Flashpoint (Darkest_fate)


Sep 28, 2013
By this point the painted surface of her ceiling was starting to burn into her retinas. She had been laying there all damn morning and hadn't even mustered up the energy to move yet. Anna couldn't explain it really, this general sensation of fatigue filling her to the brim and making all her muscles simmer with some soreness. At first, when she awoke, she had considered it to be a fever which was far from uncommon in Arandelle.

Now that seemed far from the case. The redhead could only lay there, dressed in silk purple pyjamas that covered much of her womanly body while her red hair fanned wide and loose beneath her. Her skin was getting clammy with sweat, her breathing growing more laboured, and more than once she'd shoo'd off one of the castle staff. She felt bad doing it of course, but whatever illness this was it left Anna in no mood to be civil.

As morning turned to afternoon Anna was still laying in bed, the sheets kicked off and left pooled on the carpet. The staff would come and go to Elsa, reporting of more groanings coming from her chambers and her continued refusal to leave her room.

Stranger still, soon more of the servants were coming to Elsa and reporting of rippling heat waves becoming visible in the corridor just outside Anna's room. Strange to say the least, and what neither sister could know was how much stranger this was all going to get.

Laying back on the cosy mattress Anna turned her head and let her cyan eyes settle on the glass double doors leading to her balcony. Fogged up from a steam she couldn't see. "Weird..." the princess croaked.
Unlike her sister, Queen Elsa still had a kingdom to run. The icy blonde had spent her entire morning fending off various political issues, issuing proclamations, and just generally making certain that Arandelle stayed peaceful and prosperous. The queen had received a few notices from servants that her sister hadn't left her bed but, well, Anna had been known to sleep in quite late in the past. True, she'd gotten significantly better since the whole incident with Elsa coming out and all. Though Elsa thought she recalled Kristoff visiting the night before.

So she didn't really think much about it. She thought a good deal more as Anna missed lunch. Anna may miss several things through sleeping or avoidance, but meals were generally not among them. Elsa might skip a meal or two, mostly out of business or because she accidentally (or "accidentally") froze a meal, but Anna ate rather regularly. In fact, the staff informed Elsa that Anna hadn't taken food for most of the day. Anna did occasionally squirrel away food though, and Elsa did have duties of her own to attend to.

Which actually left things up to Olaf, who'd been visiting at the time. The perky snowman had come to inform Elsa that things were not right with her sister. The first clue had been that Olaf appeared to be about a third melted despite the spell that Elsa had cast over him. From there, Elsa heard from the castle staff that there had been heat waves. So the queen figured now was the time to check on her sister.

Fearing that Anna may be quite sick, Elsa opted to change into a more demure and rough dress than her normal flowing ones. This one still happened to be teal blue, but probably wouldn't have looked out of place in a peasant's wardrobe. It cinched around Elsa's thin waist fairly well, and covered enough of her. The ice blonde hair had been tied up and pulled back, and Elsa was ready to go.

Or so she thought.

The heat waves proved difficult, and Elsa had to actively expend her own magic in order to get close. She'd cooled the doorknob and then forced her way into the room. "Anna? I'm coming in!" she said, leaning forward to look around the edge. "Can you tell me what's going on here? There's an awful lot of heat for this time of year," so much that Elsa could actually feel sweat beading on her brow, something she hadn't felt for a very, very long time.
The sound of her sisters voice coming through the door made her roll onto her side, fiery orange locks cascading across a portion of her lightly freckled face. Those same eyes watched the door open and her attractive sister enter. She always looked so elegant and wise and at times Anna had to wonder how the two were related. She was envious at times but... well other times when she looked at her older sister she felt some strange emotion that wasn't jealousy.

She sat up, one brow raised curiously when she noted the sweat on her older sisters brow. Now THAT was weird. "You got a fever too huh?" Anna asked as she sleepily looked at her sibling. She managed to stand up and gave a low groan as her sore legs threatened to give way. It left Anna forced to grip onto her headboard for that bit of extra support.

"Sorry Elsa. I've felt like... manure all morning. I don't get it, I just feel a burning going through my veins. And my head is just, throbbing..." Sighing she reached her free hand to her brow, trying to fix some hairs back into place. It had to be said that even when she felt sickly the princess did look quite cute and huggable. But that had how she always had been, the cute and upbeat one to Elsa's colder and more calculating manner.

