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Vacation is Here (Grave and Wiki)

Once everyone was ready, the group went into a restaurant one floor up from the pool. Taking their seats at a long table, they started reading the menu. The drink orders were made and then brought back. Brandon ordered a cheeseburger platter. Kari was watching her weight and went with a Caesar salad. Valerie went with a pasta dish. Ayako ordered an enchildada. Once the orders were made, everyone started talking while they waited.

Brandon turned to Angel.
"I'm thinking of a beach walk tonight. Care to join me?"
Valerie turned to Mika.
"I'm proud of you for not being insecure about your body."
The other two couples talked about their day.
“ mmm maybe if they don’t have anything, was thinking some damn karaoke though. Just remembered some songs maybe after though.” Giving a shrug as she fixed her bikini a bit before leaning on the table on top of her arms.

Mika just stayed quiet not really having anything to really say at all about it as she mostly looked around boredly as they waited, but talked when anyone else would talk to her as everyone else also had their own thing with the other four.
Eventually they would change as the day passed by with not a lot of things to mostly do than the dancing and the other things. But at least it seemed they had karaoke and actually having a group as well as everyone would do.




Eventually then everyone would at least do one as Mitsu would come out finally, starting to do some serious shuffles with a dance before eventually getting halfway when of course belle and angel started to do some shuffles as well showing who was the serious dancers.
Brandon and the rest watched as Angel led the others in karaoke and dancing. Those sitting down still had a good time clapping to the beat. The girls all had their own song choices. Mika wasn't as much of a dancer as the others, though. Brandon, Kari, and Ayako were all impressed by their partners' moves. The vibe was happy and upbeat with everyone having a good time.
They all did a pose as the breathes a bit heavily with though not bad as belle cooled off a bit by tugging his shirt and Mitsu stretching while Mika would just quietly sit as angel thought for a moment of course before going over and remembering a song she had found and kinda wanted to dance to before getting the music on and taking Brandon’s hand as she moved back to the middle again.

“ we talked about marrying but we should practice this too.” Giving a wink and a chuckle as she put her hands around his neck and starts to sway waiting for his lead

Belle looked over then started to hear the song eventually feeling the same as he walked over to Kari and got on one knee to offer a hand to dance as well as everyone suddenly at least got into the more relaxed and beautiful mood with all the music and everyone being dressed almost like a complete ball with belle actually singing some of the words.
Brandon and the others applauded as Angel and the others struck a pose. He took her hand as she invited him to dance. When she said that, warmth spread throughout his body.
"Yeah, it never hurts to work on my dancing."
His hands rested on her hips and he swayed back and forth with her. Brandon's eyes never left hers as they danced perfectly in-sync.

Kari blushed as Belle got down on one knee and offered his hand. A brief vision of him proposing flashed through her mind, and her heart pounded. She took his hand and let him lead her to the middle. Her arms went around his neck and looked into his eyes. She smiled, thinking that he was so sweet. Moving in step with him, she enjoyed dancing with him.

Ayako approached Mitsu and smiled at her.
"It's been a while since I've seen you dance like that. Feel like dancing some more?"
Valerie sat next to Mika.
"You danced well. Keep at it and you'll be as good as Angel or Belle."
Angel put her arms around Brandon and moved as her skirt at least flowed a bit like a dress, looking back at him with a smile as the flashes of all the memories of them together and really being so close. She started to spin a bit as she hummed and really swayed a burn more as they really danced like a fancy ball.

Belle softly continued to sing with a small but cute and warm smile as he swayed and took her hand to spin the girl, enjoying the smoothness of everything and holding her so close.

Mitsu stretched as she turned to look over at ayako. “ sucks that’s I’m hopeless with love...” giving chuckle as she went over and put her hands around her neck before walking backward a bit to pull to the middle as she started to sway.

Mika shrugged feeling a bit embarrassed but at least too being able to observe and know new dances as she watched the others and sang herself now.
Brandon looked into Angel's eyes and felt true happiness. Being persistent in getting a date with her had all been worth it for this moment. He loved Angel with all of his heart, and he knew that she felt the same way about him. Brandon spun her around and then took her close to him again. No words needed to be exchanged. Every step was as if they could read each others' minds, a testament to how close they were.

