A young Musical Experience (leo22 and wiki234)

" wow you should have been the leader of the group, and your a really good student..." He stood up and stretched his arms then turned to her, " well not today, it's one of those busy days for everyone, I didn't really have a particular place. Maybe we could walk around town or we could go the swimming pool the apartment has. It's pretty big and it's good because today is pretty hot."
Mio thought for a moment before a shy blush hit her face and she nodded. "Well...the pool sounds good to me..."

She stood up and went to her room and dug through her clothing until she found her black bikini. Mio then slipped out of her Former school uniform and put the bikini on. She looked in the mirror and blushed, normally she wouldn't mjnd wearing a bikini, but since she was alone with a guy she just met, it made her uneasy...especially with the cleavage she was showing.

Shaking her head from the thoughts, she grabbed a towel and went to the living where Kairu was at. "Umm...okay...I'm ready..."
Kairu was in the kitchen, washing and putting away the tea set, he slowly waged it and put it in the cabinet when he was done sleoly turning to face her. "Sure just wait for me too" he said as kairu was just walking back out to the room from the kitchen. . " I'll be right back..." He said walking past her and to his room. He closed the door and went to get black shorts with a bunch of blue stripes on them as the pattern. He put his shorts on and grabbed a towel, walking out to meet her again. " if your ready we can go then, and i just wanna say again that I'm not that kind of boy to think weird thoughts with you looking like that. I think it's nice and we won't have to worry about just staying in here and sweating." Kairu put his towel on his shoulder then opened the door and walked out, waiting for her outside.
"I-it's fine..." Mio said shyly as she began to follow him, her breasts giving a soft and subtle bounce with her steps. As they walked, Mio couldn't help but look at his slim body, which only made her blush stronger. She once again shook her head and quickly walked past him and went into the pool area.

Somehow it was empty for the two of them, perhaps people went to the beach? Or maybe they just wanted to stay inside, but whatever it was, it made Mio happy so she quickly laid her towel down before she dove into the deep end.
Kairu followed behind her, and walked through the gate, into the pool area with her. It was always usually like this, it was good that it wasn't so quiet and noisy all the time and it was the perfect place to hang out beside being inside all day. He sighed and put his towel down on one of the chairs then took his shirt off and jumped in. The water was nice today especially when it was really warm and sunny. He swam under water from the deep end then came back up in the middle of the pool, going underwater again and appearing at a different spot.
wiki234 said:
Kairu followed behind her, and walked through the gate, into the pool area with her. It was always usually like this, it was good that it wasn't so quiet and noisy all the time and it was the perfect place to hang out beside being inside all day. He sighed and put his towel down on one of the chairs then took his shirt off and jumped in. The water was nice today especially when it was really warm and sunny. He swam under water from the deep end then came back up in the middle of the pool, going underwater again and appearing at a different spot.

Mio swam for a while before she went up to Kairu and grinned. "This is really nice! Thanks for suggesting this!"

She then playfully tackled him, normally it was Ritsu, Mugi, or Yui that tackled her, but Mio was in a fun mood. Besides, she had a feeling Kairu was in a playful mood too.

Of course, Mio knew Kairu was much stronger than her, but maybe that would be fun, getting beat by someone bigger than her. She then blushed and shook her head again, she tried to hold onto her grip, knowing he'd break ou of it soon.
" well I'm glad your having fun.." He said tilting his head a bit with a smile. Kairu stood in his spot and leaned back a bit, seeing her suddenly jump on top of him. He sunk down underwater but came back up, " oh so what is this?" He asked with a smirk deciding to play her little game. He turned around and started swimming around fast to try to shake her off. He was pretending he was a bull to a rider and she tried to shake her off seeing that she wouldn't be able to grip onto him much, slowly slipping off of him. " you can't stop me!" He said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her towards him once he did eventually get her off. Kairu playfully laughed and sighed, " I could give you a little ride on my back if you want.." He said turning around and bending over a bit so she could get on his back.
Mio obeyed and got on his back, pressed her torso against his entire back and wrapping her legs around him. She then laid her head on his shoulder while her arms wrapped around him too.

The next five minutes went by, and it was only peaceful silence as Kairu swam through the water. As he did Mio spoke, "I never new I could have this much fun...without even having to put forth so little effort...its a nice change from the others."

She then slid off of him and turned him around. "You've done so much for me...is there anything I can do for you?"
" well I'm glad you really are having fun, I like to see a new smiling face once in a while." He nodded, and turned around when she wanted to and listened to her question, " oh you don't really have to ask that, it's fine you don't have to pay me back with doing or giving me anything. I don't mind doing thinggs for you like this." He crossed his arms and glanced around. "When we get back up I'll go ahead and make you some tea and I'll cook dinner. You can just watch tv or practice or do whatever you need to."
Mio shook her head. "It's fine...Ill just order us some pizza from the Pizza Hut nearby..."