It was at that moment that she began to realise that she may have been in here longer than she realised. It must have been major to draw Elsa's attention from her royal duties (Not that Anna begrudged her that, the kingdom did come first most times and Elsa did find time once in a while). "Oh darn... was I... was I here all day... Shoot..." She smacked her forehead in annoyance at her own sleepy incompetence, breathing out a long puff of smoke interspersed with wisps of steam that vanished by the time she opened up her eyes.

Yes, something was very off about all this.
"I don't get fevers," said Elsa, her voice soft as she studied her sister. Anna looked awful, worse in some ways than she had when Elsa's magic had run amok. The sweat and just that drained sensation. Anna certainly didn't look like her usually chipper self. Yes, definitely still as huggable and adorable as ever. even now, Elsa felt like going over and hugging her sister, letting Anna know that everything would be alright. Wasn't Kristoff supposed to be here for this kind of thing?

Elsa took a few more steps closer, only to feel the heat practically pummeling her. She took a deep breath, feeling the air suck into her lungs. It nearly burned on the way down, and Elsa had to force herself to swallow. She watched Anna closely, listening as the girl did as she always did: put others first. All day: "It's alright, you're not feeling well," said Elsa, speaking slowly. She watched the smoke and steam rising from her sister's mouth.

"Anna," she said, still speaking slowly. Elsa edged closer. "It's alright that you stayed in bed: you don't look good. I need you to listen to me, actually listen," she held up a hand. her own cold started to swirl back, protecting her from the heat as she ventured closer. Even Elsa could barely keep up though, and she almost wondered why things hadn't burst into flames. "Extend your hand, like this," Elsa gestured, palm out, and a little burst of ice shot forth. It went a few feet before the heat got to it. Elsa paused then, looking to her sister, almost hoping for what she feared. The alternative would just be much worse.
"Wha...?" She looked up in a slightly dazed manner at her sisters words, now her eyes roaming down her outstretched arm. Do... that? It was something that struck her as more than odd, but what the hell. It wasn't as if she had anything to lose. And Elsa always was a wise one, so maybe this was some medicating thing that one of those fancy foreign dignitaries had taught her? Either way she knew better than to doubt her wisdom.

So Anna raised her hand up and flicked her palm forth just as Elsa had done. In an instant a hot gout of fire burst out from her palm, extended out by about a foot and then fizzled away into nothing after about two seconds. It had been like a striking serpent, snapping forth through the air only to fade into a few embers of dying light.

Anna's jaw was practically hanging off, eyes darting from her hand to where the fire had died. "Ohhhhhmigosh, ohmigosh ohmigosh!" she murmured briefly, excitement bubbling inside her. Her signature smile returned, an eager girlish grin that looked like it would break her face, her fists clenched under her chin and shaking from the sheer joviality surging through her. "Oh my gosh, I, I made fire! I- I can shoot fire!"

The excitement was growing, burning away the awful sense of fatigue she just had. Even the heat in the room was slowly dying down, being unconsciously drawn back into the redhead. It seemed lethargy just left this new heat bubbling inside her to vent out in a dangerous manner, while if she was excited the magic was better regulated. She was practically jittering from the excitement of the moment, her flowing locks very briefly flickering into tongues of fire while her iris' glowed with the intensity of a blaze.
"Wonderful," mumbled Elsa, not sure if she should be worried or elated. It did make some sense, in a weird sort of way. She had icy blonde hair and a reserved personality, and seemed to get powers of ice (though it was debatable which came first). There really wasn't an explanation for her powers, so who was to say that Anna wouldn't get a matching set. It certainly be the alternative, which was that someone had laid some serious magical curse on her.

Elsa watched as her sister hopped around, smiling slightly herself. "Yes, you can shoot fire," she agreed. The heat seemed to be dimming too, which made Elsa feel a good deal better about the situation. She still couldn't help but be somewhat concerned though: Anna could now shoot fire. The only way that could have possibly been worse was if Olaf had gotten the power instead. Though that did give Elsa an image so silly that she nearly giggled.

Instead, she stepped forward, still moving cautiously. "You need to be careful, Anna. We don't know where this came from," Elsa gestured at her sister and, thanks to her control, she managed to make sure that no ice shot out. "fire can also be very dangerous. It can burn people or destroy things or..." she hesitated, moving to try and meet her sister's eyes, to make sure she understood: "It can melt ice, Anna."

