to the doctor," she joked with a nervous laugh. She gave another little moan, closed her eyes and had to wonder what it was about this simple teasing that was making her toes curl. Perhaps the cold tickling the warm muscles, the way it eased every last inch of her into a soft, somewhat lax sensation of general submission. Really Elsa had her at her mercy.

"Ahhhn... no fair~ can't move my legs..." she murmured, tone croaking from how much her earlier moaning and crooning had worn her throat. Closing her eyes she sank deeper into the bed, licked her lips and let out a shaky steamy breath when her sibling kissed and licked at her positively soaking pussy. The candles flickered, sensing her heat rise again, and it seemed to increase the heated ambiance to the room.

"But uahn... d-don't... stop... k-keep licking..."
Elsa paused to smile at Anna's doctor jest. She looked up, her expression teasing. "You should see a doctor," she pointed out, tapping a nail against her sister's inner thigh, "you just developed strange magical powers after all. In fact, you should see the trolls too," she smiled at that, kissing Anna's inner thigh again. How would those roly-poly creatures react to knowing about this? Actually, probably better than their normal subjects. They did believe in true love higher than anything.

No fair indeed. Elsa felt her sister sagging slightly, felt more heat coming from... from her sex? Elsa paused, quirking a brow and looking up at Anna. "Anna," she asked, her voice serious as her sister moaned, "you're not getting aroused by this... are you?" She kept a deadly serious expression though her lips started quirking. She ran her perfectly manicured hands along her sister's inner thighs, feeling the moisture she still had to gather there. "I'm just cleaning you up," she said, pulling a finger up to her lips to suck upon. Anna even tasted sweet and succulent, probably all those sweets. I'm going to insist that she stuff herself with chocolate if that's what it takes to make her taste this good.

Elsa then leaned over slightly, dragging her tongue along Anna's sex. She purposefully laid it flat, producing the wide surface to just slide along the entirety of those nether lips. And Elsa went slowly, collecting every bit of dewy arousal that she could and cupping it in her mouth, before curling her tongue back in and smiling coyly at her sister, waiting to see, to hear, to feel more reactions from the squirming redhead.
"If it's just cleaning, then why go through all the trouble of feeling up everything outside my ladybits too?" Anna asked, making a small hmphing noise and turning her nose up. it was a jest of course, it was hard to imagine her being outright mad or offended, and with these new powers... well, with these new fire problems it would become very noticeable if she was driven to anger. A worrying idea to process.

She smiled and then seemed to shiver from the chilly tongue sliding up her with an almost deliberate slowness. A noise, halfway betwen a groan at the pleasure and a giggle at the prickly cold tickling up her puffy outer lips, rolled sweetly off her tongue and her slightly plump abdomen seemed to tense and flex from the odd sensation crawling up into her core. Elsa was certainly thorough in her cleaning, not wanting to miss a single sugary sweet drop of her nectar.

"Phew~ sis, you really do know how to work that silver tongue of yours. No wonder nobody can out-negotiate you," Anna remarked, only to smile and sit up, reaching over so her slim digits could thread into the silvery strands of pearlescent hair. "Tomorrow I'm gonna start doing... can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm going to go into the library and study. See if I can find out anything on magic. And um, those books about pleasing ladies wouldn't go amiss."

While Elsa seemed content to mate with her sister, Anna wasn't sure if she was good enough. No, she was going to work and make sure she stayed in her sisters good books, keep worthy of her sweet sweet affections.
"Anna," said Elsa, smirking. She raised a finger up and dragged it just under her sister's breasts, as though tracing the bottom where they connected. She pulled it up and showed Anna that it glistened slightly. "We got fluid everywhere. Now stop whining and let me taste more of this delicious stuff," she smiled and went back between Anna's legs.

Elsa actually didn't want her sister to cum again. Get her close, possibly. Tease her, most definitely. But actually achieving orgasm? Not just yet. So she kept dragging her tongue painfully slowly across Anna's flesh. She'd linger in areas, swirling it about, gathering nectar. Just when she thought she might tease Anna too far, she'd pause, swallowing and letting out a little "ah" of satisfaction before moving onto another area. She brought her hands up to prize apart her sister's lips, enjoying the sticky strands that connected them.

Elsa smiled as Anna reached down, making her little comments. Elsa let out another chuckle and gently blew, putting cool air directly upon Anna's glistening folds, purposefully causing a few of them to crystalize into frozen bits. Elsa immediately dragged her tongue over the "cum-sicles" lapping it up and smiling naughtily at Anna. She trailed a hand along her sister's stomach while she went.

