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A twist at the titans tower (Krystal_Atems_Girl x KGT Witty)

Krystal made a face. "Kinda doesn't help you killef hid best friend" she admitted, referring to jason. The two of them had been as close as brothers when he was alive. She looked on, unsure what she should do. She knew that Jared would only listen once his frustrations were all taken out. She looked at him. "Jared, don't hurt him to badly. You're uncle bucky and nightwing will want a piece of jim." She told him, sighing a bit. She still didn't trust joker, but she knew even he couldn't act sane this long.

Raven nodded, paging Dick. "We found Krys. She appears unharmed. sending the coordinates." She said through the pager, looking in herself. It was odd seeing joker without makeup.
Everyone recieved the coordinates even tony who spent 2 minutes cracking into the titans comunicater each team ran towards the area though it didn't really matter. The people who needed to be there were already almost there. Dick once again stumbled on the landing looking up to the doors where Raven and Jason had waited watching what was happening. Joker got up again receiving another blow this time being followed up by multiple punches to the chest. "Don't you realize I'm not going to fight back." He said standing up again "good, then I won't have trouble killing you." Jared said nailing him with more hits before being called off.

"Jared stop" Jason screamed catching everyone off gaurd especially Dick. Who walked in behind him and listened. He looked to Raven who nodded knowing that jason had really regretted killing Joker. He took out the comunicater and muted all incoming speech but kept his finger on the button for each titan to hear. "I know joker, I know his crimes better then anyone here. I've already killed him once and still regret doing it. Hatred should never take hold because if it does then you'll end up like me.... pinned the monster for seeking revenge Don't do it!!" He screamed looking up to jarec whose eye's were still glowing. Jared turned back towards joker seeing theman still standing after such huge hits. Jared raised up for a killing blow but was stopped mid motion.

A large metal arm clasped around his wrist stopping him. Bucky had originally wanted to do the same but he didn't want to become what he used to be. He pulled Jared back putting the boy behind him and next to jason who held Jared close keeping him from attacking again. Dick let go of the button walking up to joker looking at him. He looked back to jason proud of what he had heard and glad to see he was normal again. "Don't worry we wont kill him." Before looking to Harley now we're just gonna lay into them a bit." Dick had said knowing harley was in on it in some way.

"No..." joker said struggling to keep himself up "Harley was merely acting under me" he continued pushing back slightly. "Lay into me all you want but don't touch her." Bucky walked up to him grasping his shirt to lift him up into the air keeping him there for a bit in silence "Normally I would kill you but after thar I can't. Your noble even for a coward so forgive me but you still deserve this." He said before throwing joker backward making him hit thr ground hard. Harley looked to Dick who wasn't sure what to think but he relaxed and nodded telking her that he wouldn't do anything before watching as she ran to him and kneeled over his body.
Krysyal watched this all unfold with interest, giving Jason a hug after he had said his piece. She kissed his cheek chastely. "Missed you jay-bird" she said softly, watching as bucky held back Jared. She looked to her son. "He's proved his point. I still don't quite trust you joker, but its obvious you want to repent. That's a good start. Keep doing that." She said, pulling her son back and higging him. She tested her head on his shoulder. She knew he didn't have the best father, but he had never let that define him before. Krystal kisses his head, rubbing his shoulders slightly. "Its alright jared sweetie. We fae have strong emotions. Don't let you're anger at nohim change who you are." she told him softlu, still holding onto him. She had missed him, and now thatbshe was calm just wanted cuddles.

Krystal sighed. "I'm cold and need to lay down. Can we go home now?" she asked, looking toward harley to see if joker were okay. She didn't much like the man, but she worried if only for harley's sake. She stretched a bit, looking around. She was already planning what this warehouse would look like when she was done. She enjoyed renovation projects. She was ready to ho hime though. Her pregnancy was taking a toll.

