A young Musical Experience (leo22 and wiki234)

Mio simply stayed on her bed before she went to go out on her tank-top and panties. If Kairu wanted her nude then she would again, but for now she wanted to feel clothed.

Mio sighed as she sat down once dressed. Mike had to practice then he would spend sometime with her, and then he had his test at school. Mio really hoped the day would go by quick.

"Maybe I should tell him the story behind these panties." She giggled.
Kairu picked his sticks and everyone got ready, after the mometn Kairu played his drums then everyone slept started to join in and play their song. After a while of practicing it was finally over, he closed the door once evryone left and went to his room to change, coming out in black pants and a red and grey buttoned shirt. He looked over and saw mio out with clothes, he was glad that it seemed she listened to him and now he wasn't too worried. He cooked something for himself then sat down at the table and ate it, putting the dishes in the sink and getting his backpack. Kairu still had a bit of time and set it next to the door, sitting down and watching some tv.
wiki234 said:
Kairu picked his sticks and everyone got ready, after the mometn Kairu played his drums then everyone slept started to join in and play their song. After a while of practicing it was finally over, he closed the door once evryone left and went to his room to change, coming out in black pants and a red and grey buttoned shirt. He looked over and saw mio out with clothes, he was glad that it seemed she listened to him and now he wasn't too worried. He cooked something for himself then sat down at the table and ate it, putting the dishes in the sink and getting his backpack. Kairu still had a bit of time and set it next to the door, sitting down and watching some tv.

Mio threw on her last bit of clean clothing, which was a black mini-skirt and sat beside while smiling. "Ah! Nirvana...I remember them....they had really punk lyrics but great guitar skills! Personally I'm more of a classic rock person but they're still fantastic."

She smiled ans gave a small stretch before turning her face to Kairu's. "What should we do when you get home? "
"Hmm, I don't really have anything planned, we could just hang out quietly at home if you want or walk around town?" He seugged and sat up, " hmm cool, i like a lot of different music, it's just what I think is good when I listen to it....I won't be too long." Kairu stood up and went over to his room to grab a black motorcycle helmet, "I'll have to go in a bit but not right now."
Mio thought for a second before she leaned her head against his shoulder, trying her best to do a teasing tone, which wasn't very good die to her shy personality. "Well...you could always ask more questions to me...or...or I could...do what I did last night..."

Her hand played with her skirt while she rubbed her thighs together. Why was she bringing this up? They were barely even friends! Let alone lovers so why did she lose her modesty to him? He could be a creeper for all she knew, or worse!

"Don't feel you're taking advantage of me...okay..."
Kairu sat up a bit and felt her was on his shoulder, blushing at what she suggested they do after he got home. " I don't intend to treat you less than a roommate and a friend.." He crossed his arms and sighed calmly, " well...I don't have any questions in particular to ask, and...this doesn't seem usually like you.." Kairu turned to face her so they were eye to eye and leaned in where the foreheads touched almost as close to a kiss. " I must go for now...we may talk more later my sweet mio." Kairu stood up and put a pencil and eraser into his shirt pocket then slowly walked out, putting his helmet on

(I'll just time skip and have him come back.)
Mio fell on the couch with a groan of confusion and frustration. She had no idea what to do, and Itwas driving her crazy. She actually liked a guy, and after only one day too! But she never had any romantic experience, heck she barely talked to guys!

She quickly grabbed her phone and called Ritsu, maybe she could give her some advice.


"Hey Ristu...it's me..." Mio said nervously as she looked around the empty apartment.

"What's wrong? You sounded nervous...is your new roommate giving you trouble?"

Mio blushed at the question, it was true, but Ritsu didn't know that. Well...not yet anyways. She took a deep breath and talked. "Yeah...it's a guy and...I like him..."

Silence came from the other end, Mio gave a surprised expression, normally Ritsu was so talkative for things like-

"WHAT?!? You like someone?! What's he like? How far have you gone?"

Mio turned even more scarlet before she looked to the music magazines on the coffee table. She knew Ritsu was teasing, but little did she know, that things had escalated very quickly. Still, Mio needed advice so she began to talk once again.

"He's pretty handsome...and he's a drummer for his own band. And...we haven't kissed but...I got naked for him last night..."

Once again silence was on the other end before Ritsu spoke. "Wow...Ummm...that's a shocker and it's nothing like you."

"I know!" Mio groaned as she began to hand and pace around the room. She was becoming more nervous by the second! "I don't know what to do...Ritsu...you've hung out with boys...what should I do?"

