Flashpoint (Darkest_fate)

For a moment it seemed as if Elsa's mind was racing a mile a minute, rushing through so many thoughts in a bid to find what she wanted from her. And Anna sat there, shining puppy dog eyes bared to the sexy monarch. And then finally when she spoke up Anna nodded her head slowly. "It's beautiful... I mean I... you doing all this for me is, well it makes me feel... special. Of all the other ladies in the kingdom, you wanted to do this with... me."

She smiled again and seemed to dry at her eyes, not wanting to seem lily-livered in front of her gorgeous sister. After being asked if there was anything she wanted the younger woman moved off the bed and reached under the bed, taking out an ornately wrapped white box. Some tugging unlaced the golden wrapping, and once that ribbon was off she opened the box up. "That um, that princess from Agrabah gave me this gift when she visited last month..."

Honestly she felt a little silly pulling this out, but the partially seethrough ebony chemise seemed perfect for a first time, and Anna slipped it on and spent a few seconds just making sure it hugged her bust neatly. Black wasn't usually her colour, but fortunately it contrasted nicely with Elsa's lacy whites.

She shook her red hair looser, until a few red locks were cascading about her. The effect left her looking a touch like the temptresses from those old paintings, and on some subconscious level that was perhaps more than a bit intentional on her end.

Anna sat down on the bed, took Elsa's hand in hers and laid her head on her bare shoulder. "Do I look good Elsa? I've... well I've really wanted you to look at me like a woman, not just your... silly younger sister."
"Anna... you are special," insisted Elsa, reaching up to stroke her sister's cheek. "How many times do I have to tell you that?" The smile continued, though taking on a slightly sad and slightly amused look as Anna began drying her eyes. Though the bouncy girl soon rebounded, moving to a box. That princess from Agrabah? Elsa of course remembered her: the memory made her flush, as Jasmine had actually caught on to Elsa's admiring and admitted that it was such a shame that she had a fiance or otherwise they'd have seen how sand and ice mixed.

The outfit looked about as expected, and Elsa wondered if Jasmine had purposefully left it for her. She stared at it, more importantly at the body contained within it. Anna's curves fit the garb almost too perfectly, and she looked almost like some sort of seductive temptress. Elsa did note that the black worked to a degree, though she also made a mental note to get her sister some chocolate colored lingerie, assuming they decided to keep up their little affair. Elsa's eyes drank in her sister, right up until Anna placed Elsa's hand on a bared shoulder.

"You look far more than good, Anna," breathed Elsa. She licked her lips, shifted, then took her sister's hand in hers for a moment. She slowly dragged it down her own body, her breath catching at the fiery touch. Those fingers stopped just above Elsa's sex. The queen looked her sister in the eyes. 'You feel that? The heat?" she spread Anna's fingers so they pressed against her. "You know I love you; I always have. But that," she dared place her sister's hand against her, letting the warmth spread. Elsa's cool magics made a little gathering of ice around her loin instead of moisture, and it seemed to melt with the warming touch. "That's what it feels like when someone's aroused. you make me want you so bad that I'm actually getting warm, Anna."
Anna's cheeks flished a pale pink when the sensation of Elsa's sex brushed now against the slim and unskilled digits of her hand. And then the true shock came when Anna realised the strength behind Elsa's words, how the desire was able to make her warm. Needless to say it filled her with pride, and got her heart thudding with a renewed vigour. "W-wow... I'm flattered. Truth be told when you talked about licking down there, I thought my tongue would get frozen and stuck."

A strange thing to imagine, but of course quite humorous too... really it seemed exactly the kind of thing that would happen to Anna. The redhead gave a wry smile and kissed Elsa's cheek, her lips radiating a mystic heat that would linger for a few seconds. "Then give me a second and I'll see just how warm I can get you!" she said with some clear confidence in her chipper tone, suddenly moving onto her knees before the queen.

At this level her eyes were able to settle on the queen's bare sex... didn't look intimidating or anything... it looked so tight and cute, as pure as the driven snow. Despite her confidence in speaking of sexual matters, some part of Anna was now wondering if her sister really was experienced as she let on...

