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A twist at the titans tower (Krystal_Atems_Girl x KGT Witty)

Dick became confused when she said moon and he was a little skeptical. "I know you're magic but the moon? How will I breathe?" he asked not even sure if she could breath in space. He hoped she was right with the difference and hoped she might like what she gave him more then the others. He new he would eventually learn to share her love but he really wasn't keen on the idea.

Tony felt JJ's stomach smiling slightly "I know I did but he isn't my child. I fear I may not be good at it" he said looking up to JJ his eyes filled with sorrow. He began to cry lightly tears of emotions that mixed of happiness and sadness. He knew he looked bad when he cried but he just wasn't sure what to do.
Krystal chuckled heartily. "Its where I grew up. There is a magic palace there in mare sarenatis. Its hidden by fae glamour." She said with a smile, and in a flash they were there. She gave him a kiss, smiling abit more. She couldn't waig to show him around the palace. "Welcome to the moon kingdom, my heart." She whispered in his ear, handing him an almost iridescent rose. This was something known only to moonians. She was giving him a great honor showing him her home.

JJ held his husband close, kissing his head. "Shhhh, shhh, my heart. Everything will be alright, i promise." He soothed, and he knew it to be true. One of the things he had inherited from his mother was the gift of seeing the future, and had known the moment he saw the positive on the screen it would be alright.
His landing turned out better then the past few had been catching his balance before he fell "I'm never gonna get used to that." He said his head turning upward to see he was standing in a place he had never seen before. He felt her kiss him and listened to her words wondering if this was real or a dream. He looked to her looking at the rose and grabbing her hands his eyes turned from surprised to sad again. "I thank you for this, But I really don't want to fo something if another lover has done it" he said his head dropping.