Mio heard a chuckle from Ritsu's end of the line and she groaned, she guessed the drummer was going to start teasing her. Maybe throw in a embarrassing memory while she was at it. Mio could only gir a sigh, maybe she should has called Nodaka or Azusa...but now she was in for it.

"Mio, guys are more simple than you think. The truly nice ones like a girl for more than her looks...they like them for who they are. Just be you, do something you guys have an interest with, and if you want make him be attracted to you, just wear a cute outfit. Okay? Now get ready for him, I expect a good email tonight!"

With that Ritsu hung up, of which Mio smiled. It was good advice afterall.

Getting up, she quickly did her laundry so she could have clothes to wear. Finally she organized it on her bed, with the exception of her socks and underwear. Finally she began to think about what they would do.

Hearing an add on the radio she was listening to while she was doing laundry, she heard a call event for two tickets to a Paul McCartney Concert. She quickly grabbed her cell and dialed the number, hoping she would win.
Kairu put his helmet down and found his motorbike, it was all black wth blue streaks coming from the middle to the back end of it. He sighed then got on deciding that if he got there early he might leave early then. He went over and took the test, running out and getting on quickly decidig to get back home and making it by late afternoon. He didn't want to keep Mio waiting all day and he promised he would be back by then anyway. Finally arriving, he took his helmet off and walked up to the apartment room, slowly opening the door and walking in. "Hey, sorry if it seemed I took forever." Kairu told her closing the door behind him and putting his helmet down on the table.
Mio smiled as she came out of her room and ran up to him, her face clearly happy and excited. "Hey Kairu! I just won some Paul McCartney Tickets! I'm not sure if you care for music in english, but would you like to come?!"

She gave a happy squeal and sat on the couch, this was probably one of the most exciting things to happen to her! She was going to see a Rockstar that had motivated her to play music!

She then took a deep breath and opened her eyes to look at Kairu with a friendly smile. "That is if you want to...dinner will be on me too."
Kairu sat down on the couch and sighed, seeing her run out, " umm sure, sounds fun. I would love to go with you then. I don't really mind, if it's good though." He looked at her for a moment then turned on the tv, "dinner? Are we going on a date or something?" He asked with a smirk and a teasing wink, " if it is a date then it would be me who's the one treating you."
Mio turned red at his teasing nature before she reverted to her shy state. "I-it's not a date! It's me repaying you for being nice yesterday! All my friends were busy so that's why I asking you."

She then got up and smiled. "I'm going to go take a shower. I have no good sense of fashion today, so why don't you pick out the clothes on my bed. And it better be something cute too!"

Mio then went to the shower in her room and turned it on before getting in it. She decided the blue and white stripped underwear was still fairly clean, so now she wondered what Kairu would pick for her. Either way it wouldn't matter really, they were going to have fun and enjoy Rock and Roll. What other excuse would they need?
Kairu smiled, " well if that's what you want. You can call it anything you want." He stood up as well and stretched, " umm...ok then I will..." He said scratching his neck and turning away once she was in her room. " be something cute...this isn't like her at all..but I guess I will go with it..." He said to himself walking over to her room as well and going over to the closet to pick some clothes.

He opened her bag and looked through them, seeing her swimsuit in there, "hell yeah I wanna see her in that again." Kairu then started to look for a pair of pants and shirt he liked, maybe a black dress he found. He laid what he liked on the bed and thought of her either wearing the black dress and the cute little hat he found or the grey shirt and pants with a logo on it.


Mio got out of the shower and out on what he had laid out, even though she was gonna wear her striped set again, she decided on the bikini he laid out. She then went through the various outfits he had laid out. The grey shirt and pants looked nice, but they didn't seem right for what they were going to do. Next was the black dress and small hat from a music shoot they participated in, Mio turned red before shaking her head and shoving back to the bed. Finally she decided on the blouse, skirt, and purple hoodie and got dressed in it. It looked rather nice now she thought of it.

