A young Musical Experience (leo22 and wiki234)


Dec 8, 2013
Mio stepped through the door to her new apartment and looked around with a small smile. The house was fully furnished already, and it even had a television, not that she watched much of it since she was usually with the rest of Hokago Tea Time.

It had been a year since Mio started college and for the most part, she had gotten into a good rhythm. She had classes Monday through Thursday, Friday and Saturday were practice days and Sunday was a day she relaxed. But the thin walls of the girl's dormitories were too much for her and she wanted some actual peace and quiet for once.

Luckily for her, Mio had found a flyer of a person seeking a roommate, and it was across the street from the university too. It was also only 18,000 Yen a month as well.

Sadly, Mio hadn't done any laundry lately so she was left in her old school uniform from the summertime. The shirt sleeved blouse with a blue bow tie, a grey skirt and black socks and shoes. In two of her hands were her bags of clothing, and on her back was her Fender Bass, which had been named Elizabeth.

Stepping through, Mio removed her shoes before looking around in the living room. "H-Hello! I'm here!"

Kairu was a member of a school band that he had joined during the last days of school before Summer vacation as the drummer of the band, but now he was living alone in an apartment for a while already and it was time to stop being alone and have a new roommate so he could have some fun. It wouldn't hurt to have someone to talk to and hang out wih beside his band members when they met up for practice mostly on the weekends. Right now he was in his room, fixing and organizing all his band things, making sure he had all his sticks and his drums were clean and they sounded right. He turned quielty to hear a noise from the living room, "hmm someone took his offer and it was a girl too so that was a plus. Kairu dmirked and slowy stood up, walkig into the living room to see her.

"Hey...nice to meet you...you must be my new roommate right?" He said knowing she would of course say yes. " just follow and I'll show you your own room." He nodded and walked down the hall, turning to a closed door that was across to his own opened door where a drum was sitting in the middle of his room. "This is yours." He said opening it and leaning abck against the wall. There was a large closet, a desk, and a large bed that that had a small nightstand and lamp on it.
Mio was shocked when she found out that it was a guy around her age, which resulted in a blush on her face. The Bass player had never interacted with many boys so this experience made her extremely nervous. Luckily for her, he was being polite for now. She smiled as he showed her the room she would staying in, which was perfect for her standards. She had a large bed to rest in. A big closet for her clothes, a desk for homework, now she just needed to install some shelves and the room would be finished!

"T-thanks!" She said with a shy smile as she put her stuff on the bed and sat by them, her hands smoothening her skirt properly. Mio then took a some of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. "A...Ummm...I'm Mio...Mio Akiyama."
Kairu just watched as she explored her own room, "hmm glad it has what it needs for you then.." He nodded with a friendly smiled and walked over leaning again but Against the doorway. " no prob, have anything you need just ask then... The names Kairu irukami" he said stretching a bit then standing straight. "Well I'll leave you alone for a bit then.." He said turning to walk back to his room but left the door open in case she needed something. Kairu was busy again continuing to organize his stuff while he let her settle in then.
Mio quickly shit the door behind him before unpacking her clothes and supplies, she set up her laptop and headphones at the desk and she put her Bass on its resting stand. She put her dirty clothes (which was almost all of them) in the dirty clothes hamper that was stored inside the walk-in closet before she quickly departed to his room.

As much as Mio disliked boys, it would be best to talk to her new room-mate, she would prefer to hae a positive relationship to Kairu than a negative one.

She knocked on his door-frame before stepping in, "Pardon the intrusion..."

She looked around and smiled at his drum set, which looked just as nice as Ritsu's set. Mio didn't knew Kairu loved music, and that made things far less tense as she sat on his bed. "Wow! You play music too huh? Are you in a band?"
Kairu was putting his sticks away in a pile when he heard a noise. " hey." He aid lookig over at her and standing up with a sigh and stretching a bit, yeah actually I have a band." He walked over and sat next to her leaning against the wall, "so what's up then?" Kairu asked giving her another friendly smile again.
"Not much...I just wanted to get to know you is all." She replied with a slightly nervous laugh, her hands playing with the edges of her skirt to keep herself somewhat calm. A blush then hit her face as she thought of a subject.

She didn't want to talk about fashion or schoolwork, that could come much later. She didn't really feel comfortable with discussing her personal life either since they weren't close. But something finally hit Mio's brain with an idea. Music! That was something they both clearly liked.

"So...I hear this apartment has really thick walls...so a lot of musicians live here...is that true?" Mio asked with a small smile.
Kairu stood up, and turned to face her, " hmm me too, I wanna know some stuff about you." He crossed his arms for a moment and wondered about her first question, hearing it after a moment and smiling before he answers it, "yep you are correct, though there's also the other case where some people just like living somewhere quiet. No one can hear us as long as the doors and windows are closed so you can play as much and as loud as you want..." He takes out a pair of drum sticks then sits at his drums and plays something soft for her.
Mio smiled at the beat he was playing before she gave a small nod. After he was finished she just replied with a simple "Okay."