Kari was also having a great time. When Belle went to spin her, she spun around perfectly. Coming back to him, she enjoyed being so close. They had been together a while and could be casual, but she really loved romantic moments like these. In the moment, she was dancing more smoothly than she would have believed. Kari didn't doubt herself or feel subconscious, trusting in Belle to lead her.

Ayako smiled back.
"You're hopeless with a lot of things, but I love you, anyway," she joked.
She rested her hands on Mitsu's hips and followed her back to the middle. They started to sway, the closeness growing between them.
"Do you remember the day we met," she asked with a smile.
Since everyone was doing it, Ayako spun Mitsu around and then held her close again.

Valerie watched as everyone took to the dance floor. Even Ayako and Mitsu were dancing, not afraid of anyone's opinion. Valerie took her hand and pulled Mika onto the dance floor. Since she was taller, she put her hands on the little blonde's hips.
"I'm not being sidelined anymore."
Spinning Mika around, she held her close and smiled at her.
Angel would dance and wait before she would start to sing, a soft and alluring voice just for him almost as if she was a different person in her own body, spinning again as they continued.

Belle would glance up to look as he heard a voice, a small smile and a chuckle before looking back at her and again seeing the beauty of everything about her as he holds her hands more closely and leads.

“ psh screw off.” She would say sticking her tongue out as she slowly moved with her just keeping her arms around casually and leaning back as they relaxed before getting the spin with her. “ kinda not much.” Replying trying to think a moment, “ though you saw me with my normal I don’t give a shit as long as it’s not dumb with me kinda thing.”

The girl was a bit surprised of course as she almost fell but holding a bit tight to her as she stood up before being pulled closed wondering what was happening before feeling her hands low on her hips with a slight blush. She spun a bit awkwardly at first but once she relaxed a bit, Mika would be able to do it then taking it slow before everyone was finally there.
Brandon continued to dance with Angel, moving to the melody of the song that she was singing. He was reminded of just what a beautiful singing voice she had. Each step had her swaying, the moment feeling almost spiritual. At times like this, Angel lived up to her name.

Kari continued to let Belle lead. She was enjoying the dance and being so close to him. Swaying her body, she settled into a natural rhythm. Smiling, she looked up at her handsome lover and felt immense happiness.

Ayako chuckled.
"That's true, I did. I was at the gym and saw you there. I liked what I saw, so I asked you out. We had dinner that night and hit it off really well."
The memory of them laughing and having a good time that night was one of her most pleasant memories.

Valerie slowly danced with her, enjoying it. With her right hand, she brushed some hair out of Mika's face.
"I knew that you could dance if you wanted to. You're not bad."
Putting her hand back on her hip, she continued to lead her. It felt so good not to be sidelined like before.
Belle gave a small smile as he breathed to calm down and relax always nervous with dances like this where he couldn’t mess up even it was simple.

“ weird as hell when you say that.” Giving a shrug with a sigh as she leaned a bit close to her a bit, “ doesn’t really take much mostly when you know everything.” As Mitsu moved slow.

Mika didn’t really say anything as she was calm and relaxed a bit seeing as she really did have to do something like this anyway, slowly moving and mostly watching her as she didn’t know what to do at all really.

The song would finally end as angel gave a small casual smile with her arms around him to hold on to as she leaned back a bit casually with belle looking over as he held her, as Mitsu let go and crossed her arms just standing with her, finally Mika slowly letting go.
Kari could tell that Belle was a bit nervous in the dance. She smiled as she tightened her grip around his neck to reassure him. She didn't care if he messed up, she just enjoyed being close to him. When the song ended, she just stood there and let him hold her. She winked at him as he seemed less nervous.
"You did just fine."

Ayako chuckled.
"Oh, really?"
When the dance was over, she walked with her over to some seats. When they sat down, they leaned back to relax.

When Mika slowly let go, Valerie smiled at her.
"You did okay. We'll work on you not being so stiff next time."
Walking with her to some seats, they relaxed like Mitsu and Ayako.