Which meant that some part of Elsa should be terrified of her sister. She might have been too, if, well, it weren't Anna. Elsa was more fearful of Sven than Anna. Plus, Elsa had a lot more control and experience. If Anna just flared up, she could always just cool her off.
Anna paused, looking to her sister as she explained the potential dangers. Oh great, one of Elsa's patented 'responsibility lectures.' She got one over something every other day, and the worst part was she was usually right. She nodded slowly in understanding "R-right... sorry. I mean it makes sense... "I'll um... I'll reign it in Elsa but I'll need help from you. I mean you know all about your powers and how to handle them."

Some part of her did briefly wonder where this came from. They didn't know where Elsa's magic came from either... the assumption she was operating under now was that it was somehow genetic, but with their parents sadly deceased there was no way to ask. To her (limited) knowledge of the world outside Arandelle it seemed magic wasn't unique to here, with stories of strange witches, blue fairies and liches brandishing black cauldrons...

Maybe it was just her luck? Fire was cool! Well not literally, but this was a pretty awesome element to manipulate.

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing now on steadily cooling the heat pooling inside her. Finally, a little more controlled, she hugged her sister tight and let her face nestle neatly into the soft material covering Elsa's collarbone. It was nice to have her sister here for her, and she felt... oddly incapable of not hugging her sister whenever the chance was there. At least Elsa didn't mind hugs, and hopefully they wouldn't be too warm.

Finally she stepped back and smiled "Oh boy... I better wash up and grab a late lunch... and apologise to the servants I sent away from my room..."
"I'll do what I can," agreed Elsa, nodding slightly. She couldn't help but smile. "And it is really... cool that you have some magic of your own..." as long as it wasn't a curse or something. It did seem almost too convenient, didn't it? Anna developed fire powers shortly after Elsa's ice powers were revealed to the world.

No, she couldn't think that way. She should just let Anna be special too: the girl certainly deserved it. Though in Elsa's estimation, Anna was already pretty darn special. Not any girl could actually stop a curse like she did, and not every girl would charge off into a blizzard just to save her sister. Yes, Anna pretty well was the only one who could even warm Elsa's heart.... well, and maybe Olaf.

So Elsa watched as her sister took a deep breath. Then she let out a little gasp as she felt the arms go around her. Anna had always felt warm, but now she felt several degrees hotter. Elsa almost swore that she saw steam rising off them for a few seconds. It didn't hurt or even feel uncomfortable, so Elsa saw no reason not to hug her sister back, at least holding her for a few seconds. She even stroked Anna's hair, fighting the jealousy that welled up: nobody had been there to hug her, to teach her, when she'd developed her ice powers. No, she'd just been told to hold back. Anna could come charging forth almost immediately, which, well, did suit her, didn't it?

Elsa laughed at Anna's comment, moving to push away some of Anna's hair. "You are definitely a mess," she agreed, "and you should try to start with a fairly cool bath: you'll probably heat it up and there's no need to make the servants do any extra work," she held up a finger to hush any protests, tapping Anna's lips, "I already apologized to them for you. You should find Olaf though," Elsa laughed a little: "you melted him some."
"Oh no!" Anna replied, reeling in a sharp gasp at the realisation. She had been in such a stupor that she hadn't realised how dangerous it ws to have the absentminded snowman shuffling about the corridor when she was in that state. Sighing then she rubbed at her forehead "Darn. Well I'll get to him as soon as I'm clean and don't smell like sweat and... soot, apparently," she remarked with some annoyance at her own incompetence.

With that said Anna nonchalantly slipped her pyjama top off, revealing her perky breasts dotted with light freckles, a large C-cup. As Elsa was, well her sister, she had no qualms in showing a bit of skin. Wasn't as if anything would come from it. Though for whatever reason that thought alone made her somewhat sad. She had just redeveloped a strong relationship with her sister a few months back, so why did she want more?

And what would 'more' even entail?

Half naked, Anna smiled politely to her sister and made for the door opposite her bed, the well decorated ornate bathroom. Soon the sound of running water came echoing off the walls, cold water hitting into the bottom of the tub. Firing up the tub to warm it... now didn;t that sound like a cool bit of practice...?
Elsa smiled and nodded to her sister, moving to give the younger girl room to move about. As expected, Anna immediately began doing so, as though the visit from her sister had just dispelled all her woe and exhaustion. That also unnerved Elsa very slightly, though she elected to keep such comments to herself, knowing just how much Anna liked her nervous lectures.