So they swam for a few hours before darkness set in, so they got out of the pool and began to walk back to their room. As they did, Mio gently grabbed his hand, feeling callouses on his palms from his drum playing. She then laid her head against his arm. "Thanks...today was...relaxing..."

When they got home, Mio went straight for her room, slipping her underwear and her uniform back on, since it was getting chilly, she grabbed the yellow sweater vest and threw it on too. She decided to keep her feet bare since she liked not wearing footwear of any kind while indoors. She quickly grabbed her feel and then ordered a pizza for her and Raiyu.

Next she went to the livingroom and sat on the couch, smiling to herself.
Kairu just sighed, "ok then, that's fine we could go for that too." He continued swimming with her for a while longer and got out when it seemed time to head back before it got too dark and cold. He walked with her back up to the apartment room, not noticing her get so close to him when she told him about her day. " I'm glad I made you happy today, I had some fun too..." He continued to walk and let her lean against his arm, opening the door and walking inside with her.

He closed the door and watch her head back then went to his own room to shower and change. He came out wearing a black shirt and shorts, walking into the kitchen and getting out the tea pot to make tea for both of them. He glanced over at her then went over to take out the teacups again.

His phone suddenly rang, it was one of the band members, "hey man, we were all free and we felt like doing a little practice. It's already dark so I think it's better for us to come over." Kairu quielty listened then replied, " yeah sure we could just bring your stuff over, we don't really need anything major either." Kairu continued talking to him, letting them know that it was easier to sleep for tonight since they would travel a long way to get here. Kairu hung up and took the teapot, putting in the teabag and waiting for a moment before he poured it into two cups and put them on a tray. He walked over and set the tray down putting one cup for her and taking the other cup for himself.
Mio smiled at him happily as she took the tea cup and sipped on it happily. She then leaned back and looked at the ceiling. "This is a nice way to start summer break..."

Soon the pizza arrived and Mio payed for the two large boxes. She then sat the boxes between them and they delve into the cheese and peparoni pizzas. The entire time, Mio had a soft smile on her face before she was finally full. "I'm going to go to bed...thanks again Kairu...."

She hugged him tightly before getting up and walked to her room. Once the door was shut, she stripped out of her uniform until she was in her blue-striped bra and her (infamous) blue and white striped panties. She removed the bra and threw on a black tank-top and she crawled into her new bed.

Soon, she was out like a light.
Kairu sat next to her and leaned back, sitting up a bit and eating some of the pizza that was there and running his tea. " well im glad I could help." He had fun talking to her and hanging out the entire day, but now it was time to rest for tomorrow, especially for him since he wasn't quite done and he didn't have a real break like her until after tomorrow. He sighed and cleaned up everything, closing the boxes and putting the pizza away so they could save it for later in case any of them were hungry again. " ok then good night.." He said wrapping his arms around her and hugging back with a smile. He let go after a moment and watch her finally stay and get comfortable in her own room now.

Kairu turned and heard a knock on the door as there were three other boys who had their instruments. 2 on guitars and 1 on bass. They all walked in and closed the door behind him, " hey guys, we should have our practice now.." The bassist, riku (real boy name of Ritsu) told him. Kairu sighed, maybe tommorrow, "I have one more test before I'm out, and insure you took yours already." They nodded at Kairu. "Ok then we'll just do it tomorrow."

Kairu nodded, and sighed, "well for tonight I'll let you have my bed then, we'll practice and then that's it after that for a while, 2 for a bed and someone on the couch. " I'll be sleeping in anther room if you don't mind so I'll just good night for now."

They all chose who would take the bed and the couch and the other band members settled down. Kairu facepalmed, and took a blanket and a pillow. He quielty opened the door to mio's room and set the blanket and pillow down deciding to sleep on the floor, "I'm sorry mio, things just happened I promise it's only one night." He whispered even though she was already asleep. Laying down, Kairu pulled up the blanket and slowly slept.
Mio awoke in the middle of the night and decided to get a drink, so she stood and began to walk to her door when she tripped on something learns and heavy and fell to the floor with a loud help. Rubbing her sore shoulder she felt for the light switch drowsily until her room was illuminated.

There, she saw Kairu sleeping on the hardwood floor, she didn't know why but she decided to gently shake him awake. "Kairu...wake up..."

She then gave a yawn and continued to shake him.
Kairu slowly opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing his eyes with one hand. He slowly opened his eyes more fully and saw that mio finally noticed him, " mio...I'm sorry if it's awkward to find me here, I can explain..." He leaned against the wall a bit, "I'm sorry for doing this to you, I didn't plan on doing this I swear. It's...just that my whole band came to practice earlier but I told them that I wouldn't get summer vacation until tommorrow. I have to take a quick test then I'll be out and when I get back I'll be practice together with evryone else. If you want me out of here then I understand.."
"It's fine...just get in my bed and sleep with me okay? You won't sleep well on that floor..." She said as she stood up, she then helped the young adult up too. As soon as she did, she realized her state of dress and blushed before she also began to explain.

