Flashpoint (Darkest_fate)

Elsa nearly repeated that first sentence. Not Kristoff? The two certainly spent a fair bit of time together, but Elsa supposed that she may have misjudged the relationship. It certainly wouldn't be the first time she'd misjudged or underestimated Anna or Anna's heart. It did pain her to hear that Anna didn't think she could love someone though.

"Anna, that's--" she began, pausing, even biting her lip, as Anna rolled her head toward the ceiling. A relationship she thought about, what the rest of the world, and then something about what she would think (Elsa nearly laughed as Anna attempted to cover up the she but then almost immediately used "her" instead). It did make Elsa wonder though: was her own desire... catching? Because surely she'd appreciated girls far longer than her sister.

"I don't see how romance can't be possible between any two people," insisted Elsa, sounding as arch as ever. "What difference does it make what the two people are?" she raised a hand this time, letting the water flow. She debated, looked, then looked up at her sister. "Since I suppose we're sharing now, there is something I should probably have told you a while ago," she lowered her arm, taking a deep breath. While Anna looked away, Elsa looked directly at her sister to confess. "I... I don't think I've ever liked... men in that manner. As you said, Kristoff is wonderful and there are certainly admirable traits about them. I simply would rather prefer the company of other women," she paused for a moment, half to let that sink in for Anna, half to think of what she should be saying next.

"So if you're... confused as to whether or not you... like women in a romantic sense, then I suppose I could... help," yes, just help, that would be perfectly fine and chaste. Elsa nodded, shifting to move a bit closer. "If you'd like, we could practice kissing for a while. If you feel that fluttery feeling in your stomach, perhaps for a bit or if you even like the feeling of a woman's lips on yours, then you know that you're at least curious. If you're utterly repulsed, then it's probably just that you've been turned off love for a while, thanks to that bastard Hans." The last was said with a tone so acidic and icy that it nearly made Elsa sound like the dread queen that some of her enemies painted her as.
Anna was all but prepared to come out and say how she felt, and some part of her wondered if Elsa already knew, but when she suggested practicing kissing... it was as if all thoughts flew straight out of her head, leaving her blinking and looking at Elsa in silence for just a moment. She nodded then and moved her hands up to grip her sister's pale naked shoulders, noting the swanlike elegance of her neck.

"Okay," she agreed firmly, eyes burning with a passionate resolve. She wanted this, needed to try, and to know if what she felt was real or just her ever overactive imagination toying with her perceptions. So with her hands still on Elsa's shoulders, warmth and cold mixing in that area, Anna leaned in and closed her eyes. Their lips met and once more there was a fine combination of chill and heat that mingled into something both could savour.

Anna held that embrace for just a moment more while simply savoring the closeness she always wanted- the desire to be loved. And the woman she was kissing, regardless of gender and relation, gave her everything she so deeply craved. Holding her in that manner then for just a little longer Anna pulled back and fluttered her eyes while letting silence settle in between them for several seconds.

Suddenly she claimed Elsa's lips yet again, her inner warmth rising a little higher, and this went froma chaste kiss to a more desire-fueled exchange wherein her tongue began to lightly explore the interior of Elsa's mouth.

Yes... if there was one word to describe it, it was thus: Right.
A nod, and hands rising, warm hands, when had hands last touched Elsa that way? Gently, with love already formed. Elsa could feel the heat and swore it melted her then and there, even before that one word passed Anna's lips. Then those lips moved forward, meeting Elsa's own. The queen closed her eyes, moving her own against Anna's.

Heat and chill mixed in a combination that steamed all the hotter. Elsa could feel her own cold seeping through her, almost as though leaving her to enter her sister. At the same time she drew the heat, felt Anna's own warmth seeping into her body, spreading throughout her yet again. Anna's lips proved so yielding, even as they craved for want. Elsa could only hope that she didn't hurt her sister as she kissed, feeling the heat flare within. any doubt Elsa had about liking the female sex vanished in one hot kiss, steamed away in an instant.

Anna pulled back. Elsa reached a hand up to stroke her sister. She wanted to ask how it felt, if Anna felt the same fluttering in her stomach that Elsa did. But a silence dwelt for a few seconds, one that felt wrong to shatter. Then Anna moved, and Elsa found herself kissed again. she leaned back, rose-scented water sliding around her. She could feel Anna's desire seeping, the heat rising. Her own mouth opened, her chill fighting back, almost as if the two struggled at the lips. Elsa's tongue moved forth to dance with her sister's, dueling it inside her mouth.

The queen knew she should feel disgusted. She was kissing another woman: worse, a naked one. She should be repulsed at the thought, ashamed of her weakness. She should want to reject the very notion. She certainly shouldn't feel that same want toward her sister, toward innocent little Anna. This should feel so wrong.