She very nearly made a comment as she saw her sister's breasts. When did Anna get so... so... developed? True, they'd only recently patched up their relationship, but how had Elsa missed... those? her own breasts weren't that overlarge: perky B's if anything, though they looked nice on her slender frame. Anna looked, well, almost impressive. And those cute freckles lined just everything. Elsa found herself staring at the breasts for far too long, and she flushed as she looked away. Just because she thought that girls looked nicer than boys didn't give her permission to stare, especially not when the girl she was staring at was her sister.

"Please don't cook yourself," she said as she watched Anna heading toward the tub. She could hear the water already starting, and was again somewhat relieved: things were moving back on a decidedly more normal track now. "Let me know if you need me for anything. I took the rest of the afternoon off to make sure that you were alright. And no, it's not that big of a deal: I worked hard this morning," she extended a hand and flicked a wrist, conjuring a little bit of ice to study herself. Yes, she looked flushed, and it still seemed weird to think she was sweating only a few moments ago. Sighing, Elsa dismissed the ice and moved to try and straighten Anna's room a bit. Why did the girl have to be so messy anyway?
"I won't! I'm not that irresponsible," she called back "But for the record if I did cook myself, I bet it would smell delicious." An odd thing to point out, but more often than not Anna could go off on odd little tangents that seemed to go nowhere. It was perhaps best for everyone that the wiser sister held the throne. Anna doubted she could keep the kingdom running for a whole week if left to her own devices.

Once she had stripped bare she slowly slid into the tub, making a small yelping noise as cold water steadily enveloped pale flesh. Is this what Elsa felt all the time? How could anyone live like this?! Then again Anna supposed she felt even colder because of her new powers. Anna planted her hands on the edges of the tub, closed her eyes and tried to focus on her palms. Sure enough heat began to gradually build on her hands and heat the material that surrounded the water. Her shivering subsided over the next few minutes, and soon she had gotten the water to steam.

Feeling cosy again she reclined in the water and began lathering herself with a bar of rose-scented soap. The sweet scent was soon flowing out, carried by the steaming breeze and tickling Elsa's nose with the prospect of the naked redhead in the next room. Sister or not, that rosy smell was quite enticing.

"Hey um... Elsa?" she called out. Anna was well aware her sister was still in the other room, no doubt fiddling and fidgeting with her 'mess.' She maneuvered in the water a bit, dipping her ginger scalp in the water and allowing the wet hair to sling to her milky skin. "I um... thanks. You know for, for being with me. Because um... well I wasn't there for you, when your magic showed up." Of course she had gone years without knowing about Elsa's magic, she still felt lousy about the years of silence from time to time. As if she could have done something for Elsa.
"It's not your responsibility I question; it's your lack of control," Elsa mumbled. Though she couldn't help but chuckle as Anna insisted that she would probably smell delicious. Only Anna would say something like that, or even consider going there. The girl really was just one of a kind, wasn't she?

Elsa tried not to think about it as she moved about, straightening a few things here and there, realizing that she was mostly moving just to have something to do. It didn't occur to her until a few minutes later that her sister might be foolish enough to try and heat the bathwater after she'd climbed inside. That was how they boiled lobsters though, and surely Anna knew enough about food not to do that, right?

Great, now Elsa was worrying. She took a step toward the bathroom, pausing. What was that smell? It sounded very feminine and... appealing. Oh wait, rose-scented stuff, of course. Though it was a little surprising as Elsa had always figured her sister to be more of a vanilla girl, really. Elsa usually opted for a fresher scent that came from an herbal soap she'd purchased from a nearby spa.

The voice had Elsa hurrying to stick her head into the bathroom. She paused as she realized that Anna was offering thanks, and she quickly withdrew her head, though not before seeing Anna beginning to wet herself in the tub. "It's not your fault, Anna," Elsa said, opening and releasing her fist, letting a few snowflakes fall. "Our parents decided to lock away your memories and I---" she clenched her fist, took a breath, released it, "I went along with it. You're actually the only member of our family who shouldn't feel sorry."

She paused for a moment, took another breath, and then tilted her head to better project into the bathroom. "You did warm up the water before you got into the tub, right? Because otherwise your body might not adjust and you could be boiling in there," and the rose scented steam that came wafting out really did have Elsa wondering if that wasn't the case. But surely Anna wouldn't have... not even her, right?
Anna gave a small shrug "I suppose. But... well sometimes I think back on how alone you must've felt." It kept her up at nights sometimes, wondering how different things would have been if her memories hadn't been locked away. If the two sisters had been able to grow up without that dark secret stuck between them. At the very least Elsa didn't resent her in any way because of that missed past. That was her sister, kind though not as open as Anna was.