Exiting from the room, she sat on te couch and out her hands in her hoodie pockets before calling out. "Hurry up! We still need to pick up the tickets and get dinner! I'm not going to miss this concert!"
Kairu walked out after setting her clothes and went to his own room to change, wearing a dark grey scarf, a brown shirt with a blue design on it and plain black pants, wearing a dark red hoodie with a black pattern on it. He walked into the the hall, " ok then let's go now!" He said running down to meet her at the couch. Kairu stood by the door and opened it, " we should take a motorbike then...it will be way faster and traffic isn't a prob.." He picked up his black helmet and ran back to his closet to get another helmet that was the same, meeting her again. Kairu handed it to her and let her walk out first before he would show her the way to his bike.
Mio gave a nod before she put the helmet on, making sure it didn't mess with her hair. She was also kind of nervous that the wind would cause her skirt to fly up but it was a bikini so it shouldn't be too big of a problem.

Walking to his bike, she got behind him as they saT down and she wrapped her arms around his waist. Pressing herself against him. "Ready?"
Kairu gave her the helmet and walked out, leading her to the bike that was parked on the sidewalk. He turned it on and smiled, sitting down in front of her and waiting for a moment before he turned it on, "so where is the concert then?" He asked startig the engine and doing a little spin on his bike before he started driving off with her toward the street.
"First we need to get je tickets! Then I'll show you where the concert will be!" Mio said through engine.

And so he drove while Mio pointed out where radio station was, once they were there, she quickly went and got the tickets before coming back out. It was clear she was excited for the concert as a constant smile was on her face. She got back on and told him where the stadium was next.

Soon they were in line and Mio was still smiling, she was hugging Kairu's arm in joy. "I can't wait! He's a left handed bassist like me! And he's such a great singer too!"
Kairu just followed what she told him,and in not time they were already out and in the line for the concert. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets, glancing over at her quietly seeing full excitement on her face. Kairu stayed quiet the whole time and soon they were already heading to their seats, the two of them getting a pretty good view of the stage. They were able to see all the members clearly, he did find it somewhat fun but he wasn't really excited in something like this as her.
It wasn't long until the music started, and Mio could recognize the tune of Sgt. pepper's Lonley Hearts club band. The young girl gave a scream with the rest of crowd as Paul appeared on the stage and began to sing. Mio sang along with him in perfect english until the song was over.

Next he began to play some music that was from his time with Wings and Mio once again gave a joyful smile, even though she didn't know the song. But she loved the simple Bass cords or how easy the rythem of the drums were. It was something easily underrated, many bands wanted comi aged solos so this was a nice change.

"Are you liking it?!?" Mio asked, her Gray eyes full of joy.
"Of course..." He said with a simple nod crossing his arms and not thinking much about it, he didn't really like concerts. Most of the time he liked to practice his own rhythm with the drums whenever he could. And unlike him they became famous because they tried hard for even a small but of fans and attention. Kairu crossed his arms and just sat back watching quietly not caring to pay attention to detail or the song or instruments in particular, it seemed something that mio wanted to do and that was it.
About half way through the concert, Mio saw that Kairu had a unamused expression on his face so she quickly got up to buy a shirt from the gift shop and quickly came back to tug on his arm. "Hey...I'm getting a headache...can we leave."

She the clutched her head and gave a grunt in pain. She didn't want to leave but friendship was a teo way street, so she wanted him to have fun too.They could just have dinner and then retire home, or maybe do something else.
"You sure? If you wish then we may." Kairu said putting his hands in the pocket, but leaving one to hold her hand so they wouldn't get seperated. He walked out from the crowd, " I like a good show sometimes too." He smiled at her and decided to just go already like she wanted. He found the bike and walked over to it, turning to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close. " your cheeks are smooth...and I really do like your hair." Kairu brushed a bit of hair that was covering her face and just held her in his arms for a moment, slowly letting go and putting on his helmet then sitting down and waiting for her.
Mio blushed as his hand brushed her face and hair. She wanted to talk but for now she simply nodded and got on the bike with him.

Since the concert was only halfway done, they easily avoided traffic and returned to their apartment before they say down on the couch. Mio removed her hoodie and bow tie and smiled at him. "Thanks for taking me, even though you didn't care for it."

She then removed her socks once again to get comfy. "What should we do now?"
"Well I had a little fun though..." He said folliwng her jm and closing the door behind him. Kairu sat beside her and turned on the tv so it wouldnt actually be awkwardly quiet, "well...we could maybe talk if you have anything in mind or in particular or if you want you ask me questions this time if you have any." Kairu removed his jacket and scooted away a bit to give Ed some space.
"Okay...ummm...is there a reason why my bikini was on the bed...did you want me to wear it?" She asked with a soft smile as she leaned back. She then turned to Kairu.

"What...do you like about me so far...even though it has only been a day." She asked with a blush as she played with hem of her skirt.
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