Yet... if there was one word to describe it, it was thus: Right
The pleasure had felt so good, and the way their natural magicks battled to chill and heat the other just seemed to draw upon some sense of competition pooled within her. Elsa did not pull back, or push Anna away, or do anything she could have so easily done if she didn't want this. Elsa... wanted this. That realisation came slow in her mind but it just seemed to quicken Anna's pulse further than it had ever gone before.

When finally she pulled away, as alas even magic princesses needed to breathe, she let her head rest on Elsa's right shoulder with her eyes closed. With how her back raised and lowered it was clear she was still conscious and breathing was good at showing she was still conscious. After some time spent like this she found the energy to rise up and look the ivory-haired beauty in the eye.

"I think uh... I think it's safe to say I like girls... romantically..." Anna said, trying to make a joke only for her laugh to reveal just how nervous she really was. After a time she shook her head "No... I guess uh... I guess that's not entirely right either. I don't just like girls. I like you, Elsa."

Closing her eyes again she gulped loudly "I know that must sound wrong... liking girls is bad enough but wanting to date my sister is... well I don't even know what you must think of me..."
Damn their need for air.

They pulled apart, and for a moment, Elsa worried that the spell had been broken. She felt her sister move, rest her head on her shoulder. Elsa shifted to embrace her, just letting Anna rest as she had so many times before. The queen's eyes traveled down, seeing the steady rise and fall of a back. Not that she needed to see that: she could feel Anna's warmth, her pulse, her existence.

What would be next? Elsa felt the uncertainty twisting her insides, knotting them up. It only grew worse as Anna looked up. Those innocent eyes met Elsa's, beaming nothing but trust and love. The lips Elsa had so recently kissed in such a very unchaste way formed words again, joking words, Anna again trying to make light, to make them both comfortable. Didn't just like girls, liked Elsa. Just Elsa. Closed eyes, a gulp, babbling, talk of dating.

Elsa shifted, letting the water slosh around them. She moved her arms, putting them around her sister. Her mind screamed at her, told her this was wrong, but a sterner voice cut her off. Elsa had wanted this, or something like it, for years. She'd wanted to make love to a woman, to feel the pleasures of the flesh. Between her powers and her own desires, she'd thought it would never happen. Now it dangled before her. Elsa knew she shouldn't: This was Anna, her innocent sister. Anna would do anything for Elsa. It was taking advantage. But Elsa also knew that if she didn't, if she let this opportunity slip through her fingers, she would always wonder. Better to act now, to seize the moment while it existed, than always wonder and wait.

So Elsa lowered her lips, taking Anna's words into her mouth. She kissed her sister with love, with affection, with want, with passion. her hands slid over her sister's body, feeling the soft curves. She knew her touch must chill, just as assuredly as Anna's heated. Still she ran her hands down, till she could pull her sister. Her own long limbs worked to entwine their bodies, wanting to stop Anna from going, to almost force the pretty girl to give in, to let them make love to one another as they both so clearly craved.
Anna expected words, or some kind of scolding for being so bold. Elsa was, after all, quick to criticise. Yet instead she found herself pulled in again, moaning into that sweet embrace as strong yet cold hands explored her warm and soft flesh. It did feel right, but oh so fucking wrong, and perhaps that taboo aspect was what got her womanhood to grow all the hotter.

Her grip was so firm yet comforting and it had Anna almost melting and pressing even closer to her while she felt her eyes well up with sweet joyous tears. Again she pulled back for air, breathing out "So, so good," in a quick breathless tone, only to then lean in and let her lips meet the side of that elegant neck, warmth flowing through her otherwise chilled veins just as her sisters ice magic had tried to cool her off.

After a time a realisation struck her, and she looked Elsa in the eye "Elsa, um wait... I still want to do this and all but... maybe we should get out of the tub," the fiery redhead said, now looking down. "I mean if we stay here much longer we'll probably prune..."

Her freckled cheeks grew nice and pink, embarrassed and feeling so childish over what she was to say next. "It's um... you know... I also kind of imagined my first time would be in a bed. It just feels more natural... and we're less likely to slip in a bed."
Again Anna pulled back, though this time Elsa pulled, actually nipping a bit at her sister's lip as Anna did so. They both panted, their eyes boring into one another. Elsa felt her cold swirl about her, roaring to life as her passions mounted. It met her sister's heat, the two again merging into a warm steam that floated among them. Anna leaned through that, kissing against Elsa's neck. The blonde gasped at the first sensation, rolling her head to the side. She didn't want this to end, and her hands moved to try and encourage.

Only to freeze as Anna spoke. Elsa looked to her sister, silently listening to the words, the worries. The blush made Anna look more adorable than ever, and Elsa had the near silly urge to kiss each and every one of those freckles that showed ever so nicely upon her sister's face. The words continued, Anna admitting that she wanted her first to be on a bed, that it would be more natural. Part of Elsa agreed; she too had thought more often of the bed than the bath. However, she could hear hesitation, and she worried that if she exited herself, she wouldn't have the courage to continue.

