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A twist at the titans tower (Krystal_Atems_Girl x KGT Witty)

Krystal smiled at him, giving him a soft kiss as they were transported to the banquet hall that was set with every kind of food he loved. "take your pick love. There's a little of everything." She said with a smile, grabbing some eggplant pizza, roast pork and hamburgers for herself. She was eating like Steve because of the pregnancies. though, being fae did give her a bigger appetite than normal.
Dick looked at the large table seeing all the food he was astonished at how much there was. He grabbed a couple slices of pizza and began eat them, he tried being polite as possible but he loved pizza. He looked to her as she took bites of the burgers and laughed. "Never seen you eat so much" he chuckled though he meant no harm in the comment. He took another piece wiping his face with a napkin before hand. "You know I don't think even cyborg or Beast boy could eat this much." He said looking at the table still full of food
Krystal chuckled. "Its the serum that's running through my veins because of the pregnancies. It may have a residual effect, I am unsure. I do know that Steve's serum is adaptable. It may see me as a worthy host and stay in my body even after Stephanie is born. At least, that's what I toy with naming her." She admitted, taking a few more bites of her burger and sipping some iced tea. Krystal had names for each of the children picked out, and she knew what their sexes would be. Two boys and one girl. This would be a lot of fun, and she knew that Steve would absolutely Adore his daughter. The two of them would be inseparable, and she would grow up to be just like her father. Bucky's son wold be like him too, but he would look more ike her this time around, would look more like her long since deceased Brother Krystoff. Things would be good.
Serum? He asked himself unaware of if fae have different body structures then humans. He took another bite of the pizza and took a large sigh. "What's a serum?" He asked feeling like if his thoughts were wrong he'd look like a fool who doesn't know how pregnancy works. He looked at her tilting his head though when looked at closely it was obvious at how nervous he is about her answer.
Krystal chuckled again. Making an old photo album appear. "The serum? Its what made Stevie like he is now. He wasn't always the 6'4 super soldier you know now." She explained, showing him pictures from the album of Steve in between her and Bucky, the smallest in the middle. "before Steve joined the army, He was a 90lb weakling with asthma an a host of other problems. Dr. Erskine saw in him the determination and good heart that he had and he was chosen to become the world's first super soldier. Its because of the serum Erskine created, which was only slightly duplicated in Bucky by the evil Dr.Zola, that makes he the way he is." she explained, flipping through the pages. She had a few of the old "captian america" propaganda's in the album too. Steve would yell if he knew.
He watched as she flipped through the pages chuckling to himself at some of the propaganda shots. "So wait, American dream used to be smaller then me?" He said chuckling at the thought though he had respect for the big guy. "Not gonna lie I kind of want to tease him for this." He said chuckling again as he turned back to some propaganda photos and then the one of all three. He noticed something in the photo he saw Bucky in uniform and his hair cut short. "Interesting, I wonder why he doesn't cut it off again." He said pointing towards bucky. "To me the hair kind of symbolizes his capture. I wonder what he's thinking?" He said looking to Krystal
Krystal chuckles again as she plays with her hair. "Yeah, he was small, but he had a very brave heart. Bucky and I had to pull him out of so many scraps you'd think he liked being bulled." she said with a small smile on her face, remembering. She hadn't shown anyone these pictures but JJ, seeing as they were all that was left of his father at the time. Krystal chuckled again. "Yeah, please don't. He'll have my ass for showing you." She said, before her look got very contemplative. She looked to dick, unsure what to say. She had always liked longer hair on him, even back in the 40's."Probably remembers I like it longer." She admitted flippantly, not really putting to much thought into it. She didn't like thinking of his capture. Those 70 years of torture, it hurt her soul to think of him in such pain. She vowed that she would have her vengeance on Hydra for taking him away long ago, and that still hold true even though she'd found him again.
Dick nodded his head slowly as he looked back at her "I see" he said thinking how much those years must have hurt her. He still wasn't keen on the two of them sharing a lover or possibly three if she continues with Steve but he could see she really cared for all of them. He sighed looking up to her and giving her a kiss, he had no Idea of her intentions with the three of them and he certainly didn't know the intentions bucky. He wanted to ask but felt it may be rude so he would let it go and just watch as it went on. "Thank you for bringing me here." he said with a small smiling growing on his face.
