The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...Oh, but...he's on our side still, right?" Pit whispered back as Alondite furrowed her brow at Sona.

"...Sona," Alondite said quietly. "...I know this is hard, and...I know I can't truly...understand, but...I know what it means to trust someone, above everything else." Alondite murmured. "Master Zelgius...his intentions were not always so clear, if you believe that Ike is still who he claims to be...then have faith that it is true," she said. "...It pains me to see you this way, but even if you are a mortal woman will always know Ike as your Master, in some way. He was not tainted by evil, he is still must have faith in him...he may not have any left in himself."
Palutena slightly nodded as she listened in on the girls conversation. Alondite was probably the closest to Sona right now...if she couldn't cheer her up then there was little else that could.

Sona was quiet for a moment before her red eyes looked into Alondite's. "I do have faith in him. What hurts is that no one else does...he's done a lot of terrible things, so I can't blame them. Besides...if he can betray me, anyone can. My first friend I made without Ike betrayed me. Samus betrayed me..I can't trust anyone." Sona mumbled as she looked away. "No one but the Goddess and you, my sister. I don't like feeling things. I wish I was still like you." Back when pain could be dealt with simply by changing owners. Back when giving her undying devotion and loyalty was as easy as adopting a new master.

Now all she had was conflicted emotions and a lot of sleepless nights.
"...Mortals are complicated, mortality is complicated," Alondite said. "Feelings, even more so..." she admitted. "...My...I trusted Master Zelgius," she murmured. "I felt the honesty of his actions, every time he gripped me. We do not choose our wielders unwisely, Sona. Ragnell does not speak to him because he has closed off his heart. He must...the horror he has reflected in his eyes is enough. He bleeds on the inside, and nothing can stop it."
"I know that more than you do, which is why it hurts so much." Sona muttered as she folded her arms. "I'm not helping Ashunera out of duty. I'm helping her because I want revenge. I'm helping all of you for a reason that's not so simple as the right thing to do. And do you know what that means, Alondite?"
"...No," Alondite admitted, glancing away. "...I do not. But I know that revenge is the poison of the heart."
"Yes, it is. But I don't care. I don't care about anything else. So what that means, is that I can betray all of you if it ever strikes my fancy. Or abandon you, as I've constantly thought about doing before. Because I want to do things my way. But as it stands, I can't do what I want to do alone." Sona coldly said. She couldn't say that she felt nothing for these people, but she knew that she was capable of it...and sometimes it scared her. She still didn't know how to deal with her feelings, and sometimes she just wanted to be alone.
Alondite stared at her a moment, before she frowned...and kept quiet. Pit frowned regardless, glancing up at Palutena.

"...Sorry," he said quickly, before scampering up to Sona with a concerned frown. "You know who that sounds like?" he said firmly. "It sounds like my other half! Listen to yourself! We're your friends! Friends don't do that! Friends don't abandon people!" he mumbled fiercely. "Just because one of your friends betrayed you doesn't mean every friend will!"
Palutena was about to stop Pit, but she was too late. Ugh, well..if he thought he could help...

Sona had did a pretty good job ignoring Pit thus far. Simply because of what he reminded her of..pain. But now he was in her face and talking with her. It would be rude to just ignore him. "Don't you think it's rude to interrupt other peoples conversations? I know your other half very well, he was a smart guy and I should have listened to him. Friendship means nothing when it comes down to survival."
"Yeah, and look where that got him!" Pit mumbled. "Betraying people who want to help him, is that what you're going to do, too!? Do you even know what that means, Sona? That means you're going to hurt everyone if it means that you get out of it! That's not what friends do! Do you think that's what Ike's doing!?"
"I don't know what Ike's doing, okay! I want to believe in him but I don't know what he's doing! I was prepared to kill him, do you have any idea how it feels!? To have to be in a situation where it's kill or be killed with your friend, Pit? Do any of you know how that feels? Because I have been there twice, and the first time I failed...I failed everyone and let myself almost be killed by someone who I never thought would kill me..." Sona could feel her eyes tearing up before she turned her back and started rubbing the tears away as fast as possible.

"The whole world might be suffering for my mistake. Ike is suffering from my mistake. I failed Palutena...and Ashunera...and most of all I failed Ike...he didn't stand a chance without me. That..that's where friendship got me."
Pit frowned deeper at that, and after a while...he glanced to Palutena before moving forward and hugging Sona.

"...Nobody will ever blame you," Pit said. "...Nobody should blame you, you were doing a good thing!"
Sona gasped in surprise when Pit hugged her. When he was this close..he smelled like the Pit she knew. She wasn't sure if that was what made the tears fall faster...but she couldn't stand it any longer. She just grabbed him and started bawling.

