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What game are you playing now?

I've been super addictively stuck on Monster Hunter World. I was so skeptical of this game when it was announced, being a huge monster hunter series fan... but this game is fucking amazing.
Saber Arturia said:
I've been super addictively stuck on Monster Hunter World. I was so skeptical of this game when it was announced, being a huge monster hunter series fan... but this game is fucking amazing.

I was definitely curious about MHW when it was shown at last year's E3, but... boy does it look like kind of a ballbuster in difficulty.
MellowYellow said:
Saber Arturia said:
I've been super addictively stuck on Monster Hunter World. I was so skeptical of this game when it was announced, being a huge monster hunter series fan... but this game is fucking amazing.

I was definitely curious about MHW when it was shown at last year's E3, but... boy does it look like kind of a ballbuster in difficulty.

Admittedly i've been playing the series for 5ish years now, but... It's not that hard. There is a learning curve, but it's not as bad as you think. If you've played action games before, you know the basics. Things just aren't crazy fast, your weapons have weight, and getting hit fucking hurts. There are numerous sub systems, but a a lot of friends of mine picked up MH world for their first MH game, and they learned it pretty fast. It's not too bad to learn, really! World is by far the most easy to digest of the series.
I just blew the dust off of Skyrim SE partially inspired by a totally awesome story I'm currently writing.
been playing disgaea 5 on the switch. I hate the story, the gross anime-esque fanservice and the over all aesthetic of the game. but the unit creation, stat building and battles are fun.
A friend and I are trying out Left 4 Dead 2 - it's new to him but I played like, years ago. The game still holds up, and it's a lot of fun, plus tons of easily accessible mods from the Steam Workshop make for some hilarious situations. It's a lot harder than I remember, though... it's like the AI's aged and become extra stupid as time passed. So many rounds lost because teammates just stare into the distance while I'm dying right next to them.

Aside from that, also been doing the Odyssey balloon hunt DLC and a little bit of other games - Slay the Spire, Smite, Deceit
I'm currently playing Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. Doing a build for each skill tree that the game has because why the hell not? After that, I'm going to be playing some Dishonored
I have a laundry list

Sleeping Dogs
Rainbow Six
MGS the phantom pain
Infamous second son
Evil Within 2
The Divison
Deus Ex

Pokemon (Red to crystal. Ultra Moon)
Radiant Historia


Fire emblem heros
Fate/grand order
Dead by daylight Xbox 10 more levels till I hit prestige 2 trappy boi also had some kind of good luck getting some good perks early but hoping I could get rank 3 on all my perks before I get to prestige 2
3DS (technically, one is a DS game...)
Majora’s Mask
Pokémon Diamond

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Complete Saga
Rules of Survival
Bullet Force
Found my way into Persona 5, which is proving a lot more engrossing than I'd expected. Now I'm choosing my activities though, I'm suffering serious choice paralysis. I don't know - do I want to do a crossword, have soup with a friend or be a medical lab rat!? I haven't prepared for this kind of decision!
Been streaming Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. I hate SAO with a passion, but the game is actually really fun if you like something with a faster pace. Beyond that, PUBG on console, NBA2k17, and Monster Hunter World
I currently have a sad sick addiction to The Walking Dead: Road to Survival. I've recently graduated from casual play to actually researching team builds and weapon upgrade strategies.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Been enjoying that game through the bugs and glitches, in all honesty. Scratches an itch that only Skyrim before it has scratched for me, and it's me dipping my toe into the waters of survival games, to boot.
Attila: Total War. Apparently its meant to be a survival game and not the usual war/economic strategy game. Makes sense.
Been playing Vermintide 2, it's a lot more fun than the first. The maps are all big and engaging unlike the first game where half the vanilla maps were small and dinky. Chaos adds a lot to the game, as do careers/talents. Been a ton of fun, though I hate how 80% of the grimoires/tomes in the game are hidden behind awful first person jumping puzzles.

Also picked up Kingdom hearts 1.5+2.5 for the PS4 but havent had the time to really get into them yet.
I've just downloaded Star Trek online and I've really been enjoying it. Nerding out at the helm of a Klingon bird of prey is just too much fun.
caliente said:
*hangs head low in shame* Love Nikki Dress Up Queen
*laughs tears* but it's SO GOOD! I love it!

And Gardenscapes - but Im stuck in level 810. FUCK "super extreme hard" purple levels!

Don't be ashamed. I actually play Nikki a lot on my phone.

My other main go-to games as of late have been Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus.

I'm waiting for a few things to come out. Mainly the last chapter of Batman: The Enemy Within and the 4th Walking Dead game from Tell-Tale. There's no way they can say there won't be a 4th with how the 3rd ended. x.x
3dead my daylight playin as Mikey the stabby aka Michael Myers :D also the hillbilly with the chainsaw or called the Billy boi and a bit of the trappy boi.
Moved on to Mafia 3, courtesy of an early humble bundle purchase. It was a bit of an impulse buy to soothe some sickness mindlessly, but I'm actually finding it pretty satisfying! Great? No. Not half bad, though!
Bloodbourn, finally. Also still lots of MH: Worlds. Hoping to also finally play The Last of Us after all this time. I've a massive backlog and it isn't funny.
Mainly Phone Games.
Pokemon GO, Fire Emblem Heroes, Duel Links, Fallout Shelter and Bleach Brave Souls
Pokemon because I had recently upgraded my phone and was finally able to play it. Pretty much the same with the other games though nowhere near as much. Fallout Shelter was the only one that I had played prior.

Console Games.
Fallout 4, Skyrim, Borderlands 2 and WWE 2K18
Fallout 4 and Skyrim tend to fall into the category's that hit me at different times. Sometimes I want to conjure a bow and smite a fool, other times I want to shoot a guys head off with a rifle. Borderlands is always good with friends and 2K18 is an on-off sorta game that is just fun to have friends make characters and just let them duke it out.

Computer Games.
League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm
League because I mean, it's League but I play it when I want to actually play something. Heroes of the Storm is just a much more fun game in all regards and it isn't as serious. Also, HotS AI is the most destructive bots I have ever seen.
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