Krystal nodded, small smile on her face. I was nice to just be alone with someone without the interruptions of someone else. She loved all the men that she was with, but Dick and Bucky were closest to her heart. She couldn't explain quite why those two warred so in her heart. She kissed him back, Cuddling closely. It felt good t be in his arms, despite him being technically smaller than her, at least height wise. Krystal liked to be able to hid in the arms of a large man, and since he herself was so tall, that was hard. "You're welcome, Dickie-bird. Now stop doubting OK? don't think I can't read you like a book." she said, smirking slightly.
He smiled lightly giving her neck a kiss "Okay" he said his voice drifting at the end of it before he yawned. He closed his eyes holding her and then opened them with a deep breath. "We can go back now if you want." he said swaying his upper body back and forth out for no reason in particular.
Krystal smiled at him, giving his lips a kiss. "Only if you want to love. This place is just ours. It is us to enjoy. We can stay as long as you like." She explained, smiling at him. She had wanted to go home before to see clint, but now she wasn't sure. Would he still want want her knowing she was carrying another man's child? She knew though, she could easily get pregnant again. Mini clint needed a biological sister.
He yawned again turning her head towards him with his hand before giving her a kiss. "Thank you next time we can spend the night here but let's go back" he said before standing up grabbing the box with the swords and then putting the shoulder armor back onto the suit. They fit snug and felt great though slightly heavier then what he was used to. He smiled and tookher hand with his free one "let's go"
Krystal kissed him back, smiling as he put the pads back on and grabbed the swords. She kissed his cheek. "Alrihgt Dickie-bird." she said simply, and in a flash they were b in his room in stark tower. She gave him another kiss, smiling before she left, her clothes changing to a pretty 40s style dress once she closed the door. She went to her room, noticing it was decorated romantically. "Huh? Whats going on?" She asked, looking curious.
Dick kissed her goodnight then watched her leave, he sat on the bed beginning to contemplate what life would throw his way now that Krystal was pregnant with three different children. He sat on his bed rubbing his eyes as he thought about all the possible outcomes from marriage to even the slight possibility of bad things to come. He wasn't sure what to think but felt if he continued to think about he would just worry himself more. He took of the pads and laid down closing his eyes to fall asleep and he fell fast.

Bucky walked into Krystal room seeing her staring at it all, He put his metal arm on her shoulder and sighed. "I was kind of hoping to be in here when you walked in" he said chuckling a little bit before walking past her he stood in the corner leaning his back to the wall so as to not crush what was in his back pocket.
Krystal squeaked slightly at the feel of cool metal on her bare shoulder, but looked up at hm, closing the door behind them. "Buckeye, don't scare me like that!" She said, hand over her heart in a sort of dramatic way, looking at him as he moved to lean on the wall. She looked at him curiously, the tags and engagement ring around her neck jingling as she tilted her head to the side slightly. She had no idea of what bucky had planned.
He laughed quietly and looked up at her smiling "So I was talking to JJ earlier and we began to talk about his marriage to tony." He stood and walked towards her. "Nothing bad I just wondered what it was like and it was pretty interesting to learn my son was married to our pilot in WW2." he walked up to her putting his arm around her wast as he used his other one to look at the wedding ring. "Eventually it turned into me having to talk to him about what happened when I fell and what my last thoughts were." his voice became low and saddened as he looked into her eyes.
Krystal looked up at him, relaxing into him. "Yes, he was. JJ was married several times actually, until he found tony. None of the men he married before were his soulmates, so they never changed. Tony doesn't realize the change has already started in him." She admitted before her eyes became wide and sad. She couldn't image what he could have been feeling when he fell. She gave him a light kiss. "What were you thinking, buckeye?" She asked, though she wasn't so sure she wanted to know the answer. It was something she had wondered about, but never dared ask. Her son was braver than she.