Still she felt eager to test the waters. Leaning in her tongue slowly dragged up the moist flesh of her bare pussy. "Ooo... tastes good," she whispered quickly and then immediately gave a second and a third languid lick trailing up the sweet flesh, her tongue inspiring an even greater warmth to rise at the merest touch. Even in this area, Anna was able to radiate a spectacular level of heat to tickle the flesh.
Elsa actually laughed slightly at her sister's comment. "Well, thankfully you have fire magic," she said, tapping her sister's nose. Another smile, and then she felt Anna kissing her cheek. The heat lingered and spread, and then Anna cheerfully proclaimed that she'd heat her sister quite well. Elsa's lips parted to protest, but soon she found her sister's head between her legs.

All this time, Elsa had been acting the more mature, more experienced woman. It was her role, she slid into it. Now she had a beautiful woman's head between her legs, the hot breath puffing against her sex, quite literally thawing it out, and Elsa's head spun. She knew what her sex looked like, barely visible through the paper thin lace. A little slit of pale pink just breaking the smooth expanse of white. Frost already gathered, already starting to melt slightly, and now Anna's warm breath puffed along it.

Elsa leaned back, gripping the sheets. "Be careful, Anna, that's--ooh!" she shivered as a tongue dragged along her sex. Elsa smiled at her sister's comment, only to shiver again as the tongue went back. Heat slathered across Elsa's sex, melting through the ice. She could feel her frozen moisture beginning to thaw, dribbling down her body like water off an ice cube on a hot day. The liquid began to dribble as the heat grew more and more fiercely. Elsa could feel it, and she felt almost ashamed: she wouldn't last long, and that definitely didn't look mature or experienced at all.

"Try to think," she said, her breath raspy as she tried to push through, figuring that maybe if she provided guidance, she would retain at least some composure, "try to think of what feels good to you and--mm, read my reactions. That's--" what they always did in the books, "that's how it's done."
"Eh?" Anna stopped mid-lick when Elsa's words reached her ear, the lust seeming to stammer her words a touch. It made Anna smile knowing that she had inspired that respect, and when she finally gave her advice Anna nodded her head visibly. "Mkay... do what feels good to me.. to you... too bad I never actually did any of this stuff to myself..." Still she focused back on the bath from earlier.

Where Elsa's fingers had touched, the way the chill rolled through her deepest parts and inspired something within her. So with some focus she began guiding her tongue with a little excess accuracy, adding pressure to specific parts of her labia and then kissing and suckling on those same portions to draw the sweet juices into her mouth. Elsa had a lovely taste to her, and already she found herself a little hooked on it.

Now Anna decided to drive in a little deeper and worked a little stronger, now guiding and dragging the tip of her tongue along the interior, that soon allowing her to slide in a little deeper. She grew curious again and started fondling and grinding two of her warm fingers against the glistening flesh of her labia to keep the pleasure and pressure building up more and more inside her.

"Still a little chilly in here Elsa... but lucky for you, well I guess you could say..." She trailed off and smiled knowingly "... The cold never bothered me anyway."
Well, Elsa certainly knew one thing she was going to have to change. Already she could picture herself teaching her sister how to masturbate, their hands gliding over bodies. Mm, the thought of teaching Anna all about her own body, while they both learned Elsa's best spots as well. It added yet more warmth.

Elsa's hand reached down to stroke her sister's hair. she could feel that tongue delving inside her. The heat melted more juices, Elsa started to flow. She could feel her powers swirling within, as they so often did. They worked to keep her body cool and chill the air. Anna would be tasting the cool water as well as Elsa's own arousal, the two intermingling so closely together that they couldn't be separated.

"Yes, that feels, yes, Anna, oh," cried Elsa as she felt the tongue gliding against her. it slid within, the warmth shooting straight up into Elsa. It felt as though Anna had shot pure heat all the way up into her womb. The heat Elsa had trapped responded, more liquid beginning to seep out of her, trickling down as though Anna had undone a blocked dam. Yet Elsa could feel an even tighter pressure building. Building fiercer and fiercer, cracking her insides like ice flows in early summer.