Her cheeks briefly turned pink with embarrassment as Elsa pointed out how dumb it was to heat the water while she was in it. But she decided not to let her faux pas become public knowledge. "Pff... of course I did Elsa. I mean, you know... I mean I'm not that clueless," she remarked with a small laugh. Anna could be an atrocious liar, but she could sound somewhat convincing if Elsa wasn't gazing straight into her soul.

She sank a bit deeper into the rose-tinted water, a few bubbles of soap drifting along and obscuring her naked body a bit. She didn't much mind Elsa's presence. After all, she was the queen, who was she to say where Elsa could or couldn't go? That and they were sisters, so she wouldn't have any issues there either. Plus what interest would a woman have in another woman's body?

Anna had pondered that question more often than she wanted to admit. Sometimes she laid awake, and in her minds eye she would imagine how elegant Elsa had looked in her dress of ice, or how refined and beautiful she looked even in her more formal attire. And then she would shake her head and ask, where had that come from? As far as she knew, only men and women could be... intimate. But that was something she doubted after Hans had so thoroughly abused her trust and naive innocence.
"It's fine, Anna, really," insisted Elsa, her voice soft. She didn't want to think about it either, all those years of loneliness and isolation. Right now Elsa might be out, might be queen, might be loved and respected by her people, by her sister. But all those years had taken their toll: Elsa still wasn't entirely sure how to act around people from time to time. Being queen was easier than trying to figure out these strange people. Plus, she only really felt comfortable around Anna.

Plus there was the whole fact that none of the suitors that had arrived had caught Elsa's attentions. A few had drifted in, now that she was a matchless queen and all, but they'd all been... uninteresting. Kristoff was nice enough and Elsa did like her sister's... friend, though sometimes she felt a spike of anger whenever the two of them opted to just go frolicking somewhere. But most men were...

well, she had Anna now. And Anna clearly had done exactly what Elsa feared. The queen sighed, reaching up to massage her temples. Could Anna be any worse of a liar, really? She honestly just didn't know. She did know one thing: she was going to have to check that water to make sure that Anna wasn't in there boiling herself.

"Well, cover up then," said Elsa, pushing off the wall and straightening up her dress. "That water could be boiling you alive right now and you'd never know it. So I'm going to come in there and check it out a little, okay?" Elsa was already turning, telling herself it didn't matter that her sister was naked in the bath. They were both girls, both sisters after all. Plus, there were probably bubbles and such covering Anna or whatever.

Right, Elsa looked over her sister, trying to pay more attention to the water but also knowing she'd have to check to make sure that Anna wasn't turning pinker than she should...
"I don't think it's possible for me to boil myself... it'd be like you freezing yourself," Anna mused in turn. She couldn't help but tense as Elsa entered the bathroom, as if her previous confidence had shrivelled away. It was strange really, how now that she felt so totally bare it seemed to be a completely different situation. As if she was utterly vulnerable to her older sister. Vulnerable in a way she had never felt before now.

Sure enough the soap had caused some roaming fleets of bubbles to skim along the surface of the water, but not a whole lot was left to the imagination. Even a cursory glance would give Elsa an eyeful of Anna and the breasts she had tried not to stare at before. "H-hey," Anna said, her voice going an octave higher from the nerves.

"I know um... I know you like to worry about me. I mean it's your favourite hobby pretty much, b-but it's fine, really..." She glanced away, freckled cheeks growing a touch redder as she tried not to look the icy young woman in the eye. This would no doubt be strange for anyone else in the kingdom to imagine- the normally stern yet fair queen checking up on her sister as if she was still a child.

"If you're gonna try to cool the water then... you know, be a little careful. I heard a story about a girl in the village who went skinnydipping, and it got so cold outside the lake that her nipples froze and dropped off when she climbed out of the water. So you know. Don't freeze my nipples off. I happen to have grown quite attached to them." Just some lighthearted nonsense, 'Haha, yeah, just say something dumb to lighten the mood. You're totally okay with Elsa seeing you like this... ugh, why can't you stop saying nipples?! You look dumb enough to her already!'
"But we know I'm immune to my ice; we don't know that you can't accidentally boil yourself," insisted Elsa. She'd already entered and was glad to fall into their old arguing roles. It made it a lot easier to deal with the fact that her completely naked sister was sitting in a tub filled with rose scented bubbles like something out of a wet dream. Yes, Elsa was suddenly acutely aware that she'd had dreams like this. With a beautiful redhead laying in a steaming bath, looking up at Elsa with an easy smile, drawing her in for a kiss so hot that steam would rise from Elsa's usually cool lips and...