Brandon held Angel, feeling happy about the dance. He brushed some hair out of Angel's face and looked into her eyes.
"I love you."
He turned and saw that Belle was looking toward them. Smiling at him, the two exchanged a knuckle bump. Having the women they loved in their arms was all either one could ask for in this moment.
“ something I’m not really good at...” scratching his neck embarrassingly with a slight blush before standing for a moment and going to sit and relax.

“ nothing to really say from me with that obviously.” Mitsu replied as she fixed herself for the moment before sitting up

“ of course haven’t done this at all so it’s really awkward.” Giving a sigh as Mika would think she relaxed a bit herself already though for it.

“ love you.” Crossing her arms and turning to lean back against him casually before putting her arms around his neck from behind before going to sit.
Kari chuckled
"That is not true at all. You're a terrific dancer."
When he went to sit down, she sat next to him and also began to relax.

Ayako nodded.
"Well, I could tell that we would hit it off from the beginning. I needed a girl with the same kind of aggressive streak that I have."
Ayako sipped at her drink.

Valerie nodded.
"You'll get better with more practice."
They sat down to relax. Sipping at her drink, she was in a chill mood.

Brandon smiled at her. After her arms went around him from behind, he went over to the seats. After sitting down without squishing Angel, he snapped his fingers.
"That's right, your birthday is coming up. We should celebrate."
Brandon got a drink for himself as he thought it over.
Belle just shrugged seeing still that something worked at least with him not being single and of course being able to brag for the fact he was better than Brandon mostly with that. “ well have something to show off.” Giving a smirk really liking his talent again.

“ slow seething temper that builds to explosion.” Describing herself with that, “ I mean I’m just cynical as hell mostly and whatever but it works anyway.” Being happy she doesn’t need put effort to anything much anyway beside being lazy.

Mika just sighed and leaned back looking around as she took her phone out for some music, even singing just a bit.

“ well don’t really have a plan for anything.” Giving a shrug casually as she moved to sit up accept sideways so she could lean her back against him as she used her phone.
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Kari smiled.
"Yes, you can be a real show-off. But you're still a terrific dancer."
Kari continued to relax and enjoy her drink.

Ayako chuckled.
"True, you do have a temper. I'm cynical, too, so it works."
She put her arm around Mitsu and gently pulled her close.

Valerie looked over and saw Mika relaxing. She had some music playing and was singing to herself. Valerie took a drink and kicked back. It was a nice night for chilling with friends.

Brandon nodded.
"Well, I'm sure we can come up with something."
He reached around and gently groped her breast.
"We can't forget birthday sex, either."
“ weird ass personalities.” Giving a shrug as Mitsu sat up, looking up wondering what to do then, “ god but it’s weird that I have these random like girly ass moments though.”

Mika soon had another song ( there is subs) playing as she shook her head seeming that something was now randomly bothering her as she couldn’t even help but sing it, not noticing she actually was but also showing again her conflicting battle of wanting to find love and be more outgoing but also with her lack of really knowing much and shyness.

Belle just gave a little laugh, liking the song as he repeated the chorus a bit himself.

Angel looked over too, also seeing herself as not really too shy than her but seeing how she was in the past, at least though being able to threaten a guy to beat their ass but still the nervousness back then. Turning as angel flicked his head and crossing her arms, “ of course that’s why you like my birthday but like damn hell you can even try that.” Sitting up to lean against him.
Ayako shrugged.
"Maybe. We're girls, so we have to have girly moments sometime."
She also wondered what to do, not picky about it.

Valerie looked over and understood how she felt. She was very shy and introverted by nature. However, she had shown signs of wanting to be outgoing. It was something that she could only figure out for herself, but Valerie would be there to support her.

Kari was glad that Belle was happy. She had enjoyed the dance with him. Now was a good time for kicking back. She would dance again another time.

Brandon chuckled.
"It's not the only reason. Besides, you like it, too."
Brandon held her close.
"I love you, Angel. You'll have a special birthday this year."


Brandon and the others were preparing a celebration for Angel's birthday. They had rented a bungalow so that they could have a private party. Valerie and Mika were in charge of decorating. Brandon was in charge of the food. Belle and Kari were in charge of music. Ayako and Mitsu were keeping Angel busy with clothes shopping so that the party would be a surprise.
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belle yawned and stretched, sitting down and listening to his own music to get some ideas, at least having some obvious ones with some songs they had before of course as well though but at least some to show off their skills again and just his favorites to dance to as well but not having too many songs to add himself.