"Stop worrying," Elsa insisted. She shifted again, moving her head down to start kissing trails along her sister's jaw. "This is just foreplay," lied Elsa, her lips trailing down to her sister's neck, finding freckles and kissing them. She gave a nip before ducking lower, hovering over the surface of the water, where Anna's impressive bust just threatened to break. She raised a hand, pushing the globe up into the steamy air. Then Elsa lowered her mouth, her lips puckered. She blew, a draft of cold air hitting the nipple directly. Her other hand trailed along Anna's side, looking for other soft spots, remembering what she'd read in books. Women had entire areas that would excite them, not just their breasts and sex. Elsa shifted to her knees to better attack, leaning over her sister, again seizing control and the moment before it passed them by.
"Stop worrying? You do realise who you're dealing with here, right?" She gave a chipper smile, to show she didn't much mind, but when Elsa looked at her body once more with that sense of... hunger hiding in her gaze, it seemed to make her mouth run dry. She wanted to speak, to say something silly to lighten her mood, but each word sizzled out of her mouth as a steamy moan... quite literally, the heat inside her rising to the point that every word and noise released a puff of steam. That was just how good Elsa's teasing of her neck was, it made her nerves stand on end.

She wanted to tease her sister for being so fixated on the freckles that her ivory flesh lacked, yet she found no words came to her. When she stopped and think of it, it was actually a little flattering that she would pay such attention to an aspect Anna usually bemoaned. She would often long to have such flawless skin and yet it seemed Elsa was more than a little enamoured with the dotted freckles.

The stroking of her plump breast pulled a long moan out of her mouth, and then she gave a noise halfway between a shudder and a giggle as the current of cool air rushed over her pert rosy nipple. "H-h-hey, quit it!" she said in between snorts of pleased laughter. "I-I don't want that freezing and falling off," she added, grinning in her usual carefree way.

Despite her worries it seemed she was eased back into this quite nicely. Suddenly Anna had reached around and slowly trailed two fingers down the length of Elsa's spine, letting the warmth coax and ease into her back as a little distraction. Now it was her turn, and her free right hand moved up to cup and roll Elsa's smaller (But no less appealing) breast in her warm palm. "Gosh... it's so... what's the word? Springy?"
Elsa knew who she dealt with all too well. She wanted to know every inch of Anna too, kissing her way around that body. She did smile as Anna giggled and joked about the nipple thing again. The queen had pulled back, looking at the little nub, wanting to see it fully rising.

Anna seemed to take advantage, running her hand along Elsa's spine. The warmth spread throughout the touch, seeping into Elsa and soothing away tension. The queen closed her eyes and let out a soft moan, simply relishing the pleasant sensation. Another soon joined as Anna brought a hand up to tease Elsa's breast. The heat seeped into Elsa's body and she could feel her body reacting. The pale pink nipples began to stand up, drawn forth by arousal and touch. A palm rolled over them, and soon even Elsa had to chuckle at Anna's comments. "Springy?" she looked up, "I believe you're looking for perky," she kissed the top of Anna's breast, shifted, and kissed near the valley of her chest, "or perhaps firm," another kiss, this one moving up the other breast, "or maybe full?"

Elsa ended her last by breathing another burst of chilly air, this upon the wet nipple she'd earlier neglected. She let it surge upward in response, before smiling up at her sister. "I guess that last one is for you, isn't it?" She kissed the top of Anna's nipple, before pulling off, her breath teasing it. "I'd better make sure this one doesn't fall off, hadn't I?"

And Elsa opened her mouth, drawing her sister's breath into it. Hot wet warmth would soon surround Anna's breast, drawing the likely still aching, still cold nipple within. It seemed as though at least some part of Elsa still had human warmth, and that part engulfed Anna now. Hands trailed, mostly to support instead of seeking further erogenous zones. Wouldn't do to have Anna squirming away now.
"I'm gonna go with... D. All of the above," she joked. She had noted of course that hers were larger than her older sisters, perhaps a fact that had never been made obvious because of how restricting Elsa's attire usually was. And admittedly Anna was proud of having the bigger bust, not that she would brag or say as much for fear of turning her off. That said she seemed quite enthralled by the simple joy found in stroking another woman's breast.

Once more she squeaked from the cold jolt brought about by the blowing of her nipple, only for another flux of temperature to occur as the sore and stiff nipple was welcomed by the wet cavern of Elsa's sucking mouth. "Someone sure likes breasts," she teased. Still smiling she closed her eyes nd moved her hands to neatly hold the ice-witch by her slim hips. Elsa felt so much more taut that was for sure.

"Um... I know that I'm going to sound super dumb for asking this, no surprises there, bu-" a sharp gasp, eyes shut from a sharp jolt of pleasure brought upon by a particularly pleasant suckle. She shivered and closed her eyes and tried to will her brain to get bak to work in spite of how good this all felt.