He sighed moving closer to her ear "I thought... Why didn't I propose sooner" he said his head slowly dropping "I thought how broken about this you and Steve would be, especially Steve considering it was his shield." he took in a deep breath slowly beginning to lower down "I thought I would never see you again and yet here I am so I want to do this for you and because JJ asked me about it" He got down onto his knee reaching into his back pocket pulling out a ring box. "Krystal my beautiful Fae queen, Will be mine and marry me one more time" he said opening the box showing a ring lased with the light blue metal from her home planet. "JJ made it in hopes I would return to give it to you." The ring was almost a perfect replica of the ring she wore around her neck but with a new color scheme.
Krystal shivered as he spoke so lowly, he was so close. "You did?" she asked curiously, almost surprised. She hadn't thought het would think of her when he fell. Her eyes began to widen when he got down on one knee. "Oh buckeye... yes!" She said softly, pulling him up to her for a passionate kiss. She worried what would happen because of this, but she loved Bucky so much, right now all that mattered was him.
Bucky kissed her long he had waited to be able to do that and was glad he had the chance to remarry her. He didn't know that there was a curious Steve listening in on the conversation. Steve was happy for his friend but wondered how Dick would take it "Best not mention anything yet" he said quietly to himself before walking back down the hall to his room where he fell asleep. Bucky broke the kiss sitting down on the bed "Thank you" he said before yawning tired. he spent the entire time she was with dick decorating the room and it had taken a toll on him.
Krystal sat next to him, pulling him into her embrace. She played with his hair and gave him soft kiss e, smiling at him. It was obvious that he had worked hard on this proposal. "You just rest. Ill makr somevherbal tea." she said,vmakingva special fae tea for relaxation, meant to make the user fall asleep. She had things to do tonight. She loved bucky, but she needed to talk to clint about some things. She would go see him tonight.
He took the tea when she finished it "thank you" he said taking a sip yawning more then he already was. He put the tea down and moved to the head of the bed, he leaned back against the wall as he looked at her yawning more. He smiled closing his eyes without relising it and he quickly fell asleep, his body slipping down the bed till his head was on her pillow.

Clint had spent the past few hours watching and showing mimi clint things for archery and his accuracy was looking good "Alright buddy bedtime I've got a guest room you can take for the night, who knows maybe it'll become yours in a few weeks." He smiled carrying him upstairs to hrothe room. He tucked him in walking towards the door "I'm right at the end of the hall if you need me, goodnight buddy" he said turning off the light in the room. He left the door open and dimmed the lights in the hall just in dase the boy hated the dark, he never really asked. He walked to his room taking off the shirt he was wearing and laid down starting to drift to sleep not knowing he would have a guest arriving soon.
Krystal smiled sofyly, giving him a light kiss. "Rest, buckeye. I have a few errands to run, but i'll be back soon." She told him as he fell asleep, tucking him in. Poor guyblooked like he had exhausted himself.

Krystal jumped off the balcony, landing at the balcony of clints room. She used magic to unlock the window like door, creeping in. She stroked his cheek as she sat next to him. "Clint, wake up." She said softly, giving him a gentle shake. She needed to talk to him. He would see though by her purple and black negligee, she had other things in mind too.
Clint's eyes opened dazed, he didn't go home with Mini Clint after joker took Krystal he stayed the night at the tower knowing it was way to late and Mini Clint was to tired to go home. He propped himself up on his hands turning his neck to try and wake, he shook his head opening his eyes when he turned to her again. He looked to the clock seeing the time before saying something "Krys? It's so early what's wrong?" He asked not peeved but tired as he rubbed his eyes. He saw the outline of her night dress but not the color because his eyes were still adjusting
Krystal smiled slightly, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I just wanted to see you, Clint." she said softly, giving him a light kiss. The hadn't really finished their conversation before mini-Clint had stolen his father away. She smiled at him. "So, you love him right?" she asked, scooting closer to him. She was hoping they could have sex as well, but she would see what happened. When they dated, He had always been waning sex. She often wondered if he was part fae. If he was, She was thinking he was likely summer court. They are known for their archery. Then, given is profession, he could also be dark court, as they are the assassins of the fae courts. She had never thought to ask him. When she was sure he was awake enough, she kissed him again, harder this time, straddling him. She knew how he liked being pinned during sex or important discussions. "you know, I still love yu, Right?" she asked, wondering if he'd noticed the color of her negligee.
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