Later, when raven and jason had returned to the tower, she lay on her bed, looking up at the painted ceiling. "so, how long have you been in love with Jared?"she asked, eyebrow raising in curiosity. She could tell by just one look how he felt of his old friend
Joker took his punishment with dignity not even screaming when he was thrown it hurt alot but he knew it was the only way to do it. He felt Harley's hands on his chest trying to help him up though the damage he took from the one throw was tremendous. Almost to the point where he passed out but not enough, laying there holding the noises created by the pain in. Before being surrounded by the rest of the titans and avengers. "Mr. J." She wimpered tears dripping onto his chest. "Come on get up you bastard." Jason said still holding on to past thoughts though his regret kept him in check.

Joker opened his eyes seeing Harley crying over him "Harley stop. Don't cry I'm fine." He whispered moving his hand slightly so she could feel his hand. She looked over to everyone standing around them and stood up. She nodded her head sighing. "Go on" she said quietly confusing most of the titans. Jason walked out first being followed by the others till only Harley was left with Joker. "I love you Mr. J" she said grabbing his hand and kneeling back down.

Jason blushed looking surprised by the comment he just heard. "Wh-what do you mean?" He said not knowing what she was talking about though something had always told him.
Krystal watched as joker took the punishment given. Though on the one hand she knew he deserved it, on thebl other hand she almost felt pity. Here he was trying to apoligize, and all he was getting was beat up. It was a step in the right direction for an once evil man, but still, he didn't deserve to be thrashed the way he was. She looked to harley with worry in her eyes, knowing how much the woman cared for him. She doubted that his injuries would kill him, but it was unlikely that they could go to a hospital.

Before leaving, she silently chanted healing a spell, focusing it on joker. "Don't make me regret that, joker." she muttered to herself as she cuddled into dick, the magic taking affect and going so far as to heal the scars on his face so they were no longer there. Fae magic was very thorough. Some thing then appeared in harley's lap. It was a harlequin printed blanket. There was a note attached. "Its cold. You'll need this. -krys"

With that she popped everyone back to stark tower, cuddling close to dick still. She pulled him towards her room. She was tired, and wanted someone to hold her while she slept. She gave Dick a light kiss, leaving the room with him, raven looking at bucky. "You shouldn't pout. She loves you. She just needs some time with dick. He was the one who rescued her from joker last time." She told him before opening the portal and dragging beast boy through it.

Raven still laid on the bed. "Its a simple question, Jason. How long has it been?" She asked, relaxing on her bed though her eyebrow was piqued slightly in curiosity.
Joker's eyes opened seeing harley crying over him "please stop crying Harley" he said moving his hand slightly so she could feel his hand. She looked to them now feeling a blanket in her lap "go on" she said wiping the make up off her face. Jason was the first to walk away being followed by the rest of the group.

They reached stark tower most watching as krystal took dick to her room. Bucky nodded not sure why but he wasn't as worried about it as previously showed. After the titans left everyone seemed to disperse. Clint went home with mini clint, Bruce to the lab, Thor, steve, bucky, tony and JJ all went to tgeir rooms. All seemed at peace right now as Dick laid there with krystal. "Normally I'd ask if you were okay but you seemfine considering the healing spell you chanted" he said chuckling slightly being pulled tighter into the embrace "It's a joke" he said quickly just glad he was with him again.

"I wonder if he knows he loves Jared?" Cyborg said laughing slightly after raven took jason to her room."I don't know dude but she does" beast boy chuckled turning down the hall to the living room again. "I've been best friendd with him forever, doesn't mean I love him" Jason ssid his head turning towards raven
Krystal made a face and snuggled into dick. "I felt bad for Harley." She admitted, kissing at his neck. She knew that was a sensitive spot for him. She ran a hand down his body. She was tired, but not that tired. She would have a little fun first. Krystal smirked at him, kissing him hard as her hands roam his body. "Does the dirty birdy want me?" She teased with a smirk and a wink, squeezing at his cock before she dismantled his suit leaving him in boxers and she in a simple nightgown that mimiced the pattern on his armor.

