The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"But..." Pit protested faintly before Alondite nodded. "I agree, Pit would be a perfect representative, he has all the traits that one should have."

"I do?" Pit said, brow furrowed in pleased surprise. "Really?"

"Absolutely," Chrom smiled. "Enthusiasm is very important, and so is honesty."
"Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. Just stand there and look pretty." Sona winked at him and then set her sights on the building Nephenee brought them to.

"Here ya'll are. Gotta say, it's interesting to have an angel in this small village. Sure you ain't a laguz?" She asked Pit. Honestly she'd believe that first...angels? She had seen Goddesses before, but never no angels. This group was strange.
"Pretty sure," Pit said, head tilted thoughtfully. "I can't really turn into a bird or anything, I think I'd know. I don't even really know what a 'Laguz' is, I don't think I've ever met one! Sure would be neat to turn into a bird though, then I could fly all the time!"

"You can't already?" Chrom asked curiously.

"...Well, no," Pit admitted sheepishly. "...My wings aren't strong enough for that yet, but they will be in a few thousand years!" he said proudly.
"That's weird, your other half can fly." Sona pointed out as she opened the door to the inn. was dusty in here. But, better than nothing.

"That is odd. More than likely he's using something to aid him." Something that Medusa had given him when she created him. Either way, she found it peculiar that Sona was no longer calling Pittoo by his name now.

"There are stables out back...where your horses can rest." Nephenee told Link, doing her best not to stare at his ears.
"Thanks," Link smiled, slipping off the horse as Epona moved forward to sniff at her green hair, teeth nibbling at it. "Well, Epona trusts you...that's good enough for me," he grinned. "Nephenee, right? You don't know how grateful we are for a place to stay...we'll do whatever we can to repay that debt."
Nephenee laughed a little when his horse started chewing on her hair. She reached into the pouch strapped on her waist and offered the horse a sugar cube before petting it's mane softly. She didn't ride horses, but she loved them. "There is no debt. The villagers are happy to house ya' all." Link might have had those strange pointy ears..but he was really handsome. Maybe she should try to speak proper. She didn't want to sound like...a bumpkin. "You know, since you are all..with Ashunera's emissaries. It's no trouble since she keeps us all safe."
"Nevertheless," Chrom smiled, moving to join him. "We are grateful, and we will not rest on our gratitude alone. We would offer our services in whatever way you deem needed, Lady Nephenee." he said, tilting his head respectfully before going to help Zelda and Robin out of the caravan. Impa and her Shiekah warriors were perhaps the most intimidating looking out of all of them, even though they had all traveled the same distance, with the same lack of was as if they were hardly bothered. A faint word, and half of them were gone in an instant, spreading to every corner of the village.
Nephenee blushed a little when Chrom referred to her as a Lady, but before she could correct him he was already gone. "Umm, well what kinda services are you offerin' exactly? 'Cause we've been having issues...but since everyone except me is off helpin' Queen Elincia, we haven't been able to properly take care of them." Most of them looked like they were fighters of some sort, save for the pregnant women.

"Issues?" Sona interjected as she popped up between her and Link. "What kind? We'll be more than happy to help out!" It was usually the case that a small village had a problem, and they always fixed those problems before they left.
"Absolutely," Link smiled easily. "Just let us get everything settled, and we'll offer whatever assistance we can, Nephenee."
"Oh..alright." That smile was really..ugh. Was it getting hot in here?

"Must be serious, you're getting all red!" Sona pointed out, which made her cheeks burn even more.

"Excuse me, I'm gonna all...some food." She muttered before walking off.
Link scratched his cheek in mild embarrassment, ears flicking. "...Did I say something wrong?"