"Buh.... b-buuut...." A loud gulp and she opened her eyes, exhaling a puff of steam that rolled down Elsa's back and tickled the top of her tush leaning out of the water. "Is this... how girls do.... sex? I uh... I actually don't know, none of those old books on having heirs teaches this stuff. I figured you'd know..."
Again Elsa had to stifle a smile as Anna joked again. Only her sister would tease and jest while her sister feasted upon her in a bathtub. It actually made Elsa want Anna all the more, as she worked her efforts all the more vigorously upon the breast. She sucked it greedily into her mouth, lashing the nipple with her tongue, purposefully moving in circles to tease and draw it forward. The comment made her pull up, smiling wryly at her sister. "I thought we already covered that," Elsa replied teasingly. She added a quick nip to Anna's breast.

The warmer girl's hands moved to Elsa's slim hips, bringing in more heat. Elsa fought a little coo at the sensation, even drawing off the breast for a moment. She kept going though, sucking upon Anna's breast. She popped off as Anna spoke, moving over to tease the other now, drawing it in. Her hand moved up to tease the newly freed breast, nails dragging across the sensitive flesh as she rolled.

It apparently didn't shut Anna up, which just amused Elsa more. As did the steam that kept rolling off. She could feel that steam gliding all over her, adding droplets of hot water over her lush white flesh. She paused to look up at Anna, her expression again wry, her lips curved into a slight smile.

"Anna, dear," she said, speaking from experience that she certainly wasn't going to let her sister know wasn't direct, "all sex should be done like this. You're supposed to tease and excite people. if you must know," Elsa let her hands dip beneath the water, trailing along Anna till she found her sister's sex. "There's a few ways girls can 'do sex,'" the air quotes were implied. Elsa extended a finger, running it along her sister's sex. "You can tease a girl with a finger, or you could put your mouth down there and kiss," Elsa actually thought it was less kissing and more eating, but that felt like splitting hairs, "or you can rub against one another." She let her nail drag along Anna's flesh, learning the curves. She wondered idly if Anna had even masturbated before. Probably not, given Anna...
"Really? Those books don't go much futher than 'lie back and think of Arandelle, and wait for baby...'" she mused quickly. Then again when she stopped to think of it, it probably would hurt an awful lot to have a penis stuck inside you without some build up and time to prepare. Then she was pulled out of her daydreams by Elsa's hands, exploring and teasing at a decidedly taboo error and speaking with the knowledge, confidence and grace of a tutor.

And then. for a moment, she had a strange fantasy of Elsa dressed as a teacher in a state of undress, a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, and it just seemed to make the steam all the stronger. "W-wow... you really know a lot about this..." Anna replied, only to give a croaking gasp of breathless arousal from the chilly finger stroking along her softer body. At times she considered cutting back on her sweets, but Elsa clearly quite liked her extra bits of chub. Not too much, but not too little. Well their kingdom was cold, a little 'insulation' was needed if you couldn't control ice and snow with a gesture.

Now she was curious and wanted to do some exploring of her own. So without a care Anna's hands reached around and gripped the tight buns of Elsa's ass, gripping tight and then pulling her into a heated embrace that seemed to make a smokescreen of steam rise up about them. "I want to do it all with you," she said firmly. "Uh, not right now though. I mean some stuff today but, well I'm kinda hungry and need to get food at some point... I mean um... do something sexy...." Briefly she recalled what Elsa had enjoyed earlier, and then suddenly her warm lips were suckling and tugging the milky skin of her throat, wanting to ease back into the foreplay.

She really hoped her magic would keep her from pruning...
"I'll lend you some of my private collection when we're done," promised Elsa, smiling. She kept the smile, even nodded, as Anna continued, sounding impressed. Clearly the little touch upon her tender sex worked too, if that gasp was any indication. Elsa began running her hand along it, realizing that she probably needed to move things along. Anna probably was quite hungry and she really did need to properly bathe and whatnot.

Elsa didn't figure that it would take too long. She wanted to tease the innocent girl, draw it out, but time was starting to press upon them. Elsa began running her finger up and down Anna's slit, teasing it, just flitting around the edges. She could feel Anna trying too, pulling their bodies tight. Great gouts of steam rose up, nearly blinding Elsa. Anna wanted to do it all, just not right now.

Elsa felt lips moving to her own, tugging at milky skin. She gasped at the sensation, adding a little smile. Anna was copying her motions; she certainly needed to read more. Elsa's neck wasn't one of her erogenous spots, though she certainly appreciated the attention there. Still, the hot kisses seeped into her, now each press of the lips leaving steam to rise. Elsa moved her hand lower, pushing against Anna's legs, getting to the core between them. Her digits began drawing about, teasing, feeling the inner thigh and finding the hot center. Elsa figured that Anna must nearly felt as though she were melting, if her powers continued to tease her. Elsa's cool touch should provide a wonderful contrast.

