The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"..Yes, it...seems so," Pit mumbled, glancing up at her. "...I suppose I should take advantage of that, shouldn't I?" Or rather, he'd be ordered to do that...
"Yes. I think that would be very helpful. Though I'm curious, Pit...did you enjoy her body?" Medusa asked as she ran her fingers through his dark hair, a wicked smile forming upon her lips.
"...I...didn't hate it, no," Pit muttered. "...Why?" he said suspiciously. 'Mother' or not, he knew Medusa was always thinking ahead.
"Because maybe, if you're a good boy and help us succeed in capturing the Queen..I can give her to you as a reward." Medusa purred as her hand fell from his head and caressed his cheek. "That is if you like her. If not...then you can just kill her. When we take Zelda, I'll leave that up to you." Medusa didn't mind leaving her alive if she was a prisoner. She would serve a purpose as a reward...Pit seemed to really enjoy her, and perhaps another chance to "play" with her would serve as some sort of incentive. He seemed to be more mopier than usual.
"...I doubt she'd want that," Pit mumbled. "...But if you want help, I'll help you...not like I have a choice anyway." Sona made a bad choice, but...maybe he could do something to...get her away, or something.
Medusa frowned at that. He sounded so bitter at not having a choice, but she didn't really care. That mindset he had was poison. "Pit, it doesn't matter what she wants. She is weak, and you are strong. Your wants matter before hers." She told him as her hand fell to her side, showing her displeasure. "If you did have a choice, what would you do?" She asked, generally curious of what he would say. She had given him this personality for her own amusement, but as the day of her coronation as supreme goddess of Skyworld drew closer she wanted to make sure there was absolutely no room for error.
"Leave," Pit muttered. "Away from you, and everyone else. So I can be my own person, but I can't. So it doesn't matter, I'm your servant, like it or not. So I do what you say, like it or not." he said. "So what's it matter what I want? I don't have a choice. Because if you don't like it, you can stop me."
An honest answer. Medusa liked that. So much that she chuckled a little. Even if she let him go, he'd never truly be free. Because he'd always know that she could come back and take him. "You are not a servant, dear. Chi? That is a servant. A pawn and nothing more. Someone I wouldn't hesitate to strike down if I had to. You? You get much more than that. But the only thing you want is to be your own person? Isn't that a little impossible considering that you are a clone of someone else? You should stop wanting such unnecessary things."
"And you always wanted to be a Goddess of the Sky and Earth, and here we are," Pit mumbled bitterly. "You found someone to help you achieve that, why can't I think it'll happen to me, someday? It won't, because I know you'd ruin every chance I could get. But that doesn't mean I won't stop trying."
"I have wanted it because I was destined to rule both...You? You're destined to help with that cause. I created you for that sole purpose. Perhaps once we're done, I will let you go and you can be free." Ganessa started to act up, and she knew that she was hungry. Perhaps the child in her arms wouldn't be so ungrateful.

"Whatever free means in world that is ruled by Ganon and I, anyway." She smirked as she unhooked her dress and pulled out a heavy bosom, and then allowing Ganessa to start feeding. "Just do what you're told, and I promise you will be a happy boy. I can give you whatever you wish so long as you fulfill your purpose."
He watched her pull her breast out for Ganessa, his reaction wasn't one of disgust anymore, as he glanced up at her. "...And how can I trust that?" Pit asked, glancing away from her. He wanted to, because...he honestly had no choice if he could or couldn't. "That you'll just...let me do what I want?"
Medusa smiled as she stared down at Ganessa, watching her feed eagerly. "Freedom is freedom. I doubt I will need you after everything is over with, so I don't mind letting you roam free. If you choose to defy me or Ganon at any point, I will just return you to the shadows I created you from. You are not a threat to me now, and you won't be once I rule the Sky." She looked up at him, regarding him for a moment before her expression darkened. "But I do need you now. If you disobey me now...I will make it my goal to force you to be the servant you think you are. For the rest of your existence, Pit."
Pit swallowed faintly, despite himself. "...I don't understand," he admitted, despite the promise of freedom. "I am just...a tool, and I will be discarded once I am no longer needed?" He was made to simply be...expendable? That was it? For a single purpose, and then...nothing?
"What do you want, Pit?" Medusa asked as she looked into his eyes. "You say you want to be free, and now you're surprised to hear that I won't need you after I get what I want? What does it matter? Yes, you were created to aid me. Yes, I can discard you whenever I please. Even you should be able to comprehend that." What a strange boy..Medusa didn't really intend for him to be this complicated but..suppose he developed this way of thinking on his own.
"...I do," Pit muttered bitterly. "...I get it fine, my lady. I' whatever you want until you need me, then." That's all he was, not even a person. Something to be used until broken and discarded, nothing he could ever do would fix that, no matter how hard he fought and thrashed...he was just a lie, someone made from someone else, for a specific purpose. When that purpose was gone, what use would he have?
"Good." Medusa said as Ganessa pulled away from her after she finished feeding. "Perhaps I gave you too much freedom to you're just wallowing around in your own despair. Make yourself useful and stay close to the sword spirit until I tell you to come back. Talk to her, make love to her. I don't care. Just make sure she trusts you, because when the time comes, we'll be using it to our advantage.." She tried to be nice, it didn't work..threats seemed to work better with him so she'd stick to that from now on.
"Fine," Pit muttered, already heading out to take to the sky. His entire meaning in life was for one purpose, and now he would help to throw it away...what good did it do? He didn't know, but he couldn't disobey her either way. Maybe death would be a better outcome in the end, would his freedom have purpose? What would he do? Whatever he wanted...but what would it matter? He'd always the cast off.
Sona sighed softly as she lounged on her favorite tree branch and watched a few soldiers fight. It was had been two nights since Ike had left and when Sona went to get breakfast with Samus she was no where to be found. Now she was even more lonely since Zelda was constantly speaking with her adviser and Impa and one was really around for her to be with.

