The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Yes, we do. Otherwise she'll keep playing those silly hide and seek games." Medusa leaned down and gave her daughter a hug. She knew what it was like to be jealous, she didn't like her daughter feeling that way. But, it was necessary for her. A good motivation, a good focus. "Come on dear. Don't be so upset, it was only your first time." It was probably an odd thing to watch, Medusa comforting her child. But she had been doing a lot of odd things lately.

"Hmph.." The spoiled girl sniffed as she clung to her mother, her eyes still glowering over at Sieg. "Fine..but n-next time I'm not going to let him do his dirty tricks!"
"I didn't do any dirty tricks!" Sieg insisted furiously, green eyes glowing before he almost completely backpedaled when Ganondorf arched his brow in amusement. seems they had found a catalyst for his energy. Hm, it was quite a shame that Ike was his father...he would be a more than acceptable teacher. Either way, there were a scant few that were capable of teaching him.
That only made Ganessa even more furious. Why was he standing up to her now, in front of her parents? He never stood up to her. "You're really asking for it..." She warned as she let go of her mothers dress and faced him. Medusa could sense both of them getting riled up, and there was a slight crackle of electricity that appeared between the two as they stared each other down.

"Ganessa," Her mother cooed as she once again began to pet her to calm her down. "You won't learn anything when you're upset like this. Calm yourself. You lost because you let him upset you." Two demigod children having a serious spat would be a natural disaster..they were most dangerous at this age because they couldn't control their powers.
Seig didn't do anything, but after a while he simply turned.

"...Can I go back to my room, now?" Seig mumbled. "I don't feel like doing this anymore."

"Get going," Ganondorf snorted. Ganessa was too riled up to really do anything else anyway, she had quite the temper...and the ego. Given how she had grown up, he supposed he wasn't surprised.
Ganessa was about to follow him, but she stopped herself. Not yet..she'd get him back but not yet. She would wait until he wasn't expecting it. All she did was watch him until he was out of sight.

"How come we're letting him stay with us if he's not really my brother?" Ganessa asked both her parents, since she had unraveled the mystery at last. "I hate him, I always have hated him since as long as I can remember!"
"Of course you do," Ganondorf smirked, hand on her wild mane of red hair. "And it's good that you do, girl. He represents everything that you are against, but it is better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Still, tools can still be used for a purpose." There was little use for him outside of training Ganessa. When she was capable on her own, he would be dealt with.
Ganessa nuzzled into her fathers hand, her frustration immediately going away once she realized that Sieg was nothing more than a tool to her mother and father. The rivalry she felt wasn't exactly a sibling, it was something deeper than that. She wasn't sure what, but maybe she'd figure it out eventually. "Well, I guess that's a good reason..." She happily agreed as she looked up at her father with those yellow eyes of hers. "But why are you teaching him how to fight if he's our enemy? Why not just let me beat him up?"
"Because you must learn," Ganondorf said easily. "No one can compare to one but him. What lessons your mother and I will teach you will simply mean little compared to the sting you feel when you lose to Seig." A more honest reason was...she needed to grow up, accept that failure and victory could be one in the same. "He is everything we are against, Ganessa...but you must be strong enough to face him, you must be strong enough to face everyone. Do you understand? You cannot grow stronger if there is no one stronger than you."
Ganessa tilted her head a bit as she processed those words. It was..hard for her sometimes to listen to things she did not want to hear. But a grin spread across her face. "Oh, I see. Well then, I'll just start getting serious! I won't let him surpass me, I'll train every day until I completely outshine him and get bored."

Medusa smirked at that, rubbing her daughters back. "That's a wonderful plan, my dear. I have no doubt in my mind that you will completely and utterly crush him when the day comes. One day, he will be your greatest enemy and stand against us, and when that day comes you will take care of him."
"Indeed," Ganondorf smiled, ruffling her hair. Less like the god among mortals he was and more like a proud father. "Dinner should be soon, why don't you have the servants draw you a bath, mm? Your mother and I will be at the table shortly." Sieg would not be a problem, really. It wouldn't matter if they helped him grow stronger or not, no doubt he would anyway. The spirit in his eyes was subdued, but there...the greater issue...was Ike. A man bound by loyalty was one thing, but what would a man do to keep his son safe?
"Hmm..okay!" Ganessa gave him a hug, then her mother. She then ran off, but she wasn't looking for the servants. She was looking for Sieg. Even if she knew that her parents didn't like him, she wanted to teach that loser a lesson he wouldn't forget. It would be a cold day in hell before she would let him get away with showing her up like that!
Ganondorf crossed his arms after a moment, glancing at Medusa.