fine, really and Elsa snapped back, flushing a little, upset at herself for getting momentarily lost. She just needed to focus on the task at hand (and maybe try the thing with the vibrating icicles later). Just lean over the water and extend a hand, trying to feel the surface while and...

and start laughing at Anna's story. Elsa covered her mouth, shaking her head. "Sorry! It's not--" she lowered it, smiling at her sister. "You really think that your nipples can just freeze off? I suppose it's probably a good thing that I'm immune then, or you would have found my nipples in a chunk of ice when you came to my little palace," she smiled wistfully at that, then shook her head, again extending her hand toward the water. She couldn't quite tell if it was that hot, though steam continued to go upward in little curls. Elsa frowned, forcing herself to focus on the water as opposed to the curvy redhead inside it.

Wow, did Anna have nice curves. all the sweets made her look so much softer, rounder than her sister. No, stop looking. Even if you are some kind of freak who likes girls you won't look at your sister like that. "I'm going to try and put my hand in it," Elsa said, her voice suddenly terser, "but I'm not going to cool anything, okay?" she nodded and lowered it gently, bracing herself for the heat she was certain she'd feel.
Anna sighed in relief when the older woman laughed at her stupid story. At the very least it had been well received and took some of the edge off. She even managed to smile despite the awkward situation, but once her sister started toward the tub again she could feel her heart beating inside her chest with such a vigorous intensity that for a moment she felt as if a stray beat would shatter clean out of her ribs.

"K-kay," Anna replied, only managing to muster that one word as her sister slid her hand in. Was Elsa really so confident in doing this? Perhaps it was just Anna having stupid thoughts about her sister... that was when Anna's train of thought stopped dead in it's tracks, as Elsa's hand dipped past one cluster of soap suds and pressed into the soft surface of her tight thigh.

Anna had to admit that she was perhaps a little.. full figured. She had an undeniable love of chocolates, so the surface was easily pliable in Elsa's skilled hand. "Uh... Elsa You... you're..." she gulped loudly and tried to change the subject, tried desperately to find something that would distract from this awkwardness. "Hey this uh, this tub is pretty big. You could join too if you're worried about my safety."

'No stupid! Say something that doesn't involve being... weird with Elsa!'
Soft flesh met Elsa's hand and she froze, her eyes going wide for a moment. she'd just touched... that had to be Anna's thigh. It felt smooth, relatively firm, which made sense since Anna kept zipping around constantly. Elsa could feel the soft muscles just underneath the even softer skin, all cushioned with that layer of cute chub that seemed to make Anna rounded, softer, more... womanly.

"Yes, I was," said Elsa, fidgeting herself, trying to figure out what to say. She turned and looked to Anna at the next line, her eyes widening. Had Anna just... invited her to bathe with her? Elsa licked her lips, her mouth moving for a few moments. She really could make sure that Anna didn't roast herself, and she really did care about that. But being in a tub with another woman, one with those curves and that adorable face and all those freckles everywhere.

She didn't mean it: give her an out. "Are you sure?" asked Elsa, keeping her voice light. "It's not as though we're kids anymore but if... if it would make you feel better I suppose I could," did she want to? There wasn't an easy answer there, and there should be. Elsa felt her mind tugging, insisting that she take the advantage while she could and just slide into the tub, press her body against that softness, maybe caress her. Anna was innocent: Elsa could finally learn what a woman felt like without really hurting anyone. But that felt wrong, not least of all because they were sisters.

Elsa's heart hammered and she realized that her hand hadn't moved from Anna's thigh. She shifted her fingers, her nails just gracing the flesh for a moment. The water, Anna, they felt so warm, so inviting... I wonder how warm she is on the inside?
'There you go dummy, Elsa was kind enough to give you a way out. Take it, quickly,'

"I wouldn't have any problem with you coming in."

'That's it, I'm outta here.

She gave a nervous little snicker, looking away while Elsa's digits never left her thigh. It was strange, a light chill that matched the alien warmth of her body... perfectly. If Anna was the romantic sort, and she was, then she would consider this being some act of fate bringing the two of them together here and now. "It's just, y-you know... I know how you fret about me... and you'd probably be chewing your nails into stumps from the worry..."

That much was at least true. Once they had mended their relationship Elsa was particularly careful when it came to Anna sometimes, not wanting her to wind up in any dangerous situations no matter how mundane. The fact that a lunatic from another kingdom had almost let her freeze to death probably had something to do with that. "So you know... it'd be good for putting that mind of yours at ease."