Raven chucled. "Maybe so, but you love him. I can see it in your eyes jaybird." she told him firmly, chuckling a bit more.
Dick smiled hearing her words. "I know you were I won't say anything." He said wincing when she kissed his neck due to how sensitive it was. His eyes widened at the next thing she said he didn't even get to answer her question watching as she removed his clothes and hers in an instant. "I love you Krystal" he said unable to move anymore he wasn't sure what to do. He knew she liked to dominate but he never felt the strange feeling of not being able to move.

Jason sighed "I don't know." He said laying back into the bed. "Like I said He's been my best friend forever I don't know if that will change." He turned to his side and faced her rubbing her side with his hand. "Besides it's you that I love more then the entire world."
Krystal smirked and gave him another hard kiss, now trailing the kisses down his body. She was enjoying teasing him. He wouldn't have the satisfation of cuming until she said he could. When she got down to his boxers, she pulled them down with her teeth, smirking wickedly. When they were off, she took his whole cock into her mouth, sucking quickly. Fae have no gag reflex, so she was able to do this easily.

Raven smiled, pulling him closer to her. "You should tell him how you feel, jaybird. You may be surprised at the results. Besides, i don't mind sharing." she told him with a smile, kissing him lightly.
His breathing was quickly heavied feeling the kisses trailing down his body. He wasn't sure if it was a spell she could chant silently or if it was the shock of it happening so quickly. But he was glad that the walls had been sound proofed when he let out a loud groan, the instant sensation of his cock being warmed by her mouth. He looked at her as best as he could before his eyes closed and his his head fell back to the bed.

Jason tried to make a counter point but couldn't think of anything "I'll mull it over" he said holding her close. He was usually very desicive but something about this situation weighed his mind and wouldn't let him think clearly
Krystal ran her hands down his body, enjoying the sounds of his quick breathing. He was so adorable, even though she knew he wasn't a virgin. She smirked up at him as she engulfed his cock, running her teeth gently down his shaft as she did so. She wanting him to screambher name. She was encouraged as she Saw him relax, and sped up herbpace. "Enjoying this, my love?" Krystal asked him telepathically, eyes showing her amusement as she pinned him down, wet pussy in front of his face.

Raven smiled, snuggling into him "you do that jaybird. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results." She said, smiling a little. She was sure jared was pn his way there to confess to jason.
"Yes, Krys" He groan in between breathes, his cock twitching from her speed before he opened his eyes seeing her pussy in his face. He wanted to please her but he still couldn't move. He looked to her body wanting to feel it but she wouldn't let him. He squirmed slightly being frightened by his inability to move. He trusted her but never had this happen before it was a entirely new experience to him but so far he loved it.

It'd been a while since Jared had been to the Titans tower and it was often after everyone had left. He never went inside in fact it was the reason he had never met most of the titans, It was also the cause of Jason forgetting him at first. They had been friends forever and yet he forgot Jared even existed thanks to the pits. He closed his eyes imagining Jason and what he looked like hoping he'd teleport to where he was. He opened his eyes seeing a room with many books and a bed and raven snuggling with Jason. "Uh... Jason?" he said looking the other way.

"Oh.. hey jared" He said his voice going from high to low as if he became saddened as he stood up "Hey uhm I'm sorry about forgetting who you were" He said his voice becoming saddened "I'm not sure if you noticed but I kind of forgot who you were today" Jason said walking towards him. Jared blushed nodding at him unable to keep his face straight. "I just wanted to say sorry"
Krystal smirked, she had him just where she wanted him. She liked feeling him squirm. It was cute and arousing. She sotted suckihg his cock, putting a vibrating cock ring on him and setting it to the highest it could go while she gave hima hand job. She was gonna make him work for his orgasm. She kissed him hard, now that she wasnback in the place to do it, teasing his tip with her wet pussy. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction yet though. She wanted him to suffer at bit before he got to release. She kissed and nibbled at his neck, winking at him. He could tell she was enjoying this.

