A young Musical Experience (leo22 and wiki234)

Kairu sighed, and couldn't help but give her a smile, " I already told you, I would want to see it maybe one more time..." He said crossing his arms, "well...to be honest your personality mostly, I like how you care for people you trust and I think it's really cute being a bit shy. I'm not really shy, I just don't really talk to anyone...I'm glad you had a lot fun though."
Mio blushed when he remebered why he wanted to see her. So she smiled as she stood up and unbuttoned her blouse, revealing the black bikini top before dropping her skirt, revealing the bottoms. She then smiled shyly before she sat down.

"You know...its kind of nice...being like this...."

She then Thought for a moment a moment before she sat beside him. "You like my shy side huh....I'm glad...ummm...can I...cuddle with ya..."

She did so anyways, walking up to him and laying on his lap. She then curled up and smiled softly.
Kairu didn't know what the hell was going on anymore, clearly this was friendly teasing anymore that he thought at first. It was something he would never expect at all from someone like her, she had a clear light and dark side, a diminishing innocent side to a little sexy corrupted side of her. But of course he couldn't stop knowing he did love her bikini a ton, it was his favorite thing the most he found her amazing in. He leaned back a bit, seeing her lay her little innocent body of hers against him. It was a simple answer to a question and it came to something more. Kairu sighed and wrapped his arms around her kissing mio's forehead softly.
Mio blushed as he kissed her forehead, she wanted to say something but nothing came out. So instead she pressed further into him, once again clinging to him for warmth.

"You know...I...I kind of like it...it's something different...being skimpily dressed. Normally I hate it but...with you it seems fun..."

She giggled as she guided his hands to her bikini top, their finger brushing the knots around her neck. "I should stop shouldn't I? But I don't want to...its...nice..."

She then blushed harder as a chill surrounded her. What was she doing?
Kairu had his mind go blank and his assumption was right, she was acting so different than what she normally was, he was turning her innocence into what seemed like a corruption she secretly enjoyed. He let her take his hand wondering what she wanted with it and followed its movement with his eyes seeing it suddenly stop to the only knot that held and his something she didn't seem to want to hide very well in particular with him.... Kairu felt like he was frozen, being controlled by her by her own desire rather than anything else. He looked up and down her sweet body and held the end of the knot with his fingers not deciding not to pull it for a moment. Kairu didn't care if she wanted to stop or not.
Mio silently whimpered as he held out, she quickly took his hand and guided it to the second knot on her back. She blamed Ritsu and Sawako for this side of her, but she knew it was her own desire more than anything. She felt obligated, not to mention she liked the sense of vulnerability.

"If you want to do it...just do it..." She managed to say, her mind thinking a million things.

She wanted to kiss him, but she wasn't going to give him her first kiss yet. She would save that for another time, for now the teasing was good enough. She loved the innocent nature in the air.

For now, Mio tugged on Kairu's hand around her neck, causing the knot to loosen, hoping it would encourage him.
He didn't know what was going on with her much, but he knew that this wasn't exactly the real thing. It was her own choice and not his, kairu didn't see her as that anyway to be honest, he had done some teasing of his own either and now it seemed as a simple game to him for now. Kairu just wanted to observe and see now what she was really wanting from him, knowing it wasn't straight teasing but maybe something else he would have found out eventually. Kairu sighed and decided to give her an illusion and go with what she wanted, pulling knot more until it they seperated. Kairu leaned in and got a moment kissed her neck, his lips slowly teasing the skin of her neck, showing her the same feeling he seemed to have of her for the moment.
Mio gasped as the knot came undone, but he didn't slide the straps off. She blushed and pressed into him more as he kissed her neck. She squirmed in his lap, knowing that she was so close to being naked. He was winning, and he knew how to torture her so well with pleasure. She smiled gently before she encouraged him further, she took his hand and made him squeeze her left breast. Pleasure coursed through as the soft flesh was groped. She then let him let go and she smiled.

"Cmon...you can't really expect me to win..."

