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A MAN OF TASTE! You're damn right 2 was the best.

And I will say that Firefight is good fun in your spare time, too. Good man!
I will say, though...2 has a pretty weak ending. I honestly think just one more level would have made it better. Or just cut out that boss fight, and end with Chief on the Prophet of Regret's ship as the final level.
I will say, though...2 has a pretty weak ending. I honestly think just one more level would have made it better. Or just cut out that boss fight, and end with Chief on the Prophet of Regret's ship as the final level.
Wouldn't call that weak myself, I'd call that a cliffhanger ending. If any game had a weak ending I'd say it was 3; plot threads were resolved but the deaths for Johnson and Miranda were far from satisfying. Felt like cheap kills for easy nostalgia points in people. Also, having Cortana screech in your ear and halt your gameplay got old FAST. The developers killed replay value in the campaign not only because levels were just a lot of backtracking, but also because Cortana killed all momentum of a fun level repeatedly.

But, we can agree to disagree.

I thought the Tartarus boss fight was okay. I understand criticism of it and won't defend it. I also thought Chief's last level was appropriately awesome; you got to see how High Charity ended up overrun and all the chaos that was ensuing. If Chief was on Regret's ship for the final level and he killed him, then 3 doesn't happen. He was essentially the final boss of the series after Tartarus died and the Elites were on your side. I'm way too tired to write an alternative ending for the game I'm afraid!
Wouldn't call that weak myself, I'd call that a cliffhanger ending. If any game had a weak ending I'd say it was 3; plot threads were resolved but the deaths for Johnson and Miranda were far from satisfying. Felt like cheap kills for easy nostalgia points in people. Also, having Cortana screech in your ear and halt your gameplay got old FAST. The developers killed replay value in the campaign not only because levels were just a lot of backtracking, but also because Cortana killed all momentum of a fun level repeatedly.

But, we can agree to disagree.

I thought the Tartarus boss fight was okay. I understand criticism of it and won't defend it. I also thought Chief's last level was appropriately awesome; you got to see how High Charity ended up overrun and all the chaos that was ensuing. If Chief was on Regret's ship for the final level and he killed him, then 3 doesn't happen. He was essentially the final boss of the series after Tartarus died and the Elites were on your side. I'm way too tired to write an alternative ending for the game I'm afraid!
I do like everythinh up until the last level. Seeing the Elites and Brutes fight, Master Chief absolutely tearing his way through High Charity. I will say my main issue is the boss fight. It felt flaccid for me. But I do really like the cliffhanger. It's a meme for a reason. I'm also kind of sad we never get to see more of Tartarus. I feel like he could have been an interesting character if he'd been explored more. Ah, well, at least we got Atriox now to fill the void of good villain's the series had for a while.
I am kicking all kinds of ass in Ark: Survival Evolved. I haven't gotten any of the DLC but considering all there is to do in it, I don't see how anyone could find the time for more than one map. I've caught the biggest and most dangerous land predators that aren't in caves (still afraid to go messing around in any of those since the entrances are too small for my big Rex to be brought with me). Also looking for a Mosasaur but they're hard to find. I'm pretty sure I can knock one out and tame it if I can find one but it's annoying having a time limit on how long you can stay underwater even with a SCUBA tank.
I'm thinking about re-playing Tales Of The Abyss, and I've bought Trails In The Sky a few hours ago. Currently, though? I'm knee-deep into Star Ocean : First Departure and Yakuza 0.
I hope you got it for a good price, the reviews were not as favorable as many would have hoped.
It was a gift some time ago, so I didn't pay for it. I did hear it had expansions, so I don't know if I will play those. Pokemon has never been a masterful series of games for me. They are usually above average at best. I still like the designs of the pokemon, locales and especially the trainers.

Going to be trying to get more progress in Onechanbara Origins, Haven and maybe play a weird looking game my husband found lying around called Exist Archive? Looks anime. Might try it.
Finally got around to playing Hades, and my god is it addicting and fun! I burned right through Asphodel (I'm not apologizing for the pun) with an awesome shield build I put together. Buuut, I can't seem to get passed Elysium, though.
I've bled Fire Emblem Three Houses dry, now I'm playing Genshin Impact- it's super fun so far but I imagine once I've finished exploration things will be empty until the next continent update. I'm planning on getting the Final Fantasy remake in the coming weeks, should be fun as I've never played any of the FF games before!
Switching between Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Nier Automata.
Been binging Children of Morta. It's a cute little roguelike hack and slash focusing on a family. So there's shield and sword dad, bow and arrow eldest daughter, etc. The sprite work is beautiful, and it's gotten me fully attached by simply showing how the family lives their daily lives. If you have Xbox Game Pass, it's free on that, so check it out!
Hopping between XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, replaying the original Final Fantasy 7, and finishing my Red Dead Redemption 2 playthrough.

Gonna be keeping busy for a while!
FFXIV is something I'm pretty much always playing because, well, MMO, and Endwalker hype. But I'm also slowly trudging through Red Dead Redemption 2. I just sort of... don't want to play any more. Not because it isn't good. It's fantastic. But... I played 1. I know where this road leads and I don't like it. (I'm a bleeding heart for certain characters, I admit it.)
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