She also kept working Anna's breasts. Maybe it was just Elsa's own want coming through, but she couldn't help but want to tease and fondle those impressive orbs. She palmed one, drawing the nipple between fingers and giving it a little squeeze. Steam curled off the hand, the hot and cold mixing to create more of it to fill the air. Still Elsa worked, wanting to continue to draw heat and want out of her sister's curvacious form.
Her body, brimming with magic heat already, would damn near make the bath bubble right now if it wasn't for Elsa cooling the water with her own presence. The feeling of having that sweet hand on her heavy breast and the other teasing her pussy was enough to draw out clear desire in the previously virginal princess.. Not surprising really, she had never even used a finger on herself before despite feel plenty aroused more than once.

"Mnn... Elsa..." She leaned into the touch, eyes closed and now pressing into Elsa's left shoulder while the hands continued playing her like a fine instrument, working over every weakspot and pleasurable zone they could uncover. In a sense they were perfect for each other, cancelling out the magic that could well drive another person away.

"I'm starting to feel..." she heaved out a harsh shuddering breath and let her tongue languidly drag up Elsa's exposed collarbone while waiting for her breath to return. "I'm getting a, a pressure inside my... um... Vagina... I'm thinking I'm getting close to..." she struggled for the words, gave a few more heated little huffs in the process and then finally blurted out "Popping," as the best she could think up.

She was scatterbrained at the best of times, having her brain frazzled with pleasure wasn't helping!
Heat swirled about Elsa. Were it not for magics of her own, she may have felt cooked, or even sweat. But her own desires latched onto her magics, cooling them , the water, and Elsa's own heated body. It felt so strange, as though she'd trapped fire inside an icy cage to let it burn. She could feel the heat seeping through her as Anna kept moaning. her fingers played over her sister, drawing more and more.

Anna curled into Elsa and the queen worked her. She held, letting her fingers go, noticing that Anna still dazedly licked at Elsa's flesh, as though she were an ice cream cone. The gasped words sent molten fire oozing into Elsa's own sex, and she knew her lower lips had also engorged with want. They would have to wait for later: for now, Elsa needed to coax her sister. She moved the hand teasing Anna's breast up, shifting so they looked into each other's eyes. Elsa's loving gaze looked down to her sister as she spoke:

"What you're feeling is an orgasm, Anna," she said, speaking slowly, her voice slightly strained with her own arousal. "It's what happens when you get aroused and are about to explode. It's going to feel very strange, especially the first time," Elsa flushed, remembering her own and how she'd nearly been panicked at it. At least she'd learned about masturbation since, though she practically punished herself for doing so. No, focus on Anna for now. "It's going to build a pressure up, here," she lowered a hand, pressing it just above where her fingers still worked. "It might feel like you have to pee, but it's no the same, understand? You'll need to let it go and run through you. Now hold onto me," and Elsa shifted, moving to brace Anna and to get better leverage. Once settled, she pulled her sister so that their foreheads nearly touched. hot breath met cold as two siblings' gaze bore into each other.

Then Elsa began stroking her hand along her sister's sex, sliding over the water. The splashing of the motion sounded first, but Elsa ignored it. She focused on Anna, watching the girl's expressive face. her hand never slowed, but glided, moving as though she'd frozen Anna's sex so that she could slide all along it, tease it as it deserved to be teased, and draw that wondrous feeling from so deep within.
Explode? She didn't like the sound of it, and if it were any other woman suggesting it she wouldn't have let them continue... but this was Elsa, and Anna trusted her with her very life. "Okay, then um... let's go for one of these 'orgasm' things..." perhaps for the best that Elsa was the one showing it off. If she had somehow given one to herself then she would have panicked, thinking she'd broken something...

Their touching brows, that unmatched feeling of intimacy, had her freckled cheeks alight yet again while her quivering pussy braced for the potent release rushing down south. All that sexual frustration, that phase of not knowing if her feelings were right... it was all coming to a head now, and she supposed it would be for the best if she followed that mantra her older sister so often sang about when she thought nobody was listening:

Let it go.

And let go she did, a shrill cry of pleasure racing out of her mouth and echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom. Her eyes shut, brow knit in frustration, so close until finally her pussy tightened and... well the effects were hardly visible with her lower half submerged in water. But from how she soon slumped a bit in Elsa's embrace with her breathing harsh and ragged, the aftereffects were there. She had had her first ever orgasm, and it very nearly blew her mind.

"Mmn... Elsa... that... I wanna... words aren't not working right now..."
Let's go for one of these orgasm things Elsa smiled at that, again unable to think anything but "only Anna." She worked her sister's body with confidence, seeing that trust there. it made Elsa want to be even better at this, and she wished that all her bravado and confidence had more experience backing it up. While she was thrilled at the prospect of Anna being her first, at that moment, Elsa wished she was some sinful seductress who knew just what to do to make a woman cry out in pleasure.