Anna spoke more teasing words and Elsa groaned. "Anna, not the time," she hissed, but she reached down. "Anna, I'm going to--soon, please," she pulled at Anna, trying to get her head up. "I want to look into your eyes when I cum for the first time. Just, get your head up here and keep using your fingers. For they'd pressed against her, the head spreading. Elsa tugged more urgently, fearful that she'd cum an explosion on her sister's face. not that she didn't like the idea, but she felt Anna deserved what she got: to look into her new lover's eyes and see that climax for the first time.
"Not the time for jokes? Well I think you mighta' picked the wrong girl to date in that case," Anna said. regardless she listened in and looked up. Look her in the eyes as she came? A thrilling idea, and there was no sense in not taking pride in her handiwork. So she proceeded to raise herself up off her knees, her fingers grinding that slick nether all the while, teasing the prospect of entering her honeypot.

"Like this...?" Anna asked in a hushed, pleasure-thick tone, before then suddenly starting to ease her two slender fingers into the tight honeypot before her "Or... like this...?" she asked in that same sugary sweet tone. But all the while she kept her eyes affixed to Elsa's own, wanting to see it, that moment when she released with an immense pleasure just as Anna had done earlier.

It was strange in a sense, and not just for the obvious taboos. Rather she found it odd that she seemed to hold the power for the time being while it had been the reverse in the bathroom. "Let's see it Elsa... I want to see just how much you love this," she said in a low purring whisper that seemed to draw upon every sensitive syllable. Anna's fingers curled a touch inside her sister and continued to caress and tease at the warm flesh within.
Elsa groaned: "You are so lucky I love you, you big idiot," she growled. Anna came up, and Elsa directed her blue eyes toward her sister's. Pure want and love radiated from Elsa's expression, better than she'd ever given before. The older sister knew that she was giving way her control, knew that she was possibly looking immature or failing herself, but she also knew that she wanted to, to let Anna know. She wanted to close her eyes, partially in shame, partially to bathe in the sensation. Instead Elsa kept them open, looking into Anna's.

Hushed tones, thick with pleasure. Then fingers sliding into Elsa's technically virgin sex. "Like that, yes," she gasped. She could feel the heat coursing through her, building tighter and tighter. Despite her control her eyes dropped, seeing her sister's fingers disappearing into her tight sex, all nestled in lacy white. Elsa breathed deep, her breaths puffing out little cloud of ice.

words drew her up, forcing her to look into Anna's eyes. "Oh I love this,' she agreed, her hips circling. She felt them going toward the hands, rolling, wetting, heating. "Almost as much as I love you. Anna, I'm... there!" She bit her lip, closed her eyes for a moment, then forced them open, the want making them practically swirl. Anna's fingers had curved and that was enough. "It's cumming! I'm, I'm, oh, oh, oooh!" she grabbed tight onto her sister as her dam exploded. A burst of liquid practically poured out from Elsa's overworked sex. Bits of frost and snow swirled, meeting the heat, causing her to almost seem to steam from the coupling. It shook and shot as Elsa's body came hard. She let out more "oh's," though her teeth clenched, her body locking down hard.

Interior muscles squeezed tight, clamping down on friendly guests. Elsa bathed Anna in her liquid want, the watery fluids practically soaking her. First one burst, then the steady flow as Elsa's body locked. All the while her hands clung to Anna, nails digging in. She clung to her sister as she came, hoping for steadying. Her eyes locked into Anna's, swirling with want and need and magic and love, all mixed within. They kept closing, Elsa kept fighting to open them, wanting her sister to see even as her body arched almost too beautifully.
Goodness... so that's what a girls orgasm looked like. Anna had no way to gauge her own because the hot bath water had concealed it, but the gushings of the chilled liquid racing up her forearm gave her an indicator. Her fingers tensed within her and pressed nice and tight to that soft inner wall. All the while her hair and eyes were glowing with a vibrant fire that seemed to make the air distort with heatwaves all about her.

Anna had witnessed the whole thing, got to peer into her siblings soul and see that radiating love and pleasure. It left no doubt in her mind that Elsa wanted this relationship, that she wanted every last taboo thing that would unfurl... Her heart soared with joy, a silly grin rising on her pretty freckled face while the candles of the room glowed with a greater intensity, as if resonating that same joy she was feeling. Perhaps they were.

