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What game are you playing now?

Been playing Darktide a bit since the new class mechanics update. Won't say the game is great but compared to the state it launched in it's significantly improved. Players feel a bit OP (Especially Psykers atm) but having a fun time gunning and hacking down nurgle cultists.
Back to Halo: Infinite. Apparently they bringing Firefight back next season. Should be good. Or not. We'll see.

Refreshing myself on a role I haven't touched in a couple years, and a role I've never gotten to play.​
Just about done with Batman: Arkham Asylum. Never tried it before, but kept seeing nothing but praises for it, so when the entire series went on sale in a Warner Bros games bundle, figured it was as good time as any. I'm surprised that it is indeed THAT good, despite its age. Also, gets me hyped for Arkham City, which is often considered the best in the entire series.

Stalling my RE2R playthrough because I don't want to run up to the third floor in the dark to blow up something and get the last medallion. But hey, shithead teammates and sweats with 1000+ hours on the enemy team get my blood pumping just as much as RE2R would!
Just finished all of the new content for Super Mario RPG (Switch) last night, so it's back to Baldur's Gate 3 (second run) for me.

As someone who grew up with the original SMRPG I'll say that while it's a good remake, it won't replace the original for me. I feel like it's not exactly a '1 to 1 superior' version and there's some aspects of it I like less and some things that the original did better.

Still it was a pretty solid remake. 8.5/10 If I were to give it a score. (The original is close to being a perfect game for it's own system)
On the PC? Horizon: Zero Dawn (again. I love it).
On the tablet? Raid: Shadow Legend (I'm getting the hang of it, but I'm not going to play to win).
Grim Dawn released a new and major patch with some cool features so I'm doing a new playthrough in it.
Finally playing XCOM 2. I forgot how fun those games are, even after spending an enormous amount of time in XCOM 1 (your fault, Long War). I'm really impressed how the devs upgraded the Support class into Specialist and how they swapped Sniper's Snap Shot path into Gunslinger. Both of those fill their niches well and are just plain fun to use.
I have been playing Granblue Fantasy Relink with some friends! The game fucking rules and blew my expectations out of the water. Some of the boss fights are pretty brutal but in a very engaging, fun way.
Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash.

Did I waste 60$? Nope! I wasted 100$ on the Ultimate Edition! Despite all that... I'm having so much fun with it! It's fun for me, but I know it's not for a lot of people!
For fun, playing Ark Survival Ascended on a custom unofficial server

Seriously? FF7 Remake/Intergrade. The new one comes out in 2 weeks. Gotta refresh myself with the story. If anyone has tips/tricks for hard mode, let me know now.
Also picked up Last Epoch since it just released its 1.0 release. Online is a complete shitshow but when I have been able to play, its been fun!
Played through all of Tales of Symphonia Remastered on the PS5 in a week somehow (probably cause I've played the game 10 times in the past 20 years haha...), but now I've picked up FF7 Rebirth so excited to play it!
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