Tony nodded laying down next to JJ rubbing his stomach "okay JJ I hope your right" he said pulling him down lightly to cuddle. He closed his eyes keeping JJ close as he began to drift to sleep. It didn't take that long but soon Stark tower found it's rooms empty of noise as everyone had fallen asleep.
Krystal picked up his head and gave him a kiss. "I've never brought anyone one here. Well, except JJ and mini clint, but they don't count. This is our place." She said softly, a small smile on her face. She knew he was struggling with feeling like he was second best to everyone, and that really wasn't the case. She gave him another kiss, pulling him to the balcony of her room. "I used to like to watch the earth from here. Its my special spot." She told him, smiling softly as she closed her eyes, her royal clothes appearing on her body as she took in a deep breath of the night air.
His eyes widened giving her a kiss back his feeling subsided slighty happy to hear that he was the only lover to have been here. "Thank you" he said kissing her hand as she put on her royal attire. It was vaguely similar to the clothing she wore in her early days on earth. He held her hand looking at the earth from where they stood "I'm sorry you had to do this to prove that you loved me. I know as a fae it's not odd for you to have multiple lovers. I don't know I just kind of wish I hadn't waited so long maybe I wouldn't feel inferior."
Krystal gave him another light kiss, pulling him to her. She smiled softly. "Its alright, dick. I didn't want b you to feel as though you are inferior. I wanted us to have a place only we know about. Somewhere secret where we could just be togther. I wanted to show you a piece of me i've never shown anyone." She explained softly, snuggling into him. She hated seeing him so sad, and she hoped this would help him feel all the love she really felt for him.
Dick smiled looking from her to the earth the look so peaceful and he looked around seeing the grounds of the castle. He looked behind them around the room seeing the decor interested in everything she had. "So this was the place you went anytime you were gone? Or was it stark's?" He asked intrigued to start learning a little more about her he figured if there was anyway he could start feeling even he should learn a little more other then she was a fae and loved him. Dick smiled, raising his hand motioning her to come along and show him around though it was kind and gentle motion.
Krystal smiled. "Yes, Sometimes I come here. Other times I go visit my uncle. He is the man who raised me after my parents were killed by the red skull. He lives on the JJ side of the veil as the assistant to the director of S.H.I.E.L.D." she explained, smiling and nodding as he nudged her to show him around. First was the Dojo, her favorite room, stacked with all different kinds of weapons on its vast blue walls. There was everything from current human guns, to samurai swords, to alien weapons Krystal forgot the names of. While moonians were generally peaceful, they believed in being prepared, so everyone was taught to fight. Next was the library, millions of books lining its walls, as well as movies, and computers more advanced than anything on earth aside perhaps something in stark tower. She wondered if Tony was part Mercurian because of his love of technology and his genius. She had never met a Mercurian that didn't at least have 200 IQ. Next, she showed him the place she liked best. it was the Skating rink. Inside there was a giant stadium like rink, with blue ice and lovely snowflake designs around the rink. "Want to go skating? Or i could show you around more?" she asked, Having an idea of where she wanted to brig him. She hooped it wouldn't make him sad, but she had seen how happy he was on a trapeze when they had to save old Haley's circus. She loved the trapeze as well, having perfected when she was young here on the moon. Once she showed him that, she had a few presents for him. she wanted him to feel special above all others.
He kept the red hood thing on his mind because he wanted to know more about her family but he wanted to wait until she was done showing him around. He looked around the the Dojo being interested in all the weapons she had swords had always been of interest to him though he never trained with them because he is against killing. He followed to the Ice rink staring at her "You know I haven't skated in a while" He said laughing though the idea intrigued him "We can skate another time, let's keep going" He continued smiling in anticipation for what rooms were to come.
Krystal smiled and nodded. "Of course Dickie-bird." she said with a smile, taking him now to a room that looked like an acrobat's paradise. she quickly magically changed,Nw wearing workout clothes as she climbed up onto the platform. She got on the trapeze, dong tricks, eyes closing slightly. She had alway loved the feeling of flying in the air like this. It was a part of her she had never shared with anyone, and she was sure he could understand. "Come join me, Dick!" she called, still playing on the tapee before she dropped to the net below gracefully.
He looked up at the trapeze smiling now knowing she actually remembered the Haley circus. He applauded watching her swing on it doing tricks with such grace as she flew through the air without her powers. He smiled as she called out to him laughing quickly "You may be able to change your clothes by snapping your fingers but I can't!!! He yelled back to her knowing she clothed him when they teleported to her palace. He was wearing the shirt she loved him in and slacks figures seeing as she's the one who dressed him mid transport, He put his hand behind his head as she jumped down onto the safety net though it was normally used by even professional trapeze artists as a quick way down. "I mean it's not like I'm in my suit..." he said as she walked towards him. "or at least something I could be agile in." he said looking at her as he sat down with her standing over him.
Krystal grinned, giving him a kiss as she sat next to him, making a box with sparkly blue paper-her trademark-appear in his lap. "Present time." She nudged him to open it, hoping he liked it. She had spent 18 hours a piece on them, perfecting them so they were just right for her wonderful Dickie-bird. While she had made weapons for some of her other lovers, no one had ever gotten anything this extravagant. They were made with a special moon metal and were charmed both to keep him safe and obey him. They were made so they would only kill if he asked them too. "I hope you like it." She said softly, and you could see in her eyes just how much that was.
He was confused when she gave him the box "You really didn't have to" he said feeling bad that she did this for him. She insisted and he took a deep breath swallowing his words, he opened the box seeing the swords she had crafted for him. He choked up seeing the swords the beauty of the weapons though he turned to her with guilt in his eyes. "Krystal they're amazing but you know I can't use them" he said putting the box down. "I don't know how to use swords plus you know I refuse to kill." He picked up the swords light as a feather they definitely wouldn't weigh him down. He looked back to her putting them down "They're great but I think I have to stick with the batons." He finished putting the sword back in the box as he looked down.
Krystal smiled and chuckled. "These are special swords. They are crafted from metal only found here on the moon, and double as a baton. The blades are retractable. They are designed to listen to you, only killing If you ask them too. As for not being able to use them? I can teach you." She told him with a soft smile, giving him light kiss. She was glad he seemed to like them, since she had worked so hard on them. She ran a hand through her hair, smirking a bit as another box appeared in dick's lap. This box was as long as the last, but wider. "Open it love!" She prompted, grinning stupidly. She loved spoiling him, and she knew by the time the day was out she'd find a new way.
He looked to them smiling "thank you" he said smiling lightly still unsure but he knew she was excellent with a blade and trust her magic not to kill. He kissed her back in thanks and then blush when she brushed her hand through her hair. She made the simplest of tasks so beautiful it baffled dick, he was so busy admiring her he didn't feel the other box land on his lap. His came to when she said open it and looked down and back seeing her grinning.

He sighed already feeling bad for the first present and now she gave him a second "krystal you really..." he said looking at her seeing a mock pout. He chuckled slightly "alright" he said chuckling slightly he didn't know why but her pout always got him. Dick opened the box pulling out a new nightwing suit that she also crafted. It was fairly similar to his original suit but much more durable. He looked at the shoulder pads that were attached to the suit and chuckled. "I hooe these are removable these things are removable." He said chuckling "It's amazing but I don't think they'll help me up there." He looked up to the trapeze that was now still.
Krystal grinned at him. "You're welcome Dickie-bird." she said softly, still playingbwith her hair a bit. Lately she preferred to wear it down, but it never seemed to sit right in her opinion. She was always playing with her hair, trying to make it look they way she wanted. The pretty fae never really noticed uoe Dick stared, but when she did, her lips curled up in a slight smile.