"I'll give you some of my private books," she said, nodding. She tapped Anna's stomach and pointed at her sister. "And not because I don't find you utterly enjoyable and a perfect sensual match for me. I just think you would enjoy it, and it will expand your imagination," Elsa kissed her sister right where above her mons, her nose tickling a bit in pubic hair. "You should hear some of the things I'm going to do to you. I even grabbed the scarves already," she smiled cheekily before lolling her tongue back over the "cum-sicles," which likely had been melting during her little speech.
While her sister wasn't as experienced as she wanted to let on, she at the very least could do things presumably no other woman in the world. Her ice magic, lightly frosting her ample juices, had served to give Anna the jitters both from the cold and just how weirdly good it felt. And of course she was able to tease like a pro, building Anna up and up until she was oh so close and then pulling away, leaving her to groan in impotent frustration.

After all she was a little too sore to try and turn the tables right now, and every near-orgasm just seemed to take away her rationality and fortitude. A lack of experience wouldn't keep Elsa from toying with Anna, and no doubt Anna was already plotting her teasing revenge for a later date. "What you're going to do to me...? Yeah, that... that doesn't sound ominous," she said with a nervous, breathless laugh.

Once more the biting cold met melting heat, a sensation that made the muscles of her thighs quiver in turn. Damn... Anna sat up a bit, while keeping her legs positioned so Elsa continued her teasing unobstructed. Slowly she reached down, until Anna had two fingers pressing between Elsa's shoulderblades. Warmth built and blossomed forth from that point of contact and steadily radiated heat into her muscles, soothing each one in turn and helping put the platinum blonde at ease. Just some relaxing and soothing pleasure as opposed to a direct assault being given to her.
Those groans and moans were sweet song to Elsa's ears. She nearly groaned herself just hearing them, knowing that she brought them out in her sister and what they meant. At least Elsa didn't have to worry about knowing whether or not she turned her sister on. Though she supposed that the cum-sicles dangling off Anna's chilled sex indicated that just as well.

Elsa did pause at Anna's comment, looking up and smirking. "You do trust me, don't you? There are several books," she trailed her hands along her sister, pausing only as she felt Anna's hands on her shoulder. Elsa closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, thoroughly enjoying that. She smiled up at her sister, "You'll have to massage me sometime, Anna. With your warm touch it'll feel magnificent, and I haven't had one in ages," she went back to essentially doing that to her sister, working tense muscles with cool fingers. "Where was I? oh yes," she tapped her sister's inner thigh, then moved in to drag her tongue up the thigh, stopping just sort of the sex, picking up again. "There are books that talk about all sorts of things. You remember Princess Jasmine? The one who lent you that delicious garment?" she nodded toward the lingerie then leaned over to give Anna's other thigh a long lick. "She left a book," Elsa continued after the lick, "apparently entirely on certain... practices in Agrabah. They involve all sorts of crazy things," Elsa paused for a moment, shifting. "I, ah, actually wanted to try one that involved scarves, tying someone down to a bed and all," She paused for a moment, eying her sister hungrily.

"But we should probably wait till we're at full, shouldn't we? Besides," she tapped her sister's thigh, "you're not clean yet," and Elsa lowered her mouth between Anna's legs. She pursed her lips into an "O" shape, pressing them against the center of Anna's sex this time. A loud slurping could be heard as Elsa sucked hard, juices flowing directly from Anna's sex into her mouth now. Her hand went up to part Anna's folds, to spread the lips and get the best possible entrance.
"No massages in a while huh?" Well that made sense Anna supposed, she had been a recluse for many years. And even now an average masseuse probably couldn't work her over without getting numbness in their hands... and really what good was a masseuse if they couldn't work their money-makers? It had to be tough... being a queen was exceedingly stressful after all. So Anna resolved that she would also learn how to massage decently.

"Tying someone with scarves? Sounds less painful than rope," Anna replied, her cheeks red with embarrassment at the mental image. Being tied up at Elsa's mercy, or better yet, having Elsa at her mercy. "I guess that's why Princess Jasmine was so... interested in us," Anna added for lack of a better word. "Her entourage of dancers, you know those really beautiful girls in the practically seethrough clothes? Well they said-" Anna gave a gasp at a sudden realisation that hit her like a brick wall. "They weren't just her dancers! W-was Princess Jasmine dating all of those women? Goodness... the woman must have a snake's tongue..."

