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Unearthly Lust (DonVoltonus and AndNich123)

She could smell the musk of sex as he lead her to the room. Her thighs glistened from her experience drawing another smile to her lips. "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?"
She fights sleep knowing he will leave when she's sleeping. Finally, with her arm across his leg, she falls asleep dreaming of earth.
When he opened her eyes, he was still there. "You stayed? The whole time? How long did I sleep?"
"Really? It feels longer than that." She snuggles up to him. "Can I have something to eat now?"
She paused taking in a deep breath. "Alright. Sarvoir, I want you to do it. I want you to look into my eyes as you take my life. Can you do that for me?"
He laughed. ''How brutally would you like it taken?'' He chuckled, leading her to an operating table.
"Not brutally," she told him sitting on the table and resting back. "I actually want you to take it softly, as gently as you can. Sensually. Intensely. Watch the life slowly drain from me. I want to look into your eyes as I feel my life bleeding from me."
He smirked. ''A very twisted girl you are. Just lie back right here.'' He left, returning wheeling a demented, slug-like beast's corpse on a gurney. ''Your lovely donor.''
She narrowed her eyes at the beast. "My....donor? I don't understand. You're not going to put me back in the tank after you kill me?"
''Oh, you misunderstand dear. He's the donor of your new G.I. passages. You'll have a naturally lubed ass when we're done, and a capability to incubate eggs anally as well. Both in addition to your ability to feed upon cum.''
"Oh," she beamed. "I understand now. More eggs. I loved the sensations I had when I was giving birth to them. Oh yes. Please. I want to do that." She shifted her body getting comfortable watching him.
He smirked, laying her back, giving her another injection. ''This poison will slow your blood flow, you won't die as quickly now my dear.'' He smiled, skillfully slicing her belly open.
Wincing at the injection, she kept her eyes on him. She didn't look down as he cut her open exposing her insides to the outside. " me....when I....die." She put her hands over his as he worked so she could feel his efforts.
He chuckled, skillfully removing stomach and intestines, setting them aside in a bucket. "Excuse me for a few minutes." He pulled away, slicing open the beast, slimy blue organs overflowing from the beast. "While I'm here, would you like a stretchier, more enjoyable reproductive passage?"
She grew cold feeling the life leaving her. "Yes," she whispered in what would be her last words. Fighting she didn't want to let go. She wanted to watch him, to see him. There was no pain now. It was just cold. Her eyes slowly closed as she watched him work.
A sudden jolt pulled her awake, Sarovir grinning over her. ''Not just yet, that'll keep you a few more minutes.''He moved a slimy looking mess of blue into her body, hooking it into her old muscles that had supported her organs. ''Now we can kill you.'' He met her gaze, his hand reaching into her chest, slowly slicing her heart with his claw.
Her pale face reddened as she opened her eyes quickly seeing him. Her handsome creature hovering over her. She smiled at him. "Okay." She was able to feel every stitch he made connecting her new organs to her old body. She nodded as he spoke again, her heart racing. To die at his hands, with him staring into her eyes, heated her entire body with an erotic rush to her most sensitive parts. Her legs squirmed slightly, twitching. As his claw pierced her heart, she arched her back rising from the table a bit, still meeting his gaze. "," she purred her jaw tight, before relaxing to the table lifeless.
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