The soft young woman looke at her older sister, saw how much sturdier her body seemed. She was in better shape generally, more of an athlete, and she often wished to know what the toned flesh of her body felt like. "Plus you could do with the uh, the relaxation. You know, after a long day of working on kingdom stuff."
And now you have to get in or you'll hurt Anna's feelings

Though Elsa was trying to suppress the sudden surge she felt at the offer, looking down. An attractive redhead who she loved had just suggested that they get naked and get into hot water together. The heady smell of roses must be addling both their brains. Really, there was just no way that Elsa should have even suggested this, and now she was seriously considering going through with it. Anna kept stumbling and stuttering her way through it, talking about how Elsa would worry. She would, but probably not that much.

"I'm doing this for you," insisted Elsa, her tone flatter than her pounding heart would suggest. She rose up, extracting here hand from the water, instead going to her dress. Elsa took a deep breath, working the laces carefully, putting on as business like an air as she could manage. Anna babbled about relaxing, but Elsa had felt less stressed dealing with the most headache inducing documents. She fought through it though, keeping her icy composure, simply undoing the lacings.

The dress parted at her shoulders. Elsa swallowed and reached up, sliding it to bare one shoulder. Elsa had always been pale, and she seemed even paler now that her powers had fully manifested. More and more pale skin showed till Elsa was holding the dress up, one arm over her chest. She could feel it pounding and actually had to close her eyes for a moment. She took a deep breath and quietly told herself three words: let it go.

and Elsa did. The dress slid to the floor, revealing Elsa in the shift that barely clung to her. The queen actually loved wearing delicate, light undergarments, often spending far more than she really should on them. Her current one was done in ice blue, with intricate lacing interwove throughout, making her already beautiful form seem more beautiful. Still, she couldn't get it wet, though the steam already worked it, so Elsa began shimmying out of it, baring her body. Her rounded breasts came free first: each smaller than her sisters and capped with a pale pink nipple.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" asked Elsa, trying to keep her tone light as she stripped, "since we've bathed together, I mean. You certainly grew up to be quite the woman, Anna," she smiled warmly at her sister as she worked at removing the expensive undergarment.
Elsa was undoubtedly beautiful, and that point was truly hammered home as she revealed more of her pale body. Flawless skin, sleek silver hair, and a body that generally seemed fitter than Anna's own. By the time Elsa was done undressing Anna's heartbeat must have quadrupled in speed, hammering wildly, while she felt a... pressure, building up in her... well... vagina. An experience, a sensation that she hadn't felt in some months.

But that same experience was when she thought Hans loved her... so what did it mean if Elsa was inspiring that same feeling?

Elsa's words sent Anna tumbling back to reality, blinking the daze from her eyes while trying not to stare. "Yeah I... I guess it has been. I can't even remember the last time all that well." What she did recall was that that was all quite innocent, just some spirited childhood silliness that their parents insisted on for the sake of ease. This was all... it felt like a completely different thing. Anna almost dared think this all felt a bit romantic.

Once she was fully bare Anna couldn't contain her words from leaving her mouth. "You're beautiful," she blurted out, trying not to gawk at the snow white skin on offer, the way it all looked so... natural on her. "S-sorry, uh. That was weird, wasn't it? I guess I'm a little jealous." She may have had a larger cup size, something she was quickly aware of, but some part of her refused to believe a person could find her attractive in the same way she found Elsa to look.
Shouldn't Elsa feel more uncomfortable? This almost felt right, almost as freeing as when she'd fled from civilization and built that palace of her own. Was it being nude? Doing so before Anna? Being admired by someone? Being admired by another woman? By Anna? Elsa wasn't sure, and she wasn't sure she should dwell on it. She simply smiled and nodded, bending down to carefully gather her clothing.

The queen looked almost made of the ice she wielded, all hard edges and white flesh. The steam seemed to roll off her, as if meeting something cooler and just reverberating away. A smallish thatch of curly white blonde hair dotted just above a very slim slit between her legs, seemingly the only bit that grew on Elsa's body. She thought it might be the ice, and had actually regretting the fact that she seemed to not get the hair that bespoke of womanhood. That had certainly been an awkward conversation.

Elsa folded up her clothing and moved to pull her hair up, pausing only as Anna blurted. Elsa looked, blinking, surprised. "It's very complimentary, actually," she said with a smile, "seeing as I'm nude," she took a few steps closer and knelt by the tub, reaching over to cup her sister's face, turning it to her.