Back to the matter at hand, and trying to brush away the erotic idea of Jasmine's royal harem girls pleasuring every inch of royal dusky skin, Anna watched her sister and continued giving gentle rubs of her slender fingers, serving to send calming heat radiating down the tight knots of her back. "W-whoo... you can really give ah.. a thorough," she trailed off into a sharp gasp, squeaking as her sister continued to suckle away.

Finally once she pulled back, giving Anna a means to relax a touch, she noticed that for the most part she was clean, save for a few glistens of saliva and frost. "W-wow... you really got it all... I'm pretty lucky to have such a thorough sister," Anna remarked, practically beaming with pride. Not that she could tell others what exactly Elsa was thorough in.
Yes, no massages, a point that Elsa was tempted to reiterate. The isolation combined with her frosty skin and the fact that she hadn't wanted to get close to anyone, let alone touch them. Elsa would wager that she wouldn't relax with anyone else giving her the massage. She trusted Anna, and now she didn't even have to worry about Anna's hands touching her body or anything like that. So just a lot of stress.

Which also may be why she'd considered the scarves. Some part of her almost wanted to suggest Anna tie her up. Not just because that sounded incredibly arousing (it did), but because she wanted to lose control, show Anna how much she trusted her now that things were... different. Though Elsa nearly chuckled as Anna mentioned Jasmine. The dancers? Strange, as Jasmine had insisted that it was her supposed fiance that stopped her from fooling around with Elsa. Maybe dancers didn't count for... or maybe the woman actually had something of a harem, a concept that Elsa didn't want to try and explain.

Instead, she continued focusing on cleaning her sister, licking and sucking about the lower half. She let her tongue travel all over, though she focused on just inhaling about her sister's sex. Elsa pulled back at last, an actual strand of spit or arousal connecting her lips to her sister's for a moment. Elsa brushed it away and let out a soft moan at her sister's touch.

Yes, she had cleaned nearly all of it. However, now that she was down here, Elsa felt decidedly puckish. She smiled up at Anna, "Actually, I think I missed a spot," she said. She moved her fingers to yet again show her more of her sister's sex, looking for a moment. She quickly located Anna's clitoris and lowered her lips around it. Elsa drew the little nub between her lips, pinching it slightly before engulfing it in the heat of it. Her teeth grazed the edges of it, before her tongue began dragging all along it, as though keeping with her little cleaning excuse. Soon she pursed her lips and sucked, hard drawing it further up into the hot cavern of her mouth.
When she mentioned missing a spot the younger woman gave a quizzical look. The queen had certainly been thorough from Anna's point of view but she supposed the silver-haired minx had a better look of it. So Anna was content to lay back, all calm and placid while waiting for Elsa to home in on this spot she wished.

Then of course Anna was snapped up by a sudden spike of white ho pleasure jamming up into her previously frazzled brain, leaving Anna crying out and shutting her eyes tight as her sensitive nub was so firmly sucked into her lovers mouth, now caught evenly between welcoming warmth and a pleasing chill. "A-ahggh~" she tried to speak only for the words to melt into nonsense, and on the second attempt she got a little lucky. "E-Elzzzz~"

At the very least it was possible to understand with the poor girl was trying to say, only for harsh hisses and more ragged moans to escape her while her stomach tenses and clenched repeatedly from the new heights of pleasure soaring into her. "K-keep th-th-that up and yuh-you... you'll have to c-cleaaaan... clean me up all over again!" Anna managed to exclaim in between the throes of nonstop pleasure bombarding her clit.

One thing could be said for Elsa, those powers more than made up for any potential gap in her skillset.
The cry didn't seem to affect Elsa in the slightest. She kept licking and sucking upon her sister's clit as though Anna weren't thrashing and groaning with mounting pleasure. The heat started to rise again, Elsa felt it pushing against her. She actually slid off the clit for a moment to blow chilled air directly upon Anna's sensitive lower parts. More steam arose almost instantly, wetting Elsa's hair and face, but she knew it had to be worth it. Anna already struggled with words, which was just what she wanted.