Though Elsa got that result anyway. She held onto her sister as Anna cried out, pressing her close and letting the orgasm run through. Elsa recalled what it was like, that sheer pleasure, the rocketing sensations blasting through, especially from an area that had never been used for something like that. Elsa held Anna close, kept stroking her, drawing it out, making it a good one.

Words didn't work. Elsa smiled and kissed her sister's nose. "That's how it usually goes," she promised. "And it's why some people really like sex," she gave her sister's sex another little stroke before pulling her hand away. She moved to tilt Anna's head back, kissing her sister on the lips very lightly, gingerly, as if now that Anna had climaxed things would be over.

Elsa parted, smiling at her sister. "And that was just from foreplay," she said, giving her sister a slight pinch on the inner thigh, "imagine what real sex would be like," again spoken as if Elsa had a clue. She certainly couldn't count all the times she'd shoved icicles up her sex. It even sounded horrible now, in light of what they'd just done here. Or should this feel more horrible? Elsa flushed and shook her head.

"Right, well, you need to finish getting cleaned up. I'm betting that you've gone from starving to absolutely famished," she smiled. Somehow, she could very easily see Anna being the kind who wanted to chew on something filled with energy after she had sex, and/or some chocolate. Though, if Elsa were being honest, she could certainly go for some about now herself.
After some time Anna found the means to move her legs again, smiling and rising out of the tub before grabbing a thick white towel off a rack. "You got that right... I'm... wow you know, I think I must've lost a couple of pounds from lounging in bed," she admitted with a coy laugh. With a few quick brushes she dried off her slim legs and took to drying off the flowing ginger locks. That certainly wasn't done with any grace, ruffling her head with the towel in the same manner a dog would shake it's coat off.

After that little bout she actually did show some tact and wrapped the towel around her body like a makeshift towel, soaked white material clinging to her upper body while then adhering to the contours that led down her naked ass. "Phew... best bath ever! I mean... I kinda forgot why I got in there to begin with... Wow, not even best bath ever, best day ever! I got fire magic and my sister loves me!" She glanced to Elsa "As in uh, in love with me, you know instead the normal sisterly way."

She headed out of the bathroom toward her bedroom, only to immediately poke her head back in "Just uh, for future reference, after dinner I'm gonna leave my door unlocked. All night long. And I have a whole box of those new Turkish chocolates, too much for me to eat on my own. Sure could do with a hand getting through them." She moved out of the doorway only to once more poke her head in. "Uh, in case it wasn't obvious I want you to come by tonight, please. So that I can give you an 'orgasm' too."
In truth, Elsa burned. She was half tempted to grab her sister and insist that Anna tease her till she came as well. But Elsa had long since learned to suppress frustrations and anxieties. Plus, Anna seemed so much better, even more herself than she had a few moments before. So Elsa simply put it off. She exited the bath almost languidly, letting the water roll off her body. She too dried, but it seemed almost lazy, as though Elsa had all the time in the world.

Elsa was still drying when Anna wrapped herself. It didn't help that she kept looking over her sister, distracted by a very attractive girl who clearly wanted to spend a great amount of time with her. Elsa ended up swallowing and sliding into her shift before fully drying. The lacy white material ended up clinging tightly to Elsa's body, but it was better that than try and expose her frustration to her sister. She smiled ass Anna babbled. "Yes, quite a day, but you need to--" she began, only to find Anna running off. Sighing, Elsa shook her head and went back to padding herself dry, only to look up again as Anna stuck her head in.

Elsa again smiled, nearly chuckling. "I suppose I could go for something--" she began, only to pause as Anna came back in. Elsa smiled again at the comment, as if she hadn't figured it out. She rose though, her smile fading for a moment. Anna treated it all as a lark, but she had to realize...

"Anna," Elsa exited, still just wearing the shift, "are you--- are you sure?" she stood in the doorway, looking to her sister. "Are you certain you want to do this? I'm--I know that I'm--different," she looked away, taking a breath before looking back to Anna, "I've come to terms with that. I know I love women, I love... you. I want to make love to you, but... I also know that it's not going to be easy... after. People are not going to be happy, not with our being girls, and especially not with our being sisters. Are you sure... can you handle that?" She met her sister's gaze. Part of her just wanted to say that what was in the bath was it: they couldn't go further. Elsa couldn't bear to see Anna hurt for her sake, not again. She wouldn't drag her sister down into this if she didn't have to.
"Elsa... I know sometimes I'm scatterbrained, but I know when some things are serious. Part of the reason I was so scared to admit anything to you was because... well yeah, exactly what you described. I didn't want your queendom being ruined because of me... but you showed me that you're okay with this despite the risks. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to take the risk either." Anna shrugged "Some people won't love it, but they'll just have to build a bridge and get over it."