Once he was back by her, she leaned back to lay on his bed, her long hair splayed around her. She put her hands behind her head and her gray eyes looked at Kairu. So far things seemed to be okay, she could practice, and the other members of her band could come here too. Plus Kairu seemed to be polite, which was another plus.

"Do you have any questions for me?" She asked with a small smile.
Kairu looked around to think for a bit, "well not to sound rude, but why were you trying to look for a place like this if I may ask,it's ok if you don't wanna answer that, just wondering." He crossed his arms and put his sticks on his drums then stood up and leaned against the wall. " well I'm glad I finally have someone who doesn't mind staying with me for a while, I really like the company."
Mio bkushed at his question, and she continued to play with the hem of her skirt as she carefully thought of a response.

"W-well...I...wanted a place of my own for a bit...I mean...I like my friends and all but they're a bit on the loud side. But to be honest, I'm a little nervous about being roommates with you...I'm not a big fan of guys since they hit on me."

She sighed before she stood up from Kairu's bed and looked at him for a moment, she then looked to the side as she held her hands behind her back. It had started when she joined Highschool, guys began asking her out on dates, or saying lewd things about her sometimes. She didn't like it, and it only made her sub-concious about her body.

She hadn't changed much, even though she was nineteen. Her black hair was as long as ever, and her curves had only gotten greater too, it was part of the reason why she wore baggy clothing.

"Sorry...I'll leave..."

She then turned and began to walk to the door slowly.
"Wait!" He said gently put his hand on her shoulder, "Im not asking you to leave or anything...I can understand why you want to be alone with everyone. And I know we've just met a few hours ago and it's only been a day but I want you to stay and relax here. I know how it's hard to be around boys all the time, hell if I was a girl too I would be the same. But there are few guys who actually care about the girls they meet. I've never hit on a girl before and I don't plan on doing it to any girl at all. It's not fair for you to be treated like that. And it pisses me off to see a pathetic man to do that to a beautiful women like you..."

He sighed and let go of her shoulder, " I respect you and your boundaries, and I will not tolerate any boy who thinks he can treat you that way and make you his entertainment. I will personally show him the consequences of his actions. Please stay and relax here." Kairu gave her a friendly smile. " how about some warm tea for you." He offered walking past her slowly to the kitchen, "it will be ready in just a moment. Please sit back and relax, I have no intentions at all to treat you less than a good friend of mine." Kairu took out a teapot and filled it with water, taking out a small tea cup and heating up the stove. He placed the teapot on it and began to make the tea.
Mio sighed as she followed him into the living room, a soft smile on her face. Before she did, she went to get her iPod and her speaker set and sat down on the couch. She cleared her throat before she played the new track that she and Mugi made, No Thank You, and began to sing it.

Normally she would have played her Bass, but she didn't have her speaker yet so she simply continued with the lyrics, she really loved singing despite her shyness. It made her feel energetic and confident.

Finally the four minutes were up and she took a sigh.

"Not bad...that's almost ready for a concert..."[/align]
Kairu put his hands behind his back, and walked to the cabinet quielty grabbing a teabag packet and opening it up. He took the tea bag and put it inside the pot, dipping it up and down as the water in the pot started to slowly boil and steam started to slowly rise. He smiled, glad she took his offer and quielty waited a bit longer until the tea was ready. He turned to see her on the couch practingnand quielty just listened, "that was very beautiful and amazing.." He said turning back and slowly turning off the stove. He took a tray out and set the teapot, and teacup which sat on the small plate onto the tray and sleoly walked over to her like a butler, setting it down on the table and quielty pouring the tea into the cup. Kairu set the teapot down back on the tray and leaned against and stood leaning back against the wall and waiting for her in case she needed anything.
Mio took a minute to catch her breath again before she set the track up for an old one song she had wrote called Pure Pure Heart, she smiled as the Piano and the guitars started with Ritsu's drums and she began to sing it as well. She began to sway from left to right with the beat, her long black hair swaying with it too.

After a bit the song was over and she got up to stretch before going into the kitchen to see Kairu there, she smiled before leaning against the counter. "How's the tea coming along Kairu-San?"
He looked over at her quielty, it seemed she was too busy practicing to notice anything. It was good she had some passion for it though and sometimes it was strong enough for someone to lose focus of something else and not pay attention to whatevet was going on around her. He walked over behind her and placed both his hands on his shoulders, slowly turning around and leading mio back to the couch. Kairu sleoly sat her down and picked up the plate with the cup still sitting on it, "here it is, it's cooled down a bit so it should be ok now."
Mio's eyes widened as he sat her down and handed her the cup of tea that was sitting there, a blush came to her face and she hesitantly took it and gave it a sip before putting it down. "I'm sorry! I didn't know you put it there! Ughh! I'm such a ditz!"