Raven wasn't surprised as Jared appered, looking a bit flustered. She had suspected that he had felt like this for
Jason for a long time now. Especially after Jason's death. Krystal had often commented how different jared had become after the funeral. How his emotions closed off even more though he seemed to attach to her, like he was afraid she'd die on him too. Raven watched the two men curiously, wondering how this all would play out.

Jared shuffled his feet nervously, hand behind his head. "its okay jason. I wasn't really myself when I was trying to kill joker." He admitted, he is smile sheepish. He had no idea how to tell his best friend, his brother, how he felt. He took in a breath, eyes darting around the room. He had never been in Raven's room before. Jared tried to relax, but his emotions just burst out. "I'm in love with you Jason!" He exclaimed, bright red blush now covering his usually emotionless face. He was so afraid his friend would laugh or reject him, he almost ran. His gut told him to stay though, and in his eyes Jason could see the vulnerability he usually hid.
His eyes fell back as the cock ring began to vibrate he had already built up so much so quickly the cock ring prevented him from being relieved. It didn't help when she start stroking it feeling even more build up. The sensation was pleasing yet daunting at the same time, he now realized that sex with her meant she would use him to the fullest extent though he liked the thought. It wasn't till his tip that he really felt she wouldn't let him go easily. "Krystal, keep going" he said wanting her to go farther down though she wouldn't.

Jason blushed hearing the words come out of his mouth, noticing the sincerity in his. He sat down shocked at what he just heard thinking back to Ravens words. "I don't mind sharing" he thought to himself before looking up to jared. "Jared I-" his words caught in his mouth wanting to let them out but he found it troubling to say. He looked to raven again worried because he wasn't able to say it. Giving her the "help me look." He wanted her to tell Jared he loved him because he couldn't do it himself
Krystal smirked. "Oh, no, no, no, you're not gettinv off the hook so easily. I want you to have a little pain first." She said, clothes changing again to something sexy, though ig was patent leather. She pulled out a few more toys as retrainsts magically appeared on him, hoisting him up into a standing posistion. "Now, this will only hurt for a little. Once you get used to the pain, you might just like it." She admitted with a smirk, making the first mark on his back in the form of of a moon effortlessly with the whip. Next came the star, which had a few more marks to it than the moon. when she was done, she rubbed a cheery blossom scented salve on his back. It was to numb the pain and make the wounds heal faster. She started in on his chest, making a nightwing symbol there. She hoped he wasn't hurting to badly. When she was finished, she rubbed the salve in once more, teasing his cock a bit. "Ibthink the dirty birdy has earned his prize." She said with a smirk as the bondage faded and they were back in her bed. She pulled the cock ring off, plunging over him and quickly flipping them. "Thrust, Dickie-bird." she said sensually, pulling him down for a mouth bruisingly hot kiss.

Jared had an unreadable expression on his face, but his eyes almost showed hurt. He knew it. Jason could never feel the same way as him. "Well, that was awkward..." he admitted with a small chuckle, trying to let the supposed rejection wash over him. Jared was never a cryer.

Raven sighed, getting up off the bed and pushing Jared onto Jason in such a way that they kissed. Jared put everything he had into the kiss, stroking Jason's cheek softly, a silent apology in his eyes. He still didn't know that Jason felt the same way as him. Raven smiled at jason reassuringly, wanting him to lighten up. "It isn't a bad thing to be in love with your best friend, Jason. Now you tell him how you feel. Right now he thinks you hate him." She told him telepathically, an old trick she'd learned from Krys.
Dick watched as she changed into the leather outfit noticing the whip now in her hands. "Crap" He thought to himself face worried when she walked behind him. He took each hit with a slight cringe feeling relieved when she put the salve on them. His hold body squirmed feeling the burning sensation on his chest and then the sudden cooling of the salve it wasn't an amazing feeling but it was enough to not feel the pain when he fell onto the bed. "Krystal." He mumbled as he was flipped over on top of her. He began thrusting with the strength he could muster being forced into a close proximity. "Oh Krystal." he kept groaning words being muffled due to the kiss. Faster and faster he seemed to gain strength with each thrust practically running on only his libido. He held her close running his hands down her body till he reached her waist using her as leverage to keep thrusting harder and faster.