She moved closer, kissed Elsa's left cheek, then the right, and finally a longer one lingering on those chilled lips just to show she was sincere. Anna parted and dropped her towel in the small hamper before pulling on a formal white bra hanging lazily off the bedpost. Sometimes she... forgot to put such things away.

However Anna was more careful with the dress she donned, a slim white skirt that stopped at her ankles and a red top embroidered with golden patterns. It was a gift given to her by a German princess, and she had quite a fondness for it. "Okay um... dinner. Quick one... seriously I'll be... well okay I'm gonna gorge a bit, but I swear if you come by here tonight I'll give you sex for as long as you want."

A bold promise, the kind Anna so often gave. But of course she didn't quite understand how tiring sex could be, especially for someone so inexperienced. All the same she donned some flat-heeled shoes, pulled her sister in for a heated kiss that allowed their tongues to meet in a collision of fire and ice before she scurried off. A little something something to keep her tided over until later.
Anna knew, knew and wanted to go forward. Of course she did; really Elsa should stop underestimating her sister. She felt a few tears roll down her cheeks but let Anna go ahead and kiss them away. Smiling, Elsa went back into the bathroom to gather up her own dress and get ready. She still burned, but it felt more like coals, as though she'd put that heat into storage for use later. It took Elsa a bit to get back dressed, eventually walking back into the room and tying up her own dress.

She came out just as Anna insisted that she was going to go eat and do as much sex as possible. Elsa laughed at that, but waved her sister away. She'd need as much energy as possible. Elsa had already started to turn to look when Anna came back. Another passionate kiss followed, tongue lashing out for attention, till they both parted, Anna scurrying away. Elsa stood watching her, and placed a hand on her lower abdomen. She wanted this to go well...

So she'd do it. She nodded and then moved to summon servants. They were to distract Anna (not hard) while Elsa got things together. The room was to be cleaned and reorganized, everything scrubbed. Curtains drawn in to prevent outside eyes. Candles placed strategically throughout the room. A pair of silk scarves were to be left near Anna's impressive bed, because Elsa had always wanted to try that. She also ordered that said bed be cleaned, the linens and sheets changed out and smoothed. She selected their finest sheets to line it, and then worked to scatter white flower petals all about the bed, leading from the door.

Elsa nearly forgot that she needed to prepare herself. That meant running over to her room, hair flying behind her. Said hair had to be rebrushed and braided, tightly cinched behind her. Elsa then dug around, finally finding her bridal lingerie. the lacy white looked innocent, with little snowflake patterns done upon the soft fabric. A corset would press Elsa's already trim waist tighter still, as well as pushing up her modest bust. Soft white fabric covered her breasts, but seemed capable of sliding down. A pair of long white gloves extended past her elbows, covering her slender hands. White interlaced leggings would crawl up her luscious legs, with snowflake holes showing bits of the white flesh beneath. A garter rose to the waist, her flared lace covered her sex. Elsa took a deep breath and dressed in this, covering herself in a cloak.

She held this tight and headed to her sister's room, heart thudding as she waited. Was it fair to not give Anna time to prepare? Maybe not, but Elsa desperately wanted it to be perfect. She could always let Anna go change when she got done eating... if she got done eating...
Pheasant... who didn't love pheasant? Maniacs, that was who. Anna had been so hungry that she very nearly wolfed it down without the barest attempt at manners, but almost as soon as she had done eating that a servant had placed another plate before her, one of a freshly chopped and prepared salad. She went through that too, and yet no sooner than she had that then a bowl of duck soup was set before her.

If Anna didn't know any better, she would assume that these servants were trying to distract her. Good thing she was so hungry that she didn't care a whole lot either way. Eventually Olaf entered the dining hall and took a spot two seats down from her to keep himself a litle solid, chatting away for several minutes.

Anna had naturally apologised to the sentient snowman after all that happened earlier, nearly turning him into slush without realising, but of course Olaf was chipper and held no grudge. And they chatted for some time before Anna recalled her prior engagements and hurried from the dining hall.

She certainly hoped that the long wait hadn't turned Elsa off. Anna often got a little carried away when she was hungry enough, and in those times she was capable of letting time slip clean away from her. On the other hand Elsa was exceptionally patient, as a good politician was expected to be, so hopefully the redhead would get off without any scolding. Anna was practically skipping back to her room, little whiffs of rosewater occasionally crossing her nose.

And then at last she reached her door and pushed it open.... and she was almost floored when she noted the sensual ambience brought about by the flickering candles, eyes wandering until she spied Elsa waiting on the bed, dressed like a bride set to lose her maidenhood. Anna's eyes were wide, mouth practically watering in a whole new hunger... who would have thought a simple change of clothes would thrill her so deeply?