Tense muscles, Anna's cute little belly rippling with the effort. Elsa smiled, watching, knowing now what that indicated. She paused as Anna finished her exclamation, lifting her head from her sister. Her fingers began circling about the lips, purposefully chilling wherever she touched, going just enough to cause the liquid to start to freeze, counting on Anna to counter-balance. "Does that mean you want me to stop?" Elsa asked, looking up at her sister with another mischievous smile. "You know, sister," she said as her hands kept trailing and tracing, working the swollen lips. She brought a finger up to draw tight circles around the clit, purposefully sending little jets of cool air to brush along it. "If you ever want me to stop doing something, you just have to ask," she paused, both in speaking and in moving, to look up at Anna, "I may not necessarily obey, I am queen after all, but you should always feel you should ask. So," she leaned down and kissed the clit, melting some of the chill she'd put on it before drawing up, knowing that the moisture ran down the nub, "did you want me to stop?" she ran her hands teasingly along Anna's inner thighs, "or are you going to trust me to make sure that you don't make a mess?"

For Elsa wholly intended to attempt to slurp her sister's climax as it happened. She wanted to know what it tasted like fresh, straight from the source and likely molten hot. This would be the only certain way of accomplishing that. Not that Elsa would stop regardless: she thoroughly enjoyed seeing Anna all worked up.
"Ahnn... You are so damn mean Elsa..." Even though the assault on her clit had briefly abbated, it seemed that the rubbing and teasing of her outer lips with chilled jets and gentle strokes was enough to keep her pleasure from falling in any way. "Haahhn~... I hope you realise that this means war... and whenever I can move my legs again I am so gonna get you back for this," she said firmly. All the same if Elsa was going to continue this...

Well then there was no sense in protesting. Not that she was enjoying this. No it was totally something else making Anna this absolutely moist right about now. Or at least that was what the redhead wanted to tell herself, but if Elsa probed or wanted the truth from her then she had all the tools at her disposal to do so. Anna was indeed at Elsa's mercy in more ways than one, but rather than feel in any way intimidated by that knowledge it left Anna with a strange sense of serenity. Something about it was deeply reassuring and she was all too glad to be in this position, strangely.

As the pleasure inside her body reached a boiling point Anna was left mewling once more, throwing her head back at the chill tickling and teasing her sensitive nerves in the most wonderful of ways. As Elsa had anticipated the gushing juices that ensued were quite hot, like the surface of a hot sauna towel pressing into naked skin, but the snow queen had the benefit of being able to cool it before any discomfort could brew within. Anna slumped back again, and from her legs went lax it almost did seem as if her lower body had just been turned to jelly by an intense orgasm.
"So I should be worried in about a week then?" asked Elsa teasingly, still smiling. It amazed her how her sister remained, well, her sister even when she teetered on the edge of an orgasm. Leave it to Anna to make threats (arousing, wonderful threats that Elsa fervently hoped became reality) while her nethers were alight with desire and wrapped in powerful magics. Still, Elsa hadn't heard a no.

So her tongue bath continued, actually shifting less from even pretending to be cleaning and more intending to get Anna crying out in pleasure. Elsa even pushed her sister's legs further apart, slid a hand underneath to lift her sister up just enough for her to start truly lavishing attention. The queen worked all about the surface of that sex, kissing, licking, sucking, attacking the clit in particular, eventually honing in on that.

Elsa felt the rippling before it truly started. She jerked her mouth down, engulfing her sister's sex entirely. Hot, delicious liquid sprayed into Elsa's mouth. The taste made her groan, her eyelids fluttering. Nothing tasted so sweet and perfect as Anna of Arendelle. Considering that this was at least the third or so orgasm, there wasn't an overabundance of juice either, enough for Elsa to suck. She still felt some spraying out; sh wasn't perfect. As she felt it wrapping up, Elsa began to stop swallowing, instead pooling the heated liquid inside her mouth. Her magics worked to cool it, but she carefully made certain they didn't go down too far.

Then while her sister went lax, Elsa moved up, striking quickly. She gripped Anna's head, pulled her sister's lips tight, and kissed her, hard. Her tongue extended, quite purposefully feeding Anna a bit of her own arousal, finding the display hot and hoping that she hadn't crossed some line in indulging another of her own personal fantasies.
She was so set to pass out, but Elsa moving up and catching her lips proved just pleasing enough to spark a tiny residue of energy in her poor abused form. "Ahnannn... Elsa... I am so... so going to get you back for... for that... oh sweet spirits I can't even sit upright," she panted between heavy breaths, now closing her eyes. It seemed that so much as holding up her eyelids was a challenge beyond what her ravished form could do.