It was the opposite in fact, she wanted to lose. So badly too...
Kairu watxhes her for a moment, just seeing how far she really was with all the teasing he's had, though even though he hasn't done much his tries were more significant than hers. he felt the softness of what he knew she would be normally embarassed if he looked at it, she was completely consumed by her desire for that innocence to be owned by someone, him in particular. " well then if that's what you want to think, I always win a game. I hope you'll enjoy your need to lose." Kairu was taking his time, knowing she didn't like to wait to be something that she normally would fight against hard but this time there was no struggle to that fight.

Kairu smiled, " your mine then..." He said teasing her neck with his lips against her soft pure skin, his hand and his body moving on its own like a machine. Her breast was gently elf and squeezed in his hand as the kisses continued. Kairu revealed her other breast and took that for himself too, both his hands claiming her chest.
Mio gasped as her breasts were slowly taken out of the cups of her bikini top, his hands groping the cold mounds of flesh. She groaned, wanting her bikini top gone, so she untied the knots in the back and quickly threw the skimpy black cloth away, leaving her in her bikini bottoms. She squirmed in place, her hair slowly becoming a mess, and her skin began to sweat.

Most of all, she could feel her virgin womanhood throbbing. Her bottoms slowly became damp with her heat and she knew she couslnt take much more. Her gray eyes shut tight, she was loving this too much.
He was taking some control now, she was like a dolls ms she knew that he could do anything with her now. Kairu circled his fingers around her nipples, making them become harder, and sending a shock of even more pleasure. He slowly started to lick and kiss more down her neck. Kairu squeezed her boobs more enjoying how big and bouncy they really were.
Mio moaned as she arched her back, her nipples growing hard on her perfect Breasts. Her body felt hot, and she loved it. Soon her hand went to her bottoms, which were now soaked and untied them and shelf up the drenched fabric. "That way...no one hears us..."

It was a lie, and they both knew it. The walls were too thick for their intimacy to be heard, but Mio stufk them in her mouth anyways to gag herself, giving herslef a taste of her own juices. It also left her shaved Pussy on display for Kairu.

Twice he had seen her naked, and she didn't regret it. She actually felt loved and cared for, and it was something she needed.

For now she moaned into the black cloth as he tortured her breasts.
Kairu pulled her on his lap and started licking sleoly up and down her nrck, giving her breasts the best attention he could for now. He gently pulled on her nipples and squeezed her breasts a bit harder, he was enjoying it more himself too. One of Kairu's hands did wonder down her boy to touch her at the most embarrassing part of her, most girls would say about themselves, his fingers teasing the folds of her wet entrance, his fingers following the rhythm of moving up and down that have her the same teasing torture as he also gave her breasts and he could feel just her being so wet from just being touched by him alone.
Mio thrashed in his lap as her juices coated his fingers, she had only been this wet a few times in her life, and she hadn't even cum yet. The rythmn between her virgin womanhood and her breasts was too much and she had to do something.

Grabbing his hand, he took it away from her dripping push and back to her Breasts, wanting Him to massage them again. At the same time, her hand went down to play with herself for a moment until her index, middle, and ring finger were drenched with her juices. She then shyly held them to his mouth so he could taste her.
Kairu continued to play with her body, having a little fun and knowing that she was under his control and every little thing could have an effect on her. His hand went back up to her breasts, holding both of them in his hands, continuing to pull on her hard nipples slowly and squeeze her breast more and more. He continued to lick and kiss up and down her neck, closing one eye and kept his other eye on, watching mio being naughty with herself as well. Kairu leaned in and took her fingers in his mouth, licking off and tasting her pure innocent sweetness. Kairu leaned back a bit and her fingers sleoly slid out of his mouth. Kairu then leaned over and gently licked one of her nipples.
Mio's arousal increased as he tasted her juices while torturing her breasts, the round mounds constantly squeezed, and her hard nipples pinched over and over. But once her fingers were gone, his mouth descended to her breast and licked her nipple, she spat out her bikini bottoms and cried out in pleasure.

"Don't...at this rate...I'm gonna...gonna..."