Finally Anna pulled her fingers way and surveyed them, watched how they glistened in the dim glow of her bedroom. And then without a care she popped them into her mouth and sucked upon them until only her warm saliva lingered on the twin fingers. Anna sat down beside her sister and gave another chipper smile, as if quietly asking 'What's next?' while also openly admiring how beautiful Elsa looked as she recovered from the intense pleasure.
It felt so good that Elsa almost wondered if it was wrong. She lay there, panting, feeling such warmth that she'd never known. It almost felt as though she'd stolen the heat from her sister, trapped it inside her again. She could feel the moisture all along her thighs and legs, a veritable puddle having formed on the sheets. Elsa was literally laying in her own cum, and it made her feel all the more sinful, all the more wanton, all the more wanted.

She took a deep breath, breathing in, smelling her arousal and her sister on the air. she opened her eyes, looking over to Anna and smiling. "Sorry, just... needed a bit," she said, her voice slightly dazed. She ran her hands along her body. She'd always known that cumming felt good, released all her stress and tension. This felt otherwordly. And they'd really just started. Elsa looked over to her sister. Leaning forward, she reached for Anna and brought her down, kissing her softly.

Elsa could taste herself, a sort of clear, vibrant taste, on Anna's lips. Still she kissed, though softer than before, tender, loving. She pulled back, stroking her sister's hair. "Well, now I've cum," she looked down, then up at Anna. "Did you want me to return the favor?" she stroked Anna's arm. "We've got all night, Anna. I want to make love to you for hours," she leaned and kissed Anna's bared shoulder, leaving a little bit of frost to melt. "I want us to indulge one another till we both pass out on the bed, a heaped mess for the servants to clean in the morning,' she kissed Anna's neck, again breathing cool air. "But I just went," another kiss on nearly the same spot, "so it's your turn."
The chill and flakes of frost that gathered upon her slim neck pulled a sharp strangled gasp from her needy mouth, bringing her a new kind of sensation she was only now starting to adjust to. Eyes shit she simply let her mind get carried by the sweet tones of Elsa's voice while the frost turned to steam and water, rolling down her neck and getting soaked into the black fabric of her chemise's shoulder strap.

Opening her eyes again she said "Well technically you got me off first... and then I did that to get us even... but um, maybe we could do something more even? You know, both of us get off at the same time?" she suggested. Flicking back through her memories of the previous few hours she recalled what Elsa had said on the matter of girl-on-girl sex, seeking the position ideas Elsa had deposited offhandedly.

Finally an idea popped into her hyperactive brain.

"What about that thing you said? Um, the thing where two girls 'rub into each other'?" She had trailed off, her eyes looking up to the ceiling as if trying to catch a stray thought in her mind. "Uh... h-how does that work?" she asked in a hushed whisper, as if afraid someone would somehow hear her naivety.
Frost steamed and Elsa loved watching it. It caught on their sensual clothing, helping it adhere all the tighter to their bodies. Elsa pulled back as Anna spoke, again looking into her eyes. True, she had gotten Anna "off first," though the crude term made Elsa smile. Her smile turned into worry and she chewed her lip, remembering what she'd mentioned earlier. she'd sounded so confident then, when she hadn't been so near doing it.

"It's called tribadism," Elsa said. She flushed, remembering the very clear illustrations and what she'd done. "You're supposed to align your genitals with your partner's and rub against one another. It's supposed to feel quite good," she shifted again. her sex already tingled, and she was trying to imagine what putting more pressure or friction on it would feel like. Elsa wasn't naive enough to not know that women could cum multiple times (something that made her all the more thrilled that she didn't care much for men), but she still wondered what that would actually feel like.

She reached up, moving aside some pale hairs. Then she looked to her sister. "It's, ah, probably best if we get into the, ah, missionary position," Elsa laid her hands on her sister, trying to push her gently back into the bed and get on top. Never before had Elsa felt so clumsy, so out of her depth. Yet she wanted to keep showing that she was the big sister, that she knew what she was doing. She licked her lips again as she shuffled, trying to get into position. Should she spread her legs? Anna's? Keep them both closed? Maybe they should just lay atop one another? What had that illustration looked like? Why hadn't Elsa thought to bring her book with her...
"Missionary?" Anna asked aloud, only to make a squeaking noise as her back touched the duvet. Felt odd, but she raised no objection to it. It took a little thought on her end to recall where and how she knew the term 'missionary position,' but she was blushing by the time her mind caught up to it. It was supposed to be that most standard of positions for 'conceiving heirs' as the old textbook described.