Palutena walked over and started rubbing her back. "Pit is right. You can't blame yourself for any of this, Sona. Your heart was in the right place..don't punish it for doing what it felt was right."
"Um..." Pit mumbled awkwardly, hand on Sona's head. She...uh...she felt pretty okay against him, really...

"It...I didn't mean to make you cry..." he said apologetically. "I just...y''re a really good person, Sona...nobody's going to blame you for having a heart."
Sona was quiet for a moment as she nuzzled into Pit's neck, waiting for her tears to stop before she spoke to them once more. " heart doesn't make just leads me to trouble. I wanted to just be with Ike, but he's on the wrong side now. If I listened to what my heart says, I'd end up betraying everything good." It didn't seem like Ike would give her that option anyway, but...even if he did she tried to be as strong as possible and ignore those feelings.

"That's normal, Sona. Forgive're dealing with so much pain because of me. The reason why you're a mortal is because I gave you a body in the first place. But it was as you said before...if you were still a sword, you would have been at Ike's side regardless of where he chose to go. So even if it's painful right now, it's a good thing that you can think for yourself, beyond your baser instinct, right? Because now, you can bring Ike back on the side he belongs." She smiled down at her, noticing that Pit sure didn't mind her being so close.

"..Y..yeah." Sona sniffled as her tight grip began to loosen around Pit. "You're right..."
"Right!" Pit grinned widely. "So when the time is right, we'll drag Ike back here by his ankles and he'll be happy about it! Cause someone's been waiting for him!"

"...Is that really a satisfying thing to have happen?" Alondite said, brows raised curiously in surprise. "Wouldn't that be unpleasant?"
"Not at all! He'll be thanking us later." Palutena cheerfully answered as Sona smiled a little and let Pit go. She..really liked his enthusiasm. She wanted to believe them both...she really did.

"Alright..yeah. I'll know when the time comes, won't I?" Sona asked as she turned to Palutena.

"You will. I promise, Sona. Don't lose hope. Not now, when Ike needs you the most. Don't lose the light inside of you, he'll need it." Palutena told her, which only made Sona smile more. At least she wasn't the only one who still had faith in Ike.
"Right!" Pit parroted again, smacking his fist into his palm. "So right now, all we need to do is get to Criminy!"

"...Crimea." Alondite corrected dully.

"So all we need to do is get to Crimea!" Pit repeated, as if there had been nary an error at all. "That's the easy part!"
Sona laughed a little and then started walking again. The caravan was beginning to catch up, and they'd probably want to know what was wrong. Palutena watched her for a moment before she leaned over and gave Pit a mischievous smile.

"You're trying to steal her away from your other half, aren't you?" She asked playfully.
"...Huh?" Pit said, glancing at Palutena a moment with a confused arch of his brow. "Steal what? Did he take something?" Why did nobody ever tell him what was going on?
"Her! I saw that look on your face when she hugged you. You were thinking naughty thoughts, weren't you Pit? You better not, or Ike might come after you." Palutena teased before she started walking again with a smirk on her face. It had been a long journey, she couldn't help it if she enjoyed some..entertainment once in a while. Even if he was clueless, Pit always amused her.
Pit flushed at that, going after her. "What?! No! I just..." Well, she was, well...maybe? "Wait...would he really? I mean, no! I just wanted to make sure she was okay!" he insisted. "...Why? Did she say, I mean..." Ugh. "My Lady! You're being mean!" he huffed in frustration, wings spread out in annoyance.
"Well, you seem to be just her type. She did really like Pittoo. In a very naughty way." She quietly whispered as Sona looked back at them, raising an eye at Pit's commotion. What were they talking about now? And why did Pit look so flustered? "Ooh, she's looking at you again!"

Why was this so fun?
"What?" Pit said, glancing back at Sona with wide eyes before his face exploded in embarrassment, shifting away. She really was looking at him! She...she wasn't...really, I mean...

"P-Palutena!" he hissed, wings ruffled. " this really the way a Goddess of Light should act!?"
"I'm just Palutena right now, Pit. I'm enjoying that. Besides, your thoughts are far more nefarious than mine." Palutena watched as Sona turned her back..out of just bland confusion. Whatever they were talking about was probably none of her business. "Is that any way an angel should act?"
"If you're going to play like that, I'm not an angel if you're not a Goddess of Light," he sniffed, arms crossed stubbornly. "So I don't know Palutena, how should I act?" Ugh, she could be the worst, sometimes!
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