The candles dimmed and most seemed to flicker out, leaving the duo shaded in the darkness of the bedroom.

"T'morrow though... can't actually... can't think on how to... I don't even..." Anna gave a pleased sigh and seemed to curl into a comfy ball of warmth, closing her eyes and keeping a content smile on her face. That had been a hell of a release, and despite just how tired out she was it seemed that she'd enjoyed the experience quite a deal. And in time she would definitely get her payback on her smart and beautiful sibling...
No protest, no comment, seemingly no reaction to being fed her own juices. That struck Elsa as being a bit strange, though on the other hand, Anna looked about ready to pass out. The queen hadn't thought that you could actually do that, cum so hard and so often that you just wanted to lay back. Then again, she found herself to be rather exhausted, having cum a few times. Her body tingled slightly though, and the sheer excitement of having won such reactions from her sister likely could have kept Elsa sustained for another round.

She wouldn't take her unwilling sister along with her though. she smiled, letting the candles dim, letting Anna breathe. As Anna curled up, Elsa moved to wrap her body around her. The queen at least had presence of mind to start tugging at the blankets and sheets around them. They might be warm now, but come morning, they'd be glad for it. She gently adjusted Anna, smiling and leaning down to kiss the redhead's nose.

"Tomorrow then," Elsa agreed, though she knew she'd have work to do tomorrow as well. She gave her sister another smile, before shifting, tucking Anna under the covers. Elsa then scooted closer, wrapping her cooler limbs around her sister's warm ones. She pulled Anna close, nuzzling down, wrapping herself completely around her sister. Sleep would come later to Elsa: she'd have at least half an hour of laying there, watching her sister/lover sleep in her arms, feeling the warm naked flesh, the utter trust coming from there. Then Elsa would slowly, lazily, drift off to sleep herself, confident that she wouldn't have to worry, as Anna always slept a good deal later than her sister...
The taste of her own pussy lingering in her mouth was an odd sensation to wake up to, but Anna supposed there must have been a few gaps in her memory. Elsa had fried her mind just a touch with the searing and multiple orgasms emanating throughout her very being. She wanted to ask about it, but of course her sister was ever the busy bee and was gone some time after Anna awoke. To be expected, it was just noon by the time she was roused.

Anna had washed quickly and got to work making sure her body was rid of the scent of sex, not wanting to offend any of the servants with it, and with that done she worked her hair into a more common style. The twin braided pigtails were her preference, requiring less maintenance than the bun at the cost of looking marginally less elegant. Of course, elegance was something that did not entirely mesh well with her boisterous nature. Next came the outfit, and for today she decided on something a little less formal- a scarlet bodice with a black trim and lace, and an ivory skirt that stopped just above her ankles.

Well it was something simple by royal standards at least. She had to at least look presentable in the event her beloved sister stumbled upon her before the evening.

Then came breakfast, a simple affair of grapefruit, eggs and applesmoked sausage prepared with love by the chefs. Anna had tore through that quickly enough, feeling as if she had the stomach of ten women. To be expected she supposed, the intensity of last night had worn her out quite vigorously, and she had to work hard to build up that energy. As ever the chefs of the castle were more than happy to aid her.

After breakfast she went to somewhere she hadn't been since she was exceptionally young- the library. She walked like a doe through unexplored forest, padding through rows of books and tomes of ancient lore, stacked up since their great grandfather's era. A librarian was quick to approach her, telling her that she had been informed of Anna's coming, and the young princess soon found herself being led to a table stacked with all manner of books on magic and... the art of love.

"Oh boy..." Anna whispered in shock as she surveyed the massive stack of books. "Guess I know what I'm gonna be doing all day."
As she expected, Elsa awoke before her sister. The queen spent a few moments simply staring at Anna while she slumbered. The rising light of the new morning caught the disheveled red hair, making Anna look all the sweeter. Elsa almost wished she could simply remain in that bed for the entire day, lavishing her attentions and affections upon the girl who most assuredly deserved it. However, duty called, and so Elsa kissed her sister softly and left the bed, barely disturbing the sheets, let alone the heavy sleeper under them.

Bathing took some time, as did repairing the damage of a particularly busy night. People looked to Elsa, and she had meetings she had to attend. These she did with her usual aplomb, trying not to look utterly distracted and horrendously bored by the affairs. Normally Elsa could focus quite well upon the task at hand, but normally she hadn't spent most of the night laying with one of the most beautiful people she knew.

