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What game are you playing now?

Bought Enter the Gungeon on my Switch a few nights ago.

It's really fun to play, refreshing to see another roguelike with a very Isaac like mentality and design, it's got great and hilarious humor but also punishingly hard.
Tales of Zestiria, Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, Brave Frontier, Alchemist's Code, Table Top Simulator, LoL, Battlerite (Just downloaded and checking it out), Overwatch and a few others here and there depending on what my friends are playing.
I'm currently playing Dark Cloud 2. I've had it since launch and never beat it, I think I was stuck on a boss and just dropped it when something else came along. I'm going to remedy the situation and finally beat it.
Dead Rising 3. It got a lot of flak after coming out but uh...after the way 4 turned out? It's a gem now.

3 is my original introduction to the series. Ended up playing 2 not long after. Good fun. Not as strict and unforgiving regarding time like the preceding games.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole. It's an interesting game, has some funny moments, and the gameplay is decently entertaining. Not as complex as Stick of Truth in some respects, but a lot more polished in many other areas.

Also been playing a little Shadow of Mordor, but man it can be a real pain to recruit orcs. It doesn't help that Talion is such a bore as far as player characters go.
Just completely finished Super Mario Odyssey. The game was great and so full of content, and finishing it left me missing it already. No clue what I'll do next - maybe I'll try Hollow Knight.
Playing the monster hunter: World demo on PS4, it's everything I wanted from a console monster hunter, despite being very apprehensive about the game to begin with. Also playing FFXIV on PC, or planning on getting back into it. Thinking on whether to stick with my RDM or try a new class. Finally, waiting on the Tomb Kings release for Total warhammer 2 next week, super excited for that.
Slay the Spire on PC. Some kind of dungeon deckbuilder that reminds me of basically any traditional deckbuilder (like dominion) or the videogame guild of dungeoneering.
I've admittedly started playing minecraft again. I used to be pretty active on a couple servers way back when, but have since lost touch with the team I was a part of there. I hope they're doing alright.

I find minecraft so soothing and a fun way to come down from a stressful day.
Haven't really been playing anything right now. Got a switch a coupl months ago. Finished Zelda and Mario. Been playing stardew valley off and on again and will get dark souls remastered in May.
Mario kart 8 me and step bro have a switch and we played a 1v1 and I wrecked his ass of course with the trash talk included XD
Been switching between WarCraft 3 and StarCraft 2 lately. Apparently you can play WC3 maps on StarCraft 2 too lol. Technology these days.
That's nuts. I didn't know that. Those are custom maps that people remade in SC2 engine I imagine? Anyway, I've been playing Cuphead the last couple of days. It's amazing.
Cryptogram said:
Total War: Warhammer 2. Tomb Kings DLC just came out and I'm all in on that, it's fantastic so far.

Ah! Playing through that myself. The Tomb Kings were one of my top 3 favorite factions from WHFB so seeing just how well the developers nailed them in the game is a total delight.
Saber Arturia said:
Cryptogram said:
Total War: Warhammer 2. Tomb Kings DLC just came out and I'm all in on that, it's fantastic so far.

Ah! Playing through that myself. The Tomb Kings were one of my top 3 favorite factions from WHFB so seeing just how well the developers nailed them in the game is a total delight.

I hadn't any experience with warhammer outside of these games (and other 40k games in the past), so I didn't know what to expect. But yeah they've done a great job. The way they changed how upkeep works and stuff, interesting mechanics. They're thematically really cool too.
I’m actually playing way too many games these days, to be honest. Dragonball fighter z, Dissidia Final fantasy, FFXIV, I am Setsuna and Monster Hunter we’re all started this week by me and i’m loving them allllll. Uh, except for FFXIV. I didn’t just start that been playing that religiously since launch.
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns on my 3ds, and Rimworld on my PC. I just bought both of them over the holidays and have sunk a ridiculous amount of time in to both of them, but I've been addicted to the Harvest Moon series since the A Wonderful Life days so it's no surprise that I'd grab the newest one.
It's not a console game or anything special really, but I've re-downloaded Plague Inc again and gotten addicted all over again. I love this damn game.
*hangs head low in shame* Love Nikki Dress Up Queen
*laughs tears* but it's SO GOOD! I love it!

And Gardenscapes - but Im stuck in level 810. FUCK "super extreme hard" purple levels!
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