Though her depression suddenly left her body as she hear the familiar pattern of footsteps..something unique to only one man that she knew. She quickly stood up on the branch and she saw him. Ike was back! He was with...two strange women but she didn't care! She scurried down the tree like a squirrel and ran over to him. "Ike! you're back!" She cried out as she launched herself into his arms. She almost forgot what he smelled like and felt had been so long. "I missed you!" She was clinging onto him pretty he would disappear if she let go.
Ike's eyes widened in surprise, and it was hard to say if he threw his arms out to prevent further injury to himself as he connected with her with a breathless grunt, sliding back on his heels with a faint sigh. "...I missed you too, Sona," Ike assured with a faint smile, hand on her head. "Have you been behaving?" He had to admit, it was...rather nice to have someone so excited to have him come back. But it worried him just a little, how would she be if he was gone? He was a mercenary after all, things...happened. You couldn't always prepare for them, either.
Lucina and Robin smiled at the sight. Even though Sona looked about Lucina's age she could finally see what Ike meant about her being 'kind of a kid'. "Yeah, of course I have but umm..Samus is gone and..." She trailed off and looked at the two women beside him. "Who are they?"

"I'm's nice to meet you Sona." Lucina smiled at her warmly, and Robin took a step forward.

"Robin. We've heard a lot about you on our way here. Ike escorted us so that we could speak to Queen Zelda. He's a very talented man." So humble too. Robin enjoyed torturing him along the way..the sexual tension was exciting because she knew he was attracted to both her and her daughter.
Ike scratched his cheek almost innocently, mumbling something or another. "Yes, well...Sona? Can you take us to Queen Zelda?" Last time he ever looked even remotely attracted to anything female, ever again. Robin was a damn fox and she knew it, always asking potentially innocent questions to worm him into uncomfortable ones. Lucina was thankfully much more...well, comfortable to talk with. But even then, he found himself lingering with thoughts he didn't think he deserved.
"Ah..yeah. Maybe afterwards we can look for Samus. I haven't seen her since last night." Sona said as she led them all into the castle. She knew were Zelda was. She was with Theon...that really smart man that told Zelda what to do. Or rather what she should do. Though she barged in anyway with the trio behind her. Zelda looked up and so did Theon.

"Ike, you're back..Glad to see you safe." Zelda said before looking at Lucina and Robin. "Who are these two..?"
Samus was missing? Odd, she struck Ike as the kind of person that could make people go missing, perhaps she left on her own. Either way, he tilted her head respectfully to Zelda when they arrived.

"Allow me to introduce Princess Lucina of Ylisse, and her mother, Robin. They have come to aid us in our time of need." he explained. "It seems that Ganondorf's forces have extended across the sea, your majesty."
"..Have they really?" Zelda frowned at such news and then looked at Theon. "Could you please excuse us? We can finish this conversation later today." The raven haired, sharp eyed man gave her a charming smile.

"Of course, your majesty. Let me know when you have time to finish." Theon nodded at the others before passing them. Sona..always got a bad feeling about that man. He was way too sneaky looking..but it was more than that. Just..he always felt off to her.

"Sorry for interrupting, Queen Zelda. We have come a long way to offer you assistance...Let's start from the beginning."

Sona listened to Robin explain who they were, what they were doing here..she talked about what was going on in their country. Zelda seemed to understand everything but Sona got lost. So instead she continued clinging to Ike, nuzzling against him. She was so glad he was safe.

"....Well that's quite the story, and I really do appreciate the intelligence you have given me. We of course, will take any help you can offer us. We can talk more about the reinforcements you plan to send with my General, Impa. But first, you both have had a long journey. Perhaps you should rest a bit first?" Lucina was from the future...Ganon's forces were terrorizing others outside of Hyrule..things just kept getting more and more complicated. But perhaps they'd be able to finally do something soon with the help of another country.

"That actually sounds very nice right now.." Lucina hadn't taken a bath in what seemed like forever, and she was also very hungry. Robin nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes, that would be much appreciated."
Ike returned the affection in his own way, mostly by running his hand through her hair as they spoke. He had seen little of Zelda's adviser before...but that wasn't too surprising, he kept himself out of court affairs for a good reason. He never kept his ear to most people, but he watched him walk past regardless.

"Well, then allow me to escort them to a suitable room?" Ike suggested. Zelda seemed...different. Much more relaxed, assured and confident. He guessed the relationship with Link was really helping her feel more like the Queen she knew she was? "I have much to catch up on, at any rate."
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