No heirs to be produced here of course. Anna was naive but she was able to know they lacked the components needed to make a baby... then again maybe some magic could help out there? For some reason the idea of Elsa sporting a big tool was enough to make her toes curl.

It was at that moment she drew back to reality, seeing some awkwardness in Elsa's manner as she seemed to deliberate just how to do this. Anna smiled and stroked her face "Hey... hey it's okay Elsa, if you don't know how to do this... I mean, I don't expect either of us to be pros... We can just... well, experiment a bit and try to figure out which works out best," Anna said in a smooth and reassuring tone of voice.

Younger sister she may have been, but she could be just as comforting if the need ever arose.
Anna's question was answered by the movement. Elsa shifted again, trying to figure things out. She saw the blush, realized that Anna probably recalled it from one of those stupid textbooks. "You," she said, tapping her sister's chest, "are going to read some of my private books," because Elsa knew that would help, if only to inspire Anna's imagination. She looked askance where she'd put the scarves and blushed again, shifting. She remembered one time she'd actually tied herself to her bed and used ice magic to tease her sex. It had felt wonderful, and she so desperately wanted to do something like that with Anna. Just to give yourself over to someone completely...

Shifting now though, with Anna stroking her face. Elsa nearly felt like crying. "it's our first time," she said, reaching a hand up, "Anna it's... I've never actually done this before. I'm sorry, I've... I know I've been acting like I know, and I have read quite a bit but I've never actually," she gestured at Anna, and took another deep breath. "You're just so beautiful and I love you so much that I want our first time to be perfect." She took another breath, reaching a hand up.

Elsa tried shifting again, but she couldn't even seem to figure how to get their sexes to line up. Anna talked about experimenting, but Elsa was still so frazzled she couldn't even figure how to set things up for the experiment, let alone actually try something. She tried lowering her hip, realizing that she had somehow managed to hit Anna's thigh. Elsa flushed at the contact, looking apologetically at her sister and fumbling again.
Now it felt like she had to be the older sister just to keep Elsa from freaking... it usually went this way, with Elsa trying so hard to plan the future down to the most minute detail, and when her plans began to fumble a bit well it was easy for her to freak a bit. "Elsa... the fact that it's with you means that it's already perfect... I don't need you lying or panicking to try and impress me..." She sighed and moved into a kneeling position, ignoring the chill that crept up her thigh from that brief contact.

"Just... please calm down. We're both new at this, so it's... you know it's okay to be awkward when trying something new... and at least you know the names of all this stuff," she said with a small laugh. Warm hands caressed down her shoulders "You worked so hard to set this scene, wanting to make this romantic as possible... how many other girls would go this far for me...?" she added.

"Deep breath... just clear your head and it'll come to you," she added. Anna glanced down to their legs, getting her braincells firing up and working to figure out a good way to make their ladybits 'rub.' And then at last she nodded and lay down slightly on her side, leg raised while the other was flat on the bed "Okay, try this. Like... mirror the way my legs are, and then when we move our hips they'll rub together. Right?"
Elsa wanted Anna so bad in those moments. She sucked in another breath, nodding, already starting to calm down. She shifted as Anna did, mentally upbraiding herself. By the time Anna started the second speech, Elsa had nearly calmed entirely down. she laughed slightly as Anna talked about the names, nodding. Soon she smiled warmly as Anna insisted that Elsa had gone so far. "Anna, anyone who met you would want to do this for you," she insisted. Then she took a deep breath, nodding.

They needed to switch. They might be able to do missionary with practice, or if Elsa conjured up a phallus of ice, but it might be easier to start by... Elsa actually laughed, shaking her head. 'I was just thinking that." She shifted, moving to lay down counter, though it put her head a fair distance from her sister. "Reach out and grab my leg," she instructed, again moving to slide her leg up along her sister's body. She could feel the heat radiating from Anna, and hoped that it wasn't just the magics working. "That way we can steady and besides," she ran her own nails along Anna's leg, before moving up to kiss her side, "every part can be included, remember?"