Jason's eyes closed the passion of the kiss was enormous and a very settling almost like it was a kiss from raven. the kiss finished as he heard raven speak in his head. "I know it's just" He said in his mind hoping she heard him. "I don't want him to be in love with a monster." He meant to continue in his head but the words slipped through his mouth. He blushed realizing he said it out loud, he gave a large sigh eyes closing again. "Jared I do love you, I just don't want you to love, well me." He repeated what he told raven the night before about all the bad things he's done. "No matter how many good deeds I preform the bad will still out weigh it and I don't want you to deal with the stress." he said opening his eyes and waiting for the counter point from raven she always had one but it didn't work ever time.
Krystal smirked. "Like i said, iubesc. It's gonna hurt at first, but once you get ised to it, you'll start to love it." she said, letting him down from the chains, loving that he was so aroused even though she knew she hurt him a bit. She kissed him again, pulling at his shaggy hair as she ran a hand gently down his back. The salve would mostly protect, but it would sting a bit. She kissed him all over his body, enjoying his thrusts. Krystal rested her heels on dick's shoulder's, giving him a better angle. "Harder, faster, deeper!"

Raven and jared both made almost identical faces, but jared was the first to speak. "Jay, you are my oldest friend, and I love you dearly. This comes with the entire weight of my status as prince. You. Are. Not. A. Monster." he said, looking hurt. Here he was, a grown man, and Jason still felt the need to protect him. Raven latched onto Jason's waist, and gave him a sensual kiss, much like the one he had just recieved by Jared. "Jay-bird, we both love you for being you, not for what you've done. You think for a moment that Jared wouldn't have gone crazy without you around? You balance us, and that is why we love you so much. Deeds don't always make the man." She told him and hared simply nodded. He wanted his friend, brother and possibly lover to know he was not alone, nor did he have to be.

JJ looked out into the stars from the glass ceiling of the penthouse. He took in a breath. "Tonykins, do you think if my son is alive, he thinks I abandoned him?" He asked sort of out of the blue, though they had been trying to find him when his mother had been kidnapped by his father. He played with the locket he always wore, a family picturen of him and his mother inside. It depicted when he was pregnant. While JJ hated Howards guts for the crimes he'd committed againstbhim and against tony, he wouldn't change being pregnant from it. if he had thought his son was alive, he would have found him many years ago.
"You'er perfect my queen" he said looking at her wonderful body with her heels on his shoulder. His hands moved from her waist to her ankles holding them firmly as he moved faster and deeper in. His gaze never broke from her body until his eyes closed feeling the built up cum start to flow. "Krystal I'm gonna cum" He groaned leaning forward her legs still up against his torso.

Jason sat on the bed hearing their words play in his head over and over "I-" He said unable to speak trying to think of what to say. He looked up to both and stared blankly trying to think of a way to thank them both. He stood walking to Raven qnd giving her a kiss back just as meaningful as the previous before looking to Jared. He stepped towards Jared grabbing him and pulling him towards him giving him a long return kiss. "Thank you" he said to both of them he said to both of them finishing his kiss with jared.

Tony looked over to JJ grabbing his hand and pulling JJ towards him. "I don't think so" tony said trying to comfort him. "If he is out there he shoukdn't think that." He continued kissing JJ's hand "and I promise we will find him".
Krystal smiled Lightly back at him. He was so sweet and adorable, and she just loved him. "Go ahead and cum, dick." she told him in a sultry voice, pulling him down for a kiss. She loved kissing him. His lips, like Bucky's fit hers so very well. Krystal had had many lovers in her 2,000 years, But Bucky and Dick had been the ones she connected to most. Could a fae have to hearts? She had head of it happening, but she wasn't sure.

Jared smiled softly as Jason kissed Raven. The two of them had made the cutest couple in his opinion though he loved Jason too. His eyes widened a fraction as Jason kissed him too, but he melted into it like putty in Jason's hands. He kissed back with all his being, trying to convey all the feelings he had kept bottled in since they were kids. "Your're welcome Jason." they both said softly, Jared still reeling from the kiss.