Around lunch, Elsa figured her sister would be raising. She sent a servant with instructions and a key, telling the teenage girl that she was to allow Anna into Elsa's private library, further suggesting that Anna skim before she delved into any one book in particular. The servant asked little questions, as all did love and respect the two sisters.

Then back to dreary business. Elsa had no excuse to cancel her afternoons, so she had to sit in audience, letting all who had grievances come before her. This, at least, she gave full attention to. Elsa may be distracted by her own life, but she'd be damned if she let her citizens suffer, not ever again. When all finished, Elsa nearly felt exhausted, and was pleased to find that at least she had a private dinner with Anna to look forward to.

The slightly frazzled queen, wearing her usual dress of state, still managed to slide gracefully in a chair across from her sister. The table was relatively cozy and placed before a roaring fire. Olaf had helped set it, which meant things needed to be rearranged, but then the darling snowman had elected to continue exploring a room that Anna had likely long ago memorized. So Elsa simply smiled and looked across at her sister.

"So," she said, almost casually, "read anything of interest today?" There was only a handful of servants about, but still some listening ears. Elsa did half expect her sister to blurt, which should be amusing in and of itself.
Anna had her nose to a book (A sight as rare as a full moon during high noon) and she very nearly squeaked like a startled rabbit when her older sibling spoke to her. Looking up from the pages she proceeded to check and make sure the library staff weren't prying and then set the book in her hands to a small stack on her right side. These were the books she had read through thus far, not too numerous but impressive considering what a lazy reader she was.

"Well uh..." Anna was keeping her tone quiet just on the offchance someone overheard such embarrassing talk. "I've picked up some useful information. I know how to massage a woman properly, and I know how to bind a woman without risking cutting off circulation to the wrists or ankles," a common mistake that could end very disastrously to the novice. "This book here by... 'M. Gothel' really is in depth about tying people up. 'Written by M. Gothel and her beloved dau-'"

Her freckled cheeks flushed a deep red and she glanced away from the tome. "A-anyway. I've picked up a few new skills, so the next time we're together I should be able to please you better." She was sure she had been satisfactory for a novice, but she knew that she couldn't wallow at the bottom rung of skill forever. No she would need to investigate a little more thoroughly to be deserving of the snow queen.

"Learning about magic was harder though. None of the books really have anything concrete... there are a few known sorceresses in the world though, so perhaps we could travel to one of them in the future?" Not that those known spellcasters were wholly benevolent. Queen Grimhilde of Bavaria, Maleficent of the black forest, Madam Mim of England... and reports persisted of a plump sea witch who was exceptionally good at pleasing men.
Elsa raised her brows as her sister attempted to quietly speak. Oh, she certainly recognized the book, though she was fairly convinced that M. Gothel was fabricating certain elements of it. She'd spoken with Queen Rapunzel after all, and while the woman certainly enjoyed being tied up by her husband, she didn't strike Elsa as someone all that debauched. Then again, Anna looked downright innocent, all while speaking about the proper way to tie someone up.

So yes, a few new skills indeed, "That's quite the task you're setting for yourself," she said coolly, picking up a goblet of wine and sipping delicately, "considering how well you performed last night," and a sly smile followed. Elsa couldn't help but feel some delight in watching Anna squirm. Perhaps it was the fact that they were still very much siblings, or perhaps it was just that Elsa enjoyed having some power and control. She certainly knew why she seemed more comfortable: she'd been thinking about her sexuality and coming out for ages. Being comfortable with this felt like nothing compared to when she'd accidentally frozen her entire kingdom.

"The magic books are awful," Elsa agreed. "There's very few connecting threads and pretty well all the authors don't know what they're talking about. Avoid anything written by Madam Mim: Merlin writes the same information only in a much clearer and easier to understand manner. I think that the closest you'll find to our powers is anything related to the various Greek gods..." who Elsa had always wondered about herself. There was a particularly interesting lay about Hercules and his beloved Megara that had always seemed appealing to Elsa. She'd certainly found Megara more appealing than some of the females mentioned in the various stories.

