The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Hyrule, yes," Link murmured. "It is...was...a wonderful home, I miss it dearly." he admitted. "...Or do I miss when the skies weren't so dark and filled with dread, more?" Commander Ike...heh, Link didn't think he had the heart to tell her...
"..It's bad outside of the barrier, ain't it? We thought it was bad here when we realized that our continent was split...but when people journeyed outside the barrier, news quickly spread about the world. We were lucky to have our Goddess, but even she could not keep Tellius from splitting apart." Nephenee grimaced. What dark times they lived in now. "I hope Ike is alright.."
"Not as bad as you'd think," he admitted. "...But you can taste that the air is just...wrong. People are either afraid or uncaring, nothing has really changed, just different people tell them what to do. It's somewhat jarring how...I guess, nobody really knows what the difference is yet."
"No kiddin.." Nephenee couldn't really see that. She had heard the rumors of the Dark Goddess and that evil Lord who ruled the outside world...none of them were comforting. "All I know is that I like Tellius in one piece. Whoever split it apart isn't anyone I want to listen to."
"Not everyone has a blanket to ignore it," Link smiled. "You're very blessed to be here, Nephenee...sometimes I wonder where our goddesses went."
"I don't know..I never understood stuff like that..didn't know much about any other continent except Tellius. Was never brave enough to leave." Nephenee stopped outside of the tailor shop. " we are." It was kind of an awkward place to stop their conversation, but she doubted any words she could say would make him feel better.
"Thank you for your help, Nephanee." Link smiled, stepping inside. "I owe you one, I'm a little out of my element here." he admitted. Traveling wasn't something new to him, no...just with everything going on, he just couldn't think right.
"It's no problem at all. I'm happy to help." Nephenee told him as he followed him inside. She spoke to the woman at the counter, giving her Zelda's measurements. After a while they were able to get something much more comfortable for Zelda. Nephenee gave the the garments to Link and she paid the seamstress. "Can I help with anythin' else?"
"Sure," Link said, stuffing the clothes under her arm with a smile. "If you could tell us what we can do to help further, we'd appreciate it...we don't feel like just sitting around while you're trying to protect your home, we'd be honored to help you."
"Oh, that's right..well we've been having trouble recently with a gang of thieves and vagabonds. They terrorize anyone who travels outside the we gotta leave the village sometime so we can do our trades to the other villages. We stopped lettin' strangers come in because they sometimes disguise themselves as ordinary folk. Before, Ohma used to let all travelers in...but after the last incident we stopped. We don't have enough people to go and drive them's just me and a few others that can barely defend the village, let alone attack. Any day now, they might try to break down the gates..." She sighed and looked away. "The Greil Mercenaries are too busy helping with other problems...people are startin' to get violent."
"I'll talk to Impa and the Captain of our remaining men and women," Link assured. "You'll get your help, I, I better take these to Zelda," he smiled. "Thanks again for your help." It was a small relief that someone was willing to help them...
"..Ah, alright. I'll check on ya'll later.." That smile always made her heart race and her face turn red. He probably thought she was a weird girl....
"We appreciate it," Link said, tilting his head as he headed out. He certainly was getting the occasional odd stare, but he'd take that over...everything else they had been getting lately. Which was ever nothing really good...but he returned to the unused in well enough, the place was being cleaned out, dusted, bedrolls and beds were being properly made. It was...not what they wanted, but it was so much better than before. He headed up the steps to where Zelda was currently resting, knocking politely on the door before coming in.

"Zelda?" He murmured faintly.
"Oh, you're back..." Zelda propped herself up on the bed as she gave him a smile. "I was confused when Palutena gave me food and you weren't with her..she said Nephenee was helping you pick out something for me..." She was a little wary with the way Palutena had delivered that news...but she wouldn't question it. If Link wanted to be with other women, that was okay with her. It might help him and his emotional state. She always felt like she was the reason why he was so miserable..
"She seems quite eager to delegate things," Link smiled, sitting down the clothing. "Here...let me help you undress, alright? These should be a lot more comfortable for you."
"Well that makes sense. Who wouldn't want to be eager to please you?" Link's charisma was better than even hers, even if he was too humble to admit it. She stood up, ignoring the slight nausea that plagued her the moment she did so.
"I suppose so," Link said, unfastening her shoulder clasps to let the dress spill down her shoulders. Her breasts had gotten...large, in a good way. Pregnancy looked beautiful on her, in his opinion. He did his best to help her out without moving her, his eyes taking in every inch of her skin. The only thing that marred it was the baby, whose would it really be? It was a stupid thought, Link...he had a fine idea of whose it was...he just hoped otherwise.
Zelda raised an eyebrow at his response. That wasn't a typical response she'd get out of him..but perhaps he was just distracted. "I didn't expect you to agree with feeling okay there?" She asked him, her nipples hardening at the exposed air as she tugged the rest of the dress off that was stuck at her wide hips. "That's not something you'd normally say.."
"Just tired," Link admitted with a faint smile, leaning forward to kiss one of her fat, erect nipples. "You look beautiful..."
When he pressed his lips against her sensitive nub, she couldn't help but moan softly. "Mnn...really?" She asked as she looked down at him, her hand raising to caress his cheek. She hadn't been getting the attention that she was used to..especially with all that had been going on. It was hard to be in the mood, especially when they had almost no privacy.
"Yes," Link said, shifting up to kiss her. "I've been thinking about you like this for a long time..." he breathed, nuzzled against her face. "I'm sorry...I's been complicated," he admitted. "...But I'm always going to be here, Zelda...that's not going to change, I promise."
"I know..but I really like when you say it." Zelda admitted with a bit of a smile as she slid her hands along his back. "I'm glad you still find me beautiful..even after all this. I know you've been doing your best not to be bothered, after all." She pressed her lips against his gently. She was feeling a familiar that she hadn't felt in a while. She wanted to make love to him they did before.
"...I'm not very good at hiding it, huh?" Link smiled faintly, shifting closer. He didn't need the question asked, he was already kicking his boots off, his erection already prominent against his pants.
"No..but you've always been a terrible liar.." Zelda told him as she moved to help him take off his shirt and his pants. Her pussy was painfully throbbing at the sight of his erection. She wanted it so had been way too long..
"True..." Link breathed, hat and scar discarded with his shirt, his cock throbbing as he shifted closer to kiss her, fingers linking with his. "But I don't need to lie about how much I want this..." he said, his fat cockhead brushing over her clit.
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