JJ cuddled into his husband when pulled him close, sighing softly. He gave him a light kiss. "I hope he doesn't, Tonykins. It isn't my fault. I was lead to believe I miscarried" he admitted, snuggling into tony as he pulled out his stark pad and began to search. "Anthony Starken. that was the name in my dream." He said, coming up with lots of picture results. it was obvious who JJ's rapist was. The boy was as genius as both his fathers, and was currently running a successful Lawyer firm in Japan. "I have to meet h tony..." JJ breathed, eyes showing all his untold emotion.
He leaned forward being pulled as he felt her legs slide to his side, he began coating her walls in cum as the kiss lengthened. His breathing became heavier being held in the kiss as he let his seed out into her pussy. He groaned feeling it spill out it being muffled by her mouth this new way she would play with him was going to be hard to get used to but it was rather enjoyable and he would do it for her.

Jason put his hands on Jared's shoulder trying to steady him "Hey let's not do that" He chuckled looking to raven. he gave her a look as to talk to her in his again. "So how is this going to work?" He asked in his head hoping she had heard him. He looked at Jared smiling though he continued in his mind "These feelings are still mixed and I don't know what to do." He continued to say in his head.

"Hey, now let's not rush it JJ" He told him keeping him close "Let's not rush" He repeated trying to help calm him down. "I understand that you've been wanting to meet him forever but we can't just walk in there and say Hey I think I'm your other biological parent." he said trying to be funny though it wasn't smart at this moment. "We need to think this through come up with something other then just bursting in." He wanted to meet his son in law but he knew that if they did something stupid they might never get another chance.
Krystal smiled into the kiss, running her hands down his body softly yet sensually. Her moans were muffled but still loud as he dropped his see inside her. She talked to him telepathically. "Could i talk you into getting a few tattoos? You'd look sexy with them." She admitted, smirking just slightly. She herself had a few, a large blue dragon on her back, a uniform clad angel on her arm for bucky, with a silluete of steve behind him, and the mark of her family on the back of her neck, which was an inverted blue cresant with black silluete fae wings. She prided herself in her tattoos, and liked getting them. The needle tickled.

Jared made a decirative silver chair appear, sitting in it to catch his breath. Thag had been on sensual kiss. The chair itself was solid silver thogh it was aphosterd purple on the inside, and was made in the shape of a raven. He had nade it with her in mind, thinking it would make a good addition to her reading corner. He took in a breath. Raven smiled at him. "That will be perfect, thankyou, Jared." She said guessing at his thoughts, and then looking to jason. "Well, I think we start by dating each other seprately. You and him, him and me, me and you. Get comfortable with each other. I admit, i have no idea How this should work. We should ask krys." she admitted in his head before nodding at him. "All things in good time, jason" she told him from his second comment.

JJ deflated, taking in a breath as he thought logically, then getting an idea. "I could ask mom to go talk to him. She's been looking for a new lawyer anyway." He admitted with a sigh, wishing to meet his son. After thinking he was dead for so long, he wanted to hold him in his arms, wanted to know him. This was as big for him as meeting his father had been.
Dick continued to stay above her as he listened to her words "I never really thought about it but if you'd like it I'll get some." He answered lightly running his fingers down her back over her spine. He could feel her tattoo and wondered if she wanted him to get similar ones. "Did you have any ideas?" he asked rolling to her side as he gave her a kiss. He looked to his body wondering just what type of tattoo she would want and how he might look with one.

Jason nodded looking at raven before looking to Jared, this was going to long few days but he would get through it. He sat on the bed and laid back thinking at how this may turn out he didn't want to lose raven and he feared that Jared may not want to go on dates with just the two of them. "Man I'm tired" He said sighing and then yawning as he took a look at the other two. He closed his eyes wondering what Krystal might say.