"You shouldn't feel jealous though," Elsa insisted. "Trust me, I spent far too much time just letting other people dictate how I felt, and remember how that went? You're beautiful too, Anna, just," she smiled and gestured, "in a different way," she laughed, moving to reach in, lacing her fingers with Anna's. "Just like a fire is a different kind of beauty than an ice storm." she nodded, then gave her sister's hand a squeeze. "Now, do you mind scooting over? I'm going to need some room if we're both going to fit in there."
Elsa's finger caressing at her cheek was enough to make Anna freeze, just as she had when she was suffering the effects of that heinous curse. It was... she didn't know how to describe it, the way she stiffened and looked Elsa in the eye. All at once the words in her mouth turned to steam and evaporated away utterly before she could say anything. Was this... this was romantic. Few other words could describe it.

It was at that moment that she was brought back to reality, blinking the daze from her gaze while realising that she indeed did need to move her gaze. At last she nodded and pulled her legs a little closer to her abdomen with her raised knees concealing the peaks of her breasts from view.

"Uh... yeah, sorry. I zoned out a bit there," came her quick response. Having Elsa's attention affixed to her, even for a brief while, was such a warming experience to her. The water rippled as Elsa's more dainty form entered the tub, then rising further. Their mixed heats seemed to warp the temperature a bit more and made it into something just comfortable enough for both of them. Anna got a little more cosy.

She scratched her cheek and slid some of the hair from her eyes "Mind if I ask you something? It's... well it's about love. Not the kind of questions I usually ask." Her gaze looked out of the tub, lingering thoughts drifting like the rosy scent of the bath. "What would you do if you were... in love... with someone you weren't supposed to be?"
Elsa nodded, smiling as her sister apologized again. She then lifted one long leg and eased herself into the water. It did feel a little warm, perhaps a tick or two hotter than Elsa would have set it for herself, but not alarmingly slow. The queen simply took a deep breath and slid her slender body within. The water barely even seemed to rise from her entrance. A waft of rose-smell did float up for a moment, making Elsa smile. She also made certain to pull her long braid up, again tying it tight to make sure it didn't drift into the water. After all, Elsa wasn't the one that needed a bath.

It was, however, proving a bit more difficult not to collide with Anna. Elsa had at least made certain to enter the opposite side of the tub, and it did happen to be on the larger side, as royal tubs generally went. Still, Elsa could feel her sister's legs pressing against her own, and after a few halfhearted attempts, she simply let them get situated. Soon, Elsa was sinking into the water, enjoying the heat seeping into her. Her half-lidded eyes went to her sister.

"You're asking me about love?" repeated Elsa, smirking. "Isn't it a bit late for that?" she rolled her eyes a little. "Is this about Kristoff? You know he's considered a hero now, so people aren't going to disapprove of your relationship. And if they do, I'll just, oh," she raised a hand and gestured, letting a little ice curl in the air, carried away by the steam, "freeze them or something," she smiled, clearly joking, her own eyes forcing merriment through.

because within, Elsa's thoughts raged: a near repeat of how did she know? She can't know. She mustn't know. Surely she doesn't even suspect, not Anna. She can't know.
"It's not Kristoff. I mean we're great friends, and next to you he's my closest friend... but after a certain prince almost let me freeze to death and tried to chop your head off, I haven't been very eager to toy with the idea of loving a guy," Anna explained. Sure she didn't resent men, nor did she resent Kristoff thanks to all the help he'd given but... now something about having a dashing prince seemed lost to her, as if the lustre was worn away and rendered impossible to be realised.

Anna looked to her sister, watched how she worked to keep her braid dry, managed a smile and then looked to the ceiling. "It's... a relationship I think about from time to time... but a large part of me knows it's wrong to think about. Because I don't know what the rest of the world would think or what sh-... what this person would think if I said as much to her." She gave a self-depreciating laugh, considering herself more than a fool for saying all this to her sister. The last thing she needed was her clumsy kid sister giving her a spiel like this.

"I don't even know if it would be possible to have that kind of romantic relationship with that person."

Sex and love were well entwined in her mind, even though all she knew of sex were those old guidebooks that taught royal ladies all about conception and childbirth. To her there was no 'mechanic' there on how two women could be intimate. Seemed silly in her mind, and as she sat there trying not to meet Elsa's gaze Anna knew her sister likely saw her whole speech as being remarkable silly too.
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