Okay, maybe that was taking it a bit far, compared to her Bandmates, with the exception of Azusa, she was easily the smartest of them. But she did occasionally have her dumb moments, which she hated since she didn't like to draw attention to herself.

"Ummm...what should we do now?" She asked as she tried to get blush off her face.
Kairu looked sighed and smiled, "it's ok don't worry about it, it's nothing to be really frustrated about, it happens to me too." Kairu sat down beside her and crossed his arms,"we may have a chat, or maybe share music, or if you would prefer we go outside and head Into town or to the mall..." He didn't really care what they did and it seemed she was slowly getting used to him being wih her like this.
Mio thought for a moment before shrugging. "If rather stay here, I'm not really wanting to go anywhere for now."

She gave a quick stretch before she raised her leg to remove a sock and then the other one as well. Mio then turned Kairu and smiled shyly. "Hmmmm...how about you ask me any question you want. It doesn't matter what it is."

She then closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side, giving a cute expression.
"Ok that's fine, we can stay here then..." Kairu nodded, leaning back and scooting a bit closer but still giving her enough space between them. He watched her remove her socks and couldn't help but think how sexy her legs were, it was as almost her body was teasing him but her mind was blank. He had a bigger smile on his face but he only showed it for a moment, making sure she didn't see him thinking of something weird just now. " hmm have you...ever been in another band before?" He asked a little interested in what she did in her free time
"Yeah! I'm still part of it too, their called Hokago Tea Time." Mio replied with a smile. "But two of them are lazy, one of them is weird rich girl, and the final one is fairly normal like me. All though, the other three usually wear off on us after a while."

She gave a small giggle before grabbing her tea and taking another sip, stretching her long legs and putting them on the coffee table. Normally she would rest them on the couch but since she was wearing skirt, she didn't want Kairu to see her underwear, even if it was a small risk. "All we do is just play around, drinking tea and eating cake. But when we do play we do well somehow."

She then gestured to her uniform. "We all have kept our old Uniforms too, since we usually use them for our music attire. It's kind a cute look."

She followed it up with another sip before she said. "Next question."
Wow..that's amazing, well I'm sure you guys love each other anyway even if the others are crazy. I like a band who knows how to mess around and have fun all the time and still be able to play really good." He smiled, " man..wish I could do that more often in my band too, eat cake and just hang out. We always practice right after school then we do homework then practice again if there's free time." Kairu looked down at her uniform, "hell yeah its a cute look!" he agreed a lot for other reasons other than them using them for performance... When she asked for another question he thought about it again.. " hmmm...have you ever thought of joining a band before you met your other members. Was your intention to join a band or make one in particular?"
"It's funny, cause of other than the drummer at my school, I didn't know any of them. In fact I was going to join the literature club but Ritsu ripped my application."

She then stood, Unbottoning her collar button and taking out her blue bow tie, she then untucked her blouse from her skirt and pretended to be Ritsu. "Since I'm the the only member, that means I'm the club president!"

She then giggled before she sat down again, it then became a full laugh. "She is always being reckless and lazy. If it weren't for me and Asusa, no one would get anything done."

She then thought for a moment, since she was spaced out, Kairu got a moment to peek again. Even though the blouse had its collar button undone, it didn't show any cleavage, but with it untucked, it gave her a very casual look.

"I'm not sure about the latter...I love music but it's more fun if your play with friends...you know..."

She the turned Kairu and smiled. "Another question please, this is actually kind of fun."
Kairu just watched her liking hat he could learn more about his roommate. She seemed more open to anyone even if they just met for ibt a day, it was like hes known her for a while though. His covered his mouth, his face in shock with what she was doing, unbuttoning her shirt, then pulling it up. Kairu was confused for a moment and uncovered his mouth, giving a calm sigh, making it look like he hadn't noticed anything at all. " well your friend Ritsu sure is one hell of a leader then..." He said sarcastically. "Yeah same here, and I'm glad your having fun with it...well do you do anything when you don't have your bass around or when your not with friends? Or does the opposit happen a lot more than you would expect?"
"I'm usually with them...but when I'm not...I usually study...I sometimes shop...and I also write lyrics for the group." Mio answered as she reached forward to grab the blue bow tie and put it back in place before rebuttoning the collar button. She then finished the tea and smiled.

"To be honest, there's nothing more fun than music...well...except for being with them."

She then turned to Kairu and smiled. "So...what do you want to do? Is your band coming over? Did you want to go somewhere? Just tell me!"

She closed her eyes again and smiled cutely.
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