Elsa took another sip of her wine, before moving to the meal, "Don't forget to eat up," she said, gesturing, "you'll need your strength," another smile, but Elsa paused before continuing, "and try to stick to eating more sweets again," she leaned conspiratorially across the table, "it makes you taste delicious, doesn't it?" and then she popped food into her mouth, looking as impish as ever.
She supposed Elsa would have leafed through all these magic books herself in the past, ether to learn more about why and how she was the way she was, perhaps learning either how to remove it or just control it better. Still she had a point about Mim's work. It sounded as if the sorceress writing it had been high on... something. She even spoke of talking trees in some unnamed content inhabited by redskinned people.

"You... want me to eat more sweets? You? Of all people?" Anna asked in return, clearly more than a little incredulous. In the past, Elsa had been far from reserved in critiquing her sisters sweet tooth. She gave a small laugh and then took up her own wine, taking a small sup of the red. "I knew you had an ulterior motive. Lucky for you, I live to please," she added. Some part of her wondered if that was really the case, or if she just naturally tasted good, but an excuse to indulge was hardly one she would pass up.

After getting through most of dinner, Anna proceeded to lightly clear her throat "So ah... how about we try your room tonight?" she asked quietly. She gave a teeny tiny smile and then took another sip of wine, pleased to have the fine vintage sliding down her throat. "It's ah... well I really would like to service you. I'll ah, get you warmed up with a backrub, tie you up a bit, and then... well, see what happens from there on."
Elsa rolled her eyes at Anna's incredulity. No doubt she'd figure it out soon enough, even if Elsa hadn't offered her own explanation. In truth, she also liked her sister's soft, rounded curves, though she doubted that Anna would like to hear it. It sounded far too close to "you're cute when you're fat" to be said aloud. In reality, it was simply one more aspect of Anna, another contrast, that Elsa adored. Whereas she was lean and icy, Anna was soft and warm. Thankfully, Anna really did live to please, though Elsa doubted she could stop her sister from stuffing her face with chocolates with a royal order.

They ate through dinner though, mostly sticking to magic and the progression of their days. It surprised Elsa that Anna brought things up, and she looked at her sister with a quirked brow. Elsa waited while Anna took another sip, seeming embarrassed to even mention it. "So you want to give me the full service a queen deserves, hmm?" Elsa asked, arching a brow and half-smiling. "That does sound rather pleasing, though I couldn't help but notice you talked about tying me up," she ended by running her fingers along her wine-glass, already picturing it. Did she want to be tied up by Anna? The thought almost struck her as funny. How could Anna manage that, manage to take control?

And could Elsa give her sister that much trust?

"You really think you could handle that?" she asked, her tone less teasing, more serious as she looked to her sister. "You think you could actually tie me up and tease me?" Elsa seriously wondered, wondered also if her sister weren't overestimating herself and her own prowess. As Elsa had learned only the day before, reading about something and putting it into action were two totally different sets of circumstances.
Elsa did have a point... Anna doubted it would work out as easily as she had envisioned in her head, but at the very least she had to try. After all for their relationship to evolve they would need to experiment and try new things, see what worked out and what didn't. She shrugged "We'll never know if we don't try. I mean I'm not going to be boastful, but there's a point where we have to try out new things, right?"

Finally she took another sip, polished off those last red drips of wine before setting the slightly tinted glass back down. "Thank goodness this is my second glass of wine. What did Doctor Valdemar call this stuff? Liquid courage? I certainly feel a little more daring right about. I want to try, I want to do my best to please you."

She knew, of course, that it would mean quite a bit of trust to let yourself be tied up by another person, but Anna felt that their relationship as sisters (and now lovers) would go quite a bit to allow that bond. She reached over, slipping a naked warm hand over the gloved material over Elsa's left palm. "I... well look... I want to please you. I want to make you happy... but I don't think I'll be good enough to do that if you don't give me the room to experiment and try new things."

She smiled, and seemed to speak with a touch more maturity than normal. It was odd, definitely, but on those rare occasions it was clear when she treated something seriously. "Pretty please....?"
Why wasn't Elsa surprised that her sister wanted to try new things? To experiment? She sincerely hoped that this wasn't what all this was about, though if it was, she fully intended to continue the experiment to its inevitable conclusion. She nodded along with the conversation, nursing her own wine and dessert, dragging them out.

Two glasses? That did make Elsa slightly concerned, but, well, Anna did have, um, the weight to take a bit more in. The girl kept going, kept insisting that she wanted to try, that she wanted to please Elsa. Elsa just... wasn't sure she could let go, not like that. It had been one thing earlier, but Anna was... so immature, barely out of her virginity... or, well, by some measures still a virgin. The girl probably hadn't been penetrated. Though given how active Anna was, the likelihood of her still having a hymen was miniscule. Elsa only had retained hers because of her sedate lifestyle, then lost it on an icicle some time ago.

