The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

The world was different now, Althea told him. Seig knew that...that's why he hated it. That's why he wanted his mother somewhere other than his dreams to keep him sleeping silently, that's why he wanted his father to stop doing such horrible things. That's why he never wanted to bother Ganessa. He was scared, afraid even. His mother's soothing hum had kept him together, but now...he didn't know what to do. He didn't like Ganondorf, or Medusa...and they probably knew that. He kept his head down, he stayed quiet and out of the way. He didn't want to cause problems. Althea was at least nice to him, at times. But he knew he had to be brave.

That was why he didn't protest when he was to be Ganessa's...sparring partner. But he finally got to see his Dad, it was hard not to think it wasn't. The same blue hair, the same stoic know that his father was so brave, it made him feel a little braver. He wanted warmth in his face, and Seig knew he wouldn't expect any. He didn't know why that didn't bother him, but it didn't. Ganessa was a bundle of excited nerves, Seig seemed to be more content with acting like he didn't exist. Still, he glanced up at Ganondorf's passive face when he was offered a wooden blade.

"Take it," he instructed easily. Seig swallowed, his fingers curling around the grip curiously. The weight felt...familiar, but it didn't. He didn't like that. He was special, like Ganessa. A demi-god child was different, learning came easier...aging came differently. He would never be as strong as Ganondorf, or Medusa...but he could be close. He was almost surprised when he was offered the weapon, holding it up almost awkwardly as he adjusted his posture. He had seen his father fight with that large weapon...this was a knife compared to that.

"Good," Ganondorf instructed. "Ganessa...I want to see how you two adjust first," he smirked. "See if you can hit Seig."

He felt a pang of nerves at that, staring at the golden eyed girl in front of him. But he swallowed that down and settled into a slightly awkward posture, blade in front of him. If he was too good, then they would...he didn't know, but he knew that he couldn't make this worse for himself. If he just...had to take a few hits, then maybe he should do that...?
Ganessa was much less awkward than Sieg was. The sword just felt natural to her. But then again..she had always liked to play around with broom handles and maybe that's why. Her stance left something to be desired but...she was confident in it. And all she could do was grin at her opponent. She would make him look so bad.

"I don't want to hurt you too much, so try to pay attention." Ganessa told Sieg before she lifted up the wooden sword and then started charging in, a war cry leaving her mouth as if she were looking for blood. That amused Medusa greatly. Even if Ganessa wasn't consciously aware that Sieg wasn't her brother, it seemed like she knew deep down that he was meant to be her rival.
Seig blinked a little in surprise and backpedaled, blade in front of him as he blocked on reflex. The blow was hard and fast, the swords groaning under the strength. Strength that Seig didn't even know he actually had. His breath caught into his throat a little and he shoved her off, the grip on his sword settled a little more securely. That...he didn't like that feeling, that feeling her eyes gave him.

"Hm," Ganondorf mused, head tilted. "Seems that boy inherited a few things..."
"Not surprising." Medusa commented as she gazed at the two. "That he inherited those things. What's more surprising is that his strength is on par with Ganessa despite her being older than him."

Ganessa let out an exasperated sigh. "No, I was just practicing! That was just a lucky block. I'm going to do it for real this time!" How dare he! How dare he make her look bad in front of their parents! She'd show him. This time she moved in and took a more slimy approach, thrusting her sword towards his belly. Stupid Sieg...he thought he was so much better than her!
Seig couldn't stop his reflexes, even though he desperately wanted to do so. The rush of fear made it hard to ignore, but the fear didn't make him made him react. Still, he took the hit with a faint grunt. His actions were slightly jerky, and Ganondorf couldn't help but smirk in amusement. The boy was a coward, wasn't he? Too afraid to fight...too much of a warrior to ignore the challenge.

"Ugh..." Seig mumbled. "You hit really hard, we have to do this?" he said, rubbing his stomach.
Ganessa grinned when she felt her weapon hit Sieg in the stomach. It really was a lucky block, huh? That's what she thought. "I didn't hit you that hard you big baby. Figures, when I get serious it's too much for you. Maybe I should just keep going easy on you, but then again that wouldn't help either of us." She lowered the practice sword and then took a step back. "Daddy, maybe you should let him come at me. That would probably work better."
"No, keep going at him," Ganondorf instructed coolly, arms crossed. "Stop playing with him, Ganessa...fight him as if he held a real sword in his hands. Real fights don't let you play, you fight to survive and to win."
"Well if you insist." Ganessa turned back to Sieg and smirked, moving back into a stance as she studied him. She didn't even ask if he was ready when she lashed out again, this time with multiple strikes. Medusaa tilted her head a bit as she studied Sieg closer than Ganessa. She knew her daughter was going all out..the question was if he was doing the same...
Seig swallowed tightly, sword up in defense. The first one was blocked, the second one was barely parried, the third one solidly hit him against the shoulder as he staggered back, shaking it off. Still, Ganessa persisted...and the more she persisted, the more dour Ganondorf's expression got.

"Hmph," he muttered. "This will teach her nothing, he cowers at the very thought of fighting her."
Medusa only smirked. How fitting for Ike and Palutena's son to be nothing more than a coward. He would be no future threat. "Ugh, I'm getting bored. What's wrong with you? This is why I always pick on you, because you never fight back!" Ganessa shouted as she swung the wooden sword like a bat towards his head. She hadn't been told to stop so...
Seig took the hit, stumbling to the side with a shake of his head as he hit the ground with a faint yelp. He couldn't...he couldn't do it. He knew what would happen if he did, he knew that...that his father or his mother would be even worse off. But he missed the strength of his mother, the kind words she always spoke to him in his dreams. His fingers tightened on the ground as tears of frustration brimmed on his face. His father could handle so why couldn't he? He was afraid, what would being talented show him? What if they didn't like that? What would happen then?

