A young Musical Experience (leo22 and wiki234)

Mio grabbed the tea and took a sip before sighing happily. She then leaned back and looked at him with a small smile. "So...did you...like the date? And...would you like to have another one sometime soon? I think Yui and the others wanted to come over to rehearse."

She then giggled at thinking of Kairu's reactions to her silly friends.
Kairu sighed and sipped on his own tea leaning back quielty. "Yeah it was pretty fun...sure I would, sounds fun..." E glanced over at her quielty then turned on the tv, " so I guess your bringing your band to practice here? I will be your loyal butler for the day once they come, I'll be providing snacks and tea and anything they need ..." Kairu stood up and put his cup down on the table, "I'll see what clothes I have for tommorrow then. "
"You don't have to do anything." Mio said with a sigh as she ran a hand through her black, messy hair. Despite her efforts, it was still tussled from their intimacy. So she gave up on it and turned her head to Kairu. "Just be yourself...or maybe invite your band over. We always like meeting other musicians."

She then leaned back and grabbed her phone, deciding to open up the Internet and websurfed.
Kairu shrugged, "I guess we could have a little party too then..." Kairu finished his tea then got up and stretched, " well I'll call them and tell them to come over for tommotow then." Kairu turned and walked up to his room, leaving the door open and putting on some headphones holding some drums sticks. He decided to play since it was always fun and it was part of some practice anyway.
Mio went to her room and plugged in her headphones too and began to work on her bass. She put in her track for No-Thank You! And began to play to her Bass lines, loving the sound of the simplistic instrument. At the same time, she began to sing the lyrics. It was a song she wrote not long after graduating, not wanting to think back as a kid, she decided to keep moving onward as an adult. A smile hit her face as she continued, it was probably her favorite song out of the ones she had wrote.
Kairu put in a song and started drumming to it, the sounds loud and clear. He really had a very nice rhythm that was even better than most drummers, his talent seemed natural and amazing to people who listened to him play. When Kairu was done with one song, he switched to another song and started to practice and play for a little while more.
Mio played her song, Singing!, once more before a yawn escaped her lips, so she put away her bass and crawled into bed. Grabbing the pillow to hug it gently as drowsiness took her. As she fell asleep, she began to think.

"I need to not be that way...it's not fair to him or me...plus it's like what Ritsu said...I don't have to be intimate to like him...he can like me for just who I am..."

She then giggled at herself, finding it somewhat funny that she had been silky the past two days. But she did like them at the same time, Kairu was a fantastic roommate and hopefully a good friend too in the future.
Kairu soon felt tired as well, seeing as they were gonna have a big day tommorrow and he would finally meet her band. He yawned then gave a sigh, closing his door and changing then heading straight to bed. He respected mio as a friend and as a young lady she would of course soon become, not like her as a person he would date, he was actually neutral with his feeling for her, not having any hate but also giving space and knowing that he didn't have a crush on her at all. Kairu would accept her as a roommate and hopefully good friend in the future as well.
The next day came and Mio awoke with yawn, actually feeling normal for the first time since she had arrived. She gave a small giggle over the past two days before a heavy blush hit her face, she still didn't know why she did those embarrassing things, but she was just going to blame it on hormones and the stress of moving. Afterall, when you were in an uncomfortable environment, you do things to make yourself feel comfortable...right?

Getting out of bed, she threw on some blue jeans and a baggy black shirt. She then walked into the kitchen and and saw the time was 9:15, it was fairly late for her normal wake up time but she wasn't in a rush today so she shrugged it off.

Since Yui and the others were coming, she decided to get her Bass restrung, so she quickly fixed a light meal and ate it. She then took her Bass and was out the window.
(Lol I think you mean door XD)

Kairu slowly woke up too, already changing first before he would check on her real quick but seeing she was already gone. He sighed and got some breakfast, deciding to practice in the living room with his drums since no one was there accept him, putting on some headphones for the music. He didn't really have anything to do that would make him go out anyway and there was really nothing else to do at home beside watch tv or this.
A few hours later Mio arrived and saw Kairu and his band in the living room. Giving a soft smile, she gave a small how before introducing herself, they hadn't met her since she had been locked up in her room that day.

"It's nice to meet you...I'm Mio!"

She then sat by Kairu and waited for them to ask her questions.
Kairu sighed seeing everyone already coming in as they would practice right now since he knew she was gone. After they had practiced, everyon would relax for a little bit as they would practice again in a little while, noticing the door open and seeing it was someone they didn't quite know. "Oh hey..,." Kairu said looking over at her, " she's a roommate that's staying here with me now." He told them leaning back a bit.

Everyone else sat down on the couch, deciding to introduce themselves and ask a few questions for her being a bit curious besides being a roommate
Mio smiled and looked at Kairu and then his band. She was somewhat nervous but then she tooka calming breath and smiled even wider. "Any questions you guys may have?"

She leaned against Kairu, her silky black hair brushing against his arm, and the faint scent of her ocean scented shampoo filled the air around him.

//sorry that this is so late ><
The other band members sat on the couch in front of them... "Are you guys...you know..." He said pointing out why she was leaning against Kairu like that. Kim the bassist, who seemed as tall as Kairu with short black hair decided to ask his question, "so..where did you guys become popular the most, and have you guys ever did anything that you couldn't forget while you guys played for maybe a live performance or something?"
Mio bkushed as she got off Kairu and waved her hands in front of herself nervously, "N-no! I was just tired from walking and drifted off! That's all!"

As she denied her romance, her face turned red from the past two days, as well as Kim's question. Mio bkushed even more as she hid under her bangs. "Ummm..well..one day I was singing at a group and after the show I...tripped and people saw my panties...I soon got a da club after that..."

She then gave a groan as she recalled the memory.
"Oh..I was thinking about a happy memory that you didn't want to forget I mean, well...it seemed it had a more positive impact than negative...for he moment it seemed.." Kim sat up a bit and crossed his arms, he looked over at Kairu who just quielty listened as well but he seemed to ignore the other question of if they were together. Kairu stretched a bit, " well I could tell you something like that, that happened to me if you wanna know mio..."
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