Before he could do anymore to her breasts, Mio's walls down below clenched and her juices squirted out, leaving a wet spot on his pants. Mio collapsed against him, waiting for round two. She wanted to do this until she passed out, it was that much fun.
Kairu looked at her, " you naughty mio..." He said teasing her a bit, " how does it feel?" He asked sitting her down next to him on the couch, " we should take It higher now..." Kairu stood up and took off his pants showing off his dark blue boxers, and a small bulge on his pants that would likely growing if something were to encourage it. He leaned over and kissed her cheek then played with one of her nipples, teasing it with his tongue this time.
Mio looked at him with a drunk gaze before she leaned in and took out his manhood, making sure the boxers were still on. She shyly looked at it and stroked it with her soft hand and watched it get bigger. She gave it a small liked before grabbing her breasts.

She remembered reading this in the stupid stories, and now she was going to do it. She put her mounds around his length, sandwhiching then before moving herntortured tits up and down. At the same time, she gently licked the tip of it. She secretly wished all his focus was on her still, but it was only fair that she give him some pleasure too.
kairu leaned back and watched her, he felt how good her breasts really were. He liked them big and soft and he didn't see that she was a huge pervert beside what he saw just the day before, how did she know about these things and it seemed she would of secretly wanted someone to take her like this. He felt the tip being licked. kairu just relaxed and let her continue on her own really loving how her she didn't really have that innocent face anymore
It took all of Mio's willpower to keep the seductive look on her face as she continued to massage his erect Penis with her breasts. She felt so dirty, but her sexual curiosity overwhelmed her thoughts of modesty, let alone the fact they were only friends (and very recent ones at that). Mio finally lost t it and she looked up as she sucked on the tip, her eyes innocent once again.

Finally she parted from it, her face red, and her mouth panting. "A-sorry...I..I..."

One hand went to her breast and the other went to her dripping vagina and she began to masturbate. Her moans echoing in the living room.
kairu looked over at her, and lifted her up on his lap again. "you don't have to do that...' he said teasing her wet pussy with her with the tip of his penis, "I could help you, and you don't seem to have much experience at all.' kairu liked both of her nipples then went up to take her lips in his and slowly push her down so the tip was teasing her inside but he didn't slide it in yet
Mio felt his tip brush against her swollen clit, and more moans escaped as he licked her nipples. She then felt the top press against her lips with more pressure and she threw her head back. In a few seconds she would no longer be a virgin.

That thought stopped her in her tracks, and her eyes opened wide before she pushed herself off and stood, her legs trembling and her inner thighs soaked with her juices.

She then shook her head. "N-no...I don't want to go that far yet...please..."

She gave a sigh and sat down and looked at her naked body as she tried to clear her head. "Maybe it isn't the guys that are the problem...maybe I'm the problem...I bet if I was still in Highschool I'd be called a slut or something...I've...I've been nothing but selfish and hormonal around you for the last day..."
kairu stopped and set her down next to him, pulling his boxers up. " that's fine, I respect your decision and ill leave you alone..' he pulled up his pants and buttoned back on. " I don't blame you at all mio, I knew you weren't your usual self its just natural for a girl to feel that way and I don't hate you for wanting to stop. if you need something just ask.' he turned and decided to make some tea for himself.
While Kairu made tea, Mio threw on her bikini and her skirt. She sat there waiting for him to return, she didn't bother to fix her messy hair. Luckily her arousal was slowly starting to fade away and her eyes went back to normal.

She turned to Kairu as he returned and smiled. "You're really nice...you know?"

She then gave him a hug once he sat down. Mio was really appreciative of his compassionate nature.
kairu poured some tea into the teacup, then decided to make her a cup as well, bringing both of them over and setting one on the table in front of her. He took his teacup and started to slowly drink, leaning back a bit and relaxing, "well I respect my friends a lot and I don't ever try to cross their boundaries or demand anything from them. thank you very much mio, and ive made you some tea if you want any...' he said tilting his head to gesture that her teacup was sitting on the table waiting for her.
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