Give Anna room, let her grow. Elsa sighed, looking down at her wine glass. "You do realize that you're begging and pleading for me to treat you like an adult?" she had to point out, smiling. She sighed, looking away, tapping the wine glass a few more times. Elsa ran her fingers along it, watching the ice form. She licked her lips.

"Fine, on one condition," she held up a finger, "you have to blindfold me. If I see you fumbling around I'm going to want to take charge and orders and I doubt you're going to use enhanced chains. So," Elsa took a deep breath, "you blindfold me, and then you tie me up. With silk scarves. I've got a few that, uh, work," and she flushed, taking another sip of her wine and averting her eyes for a moment. Well, they'd planned things. She'd given Anna what she wanted. That would have to do.
"Yeah but begging and pleading is the only way to get anything from you. The city guards say as much," Anna replied with a dismal shrug. All the same Elsa had agreed, on the condition that she be blindfolded. Anna supposed that would be better for both... harder to focus with accusatory eyes judging her every move and intent on critiquing step by step. She needed the leverage. "Consider it a deal. I'll go gather the supplies and meet in your room. Mine's still uh... damp, in places."

Anna smiled, stood, and bowed before scurrying along like an excited squirrel. Yes indeed, the room needed a bit of fixing, but the castle staff had done much of the dirty work thus far. Anna still had to slip in to grab the scarves Elsa had set there last night, but upon getting them it only took a little time to find a proper blindfold: A silky blue sash, often tied about the waist to add a little something extra to her dresses.

She really would have to see about buying more proper 'equipment' in the future.

However what she had now would be satisfactory as a temporary measure. She proceeded along and stopped just outside Elsa's door... how many times had she come by here, asking for her sisters company? Too many. It was strange to think that back then they were both innocent girls, separated by a magic accident. And now they were far from innocent and linked by the same magic. Smiling at the notion, Anna forced the door open and continued inside with a spring in her step. Excitable and eager, the curvaceous redhead now set her supplies at the chair near Elsa's vanity and steadily unlaced her bodice. Needed to look presentable after all.
Clearly Elsa needed to have a little chat with the city guards. She nearly sighed, but saw the shrug and figured it would be best to just leave things as they were. She'd agreed; Anna almost looked relieved at that and her conditions. The younger girl certainly seemed eager to get started, already planning. That last comment about her room had Elsa smiling slightly. Yes, she supposed it might still be, though she had instructed the servants, who had always been discrete, to tend to it.

Anna stood; Elsa watched. She still had a few details to attend to, and she figured she would take her time. Anna needed to relax and get herself mentally prepared if she was going to do this right, and Elsa intended to give her sister as much time for relaxation as she needed. So she finished her dessert, then went about, issuing orders to the staff. There were a few emergency documents to sign, a few last minute details to attend to. Then Elsa dismissed most of her staff for the day, insisting that they'd only need a skeleton crew to make it through the rest of the evening. Finally, she tended to Olaf, spending a few minutes with him and assuring him that they loved him very much. The snowman seemed to suspect something, suggesting that Elsa was going to go spend some more private time with her sister. Thankfully, he proved as easily lead and distracted as ever.

At last, Elsa could head back to her own chambers. She paused as she walked the halls, remembering, as her sister had, all those years of Anna begging, pleading to spend more attention with her, to share in her sister's life. To think that if Elsa had just opened the door earlier, things could have been different. Then again, they might not have had all these wonderful people in their lives, or this wonderful relationship.

So Elsa pushed onward, both physically and mentally. She entered the room, taking a deep breath and looking around. She soon located her sister, and she treated Anna with a smile. "Is it horrible that I almost imagined you'd try to wear one of those strange costumes that are in the books?" she asked, nearly gliding forward. Elsa wanted to scoop Anna up and kiss her, take her, possibly fling her on the bed again. Too many years of repression had left Elsa wanting. But this was Anna's night to lead. "So," Elsa said, smoothing her skirts, "what would you have me do? It had better involve getting intimate quickly, because it's taking all my considerable willpower not to ravish you right now," and she smiled that cool smile of hers, raking her eyes over her sister's body, wetting her lips as she went.
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