"...Ike could be a problem, you realize," he said after a moment. "He is...resistant, but loyal." So long as he did what he was told, there was no true issue...but Seig could be one.
"I'll work on it." Medusa passively said as she moved closer to him. "I have been nice to his son simply because I did not want to give him a reason to defy us, but now that Ganessa knows he's not her brother she'll probably stop holding back her resentment. So now this will become a more immediate problem." There was at least a chance she could corrupt Ike. Sieg? Sieg wouldn't succumb to her...because Palutena was his mother. He was resistant to all her charm, her darkness, and her seduction.
"Mm," Ganondorf murmured, arm around her shoulder to pull her close with an amused smirk. "If I didn't know any better, my lady...I'd suspect that you have a deep interest in seeing our young general turn to your plaything?"
Medusa just smirked as she looked up at Ganon, her blue eyes lighting up with mischief. "I do enjoy my toys, dear." That was really all that needed to be said. "I've been wanting this since I let him have sex with Palutena...he put on a good act but I could still see the bond they made me sick. The next time I see Palutena, I want him so corrupted that she won't be able to even recognize him anymore...he belongs to me now."
"And what do you have planned?" Ganondorf chuckled faintly. "He has a strong willpower, much like Link." But Ike was not special in the same way Link was, Ike was just a talented man...nothing more. Even talented men could crack.
"He has a strong willpower, yes. But enough of my sweet nectar will break a man. He's not like you...enough exposure to the aphrodisiac I produce, and he won't be able to stop thinking about me. It is addicting, after all." She linked her fingers around his as she leaned her head against his arm. "Of course, that's only apart of the puzzle...I want him to do more horrible things. Eventually he'll feel like he's at the point of no return."
"And Samus?" Ganondorf asked easily. "She will be a problem, as well. They seem quite close." My my, she had thought of this, hadn't she? He was impressed.
"That ship of hers didn't just disappear. When she's done being useful, I'll let her go home." Speaking of which, Medusa had sensed her briefly during Sieg and Ganessa's spat. Was she getting nosy, or just passing by?
Ganondorf chuckled, rubbing her arm affectionately. " attracts me so when I hear you plan so thoroughly." he purred, nuzzling against her hair. "Then I will leave it to your worthy hands, my lady."
It had been a few months since Palutena had been free. All she could do was hope her son was okay..and she hoped Ike wouldn't lose his way. She always told the others not to worry, but even she had her moments where she wondered. She didn't even have enough strength to reach out to him, the distance was too great. Still, she could only have faith. Faith that he'd eventually escape and find her again, at the very least. He was a very important part to whatever victory they would hope to have against Ganondorf..and Medusa.

But the more immediate problem was that they had two pregnant woman who were starting to have a difficult time walking around. They needed to find a safe place soon. A place away from danger so they could rest and plan. They had been stopping in plenty of villages, though they never stayed long in fear of bringing them trouble. At least they were slowly gaining a follower base for Ashunera, which seemed to be Sona and Alondite's intentions more so than actually resting. Sona was...doing everything she could to distract herself from a horrible truth, and Palutena couldn't blame her at all. Though it was sad to see her personality change to such an extreme, but who could blame her? Reality had hit her hard. She had been betrayed by people she had bonded with..Palutena could see why she didn't want to be close to anyone. Not even Alondite.

They had been walking for quite a while, and really they had just been following Sona and Alondite because they knew what places to avoid. Ashunera spoke to both of them, to tell them which villages were beyond saving and what areas were best to avoid. But no one had really brought up that they needed somewhere more permanent to stay. Guess she would do it.

Sona blinked when she felt a familiar presence behind her. She looked back and saw Palutena, smiling brightly at her. She sighed, giving her a nod. "Hello, My lady." She mumbled, her eyes facing forward on the path they were leading everyone down. Her manners were polite, but there was no cheer in her voice. "Is there something the matter?"

"Well, yes. I know you two have been working hard to keep us out of danger, but I was wondering if Ashunera would be able to lead us to a place where we can stay more..permanently? This wandering around isn't too good for the Queens. They're getting a little bit...rotund." Palutena whispered that last word rather playfully. Sona could be a grump, she wouldn't be though.

Sona looked over at Alondite for a moment before she sighed. "We haven't been aimlessly wandering, Palutena. We've been leading you to a safe place since the moment we left that Pixie lodge. It's only been taking so long because we don't want the enemy following our trail. Tellius, our native homeland..or at least a part of it, is only a day away."
"Yes," Alondite murmured politely as Pit ambled behind Palutena, hands behind his back like a proper little bodyguard would. "Crimea, to be remained remarkably together when the world was shaped and changed. I suspect that the Lady Ashunera had something to do with it. The Greil Mercenaries are no doubt still around, they could be a great asset to us...perhaps." Carvans could only allow them to travel in so much comfort, Queen's Zelda and Robin were growing more and more pregnant by the day, they couldn't keep the pace up...and tactically, they needed somewhere to bolster themselves.
"Oh really? So you've known all this time but you didn't tell any of us?" Palutena asked as she looked at the two women. Ugh..both of them were as relaxed as a boulder. She could understand Alondite..for being "sister swords" they were opposite in every way. Sona was just depressed, that's why she was moping around.

"We said we'd bring you to a safe place when you chose to follow us, and that's what we're doing. There are spies everywhere, we didn't want to risk anyone hearing about where we were going. We can't just bring anyone into Ashunera's safe zones. We chose Crimea because they are generally more accepting of outsiders..and also as Alondite said..that's where the Greil Mercenaries are..." She wasn't sure how she was going to deal with that, but she'd figure it out when she'd get there.
"That's where Ike comes from, right? Griel Mercenaries?" Pit piped up after a moment. "Maybe they can help us figure out what's going on, I didn't think he was a bad guy...he sure didn't feel like a bad guy." Alondite didn't say anything, but she did put a comforting arm around Sona. She...was not mortal, like Sona...but her distress pained her just as much. But it was hard to feel that way, her Master had slain her own. But they were still siblings, siblings who had to work together.
Sona narrowed her eyes, but her expression didn't change as she remained quiet. She appreciated it that her sister wanted to be there for her. But she just..didn't feel any comfort. She didn't feel anything.

"Pit!" Palutena said with an annoyed tone. So always. "Don't talk about Ike around Sona, she's still really torn up about him..." She whispered in his ear as quietly as possible
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