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What game are you playing now?

Tried Genshin Impact, meh. I'm really waiting for Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Trails of Cold Steel IV to drop soon.
Yeah, Genshin didn't quite hit me like I would have wanted to, but I do enjoy how it looks. Currently back on Animal Crossing NH and clearing up some random backlog games. Battletoads, Naruto Storm 4, and a little gem called Saint Seiya Soldier's Soul.
I'm playing through FALLOUT 2 again and reinstalled Dragon Age: Origins but haven't started in on it yet. I'm mostly killing time waiting for Cyberpunk.
I am really liking Phasmohobia, even though I don’t handle scary things well. This is surprisingly manageable.
Replaying the Batman Arkham games, though I've never actually completed them before. Just finished Asylum and about to start City.
I'm so excited! Today I picked up the early access to Surviving the Aftermath and I've been playing it all day.
Been kinda jumping between Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition, POSTAL Redux:, Postal 2, NiGHTS Into Dreams HD, whittled a little more on Borderlands 1, and then ran a few sessions of Tormentor X Punisher.
Dragon Age 2 until Watch Dogs Legion is out :D and that until AC Valhalla is out...and that until Cyberpunk 2077 is out..
Sinking a lot of time into No Man's Sky, they just released a huge update and it's amazing. I really love the game.
Will officially be Trails of Cold Steel IV as of today.
I've been occupied with my Switch with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Fire Emblem: Three Houses over the last year... Getting back in to some PC gaming with Genshin Impact. I'm liking the game so far, but likely that has a lot to do with my luck: I managed to draw two five star characters (Jean & Diluc) within my first week with only $5 down. Not a fan of gacha games, generally speaking (because I'm an irresponsible adult and it can be a total money sink), but it has worked out pretty well so far!
I got the Xbox Series X today and have been...mostly downloading massive updates to games rather than actually playing them. But I did get to try a few, and have been loving the update to Sea of Thieves and Tetris Effect Connected.
Only games I still play on the reg are Streets of Rage 4, Smash Ultimate and Minecraft in terms of 'modern gaming'. I'm more invested in my retro collection than anything else as modern games struggle to keep my attention. Too much of a time investment and I much prefer the 'arcade' design philosophy of older games in my busy life. Pick up and play, great sense of gratification and can put it down.
Christmas is around the corner so my game buying habits are lessening (long story but basically when I got my first job and kept buying any game I wanted with my paycheck, my mom got pissed when I did it around november and christmas yeah I know it's dumb).
But i've been pissin' around on Siege. I've been getting a WEE bit better due to having 30-40 minute 'training' sessions on T-Hunt before going on regular matches.
DbD is still kicking. I can't wait for the Twins to come out, it's already been a massive well of memes ("KICK THE BABY!")
Also been getting in some Tekken matches since A. The netcode got a massive update and it's awesome and B. I can refuse matches with WiFi players. WINWIN
Currently, I'm working my way, more than slowly, through Ghost of Tsushima, as I wait patiently for DA4 news and the release date. There's Valhalla, although I have yet to play it... not enough time in the day these days it seems.
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