Anna made sure to close the door, all while grinning from ear to ear, all while letting out a high pitched "Eeeeeee" sound that showcased the joy easing from her. Anna all but tore her garment off, unlacing the bodice and dropping the skirt before slipping her shoes off. "Ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh!" she whispered rapidly as the now-naked redhead hurried straight toward the bed, breasts squeezed slightly between her forearms.
Anna arrived. Elsa looked to her sister, feeling her heart thudding deep. Wide eyes... that could mean--ah, the mouth opening definitely meant that Anna enjoyed something. It took Elsa a moment or two to recognize the hungry look in those eyes; she'd certainly seen it before... often, but never in this particularly context.

The door closed, and then Anna let out a joyful little noise that matched what she used to use when they celebrated the holidays as children. Elsa opened her mouth to say something, only to pause. Anna had shimmied out of her clothes, looking as though she'd trip, and looked... beautiful. Maybe it was just that Elsa knew what was going to happen or that she saw the glow of excitement and pleasure in her sister but she literally could not recall Anna being so... so... desirable. Part of her insisted that didn't make any sense, with Anna nearly acting like a child, but she ruthlessly beat that part of her down.

Elsa knew she should say something. She should offer Anna the chance to set things up, to dress in her own special clothing, to ask questions, to rearrange something, to possibly put away some item or straighten something Elsa forgot. She knew she technically shouldn't be doing anything remotely like this at all. However, Anna bounded close and Elsa ended up rising from the bed. She trapped her sister's nude form in her arms and kissed her, hard.

Elsa's lips jammed against her sister, and she'd only expressed more want when she'd sung to the empty mountain. Ice and snow poured from the striking queen as she dashed her lips against the heated girl. She felt the chill wafting from her as her emotions took control of her body. Pure emotion expressed in that kiss as Elsa took her sister's mouth. Her tongue slid in only after several seconds, as though attempting to bruise Anna wasn't enough. Elsa slid it in, prodding her sister to action. Want poured into the kiss as surely as it poured into Elsa's loins.
She felt it, the way they had once more been yanked together into a heated embrace. Elsa's flourishes of snow warped into swirls of steam as Anna too began to attune her own magic to use, and her loose flowing hair almost seemed to glow like the embers of a raging fire, so barely restricted if it weren't for her own conscious mind holding her back. 'Just hold back, can't hurt her.... guess this is what Elsa felt like all these years...'

The tongue fondling her own inspired a childish sense of competition within her, and within seconds she too was maneuvering her tongue in a bid to mimic the more refined motions of her sister. She was eager, definitely, and trying her hardest to prove to Elsa that she was deserving of her attention like this.

Above all the suitors, above all the other ladies in the realm who would throw themselves at her in a heartbeat, she had chose her. Anna didn't particularly know why exactly the much-beloved queen chose her to be her lover, but Anna knew full well that this was going to be an honour of the highest caliber. She had to try, every single solitary step of the way, to prove to her that she had made the right choice!

Pulling back she wrapped her arms around her sister's magnificent waist, proceeding to drop onto the bed with Elsa locked into that warm hug. "Hmn... Don't forget... it's my turn to get you off... so, you know. Uh... Need to know what to do. How um, how do you want me to...?"
Heat swirled to again mix with cold, making the strange steam develop around them yet again. Elsa felt it gathering upon her skin, wetting her and her garments. She cared considerably more for the tongue that dueled with hers. She could almost taste Anna's eagerness, as though the younger girl was saying with each thrust of the tongue "let me prove I'm good" to you. As if Anna really needed to say as much to Elsa of all people. The actions still caused lust to gather in Elsa's loins. She ran her hands along Anna's form, learning each and every bit of those wonderful curves.

Just as Elsa was ready to try something else, Anna pulled back. Elsa gasped, looking at her sister with unabashed lust. They dropped and Elsa let out a soft cry, still locked as she was in her sister's embrace. hitting the bed set something off in Elsa, let the lust uncurl just a bit deeper into her body. The cold wrapped heat she'd preserved throughout the day simply dumped itself into Elsa's body.

The words only flared it. How did she want Anna? She wanted Anna to put her fiery head between her legs and lick Elsa till she screamed and froze the room. She wanted Anna to press her flaming hot sex to her own, so that they could grind against one another till their magics and their lust became intermingled and inseparable. She wanted Anna to touch her gently, to coax her into a quiet orgasm while the two of them stared into one another's eyes and let their unnatural love deepen just a little more. She wanted to flip the girl over so that their heads each touched their groins and they lavished attention. She wanted to take turns: Anna tie her up to tease her to a screaming climax and then Elsa do the same.

The queen swallowed. "First," she said, gesturing at the room, "I'd like to know if you appreciate all... this. I know that first times are important and I wanted ou---your, your first time to be as perfect as it could be. Did you need to go get ready or anything?" she looked to her sister. "You're not going to have another first, Anna." She practically said it to herself but, well, she'd already made this as perfect as she could, at least for her.
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