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What game are you playing now?

Darkest Dungeon, Pokemon Sword and Catherine Full Body. I never played the original Catherine so I'm super hyped to be playing the remaster/remake.
N. Sane Trilogy. You know I'm... beginning to seriously think Naughty Dog hated kids back when they made good games too, because some of these levels are sadistic. Especially if you're looking to get all the gems.

I also got Shadow Warrior 1 and 2 on sale. 1 was a relatively okay proto-Doom 2016, but 2... Fuck me I have no idea what they did with 2 but they turned it into some psuedo-live service garbage.
N. Sane Trilogy. You know I'm... beginning to seriously think Naughty Dog hated kids back when they made good games too, because some of these levels are sadistic. Especially if you're looking to get all the gems.

I also got Shadow Warrior 1 and 2 on sale. 1 was a relatively okay proto-Doom 2016, but 2... Fuck me I have no idea what they did with 2 but they turned it into some psuedo-live service garbage.
SW2 was one of the fastest refunds I've ever gotten as far as a game goes. SW1 was a decent FPS like you said - not great but I enjoyed it... But 2 was just terrible. What were they thinking?
SW2 was one of the fastest refunds I've ever gotten as far as a game goes. SW1 was a decent FPS like you said - not great but I enjoyed it... But 2 was just terrible. What were they thinking?

It annoys me so much because the moment to moment gameplay, the better mobility and gunplay, more intuitive sword controls... that stuff is solid.

But it's bolted onto an unnecessary open world that adds nothing, and you gotta worry about character levels and XP gain, and all the pickups just float around instead of being part of the environment... Like, I genuinely can't wrap my head around how they went in such a stupid direction in the span of one game.
It annoys me so much because the moment to moment gameplay, the better mobility and gunplay, more intuitive sword controls... that stuff is solid.

But it's bolted onto an unnecessary open world that adds nothing, and you gotta worry about character levels and XP gain, and all the pickups just float around instead of being part of the environment... Like, I genuinely can't wrap my head around how they went in such a stupid direction in the span of one game.
I basically got to the 2nd level or something like that, realized 'Wow, these guns that are dropping are all the same as before', and well, that was that. A good FPS has a sense of escalation. Doom starts you off with a pistol but by the end of the game you have an arsenal where most guns have their uses. An FPS where every enemy drops the same assault rifle with maybe +1 damage at most is just terrible. That's also probably why Destiny bores me.
Phantasy Star Online 2.

Pretty addicting. Like wow for free MMO. Only bad thing is I wish they had more outfit options and hairstyles, I think you can unlock some in season passes; but not sure how the accumulation works yet that contributes to points for that. (You still get points for the free stuff, but few rewards there.)
FFXIV and retail WoW. Also considering replaying Bioshock ^^
Picked up the Fairy Tail RPG before finishing Ghost of Tsushima which I picked up before finishing The Last of Us Part 2. So yeah, one of those.
FFXIV and then spats of Rune Factory IV on the switch, both are pretty fun!
I've been on an Overwatch binge lately. Another game I've been playing a lot is Change: A Homeless Survival Experience.
Just finished off Doom Eternal (Probably my GOTY) and looking at starting Yakuza 0 or YS VIII next.
I'm a long time dota player. I've been on and off that game for like six years. I've never been any good at it and have always remained a very low MMR scrub. Although recently, I've finally started to climb.

I recently found a new game on the Epic games store called 'The Cycle'. It has a unique take on the BR genre and classifies itself as 'F2P - PvEvP - FPCQS... Royale. So that just means, it's a free to play FPS br with some pve elements. CQS is competitive quest shooter.
It doesn't have random loot spawn for the most part. What I really enjoy in it is the movement mechanics. It picks up where Apex Legends left off for me. Apex was a great game with pretty boring heroes. It didn't got the direction I thought it would, having been a TF1 and 2 fan. But that's neither here nor there. The cycle is a pretty dope game. Well optimized and runs quite smoothly on my trash PC.

Another game that was just released on the epic store that I'm considering getting is No Straight Roads. A funky, colourful game that suppose to incorporate sound design in a way we haven't seen before or at least those were the ambitious claims they made when I first discovered the title in development last year. But I'm sold on the premise as it reminds me of Jet Set Radio.

I started playing Dragon's Dogma but have found myself a little disinterested in it with all the leg work. It's nicely designed I guess but I only need to see it so many times before I get that message. AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT - players of Dragon's Dogma will be familiar with that.

I used to play a lot of war thunder until I got to the point on my tech tree where I was going bankrupt just to have an average game.

I also dabble in a lot of different fighting games and RTS games.

I recently started playing Heroes of Newerth. An old school moba that's over a decade old now I believe. It's like trying to learn Dota all over again but the heroes feel even more egregious and over the top. I think Dota has toned down that vibe over the years.

It's not quite the exclusive game that some would lead you to believe it is and not quite as dead either. It's just fun getting to learn the new heroes and they have some very wacky cosmetics. There's a one punch man skin, a hatsune miko and a bunch of other references like those in their cosmetics. Many of the cosmetics are actually entirely alternative avatars, which I don't really see in Dota. Most of the time, they try and keep the general shape and vibe of the hero. But in HoN, it'll be a different gender or species and even a new voice to go with it with alternative spell animations and even some portrait differences in the UI. However, at an average you earn about a dozen silver coins give or take and the average cosmetic is like 2.5k silver coins. And their real money transaction for the gold currency is pretty disgusting tbh. I'd have considered getting a starter pack (if they offered such a thing) or even getting a handful of gold coins because I can see myself playing this game at length but it's simply far too expensive. You still get very high quality cosmetics in dota for mere pennies.

Low key, I'd like to learn more about their lore but as far as I can see, there's no real lore written anywhere in game.

It's true, it's a little dated graphically. But it runs smooth and I would say it has about as much depth to it as Dota does. But only real elite Moba players could say that for sure.

Whether you're an elite try hard or a casual scrub, I think HoN has a decent experience to offer and a huge roster of heroes to try.
Recently got into XCOM Chimera Squad after getting bored and not finishing Gears Tactics. Enjoying Chimera Squad much more.
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