"Tch," Pit said dryly. "Come on, even I'm not that dense." ....Wait...
"Ohhh, I get it. She lllllikes you." Sona rolled her tongue as she grinned at Link. That Nephenee. She always was really shy. Then again, it was hard to not be attracted to Link. Sona would know more than anyone..not that she had felt that way recently about anyone.
"...Really?" Link mused, arms crossing with a thoughtful expression. "Are you sure?" He didn't see it, he was just being polite...ugh, dammit, Zelda...she was cursing his mind with all these impure thoughts! What, did every woman that saw him think he was attractive!?
"Yes! Even Pit could see it." Palutena seemed to have appeared out of nowhere behind him, grinning like the predator she was. "But, I'm afraid you won't have time to pursue her. Zelda wants you." She gave him a wink.
Link sighed faintly, scratching his neck as he headed into the building. Honestly, he was growing more and more used to all these women around...and that terrified him.

"...You're having way too much fun, you know that?" Pit grumped with a droop of his wings. She was really happy about not being a Goddess of Light, at least for a little while...
"I don't know what you're talking about. I was just agreeing with you. But even if I did, there is no such thing as too much fun." Palutena gracefully turned around, her hair fluttering after as she followed Link inside.

Sona hesitated before looking at Pit, giving him a smile before going inside herself. She like Palutena. Being around her She hadn't felt that in a long time.

They were already making the best of the dusty inn, moving all the crates to the corners and clearing off the old beds. Zelda just wanted to be with Link, she didn't feel too good. But it was normal for her, at least that's what Robin said. Despite this being her first child too, she seemed to have a lot of knowledge on pregnancies. Something about reading a was always a book.
"Zelda, are you feeling any better?" Link murmured, moving closer to check her forehead. Truth be told, he had no idea why she felt sick...he knew nothing about any of this. "At least now we can relax, maybe get you into something more comfortable." He didn't like to think about the impending child...whatever it might be.
"A little now that we've stopped moving." Zelda admitted, taking his hand in hers. She didn't want to lay down, but sitting was fine. "The healers said I'm okay...Robin said it was just sickness know. So all I can do is endure it. I just..wanted to spend a little time with you is all." It almost seemed like Link was avoiding her. The more far along she got, the more awkward he was around her. He was still there and still supportive, but she sensed his discomfort.
"Sure," Link smiled faintly, fingers linking with hers. "Have you been eating enough? Are you thirsty?" He knew it was a...morbid hope to think that could be theirs. But it would be Zelda's child regardless, and...he would love it all the same.
"I think I might be hungry.." She admitted as she returned his smile. Trail rations weren't the best for pregnant women, but there wasn't much they could do about that. It was hard to hunt in barren wastelands..the world was still adjusting.

"Nephenee is going to bring us some food, Zelda. So just sit tight." Sona called out. She was helping with setting out the bed rolls. There wasn't enough beds to go around for everyone, and she didn't mind being one of the ones who slept on the floor
"Alright," Link smiled, kissing her cheek. "Let's see if we can find you some more comfortable clothes, okay?"
"Yeah, that sounds nice." Her current clothes were too tight. All apart of her body changing in all. Robin was even bigger than she was, but she naturally liked loose fitting clothes and wasn't too picky about the garments she wore simply because she liked that hooded jacket so much. Whatever she wore underneath didn't matter.

"Want some help?" Palutena asked Link. Why not? She had nothing better to do.
"...Sure," Link mumbled, rising up. "Let someone know if you need anything, Zelda," he said. "I'll be back soon." It was hard to say how he felt about a Goddess of Light being around, she was beautiful...friendly, he felt relaxed around her. Even without her current godhood, she still felt...powerful in a way. In a good way, but it still made him slightly unsure how to act around her.
"Don't worry Zelda, I know your measurements so I'll make sure we bring you back comfortable clothes." Palutena told her with a smile, and Zelda had to raise an eyebrow.

"That's great, but how exactly-."

"I know a lot of things, I have an all seeing eye. It might not be as strong as it used to be but it's still pretty useful if I say so myself. Let's go, Link!" Palutena said as she yanked on his scarf a bit. An all seeing eye, huh? Zelda supposed that made sense...kind of.
"U-Uh, okay..." Link said, almost giving Zelda a 'help me' look as he stumbled after her. "We'll back later..." What had he gotten into?
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