Elsa nodded before shifting, bringing her own sex closer and closer to Anna's. She could feel the heat coming from her sister, felt her own cold starting to rise. The air between them started to seem to mist a little, and Elsa paused. She looked to Anna, waiting for the younger girl to get into place. Then Elsa could nod slowly and they could try to press against each other at the same time.
Anna gave a girlish laugh spurred on by the teasing touches, and at Elsa's instruction she took hold of Elsa's leg for the sake of balance. She too noted how the air between their engorged sexes seemed to... simmer with a clash of temperatures. Magnificent! Some part liked to imagine that was just a result of natural desire, but of course she knew inwardly that it was their biological magic hard at work.

Now the two were pressing together and once their netherlips 'kissed' she gave a sharp squeaking noise at the rumble of pleasure that coursed through her in that moment. Yes the clash of temperatures became all the more noticeable, and Anna closed her eyes from how it made her heart flutter.

Kissing felt right. Touching felt right. Elsa making her orgasm felt right. Eating her out felt oh-so-fucking right! And this, felt like the most natural thing ever! How could something that felt this good be taboo? She supposed it was just one of those things that the older generation imposed on those that followed, outdated nonsense. Anna hissed and breathed out a sharp groan, and on reflex alone she shimmied her hips a bit to do a little more grinding, ample juices aiding the friction.

"Nn... sex for hours~ I'm already excited!" she cooed, fluttering her lashes at her gorgeous sister, now wondering how best to decide a rhythm in how they would work their hips. Elsa would know, she was the more refined and timely of the duo.
Elsa could literally feel her sex simmering. Little curls of steam rose from where they connected, their two magics mixing even better than their juices. In fact, Elsa knew that steam came at least partially from them, was their want expressed in visible form. It made her groan, as did feeling her lips kissing against her sister's.

And she'd thought that getting ate out felt good. This felt incredible, and part of Elsa just wanted to hold still and feel her sister's sex pressed against her own. Elsa could feel Anna's wet lips pressing against hers. Anna, ever impatient, had started moving, shimmying, grinding, and Elsa felt her sister's engorged labia smearing all over her own. Her lips responded in kind, kissing Anna's with a fresh burst of cool liquid. Their loins already began intermingling, and it felt great.

"You're not the only one," admitted Elsa, smiling. She reached to give her sister's hand a squeeze, nodding before moving to once again shift her hips. "we need to build a rhythm," she said, sliding about. It seemed easier to match Anna's then try to get the excitable girl to alter. Though Elsa did let her hand lower, cupping Anna's rear and working to steady her. "And we have to figure out if it feels better when we grind down hard against each other or roll or what," said Elsa. She licked her lips, then smiled, looking to her sister. Without any other warning, Elsa grabbed Anna's hip with her hand, seized her leg slightly, and ground her body against hers.

Elsa felt another burst as her cold went through, no doubt to mix with her sister's hot. Pleasure hit her already tender sex, traveling all the way up her quickly melting body. She actually felt Anna's heat literally traveling into her, crawling up her as surely as her cool moved to Anna. It felt awesome, incredible, toe-curling and breath catching.
In much the same way as Anna's fire magic began to slither through each vein and artery in her being, thawing away at the ice chilling her inner core, Anna was feeling the permafrost and eldritch chill crawl up her spine and soothe the raging boil of pleasure in her blood. "Mnn... Elsa~" she gasped out, only to almost fumble and lose her tender balance from that swift pull. Anna was a little clumsy at the best of times, far too easy to stumble.

She gave a sharp crooning grown and exhaled a fine cloud of mixing steam and smoke which faded away. Her soft and curvaceous body began to show the creep of heat and cold, little flakes of frost tickling at her exposed belly while her breasts became dotted with slithers of sweat crawling over the faintly visible freckles.

"That... actually feels a whole lot better... you know, really active and um, and sturdy!" Grinning she seemed to quickly get into this new shifted position. The quickly building slickness between them seemed to gather quicker than her heat could steam it away, and Anna was all the gladder for it, as it meant she could work her hips with a little less effort. Forward and backward thrusts of her hips soon ensued, Anna's sweet moans and croons echoing soon after.

"W-wow!" She gasped out breathlessly, letting out a stiffer gasp when she felt the faintest brushing of her clit, a sensation that felt as if it was a button that existed solely to spike pleasure straight into her brain. "I-I think I'm already feeling that pressure again!" she gasped out in the throes of pleasure, while seeming to keep her pace even with Elsa's for the sake of comfort.
The swirling magics made it all the more difficult for Elsa, as her arousal brought its own unique heat. Her sex and some of her outside felt chilled, except when Anna touched and created steam. That steam hung all about them, mixed with magical moisture and their intermingled juices, hanging about them like some strange fuck-mist. Elsa breathed it in with each breath, feeling it slide down her throat. Some of that same mist chilled upon her, forming frost, particularly upon her fine clothing. Elsa could see the bits on Anna and found herself wanting to run her hands and tongue along it.

