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Unearthly Lust (DonVoltonus and AndNich123)

The dragonic beast growled lustfully, thrusting deeply into the girl's bowels, his barbs cutying at her inner walls, his cock growing wonderfully hot inside of her.
She howled, "I'm so full," through clenched teeth as his barbs sliced her skin. The precum stinging her flesh as he pounded her in a steady rhythm. Her entire body rocked each time his met hers'. "Don't....stop! I'm....gonna cum!"
He thighted his grip, thrusting hard into her, hilting the massive cock over and over, claws slightly cutting her belly.
The sounds coming from her were almost inhuman as her orgasm ripped through her. She poured her juices to the ground below her. Every muscle tightened and soon relaxed as she felt his cock deeper inside her. "I'm cumming," she screeched.
''Over and over it seems.'' He chuckled, watching the beast hilting her. He climaxed, pouring hot golden seed into her intestines. He claws tightened, slicing her belly wide open, her entrails spilling out, already some portions bloated with his still coming seed.
Her pleasure still rippling through her body, she felt the warm splatter of her own blood as her insides fell to the ground. That familiar heat raced through her body, and she smiled consumed with the same electricity as before. Her eyes softly fluttered slowly as she tried to look at him but was unable to move her head enough. Her heart slowing in her ears, she closed her eyes feeling everything fleeting from her grasp.
The beast finished, tossing her spent body to the ground and leaving. Sarovir walked to her, slicing her insides open to drain the seed from her before returning her to the revival tank. When she woke the scarring below her ribs was gone, replaced by three long scars across her belly.
She leaned up on the table running her fingers across the scars the beast left her with. Her body shivering from the cold and the experience. "Sarovir," she called out rubbing her belly.
''It is likely time dear. Just give a nice bit of a push for me.'' He smiled, rubbing her pussy lips.
She rested back against the table she was on nodding. "That feels nice." Her hands clutched the edge of the table and she bared down pushing, tightening her muscles. She felt pressure on her hips as the egg shifted and began to descend. "It's coming? I think it's coming," she screamed through gritted teeth lifting up. "It's coming! I can feel it."
"Yes," she cried out. "It's so big. I can feel it pressing on my walls, moving down to won't be able to fit out!" She began to claw at the skin on her belly across her new scars.
"No! Don't cut it OOOOOOUUUUUT! I push it out." She leaned up further still clawing at her own belly. Her loud strains filled the room as her lips parted and the egg began to appear. "Get ready!" Sweat covered her forehead. "It feels so fucking good! Stretching me open! Is there any blood?"
''I don't see any my pet, I think you've been well stretched.'' He teased, helping to further spread her lips around the ovoid.
She leans into her push screeching at the top of her lungs. "I feel like....I could cum!" Her legs spread shaking with her efforts. She eyes him as she grabs her thighs pushing until she feels the pressure shift from her walls to her lips. The egg emerges slightly. "Get it!"
"Yes," she hisses. "A bit....more!" Flushed, wet, and her pussy dripping around the egg as she climaxes she pushes with all she has. As the egg slips free of her body, she feels the gush between her legs and sighs deeply.
"When will it hatch? When can I see my baby," she asked breathless as she rested in her own juices and sweat on the metal table.
He chuckled. ''If you want to see a fully feral version of my species, it'll have to incubate for a few weeks.'' He smirked, setting it into an odd device.
She nods. "Can I....sleep now?" Her body shakes as the cool air touches her sensitive skin.
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