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What game are you playing now?

.hack Last Recode and Shenmue. I never got very far into the first .hack GU game back when it was on PS2. and I was interested in playing the spiritual predecessor to the Yakuza games. .hack actually holds up well, not feeling that dated at all. I like Shenmue, though I definitely would have appreciated a map I could pull up at any time for Dobuita lol.
I've finally picked up a controller after a very long time. Years, maybe, and even longer since I didn't just play my old favorites again and again.

I found a Vampyr Discord server recently, linked in a fic I found on AO3. I knew nothing about Vampyr, but they've inspired me to play it. I'm about 15 or so hours in, I think, going for completionism as I always do, and I plan on this one being a Pacifist run. I'm running it on Story mode first, because I'm really bad at games and I can freely admit to that.

So, I am currently playing Vampyr and having a blast doing it. :)
Beat the main story of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and its first DLC, Wrath of the Druids, the other day and... yeah, I really hope they go back to Assassins vs. Templars for the future installments. The Order of the Ancients worked in Origins just fine but to go from Odyssey and Valhalla and have so little Hidden One content really bums me out (not that Odyssey can be faulted for it).

Ending was flat and emotionless. Layla Hassan was a wasted character who wasn't likeable in the slightest. If not for Bayek and Aya in Origins, I'd say her trilogy brought the least intriguing characters in the series. People who still call Connor (ACIII) boring need to see how little Layla brings to the table by comparison.

The gameplay gets better while the story and protagonists steadily worsen. Ah well, guess I'll just replay Origins to get the taste of boring protagonists out of my mouth.
Just got Dragon's Dogma : Dark Arisen on PC and can't wait to immerse myself in its' sprawling world and slay some massive monsters while I'm at it.

I also have Tales Of Zestiria and Yakuza 0 to clear up my backlog, and I will probably spend my summer gaming a little anyways with COVID fucking it all up.
Last year I missed some bugs and fish around this time in Animal Crossing, so I am catching up with those. Doing some trophy clean up with some older games. Heavy Rain, and still playing Overwatch here and there.
Watching my friend play RE8 again after beating it maybe a week ago for the first time. Upping the difficulty and now we get to point all this crazy shit out to each other that we missed or didn't know context of. Holy shit, this game is so good.

Me personally, I'm just playing simple dash games. I just can't deal with something more involved right now.
I played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for the first time a few weeks ago. It was actually one of my favorite partners recommendation so I decided to give it a go, it's kind of great how I learn about new games from my RP partners!

But I started Persona 5 today- never played any of them before and I have to say I love the art-style and feel of the games. I have a feeling this will be my next RP craving once my muse returns! :)
@Mint_Tea you should have started with persona 4, better characters in my opinion.

I have just dove into digimon cybersleuth. they made grinding in this game way too easy, i found the offline colloseum and the first cup is all baby digimon, so I walk in here with my team of three ultimates.... this is literal cyberbullying.
@Mint_Tea you should have started with persona 4, better characters in my opinion.

I have just dove into digimon cybersleuth. they made grinding in this game way too easy, i found the offline colloseum and the first cup is all baby digimon, so I walk in here with my team of three ultimates.... this is literal cyberbullying.
I will agree to this. While I love 5, 4 has better written characters overall.
@Mint_Tea you should have started with persona 4, better characters in my opinion.

I have just dove into digimon cybersleuth. they made grinding in this game way too easy, i found the offline colloseum and the first cup is all baby digimon, so I walk in here with my team of three ultimates.... this is literal cyberbullying.
Oof maybe after 5 I’ll look into 4. I already am enjoying the characters so far and I’m barely like 3-4 hours in!
Oof maybe after 5 I’ll look into 4. I already am enjoying the characters so far and I’m barely like 3-4 hours in!
Opinions are opinions. Check out 4 after if you want to. 5 to me is amazing and the game that put Persona on a global stage. Enjoy!

- I've been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons a lot lately.
I will say gameplay wise I also greatly prefer P5 over P4. Better mechanics, actual dungeons, more interesting time consuming activities.
Haven't tried Strikers yet ymself. DW style games never interested me too much.

Right now gametime wise I'm waffling between Scarlet Nexus and Legend of Mana remastered. SN is about what I expected. So far it's anime cyberpunk shenanigans. Combat is decent, though some of the psychokinesis stuff is a bit wonky. Legend of Mana is easily one of my favorite games of all time in spite of the numerous janky and arcane mechanics it has, and the HD backgrounds and remastered music are both gorgeous.
Surviving Mars! Very fun paradox game, and has put me on a whole scifi/terraforming science kick lately as well.
Started up a new game of Dragon Age: Inquisition a few days ago, playing a dwarf rogue.
I grabbed Scarlet Nexus when it released! I'm really enjoying it so far, even if it's got... some issues. I just wish I had more time ot play, since I'm always buys I've managed to play... 3 hours since it came out last week? Still, I'm grateful for what I have gotten to play!
I started Poison Control. I'd describe it as a mix of Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls (the shooting controls and changing between different weapon types) and Splatoon (although it's the reverse in that you're erasing from the level rather than adding to it). So far it's really just okay. The music is nice and I like the aesthetic of the game, but the gameplay could definitely get repetitive quick if you're not into it.
I've lately been taking cracks at Haydee. I figured, hey, it was on sale, so why not? It's hard as balls, but once you start learning the ins and outs of the game, it's actually pretty cool.
Playing a game of Eldritch Horror(+ Forsaken Lore Exp). I know the limit is 8 players but I'm playing with all 12 character sheets. Solo. Going up against Shub-Niggurath. I'm two days in on this one game.
Playing quite a few. Still playing FFXIV which is unlikely to ever change, also playing a bit of Overwatch, some Smite and Starbound. Looking to play some Borderlands and thinking of picking up Divinity: Original Sin 2 while it's on deal.
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