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Unearthly Lust (DonVoltonus and AndNich123)

She looked around the ordinary room as he left her there. Nothing special about it. It seemed like an earth bedroom to be exact. She pulled back the covers and climbed on feeling the contents of her belly sloshing around. As she covered up, her eyes were heavy."Cantaloupe," she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.
A sharp knock woke her, her stomach now reduced to reasonable size. ''Wake up pet.'' Sarovir smiled, entering her room.
She slowly opened her eyes thinking maybe it was all a dream until Sarovir came into focus. "It wasn't a dream." Sitting up she looked own at her belly in it's current state. "Wow. That looks different. So now what Sarovir? Hmmm. What do I do all day, or night, or whatever time it is? Do I just sit in here waiting to lay this egg some overgrown chicken? I'm a chicken now. I'm going to lay an egg." She laid back down quickly burying her face in the pillow.
''You help me with experiments and collection on less endowed creatures.'' He offered her a simple white robe. ''For warmth, if you need it.''
"Can I still do that in this condition," she asked getting up from the bed and putting the robe on to cover her body.
''Yes, You won't be mating things long enough to pass your cervix.'' He led her calmly through the halls. ''They may be dangerous though, would you like the pain alterations I spoke of?''
"Dangerous?" Panic and fear laced in her voice. "Dangerous?" She scanned the hall as they walked. "Yeah. I want them. I want the pain alterations. NO! Take me home. That's what're not ever taking me home. I'll escape this ship. I'll fly it home if I have to." She knew it was empty lies as she knew this was her fate. "I'm never going home. Am I?"
''This is home now.'' He led her to a small room, taking out a syringe on silver fluid. ''Come here.'' He injected her arm, spreading a strange warmth through her body.
Gasping as the needle pricked her skin, he soon felt a soothing warmth filling her. "What did you give me? What's that...." She steadied herself by holding on to him. "What's that gonna do?"
''It will ensure you feel only pleasure, no matter what injuries you sustain.'' He said calmly, setting the needle aside.
"Injuries," she gave a shy grin. "You make it sound like some of these things are gonna rip me open or something there." She paused waiting, hoping for him to tell her she was wrong.
"Climax is good," she whispered. "Good I can deal with. Do I have to get their....stuff while. I'm.... like this, or do we wait until the egg comes? How much longer until that is anyway?"
''A few hours, for now you'll be colkecting semen, yes.'' He led her to an odd room, the floor covered in grass.
"Right," she nodded still not sure about all of this. She followed him into the room and squished the grass between her toes. "It's grass. Just like back home. I wouldn't have imagined you would have this here. Is this where the next creature will be?"
That is correct my dear.'' He smiled, sitting in a small chair in the room. ''You should get onto all fours before I let him into the room.''
She nodded with a nervous excitement taking her over. Getting down on all fours, she looked up at him as he sat in the chair. "Like this? Are you going to stay in here the whole time?"
''Then I will pet.'' He pressed a button, a growling beast entering the room with her. He was canid in form, but covered in shiny black chitin plates, his head smooth with no visible features, and his tail long and sharp. ''The Xeno hound, a powerful and deadly predator.''
She didn't look at him. The sounds he made was enough to frighten her. Frantic inside until her eyes met him, sitting there in his chair. She smiled looking at him feeling calmed. "Alright. What do I have to do?"
''Just don't do anything threatening.'' The creature sniffed her, a thick yellow cock sliding from between his armor plates. Ten inches of slimy yellow flesh, thickly ridged and ringed with small barbs.
"Alright. I'll be as nonthreatening as I can." She turned away from him long enough to see the impressive length of the creature. Her mouth opened in shock at not only the color but of the great length he possessed. "It won't fit," she said, "and what are those things on it?"
''Barbs. With your injection they'll feel lovely.'' The beast mounted, his scent filling the air as he thrust his dripping cock into her waiting passage.
She felt him move into position, and her eyes shifted to him, there in his chair. His was the only member she had known, and she found comfort in looking at him. The creature filled her quickly drawing the air from her lungs. A loud grunt from her filled the room.
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