Mika just waited wondering what she would have to do, as they finally actually started on the party during the trip with the decorations at least with the job she had.

Mitsu casually put her hands behind her head, following with them as they finally arrived, “ hmph well already know a lot of different clothes that are really damn good. Hell I know at least one good makeup kinda thing to do too.” The girl giving a grin but also knowing the small pain of it as they continued to walk.

Angel knew a few outfits herself but shrugged as Mitsu told her about it, “ well that’s fine.” Not really minding herself anyway much as they eventually arrived where they looked at all the different clothes.
Kari shuffled through some music and let Belle sample them. He had a good idea of what music Angel liked, so she let him take the lead on this one. Passing over some music, she took a sip of her soda. They had selected quite a few songs, almost enough for a party playlist.

Once Mika and Valerie had the decorations, they started putting them up. They had a large banner wishing Angel a Happy Birthday, and they had chosen colors that she liked. They had lighting and decorations that would set the mood. Valerie and Mika divided the work, starting from different sides and meeting in the middle.

Ayako followed Mitsu and Angel as they did some impromptu shopping. She wasn't as into this kind of thing as her girlfriend was, but she did like a nice outfit. Ayako preferred tomboyish clothes, rarely showing her girly side. However, for this party, she would pick out a new outfit and get her hair done. As they entered the store, she started looking into cute skirt and blouse combinations. She was near Angel and Mitsu, so she could give feedback on their choices.

Brandon was finishing setting up all the tables where the food would go. He had selected all of Angel's favorite foods, so he was sure she would like it. After setting up all the food, he looked around to see how everyone else was doing. They were about ready, so now they just had to wait for Mitsu and Ayako to bring her.
Belle leaned back casually with a stretch, looking over at some music himself before turning to Kari and seeing what she picked for some at least before finding more and adding still.

Mika stretches, looking around with a sigh not really liking it much before finally starting with her as she set up her side at least before moving along.

Mitsu and angel really started to talk then, the girl thinking of one to do with makeup as well before going over as the other followed to pick clothes that would be similar to what she had to get before finally going over for the makeup. With the makeup going as Mitsu being the black hoodie and stockings with pink sparkly eyeliner, black hat and shades, and angel with the same eyeliner but her hair in two tails with black bows and blouse.

Finally getting everything, Mitsu pulled angel into their room first at least to dress up and do makeup before finally they all went down.
When the girls arrived, Brandon was stunned by how beautiful Angel looked.
"Wow, you look really good, babe."
Ayako smirked.
"They don't look TOO bad."
She winked at Mitsu.
"Just kidding, you look great."

Kari started up the music.
"Happy Birthday, Angel."
Brandon gave her a light kiss on the lips.
"Are you hungry? I made sure to stock your favorite food."
Valerie started dancing to the music, pulling Mika along.
" least i can do the damn makeup things even if its simple." mitsu replied fixing her hoodie while raising her arms up like a cat and sticking her tongue out and putting her hands in her pockets just looking over at everything for the moment as it was finally done.

" damn straight...." putting her arms around brandon and kissing him back before casually just turning to jump on his back with her arms back around him. " someone who actually damn cares." telling him with a smile, going back to those memories -: she went over to the food and taking something to eat as the music finally came on. " do this one then." going over to belle and trying to add the song before mitsu and angel would dance.

Mika just stood to the side a bit where she was as she just looked over and waited, getting pulled as usual by Valerie like that trying to at least dance.
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Brandon enjoyed Angel's kiss and her closeness to him. He was surprised when she jumped on his back and put her eyes around him, but he smiled back.
"You got that right."
He let her get down to go and get some food. The music came on and Mitsu and Angel began to dance. Brandon nodded his head to the music as he got some food for himself.

Ayako chuckled.
"Yeah, I know."
She went over to where Mitsu and Angel were dancing to join in. Valerie pulled Mika in so that they were dancing, too. Brandon decided to join in, as well. Everybody was dancing while Kari and Belle handled the music.
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