Tony nodded in agreement "Yea that could work and if anyone can break news to someone it's her." He chuckled slightly "I mean if anyone knows how to talk to someone into doing something it's her." He looked to JJ holding him close "Don't worry I'm pretty sure she'll be able to take care of it" He said smiling and giving JJ a kiss
Krystal smiled, giving him a light kiss. "That would be sexy, and yes, i have a few ideas, but one of them is tradition where i come from. Its a costom of my court for the lovers of the queen or any royalty, really, to get a special tattoo on their backs. the ink is mixed with magic and a few drops of my blood and tears. You don't have to do it, it will just give you status in the fae world. JJ has his own version of the tattoo." She admitted, running her hand through her hair. She smiled at him, kissing him back. A dragon on uour right arm would be sexy too."she added, pulling him close. She was glad to have him, an you could see her belly popping out slightly from steve's daughter and bucky's son.

Jared smiled softly at both raven and Jason, relaaxing into the chair. "If you're yired jay-bird, go to sleep. I can sleep in mom's room if you two want privacy. I have no qualms with that." He admitted, no trace of any emotion other than love. He was cook with aharing with raven, and could admit he actually adored raven. He really just loved them both, which would work for the better in the long run.

JJ relaxed into his husband, kissing him back. "Yeah, you're right. Mommy will fix it." He said with a small smile, snuggling closer. Then, a wave of nausea hit him and he ran for the bathroom, Jarvis piping up. "Sir, are you alright?" The AI asked and he just nodded, getting one of the pregnancy tests he kept in the medicine cabinet for emergencies and did it. A few minutes later, he came out, clear blue test innhand, eyes widened in both happiness and fear. "Tonykins, i'm pregnant."
He chuckled lightly though inside he was a bit hurt, He knew she loved him more then anything in the world but she loved bucky just as much. His jealousy had fallen a bit but inside he hurt because he wanted to be the one that stood out amongst her lovers and he thought she had just given him the way to do it. "It would be on honor" he said happily though the words when heard closely had a very mixed feeling of happiness and sadness. He held her close and looked into her eyes passionately "I would love to continue the tradition" he said hoping she couldn't hear the sadness.

Jason looked to Raven quickly laughing slightly "You really don't have to do that" he said feeling Raven lay next to him. He looked to Jared "We're all in this relationship so we all take part in it." He said quickly sitting up and pulling Jared onto the bed. He laid in between them giving them both a kiss before closing his eyes again.

Tony worried when he watched JJ run to the bathroom hearing Jarvis speaking. He wondered what could possibly be going on though he kind of knew seeing the same thing happened to Krystal that morning. He laid down for a few minutes until he heard JJ come out and say he was Pregnant. "What?" He said looking at JJ fear filling his words mixed with slight happiness. "Pr-Pregnant?" He had wanted a child to care for, he had been helping raise mini clint for four years but he wasn't sure if he was ready
Krystal grinned. "Brilliant!that will be wonderful! You'll look so handsome."she said with s smile, kissing him softly. She was excited now. She looked at him, running a hand down his chest. She could tell he was feeling second best to bucky again. "Each tattoo is different." she told him softly, like that would explain it all. She smirked at him, getting an idea. "Come to the moon with me."she said, knowing she'd never taken bucky or anyone else there. It would be their special place.

Jared smiled as Jason said he could stay, but made a tiny meep sound as he was pulled onto the bed. He snuggled in close to the other, kissing jason back after watching him kiss raven. Raven smiled softly, pulling the covers over everyone. "now, lets get some sleep. We've had anlong day." she said, squeezing jared's hand as she snuggled into jason.

JJ came and sat next to Tony, giving him a light kiss tasting of mint. "Yes, pregnant. These tests don't lie. I designed them myself." He said, snuggling back into Tony. He was trying to make him feel better. He ran a hand down tony's chest and stomach, kissing his neck in just the way Tony liked it. He smiled softly. "Everything will be fine, Tonykins. You love helping raise mini clint. This won't be any different." He told him, putting tony's hand on his sligtly enlarged stomach. Fae gestation was only 6 months, not 9.
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