"A-sorry...all my clothes are dirty and this was all I had left...i...i hope that's okay with you...Ummm...wanna get a drink with me and maybe talk...or do you wanna sleep?"

She shyly played with the hem of her tank-top, hoping he wouldn't be too always with it.
Kairu slowly stood up with her, " umm thanks..." He said away for a moment with his own blush of his face from seeng she wouldn't mind that they were together like that like earlier in the pool. " it's fine, you look ok with it, sure I'll go with you and we could talk." It was crazy to think how she warmed up to him so fast. It was like she wasn't that open before with her feelings to anyone like him. Kairu turned and slowly opened the door, waiting for her in the hall so they could go together.
Mio looked around to make sure no one was awake before they went to the kitchen to to get a cold glass of water. As Mio walked, Kairu had a great view of her butt, only her bikini-cut panties protecting it.

As they got their water, Mio looked at him shyly. "Sorry that I've been in skimpy clothing twice...I'm not trying to hit on you...Ummm..."

She sighed and drank her glass quietly, hoping Kairu wouldn't stare too much. But deep down, she thought it was flattering if he found her attractive. After she finished, she put it in the dish washer and stood by him. Her face still red.
Kairu walked behind her, seeing she was showing off though he knew it wasn't on purpose at all. " it's ok I understand, I know your not doing anything like that..." Kairy got some water too and set down too, looking over at her, " I'm not trying to hit on you either, but today I like you the best when you were in your bikini...it was amazing and I...I would want to see you in it again.." He sleoly turned and held her hand, walking back to the room and locking the door behind them. " your an awesome friend and a cool girl mio...and I like that a lot..." He held both her hands and smiled.
Mio's blush was constant ever since he said his favorite outfit was her bikini. Mio didn't know what to do, hormones we're going through her body, clouding her judgement. And when he held her hands, she snapped and gave in to her senses.

"T-thanks...you're...really hot to..."

She then stood back and took a deep breath, she couldn't beleive she was about to do this. But she grabbed her tank-top and threw it over her head. Leaving her in her panties, she then grabbed those too and slid them down.

Mio was now naked from head to toe, not a stitch of clothing remained on her voluptuous body. She shyly looked up at the clothed Kairu and then looked to the side. "One day...I'll be like this for one day...because you've been so nice...but after the day ends...we never talk about it...and we go on being roommates...okay."

She then walked to her bed and laid on top. What was going on with her?
Kairu Smiled knowing she would say that, but his mouth dropped open, he tried to push his mouth closed but it fell again. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, "m-mio..." He said his face turning completely red like a strawberry, it was completely obviuse he was in total shock at what he was seeing her doing right now. She was naked in front of him, his mind went completely blank, he only had the question of "how the hell did this even happen." He sighed to calm down. " mio...you don't have to do this....but ok I'll never tell anyone about this I promise..." He nodded and slowly walked over to lay down next to her, pulling up the blanket for both of them and laying his hand on top of hers.
Mio looked into his eyes. "You...you just feel like someone I can trust...even though a just met you..."

She pressed herself against him, her cold body drawing heat from his. She still didn't know what she was going to do for the next 24 hours. His Bandmates would be there all day, so she would have to be locked in her room. Luckily her room had a bathroom attached to it, but still.

"Do...do you like me like this? And if so...tell me what you like..."
" Well...I think I'll cut out practice early so you won't be so bored tommorrow, there really isn't much to practice anyway so you'll be good..." He felt her breasts and her whole body pushed up against him, " well yeah I do, I like everything about you, you have a beautiful face, a cute butt and I love your big soft breasts..." He wrapped his arms around her, leaning in to kiss her neck for a moment " you can count on me for anything, I won't tell anyone anything about what's happening between us. Only you and me will know."
"I know..." Mio said with a gasp after her neck was kissed. She then snuggled beside him and fell asleep.

The next morning came and Mio awoke before Kairu, she quickly slipped out of his grip and sat beside him. The blanket slipped from her naked form and Mio sighed at the feeling of the air conditioner hitting her soft flesh.

For now she waited for him, she wanted to get dressed but she did promise him, she also made a not that there would a touching limit if he asked.
Kairu slowly woke up, with a yawn. He sat up and scratched his head slowly opening his eyes and looking over at her, putting the blanket around her and walking over to turn the air conditioning off. " you know, you don't have to be like that all day, I don't want you to get sick or anything." Kairu walked over and sat down beside her, wrapping his arms around and kissing her cheek. " I'll cut the practice early so that way you won't be too bored, if you can last just for 15 minutes. I'll bring you some tea and I'll make a quick breakfast and bring it here for you, so I'll be right back in a second." Kairu stood up and walked out, closing the door behind him and turning on the stove, taking out the pans and the teapot and starting to cook her breakfast.

When he was done, he set everything on a tray, and quielty walked back placing the tray on the desk and pouring the tea for her. "Here you are.." I'll be done as fast as I can with this." Kairu slowly turned and walked out, closing the door behind him and meeting up with everyone else so they could start.
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