"Tch," Ganondorf muttered. "I'd expect a more passable talent from the son of that mercenary...but it seems the only thing he inherited from him was his blue hair."
"Loser." Ganessa spat as she twirled her sword around casually. Though she did stop to think about what Ganondorf said. Blue hair? Sieg had a different father? No wonder he smelled differently. But..even Pit smelled similar to her. But Sieg had a different scent altogether. What did that mean?

"What a shame." Medusa began as she placed a hand on her hip. "I could't even see Ganessa's talent because he wouldn't fight back. Perhaps we should find another partner for her?"
"...It's my turn," Seig mumbled after a moment, wiping his eyes as he rose back up, sword in hand. No, he...he had to do this. He had to have faith, like Mother always told him. He could do this. He knew he could. He was alone now, he had to be stronger. Much stronger, he couldn't do that if he was afraid. He had to remember seeing his father in his armor, his eyes an empty shell of who he really was. He had to remember the weight that he could feel on his father's shoulders. He was a mortal man, Seig wasn't...he was greater than the sum of his parts. He had to prove that, to himself.

Ganondorf tilted his head, but he didn't stop him when Seig settled into a more confident posture, green eyes narrowed at Ganessa. And just like that, he was rushing towards her with a forward swing, teeth gritted in determination.
Ganessa managed to block just in time, a faint look of surprise on her face before she grinned. Good..that victory was a hollow one. Now she could show off. "Finally found your backbone huh?" She asked as their wooden swords shifted a fraction just before she pushed more of her own strength against his blade. She was determined to prove that he was inferior...and have more of an excuse to beat him up, of course.
Seig grimaced, but said nothing as he pressed back in return before he rotated their blades downward...and he headbutted her. Clever,, not bad at all. The perfect person to give Ganessa the treatment she needed, perhaps.
"Ouch!" Ganessa cried out as she stumbled back and held her head. That little..! Ganessa glared up at him, her eyes tearing up as she grabbed the hilt of her sword tighter. "Cheap shot, you're going to pay for that!" She shouted as she started wildly swinging at him. She was angry...throwing another one of her tantrums, as usual. Ganessa lacked focus more than anything..
Seig found her tantrums to be a more...natural Ganessa, he supposed. But he back pedaled regardless, expression focused as he blocked and parried. But her pace was tiresome, how long could she just keep wildly hacking like that?

Ganondorf shook his head, hand running through his hair. Well, wonder where she got that volitle temper from, hm?
Medusa only found her temper to be cute, but from what she saw so far it would be a while before Ganessa would be mature enough to delve into her true talents as a magician. Ganessa may have looked more like her father, but she took after Medusa in respect to magic.

"Hold still, stupid!" Ganessa demanded, seemingly having endless energy..enough to put everything she had in every single swing. The moment he blocked she would simply draw back and strike again, either in a swing or a stab. She wanted to make him pay for making her look stupid!
Seig let her rage for just a while longer before he caught her blade with his crossguard and shoved it aside, frowning at her. This is what he was afraid of? Some...furious girl who could barely be patient enough to fight? He didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"Ganessa," Ganondorf laughed. "What in the world was that, girl?"
Ganessa was absolutely taken aback when she no longer had the sword in her hands. How did he do that?! Hearing her fathers words made her face grow hot with embarrassment and shame, but she just started laughing as she turned towards him. "I let him do that. He'll never get stronger if he doesn't have any confidence in himself."

Medusa shook her head, though she wasn't surprised that her daughter would be a compulsive liar in her young age.
"If you let me do that, then you would have let me do it before." Seig stated almost icily, frowning. "You just don't want to lose, Ganessa." Much like a little brother who felt backstabbed for his honest victory, Seig did not hesitate to vindicate his own victory.
"Shut up!" Ganessa shouted as she folded her arms. "I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Daddy. I didn't lose to you, I can beat you bare handed like I've always done." The grin returned to her face as she slammed her right fist into her palm. "Want to try me, Sieg?"

"That's enough, Ganessa. You know better than to lie to your father." Medusa told her as she walked over to her daughter and ran her fingers through her hair.
"Mm," Ganondorf said, walking closer as Seig tried not to shoulder up, fingers still gripping the wooden sword out of reflex. Ganondorf smirked at that, arms crossing.

"Are you planning to strike me, boy?" he laughed.

"...No," Seig muttered, relaxing his fingers.

"Seems you took more than a few cues from your father," he mused. "I think I can teach you more than he ever could, however..."

What choice did he have? He swallowed faintly, glancing up at Ganondorf before bowing his head. Good little boy, just keep nodding your head and understanding how things worked...
Ganessa was fuming underneath her mothers hand. Her eyes started to faintly glow as she glared at Sieg for taking away her attention. Just because he did that fancy trick and disarmed her. She was stronger than him, so why was her father paying attention to that stupid..ugh!

"Daddy, you said you'd teach me, too!" She whined as her fists balled up in anger. Any minute now she would be stomping her foot.
"And I will," Ganondorf replied easily. "Besides, Ganessa...what is the point of growing stronger if you don't have someone to train against, mm?" he smirked, glancing at Medusa. "Don't you agree, my dear? We do need someone to keep up with our daughter."
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