"Grinding harder it is," said Elsa, moving her own hips in time. She reached for Anna's hand, intertwining their fingers so she could push and pull. Elsa ground and slid her sex. Moisture gathered, connecting them. Elsa could feel a bridge of it form between their pussies as they slid, gathered and breaking as they moved. Elsa slid from time to time, jerking along, rubbing. She could feel her own labia sliding as she did.

Then her lips just nudged something, a little button. She bit her lip, betting that was her sister's clitoris. Yes, a gasp confirmed it. "Try and hold it!" Elsa nearly commanded, squeezing her sister's hand. "I want us to climax at the same time!" the thought sent more heat coursing into Elsa's sex. She felt more warm heat coming, and with it more of the steam that curled into the air, caking their bodies. Elsa bit her lip, altering her hips, trying to still grind into Anna's clitoris while finding some way of ramping up her own arousal.
"Hold it? That's easy for you to say, you're the master of self control!" Anna gasped out swiftly, all while the pressure within seemed oh so close to reaching a tipping point. The redhead forced it down, called upon what little self control she had in her hyperactive brain, and seemed for just a moment capable of suppressing that fire. Both of them climaxing at the same time... as noble a goal as any, particularly for their first tantric time...

Yet Anna did wonder inwardly if it was at all possible. Try as she might she felt as if a furnace had formed in her womb, and every breath from her carved into the lustful fog with hot gouts of blackened smoke that faded away almost immediately soon after. How fortunate that smoke alarms did not yet exist, it would make this all the harder for the pair of sexy incestuous sisters to get through...

The expensive black chemise was starting to cling to her, weighed by both sweat and steam perverting the fabric... perhaps that was intentional in it's design? Jasmine, from how little she and Anna had spoken, did seem to be quite the pervert. The coffee-skinned princess seemed to take an equal interest in both sisters, seeming to let her eye wander more than any other foreign dignitary would.

A thought for another time. Agrabah was perhaps just more liberal...

Her entwined fingers squeezed back, radiating a great heat into Elsa's palm just as her own shivered and trembled slightly from the biting ice of the embrace. Now Anna seemed to redouble her own efforts to please her sister, grinding down with not just a slightly raised speed but also pushing more force into her gyrating motions. "Ah... E-Elsa... this... oh wow, it's like.... f-fireworks going off in my head!"
Elsa let out another rough laugh at Anna's comment, but gave her sister's hand another squeeze. Each caress of Anna's molten sex against hers caused more steam to rise up and curl. That burning heat smoldered so very deep inside Elsa that she thought perhaps it would never leave. She could feel more and more cold gathering as well, her powers fighting to prevent it. The wet mixture clung to Elsa, caking the garment to her slender form. Bits of ice actually hung from the fabric, save for where the steam worked up it.

Anna squeezed and Elsa moaned. Then she felt Anna shift and let out a cry, momentarily leaning back. "Oh, oh, there!" she said, pinching her eyes shut for a moment. "Anna, whatever you just did, keep doing it!" Elsa swayed her own hips, trying to find that sweet spot. It just felt so wonderful, with the heat gathering hotter and hotter with each passing moment.

Another shift, and Elsa felt it. Her sister's hot sex caressed her clit, causing a jolt of heat to shoot right into Elsa's pleasure center. The burst felt like a small explosion, again rocking Elsa's internal dam. The determined queen knew what she had to do. She purposefully rolled her hips, seeking a part of Anna out. Then she felt it, her sex pressing just perfectly against Anna's: their clits kissing for a few moments. Elsa grit her teeth and began grinding hard, feeling the tension rocketing up. She got close, so close, and she knew that the moment her sister came, she would explode. Elsa looked up, meeting Anna's eyes, hoping that her silent expression would communicate all that needed to be said.
It was a bit of a surprise to do something apparently so good by complete accident, but the smile on her pretty face beamed with pride at the realisation. "R-right!" Anna replied swiftly, working to make sure she kept that same angle despite the mild discomfort it gave her spine. She could brave the discomfort all the same, particularly with the way her own pussy was rubbed in such a positively exquisite manner.