Krystal smiled and chuckled a little. "Yes, the shoulder pads are removable. They are mostly for missions anyway. They conceal infinate batarangs and smoke bombs." She told him with a smile, nudging him to put it on. She wanted to see how it fit to see if she had to make any adjustments. She didn't think she would, seeing asbthe fabric was magic and fae. It adapted to its wearer and what they were doing. Her own suit was made of it, as well as JJ's and tony's forbunder his suit. She had made bruce some pants out of it too, one that would stretch and snap back as he changed and reverted. They were already in his room as a present.
Dick took a beath as he stood up removing his clothes he looked at her, she obviously not shy about seeing his body. He looked up to the top of the room as he slid his pants down his legs picking up the suit. It was tight thouh it expanded fairly quickly to a comfortable fit he looked at the pads remvoing the seeing the slots that would hold the gadgets. He toyed with it quickly feeling the ridges of the pads "definitely different then a belt" he laughded as he put them down being rushed to th opposite side of the trapeze climbing up it.
Krystal climbed vack onto where her trapeze was, getting on it and waiting for him. "Do you like the suit, Dickie-bird?" she asked curiously, stretching on the trapeze. She e joyed plaing on these, while her sister had always hated it. Motion in high places made her sick. it had been one of the many differences between the twins. She smiled at him, curious to see what he'd do. She had only seen him on the trapeze once.
Dick didn't know much about trapeze artists though he used to love seeing the unbelievable things they could pull off. He looked down to the safety net knowing he was safe if he would fall he lookeover to krystal smiling as he took a step to the edge and looked at the hanging bar "Aerial moves aren't my specialty but..." He jumped reaching for the bar not even thinking about the net below him as he grabbed the bar. He swung back and forth for a couple of seconds before jumping to the next bar and using it to swing to the other side. He jumped from the second bar missing the other edge though he grabbed it with both of his hands. "Damn" he said to him self swinging on the platform and then using the swing back to flip ontop of the platform. He smiled to her giving her a thumbs up. "The suit is great." He said looking back towards the bars.
Krystal grinned, glad he Liked the suit. She watched as he swung from bar to bar, still stretching herself. She was gearing up for her best trick, which she had taken years to prefect. When he had landed on the platform, she started in. She smirked at him as she sat on the bar, swinging like she was on a ber high swing. Then she flipped completely so her knees were gripping the trapeze. She swung to the next bar, doing an inressive flip as she did. She swung a bit more before she landed at the other platform, taking a bow. "So, what did you think?" She asked, curious about It.
His jaw dropped when she swung onto the platfor and he stared at her, he came to when she landed asking him what he thought. "Uhm" he couldn't believe what she just did "it was amazing" he said looking from her back at the bars. He. Took a faster start thinking it might help with actually making it to the other platform. He jumped grabbing the bar and swinging to the next one where he jumped to the platform making it this time. "Now let's try this" he said jumping to the bar again this time pulling himself up and holding himself to the bar with his legs. "Jump to me!" He yelled hanging up side down with holding out his arms.
Krystal grinned at him. "Sure!" she said excitedly, doing as he had asked, reaching up to give him a light sensual kiss when she reached him. She had always felt very safe on the trapeze, but now that he was with her, she felt even better, flipping them so now she held him. She smirked a little. "I like mixing it up." she admitted, still smirking. this was relaxing for her, and whenever she really needed to unwind, she would come here. now it was their place, and she hope it stayed that way forever, she could already tell he was changing.
He smiled up at her as he hang under her the bar had stopped swinging before he jumped and he found it fairly hard to restart it. "I think we have to fall to get off" he said looking up to her. "I can't restart swinging so yea" he said a little mixed between laughing and embarrassed that he didn't keep the bar going. He pulled himself up giving him a kiss before letting go and falling hoping she would swing back to the platform.
Krystal swung back to the platform after dick fell back. She climbed back down the ladder, relaxing in a nearby chair as she sipped her vitamin water. Her free hand fell to her slightly swollen belly, and she rubbed it a little. She knew all 3 of the children she carried would be amazing, and she would love them s much as she loved their fathers. She waited for dick, smiling and playing with her hair. "Would you like some dinner, Love?" she asked, Giving him a kiss when he came over.
He sat next to her smiling "I would my lady." Chuckling as gently grabbed the hand that played with her hair. He pulled her in for kiss leaning forward into it "Thank you" he whispered after breaking the kiss. He knew what she was doing now and while he was glad that she loved him enough to do it he felt bad. He felt bad that she got him all these gifts just to prove how much she cared.
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