So engrossed in pleasure was she that Anna barely even noticed as her sister angled and oriented her own hips, leaving her to gasp out in both surprise and white hot pleasure from the sudden grinding against her clit. "W-wow!" She gave a shudder, closed her eyes tight and then seemed to saw her own hips to make sure that same white hot spike of pleasure going strong within her. "So... so... gooood~!"

Once their eyes met Anna understood well enough. No other words need be said, not with how tight their bond was.

Anna merely nodded to make sure the arrangement was known, and in turn her hips seemed to only gain speed to set the fast pace laid out by Elsa's slim hips. He continued to bubble and boil within and in that moment Anna felt something rise in her throat just as the pressure in her cunt grew all too great. She threw her head back, her orgasmic cry matched by a burst of fire flying up from her lips and setting the room aglow while a bountiful amount of hot juices splattered along the smooth surface or Elsa's crotch and backside. The sensory overload was immense, leaving Anna flopping back and gasping, inwardly a dim part of her brain hoped she had succeeded in getting Elsa off too. 'So that was... wow, just... wow. P-people can do that for hours on end? It must be exhausting, I'm barely able to keep up!'
It almost felt like cheating, rubbing their hips like this. Elsa made certain to continually shift herself, pressing and aligning just perfectly so that each grind sent the white hot lance of pleasure coursing through her. She swore that it shot directly to her very center, as if her entire womanhood should be involved. Truly, Elsa found herself almost wishing it to be so. She realized she wanted to give Anna everything, to expose herself to her sister in the manner of lovers and give way to all that amounted to.

Wow indeed, though Elsa's own realization made her arousal leap forward. The heat that caused her sex to literally melt practically redoubled. Sweat doubtless would have started dripping from Elsa's body if her magics would have allowed it. Even still, the heat worked so well. Their hips moved quicker and quicker, grinding against one another. Then Elsa felt Anna's sex tremble and shake. Her own eyes went wide with the realization of what was to cum. Then she felt the sheer blast of pleasure. Soon she too screamed out for joy, her hand squeezing tight to her sister's as their twin orgasms intertwined with one another.

Heat blasted from her sister. Elsa felt it shoot straight up into her own quivering room, which only made the cold from her redouble. Close to Elsa, the chill dominated. She felt the icy winds chilling the heat from her body, turning the usual molten orgasmic feeling into one of strange icy chill. Her juices shot out nearly as frozen flecks, though as they left Elsa's heat to meet her sister's chill, they turned into liquid moisture, effectively shotgunning the younger girl's throbbing sex. It felt wonderful, and it was Elsa's second orgasm of the night.

She let Anna flop back first, before moving to lay next to her. Elsa extended a cool arm and draped it across her sister's hot, likely sweaty form. A near sizzle could be heard as Anna's heat worked against Elsa's eyes. The queen drew her sister in for a kiss, then smiled, trailing her hands along Anna's body. "Feel all tingly, Anna?" she asked, half teasing, her eyes dancing with merriment.
Anna gave a ragged, almost sleepy laugh when their lips had parted. She knew just how to tickle the redhead's fancy, that much was eternally obvious. "I feel... yeah, tingly is about the only word that describes it. My legs don't seem to want to move right now, you know?" she asked in a sleepy tone. Leaning in close she took the time to shimmy out of her chemise, feeling it growing a little too heavy from all that steam building up inside it.

Tossing it away she was left utterly naked, practically sizzling from that incredible pleasure. Anna gave her a light peck on the nose as thanks for what had transpired, now feeling a little bit of energy rejuvinate inside her. "This had been the best day of my whole life... I mean outside of being sick as a dog when I woke up. I got fire magic, giving us a matching set, and I got to find out that you love me more than just a sister! I can't even imagine how good it's going to get from here!"

Now feeling all wholesome and affectionate, a common feeling, her head nestled neatly into the soft and supple surface of Elsa's neck, her older sister's chin resting upon the loose red waves of her hair. "Love you baby... Wanna get some sleep? My pussy is kinda... jelly right now... Hehe!"
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